10 secrets for creating perfect makeup for oily skin

08/29/2019 Alina Zaikova 1 Comment

To choose makeup for oily skin, you need to try. We offer 10 secret ways to solve this problem. This useful information will allow you to always look brilliant without your face becoming shiny.

Oily skin creates many problems with decorative make-up, especially in hot weather or in a stuffy room. It shines and looks wet. A shiny face can ruin an important photo shoot or stage performance. What to do? Read our article!

What products are needed for long-lasting makeup?

Not every girl can do the right makeup. It is necessary to follow certain rules in order to get long-lasting and flawless makeup. The first step is to cleanse the skin of dead and dead tissue using a scrub. Then the makeup will be perfectly fixed and will last for a long time.

Secrets of long-lasting makeup

To moisturize your skin, you need to choose the right products. A moisturizing express mask is best suited for this.

Buy a primer. This is a reliable product that is worth its cost and will maintain your makeup all day. The principle of their work is to prevent skin secretions from mixing with cosmetics.

The important point is that you do not need to apply a thick layer of cosmetics. The thinner and more natural it is, the longer it will last. Be sure to use long-lasting cosmetics. It is intended for rainy, hot weather with high humidity.

To make long lasting makeup you will need professional cosmetics:

  • Basic makeup . To keep your face fresh and neat, apply a base. She will hide all imperfections
  • The face tone is long lasting . At the next stage of makeup, you should give your skin a healthy and well-groomed look. To give the skin an even tone, use a corrective, foundation, or concealer. Good products with increased durability are marked Long Lasting. They justify their long-lasting effect on the skin due to the content of persistent pigments and bases
  • Longevity of eye makeup . To make your eyes look flawless and bright throughout the day, expensive and professional eyeshadows are not enough. The pigment of the shadows will make them brighter, and a special long-lasting base for shadows will prevent them from rolling off. It should be of a dense texture to prevent shadows from falling off
  • Lip durability . Lips will be perfect all day long if you apply your makeup in several ways. In the first case, a corrector is applied to the lips, dusted with powder, and outlined. Blot your lips with a cosmetic wipe and apply a layer of your favorite lipstick. In the second case, we purchase a base for lipstick. It will help smooth out the uneven surface of the lips, making the contour more expressive and defined. Apply lipstick on top with neat strokes

Long lasting makeup

How to apply makeup correctly for problem skin?

Rarely does anyone have perfect facial skin. However, everyone wants to look beautiful. How to do makeup on problem skin so that it looks fresh and attractive, without traces of “plaster”?

Each of us understands that good makeup is, first of all, creating the illusion of radiant skin. Makeup on problem skin is a successful disguise for one of the most common problems associated with facial skin, especially among young people - acne and various inflammatory processes.

Attention! Such a disease must be treated comprehensively by a good specialist - a cosmetologist-dermatologist. It is forbidden to constantly mask acne, this will only worsen the skin condition!

Most cosmetics are too oily and can aggravate acne. Cosmetic products based on lanolin and petroleum jelly (especially oily ones) are in any case contraindicated for acne.

All oily creams aggravate the development of acne because they clog the pores and thus contribute to the development of acne. Moisturizers are oil-based creams.

To care for oily skin, you need to use much drier alcohol-based creams or creams with a simple composition.

Many so-called anti-acne products therefore have no effect, but only mask the wounds to some extent with a composition that is as close as possible in color to the natural color of the skin.

Of course, first of all, the problem of acne can be solved with proper skin care. But this process is quite long, so at this time you can use concealers to disguise acne and inflamed areas.

A concealing pencil or flesh-colored cream that matches your skin tone will help you. Apply a little cream to the inflamed area, rub it in lightly and let it dry. Later, powder your face, preferably with a special antiseptic powder. You can also apply green foundation to the inflamed areas. The fact is that green visually neutralizes red. This cream is applied to the desired area and lightly rubbed. After that, do your normal makeup.

