Massage advertising text for massage therapists and massage parlors: examples with pictures

How does facial massage work?

Facial massage is akin to body fitness.
It seems like nothing special, but with regular exercise, at some point you find that you look more fit, fresh and youthful than your peers. It's the same story here. There are many types of massage. For example, medicinal helps to cope with acne, enlarged pores and marks from past rashes. Plastic - restore “floating” facial features and even shape, for example, cheekbones or make the chin more defined. But it is better to do such a massage with a specialist. Focusing on the condition of the face and age-related changes, a professional cosmetologist will be able to choose exactly the technique that will be most effective for your skin.

At home, it is better to do Japanese anti-aging Asahi massage and classic massage. These techniques do not require special dexterity, are accessible to everyone and do not take much time. Lifehacker has already written about the first one. So today, together with certified massage therapist Farida Shamsutdinova, we’ll look at the classics.

Classic massage improves blood circulation (as a result - nutrition of skin cells) and lymph outflow, increases skin elasticity, and has a tonic effect on the muscle frame. The results of this are varied and pleasant:

  1. Improves complexion.
  2. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. The texture of the skin after acne is smoothed.
  4. Swelling decreases.
  5. The withering of the skin slows down, the clear oval of the face remains longer (therefore, after 40 years, every woman should have a massage).

What components should not be included?

Skin rejuvenation creams should not contain:

  • parabens that disrupt hormonal balance;
  • propylene glycol, isopropyl myristate - highly allergenic substances that provoke the development of rashes and skin itching;
  • sodium chloride, which causes dry skin and disrupts water and electrolyte balance;
  • caffeine, which after 30 years causes dehydration of the dermis, sagging (effective only for young people);
  • Ethylhexyl Stearate, which narrows pores and disrupts oxygen supply to cells.

Can facial massage be harmful?

Yes. Under certain conditions, the procedure can worsen the condition of not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. Therefore, cosmetologists voice a number of contraindications to massage:

  1. Infectious or allergic diseases that are accompanied by rashes: acne, eczema, dermatitis, herpes, and so on.
  2. ENT diseases: sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis and others.
  3. Malignant neoplasms on the face. In general, for any tumor processes in the body, it is necessary to consult about a massage with the doctor observing you (dermatologist, oncologist, endocrinologist).
  4. Lymphatic disorders, such as swollen lymph nodes.
  5. Reduced intracranial pressure.
  6. Increased fragility of blood vessels, which often causes bruising and minor hemorrhages on the skin.
  7. Many moles on the face.
  8. Skin after deep chemical peels and professional microdermabrasion.

If all of the above is not about you, good. It remains to understand the safety rules.

Before you start a massage, understand the main point: all movements should be performed exclusively along massage lines.

This is extremely important! Otherwise, the results may upset you: instead of the expected relief from wrinkles, you will get new “creases” on the skin.

And further. For aging or rosacea-prone skin, patting and pinching movements are not allowed: they will aggravate existing problems.

Pharmaceutical products and ointments in the fight against wrinkles

In parallel with the massage, it is recommended to use products for external use to tighten the epidermis.


There is a cream for the skin around the eyes and a nourishing ointment for the face.

Libriderm is Russian-made cosmetics.

The action of the drug is based on the chemicals in its composition:

  • retinol and alpha-tocopherol have an antioxidant effect, slowing down aging;
  • hyaluronic acid stabilizes the water-electrolyte balance and moisturizes the epithelial layer;
  • a number of saturated fatty acids normalize metabolism in fatty tissue.


The product is intended for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Stimulates cellular renewal and increases tissue regeneration. The ointment has a tightening effect and effectively fights fine wrinkles.

It contains a number of antioxidant substances, such as vitamins E, A, and group B. They remove free radicals from the body, which oxidize cells and accelerate the aging process.

Hydrocortisone ointment

It is based on hydrocortisone acetate, which slows down age-related changes in the skin. Can be used for no more than 14 days. Cosmetology experts recommend taking a break after a week of use. Hydrocortisone ointment has positive reviews from doctors and patients. Women warn that the product is hormonal, therefore, in case of individual intolerance, it causes allergies and accelerated hair growth.

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormone for topical use.

Salicylic ointment

An effective remedy in the fight against fine wrinkles. Salicylic acid penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, destroys the dead layer of cells, and expands pores. To avoid chemical burns, the ointment is used together with glycerin.

