Lyoton as an ointment for edema, or unconventional use of well-known remedies

Swelling after surgery is a common occurrence after surgery on any part of the body. Swelling occurs due to the accumulation of large amounts of lymph in damaged tissues. This process is a response of the immune system, which tries to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, even despite recent surgery. Let us consider in more detail the causes of swelling, methods of relieving swelling and treatment methods in this article.

Why does swelling occur?

After damage to soft tissues, swelling almost always appears, but can have varying severity. The degree of swelling after surgery is influenced by the following factors:

  • patient's lifestyle;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • health status;
  • whether the patient adheres to all the doctor’s recommendations;
  • the state of the patient’s lymphatic and immune systems.

In most cases, the reduction of swelling on the face after surgery directly depends on the efforts the patient makes after surgery to restore health during the rehabilitation period. Compliance with all doctor’s instructions will improve your health in the shortest possible time. Self-medication in this situation is not recommended, as this can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Bags under the eyes: what are they?

Let's briefly talk about what is meant by bags in this case, as well as when Troxevasin can be used. When they talk about bags under the eyes, they mean dense or soft swelling that occurs under them. Sometimes they are also darker in color than the rest of the skin on the face. The color of the skin in the lower eyelid area in this case indicates the reasons for the appearance of bags, and this symptom should not be ignored. This is how various pathological conditions can be expressed.

For example, allergies, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating behavior (the foods consumed provoke the accumulation of salts in the body). However, the most important cause of bags is kidney disease. In the latter case, the use of this medicine cannot help. It's not a cosmetic defect, it's a sign of pathology. It is necessary to contact a urologist and treat the disease. The bags will disappear when kidney function returns to normal.

There are a lot of reviews about “Troxevasin” for bags under the eyes.

Types of edema

Edema is conventionally divided into several types:

  • local or localized, which form in certain areas of the body;
  • general blood circulation, which are formed in different places simultaneously due to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Only a qualified doctor can tell you why swelling appears around the affected area of ​​skin after surgery.


How long an arm or leg swells after surgery directly depends on the scale and complexity of the surgical intervention. In order to minimize the risk of an inflammatory reaction, patients in the postoperative period should be under constant medical supervision.

According to medical statistics, swelling remains for another 14-21 days after the bandage is removed. After surgery, it is important to be constantly monitored until the wound heals, not only by the attending physician, but also by a nephrologist.

Why is swelling dangerous?

Even after the most minor operation, swelling may form, but it does not pose any danger to the patient’s health. According to medical statistics, a leg or arm may swell after surgery within 24-48 hours after surgery, and after the same period of time, symptoms disappear without leaving any traces.

Don't panic if:

  • the swelling is small;
  • only the part of the body where the operation was previously performed swollen;
  • the injured limb on which the heavy load was placed became swollen.

You need to sound the alarm if, simultaneously with the appearance of edema after surgery, there are malfunctions in the liver, kidneys and heart. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.


During the period of surgical intervention, the patient’s body is subject to severe stress, so swelling may be accompanied by thrombosis, stagnation of blood and intercellular fluid. Let's look at the types of complications in more detail.

Thrombosis after surgery occurs mainly in elderly patients. This pathology is dangerous because it has no visible symptoms, so diagnosing it at the first stage of development is quite difficult. In severe cases, pulmonary embolism may occur. The disease can only be detected by ultrasound.

Stagnation of blood and intercellular fluid is indicated by swelling of the neck, limbs and area around the eyes, which can appear both after surgery and as an independent pathology. If the patient had problems with the heart or kidneys, then after surgery the existing diseases may worsen.

Customer Reviews

Many patients left only positive reviews after using the gel. It perfectly fights fine wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and swelling.

The advantage is that it can be used even by pregnant and lactating women, because it is not absorbed into the blood and does not cause any harm to the unborn or newborn baby.

Still, you shouldn’t mindlessly smear yourself with Lyoton. First, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

As you can see, not only expensive cosmetic products help get rid of wrinkles and other age-related skin problems.

Pharmacy medications do an excellent job of this role. It is very useful to have Lyoton in your medicine cabinet, because it will help eliminate many other diseases in all family members. Be healthy!

Author of the article: Anna Derbeneva (dermatologist)

Publication date: 24-12-2015

Salute to you, beauties and handsome men!

