Rejuvenation and lip care - an overview of effective cosmetic procedures

Indications for the procedure

The procedure is effective when:

  • wrinkles on and around the lips;
  • loss of skin elasticity in this area;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • disproportions of the upper and lower lips, asymmetry;

  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • reduction in lip volume;
  • their blurred outline;
  • dull surface color.

Biorevitalization is also carried out to prevent these deficiencies.

We recommend reading about hand biorevitalization. You will learn about the causes of aging of the skin of the hands, indications and contraindications for the procedure, methodology, and cost. And here is more information about the best drugs for biorevitalization.

What are biorevitalization and mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid aimed at?

Biorevitalization of eyes

The main issues addressed by the procedures are:

  • skin hydration,
  • increasing the elasticity and tone of the facial skin, as well as other areas that require tightening,
  • smoothing wrinkles near the eyes, in nasolabial folds, on the forehead and so on,
  • improving skin color and combating hyperpigmentation,
  • narrowing of pores and reduction of oiliness,
  • smoothing skin texture,
  • postoperative rehabilitation,
  • restoration of skin after peeling or resurfacing, excessive irradiation in a solarium.

Types of hyaluronic biorevitalization

Initially, this method of skin restoration belonged to injection cosmetic procedures. That is, the cosmetologist injects hyaluronic acid directly under the skin, as with mesotherapy, after pre-treating it with an anesthetic.

Recently, a method of laser biorevitalization has appeared. This is a non-injection hardware procedure. Feedback from experts suggests that this method of saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid is more effective, as it promotes its uniform distribution under the skin (with injections, the concentration of hyaluronan is highest at the puncture site).

Also, after conventional biorevitalization, traces of injections may remain on the face for 1-2 days, while after laser there are no such consequences. And, of course, laser biorevitalization is even less painful, thanks to modern equipment, laser wave parameters and energy characteristics.

However, as with any other cosmetic intervention, there are also some contraindications.

Contraindications to biorevitalization procedures and mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

Time restrictions include:

  • general sharp decrease in immunity,
  • colds,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • inflammation or disruption of the integrity of the skin of the face or other area where mesotherapy is planned,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • menstruation.

Absolute contraindications:

  • private intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some specific diseases (blood incoagulability, thrombophilia, some kidney diseases, etc.);
  • predisposition to hypertrophic scars;

If there are no other contraindications, the cosmetologist will perform the procedure you have chosen, having previously assessed the condition of the skin. After mesotherapy, you must follow some rules:

  • do not apply makeup for 24 hours;
  • use antiseptic medications prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • in the first days after the procedure, avoid going to the gym or sauna;
  • Do not perform any other cosmetic operations for 7-10 days;
  • Avoid solarium for 2 weeks.

By following these recommendations, you will significantly reduce the risk of any unexpected reactions.

Types of procedure

The procedure can be done in two ways, with differences in technique. A specialist will help you choose the right one.

Hyaluronic acid and features of its administration

An effective way to deliver hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin is through injections. The procedure is done in several stages:

  • the skin of the lips is cleansed and an anesthetic cream is applied;
  • after 20 minutes it is removed and the surface is wiped with an antiseptic again;
  • give injections of the drug according to a scheme covering the entire area;
  • the skin is disinfected and massaged for better distribution of the product.

The specifics of drug administration depend on the problem being corrected. If rejuvenation is needed, it is injected evenly into the thickness of the dermis. If it is necessary to increase the volume, the drug should be transferred deeper. When correcting asymmetry, it is injected unevenly into different areas. If you need to raise the corners, most of the product goes to them.

To learn how biorevitalization of lips is carried out, watch this video:

Laser exposure

Hyaluronic acid can be injected into tissues without damaging them with a needle. The laser procedure is done like this:

  • the cleaned area of ​​the red border is exposed to pulsed radiation;
  • after loosening it in this way, apply a product with hyaluronic acid;
  • Then they apply an infrared laser, which ensures the absorption of the drug and tightens the skin.


If you have not yet decided on laser biorevitalization, we advise you to study reviews about this therapy. Find a forum online where women share their experiences with skin rejuvenation. Biorevitalization is written about on many forums dedicated to beauty. It should be understood that the best consultation is a recommendation from a specialist. No matter how careless the procedure may be in your opinion, it is worth contacting your doctor.

An exciting question is how much laser biorevitalization costs. The cost of the service is influenced by drugs from different manufacturers. This is mainly why prices vary. Do not forget that there should be several sessions, so the total price for the course may not please you. Each cosmetology clinic may from time to time offer clients discounts and promotions, which will allow them to purchase a course of procedures at a favorable price.


