Everyone's attitude towards soap as a facial cleanser is different. Some believe that it should be used when washing your face every day, while others argue that soap dries out the skin of the face and thereby has a negative effect on it.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle: by using soap when washing your face, you can achieve both a beneficial effect and a harmful effect. This will depend on a number of factors, such as: skin type, type of product, its composition and others.

Properties and Features

A facial cleanser should cleanse your skin effectively. The thing is that the sebaceous and sweat glands on the face work in enhanced mode, so the skin requires regular and high-quality cleansing.

Soap can cope with this task. But unlike conventional products (hand soap, body soap), which almost exclusively contain alkaline components, the facial product has a lower content of aggressive chemicals.

Soap for washing the face has a set of softening and (or) nutritional properties due to the herbal ingredients included in its composition. This could be, for example, palm or coconut oil. In most cases, vegetable oils are the basis of such soaps as an alternative to lye.

Natural soaps for facial care are often enriched with special substances that can minimize the effects of hard water, which is beneficial for any skin type. These are the same vegetable oils (coconut, almond, palm). The range also includes medicinal products that can help get rid of blackheads, pimples and other problems.

Beneficial features

Due to its chemical composition, the benefits of laundry soap are undeniable with regular and correct use:

  • gets rid of acne on the face, because it disinfects, stopping the spread of inflammation;
  • helps against wrinkles, provided they are not too deep;
  • lightens stretch marks, scars and scars;
  • is an effective peeling agent for facial cleansing, because it opens the pores and removes all organic dirt from them;
  • heals any damage to the skin;
  • used for oily skin to eliminate greasy shine;
  • moisturizes;
  • used to whiten the face from age spots.

Do not doubt the effectiveness of this soap - see for yourself by learning how to use it as a cosmetic product.

Medicinal properties. In folk medicine, it is used as a medicine for external use for swelling, wounds, cuts, ulcers, dandruff, runny nose, fungal infections, bruises, contusions, corns, burns and even... gynecological diseases (for example, thrush).

Effect on the skin

Facial soap should perform several basic functions. These include:

  • cleansing;
  • disinfection;
  • prevention of skin inflammation;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition and maintaining natural acid-base balance;

A regular cleanser can be used to cleanse the skin of the face, but its action is sometimes very aggressive. The fact is that the natural lipid layer necessary for the health and beauty of the skin is destroyed by alkaline substances.

As a result, not only the epidermis of the face suffers, but also the nails and skin of the hands.

The more sensitive your skin is, the more dangerous a regular alkaline product can be for it. Dry epidermis needs the additional use of emollients containing oils (almond, cocoa, shea butter) and vitamins.

With the help of the right soap, those with oily skin can not only get rid of unpleasant greasiness and shine, but also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If the skin is normal or has a mixed type, then it is preferable to use a natural product with a neutral ph.

You can wash your face with soap if there are obvious problems: inflammation, cracks, acne, but you should use a product with an antibacterial composition in liquid or solid form from time to time. It is not recommended to use this soap every day. Moreover, the fight against the problem should be supplemented by the use of other means: lotions, special creams and others.

The effect of soap on the epidermis of the face is explained at the level of chemical reactions. The alkali and acid react to form glycerol and sodium salt. Thanks to them, any contaminants dissolve, and when washed off, dead pathogenic microorganisms are removed along with the dirt. Glycerin helps retain much-needed moisture.

Can it be used on the face?

This is not prohibited if:

  • problem skin (inflamed, pigmented) or oily;
  • you need to dry out pimples;
  • such a recommendation was given by a dermatologist or cosmetologist;
  • the soap contains moisturizing components, herbs, medicinal ingredients and antibacterial substances;
  • the packaging is marked: “dermatologist approved” / “for face”;
  • use it not for daily care, but wisely, from time to time, to solve certain cosmetic problems.

You should not wash your face with soap if:

  • dry and sensitive skin;
  • there are peelings, jams, microcracks;
  • a dermatologist or cosmetologist forbade doing this;
  • it is exclusively alkaline, not cosmetic, without softening additives;
  • it is marked: “for washing clothes” / “for hands” / “for body”;
  • use it for daily care.

So think about which of these categories you find yourself in and whether you can use this product to safely cleanse your face.

Through the pages of history. According to historical sources, soap solutions were made in all ancient civilizations: Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia. The Egyptians used them in ablutions. They are written about in the works of the ancient Greek writer Pliny the Elder. In ancient Russian literature they are mentioned in Domostroy.

The need to wash your face with soap

Whether you should wash your face with soap is a controversial question. On the one hand, the product really cleans well, but on the other, it can be harmful: as a result of use, the natural slightly acidic background of the epidermis may be disrupted. Alkali thins the protective layer, making the skin vulnerable, which bacteria will certainly take advantage of.