My not so long ago, but pleasant and successful epic of using active medications to help cosmetics for facial rejuvenation, for example, Curiosin. Panthenol. Solcoseryl (it seems to me that I have already posted links to my reviews about them here so many times that it is already inconvenient to repeat myself), and so, this epic of mine has been supplemented by another unconventional, but highly effective remedy, which at any time will help to quickly relieve swelling, “flabbiness”, puffiness of the facial skin. This is the wonderful Lyoton 1000. much better known as a remedy for our tired legs. By the way, I didn’t use it in this capacity. I immediately bought it as a super facial product. I resort to it when I’m in the mood, when I want my face to be just wow

In the morning, after washing, before makeup (by the way, Lyoton serves as an excellent base for makeup, reduces pore pollution, and provides an ideal surface), I take a pea-sized dose and apply it all over the face with light pats without rubbing. This transparent, light, almost airy gel suited my combination velvety skin so well in a way that not every face cream does! It does not dry out or tighten, and is easily distributed over the entire application area - as if it was not there. But at the same time, the result? The most pleasant natural refreshment with coolness, an invigorating aroma (dissipates instantly), fit, tone, elasticity, youth, a feeling as if your skin has done morning exercises in the fresh morning breeze, a cooling lavender breeze))))

Basic principles of treatment of postoperative edema

Effective elimination of swelling directly depends on strict adherence to the principles of treatment. Symptomatic therapy includes the following measures:

  • reducing the amount of water consumed;
  • reducing consumption of foods high in salt;
  • monitoring daily diuresis;
  • taking diuretics to remove excess fluid in the body;
  • monitoring the level of electrolytes in the blood, especially potassium.

Pharmacological groups of anti-edematous drugs

Local treatment of edema is determined according to the cause of its occurrence. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Anticoagulants - thrombin inhibitors, help slow down the formation of blood clots and improve blood flow. Local drugs quickly penetrate the body, metabolism occurs in the liver, and the active substance is excreted through the kidneys.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - their mechanism of action is based on blocking enzymes responsible for the occurrence of inflammation, pain, fever (cyclooxygenase). The active substance quickly penetrates to the source of pathological changes, is metabilized in the liver, and excreted through the kidneys.

Action provided

The effectiveness of ointments intended to relieve edema depends on the correct choice of a group of drugs. Local remedies can have the following effects:

  • For edema associated with vascular dysfunction:
  • normalize the blood circulation process;
  • improve lymph flow (lymphatic drainage effect);
  • have a cooling effect;
  • promote tissue regeneration.
  • For swelling caused by inflammation, injury:
  • relieve pain;
  • reduce inflammation.

Local remedies for edema may contain heparin, diclofenac, horse chestnut, badyagu, troxerutin, comfrey, ibuprofen. There are universal drugs that have a complex effect. Such products contain direct anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory components.

Doctors' recommendations

Qualified doctors will advise you on how to relieve swelling after surgery. Of course, you need to limit taking a warm bath or shower. Instead, you are allowed to take a contrast shower or rinse certain areas of the body with cool water. This will rid the tissues of fluid accumulation.

Rest and rest after surgery are mandatory. Your head should be elevated with pillows while sleeping. During the rehabilitation period, you need to give up long periods of watching TV and reading books so as not to overstrain the body.

During the healing of swelling after surgery, it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, salty and fried foods, and spicy dishes. You should avoid coffee and carbonated drinks, as they increase swelling by retaining water in the body.

Reduce the pain that accompanies swelling

To reduce pain, which in most cases can accompany pathology, doctors recommend applying cold compresses or an ice pack. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, after which inflammation and swelling decrease. In some cases, you can use cool compresses based on decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, St. John's wort or plantain. Such procedures will not only reduce swelling, but will also significantly speed up the healing process of postoperative wounds. The above methods can be used in rehabilitation therapy only after consultation with the attending physician. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur, which will only worsen the patient’s condition.


Contraindications to the drug are minimal, since it contains virtually no chemical components. The product is not used for:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • open wounds and ulcers;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

In the second and third trimester, Troxevasin is not prohibited and is sometimes even prescribed externally to prevent the development of varicose veins. But all this is at the discretion of the supervising doctor.

Side effects from Troxevasin can occur in case of individual intolerance or in case of hypervitaminosis. Therefore, be careful with the drug if you take multivitamin capsules or tablets.

It is also worth considering that ascorbic acid enhances the effect of Troxevasin and their combination can provoke a negative skin reaction.