Acne scars (blackhead craters) are very difficult to disguise; use a special corrective agent that contains silicone to do this; it will fill in the depressions and even out the surface of the skin. After this, apply loose powder to set your makeup. For example, Dermablend corrective foundation from Vichy, specifically for masking skin imperfections.

Mature women sometimes suffer from dilated blood vessels on the face. This problem can also be solved by using green concealer cream. Apply this cream in places where vasodilation is noticeable. After this, apply opaque makeup to your skin tone.

Freckles suit many women and girls, but most of their owners strive to get rid of them by all means.

First of all, spend enough time preventing the appearance of freckles and age spots: avoid the sun, use sunscreen in any weather and at any time of the year, and carry out a course of lightening procedures from time to time.

Exfoliating procedures and depigmenting agents help reduce skin pigmentation and have a whitening effect. In this case, freckles are removed by exfoliation with 20% salicylic alcohol, white mercury ointment in increasing concentrations in combination with bodyagi ointments, and a 20-30% solution of pure phenol dissolved in ether. In some cases, age spots can be removed using diathermocoagulation.

Freckles can be removed by irradiating the face with a quartz lamp until peeling appears. Sessions are held every other day. This method is suitable for those who spend most of their time outdoors. With this method of peeling, the skin is freed from freckles, and its sensitivity to the sun decreases. But this procedure is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

You won’t be able to completely hide freckles with makeup; it’s best to even out the dark and light areas on your face with a light, transparent foundation. To prevent your eyes from appearing too blurry on a face with freckles, you need to carefully apply makeup and cover your eyelashes with dark mascara. For lipstick, it is better to choose a pure red color. Blush is more suitable in coral red or pink.

If you suffer from allergies and your skin is very sensitive, you need to be especially careful in selecting cosmetic products, giving preference to hypoallergenic ones. Before applying makeup to your face, try it on the crook of your elbow. If your skin remains clear, you can apply these cosmetics. If you do suffer from allergies, mask the irritated areas of the skin with a flesh-colored tone.

On a dark face, the “stars” of blood vessels are not so visible. You can use an artificial tanning product that gives your face a tint that will further disguise the dilation of blood vessels.

About colors on the skin: White color gives the skin radiance and visually smoothes out the relief of the face; Pink gives the skin freshness; Green neutralizes redness; Violet neutralizes yellowness; Brown makes the complexion warmer (provided it doesn't contrast too much with your natural skin color).

How to disguise wrinkles. Apply corrective blush directly to wrinkles, blend with your fingertips, and then very gently apply foundation or powder. A white foundation applied directly to wrinkles before applying foundation will visibly smooth the skin.

During the period of “critical days”, problems arise with makeup: it does not fit well, changes color. On such days, it is better to use compact rather than liquid products.

Vitiligo is a fairly rare condition that causes noticeable white patches to appear on the skin. Most often they appear on the arms and hands, as well as on the face. Women with vitiligo spots may be advised to use artificial tanning product that is applied only to the spots themselves. In addition, spots can be covered daily with masking cream and powdered.

If you have hair growing on your face and you cannot remove it, then when wearing makeup, avoid powder and those products that contain a lot of powder. They only emphasize the hairs and make them quite noticeable. It is best to use semi-liquid foundations. They are applied to the skin carefully, taking into account the direction of hair growth, trying not to rub it on the skin.

If you look tired or have deep-set eyes, avoid matte eyeshadow in dark shades; they will make your eyes appear even more sunken. Choose light shades.

Very white skin is sensitive to the sun and often develops freckles. But don’t be upset, because with proper care, snow-white skin is very beautiful. Her beauty needs to be emphasized with suitable makeup. The main thing is to choose light, transparent foundations for yourself. Apply them in an even layer with a dampened cosmetic sponge. Then powder with light powder. Pastel colors are suitable for the eyes. On the cheeks - a little soft pink blush. Paint your lips with lipstick in pastel colors.