There is a myth that it is even necessary to wash your face with soap containing alkali, since this component helps to cope with acne. Indeed, alkali can remove germs, dirt, sweat, dissolve fat and get rid of dead epidermal cells. This process occurs during the interaction of the main component with water.

But it is worth considering that you cannot completely get rid of sebum, as excessive dryness can lead to the formation of acne. The acidic environment that occurs during sebum secretion protects against microbes. That is, if you are prone to acne, it is recommended to use soap with an antibacterial effect, containing, for example, chamomile or calendula extract, but not alkali.

Can soap be used daily? It depends on your skin type:

  • For those with oily skin, it is permissible to wash your face with soap once a day, for example, in the evening;
  • if the epidermis is of a normal type, experts advise using facial soap no more than 2-3 times a week with the obligatory subsequent use of additional products to soften and moisturize;
  • Experts often ban washing with soap for people with sensitive and dry skin. They are recommended to wash their face with warm water and dermatological foams;

Remember: excessive use of an incorrectly selected skincare product can lead to increased skin susceptibility to the effects of wind, temperature, heat and other external factors.

Washing your face with soap is strictly not recommended if:

  • this procedure was contraindicated according to the dermatologist's opinion:
  • there are numerous pimples, ulcers, microcracks, peeling on the face;
  • skin is too sensitive;
  • recently had a major cosmetic procedure performed;
  • there is rosacea;
  • significant wrinkles are observed;

The conclusion should be drawn as follows: you can wash your face with soap, but it is not necessary. And if you want active use, you should carefully select a product suitable for your skin type.

How to use

Soap can be used not only for washing, but also for creating other cosmetic products. For example, if you dilute it with a herbal decoction, you will get a full-fledged facial gel. Another way to use it is to beat a small piece with a little water into a foam. It is added to homemade masks, scrubs, peelings. When the product is combined with medicinal ointments, an antiseptic is obtained. They can be used to locally treat problem areas (pimples, blackheads) and leave overnight.

It is not recommended to use any soap constantly. It is best to apply two to five times a week, depending on your skin type. If it is oily or mixed, then you can wash it often. This will help dry out rashes and get rid of oily sheen. Those with dry sensitive skin should use soap extremely carefully and rarely. It should contain many natural ingredients and a minimum of alkali.

As a rule, soap is used periodically, twice a day: morning and evening. After washing your face, it is highly recommended to apply moisturizer to your face. Under no circumstances should you use it to remove eye makeup; this can cause serious harm. It is better to store the product in a closed container. If it is left in the open air, it may lose its beneficial properties.

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Many manufacturers have abandoned the use of aggressive components due to the popularization of natural products. Cosmetic companies enrich the composition of soap with products of natural origin. But not all companies show such responsibility, and therefore it is important to learn how to independently analyze the composition and choose only a safe cleaning product.

Table 1. What soap can consist of, and to what extent the “chemistry” will not cause harm.

Component Action Safety
Surfactants (surfactants) Removal and breakdown of fat Safe at low concentrations
Salts (oleic, lauric, potassium or sodium) Antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal Safe in balanced antibacterial soap.
Preservatives (sorbic acid, methylparaben) Extends the shelf life of cosmetic products In small quantities they are not harmful. Present in minimal content only in natural products
Flavorings (perfume combinations, solvents, essential oils) Gives a smell Can be dangerous only if you are individually intolerant to the component
Plant extracts (extracts of calendula, viburnum, chamomile, aloe and others) Nourishes the epidermis and makes it healthier Useful for any type of skin in the absence of allergies to a specific substance
Dyes (titanium dioxide, additives CI 15510, E171 and others) Gives the product a certain color Dermatologically safe
Antiseptics (boric acid, tar and others) Disinfect, accelerate the healing of minor damage to the epidermis) Not dangerous for any type of skin.
Emollients (glycerin, lanolin) Soften the skin and maintain the protective layer Not suitable for oily skin

Please note: the composition stated on the packaging may differ from the real one, so it is recommended to give preference to products that have proven themselves and have a certificate of conformity and safety.

What is the best soap to wash your face with?

It is difficult to express a clear opinion on which product to choose. There are a huge number of different varieties. You should choose based on your own skin type. Both ready-made cosmetic soap with a solid, creamy, liquid consistency, as well as more affordable options: tar, laundry, are equally popular. There are recipes for preparing the product at home. Each type needs a more detailed description.


