What to do if the skin on your palms and fingers is peeling?

Peeling skin on legs: Causes, Prevention

If a person notices that the skin on the lower extremities has begun to peel and look dry and unhealthy, then they definitely need proper care.
However, before starting any action, it is recommended to go for a consultation with a doctor, who will make a preliminary diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination. After all, it also happens that such symptoms are not only cosmetic in nature, but also signal serious disorders in the body. Human skin is a kind of protective barrier, thanks to which the body remains healthy. This becomes possible due to the fact that the skin does not allow many unfavorable factors to enter: toxins, bacteria, etc.

Initially, you need to figure out why the skin on your legs below the knees is peeling, and only then begin therapeutic or cosmetic measures to restore its normal appearance. Of course, first of all, dry skin of the lower extremities is unsightly, but this condition is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching, pain, peeling, redness, burning, etc.

In total, doctors identify 5 groups of reasons why such changes occur:

  • influence of external factors;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • progression of chronic diseases;
  • infectious lesion;
  • poor nutrition.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

It’s worth saying right away that most of the factors that lead to peeling of the skin on the legs below the knees can be eliminated without much effort and specific treatment. Many people who have a fairly sensitive epidermis have peeling feet when exposed to aggressive wind, sun, cold, water and air. People with dry skin type suffer the most under such conditions.

The solution to the problem may be to use a rich cream when you go outside in frosty weather, but if it’s summer outside, then cosmetics with increased ultraviolet protection will come in handy (men should also not neglect these recommendations). If the air in the room is dry, then you need to install a humidifier or several containers of water. To humidify the air, you can wash the floors more often without wiping them dry.

If a person uses a foot cream that is not suitable for their skin type, peeling may also occur. Therefore, before buying any cosmetics, it is better to carefully read the recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer. When girls often exfoliate their legs, the function of their sebaceous glands is inhibited, so such products should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Peeling of the legs below the knees can be a symptom of the body's reaction to a food irritant. Simply put, a person has an allergy. In this case, peeling is accompanied by itching. Provocateurs can be artificial and natural materials from which clothes and shoes are made, as well as dust, animal hair, household chemicals and much more. To solve the problem, you need to limit contact with the irritant, or completely eliminate it, and also consult with your doctor about which antihistamines are best to take.

The cause of peeling legs may be insufficient fluid intake, that is, dehydration. To prevent this, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day. If you do not heed this recommendation, gradually, starting from the shin area, the peeling will reach the thigh, and even then the process will become irreversible, and it will be impossible to cope with it.

In addition to a small amount of fluid, legs in this condition can be due to the abuse of anti-cellulite products, violation of the rules of visiting the sauna, etc.

External reasons

Your feet, or rather the skin, will not start to become dry and flaky just like that. There are many external factors that provoke the development of this condition, but their complex impact is considered the most dangerous.

Reasons of this type include:

  1. Excessively dry air in the living room during the heating season.
  2. Incorrect wearing of underwear for weight loss, stockings and socks made of synthetic materials, and especially if they still have a tightening effect, which contributes to squeezing blood vessels, poor circulation and improper nutrition of cells.
  3. Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, including regular visits to the solarium.
  4. Swimming in water with a high chlorine content (swimming pools).
  5. Lack of water purification filters at home.

In most cases, eliminating external negative factors is not difficult.


Unfortunately, no person can influence the natural processes of the body and stop aging. After 50 years, and for some people even earlier, changes in the structure of the skin begin to occur: they become thinner, lose moisture, which leads to peeling of the legs and other areas. This condition is caused by changes in collagen fibers, which are the main building element of the epidermis.

To solve the problem, it is recommended to eat more foods that contain collagen, and also not to neglect drinking clean water, which will help normalize lipid and fat metabolism in tissues.

Peeling of the skin of the legs can occur due to the penetration of pathogenic infections and microorganisms into the epidermis. One of the most common causes is a fungal infection, which can be “caught” in any public place through contact with a carrier of the infection. In addition to dryness and flaking, the feet are very itchy, especially between the toes, involving the foot and lower leg.

For such a disease, therapy is prescribed only by a doctor, but the patient is first advised to undergo an examination with tests that will help determine the type of fungal infection.

In addition to fungus, dryness and flaking of the lower extremities can be a symptom of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or Kawasaki disease. Therapy should also be prescribed by a qualified dermatologist and after laboratory diagnosis.

In addition to skin diseases, itching, dryness, redness and peeling of the legs occur in the presence of concomitant pathologies, including:

Speaking about medications, it is worth noting that if a person takes a lot of hormonal drugs, then the legs can also peel very much below the knees. Similar conditions are observed with short-term or long-term use of ointments with hormones, which lead to dysfunction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Feet can become cracked in people who neglect a balanced diet. The diet of a healthy person should always contain large quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, fish and seafood.

But if vitamin deficiency is observed in the body, then peeling of the skin below the knees cannot be avoided. Excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine (black tea and coffee) and alcohol can also lead to a similar change in the epidermis of the leg.

Peeling palms and fingers photo

To keep your hands always healthy and beautiful, you need to provide them with complete care that will protect them from flaking and dryness.

To keep your hands always healthy and beautiful, you need to provide them with complete care that will protect them from flaking and dryness.

To achieve this, dermatologists recommend preventive procedures:

  1. Wash your hands only with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel;
  2. When cleaning or working in the garden, be sure to wear protective gloves;
  3. Never wear someone else's gloves to avoid contracting skin diseases;
  4. Protect your hands from frost and wind, use special ointments and creams during the cold season;
  5. Make masks, compresses, baths weekly;
  6. In public places, use wet wipes to cleanse your skin;
  7. Constantly use moisturizing, restorative and sunscreen creams.

    When cleaning or working in the garden, be sure to wear protective gloves.