Young girls sometimes develop pimples consisting of point-shaped indurations, usually on large areas of the skin. The thickenings inside the tip contain the so-called lanugo (primary hair). The skin is dry and rough. If you want to hide your pimples, you can do this with foundation. But it is better to start treatment at the first appearance, which is quite simple and painless. Give yourself a massage with a dry brush. During this process, thin flakes of skin are peeled off. Rub your skin with vodka, it stimulates the regeneration of new cells.

Skin is a mirror of the condition of internal organs. Therefore, diet and the balance of microelements in the body are of great importance. Treatment of the skin leads to the health of the whole organism, and a healthy body itself heals the skin. It's interconnected.

You can give yourself full-fledged makeup that doesn’t run, doesn’t smear, and doesn’t require heroic efforts in the morning. It is enough to buy very high-quality cosmetics and disguise imperfections, emphasizing the advantages of your face!

The most difficult thing about using decorative cosmetics is choosing them. Therefore, the best selection method is the spot test method, that is, in order to choose the right color, you need to apply the selected product to a specific area of ​​the body. If this is not the case, then there may be a discrepancy between expectations and results, since everyone has their own individual color of skin, lips, eyes and nails.

First-class cosmetics are inseparable from high-quality tools. It makes no sense to use high-quality cosmetics and apply them with your fingers; the desired effect will not be achieved.

Makeup technique

These stages are as follows: preparing the facial skin, toning and correcting facial skin imperfections, eye makeup, lip makeup, applying blush and powdering. The sequence of stages may vary slightly depending on the type of makeup (daytime, evening) and the usual method of application.

Stage 1. Preparing your facial skin for makeup consists of cleansing it with a mild cleanser and applying day cream. Day cream need not be applied if the skin is normal and you intend to apply foundation or foundation, as they will perform the same functions as day cream. If the skin is dry and flaky, then a day cream is necessary, otherwise the makeup will look unnatural and theatrical. For oily and combination skin, a mattifying day cream is necessary because... It reduces sebum secretion and significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Stage 2. Toning the facial skin evens out its color and makes it soft, silky, and also masks small skin defects - enlarged pores, redness, etc. Before applying the foundation, wrinkles, dark spots, circles under the eyes, pimples are retouched using correctors. Choose a corrector that is a shade lighter than your foundation, and it is better to apply liquid correctors to dark circles under the eyes, as dry ones can emphasize fine wrinkles.

Stage 3. Eye makeup aims to draw attention to the eyes and make them more spectacular.

Stage 4. Lip makeup consists of giving the lips contour and color. The contour of the lips is drawn with a contour pencil to match the lipstick or a tone darker than it.

Stage 5. When the main stages of makeup have been completed, all that remains is to put the last point - blush and powder. Blush gives the face a healthy color and shine, and also helps to correct the shape of the face, giving it the necessary contours, for example, emphasizing cheekbones on a round, full face or hiding a double chin. Blush comes in different consistencies: liquid, dry, in balls, but the principle of use is the same - a light, barely noticeable layer. And at the end of all makeup, it is recommended to go over the entire face with loose powder using a wide brush; it will give the face a pleasant softness and matte finish. Powder can be applied at any stage of makeup, for example, after applying foundation, powder the skin of the face, eyelids and lips. Loose powder is preferable to compact powder, as it lays on the face in a more even, thin layer, without creating the “floured” effect.

For oily problem skin, powder is an indispensable assistant for hiding skin defects; the only caveat is: instead of a puff or brush, it is better to use disposable cotton sponges. A puff or brush quickly becomes contaminated with skin secretions, purulent discharge from pimples and can cause new pimples to appear.

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Long-lasting makeup for oily skin: secrets

To create the perfect makeup for oily skin, you need to choose the right set of cosmetic products.