Many manufacturers offer ready-made soap for washing in various forms. Each product has a different composition and method of application. You should select the product according to your skin type. Most popular products:

  1. Sebium from Bioderma. Suitable for oily and combination skin. Refreshes, quickly relieves inflammation, thoroughly cleanses. Contains an exclusive patented Fluidactive complex that prevents pore clogging. Gentle formula with soothing ingredients. Doesn't dry out. No dyes. It is recommended to rub the bar with wet hands and apply the resulting foam with massaging movements, then wash with water. Application twice a day.
  2. Black Mud Soap by Sea of ​​Spa. The product contains Dead Sea mud. Suitable for oily and aging skin. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, tightens pores, and normalizes metabolism. Creates a light peeling effect. With regular use, it eliminates acne in 3-4 weeks. Contains 20% palm oil, glycerin, mud and Dead Sea salt. There is no alkali in the composition. Daily use is allowed.
  3. Dr. Clear by The Skin House. The product is specially designed for problem skin. It breaks down fat well and gives a matte finish. Deeply and effectively cleanses the skin and nourishes it with useful substances. Relieves inflammation. With long-term use, it significantly improves the appearance of the face and prevents the appearance of new rashes. The effect is noticeable after the first few washes.
  4. Lipacid. Moisturizing facial soap. Removes greasy shine, gives matteness, but does not dry out. Contains pine extracts, herbs, amino acids. The product is characterized by an acidic pH and has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Both daily use and periodic use before deep cleaning procedures are allowed.


Detergents of this type are often used to care for problem skin and deep cleanse it. The benefits of birch tar soap are explained by its composition, which includes the following components:

  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • xylene;
  • organic acids;
  • toluene;
  • phenol.

Thanks to this composition, the product has many medicinal properties. It is used to combat the following problems:

  • dark spots;
  • pimples and pustules;
  • subcutaneous mite on the face;
  • dermatitis;
  • dull skin color;
  • psoriasis;
  • inflammation;
  • purulent formations;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  • slow cell regeneration.

The product is not recommended for use during pregnancy, with individual intolerance and excessively dry sensitive skin; there are no other contraindications. You should not use it for more than one month without a break. This can cause peeling and irritation even on oily skin, reducing its protective properties. There are different ways to use:

  1. Washing. The procedure will help eliminate severe rashes. It is recommended to carry out it regularly for 2-3 weeks. The foam is generously applied to the forehead, cheeks and bridge of the nose, from which all makeup has previously been removed, and washed off with cool water. Then the skin should be wiped with lotion or tonic without acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol. The procedure is repeated twice a day. After eliminating acne, perform it for prevention once a week.
  2. Cleaning. It is carried out for oily and combination skin three times a month, for sensitive and dry skin – once every 60 days. A very thick soap foam is applied to a clean and steamed face and distributed in a circular motion. Wash off after 10–15 minutes. It is better to perform the procedure at night.


Soap of this consistency for the face is very popular because it is much more convenient to use than solid soap bars. Each liquid product has its own instructions for use from the manufacturer, which must be followed. Description of several of the most famous products from different companies:

  1. Liquid Facial Soap from Clinique. Forms a soft foam that does not dry out, gently but deeply cleansing. It removes any dirt well and then rinses off easily. There are several products with different formulations for different skin types. Maintains a natural level of moisture, does not tighten or dry out. The product should be used twice a day: morning and evening. It is advisable to use a special electric brush from the same manufacturer for proper application.
  2. Clean line. Contains cotton milk, rose extract and nourishing cream. For gentle cleansing and gentle care. Suitable for all skin types. Can be used to remove makeup.
  3. Face Soap GLYCOPURE. A product from an Israeli manufacturer intended for surface cleansing. Gently removes excess sebum without drying or tightening. One of the main ingredients of the product is glycolic acid. It helps remove dead particles of the epidermis, relieves inflammation and irritation, and normalizes the process of sebum separation. Protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, prevents premature aging. You need to wash Face Soap GLYCOPURE twice a day.


Many women consider this soap ideal for cleansing the surface of the skin and fighting acne. Contact with water creates an aggressive alkaline environment. It destroys not only fat, most bacteria and infections, but also the natural lubrication of the face. As a result, the skin turns out clean, but very dry, and this leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. Benefits of using it on the face:

  1. The product contains no dangerous additives or dyes.
  2. Has a whitening effect.
  3. Cleanses well, kills bacteria, eliminates rashes and acne.

The economic product is not without its drawbacks. The main disadvantages of using it on the face:

  1. Dries it out.
  2. Disturbs the natural balance of the skin.
  3. It's too aggressive.
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Self made

You can prepare your own cleanser from natural ingredients, and the price will be low. It is advisable to use a high-quality soap base - natural, organic, without fragrances, additives, or dyes. It is recommended to wash your face with a home remedy twice a day. Recipe options:

  1. Grind a small piece of baby soap and dissolve it in a quarter glass of water. Add 2 drops each of grape and orange seed essential oils. Add 1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay. Stir, pour into mold and leave until completely cool.
  2. Melt baby face soap, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Pour in 2 drops each of almond and peach oils, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Pour into molds, cool in the refrigerator.
  3. With a scrubbing effect. Dissolve baby soap to wash your face, add 10 drops of almond and peach essential oils. Pour in 50 ml of herbal decoction, add 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee and some crushed orange peel. Stir, pour into molds, let harden in the refrigerator.