If, despite proper care, your palms and fingers still peel, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will find out the true cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

Peeling of the palms and skin of the hands is the first signal of trouble in the body. Modern treatment methods will quickly cope with this problem, and home and salon treatments will be a pleasant addition to drug therapy.

This video will tell you what to do if the skin on your hands is dry and cracking.

From this video you will learn how to care for dry skin on your hands.

This video provides information on what to do if you have flaky skin on your arms and legs.

Lack of vegetables is one of the reasons for peeling skin. In children, peeling skin on the fingers is much more common. The reason for this is that children are more susceptible to various kinds of unfavorable factors. It is the children's body that suffers most from environmental problems.

Currently, there are practically no children who are not affected by the problem of allergic diathesis. The problem may not only be in nutrition and the environment, but often children's cosmetics cause an allergic reaction, manifested by peeling of the fingers.

Often, emollient baby creams, which mothers rely on to combat dryness, give the opposite result. Creams for a child should not be selected with beautiful pictures or a pleasant smell, but, first of all, hypoallergenic.

Since children have growing bodies, they require a lot of calcium. Therefore, peeling of the skin on the fingers is a consequence of the cause, the deficiency of this element.

This manifestation is especially common in the spring. Lack of sunlight, which carries vitamin D, lack of vegetables and fresh herbs, all this provokes the development of vitamin deficiency in the body.

In this case, treatment will require a balanced diet and the introduction of an additional vitamin complex, the choice of which is better to decide in consultation with a pediatrician.

But sometimes it happens that the causes of peeling and redness of the skin on the hands and fingers are infectious, fungal or parasitic diseases - scabies, scarlet fever, athlete's foot and others. In such cases, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe appropriate examination and treatment.

They should be used if the cause of peeling is purely external. In this case, your hands need increased hydration.

This can be achieved using an oil mask. What you will need:

  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • chamomile essential oil;
  • capsules of vitamins A and E.

You should heat the oil, add 5-6 drops of essential oil to it. Then break it into the mixture and pour the vitamins. All this needs to be mixed. Keep your hands in this mask for about 15 minutes. There is no need to wash them after this. Blot them with a napkin or towel so that the fat does not drip from your hands and stain everything around.

Chamomile mask

You can also make chamomile moisturizing masks. To do this, brew the herb and cool slightly. Add a tablespoon of flaxseed and almond oil to the broth. Essential oils are also added there. You can use the ones you like best. Keep your hands in this mixture for fifteen minutes.

Even if your dryness and flaking are not very severe, you should still eliminate the problem. After all, if it gets worse, then you will have to endure significant discomfort, and this is unnecessary suffering that may not exist.

It is necessary to use moisturizing hand creams daily. In order to prevent problems associated with the condition of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. In this regard, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules:

  1. Cleanliness of hands is a prevention of the penetration of infections and parasites into the body. But hand washing and disinfection must be carried out with means that ensure their hydration and nutrition.

  2. Proper nutrition rich in vitamins. It is useful to eat salads richly seasoned with herbs and vegetable oils containing vitamin E. It slows down oxidative processes in the skin, is an excellent antioxidant and protects the body from harmful influences.

  3. Drinking enough. Since our body is 65% water, it is necessary to maintain its water balance.

  4. Daily use of cosmetics for hand skin care - moisturizing and nourishing creams. After thirty years, the use of creams containing ultraviolet filters.

  5. Hand protection when in contact with household chemicals. Household cleaning must be done with gloves, since irritation caused by chemicals is one of the main causes of peeling skin on the fingers. It will be better if, before putting them on, lubricate the skin of your hands with a nourishing cream.

  6. Protection of hands from unpleasant influences of the external environment. In the cold season, be sure to wear gloves or mittens, which will prevent chapping or frostbite.

  7. Maintain the temperature of the water - for washing it should be warm. The ideal option would be when the water for washing is at room temperature.

In addition, you need to protect your hands from injuries and mechanical damage, which also cause irritation and peeling.

A towel for hand care should have a soft texture and absorb moisture well, so that you can wipe with it easily, as if dabbing.

Dear women, may your hands always be well-groomed and sleek!

To preserve the attractive appearance of your skin for many years, you must follow these tips:

  • It is recommended to wash your hands only in warm water. Too high a temperature leads to peeling, low temperature leads to loss of elasticity.
  • Dry your hands only with clean towels made from natural soft fabrics.
  • Every day before going to bed, lubricate the skin with moisturizing creams containing plant extracts, nourishing oils and vitamins.
  • Every week it is recommended to make moisturizing masks using pharmaceutical or homemade products.
  • Do not expose your hands to frost or wind. For protection, it is recommended to wear warm gloves.

By adhering to these rules, you can significantly improve the appearance of your skin and prevent excessive dryness and flaking.

In order to prevent and prevent re-peeling of the palms, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • choose household chemicals labeled “hypoallergenic”,
  • always protect your hands with gloves,
  • eliminate exposure to allergens,
  • do not use any medications on your own, including those prepared from herbal raw materials,
  • use moisturizer.

The good condition of the skin is promoted by switching to a healthy diet. It is necessary to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits (especially yellow and red flowers), herbs, cereals, legumes, nuts, and vegetable oils.


If you don’t want your feet to start cracking, peeling, or itching, then it is recommended to follow standard prevention rules. If a person visits a swimming pool, sauna, wears someone else’s slippers, or buys shoes to try on in a store, then it is recommended that he always put on disposable socks first. This way you can avoid direct contact with pathogenic bacteria, because your foot will be protected. You still can’t use the same personal hygiene items, as the fungus is transmitted very quickly.

As for the condition of the body, first of all it is necessary to promptly treat all skin diseases. You definitely need to fill your diet with healthy foods and give up fast food.

Causes of peeling skin

If your skin is peeling on your arms and legs, there can be a variety of reasons.