Secrets of long-lasting makeup for oily skin:

  • All cosmetics for oily skin should not contain oils. Because cosmetics with oil will aggravate the situation and clog pores
  • Makeup for oily skin should not only be mattifying, but above all, not clog pores
  • Cosmetic accessories: sponges, sponges, brushes should always be clean. They should carry out the cleaning procedure twice a week.
  • Never apply makeup with your fingers, you will only provoke the skin to inflammatory reactions.
  • Detergents for oily skin should be oil-free. Their texture should be in the form of a gel

Cosmetics for oily skin

  • Always use a primer when applying makeup. This product has an excellent toning effect, tightens pores and evens out the skin, filling in wrinkles.
  • Use a BB product as a cream. It will create a toning effect without a shiny effect.
  • Powder based on minerals is also effective. It mattifies oily shine well and does not clog pores.
  • For eye and lip makeup on faces with oily skin, you should select products only with a waterproof formula.
  • If you have oily skin, always carry paper or napkins in your cosmetic bag to absorb excess shine. They are designed to remove excess fat from the face without touching makeup.

Withdrawal rules

To remove makeup from oily skin, it is best to use products such as gels, foams or mousses. There are also universal products - tonics and lotions. Such products are suitable for all skin types, including oily.

To get rid of cosmetic residues, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • The makeup removal process should begin with the lips. First, apply the cleansing product to a cotton pad, after which the lipstick is removed with gentle movements.
  • The next step is to clean the eye area. Extreme caution must be taken when doing this. The skin in this area is highly sensitive. To get rid of makeup, you need to wash off the shadows from your nose to your temples.

Removing mascara is a little more difficult because it has a fairly stubborn texture. Movements should be performed from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips. All movements are done as carefully as possible, since getting makeup remover into your eyes is undesirable. It may cause irritation.

  • The face needs to be cleansed at the end. To wash your face, you can use foam, mousse or gel. This will remove makeup and improve the condition of the dermis.

To get neat makeup for oily skin that will last all day, it is very important to choose the right cosmetics. The order in which they are applied is also important. To always look perfect, it is recommended to strictly follow all the recommendations of professional makeup artists.

Long-lasting eye makeup: secrets

To make long-lasting eye makeup, be sure to follow the rules and sequence of applying cosmetics: eye shadow, mascara, pencil.

  • The first step is to thoroughly cleanse the skin around the eyes. This will prevent the shadows from rolling off quickly. If the skin around the eyes is oily, use an oil-free cream
  • Never apply cream to the moving part of the eyelid. Its liquid texture will eat up the shadows
  • Next, be sure to use an eyelid primer. This is by far the most effective remedy against eye makeup creasing. It will make the colors of the shadows more saturated and vibrant. This is a reliable powder eyeshadow base.
  • Applying shadows should only be done with a soft brush. Only she can perfectly shade their texture. The shadows will lie flat and will not crumble
  • Finally, apply waterproof mascara.
  • If you make arrows, then use long-lasting eyeliner

Eye makeup

Secrets of long-lasting eye makeup

Makeup stages

First of all, apply a moisturizing primer or base to clean facial skin. She will be responsible for the durability of the make-up and the quality of application of cosmetics. This is not necessary for everyday makeup. Instead of base, use your regular day cream. In summer with SPF protection, and in winter - on an oily basis, protecting the skin from wind and frost.

To disguise inflamed areas and redheads, use a concealer with a greenish tint. It is this color that allows you to visually mute the redness. It is also applied to the area under the eyes, especially if you often have dark circles.

Now you need to move on to covering your face with foundation. Choose the composition, density and brand at your discretion. Some people prefer a cream with a denser texture that can mask even severe inflammation, while others prefer lighter products.

You can apply it with a brush, sponge, even wet, or, if they don’t have them, with your fingers. Many of my friends mix foundation with regular cream for a more even, uniform coverage.

Many people use a special device for spraying decorative cosmetics - an airbrush, like in this video:

All problem areas that are still visible to the naked eye are painted over with a masking pencil.

Now you can apply a layer of powder using patting movements, as in this video:



For problem skin, it is better to choose classic loose or mineral powder.

Light contouring can be done if desired. To do this, you will need a special three-color powder, in which the lightest shade, which acts as a highlighter, is applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones, the center of the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the area above the lips and the center of the chin.