There are a number of situations in which using homemade soap is prohibited. Contraindications for use are:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components included in the recipe.
  2. Recent major cosmetic procedure (chemical peeling, facelift).
  3. Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis) in the acute stage.
  4. Open wounds.
  5. Acute viral diseases with a rash, for example, chickenpox.


There are several types of detergents that, one way or another, are used in matters of facial care.


Laundry soap is used to effectively remove stains from fabrics and to disinfect surfaces and premises. Many people are convinced that you can wash your face with laundry soap. Dermatologists do not agree with them.

Medical use of the drug is considered justified only in certain situations, for example, as a primary treatment of an animal bite site before vaccination with a rabies antidote, that is, as first aid.

Experts do not recommend washing your face with a household bar, since the product contains fats of animal origin. It also contains calcium chloride, which can be very drying.


Tar soap is so called due to the presence of birch tar in an amount of at least 10%. Unlike laundry soap, this type of soap contains components that have a beneficial effect on facial skin and, first of all, problematic skin. These include:

  • phytoncides;
  • xylene
  • phenol;
  • resins;
  • toluene;
  • organic acids;

“Tar” foams well, contains oils, nourishes and moisturizes. It can be a budget alternative to expensive peeling in a beauty salon.

In addition to the fact that the product perfectly cleanses, it stimulates blood supply to the upper layers of the skin of the face. This improves color, improves health, and prevents premature aging.

You should think about buying tar soap if you have wounds and injuries, eczema, dermatological diseases, areas of increased pigmentation, and burns.

In people with dry skin, tar can cause cracks and thinning of the lipid membrane, followed by peeling. Not recommended for those whose skin is very sensitive and prone to contact allergies. Dermatologists often ban the use of the product by pregnant and lactating women.

Systematic use is recommended for people with oily epidermis.


Face soap "Children's" is traditionally considered useful and harmless. It does not contain parabens, there are no perfumes or emulsifiers. This composition is optimal for sensitive baby skin.

However, experts see the benefit for adults as rather dubious.

The children's remedy does not have any special therapeutic effects. But its undoubted advantage lies in the ability to obtain soft and abundant foam. If you need to rid your face of a layer of makeup and dust, “Baby” liquid soap or a solid bar are quite suitable, but, alas, it is useless for improving health and solving dermatological problems.

Neutral Ph is a plus, but the abundance of glycerin is a relative minus. Therefore, people with oily skin on their face should not frequently wash their face with soap intended for children's hygiene.

For peeling

Washing your face with soap is a controversial concept. This includes both regular washing and some cosmetic procedures at home. One of these types of procedures is soap peeling. It does not injure the epidermis, does not cause irritation or redness. Obviously, deep cleaning will not occur, but superficial cleaning will be carried out.

Soap peeling activates local metabolic processes, exfoliates dead cells, and tidies up the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The procedure is not suitable for daily washing. The frequency is again determined by the type of skin on the face.

For oily skin, it is permissible to carry out 2-3 peels per week, for normal skin - 1-2, for combination skin - once, and for sensitive skin - individually, usually no more than once a week.


Tourmaline soap is considered a beauty novelty that came to us from Asian countries. There, such facial soap has been used for a long time and has proven itself to be excellent. Black or brown tourmaline soap foam is included in skin care masks. This product is also widely used for hair and skin care.

Factory or handmade tourmaline products always contain tiny crystals of tourmaline, a natural mineral. It is believed to be of volcanic origin.

The product is recommended for washing for owners of all types of epidermis. The soap does not have a distinct odor, the composition is as natural as possible, and therefore the product is suitable even for allergy sufferers and those with sensitive skin.


Natural soap is suitable for everyone, with the exception of individual intolerance to certain components contained in soap. Most often, manufacturers add olive, coconut, palm or ricin oils to such products. You can use this product every day without the risk of injury to the outer lipid layer.

Natural soap rarely has a bright color; usually the shades are close to pastel. It does not have a pungent odor. The oil content is at the level of 2-3%. To wash your face, you can use both natural factory soap and homemade handmade soap.

It is recommended to apply the product to the initially cleansed epidermis with light massage movements. Experts advise washing your face with soap as often as usual, but not more than once a day. The cost of such a product is higher, but natural Aleppo or Turkish olive soap will bring much more benefits.

Chemical composition

Why does regularly washing your face with laundry soap eliminate acne, oily shine, and clean pores? The answer to this question must be sought in its chemical composition.

  • Animal fats

Animal fats are used in the production of this soap. They ensure normal functioning of skin cells. They form a durable film on the surface of the face that has protective properties (reflects attacks in the form of ultraviolet radiation). They are a real salvation for dry, damaged, thin skin.

But for oily skin types, they are not very useful, as they can further clog the pores with sebaceous plugs and provoke the appearance of an unhealthy shine on the face.