How to remove puffiness using folk remedies

After surgery, severe swelling can be removed not only with the help of drug therapy, but also with traditional medicine. The main purpose of using homemade decoctions is to remove excess fluid that accumulates in soft tissues. The following recipes can be considered effective methods:

  1. To relieve swelling from the lower extremities, use an infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort. You can rub olive oil into soft tissues or apply vinegar-based compresses. An infusion of valerian, which is used to wipe the affected areas of the skin, will also help relieve inflammation.
  2. Swelling after facial surgery can be removed at home by rubbing the skin with ice cubes from chamomile infusion or tea. You can reduce post-operative swelling by applying raw potatoes and cucumber to the inflamed areas.
  3. You can also use an infusion based on knotweed. The dry herb mixture is poured with boiling water. The decoction is infused for several hours, after which it is taken orally several times a day.
  4. A fairly popular remedy is aloe juice, which quickly and effectively relieves inflammation and pain. Cut aloe leaves are applied to the affected area and left for 2-3 hours.

General indications for use of this product

Attention! Troxevasin is indicated for use in the following disorders of the skin and vascular system, regardless of the location of the pathological processes:

  • hematomas and injuries with accompanying hemorrhages;
  • formation of a capillary network ;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bruises;
  • any type of swelling.

The drug eliminates such problems due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to stimulate regeneration processes in tissues.

Additionally, the cream helps normalize blood circulation.

Relieve swelling from the face after surgery

To get rid of post-operative swelling that has occurred on the face, you should lightly massage the affected areas with ice cubes made from chamomile tea. An excellent option would be to use raw potato and cucumber masks. Rubbing your face with a decoction of green tea leaves will not only remove puffiness, but also quickly tone the skin.

In fact, in most cases, swelling after surgery does not pose a danger to human health, but it is still worth getting rid of it quickly. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor. This will help prevent an allergic reaction or deterioration in your general health.

Lyoton for the face is effective - and no doubt about it! + photo

Salute to you, beauties and handsome men!

My not so long ago, but pleasant and successful epic of using active medications to help cosmetics for facial rejuvenation, for example, Curiosin, Panthenol, Solcoseryl (it seems to me that I have already posted links to my reviews about them here so many times that it is already inconvenient to repeat), So, this epic of mine has been supplemented with another unconventional, but highly effective remedy, which at any time will help quickly relieve swelling, “flabbiness”, and puffiness of the facial skin. This is the wonderful Lyoton 1000 , much better known as a drug for our tired legs. By the way, I didn’t use it in this capacity. I immediately bought it as a super facial product. I resort to it when I’m in the mood, when I want my face to be just wow

In the morning, after washing, before makeup (by the way, Lyoton serves as an excellent base for makeup, reduces pore pollution, and provides an ideal surface), I take a pea-sized dose and apply it all over the face with light pats without rubbing. This transparent, light, almost airy gel suited my combination velvety skin so well in a way that not every face cream does! It does not dry out or tighten, and is easily distributed over the entire application area - as if it was not there. But at the same time, the result? The most pleasant natural refreshment with coolness, an invigorating aroma (dissipates instantly), fit, tone, elasticity, youth, a feeling as if your skin has done morning exercises in the fresh morning breeze, a cooling lavender breeze))))

And there is no doubt - Lyoton is secretly used even in plastic surgery clinics and after some beauty procedures in beauty salons to normalize the condition of facial skin. In general, catch secrets from professionals! Of course, it is somewhat strange to use a foot product on the face, but from one cosmetologist (PhD) I learned that the surface of (healthy!) skin is the surface of the skin everywhere (as opposed to the mucous membrane, for example). And if there is no individual intolerance (which is quite rare), feel free to try it if you wish! We all live in a somewhat blinkered world, we need to look more broadly, because sometimes it is unconventional methods that give us super-efficiency.

I will repeat an important point from previous reviews of this kind: Lyoton should not be used regularly! This is, so to speak, an SOS product for the occasion and assistance to your usual cosmetic care. Do not apply the gel to your face immediately before going outside, especially in frosty weather, wind, rain and any bad weather, wait half an hour. And before the very first use, be sure to test it in the ear area to see if there are any rare side effects. Someone is talking about an absolute analogue of Lyoton 1000 - Sodium Heparin, heparin ointment from a Russian manufacturer - which is several times cheaper. When I thought about buying a drug in this case specifically for use in the facial area, I still did not regret three hundred rubles for the German quality of the famous world pharmaceutical concern Berlin-Chemie . Because I know that Russian production is distinguished by a certain rudeness and carelessness in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, that is, it is all of high quality, but it often burns, irritates, and acts without delicacy. Lyoton's manufacturing plant is located in Italy - I can say with confidence that the territory of old Europe has historically been an expert in the manufacture of the best medicines. By the way, I purchased 50 grams at once, but for testing you can first take 30 grams. In any case, a tube of Lyoton 1000 for the face will last for a long time, it will get its money’s worth!

Thank you for attention! I wish you many interesting and useful discoveries)))

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