Using bronzer we highlight the hollows on the cheeks, that is, the area under the intended blush, the upper border of the forehead on the right and left, the middle of the jaw on both sides and the wings of the nose.

We complete the makeup by applying blush, which should be placed between the areas where the highlighter and bronzer are applied.

The rest of the subtleties of applying eye shadow, lipstick and eyeliner depend on your time of going out, the color of the outfit and the occasion.

Since the skin tone is quite dense, it is important not to “overload” the image, which means it is better to make eye and lip makeup as natural as possible, especially in the daytime or while on vacation at sea

Enjoy the scenery and salty waves, and if you really need to spruce yourself up, limit yourself to sunscreen, foundation and contouring powder.

If you decide to focus on your eyes, then choose a light shade of lipstick, or preferably a translucent gloss. Decided to limit yourself to just eyeliner and glitter shadows? Then you can line your lips with bright, juicy lipstick. Everything is in your hands - create, search, try.

But, of course, do not forget to give your skin time to rest, because the problem remains, it requires treatment, and for this you will have to give up decorative cosmetics. So don't abuse it. All the best!

Oksana Shavyrina

Long-lasting lip makeup: secrets

Applying a pencil for long-lasting lip makeup
Long-lasting lips are an important accent at the heart of any makeup. To ensure that lipstick does not smear throughout the day and has a perfect look, you need to follow and know the secrets of long-lasting makeup:

  • Always begin beautifying your lips by thoroughly cleansing them with lotion or cream.
  • Choose a lip pencil to match your lipstick. It could be a tone brighter. Draw a clear outline to add extra volume. To do this, move slowly over your lips without spaces. Finally, blend the pencil well with a brush.
  • To apply lipstick, use a specialized brush.
  • To ensure the lipstick fits perfectly, apply several times. Each layer must be blotted with a napkin.

Applying lipstick for long-lasting lip makeup

  • To keep your lipstick bright all day and look magically velvety, you need to lightly powder it

If you want your lip makeup to last until late in the evening, apply an ice cube to your lips or spray with mineral water.

Proper skin hydration

Any proper makeup goes on a foundation or base. Otherwise it is called a primer. In the cold season this is not a problem, but in the summer you want your skin to breathe. Therefore, during this period, replace the heavy foundation with a moisturizing gel. If the skin is sufficiently moisturized, then the makeup will lie advantageously and last. After a long winter, give your skin the necessary hydration to restore its softness. In addition, heavy concealers at high temperatures tend to accumulate in small wrinkles in an unattractive way, and abandoning them will save you from this.

Long-lasting eyebrow makeup

Long-lasting eyebrow makeup is a calling card of everyday life that definitely gets noticed. In order for them to perform a magical role, they need to be well adjusted.

  • The first step in eyebrow makeup is their correction. There are always nuances that need to be adjusted and corrected
  • Then color your eyebrows using eyeshadow, pencil or eyebrow dye. Actually, the choice of dyeing products depends on the individual characteristics of appearance.
  • After painting, eyebrows should be styled and fixed. To do this, just apply eyebrow gel. Transparent or tinted - it all depends on the required color correction of the eyebrows. After this stage, the eyebrows will acquire a stable and healthy appearance.

Long-lasting eyebrow makeup


  1. Oily facial skin requires care.
  2. For beautiful makeup, you need to choose the right cosmetics that match the characteristics of the oily epidermis.
  3. Care products do not just mask, but treat acne, comedones and fight liquid fat.
  4. Medicinal cosmetics are the “golden mean” between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
  5. Popular brands of medicinal cosmetics: VICHY, AVENE, GALENIC, BIODERMA, La Roche-Posay, Pharmateiss cosmetics.
  6. It is recommended to have cosmetic procedures performed by a trusted specialist.
  7. Treatment for oily skin is: the right cosmetics, daily care and medications.

Long-lasting makeup base

A long-lasting makeup base should only be applied a few minutes after applying the cream. This should only be done with a special sponge or brush. Perform movements only along massage lines, moving from the chin upward. Then during the day the foundation will not roll off and will remain stable.