  • Sodium

Granular sodium is a caustic and alkaline chemical element. It causes undoubted harm to the skin, destroying the structure of cells. It may become dull, gray, or thin. But don’t panic and immediately stop using soap: this effect is observed only with its constant use in large quantities.

  • Water

Water is a required ingredient. It effectively moisturizes and neutralizes harmful components (the same as alkalis) in the composition of this product. Minimizes their aggressive action.

  • Kaolin

Choosing the Right Facial Soap

To choose the right facial product, you need to know the key rules:

  • solid forms are more alkaline and are not suitable for sensitive skin;
  • antiseptic liquid product is more suitable for washing problem skin;
  • Glycerin products are not always useful for those with oily epidermis, as they create an additional layer of protection that prevents the normal functioning of the pores.

Always carefully read the composition and purpose of the product according to your specific skin type. Do not choose soap for washing your face based only on its beautiful packaging or pleasant smell, because these indicators do not at all indicate the quality of the product.

Soap for oily skin

A greasy, shiny face is a serious problem for many women; it is not aesthetically pleasing and causes discomfort. In addition, makeup does not adhere very well to oily skin. For her, it is recommended to choose soap with a slight drying effect, without harmful additives. It is not recommended to use it alone on an ongoing basis; this may disrupt the course of natural processes. Special gels and soft foams should be used at the same time. Which products are most suitable:

  1. Dr. Clear, The Skin House. Breaks down fat, makes skin fresh and matte. Does not damage the natural protective layer.
  2. Lipacid. Liquid cleanser and daily care. Removes shine, leaving the face perfectly matte. Normalizes cellular respiration. Doesn't dry out.
  3. Honey Bee's Control Soap. The product contains tea tree, grape seed and lavender oils, and bee venom. These ingredients nourish and moisturize while eliminating oil.
  4. Sebium, Bioderma. Improves the appearance of the face, refreshes. Eliminates inflammation, rashes, has an antifungal effect.
  5. Black Mud, Sea of ​​Spa. Product with Dead Sea minerals. Suitable for skin that has already been affected by age-related changes. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Green Tea Egg Soap. Contains green tea. Gives matte finish.
  7. Blackhead Soap, Circle. Black product to combat acne, enlarged pores, blackheads. Contains olive oil, soy extract, green tea, charcoal. Perfect for people with problematic but sensitive skin.

Rating of the best

If a long search for the optimal facial product is not part of your plans, pay attention to the rating of the best skin care products with the safest composition and high efficiency.

Table 2. Best soap suitable for washing your face.

Soap brand Short description
BioAqua Natural handmade soap with honey and bamboo oil. Moisturizes, nourishes, relieves inflammation
Reunrom Soap with a pleasant aroma, contains lime, lemongrass and collagen. Optimally suitable for the care of aging and problem skin
Amsarveda The product belongs to the group of Ayurvedic cosmetics. Almost all products of the brand are made using the cold cooking method. There are products for every skin type
Aasha Indian remedy. Rich in vitamin E, natural antiseptics. Considered one of the best for problem skin care
Twin Lotus Thai natural soap with medicinal herbs without sulfates. Ideal for cleansing. Can be used for daily care without the risk of dry skin
Synaa Ayurvedic line of natural remedies containing more than two dozen types of Sinai herbs. There is a different composition for every skin type
Indibird Inexpensive organic soap with vanilla extract that can be used for both face and body. Considered optimal for sensitive skin. Can be used as part of anti-aging skin care
Veda Vedica Natural remedy with kumkumadi oil. Recommended for use by owners of mixed epidermis, as well as people with dermatological problems
Kurtes Greek product with a high content of natural olive oil. Widely used for skincare and medicinal purposes, for peeling and bathing procedures.
Khadi Natural Indian premium product with white musk. Suitable for daily washing
Patanjali Ayurvedic remedy with Neem extract, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for problem skin

The list can be supplemented with other natural remedies, for example, “Aleppo extra” and Turkish. This soap will be an excellent choice for those who suffer from hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Recipes for soap masks for acne

Onion mask


  1. Onions - 1/2 pcs.;
  2. Sugar - 1 tsp;
  3. Grated laundry soap - 1/3 tsp.

Grate the onion or chop it in a blender. Mix with sugar. Add a little water to the soap shavings and create a lather. Mix all ingredients. Apply the mask to the skin, leave for 3 minutes.

Salt mask


  1. Fine salt - 1 tsp;
  2. Laundry soap shavings - 1/3 tsp.

Beat the soap into foam and mix with salt. Apply the composition with light movements along the massage lines. Leave on for 1 minute and wash.

Mask with soda


  1. Baking soda - 1 tsp;
  2. Laundry soap shavings - 1/3 tsp.

The cooking process is the same as in the previous recipe. Only in this case, you need to first add a few drops of water to the soda to make a thick paste. Apply the mask also along the massage lines. Rinse off after 3 - 5 minutes.