Exposure to the skin of natural and climatic phenomena - wind, frost, sun rays. Most often, the skin peels off in winter. The skin does not tolerate excessive cold, dry air and direct sunlight.

To eliminate such problems, you need to lubricate your skin with a cream suitable for this time of year before leaving the house.

Important! To eliminate dry air in the room, you can install a special device that humidifies the air.

Problems with peeling skin on the hands and feet can be caused by the use of inappropriate skin care products. When purchasing skin care products, you need to choose according to your skin type.

An incorrectly selected product can also cause allergic reactions.

Important! Women with dry skin are not recommended to use various scrubs and peels.

The cause of this problem may be excessive moisture loss. In this case, this problem can be solved with the help of moisturizing creams, as well as increasing the daily volume of water consumed.

Do you have severely flaky skin on your legs and arms? You may be allergic to any product or drug or component of a cosmetic product. If you are prone to allergies, you should buy hypoallergenic skin care products.

Important! If you are predisposed to such reactions, it is better to use hypoallergenic cosmetics and monitor your diet more closely.

A common cause of such troubles may be a lack of vitamin B in the body. Eat more dairy products, nuts, and fresh greens. Take a vitamin complex with a high content of B vitamins.

The hereditary factor also plays a role. Skin type is inherited. Teenagers 13-15 years old are faced with dryness, or, on the contrary, with excessive oiliness of the face.

Peeling in girls aged 12-16 years and in women during menopause can be caused by hormonal changes.


Many men do not pay attention to dry and flaky skin on their hands. But this causes a lot of trouble for women, so they try to take all measures to eliminate these symptoms. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reason for the drying out of the epidermal layer. To do this, it is best to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

When peeling is caused by a dermatological disease, the doctor will give a referral for additional examination, after which he will determine treatment methods. Thus, for fungal infections, complex therapy is considered the most effective, including the following measures:

  • The use of external ointments or creams - Exoderil, Pimafucin, Lotseril, Mikoderil, Triderm. They are applied to the back of the hand, palm and each finger 2 times a day, thoroughly rubbing into the surface.
  • Taking medications for internal use - Orungamine, Nystatin, Itraconazole.
  • The use of folk remedies - soda baths, apple cider vinegar compresses, lotions from a decoction of celandine and string.

If the cause of peeling skin on the arms or legs is vitamin deficiency, the doctor will prescribe complex vitamin preparations: Multitabs, Complivit, Perfectil, Duovit, Supradin. In addition, it will be necessary to review the diet and include foods rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

These include:

  • nuts - walnuts, cashews, almonds;
  • flaxseed oil or flaxseed flour;
  • vegetables - carrots, broccoli, spinach;
  • fatty fish - tuna, salmon, cod;
  • fruits - citrus fruits, apples, grapes.

Diseases that cause peeling skin

In some cases, the reasons for peeling skin on the arms and legs may be various diseases:

  • Scabies - This disease causes the skin to peel and itch between the fingers and toes.
  • Fungal pathology leads to the appearance of a specific rash, spots on the skin that itch and itch. If left untreated, the rash spreads to healthy areas of the skin.
  • Specific bacterial infection - some pathogenic bacteria lead to pronounced peeling of the skin, while the rash does not itch.
  • Dermatosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that is congenital in nature. In this case, the skin on the feet peels off.
  • Specific chronic skin pathology is psoriasis, lichen planus. Accompanied by a characteristic rash and peeling on the elbows, feet and dorsum of the feet.
  • Acquired zinc deficiency can lead to cracking of the fingertips, hands, and feet. This is accompanied by redness and itching, leading to the formation of blisters.

There are many other diseases that require specialist intervention and competent treatment.

Important! In these cases, do not self-medicate under any circumstances - this can aggravate the situation and lead to a deplorable state of health.

Treatment procedures in beauty salons

No less effective than home care, various salon procedures will help solve the problem.

The treatment procedure is performed in several steps:

  1. The skin of the hands is thoroughly cleansed using neutral products.
  2. Then a nourishing or moisturizing cream or oil is applied.
  3. Hands are immersed 2-4 times in a container filled with a mixture of warm paraffin and medicinal components, and insulated with special gloves.
  4. After 20 minutes, the paraffin is removed, and a restorative or anti-inflammatory cream is applied to the skin.

In addition to paraffin therapy, salons can offer other SPA treatments aimed at moisturizing, restoring the skin of the hands and getting rid of flaking.

Paraffin hand wrapIn beauty salons, masks and wraps - paraffin, mud, chocolate and others - are offered as moisturizing and nourishing procedures.

To combat peeling of the skin on the hands and fingers caused by age-related aging, masks using hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy are offered.

What to do if your skin is very flaky?

If you have signs of a skin disease, then you need to see a doctor who will prescribe treatment for you. But whatever the reasons, use the following recommendations:

  • Do not wear clothes made from artificial, non-breathable fabrics.
  • Change cosmetics, buy hypoallergenic ones with a neutral ph level.
  • Do not swim in very hot water.
  • After bathing, moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream, which preferably contains vegetable oil and natural extracts.
  • Avoid peeling, hair removal and depilation for a while.
  • Do not go to a sauna or other place where there are strong temperature changes.
  • Use towels made from natural materials. You should always have a separate one!
  • Avoid body scrubs for a while. Dry sensitive skin can be cleaned by rubbing it with brewed tea leaves, watermelon pulp, a small slice of apple or a slice of cucumber. After cleansing, be sure to apply moisturizer to your face.
  • Balance your diet. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Dry skin needs to be constantly moisturized. Make masks from natural products. Perfectly moisturizes butter and olive oil, milk, honey, oatmeal. If you mix all these ingredients, you get an excellent mask.
  • If you can’t cope with the problem yourself, visit a cosmetologist, only a proven one. A good specialist will prescribe the drug in the form of a cream or spray based on provitamin B5. This will promote cell restoration and soften damaged areas of the skin.

