Lead singer of the group Artik & Asti Anna Dzyuba: “At the beginning of my career they called me fat, although I weighed five kilograms less than now”


Anna was born on June 24, 1990. The singer is Ukrainian by nationality. Her parents live in the city of Cherkassy, ​​where the artist herself is from.

Anya spent her childhood on the banks of the Dnieper. The girl grew up in a large and friendly family. Together with his sister, they often organized concerts for relatives. Even at a young age, Anya dreamed of becoming an artist, but did not take this desire seriously. The girl believed that it was impossible to get into show business in an honest way. Despite this, she continued to sing and make videos.

After school, Anna managed to try on different professions. She worked as a makeup artist and paralegal in a law office. At the same time, the girl continued to dream about the stage, although she accepted the fact that her desire was unattainable.

One day, Anya recorded her own song, and her classmates posted the video on Youtube. Then the girl realized that her dream could come true.

And so it happened. One evening a fateful call came.

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The appearance of Artem Umrikhin, the beginning of his career, moving to Moscow

She listened to cassettes with recordings of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston until she listened to them like an accordion; together with her older sister, in her last grades she organized real concerts with a fashion show, but she was afraid to dream of a career as an artist. “For this you need either rich relatives or “bed” protection,” she was sure, the first was not in sight, the girl categorically disagreed with the second. After school, she began searching for a profession: she worked in a law office as a legal assistant, then as a makeup artist. For fun, I recorded demo versions of famous singles and posted them on the Internet.

Duet Artik & Asti - history of the group

Artika's real name is Artyom Umrikhin. The singer was born in Zaporozhye in 1985. At the age of 11, Artem became interested in hip-hop and soon recorded his first compositions. In 2003, he created the group “Carats”. Then the young man moved to Kyiv.

By 2010, Artik had become quite famous in the music community. He collaborated with such stars as Yulia Savicheva, Anna Sedokova and Ivan Dorn. By the time he met Anna, Artem was looking for a singer who could be part of a new duet. On the Internet, he came across a recording of Anya’s song. He immediately liked the girl and decided to find out who she was. Artik learned Anya’s phone number from the lead singer of the group “Mushrooms” Yuri Bardash.

Before meeting in person, Anna already knew who Artik was, and was surprised to hear a familiar voice on the phone. The girl immediately agreed to the producer’s proposal. So Anna ended up in Kyiv, where the guys recorded their first compositions as the group Artik pres Asti. But soon Artyom shortened the name of the duet to Artik&Asti.

First they released the song “Anti-stress”. But despite the quality work, this track was not a big success. This did not stop the guys, and soon they released a video for their second composition, “My Last Hope.”

The path to fame began with this song. The track became popular and hit the radio. The duo began to be recognized and invited to perform.

In 2013, Artik & Asti released their first album “#ParadiseOneForTwo”. And the following year the duo was already working on a new collection. The album “Here and Now” was released in 2020.

Since 2014, the guys have appeared on prestigious charts in Russia, Ukraine and other countries, each time rising to higher positions. In the same year, the duo was nominated for the Russian MusicBox award as “Best Promotion”. Already in 2020, the album “Here and Now” became triple platinum, and Artik&Asti won the “Best Pop Project” category at the “Annual Music Awards”.

In 2020, the guys shot a provocative video for the song “You Can Do Anything” based on the movie “50 Shades of Grey.” Actress Agniya Ditkovskite and ballet dancer Aikhan Shinzhin took part in the video. This composition won several prestigious music awards at once: “Golden Gramophone”, “Major League”.

In mid-2020, the duo recorded the single “I’m Yours,” and at the beginning of 2017 the guys released their third album, “Number 1.” Before the release of this long-play, Artik & Asti released a video for the song “Indivisible”. This song became the most popular and recognizable in the history of the group. The composition received several prestigious awards and occupied high positions in the country's music charts for a long time. “Number 1” also received platinum status. In support of the long-play, the duo conducted a large tour of Russian cities.

In 2020, the duo became “Group of the Year” according to two prestigious music awards: “MUZ-TV” and “Fashion People Awards”.

The team is now experiencing the peak of popularity. They are invited to social events and festivals. The guys still have many victories ahead.

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Music career

Artem Umrikhin is the man who changed Anna Dzyuba’s life. When the girl was already in despair, he invited her to become a soloist in a new project. By that time, Umrikhin had already managed to make a pretty loud statement about himself in the world of music. The producer collaborated with many Russian pop stars.

Thus, the duet Artik & Asti was born, which will soon become incredibly popular. In 2013, the song “My Last Hope” was released. Thanks to her, the general public learned about the young vocalist for the first time. Soon the duo moved to Moscow, where they began to actively develop. Later, Artik & Asti presented their debut album “RayOneNaTwo”. The album received due attention from the public.