Long-lasting makeup base

If applying the foundation using a sponge, it must be moistened so that the base is distributed evenly and adheres flawlessly. Buy only high-quality makeup materials and tools. Always remove excess foundation to avoid ruining long-lasting makeup and highlighting wrinkles.

How to maintain results throughout the day

To look perfect throughout the day, you need to follow important rules:

  1. It is not recommended to constantly powder the skin after the appearance of oily shine. Otherwise, there is a risk of a large amount of melted powder accumulating on your face. To cope with oily shine, it is recommended to use matting wipes. In this case, it is permissible to apply powder no more than every 2 hours.
  2. To keep your skin matte for a long time, you can use a special powder marked “anti-shine.” Such products do not contain pigment. Even if applied frequently, they will not create the feeling of a heavily powdered face. At the same time, such products allow you to quickly deal with oily sheen.

Read how to properly use essential oils for oily skin. How to make moisturizing face masks? The answer is in the article. Interested in rating foundations for oily skin? See below.

Long lasting wedding makeup

The holy grail for every bride is long-lasting makeup. If you know the most important secrets of successful wedding makeup, everything will go perfectly.

  • Radiant skin is the basis of any look . On this day, she should radiate health and make her makeup look impressive. Shortly before the event, you should get rid of dead particles and carry out gommage. Then apply moisturizing serum. Primer will create the perfect canvas for wedding makeup. It will help hide all small imperfections on the skin.
  • Next, apply concealer under the eyes. It should be applied with point movements with careful shading.
  • Apply makeup base and work thoroughly with a brush
  • The third secret is soft cheeks with perfect cheekbones . You need to shade the resulting complexion with blush. Apply them to your cheekbones. The ideal option is a powder-based blush. A beautiful relief can be achieved by applying bronzer.
  • The bride's expressive look is the perfect eye makeup, which should be achieved with the help of waterproof eye shadow and mascara. The pigments of such products will not fall off. Apply a thin layer of powder under the mascara. This will give your eyelashes fluffiness and volume.

For brides, you can create a doll-like look.

  • To do this, it’s enough to even out the tone of your face, paint your eyelashes well and make flirty arrows
  • To get an open, shiny look, you need to line the inner eyelid with a pencil from the champagne color palette.
  • Apply satin shadows in bed colors to the upper eyelid

  • Lip makeup for a wedding . The bride's lips should express sensuality and expressiveness. This will be achieved with a berry color scheme. Before applying lipstick, be sure to scrub your lips, apply foundation, and powder them. Next, shade your lips with a pencil - your ideal base for the coloring pigment is ready
  • Key chord . Apply loose powder to the T-zone. This will further strengthen the durability of your makeup and prevent greasy shine from ruining your makeup.

How to hide acne spots

First of all, you need to understand that post-acne spots do not cover 100% of your face.

There are problem areas, and there are areas with perfect smooth skin that are not affected by acne. Therefore, for makeup it is better to choose a light tone and a dense concealer for local application.

In this case, color correction is not necessary. A thick corrector that matches your skin tone is sufficient. More precisely, you need to have two correctors - a lighter one for winter and a darker one for summer.

In addition, by mixing two identical correctors, we can accurately match the skin tone, and not cover some spots with others that are less socially condemned.

Work with post-acne only locally. Apply concealer to the stains and cover with a light tone, such as a water-based one. In this case, you will get fresh, glowing skin and covered problem areas with post-acne.

Long-lasting makeup removers

Proper makeup removal is also considered an art. Proper skin cleansing of cosmetics should be done professionally.

  • First, you need to choose from a variety of products that suit your individual skin type. Makeup removal tools should also come in the form of napkins or cotton pads.
  • The actual makeup removal is carried out only along massage lines with a certain sequence. At the first stage, lipstick is removed, then eye makeup, and finally powder and foundation. The cleansing will be completed with tonic.

