To maintain skin elasticity, it requires hyaluronic acid. This polysaccharide, together with collagen and elastin fibers, makes up most of the intercellular matrix. If you compare the skin to the shell of a balloon, then hyaluronic acid is the gas inside it. With age and due to sun exposure, the synthesis of its own polysaccharide slows down - as a result, the skin “deflates”, wrinkles and sagging appear on it. Biorevitalization helps to compensate for the lack of hyaluronate in tissues.

What is facial biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid has the ability to sorb and retain water in quantities hundreds of times greater than its own weight. This property is used in cosmetology during anti-aging procedures. The technique of introducing hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin is called biorevitalization. Depending on the technique used, it can be either injection or non-injection.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

Daily care products with hyaluronic acid do not provide the same effect as biorevitalization. The high-molecular formula of the substance they contain does not penetrate the dermis and remains on the surface, where it creates a protective barrier.

Injections with hyaluronic acid are the fastest and most effective way to deliver it into the deep layers of the skin. Non-invasive biorevitalization, or the “no papules” method, is performed in the following ways:

  • iontophoresis;
  • oxygen spray;
  • laser phoresis.

Non-injection techniques do not injure the skin, but do not provide the same depth of penetration as injections.

Biorevitalization is done on the face, body and along the hairline. In this article I will talk about the procedure specifically on the face.

What is hair biorevitalization?

During this procedure, hyaluronic acid enters the scalp. Various techniques are used for this: injections, electric current, cold, etc.

Hyaluronate is administered both in pure form and with the addition of various vitamins. This energy cocktail stimulates the functioning of skin cells and fills the hair structure. Hair follicles are activated and hair begins to grow quickly.

The drug with hyaluronate is injected into the scalp

Hyaluronic acid can have molecules of different sizes that have different spectrum of actions. “Long” molecules penetrate the hair structure and therefore increase hair volume. “Medium” molecules fill skin and hair cells with moisture, and “short” molecules have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

The biorevitalization procedure is carried out in two stages.

  1. Using high-frequency current, step-by-step treatment of the scalp is carried out. This helps to improve skin tone, improve blood circulation and increase the absorption capacity of the skin.

    First the scalp is treated

  2. A selected drug is injected into the scalp using injections. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it may contain various vitamins and amino acids. Vitamin B is especially necessary for hair growth. It strengthens hair, normalizes sebum secretion, and eliminates dandruff. Penetration of the treatment into the scalp stimulates hair growth. Hyaluron fills the voids in the fibers, resulting in smoother hair. Hair takes on a shiny, youthful appearance.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, the drug includes various vitamins that accelerate hair growth

Note! Usually one procedure is enough to achieve a certain result. The result lasts for about two months, after which the session must be repeated. The number of such sessions is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the individual characteristics of the hair.

Indications and contraindications

The goal of facial biorevitalization is to replenish the skin’s water resources and create favorable conditions for the synthesis of endogenous matrix elements: polysaccharides, collagen, elastin and its other components. This procedure helps with the following aesthetic problems:

  • skin dehydration;
  • decreased turgor;
  • fine-wrinkled and tired types of aging;
  • dull complexion;
  • photoaging;
  • rosacea;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • rosacea;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • thick and mixed seborrhea with acne;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The main advantage is the ease of implementation, quick results and the absence of a rehabilitation period after the intervention. However, biorevitalization is not available to all patients. The procedure is not performed if the following contraindications are present:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • infectious diseases;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • oncology;
  • taking aspirin and other anticoagulants;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • positive HIV status.

Ignoring contraindications leads to complications after the procedure.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are a number of contraindications to biorevitalization:

  • allergy to one of the components of the drug.
  • the presence of diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;

This procedure is not performed during pregnancy.

  • some scalp diseases;
  • presence of cancer;
  • immune system disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • epilepsy.

Contraindication is the presence of cancer

Important! The cosmetologist must ask the patient whether he has any contraindications to the procedure. Next, the main problem is determined and the necessary treatment complex is selected.

Side effects

Biorevitalization is considered a simple technique, but it has side effects:

  • allergic reactions to the drug;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • addiction to the drug;
  • subcutaneous papules;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin.

In most cases, these unpleasant consequences go away on their own, without medical intervention. Medical assistance will be required for complications after the procedure:

  • tissue necrosis due to vascular embolism;
  • depigmentation;
  • fibrosis - tissue hardening;
  • granulomas;
  • proliferation of connective tissue;
  • impaired skin sensitivity.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

An embolism occurs when hyaluronate enters directly into a blood vessel. This dangerous complication is accompanied by acute pain and blanching of the tissue at the injection site. The doctor should immediately stop the procedure and inject the patient with hyauloronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

What types of biorevitalization exist?