In 2020, Artik & Asti released their second album “Here and Now”. The album took a leading position in the music charts. The listeners received the song “You Can Do Anything” most warmly. The video for it was filled with passion and won many awards and accolades. Dzyuba was able to open up and realize herself; her army of fans began to grow every day.

In 2020, the duo presented their third album, “Number 1”. The album included 13 songs in which the singer amazed listeners with the beauty of her voice. Videos were shot for some tracks.

In 2020, after the release of the album “7 (Part 1),” people started talking about the duet Artik & Asti from everywhere. The artists' careers began to develop rapidly. The collection consists of 7 songs that became real hits. The video for the track “Under Hypnosis” received more than 40 million views in just half a year.

At the beginning of 2020, Artik & Asti presented the second part of the album “7 (Part 2)”, which also consists of 7 songs. Not surprising. that the record was also warmly received by listeners, like its predecessor. All compositions confidently secured their place at the top of the music charts. The video for the song “Girl Dance” became one of the most viewed. In it, the artist appeared in a charming image that won the hearts of people.

Personal life

In addition to the stage, Anya leads an active social life.

In 2020, the singer opened a beauty salon, where she spends a lot of time communicating with fans and helping them transform themselves.

In the fall of 2020, Anna, together with the “All in love” boutique, launched her own line of underwear.

But little is known about the singer’s personal life. Anna does not advertise her relationship on Instagram or other social networks. It is known that in 2020 the girl dated a young man with whom she was very close. But 2 years later she experienced a painful breakup and threw herself into work and business.

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Anna Dzyuba

About Me

Education :

2014-2016 Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino (MITRO) Faculty: Television and radio journalism Specialty: “TV journalist”

2008 – 2013 Omsk State University named after. Dostoevsky (Omsk State University) Faculty: International Business Specialty: “Marketing”

2010 – 2013 Omsk State Technical University (OMGTU) Faculty: Foreign languages ​​(English) Specialty: “Translator in the field of professional communications”

Foreign languages: English (fluent) Spanish (spoken) German (basic knowledge)


2007 - Study abroad (Upper-Intermediate level), ISIC (Oxford, England) 2011-2013 - Spanish language, J&S 2013 - Educational course “Secrets of FMCG - 3” (strategy and leadership, marketing and sales, research and development). Mars, Strategy and Leadership, Marketing and Sales, Research and Development. 2012-2013 - Psychology 2013 - English language (Upper-Intermediate), ABC 2014 - Grammar, spelling, spelling of the Russian language, NOT "Russia Today" 2014 - Oratory 2014 - Editing (Final Cut X pro) 2014 year - Cameramanship 2014 - Fundamentals of television and film directing 2015 - Speech technique 2020 - Radio broadcasting 2020 - Psychology of communication 2020 - On-air performance skills 2015 - Working as a journalist on camera


MS Office: Word, Excel, Access PowerPoint; ADOBE PREMIERE, FINAL CUT X PRO; 1C; dhl-connect SPSS, E-Views Dalet


September 2015 - present - TC Russia Today Position: Editor Responsibilities: Media monitoring; searching for pictures (video material), working in the Dalet program, developing creative and operational graphics, cutting clips, editing stories, voice acting, VMS, translation from English into Russian, work in production (political topics).

July 2015-present - Koranis LLC Position: Editor (remote work) Responsibilities: Media monitoring; Preparation of reviews, digests, certificates and other information and statistical products for ministries, state corporations, leading Russian companies; Editing articles, texts; Using various “external” databases and systems for searching and analyzing media publications, working in the company’s information and analytical system.

February 2015- Present - Russia 1, Vesti Moscow Position: Freelance correspondent Responsibilities: Producing: Searching for news in Moscow and the Moscow region, contact information; Communication; Organization of shooting; Correspondent work: Stories; lifting; comments; Street talk, Interview, Life, S/T; Transcript; Writing texts; Availability of business contacts in Moscow and the Moscow region. (Social and public issues)

Recommendations available upon request.

August 2014 - January 2015 - GorPhoto LLC, Moscow Position: Event organizer (producer, manager) Search for contacts; Communication with responsible persons, children, parents; Script writing; Development and planning of events; Full organization and implementation of events; Records management.

Recommendations available upon request.

10.2013 – 06.2014 - ANO SK TsOP Avangard, Omsk Position: Marketer, contributing editor Responsibilities: Work with top officials of the Company (President, Vice-Presidents, Members of the Organization); Organization of meetings, conferences, participation in negotiations; Translation of documentation from/to English; Attracting investors; Event marketing; Conducting surveys; Market research; Development of loyalty programs for employees and consumers; Advertising; Branding, naming, creation of slogans; Writing articles (on the official website and on social networks (avangard-sportclub.ru/about))

Recommendations available upon request.