Means for removing persistent makeup
Persistent makeup can be removed only when using a two-phase product. It is expressed in two bases: oil and water. This cosmetic product will perfectly cleanse the skin of persistent cosmetics gently and without irritation.

This product is relatively new in cosmetology, but brands such as L'Oreal, Garnier Skin Naturals, and Yves Rocher have already established themselves.

Makeup for a problem face: what cosmetics should you choose?

Many girls initially make a huge mistake by trying to dry out oily skin. This has the opposite effect, and the sebaceous glands begin to produce fats even more actively.

Proper makeup for problem skin also includes the correct selection of products for application. If you like thick matte foundations, then you need to add a little moisturizer. You shouldn’t give up using highlighter, but stock up on special mattifying wipes in advance. If you put powder on top of a floaty toner, you will only worsen the situation: the pores will become clogged and your face will look stale.

Makeup for problem skin - step-by-step photos:

Oily dermis is always accompanied by wide pores; this factor is determined genetically. To eliminate the defect, it is recommended to use silicone primers; their task is to fill the unevenness.

There is no need to buy a thick foundation; the best option is CC or BB cream. If there are pockets of inflammation, they can be masked with a thick concealer. Removing makeup for problem skin also has its own characteristics. Do not buy alkali-based care products if you want to approach the washing process competently, in which case it should be a two-step process:

  • remove cosmetics using micellar;
  • wash with gel or foam.

Foundation: how to choose cosmetics for oily skin

Foundation is the most popular tone product that can disguise all skin imperfections. Its main task is to make the skin smooth, velvety and silky, and give an even complexion.

As already noted, owners of oily skin should abandon dense and thick textures (they create a mask effect) in favor of both BB and CC creams. Inadmissible components: silicones, essential oils and dyes.

What should be present in a good foundation:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids and SPF ingredients that protect against ultraviolet rays.

on how to properly apply foundation on your face...

Daily care - rules for the lazy

We must not forget about skincare products. High-quality care products perform a range of tasks:

  • control the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • normalize the amount of sebum on the face;
  • removes oily shine;
  • reduce inflammation and the number of acne;
  • tighten pores;
  • moisturize.

Before purchasing, look at the ingredients of the products. For example, salicylic acid is a component that can be found in almost any product for oily skin. It stimulates cell renewal and also has anti-inflammatory properties, preventing rashes.


Zinc has antibacterial properties, making the skin less oily. But you need to be careful with alcohol: it dries the skin very much, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands so much that the opposite effect is achieved - the skin becomes oily again. Caffeine, retinol (vitamin A), sulfur and extracts of various herbs have a good effect. It is best to choose products with low lipid content.

Give preference to hypoallergenic cosmetics sold in pharmacies. It contains extracts of medicinal plants that perfectly soothe the skin. Also, we must not forget about tonics and lotions with the following components: hyaluronic and salicylic acid, glycerin, herbal decoctions.

Scrubs and peelings

In addition to daily cleansing, an important step in caring for oily skin is the use of scrubs and peels. These are excellent procedures that remove oily shine and tighten pores. Such products should not contain sharp particles (for example, coffee greens or crushed nuts); they can damage the integrity of the skin, causing unpleasant inflammation. It is better to steam your face before applying the products. The 7 best peels for oily skin can be found here...

Masks - must not be forgotten

The main task of masks for oily and problem skin is to narrow pores and thoroughly moisturize. Clay masks are an excellent option; you can buy them or prepare them at home. When buying a ready-made product, avoid dyes, silicones and artificial fragrances in its composition.

We have already said that it is better to avoid the presence of essential oils in decorative and skin care cosmetics. However, you can easily prepare medicinal masks at home using this product. Grapeseed oil is suitable; various acids in its composition penetrate deep into sleep, destroying bacteria, as a result of which acne is reduced.

Olive oil evens out the complexion and perfectly moisturizes the skin. Hazelnut oil can soothe the skin and eliminate oily shine due to the oleic acid in the composition. The best face masks are collected here...

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