Heparin ointment

In addition to heparin, the composition includes:

  • stearin;
  • Peach oil;
  • nipagin;
  • glycerol;
  • petrolatum.

Nutrients stimulate the production of collagen, which is necessary to restore the elasticity of the epidermis. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, water and electrolyte balance, and even out skin tone. The product relieves swelling and redness within 12-24 hours.

Read more about the ointment in our article: “Heparin ointment for wrinkles: reviews, composition, methods of use.”

Heparin ointment is an anticoagulant agent.


Available in gel form, it is characterized by a high content of hyaluronic acid. The latter stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, increases skin tone, and improves metabolic processes in tissues. Curiosin moisturizes the dermis, prevents flaking and dryness.

Retinoic ointment

The properties of retinoic ointment are based on isotretinoin. This is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A.

Shows antioxidant properties identical to retinol:

  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • accelerates the regeneration process.

Retinoic ointment is an effective remedy that prolongs youth.

The duration of therapy is 8-12 weeks. During the treatment period, sunbathing is prohibited; you must use sunscreen.

Zinc ointment

The action is based on zinc oxide. To increase bioavailability and therapeutic effect, the ointment contains petroleum jelly and lanolin. Apply 3 times a week. The course of therapy is no more than 3 weeks, after which a break is taken for a month.


The drug contains a protein complex that is synthesized from the blood of calves. To improve bioavailability, Actovegin contains glycerin and cetyl alcohol. The product accelerates tissue regeneration at the cellular level, increases blood supply with oxygen and nutrients. The ointment is applied no more than 2 times a day.

Ointment Relief

Has smoothing, metabolic and antioxidant effects. Prevents the appearance of bags under the eyes, stimulates the process of microcirculation in fatty tissue. The ointment contains beneficial vitamins for facial skin: retinol and tocopherol. Apply it with massage movements, remove excess with a dry cloth.

Relief ointment is a highly effective facial skin product.


The properties of the drug are based on an extract obtained from the blood of young calves. The formed elements contained in animal plasma are most similar in structure to collagen and elastic fibers. Protein molecules deliver oxygen to epidermal cells and moisturize fatty tissue.

Read more about Solcoseryl ointment in our article: “Solcoseryl - facial ointment for wrinkles: instructions for use, reviews from cosmetologists and users.”

Enzyme preparations

Available in the form of capsules or injection solution in ampoules. Contains vitamins E, A, F. The oily contents are applied externally at home. The duration of therapy is 1-2 months. Vitamins can be added to night face cream. The drug in the form of a solution is used only by cosmetologists for anti-aging procedures. The action of vitamins is aimed at normalizing metabolism and water-electrolyte balance in the skin.


The drug exhibits pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. It is forbidden to use if there is increased tearing, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Do not apply the product to areas affected by dermatological diseases.

Blefarogel is a broad-spectrum agent.

To get rid of wrinkles, the gel is applied to steamed, cleansed skin with massaging movements. If tightness, dryness, or itching occurs, the product should be washed off immediately.

Read more about Blepharogel in the article: “Blepharogel 1 and 2 for wrinkles around the eyes - comparison, real reviews from cosmetologists and users.”

Anti-wrinkle massage serum LiftRoller - new 2020

A unique anti-aging serum that not only masks age-related changes, but effectively fights them! It’s like a laser deeply affects all layers of the skin, and also starts the process of rapid cell renewal.

The roller, thanks to the massage balls, creates a conductivity effect, improving the skin's ability to absorb the active components of the serum, filling the cells with active substances.

LiftRoller brightens and moisturizes the area under the eyes due to the peptide complex included in the serum, hyaluronic acid and a special pigment 24K Gold.

An experiment involving 500 women confirmed that LiftRoller is currently the most effective, fastest and safest approach to getting rid of bags under the eyes, puffiness and dark circles. The product showed the greatest effectiveness among women aged 39 to 55 years. The drug is hypoallergenic, suitable for any skin type and does not require consultation with a doctor before use.

You can purchase the new product on the official LiftRoller website.

How to prepare for a facial massage

Cleanse your face
Rinse off your makeup thoroughly and wash your face with warm water. Steam the skin if desired. For example, place a warm, damp towel on your face for a couple of minutes or sit over a bowl of hot water. This will improve the penetration of the beneficial substances contained in your massage cream or oil into the tissue.