About myself: A person with diverse interests. Received higher education in international business. During my academic years I was (and am) always an active person, with pronounced leadership qualities. I organized 5 international conferences. I understand economics and business, have perfect knowledge in the field of PR, marketing and advertising, as well as very extensive knowledge in the field of sports (I received the title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics). All my adult life I have performed on stage in front of large audiences, so I am endowed with courage and natural artistry, which was fundamentally formed in my character and managed to take root. I am still reaping the fruits of hard work to this day. I am grateful to sport and its role in my life. I speak three languages, predominantly English. I have excellent organizational skills. At the moment I am graduating from high school with a degree in television journalism and working on the RT television channel, in my free time I write scripts and develop commercials, and go to filming for the Vesti-Moscow program. I participate in broadcasting on radio “Podmoskovye”. About myself, I can also add that the desire for creativity has been present in my life since birth: I tried myself in painting and singing, wrote poetry, and took up photography. I found myself in journalism. I independently film, transcribe and edit materials (in the Final cut x pro program, I also own the Adobe Premiere program.) I know all the tools for creating stories, reports, interviews and portrait essays. I like voice work, I try my hand at voice acting. I have the necessary skills in writing articles on various topics, summaries, briefings, and scripts. I love writing, regardless of the genre: be it an essay or an advertising article; b/w or voice-over text.)

Personal qualities: I have the following qualities: Literacy and professionalism in terms of communication with people and adherence to business etiquette; Friendliness; Creativity; Communication skills; Learning ability; Responsibility; Intelligence; Stress resistance; Hard work; Broad outlook and diverse interests; Developed creative and analytical abilities.

Interesting facts and rumors

Anna is a young and beautiful girl. It is not surprising that rumors arise around her person. Due to the lack of information about her personal life, fans often come up with non-existent facts.

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Artik and Asti - did the couple have an affair?

Duets consisting of a guy and a girl often appear on the Russian stage. At the same time, team members often have close relationships. The romantic lyrics of Artik & Asti's songs give a lot of reasons for discussion among fans.

For a long time, fans wondered whether Anna and Artem were dating. In fact, there is no romantic relationship between the young people and they are only together on stage or on set. Also, Anna Dzyuba and Artem Umrikhin are not relatives, although often in interviews the girl admits that she treats Artik like an older brother.

Anna had a young man, with whom she sometimes posted photos on Instagram. They recently broke up. And now Asti is in search of the man of her dreams.

During the existence of the group, Artem had a lover. They got married and recently had a son, Ethan. Artik is an exemplary father and often posts photos with his family on social networks.

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Anna is pregnant

Rumors about Anna's pregnancy did not arise out of nowhere. Fans perceived as news about the future baby the message that Asti recorded for her future daughter on her day of happiness.

Later in the interview, the girl admitted that she would really like a large family and many children, but now this is impossible. Work takes all her energy.

Since the singer broke up with her boyfriend, you shouldn’t expect a quick addition to Anna’s family. The girl spends a lot of time on tours, recordings and her own business. Of course, she is trying to arrange her personal life. But Anna avoids questions about her boyfriend, hinting only that she now has a boyfriend.

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Personal life of Asti

At the moment, Anna Asti, a member of the duet, has not yet tied the knot; the singer also does not have children yet. It is known that the girl dated a guy who had nothing to do with the world of show business, but the singer’s too busy schedule and lack of free time became the reason for their separation.

According to media speculation, Anna’s new fiancé was forty-year-old Stanislav Yurkin. He already has one marriage behind him, as well as a daughter, whose name is Varya. However, this fact did not bother the singer at all, and in July Anna appeared in photographs with a new engagement ring.

Singer before and after plastic surgery

At the beginning of her career, Anna was a well-fed girl. Journalists unsuccessfully photographed the girl, giving her appearance additional volumes. This caused Anya many complexes.

Now the girl has managed to get her figure in order. With a height of 175 centimeters, her weight is barely more than 55 kilograms. She admits that she rarely plays sports, and yoga, stretching and meditation help keep her in shape.

In addition, the girl does not hide the fact that she visited plastic surgeons. Those who follow Anya’s life will easily notice this in the singer’s photographs. The girl's face underwent the main changes. Anna removed Bisha's lumps and had rhinoplasty. In addition, she resorted to cosmetology to increase the volume of her lips. Now her face looks thinner, and her nose has become thinner and neater. Asti also enlarged her breasts.

Now the singer is not shy about cameras. And Maxim magazine, which published a photo of the girl, included Anna Dzyuba in the list of the 100 sexiest women in Russia.

In addition to plastic surgery, the girl’s body is decorated with tattoos, which can be seen in photographs of naked Anna. Asti periodically updates its collection with new images. She recently decided to change the tattoo on her right arm. Now, instead of a small treble clef, the girl’s hand is decorated with a whole painting, created by Artem Maga from the Moscow tattoo parlor Lapinio Tattoo.

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