Important! For prevention in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as eat more vegetables and fruits.

The cause of this problem may be excessive moisture loss. In this case, this problem can be solved with the help of moisturizing creams, as well as increasing the daily volume of water consumed.


Bepanten - ointment for peeling If dry skin is accompanied by cracks, irritation and peeling, the main medication should be ointments containing dexpanthenol.

It is part of the ointment of the same name, Pantoderma, D-panthenol and Bepanthen. The effect of these drugs is associated with the content of provitamin B5.

These drugs help improve metabolic processes and regeneration of skin layers, actively accelerating its healing. However, to a small extent they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Another drug recommended for irritation and peeling on the skin of the hands and fingers is Dexpanthenol E.

The reason why the use of this drug is recommended is the combination of vitamin E and dexpanthenol, which relieves inflammation and damage to the skin.

Vitamin E helps enhance the regenerative qualities of the drug. It is recommended to use this drug under adverse weather conditions in order to prevent their negative consequences.

To get rid of dryness and cracks on your fingers, you can use hyaluronic acid.

After eliminating irritation, folk remedies and cosmetic preparations can be used to moisturize and add elasticity.

Wraps of healthy nourishing oils for hands. Oils restore skin elasticity and nourish it with vitamins. The most effective use of heated oil is to enhance metabolic processes.

To get the best results, it is recommended to do hand wraps using flaxseed, olive, or even sunflower oil.

So, for an oil wrap, soak gauze in slightly heated vegetable oil and wrap your hands in it, putting gloves on top. Leave for 15 minutes. In case of serious damage, the procedure is repeated 2 times a week until the peeling disappears.

You can make wraps not only based on oil alone, but also by adding other ingredients. The following recipe gives a very good effect: olive oil is mixed in a water bath with honey in equal proportions (half a glass each) and a teaspoon of salicylic acid is added.

This recipe prevents peeling of the skin on the fingers by weakening the causes of its appearance - salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Hyalurgic acid relieves dryness and cracks

Special therapeutic baths that combat flaking of the skin of the hands.

All kinds of baths have an excellent effect in relieving skin irritation. They are prepared with herbs - plantain, chamomile, sage, linden, mint, dill and others; baths made from whey or milk are also useful.

In order to prepare a herbal bath, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry medicinal herb with one glass of boiling water, cover, and let it brew for half an hour.

Then strain the broth, cool to a temperature of 30 - 36˚C, and hold your hands in it for 15 minutes. After this procedure, dry your hands and use a nourishing cream or medicinal ointment.

Cosmetic masks for dry hands.

In addition to wraps and baths, you can use masks that soften and moisturize the skin of your hands. Of the folk remedies, the most effective and affordable are potato and oatmeal masks.

To prepare a potato mask, boil potato tubers with their skins, mash and add butter and milk. After which this paste is applied warm to the hands and left to act for twenty minutes.

Then rinse off, blot dry with a towel or napkin and apply nourishing cream.

An oatmeal hand mask is prepared as follows: boil the oatmeal and add vegetable oil to it. After cooling to 37˚C, apply to the skin of the hands for 18 – 22 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is also lubricated with cream.

Masks are applied twice a day. The course of treatment ranges from four to seven days.

If cracks appear, you can use ointments based on traditional medicine recipes.

For example, ointment based on calendula. It is prepared as follows: take half a glass of dried flowers of this plant, and one glass of melted lard. Calendula is ground to a powdery form and melted lard is added to it.

Everything is mixed until smooth. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and applied twice a day for five to six days.

If peeling on the palms is not caused by a disease, but only by unscrupulous skin care, then eliminating this problem is not difficult. It is enough to apply moisturizing or nourishing cosmetics to your hands 2-3 times a day.

If peeling on the palms is not caused by a disease, but only by unscrupulous skin care, then eliminating this problem is not difficult. It is enough to apply moisturizing or nourishing cosmetics to your hands 2-3 times a day.

It is desirable that the cream contains the following substances:

  1. Linoleic acid, vitamin F, Omega 6 fatty acid. Strengthens and restores the immune function of the skin, reduces water loss, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Collagen. An irreplaceable ingredient of the cream. Nourishes the skin of the hands and helps retain water.
  3. Linolenic acid. Fatty acid accelerates the process of skin regeneration.
  4. Hyaluronic acid. Quickly replenishes the lack of moisture in the skin.
  5. Glycerol. Creates a thin film over the skin that does not allow water to pass through and protects the dermis from dust and dirt.

All creams must be applied to clean, dry skin of the hands several times a day.

If work or household chores involve aggressive substances, it is necessary to use protective creams - “Silicone”, “Dachnitsa”.

If work or household chores involve aggressive substances, it is necessary to use protective creams - “Silicone”, “Dachnitsa”.

If after using creams your palms and fingers still peel, you need to supplement your care with masks, compresses or warm baths.

Before the procedures, you can use peeling or scrub, and after - moisturizing or nourishing serums.

Did you know about: The main causes of dry and cracking skin on the hands

Dry skin on hands and feet - causes

Even those women who carefully take care of themselves often suffer from such a nuisance as dry skin on their hands and feet - the reasons for this phenomenon can be not only a lack of hydration. Often the appearance of peeling and irritation signals the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs and systems. Therefore, before stocking up on nourishing creams, it is worth finding out the factor that provokes dryness of the epidermis.

Why is the skin on my hands and feet a little dry?

If the described defect is not always observed, is weakly expressed and disappears after applying moisturizers, its causes may be as follows:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • prolonged exposure to cold or direct sunlight;
  • low indoor humidity;
  • improper or insufficient skin care;
  • mechanical contact with an aggressive environment (hot, cold water, detergents);
  • age-related changes;
  • wearing synthetic irritating clothing;
  • poorly selected hygiene cosmetics;
  • frequent dermabrasion or peeling sessions;
  • depilation and hair removal;
  • bad habits;
  • unbalanced diet.