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Result before and after

The effect is detected after the first session. But it is better to carry out 3 - 6 procedures with 2 - 3 week breaks. After the lip course:

  • will acquire a clear outline;
  • will become smooth and tender;
  • will be restored to its previous shape;
  • will lose dryness and age-related folds;
  • raise the corners;
  • will become brighter.

In addition, herpes, seizures, cheilitis and other diseases of the red border will bother you less often. The skin around the mouth will become healthier and rejuvenated.

Efficiency of the procedure

In skin saturated with hyaluronic acid, normal moisture levels are restored, thanks to which all metabolic processes proceed better. This affects its saturation with oxygen and nutrients, the faster resolution of inflammation, and the smoothing of post-acne scars.

Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and significantly fewer new ones appear. Thus, biorevitalization helps fight the signs of aging.

The period of complete resorption of hyaluronic acid is approximately six months to a year, less often a year and a half. If you repeat the procedure every year, the effect will become cumulative over time.

Laser biorevitalization is the introduction of a drug based on hyaluronic acid, but not with a syringe, but with a laser. The advantage of this type of procedure is that it is completely painless and there will be no papules left. The downside is that with a laser you cannot penetrate as deeply as with a needle. Therefore, injection biorevitalization does not lose its relevance.

There is a similar procedure with which biorevitalization is often confused - this is mesotherapy. It differs in that the needle is not inserted so deeply, and the injected drugs may not contain hyaluronic acid at all (most often these are vitamin cocktails).

Due to the fact that mesotherapy is done superficially, at least 10 procedures are needed, whereas with biorevitalization only 3, at intervals of approximately 2 weeks. But after mesotherapy, papules are practically absent.

Recommendations from experts

The safety and high quality of the procedure should be taken care of in advance. To do this, experts advise:

  • go only to a trusted clinic with a licensed doctor;
  • check the authenticity of the drug used by looking at the certificates;
  • inform the doctor about existing chronic diseases, allergies, and medications taken;
  • 2 weeks before the session, do not drink alcohol or take blood thinners.

If, despite precautions, problems arise after the procedure, you should contact the clinic immediately.

Indications and contraindications for biorevitalization

Not everyone is recommended to resort to biorevitalization. A favorable age for the procedure is considered to be from 30, and preferably from 35 to 40 years. Don't be too hasty when resorting to such effective methods of rejuvenation.

As a rule, the issue of appearance worries women more, but it will also be relevant for men. There are no gender restrictions for using this type of cosmetic treatment.


You cannot resort to biorevitalization during pregnancy and lactation.

Other contraindications to the procedure will be:

  • the presence of foci of infection in the body. The acute phase of any disease can be an obstacle to biorevitalization. In this case, it would be better to postpone the procedure until the person recovers;
  • high fever and other deterioration of unknown etiology;
  • the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms - the effect of hyaluronic acid can activate not only healthy cells, but also tumor cells;
  • allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid (the main component of each active ingredient);
  • autoimmune processes;
  • viral, fungal or bacterial lesions of the facial skin.

All of the above situations should be reported to the specialist in advance. Contraindications may cause a delay in the procedure or recommendations in favor of another method of cosmetic treatment of the skin.

There are also special indications for the procedure:

  • dry skin of the face (or around the eyes);
  • signs of withering, decreased firmness and elasticity;
  • pigmentation of the skin or the appearance of scars and stretch marks;
  • biorevitalization will help cope with post-acne, freckles, rosacea or a large number of moles;
  • skin damage from ultraviolet rays or signs of photoaging.


Cost of lip biorevitalization

The price of the procedure depends on the volume and characteristics of the administered drug. The biorevitalization method also affects it. An injection rejuvenating procedure will cost 6,000 - 15,000 rubles. To increase the volume and change the contours you will have to pay 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. A laser biorevitalization session costs 8,000 - 13,000 rubles.

We recommend reading about what your face looks like after biorevitalization. You will learn about possible complications after the procedure, proper facial care afterward, and prevention of complications. And here is more information about skin care after biorevitalization.

Rehabilitation period

Biorevitalization of the face

After biorevitalization, papules remain over the entire area where the drug was administered. Papules are nodules formed at the site where the syringe was inserted. There will also be slight swelling over the entire area. Normally, swelling should subside within a couple of days. And papules go away in different ways, from 2 to 7 days. This depends on the concentration of the drug, the degree of inflammation, and the regenerative abilities of the skin.