Peroxide mask


  1. Laundry soap shavings - 1 tsp;
  2. Hydrogen peroxide (3-%) - 5 drops.

Mix the ingredients, add water if necessary. Apply the mask to the skin and leave for 3 minutes. You can apply it locally - only on problem areas.

Spot mask

If you only have one pimple, then there is no point in making a full-fledged mask. All you need to do is apply laundry soap softened in water. This must be done very carefully so as not to harm healthy skin. It is best to use a cotton swab. You can leave the soap on all night, and wash your face as usual in the morning. Repeat the procedure if necessary. This simple remedy dries out the pimple very quickly and removes it without a trace.

Laundry soap is suitable for skin care not only on the face, but also on the body. You just need to increase the amount of each ingredient as needed. All other rules remain unchanged. However, remember that a mask made from laundry soap against acne only helps to eliminate external symptoms without affecting the causes. Acne can be caused by various factors. To get rid of it forever, it is important to detect and eliminate them.

What to replace

If we talk about price, then a natural product is almost always more expensive than a mass-produced one, which contains significantly more chemicals. If the considerable price of an organic product, which can reach 1.5-2 thousand rubles, is not affordable, then it is worth looking for an alternative among budget ones, for example, “Clean Line”, “Dove”. Their average cost is 51 rubles.

To make the use of “budget” analogues more effective, use additional softening creams, and be sure to apply tonic to your face after washing.

An excellent solution for cleansing the skin would be micellar water or various foams and mousses.

Video on the topic

Laundry soap can be used not only for washing and disinfection; many have experienced its miraculous effect in the fight against acne. However, you should not overdo it with washing, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.

Such a medicine for acne as laundry soap is a very profitable option: it has high disinfection properties, you can buy it inexpensively in any store, and use it for medicinal purposes yourself at home. In addition, this product does not contain harmful additives or fragrances, so if used correctly it will not harm the skin. Doctors confirm that laundry soap creates a special alkaline environment on the surface of the skin, providing an excellent bactericidal effect. But on the other hand, along with the bacteria, soap also washes away all the sebum, causing excessive dryness of the skin, so not everyone decides to take such measures to eliminate a rash on the face. The conclusion is simple: when using laundry soap, it is important to provide the necessary nutrition and hydration to the skin, that is, use an emollient cream. One of the options for treating skin with laundry soap is regular washing. The product perfectly breaks down sebum, washes away plugs that clog pores and interfere with proper metabolism. You should wet your face with water, wash your hands with laundry soap, apply it to your face, massage lightly, and rinse with cool water. Do not leave the product on the skin for a long time, and immediately after washing, do not rush to dry your face with a towel. Allow your skin to absorb the nourishing moisture, then apply a moisturizer appropriate to your age and skin type. This method is suitable for those who have significant inflammation, when it is quite difficult to isolate individual pimples. Such procedures should be done no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise the skin can be harmed. If there are isolated foci of inflammation, it is important to prevent the infection from spreading to healthy tissue. In this case, you can treat the pimples with laundry soap. You should moisten your face with water, lather your finger with soap, lubricate the pimples, lightly rubbing the product, hold the product on the skin for several minutes, rinse with cool water. After the procedures, lubricate your face with moisturizer. This method is also suitable for people with dry skin types who are hypersensitive to laundry soap. Such procedures should be carried out as needed, but you should not resort to using laundry soap every day. If your skin reacts to laundry soap quite calmly, you can try the effects of the following mask on yourself. You need to grate a small bar of soap, fill it with warm water and beat it into a fairly thick foam. A teaspoon of the resulting foam should be mixed with the same amount of fine salt and soda, and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off with running water, using alternately hot and cold water. The product can be used 2 times a week, the course is about three weeks.

Of course, before using laundry soap for cosmetic purposes, you should first consult with a competent cosmetologist, who will tell you whether this product is suitable for your skin and how often you can use it. If you experience severe discomfort while using soap, immediately rinse off the product, moisturize your skin and no longer resort to treatment with this method.

Let's remember one of the most important household products - laundry soap.

It can be used not only for washing, but also for cosmetic procedures. And before you start using this product, you should find out in more detail what kind of soap there is and which type of soap is more suitable for cosmetic purposes.

In this article:


Skin care products are a favorite topic of discussion on thematic women's forums, and therefore it will not be difficult to find reviews about any soap for washing your face that you like. Most women prefer a liquid product for daily care because of its ease of use.

Many people note that hard bars produce abundant foam, which is important when peeling or preparing a mask. When analyzing reviews, it is worth considering that the best combination of price and effectiveness will be individual for everyone, because the same product can be assessed differently by consumers.

Buy facial soap

Which varieties and brands are included in the ranking of the best?

The leader of our rating is Dove moisturizing soap

A small rating of the best facial soap will allow you to navigate this niche and find an option that is acceptable to you.