Dry skin on the hands and feet can also be caused by genetic or physiological characteristics of the body.

Causes of very dry and flaky skin on hands and feet

Constant dryness of the epidermis and the presence of scales on its surface indicate more serious problems and even systemic diseases:

  • dehydration due to digestive disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • exposure to stress;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • keratoses;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • psoriasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • prolonged use of hormonal ointments or creams;
  • fungal infections;
  • eczema;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • bacterial and viral lesions of the skin;
  • intestinal malabsorption;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • ichthyosis;
  • xeroderma;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, retinoids or diuretics;
  • disturbances of blood microcirculation in tissues;
  • mental illness and depression;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Peeling of the skin on the palms of the hands and between the fingers in an adult and child

Peeling skin on the palms of the hands is not only an unpleasant process, but also a clear sign of ill health. This symptom causes significant discomfort, because the palms take on an unaesthetic appearance.

The skin begins to dry out and then peel off, which may be accompanied by severe itching.

How to stop the process and return the skin to a healthy appearance? Before starting treatment, you should consult a dermatologist, determine the reasons for the changes, and only then begin performing the prescribed procedures.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before therapy, it is necessary to reliably determine what cause caused the increased dryness of the hands. Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to quick treatment and relief of symptoms .

A dermatologist conducts an initial examination of the patient. When talking with the patient, he finds out and evaluates the circumstances that could provoke the development of the pathological process. Often it is enough to eliminate the aggressive effects of external irritants for the skin to acquire a healthy appearance. If other causes are suspected, the dermatologist prescribes additional diagnostics:

  • consultation with doctors of narrow specialties - allergist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist,
  • carrying out laboratory tests of blood, urine, skin tests,
  • instrumental methods for studying internal organs and systems.

The results obtained are the basis for prescribing treatment.

Independent use of even “harmless” home remedies can lead to the skin of the palms peeling off, starting to crack and itch very much.

Traditional medicine

Treatment for flaky skin on the palms is complex. Drug therapy is prescribed, the regimen of which includes taking at least two drugs. If the cause of the pathology is related to allergies, the patient is prescribed different medications.

Antihistamines and desensitizing agents:

  • Gismanal.
  • Trexyl.
  • Fexofast.
  • Cromolyn sodium.
  • Suprastin.
  • Diazolin.

Sedative medications:

  • Novo-Passit.
  • Sedavit.
  • Glycine.

Sorbents that help remove toxins from the body:

  • Carbolong.
  • Atoxyl.
  • Filtrum.

When diagnosing dermatological diseases, fungal and parasitic skin lesions, targeted treatment is prescribed. Use topical products. Suitable ointments and creams with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or antimycotic effects:

  • Exoderil.
  • Levomekol.
  • Syntomycin.

Complexes of vitamins and minerals enhance the therapeutic effect.

When changes in the skin on the palms or soles occur due to metabolic disorders or organ dysfunction, the underlying disease is treated. It is prescribed on an individual basis.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies will help get rid of peeling skin on your hands. Use masks, baths, wraps using decoctions and infusions from natural raw materials with medicinal properties:

  • The basis for preparing healing masks can be finely grated raw potatoes. Another recipe suggests using boiled Hercules flakes with the addition of olive oil. The base is carefully smeared on the right and left palms, and each finger is treated. Then put on cotton gloves and leave for 3-5 hours. The procedure is repeated every other day until the symptoms disappear.
  • Natural honey and olive oil are effective for wrapping. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1:3 until smooth, heated to a boil in a water bath, cooled and applied to the palms. The temperature of the medicine should be comfortable so that the peeling is not accompanied by a burn. Hands are wrapped in gauze napkins for an hour.
  • The base for the baths should have an oily consistency. Dermatologists recommend using chamomile infusion (brew a tablespoon of the plant in a glass of water for 15-20 minutes) with the addition of a tablespoon of natural oil of your choice - flaxseed or almond . Hands are placed in a warm solution for 15-20 minutes.

Causes of peeling

All the reasons that can cause dry skin on the legs are divided depending on the cause. Most of the factors are external influences that can be easily eliminated and then the skin of the legs will return to its normal state. But there is a small chance that the peeling is a sign of a serious internal disease that requires medical attention.

External factors

Peeling skin may be the first warning sign of serious internal diseases. But if it is localized in one area and itches, then most often it is the result of external influences. There are a large number of reasons that can affect the skin of the feet, and it is impossible to take them all into account. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main factors that affect the legs.

  1. Dry air due to heating or constant use of air conditioning.
  2. Allergic reaction to household chemicals.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics.
  4. Wearing clothes (underwear, pants, socks) that are small, which causes pressure on the blood vessels in the legs and uneven distribution of nutrients. This effect can also be caused by shapewear of the wrong size, or worn on the body for more than 5 hours.
  5. Dry skin due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  6. Contact with skin of liquids with a high content of chlorine or other impurities that are used in tap water. This effect can be achieved both by home water treatments and by going to the pool.
  7. Infectious diseases affecting the skin.
  8. Wearing winter boots in a well-heated room.

Most of the external factors are easily removable, but if remission does not occur after taking preventive measures, you should consult a doctor. After all, this may be the first sign of the development of a serious disease. You should also do this if redness appears at the site of peeling, because this is most likely an infection.

Internal diseases

The causes of peeling legs below the knees may be a violation of the health of the body. Dry skin can occur either from local damage or from a general disease.

Common causes of dry skin:

  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • erythroderma;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema.

Internal causes also include a sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, veins and blood vessels are compressed, which leads to the supply of fewer nutrients necessary for the skin. This makes itself felt even if a person plays sports after a long day of work at the computer.