During the rehabilitation period, you should try:

  • For the first day, do not wash your face with water.
  • Touch your face as little as possible and maintain sterility for the first 3 days.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse or gym for the first 2 days.
  • Don't sunbathe for a week.
  • Do not change your care or scrub your face for the next 2 weeks.
  • Do not pick off scabs from wounds.
  • Do not use powder or foundation until the papules heal.

Therefore, it is best to plan the procedure so that you have the opportunity to sit at home.

A cosmetologist can help you recover faster if it is urgently needed:

  • Recommend masks and ointments based on soothing ingredients that will help you recover faster.
  • Perform a facial massage that will speed up the outflow of fluid.
  • Do a microcurrent session.

What lip imperfections can be eliminated?

Correction of lip shape with hyaluronic acid is performed both for medical reasons and at the personal request of the woman. In both cases, the procedure solves the following aesthetic problems:

  • increases tissue turgor, has a rejuvenating effect;
  • changes contour and volume;
  • raises the corners of the lips;
  • corrects asymmetry;
  • reduces the appearance of purse-string wrinkles;
  • eliminates severe dryness of the epidermis;
  • corrects an overly narrow, expressionless mouth.

Cosmetologists note that girls aged 20-30 years resort to injections most often to obtain additional volume. Older ladies want to make their mouth more defined, sensual and expressive.

Often, girls who want to look sexier and more attractive become dependent on hyaluroplasty and begin to do injections one after another. As a result, cute, well-defined lips turn into something unimaginable.

Biorevitalization drugs

To carry out the biorevitalization procedure, the drugs IAL-System ACP, IAL-System and the Restylane Vital group of drugs are most often used. The latter belong to the second generation of preparations for the biorevitalization procedure, because they contain stabilized hyaluronic acid produced using NASHA technology.

The addition of the BDDE stabilizer leads to a decrease in the rate of degradation of the drug in the skin, which is why it remains in the dermis for at least six months.

It is worth saying that the level of stabilization is so small (less than one percent) that the skin continues to recognize the drug as its own hyaluronic acid. Research conducted by American scientists in 2007 proved that after injection of NASHA gel, not only skin hydration is achieved, but also collagen synthesis is stimulated and the rate of destruction of this element is reduced.

That is why the effect of biorevitalization includes not only long-term hydration of the skin with restoration of its properties, but also powerful lifting thanks to the newly formed dermal fibers.

At the same time, thanks to the use of special preparations, with a minimum number of procedures (three procedures with an interval of approximately 3-4 weeks), you can get a long-term improvement in the condition of the skin, which increases over time. The duration of the procedure can vary from 30 to 90 minutes.

It all depends on the treatment area. Pain is usually absent or insignificant due to the use of anesthetic creams immediately before the procedure. After the procedure, slight swelling and redness may appear, but such a skin reaction is considered completely normal. All these manifestations disappear within one or two days.

The first thing the patient notices immediately after the procedure is the smoothing of wrinkles. But the effect of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, as a rule, disappears after 7-14 days (to reappear in the future).

Further, as the tissues are saturated with hyaluronic acid, the following is observed: an increase in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, as well as its own hyaluronic acid. In this case, the patient can observe how the appearance of the skin gradually changes: its tone increases and color improves. In addition, biorevitalization helps reduce wrinkles and smooth them out.

Thus, this is a kind of stimulating therapy, since under the influence of hyaluronic acid preparations the skin restores itself. Before the biorevitalization procedure, patients are usually recommended preparations with vitamin K to reduce the risk of bruising after the procedure.

For about 3-4 days, it is not recommended to take aspirin and other drugs that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The day before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude alcohol from the diet.

After the procedure, you must avoid exposure to the sun for 4-5 days. It is also worth refraining from visiting the solarium and bathhouse due to the fact that the inflammatory reaction may intensify or hyperpigmentation may appear at the injection sites.

To speed up skin healing, you can make a collagen mask within 1-2 days after the procedure. As for home care, it is recommended to use cosmetics with vitamin K, hirudin, arnica, aloe and troxerutin, which are prescribed by a specialist.

How to add volume to your lips and rejuvenate the skin around your mouth without injections

Or what is laser rejuvenation and lip volumization?

Wrinkles around the mouth are most often the result of active facial expressions. Anatomically, the area around the mouth bears the heaviest load, since the orbicularis oris muscles work continuously throughout the day. We talk, laugh, smile, cry, chew, drink. At this time, the orbicularis oris muscles contract. At a young age, after exercise, facial wrinkles immediately disappear, leaving the skin smooth, since the skin has sufficient elasticity. Over time, small “creases” appear in the corners of the mouth or above the lip, and over time they become more and more noticeable.

It is believed that “purse strings” around the mouth appear more often in people who smoke, but they can also occur in those who have never smoked.