Moisturize your skin
In no case should massage be performed “dry”: this stretches the skin and the subcutaneous vessels do not like it very much. Using gentle movements strictly along the massage lines, apply your favorite nourishing cream (suitable for those with dry skin) or oil (for normal to oily skin): olive, sunflower, almond, grape seed, jojoba...

You can add a drop of aromatic oil to the base oil to suit your taste. For example, it is believed that the addition of cinnamon essential oil helps to more effectively eliminate puffiness, grapefruit or orange - to cleanse pores, cypress - to brighten and improve complexion, roses - to fight wrinkles. Only personal experience will show how effective these recommendations will be in your case.

In any case, a drop of your favorite aromatic oil will turn a massage into a kind of spa treatment - not only useful, but also pleasant.

Execution Rules

The simplicity of movements makes massage accessible to everyone. Having studied in detail the location of massage lines and the sequence of movements, you can easily perform a rejuvenating procedure at home.

To make the effect incredible, you can’t do without subtleties:

  • Massage is performed only on cleansed, prepared skin.
  • Massage lines are the main guides of movements; you cannot deviate from them.
  • Regularity is mandatory, otherwise the expected, long-term effect will not be achieved.
  • Experts recommend periodically alternating massage techniques so as not to cause addiction and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Excessive force and strong pressure are unacceptable and harmful to sensitive skin.
  • If you decide to do a rejuvenating facial massage at home, spend the first sessions in front of a mirror - this way you will see errors in execution and quickly achieve perfection in the technique.
  • Some massage techniques are carried out using oils and special creams. Neglecting this rule is fraught with stretching of weakened tissues and the formation of a large number of wrinkles.
  • The products used during the rejuvenation procedure should not cause an allergic reaction in the patient. It is recommended to do an allergy test first.
  • Long massages are harmful for young skin, limit yourself to 5 minutes.
  • Increase the pace of exposure gradually, with each subsequent session.
  • Choose a rejuvenating technique taking into account the age and type of skin. For those with delicate, young skin, gentle techniques are suitable, while for mature, thick skin, more intensive therapy is recommended.

Check with an experienced massage therapist or cosmetologist for details regarding the chosen massage technique, or attend a massage master class.

How to do a facial massage

Warm up your skin a little
The massage begins from the chin, gradually moving upward along the massage lines. Movements should be soft and smooth, as if stroking. Spend 3-5 seconds massaging along each line. Try not to stretch the skin.

Relax your facial muscles
This can be done by stroking your temples in a circular motion or drawing small “eights” with your fingers. Then, for about 30 seconds, lightly press the thumb of your right hand on the point between your eyebrows.

Massage, moving from the center to the periphery

  1. Place the middle and index fingers of both hands on your forehead near the bridge of your nose. Smooth the skin along the massage lines, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples and hairline.
  2. Move to the nose: with your index and middle fingers folded, smooth the back of your nose from bottom to top. Do 4-5 movements.
  3. Place three fingers of both hands on the wings of the nose and smooth the skin towards the periphery with symmetrical movements. 4-5 movements are enough. Then, continuing to smooth the skin in the same directions and along the massage lines, go down: from the wings of the nose through the tips of the lips to the chin. And again rise to the nose.
  4. Bend your fingers and use the top knuckles of your index and middle knuckles to rub your face in symmetrical circular motions. We remind you: do not stretch the skin!
  5. Repeat the movements from step 3.
  6. Relax your cheekbones by pressing your fingers on the active points near the lobes.
  7. Continue the massage, repeating the movements from step 3 and gradually moving upward: from the chin to the forehead.
  8. Perform a neck massage: with soft stroking movements of your fingers from bottom to top, from the collarbone to the chin.
  9. Finish the massage with light patting movements of your fingers on the skin of your face. Keep an eye on the massage lines!

Cleanse your face of any remaining cream or oil
This can be done with cotton pads, again moving along the massage lines. That's it, the beauty procedure is completed. All that remains is to apply your favorite skincare products if necessary.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of a massage is influenced by several factors:

  • complexity of the chosen technique;
  • professionalism of the performer;
  • rating and location of the beauty salon.

The cost of one session varies from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles; in Moscow beauty centers the price is significantly exaggerated. Please note that one procedure will not give a tangible, long-term result; a full course will be required.

You can do a rejuvenating massage at home, but not all techniques are suitable for self-massage. In addition, there is a risk of harming yourself with incorrect pressure, stretching the skin, and exaggerating the number of wrinkles. Choose simpler techniques, for example, acupuncture massage, in which the effect is performed on biologically active points.

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