If the skin of the legs below the knees dries out due to an internal disease, then it is impossible to cure it on your own. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine the cause and create the most appropriate course of treatment.

Therefore, before trying home methods, you should undergo a medical examination that will identify the source. And after treatment, you can use preventive measures and home methods for healing your skin.

Preventive measures

When the skin on a woman’s legs peels below the knees, it is easier to cure the disease once, and then constantly maintain the condition of the skin. This is much easier to do than having medical procedures done every six months.

  1. It is very important to humidify the air in the apartment, especially during the heating season.
  2. You should avoid antibacterial soaps or those that contain many additional substances (dyes, fragrances).
  3. Use only proven high-quality cosmetics that do not contain toxic additives.
  4. Exfoliate the skin every week to get rid of dead particles from the feet.
  5. Moisturize your legs and feet with coconut oil or body milk.
  6. Reduce the amount of synthetic clothing adjacent to the affected area.
  7. Remove boots or other warm footwear indoors.
  8. When working sedentarily, alternate periods of immobility with walking. The most useful thing is to get up and walk every 20 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on work productivity.

Home care methods

External effects will be ineffective if the lack of nutrients that are necessary for the skin is not eliminated. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet. It is advisable to increase the amount of stewed fish and fresh salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

It is also important to eat grains rich in fiber. Doctors recommend starting courses of vitamin supplements in late autumn and early winter. This is necessary in order to support the body, which suffers from a lack of fresh greens, fruits or vegetables.

If the reason is insufficient subcutaneous blood circulation, then you can strengthen it with the help of foot baths. For this, procedures not only with warm water are suitable, but also quick dipping into containers of different temperatures.

If the skin of your feet is steamed, you can add a decoction of herbs that will help reduce peeling. Oak bark, chamomile, sage or St. John's wort are good options. It is advisable to alternate them throughout the course.

If the skin is insufficiently nourished, you can deliver beneficial substances using a foot mask. To do this, you need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy, which are sold in ampoules. You will also need 100 g of thick sour cream and 40-50 g of coconut oil.

Sour cream and butter are thoroughly mixed, then 1 bottle of medicine is added and the mixture is applied to the feet. The entire smeared surface is wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes so that the vitamins do not oxidize in the air. After completion, simply rinse off the substance with warm water.

Cleansing with paraffin. Depending on the affected area, you will need 2-3 thick suppositories. They are lit and gently dripped onto flaky skin so that the drop does not burn. When the piece hardens, cover the area nearby. Do not bring the candle very close to the skin, otherwise you may get burned. And after the entire affected area has disappeared, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times. After this, the leg is wrapped in cling film, and after 1 hour it is thoroughly cleaned with fine pumice. The course consists of 5-10 procedures. When carrying out the last 4-5 wrapping procedures, it is advisable to use beeswax candles.

It is important to remember that this procedure can only be carried out if there are no scratches, otherwise the hot mass will corrode the wound.

Finding the cause of dryness and eliminating it is the best way to cure peeling feet. If you react early, you can avoid the cost of restoring the affected area. It is best to immediately consult a doctor who will help exclude serious diseases and skin infections from the group of causes.

Sour cream and butter are thoroughly mixed, then 1 bottle of medicine is added and the mixture is applied to the feet. The entire smeared surface is wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes so that the vitamins do not oxidize in the air. After completion, simply rinse off the substance with warm water.


To get rid of peeling, it is necessary not only to be treated with external means, but also to take vitamin complexes. They have beneficial effects on the skin in the following ways:

  • A – removes rashes, dryness, increased sensitivity of the skin, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces the risk of psoriasis;
  • group B – prevent the appearance of wrinkles, improve metabolism, cleanse the skin, help in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • C – stimulates collagen synthesis, accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces the risk of infection;
  • D – helps to better absorb calcium;
  • E – protects and moisturizes the skin;
  • K – removes swelling, inflammation;
  • PP – protects the skin from environmental influences, improves color, stimulates regeneration;
  • N – normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolic processes, stimulates tissue regeneration.

It is necessary to include the following foods containing vitamins in your diet:

  1. Green vegetables. They need to be eaten fresh, without heat treatment, as this breaks down the vitamins.
  2. Eggs, tomatoes, peaches, melons. They contain a lot of vitamin A.
  3. Citrus fruits, cranberries, black currants, sauerkraut. They contain ascorbic acid.
  4. Rosehip, green tea and nuts. They contain vitamin R.
  5. Dairy and fermented milk products. They replenish vitamin D deficiency.
  6. Legumes. They contain many B vitamins.

You can buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy:

  1. Aevit. Contains vitamins A and E. Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails. This is the most affordable drug.
  2. Revalid. Contains not only vitamins, but also amino acids, mineral salts, and plant extracts. Thanks to this, it normalizes metabolism, improves tissue regeneration, and cleanses the skin.
  3. Vitrum Beauty. Contains vitamins that are useful not only for restoring and cleansing the skin, but also for improving the condition of nails, hair, and accelerating the processing of fats.

All creams, ointments and other remedies in most cases are symptomatic treatment that does not in any way affect the cause. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a full examination. If you have a certain disease, the doctor will prescribe complex therapy.

Why is the skin on my feet dry and flaky?

Dry skin on the legs most often appears in winter and autumn. It is during this period that the human body is most weakened and requires maximum care. This article will talk about what causes dry skin on the legs and how to get rid of it.

Dry skin on the legs can occur for the following reasons:

  • A lack of moisture in the upper layer of the skin is the most common cause of dry epidermis of the legs. In addition to dryness in this state, a person may also experience a feeling of tightness and flaking.

The lack of moisture in the skin itself can be due to two reasons. The first reason is a sudden disruption of blood circulation. As a result, the tissues will not receive the necessary nutrition and moisture.

The second reason is the use of synthetic underwear and clothing, in which the skin does not “breathe” and cannot replenish its water balance.