“Purse-string wrinkles” around the mouth in mature women are one of the first signs of insufficiency of female sex hormones – estrogen. Therefore, when such wrinkles appear, you should first contact a gynecologist - endocrinologist.

SmoothLips™ laser technology is a patented technology designed to reconstruct the tissue of the nasolabial triangle. This is done to rejuvenate and increase volume without using injection techniques.

The laser lip rejuvenation technique allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • Increasing and replenishing lip volume (volumization);
  • Rejuvenation of the skin around the mouth;
  • Smoothing the upper layers of the skin of the lips;
  • Clearer definition of lip boundaries;
  • Restoration and alignment of natural lip color;
  • Improving the health of the skin around the lips, increasing its density and elasticity;
  • Reducing the severity of nasolabial folds, as well as completely eliminating “purse-string” wrinkles around the mouth.

How it works

The new technology allows you to combine the use of two laser wavelengths ER:YAG and ND:YAG with Smooth™ and Frac3 modes. Thanks to this, an excellent effect of rejuvenating the skin around the mouth is achieved, and age-related changes become less noticeable.

SmoothLips™ is a technique that can be used both as a separate correction method and as part of a combined rejuvenation technique:

  • as a monomethod, it has a replenishing effect on the volume of the lips, and also enhances their natural color and contour.
  • as part of a combination of methods, it promotes complete reconstruction of the tissues around the mouth and nasolabial triangle, using Fotona 4D laser rejuvenation technology:

SmoothLiftin is a tightening of the skin in the cheeks and nasolabial folds. The peculiarity of this method is the method of its implementation (from the oral mucosa). Laser radiation passes from the inside, affecting the cheek muscles, and reaches the deep layers of the skin, completely restoring it. As a result of the technique, stretched collagen fibers are compressed and regeneration processes are stimulated. After tightening the muscles, purse-string wrinkles are smoothed out and the severity of nasolabial folds is reduced.

FRAC3 is a rejuvenation procedure. This stage is responsible for strengthening the firmness of the skin, as well as increasing its elasticity. The effect is targeted, and therefore recommended for use in areas with pronounced skin defects. The results are most noticeable in places where problems are visible to the naked eye. The method is one of the most effective; in addition, it allows you to combine non-rejuvenation with vascular treatment.

PIANO - lift. Performed in the area of ​​nasolabial folds and cheeks. As a result of the procedure, cell renewal occurs, which is achieved through painless heating. The laser pulse penetrates to a depth of 7 mm, which means its power allows for the deepest possible lifting effect.

SupErficial is a cold peeling technique. This is the last stage, during which the surface layer of skin is removed, after which its renewal begins. Skin imperfections associated with the upper layer of the epidermis are eliminated. After renewal, the skin becomes radiant and velvety.

ER:YAG laser can be used with different power levels, which allows the procedure to be carried out both without a recovery period for the skin, and with recovery for up to 5 days.

The entire procedure is carried out in one visit, step by step.

SmoothLips™ technology can be performed at any time of the year, regardless of season or weather.

Already after the end of the first procedure, the effect is noticeable to the naked eye. To maintain visible lip rejuvenation for 18 months, you must complete a course of 3 procedures.

It is also recommended to carry out a course of 1-3 procedures in periods of 1 time per month.

SmoothLips™ is a technology that is performed only on Fotona system lasers; it has no analogues.


  • allows for 4 non-invasive technologies within one laser procedure
  • the effect is noticeable immediately, after the course it increases noticeably
  • the procedure is carried out without restrictions at any time of the year
  • the technique is completely painless and therefore does not require the use of anesthesia
  • allows you to conduct courses without a rehabilitation period

Guaranteed results.

The techniques used in the course of laser lip rejuvenation are synergistic, and therefore make it possible to successfully reconstruct the collagen framework, improve the turgor of the skin tissue around the lips and restore its youth.

During the procedure, the shape and volume are corrected, and the natural color of the lips is improved. The outline of the lip border becomes more pronounced. The procedure also has a volumization effect (volume restoration), equal in level to the effect after the injection of fillers into the lips. The result after laser rejuvenation looks much more natural.

SmoothLips™ allows you to correct nasolabial folds and eliminate purse-string wrinkles, making them less noticeable, and completely eliminating shallow ones in just one course. Moreover, the effect is visible even before all 3 procedures have been carried out.

Sign up for a free consultation with a cosmetologist at the SOLA aesthetic medicine and cosmetology clinic! Our clinic’s specialists with impressive work experience are ready to treat each client with care and attention and carry out laser rejuvenation and lip volumization procedures with a guaranteed lasting result.

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