Biorevitalization is classified by type based on the methods of delivery of hyaluronic acid. There are such types of biorevitalization.


This is the most common method of hair biorevitalization. The necessary substances are introduced under the skin using a very thin needle.

Important! This type of biorevitalization can be manual or hardware.

The most common method of biorevitalization is injection

It is advisable to choose a method during consultation with a specialist. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The manual method does not allow the device to accurately dose the puncture sites. The punctures themselves also cannot be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the skin. Because of this, various complications can arise.

Hardware biorevitalization

Hardware biorevitalization, on the contrary, ensures the accuracy of the procedure and dosage of the substance. The disadvantage is increased trauma.


This method of biorevitalization allows you to introduce hyaluronic acid without puncturing the skin or other damage. It's all about the active substance itself, which is used for such procedures. The molecules of special preparations are so small that they freely penetrate the scalp and hair structure without additional methods.

Non-injection hair biorevitalization


From the name it is immediately clear that this method uses cold. Penetration of the drug occurs under its influence.

During cryobiorevitalization, the scalp is pre-treated with liquid nitrogen.


An infrared laser is used to saturate the hair and scalp with hyaluronate.

Laser biorevitalization

As you can see, such a procedure is not necessarily carried out with the help of injections, which is why many refuse it. Specialists will be able to suggest a suitable method and select the necessary drug containing hyaluronic acid.

All methods are based on the discovery of microcurrent in cell membranes. This effect does not last long, the channels open for only a few seconds. During this time, hyaluronic acid molecules manage to penetrate the epidermis layer.

Those who are afraid of injections can undergo a non-injection hair biorevitalization procedure

Note! Of all the methods, the most popular is the injection method. All others are used less frequently because they require more time to use and are more expensive.

What not to do after the procedure

Rehabilitation after biorevitalization is not required, but the patient will have to comply with a number of restrictions during the period of tissue healing:

  1. Do not touch the injection sites with your hands to avoid infection, and limit physical activity.
  2. For 7 days do not visit the sauna, swimming pool or sunbathe; exclude massage and facial gymnastics; Avoid spicy and fatty foods.
  3. Wash with cool water and mild cleansers.
  4. Don't go outside without UV protection.
  5. Do not use decorative cosmetics for a week after the procedure.
  6. Throughout the entire course of procedures, avoid aggressive cleansers, peeling and scrubbing.

How does facial mesotherapy differ from biorevitalization, and which is better?

The table shows a comparison of two cosmetology techniques in terms of technique and results.

Comparison criteriaMesotherapyBiorevitalization
TechniqueInjections and non-invasive methods
Therapeutic drugMesococktails, including those with hyaluronic acidHyaluronic acid
Injection consistencyLiquidViscous
Optimal age for the procedure30-40 years25-35 years
Number of course procedures6-8 procedures once a year3-5 procedures 2-3 times a year
The severity of the effect after the first sessionLessMore
Effect duration6-12 monthsup to 6 months

The cosmetologist determines which technique is best to use, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Biorevitalization is suitable for initial signs of aging and the absence of obvious aesthetic defects. Mesotherapy is used when age-related changes become noticeable.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

It is believed that after 45-50 years, biorevitalization and mesotherapy do not produce significant results as monoprocedures. To eliminate pronounced signs of aging, they are used in a complex of rejuvenating procedures.


The table shows cost data in Moscow clinics.

Clinic namePrice, ₽
Clinic No. 1 in Lyublino3300
Clinic Capital on Leninsky6,100 (laser biorevitalization)
Clinic "MedCenterService"4600
Israeli Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Seline8500
Clinic of cosmetology and plastic surgery "Evolution"6900

The price of a biorevitalization service depends on the drug and the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

Features of hair biorevitalization

Patients have many questions about hyaluronic acid injections. Some people believe that this is a very painful procedure. Some people say that it hurts, others consider it “mosquito bites,” and some do not experience any pain at all.

Whether the patient will experience discomfort depends on his pain threshold and the qualifications of the doctor.

Typically, a course of treatment includes a whole range of procedures. A cosmetologist may prescribe treatments every few months, but you may need to visit the salon every week for several months.

Typically, the course of treatment includes several procedures

Proven drugs

For injection biorevitalization, preparations with unstabilized high-molecular hyaluronic acid are used. This substance has the greatest ability to absorb water. Stabilized compounds are used in facial contouring.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The concentration of unstabilized hyaluronic acid in biorevitalizant affects the result of the procedure. With this technique, an excess of the active substance leads to dehydration of the dermis and suppression of the synthesis of its own (endogenous) proteins and polysaccharides. The effect of an overdose will be the opposite of the expected result.