  • Varicose veins, in addition to pain, can also cause pathological dryness of the legs, especially on the lower legs. In this condition, a person should immediately consult a doctor, because this disease can cause a blood clot in the veins and vessels.
  • Poor or poorly balanced nutrition, in which a person does not receive even half of the nutrients. In this condition, he may develop not only dry skin, but also dull hair, rashes, thinning of the nail plate, lethargy, and frequent respiratory diseases.

Moreover, frequent adherence to too restrictive diets also has a bad effect on the functioning of the body, so a person can “earn” not only dry skin on his feet, but also problems with the digestive tract.

  • Insufficient cosmetic hydration of the skin of the legs. At the same time, many women pay close attention to moisturizing the skin of the face, arms and neck, but the legs (especially the feet) are often forgotten, although this part of the body is in great need of constant care.

Dry feet can be especially pronounced in older people, who for physiological reasons become more susceptible to this problem.

  • Seasonal vitamin deficiency can cause temporary dry skin on the legs.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics for foot skin care can not only lead to dryness, but also cause irritation and redness of the skin. Poor-quality or stitched creams and lotions pose an even greater danger.
  • The lack of a procedure for cleansing the skin of dead cells can lead to rough skin and severe flaking. This is especially necessary for those people who spend a lot of time “on their feet.”
  • Bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol - negatively affect the functioning of the whole body and can easily cause dry skin on the feet. Moreover, it has been proven that smoking contributes to early aging of the epidermis, so youth and cigarettes are not compatible concepts.
  • Various diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis or eczema can cause pathological dry skin, as they have a strong negative impact on the body's systems. Moreover, hormonal imbalance can also have a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the legs.
  • Fungal infections. This is usually observed with weakened immunity, during which a person becomes more susceptible to various external diseases.

Fungus on the hands: causes, symptoms, how and how to treat

Fungus on the hands is a very dangerous disease that affects the dermis of the hands and nail plates. It is very easy to catch fungus on the palms, since fungal spores can be found anywhere. Fungal spores flake off along with the scales of the dermis and settle on household items. Through abrasions and cuts they are transferred to the epithelial layer and begin to infect the dermis.


Fungus on the palms and fingers is caused by two pathogens:

  1. Dermatophytes. The disease is common among the male population. Initially, lesions appear between the fingers, after which the infection spreads further. Most often it is Trichophyton mentcigrophytes or Trichophyton rubrum.
  2. Yeast-like fungi. The female half often suffers from such a pathogen. Albicans are usually the causative agents.

How do we get infected?

There are several ways to get a fungal infection. They may be:

  • from oneself if a person is infected with foot fungus;
  • intra-family infection if someone is already sick at home;
  • by shaking hands;
  • the use of other people's unprocessed manicure accessories;
  • going to baths, saunas or swimming pools;
  • touching the handrails.

Factors predisposing to infection are:

  • presence of cuts and abrasions;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • excessive sweating of the palms;
  • stressful situations;
  • use of toxic drugs;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • the appearance of endocrine disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

It is very important to maintain your personal hygiene in order to avoid infection.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of fungus on the hands manifest differently in different patients. They differ in the type of stimulus. General signs of hand fungus are noticed in various areas:

  • nail plates;
  • the outer and inner sides of the palms;
  • interdigital parts.


Many symptoms can tell you what skin fungus looks like on your hands. At the very beginning of infection, the dermis begins to itch, itch, swell and peel. In later stages, an inflammatory process and severe pain occur, which cause terrible discomfort.

At first, the symptoms are not pronounced. Single symptoms can easily be confused with simple irritation and dry hands. As the fungus on both hands progresses, it infects larger and larger parts of the skin. The most obvious signs are:

  • the appearance of redness;
  • peeling;
  • inflammation of the cuticle;
  • the appearance of interdigital folds;
  • severe itching of the palms;
  • swelling of the epidermis;
  • the appearance of calluses;
  • the appearance of cracks in the dermis;
  • the appearance of a rash.

If there is no proper treatment for a dangerous fungus on the hands, the infection begins to spread to the nail plates. Symptoms of nail fungus include:

  • modification of the nail and its color;
  • severe brittleness of the nail;
  • dulling of nail growth;
  • separation of the plate.

Important! When the first symptoms appear, you must consult a doctor and begin treatment at the first stage.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease. Its symptoms are very similar to those of other dermatological diseases. Self-diagnosis is prohibited. To prescribe competent treatment, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • at the first visit to a specialist, it becomes clear what kind of fungus has affected the epidermis;
  • To make a diagnosis, scraping from the infected part of the epidermis is required;
  • the diagnosis is made after examining the patient and PCR diagnostics of scrapings for types of infectious agents;
  • sometimes changes in the nail are not associated with a fungus at all (in this case a blood test is taken).

Affected nails may also indicate the following pathologies:

  • plate fragility – calcium deficiency;
  • softness – insufficient amount of iron;
  • yellowish tint – poor functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • tuberosity – the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • whitish stripes – deficiency of zinc, iodine.


Fungus on the palms of the hands can be cured using an integrated approach to treatment. The cure may be:

  • systemic: use of tablets and capsules;
  • local: use of ointments, creams, peel-off patches, medicinal varnishes;
  • folk remedies: baths, homemade creams and ointments, compresses, decoctions, tinctures.

Before using this or that method, you must consult your doctor.

Systemic treatment

It is clear how to cure the disease. But which drugs are the most effective? In order to kill the infection, the following is prescribed:

  1. Fluconazole. These are capsules that completely destroy mushrooms. The drug is taken once a day, 50 mg for 2-4 weeks, depending on the manifestations. It should not be taken by children under 6 years of age, pregnant women or during breastfeeding. Dizziness and nausea may occur.
  2. Itraconazole Highly effective against many pathogens. Do not take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, heart pathologies, hypersensitivity to the components in the composition. Side effects include allergies, nausea, and dizziness.
  3. Ketoconazole. The tablets fight all types of irritants. Take 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Prohibited for renal failure, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects include vomiting, dizziness and allergic reactions.