  1. Dove. Germany. Beauty Cream Bar is a mild soap that does not dry out the skin. $1.4.
  2. Irish Spring from Colgate-Palmolive is distinguished by ancient traditions. USA. $4.6.
  3. The curved shape of the bars from Yardley (England) has gained them great popularity. $14.3.
  4. Dial (USA) is a budget but high-quality option without overpaying for advertising and beautiful packaging. $0.5.
  5. Pre de Provence (France) containing medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients. $10.
  6. Lever (England) with a specific, unusual smell that not everyone likes. $11.
  7. Black African Soap - African black, has recently gained great popularity. Now it is produced by many cosmetic companies, so the price, depending on the brand, varies from $3 to $15.
  8. Turkish Riviera - cosmetics from Faberlic (Russia). $1.
  9. Castile lavender with a calming effect from Dr. Woods (USA). $11.
  10. Liquid Facial Soap Mild from Clinique (USA) - created using a unique formula. $26.

In order for the brand and manufacturer to truly be able to solve your cosmetic problem, you need to make the right choice of product. If you do not abuse this remedy, there will definitely be no harm from it. It's important to understand that skin can react differently to the same formula, so you may have to try several brands before you find the right one.

Benefits of laundry soap

Many women wonder whether it is possible to wash their face with this product?

The most important advantage of soap (in cosmetic procedures) is that it has an antibacterial effect.

And as you know, if the environmental situation is bad, if the endocrine system is disrupted, or if there is poor nutrition, acne may appear on the skin. This is where this proven remedy comes in: it breaks down the fats that clog pores and cause acne.

So what is the use of soap? It helps:

  • for acne (as we discussed above);
  • during wound healing, as it “kills” bacteria;
  • for inflammation of the skin;
  • removes dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • accelerates the “growth” of skin cells on damaged surfaces;
  • from wrinkles, but only shallow ones;
  • when smoothing out small acne scars.

Quite often, after washing your face, you may feel discomfort because your skin feels tight and dry. This happens because soap “takes away” the protective natural fat layer from the dermis. Therefore, after each wash you should apply a moisturizer.

It is best to use soap for those with normal or normal skin, but people with this type of skin should not abuse this product.

Laundry soap tends to dry out the dermis, as a result of which the skin can begin to peel and become inflamed.

What are the benefits of laundry soap

Do you have laundry soap in your house? Many will be surprised: what would it be like without it, meaning washing dirty places on clothes. But not everyone knows about the benefits of laundry soap, how many uses it has, tested by time and experienced housewives.

Have you been treated with it or used it to improve your attractiveness? But cotton has many more useful qualities. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of many ailments, for beauty, for use in everyday life. As they say, cheap and cheerful.

Composition and properties

The first soap was French - made from olive oil and salt, with strict proportions. In modern products, in addition to vegetable oil, animal fat is added. The salt previously used for cleansing and disinfection is replaced with caustic soda.

Alkali dissolves dirty stains better and is an antiseptic. No dyes, fragrances or other chemicals are added to cotton. Percentages indicate the amount of fatty acid. A bar with a higher percentage handles dirt better. In addition, it is low allergenic and washes off well.


To prevent hair from falling out, to become longer and thicker, and not to be covered in dandruff, you need to wash it with this soap, after rinsing it with shampoo. This is also relevant for stabilizing hair oiliness.

Some advise not to wash with anything else, but this is a matter of experience. Be sure to rinse (!) with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice. It is recommended to perform such procedures twice a week for 2 months.


You can prevent irritation in the treated areas by lathering your skin after shaving.

Facial rejuvenation

Occasionally, no more than twice a week, wash your face with laundry soap. Then apply baby cream. It’s worth a try - the result is no worse than from expensive cosmetics!

Getting rid of acne

Take a tablespoon of foam from chopped and beaten cotton with water, add and mix a teaspoon of fine salt.

Wash and apply the composition for 30 minutes. It stings noticeably, which is very good. Wipe off the remaining salt and wash your face using hot water, then cold. Every day 2-3 times for 2-3 weeks.

Facial cleansing

Soap foam is applied to damp skin, then the face is wiped with cotton wool soaked in calcium chloride.

Body cleansing

A birch broom cleanses the skin of the body if it has been placed in a soap solution. It is better to wash in the steam room.

Even doctors recommend washing with soap twice a month to get rid of harmful microorganisms and viruses.


If you have sinusitis, it is important to clear your sinuses to remove mucus and pus. The doctor does this with a puncture.

There is a folk remedy: take (1 tbsp.):

· crushed cotton soap,

· milk,

· honey,

· vegetable oil,

· onion juice.

Place everything in a saucepan in the described sequence. Place in a water bath and stir until the mixture thickens.

Lie down and insert swabs soaked in the medicine into your nose. The bad contents of the sinuses will begin to move away, appearing in the mouth. This mucus needs to be spat out. Repeat every other day. Store the mixture in a cool place and use warm.