What drugs do cosmetologists recommend:

  • Aquashine is a Korean drug with hyaluronic acid and a peptide complex;
  • Teosyal Meso Expert - hyaluronic acid with vitamins and peptides;
  • Revi is a Russian drug with a prolonged action;
  • Viscoderm is an Italian product in 3 varieties for biorevitalization and fillers;
  • Juvederm is a line of biorevitalizants for different age categories.

Popular drugs used for this procedure

Beauty salons use a variety of preparations for biorevitalization, which include hyaluronic acid. In addition to the hyaluronate itself, various vitamins and beneficial microelements are added to them. Only a specialist can choose the appropriate complex, taking into account the condition of the patient’s hair.

The basis of all preparations for this procedure is hyaluronic acid.

The complex from the manufacturer Nirvel Professional is popular. There are also many other complexes: Beautelle (France), PrincessRich (Austria), Viscoderm (Italy), Hyaluform (Russia) and others. They all differ from each other in indications for use and price.

Beautelle product

The Hyaluronic complex from Nirvel Professional can be used even at home. In just a few sessions, this drug will make your hair shiny and elastic. Hyaluronate has a moisturizing property; it renews thin and split hair, restoring its structure. After the procedure, the hair looks luxurious and also becomes manageable.


Post-procedure care

Proper facial care after biorevitalization reduces the risk of complications and consolidates the positive results of the procedure. What you need to know:

  1. After injections, papules are formed - subcutaneous tubercles. They occur because hyaluronic acid is absorbed in the dermis in up to 3 days. Papules should not be touched or squeezed out. If they do not go away on their own after a few days, you should consult a dermatologist.
  2. For a week after the procedure, you should wash your face with cool water and use mild cleansers. Moisturizing face creams and masks will enhance the positive effect of injections.
  3. During the course of treatment, you should limit the use of decorative cosmetics, and also reconsider your diet. Alcohol, fatty, spicy and salty foods that cause swelling are prohibited. During the recovery period, you need to drink more still water to speed up metabolic processes.
  4. Swelling and hematomas after injections are relieved using cold compresses and products with a regenerating and absorbable effect.
  5. Active ultraviolet radiation should be avoided - the sun accelerates the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.


This section contains answers to questions that patients most often ask.

Can I drink alcohol after the procedure?

No. Alcohol disrupts the water and acid-base balance, leading to dehydration and the development of edema due to poisoning by ethyl decomposition products. After procedures with hyaluronic acid, its consumption may lead to the development of side effects.

At what age can you do it?

After 25 years, the production of your own hyaluronic acid slows down. And the sun's rays accelerate its decay by 15-20%. Therefore, the recommended age of patients for biorevitalization is from 25 years.

Can I drink after the procedure?

Yes, clean water. Maintaining a drinking regime of 1.5-2 liters per day is recommended to speed up cell regeneration processes.

Is it possible to do it in summer

Can. The biorevitalization procedure does not depend on the time of year, but during the sunny period there are restrictions: the procedure is not performed on a fresh tan; After biorevitalization, you should use cosmetics with UV protection to avoid irritation on injured skin. In addition, ultraviolet radiation accelerates the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

Is it possible to play sports

In the first week after the procedure, it is better to avoid training. Physical exercise increases blood circulation and can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in damaged skin.

How often can you do it

The recommended interval between procedures is 1 month.

How much does it hurt

Non-invasive methods do not cause discomfort. The injection method causes pain, like other injections with viscous drugs. For sensitive patients, the cosmetologist may use a local anesthetic.


I am 32 years old. I don’t hide my age, but I believe that the youth of the skin should be extended with the help of modern beauty procedures, such as biorevitalization. I was prescribed a course of 3 sessions. The result makes me happy: the skin is moisturized, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The main thing is to endure these injections!


Client, Penza

Expensive, painful and no hydration. Microcurrents and moist air help me achieve better biorevitalization.


Client, Cherepovets

I did not find any sense in this procedure. I don’t see the difference either in the mirror or in the Before and After photos.


Client, Chelyabinsk

I have been doing biorevitalization with the drug IAL SYSTEM for several years now. It's expensive, but the results are worth it. After the procedure, the skin glows, the face is moisturized, there are no wrinkles.


Client, Moscow

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after hair biorevitalization No. 1

Photos before and after hair biorevitalization No. 2

Photos before and after hair biorevitalization No. 3

My conclusion

Facial biorevitalization helps fight initial age-related changes that occur due to dehydration and slower synthesis of hyaluronic acid. It gives noticeable results after the first session and does not require a long course. Biorevitalization is indicated for patients aged 25 to 35 years as a single procedure, and later as part of a complex of rejuvenation procedures. Be careful when choosing medications for this procedure. This is extremely important.

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