Local treatment

The most effective medications for local therapy are:

  1. Candide. This is an ointment whose action is aimed at destroying many pathogens. Apply 2 times a day. The minimum course of therapy is 4 months.
  2. Nizoral. Actively fights almost all types of irritants that affect the dermis of the limbs. Use once daily for at least 2 months.
  3. Zalain. This is an ointment that fights all types of fungi. Apply 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks.
  4. Exoderil. With this ointment, therapy lasts up to 4 weeks. Apply twice a day.

Absolutely all drugs have contraindications. These include hypersensitivity to components, gestation period, and kidney disease. After use, side effects may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of itching, redness, and irritation.

What does itching mean?

Itchy skin on the legs is usually due to an allergic reaction. The source of itching can be anything - food, poor-quality clothing, taking certain medications, etc.

If itching appears on the skin, it is recommended to contact an allergist or dermatologist as soon as possible to begin treatment before the disease begins to manifest itself more actively.

Most likely, in this condition the patient will be prescribed antihistamines and ointments.

Methods for treating dry skin on feet

There are the following methods for treating dry skin on the legs:

  1. Getting rid of the root cause of dry skin.
  2. Drug treatment.
  3. Use of cosmetics.
  4. Folk recipes.

Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Eliminating the cause

Treatment for dry skin on the feet depends on the specific cause that caused this disorder.

Thus, there are the following nuances of initial therapy:

  • If dryness is caused by a specific disease (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, eczema, etc.), then the person must be prescribed complex medical therapy for these diseases. This is the only way to get rid of this manifestation of pathology.
  • In the event that dry skin was caused by a deficiency of nutrients, a person needs to contact a nutritionist so that he can write out a balanced menu for him. In this case, your diet should be enriched with fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals and meat. Nuts, honey, dried fruits, dairy products and seafood are also very useful.

As an additional saturation of the body with useful substances, a person is recommended to take vitamin complexes (vitamin A, E, C, etc.). The duration of such a course should be at least a month.

  • If dry skin is caused by an allergic reaction to a medication, its use should be discontinued. A person may also be prescribed medications to relieve allergies.
  • If dry skin is caused by the use of synthetic clothing, it should be discarded and replaced with better quality natural clothing.


The prescription of medications for dry skin largely depends on the specific cause that caused the problem.

Thus, a person can be prescribed the following medications:

  1. For an allergic reaction, antihistamines are used.
  2. For skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis), emollient ointments with Vaseline or glycerin are used. Lactic acid-based creams may also be prescribed.
  3. If the cause of dry skin is diabetes mellitus, the patient is prescribed medications to normalize blood sugar levels and stabilize blood pressure.
  4. If the cause of dry skin is varicose veins, then the person is prescribed vascular medications in the form of tablets and ointments.

Cosmetical tools

The following cosmetics will help cope with dry skin on your feet:

  • Essential oils. They will deeply nourish the epidermis and saturate it with useful substances. You can use these products every day after taking a shower.

The most effective oils for dry skin are peach oil, almond oil, tea tree oil and flaxseed oil.

  • Milk for dry skin. They should replace regular soap. It will cleanse the skin more gently and not dry it out.
  • Moisturizing cream. You need to use this product every morning and evening.

Folk recipes

Let's consider the most effective folk recipes for dry skin of the feet:

  1. Polishing the feet. To do this, you need to make a preliminary foot bath, and then use a special pedicure file to get rid of dead skin. At the end of the procedure, rinse your feet again with water and apply a rich cream.

Put plastic bags and warm woolen socks on your feet. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

  1. Remedy for dry knees. To prepare it, you need to squeeze lemon juice and mix it with almond oil. Apply the product to a damp towel and apply to your knees. After fifteen minutes, remove and lubricate your knees with cream.

At the end of the procedure, you will receive not only smooth epidermis, but also a fresh, pleasant skin scent.

  1. Cucumber water. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from a fresh cucumber and add a little alcohol to it. Leave for three days.

Apply this product with massage movements onto dry skin.

  1. Baths with herbs. They will moisturize the skin, relieve microcracks, dryness and irritation. To prepare them, you can use chamomile, nettle or hops.

First you need to pour boiling water over the herbs, and when the water cools down a little, take a foot bath.

The following cosmetics will help cope with dry skin on your feet:

About the author: kosmetologclear

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How to deal with flaking on the skin of your hands

If, after examination by a doctor, no serious causes of peeling on the hands are identified, then it can be eliminated with effective folk remedies:

  1. Take a few drops of olive or sea buckthorn oil and add to 1 tsp. honey, spread daily on the skin of the hands for 30-40 minutes, thanks to this mask the skin is nourished, becomes tender and soft.
  2. Steam a little olive oil, add vitamin A and E to it, spread the mixture on the skin of your hands for 25 minutes, then remove the excess with a napkin and preferably wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin;
  3. Brew chamomile and add 1 tbsp. l. flax or almond oils. For greater effectiveness, you can add lemon or lavender essential oil. Spread your palms with this mixture and hold for 20-30 minutes, then wipe with a napkin.
  4. Rubbing a mixture of 2 tbsp will soften the skin of your hands well. l. glycerin, water and 5 drops of ammonia, then soak your hands with a paper napkin.
  5. Before going to bed, lubricate dry skin of your hands with a mixture of melted lamb and lard.
  6. Rub slightly warmed linseed oil into the skin of your hands for 15-20 minutes.
  7. It is effective for flaky skin on your hands to make a bath of warm water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oils, hold your hands for 20 minutes, then dry them well and apply a thick nourishing cream.
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