Runny nose

Many people treat the onset of a runny nose by treating the nasal passages with a soapy solution using a tampon, getting rid of the virus.

But doctors warn that such a procedure dries out the protective mucous membranes, which will secrete less disinfecting mucus, so this treatment should not be abused.

Nail fungus

Soap does not cure nail fungus, but it does prevent it, especially after going to a public bathhouse or swimming pool. Steam your feet and for 20 minutes. wipe your nails using a soapy sponge or brush. Treat with iodine.

You can also avoid mycosis if you wash your feet twice a day with cold water using cotton soap.

Swelling, hematomas, bedsores

Rubbing the area with soap diluted in water 2-3 times a day will help relieve swelling and bruising.

Lubricate bedsores with ointment, for the preparation of which you take triple cologne and grated soap.


It is also possible to get rid of abscesses and inflammation of pierced ears with the help of a wonderful soap:

1. Take 1 part of grated onion, oil and sugar. Apply to the inflamed area before going to bed and bandage it, it cleans well.

2. Place honey and soap in a water bath, stir until the mixture is homogeneous. Add flour to make a flat cake. Apply it to the abscess and stick it until the morning.


It disinfects when washed, but requires thorough rinsing and only once a day or even two days in advance.

Washing with soap can eliminate thrush. Even better is to coat the inside with a soapy finger as deep as possible.

Cracked heels and corns are treated with hot baths. For 2 liters, take soda, a teaspoon, and soap - a tablespoon, after rubbing it.

Varicose veins

For varicose veins, it is used as a prophylactic agent, together with medications.

The legs, after holding them raised on the wall for 10 minutes, in a lying position, the assistant, with soapy hands, lightly massages them from the feet to the hips.

Burns, bites, cuts

A proven way to eliminate sunburn using laundry soap. Lubricate, dry, and no redness, no bubble.

It will also help protect a cut or bite from infection. The bandage needs to be moistened with it. Before bandaging, allow a little blood to drain to clean the wound. An insect bite is disinfected with soap, but the itching remains.

Oral diseases

If you have problems in your mouth, you can disinfect a toothbrush by treating it with soapy water and leaving it until the morning.


A candle made from a piece of this soap can help relieve constipation, even for small children. It is also useful for hemorrhoids.

Traditional medicine gives a recipe for breast inflammation in nursing mothers, where a mixture is boiled, taking milk, soap, honey and onions, and used as a compress. This treatment increases inflammation with increased temperature. A strong solution of soap is better suited for treating the mammary glands.

Arthritis and rheumatism

Baths with soda, salt and sunflower oil or a compress will help. To do this, soak one side of a cloth napkin in kerosene and squeeze it out, rub the other with soap. Apply with the kerosene side, remove if there are signs of burning.

In the kitchen

A very good disinfectant when washing dishes, removes fishy and onion odors. It is useful to wash children's dishes; the soap is easy to wash off.

Making your own dishwashing gel: mix 0.5 cups of grated soap with 200 ml of boiling water and whisk thoroughly. Add soda (a quarter of a pack) and mix everything. The composition will be fragrant if you add any essential oil.

When washing

Potassium permanganate plus laundry soap whitens children's linen. First, lather it heavily, then soak it in warm water and pour out a glass of purple water with potassium permanganate.

In the garden

A soap solution (a bar of soap in a bucket of water) is watered on those plants where spider mites and aphids have appeared.

For animals

They do not need to be washed often, but it is especially useful if fleas appear.

For fun

Boiled water with laundry soap will allow soap bubbles to inflate better and not burst for longer.


If used correctly and without abuse, laundry soap will be useful. But breaking certain rules can cause considerable harm to your health:

Frequent use of body wash is harmful;

· may dry out the top layer of skin or burn it.

Do not allow it to come into contact with mucous membranes; it must be washed off immediately.

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Features of application

The benefits of a product are largely determined by how well it is used. Using it like a regular cosmetic soap is incorrect and leads to unpleasant side effects. Therefore, try to adhere to the following simple rules.

  1. It is better to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime, during the evening.
  2. Moisturize your previously cleansed face.
  3. Lather your palms generously so that foam forms on them.
  4. Gently rub over face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  5. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  6. There is no need to wipe off so that the water softens the aggressive effect of alkalis and sodium.
  7. After 20 minutes, apply nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  8. If the problem is local (a couple of pimples or a pigment spot), the foam is applied to this area in a targeted manner for 5-7 minutes, and then removed with a damp cotton pad.
  9. It is recommended to wash your face a couple of times a week, as more frequent use will become addictive and the sebaceous glands will begin to produce twice as much secretion.
  10. After a couple of months you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks.
  11. If irritation begins after the procedure, repeating it is not recommended.

The effectiveness of laundry soap will be partially determined by the manufacturer and type, so you still need to know how to choose it.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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