Asian nose job

Plastic surgery in China

China's plastic surgery market is growing at an unprecedented rate, developing six times faster than the global average.

Many young people in search of work in China turn to cosmetic surgery, hoping that it will help them get the desired position, we wrote about this separately in the article How to successfully pass an interview and indirectly about the same thing in a large report on plastic surgery in China.

Photoshopped photos on a CV aren't enough to grab the attention of an HR director, says Laura Phan, a young professional, explaining why many young people look beyond simple makeup and filters in their job search and are forced to take more drastic measures.

“Let me tell you the truth, one of the HR people I know said that applicants’ abilities don’t differ much, but if they have the same backgrounds, they will prefer the one who is prettier,” Fan said.

Meanwhile, insiders tend to attribute the phenomenon to improving living conditions and incomes in China and their understanding of the industry.

According to plastic surgeon Yu Haifeng, the desire to be attractive is universal, but in China the demographic approach to surgery is slightly different from the West.

“First, there are high school graduates, then college graduates who are looking for work, and then successful professionals who have money for treatment and who want to erase traces of the past, why hide, just rejuvenate,” Yu says.

In 2020, 14 million Chinese are expected to undergo some form of cosmetic surgery. The global figure is 34 million, meaning Chinese patients account for approximately 41% of the world total. China is now the third largest cosmetic surgery market in the world, behind the US and Brazil, according to a new survey released by cosmetic data platform SoYoung.

Among those seeking plastic surgery in China, more than half were born after 1990, meaning they are under 25 years old.

It makes you wonder: Is it ethical and socially acceptable to change faces for a better chance of getting hired when Western countries are already encouraging applicants to remove photos, as well as details that may indicate gender and race?

Procedures such as double eyelid surgeries, face lifts and eye enlargements are the most common and are classified as low-risk surgeries, while jaw jobs, liposuction and breast implants have much higher health risks.

Many people are looking for short-term results with injections, but they also carry the risk of infection or overdose. But some might say that the pain under the scalpel is worth it.

“I had double eyelid surgery. My mother encouraged me to do it, and after the surgery I got a new job and a boyfriend. And all my friends and my boyfriend know about it. This is very common among my friends, most of them have had the same surgery,” says Fan.

Is this now the new normal? Because the numbers show that the number of people seeking solutions to problems in plastic surgery in China is only gaining momentum.

Source: CGTN

plastic surgery in china

Lecture by Dr. Wallock "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"

The text was translated into Russian and printed, preserving the author's vocabulary, in 1995.

Dr. Wallock is very popular in the USA. In 1991 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

What you read can completely change your idea of ​​health and modern medicine and thus radically change your destiny and the destiny of your loved ones.

I wrote 75 scientific articles and works, 8 textbooks together with other authors and one book on my own. It was sold for $140 for medical students. I was published in 1,700 newspapers and magazines, appeared on television shows and performed everywhere.

I spent 15 years in Torkmund, Oregon, where I practiced medicine. And today I want to share with you my knowledge and conclusions obtained over these 10...12 years. And if you take away only 10% of what you hear from here, you will save yourself from many troubles, suffering, save a lot of money and extend your life for many years.

You will not achieve this, i.e. you won’t get extra years of life, you won’t reach your genetic potential just like that, without any effort on your part.

Now I want to tell you the main thing. The genetic potential of life expectancy is 120...140 years.

Now for some science.

In November 1993 An interesting experiment was carried out in Arizona. Three couples spent 3 years in isolation, where they ate healthy food that they grew themselves, breathed purified air, and drank unpolluted water. When they came out, they were examined by gerontologists from the University of California, Los Angeles.

All the data - blood tests and other vital signs - was entered into a computer at the University of Los Angeles, which predicted that these 3 couples, if they continued to live the same way, could live 165 years. And all this once again proves that it is quite possible to live 120...140 years.

The average life expectancy of Americans today is 75.5 years, the life expectancy of a master or doctor is 58 years.

There are two main things you must do to become one of the longest living people. If you really want to live to be 100...140 years old, remember the most important things:

if you have the opportunity to prevent a disease, especially an incurable one, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.
Secondly, you should only do what is beneficial.

You need 90 food additives: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids and proteins containing them, and 3 essential fatty acids. Just 90 supplements to your daily diet, otherwise you will develop diseases caused by their deficiency.

Today they write about this in newspapers, talk about it on radio and television, everyone knows about it, because... are interested in health, longevity and food supplements, and doctors talk to us about this all the time. But not because the medical profession forces them to do so. Do not think that doctors are asking newspapermen, no, this is because such information contributes to better distribution of newspapers.

My favorite article appeared in the Times Magazine on 04/06/1992, it said that vitamins can fight cancer, cardiovascular disease and the ravages of aging.

I believe that by not investing in yourself on vitamins and minerals, you are investing in the well-being and improvement of the lives of medical doctors.

I firmly believe that we are the ones who contribute to the enrichment of doctors


You could get a lot of information from me. I want to share with you.

First. Stomach ulcer: Have any of you heard that the cause of stomach ulcer is stress. The National Institutes of Health only in February 1994. came out with a statement that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria, not just stress, and can be cured.

But medical researchers usually say: “...shows encouraging results that may be beneficial...” Now national institutes use the word “cure” without hints. They say: “cured by a method combining the mineral bismuth and tetracycline.”

Again, there is a choice. You can get cured for $5 or let yourself be cut. The choice is yours.

Next, what is the second leading cause of death among Americans? Yes, it's a terrible disease called cancer.

. In September 1993 At the National Cancer Institute at Boston Medical School, after observing cancer patients, they announced that they had discovered an anti-cancer diet.

The study was conducted in China for the simple reason that Hinai Province had the highest incidence rate. Over 5 years, 29,000 people were studied. They were given vitamins and minerals twice the “norm”, i.e. If 60 mg of vitamin C is recommended per day, then patients received 120 mg.

Alan Paul, a man awarded two Nobel Prizes,

said that
if you want to prevent cancer with vitamin C, you should consume
10,000 mg of it per day.

And here is the result: doctors,

who excitedly argued with him are
already in the next world
(the kingdom of heaven to them),
and Alan Paul lives and lives.
He is 94 years old, works 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, lives on a ranch in California and teaches at the University of California at San Francisco. Only you can choose whether to listen to the advice of deceased doctors or adhere to the opinion of Dr. Paul.

So, it’s quite normal to take vitamin C and vitamin A - double the norm, nothing bad will happen, as well as zinc, riboflavin, molybdenum, etc.

And one group is especially helpful. It contains 3 components: vitamin E, beta-carotene, and the mineral selenium. These three components need to be used at double the rate, and if you get 0.5% of the benefit, that’s already good. In the group of patients receiving vitamin E, beta-carotene, and the mineral selenium for 5 years, mortality in all cases decreased by 9%, i.e. 9 out of every 100 who were doomed to die survived, and those cancer patients who were already considered doomed to die, but who took these three components, survived in 3 cases out of 100.

In cases of gastric and esophageal cancer prevalent in Hinai province, 21% survived.

In this case, your attending physician

I should have sent you information.
If he did not want to take responsibility, then at least he could inform you so that you could choose for yourself.
That’s why I think this attitude towards patients is simply ridiculous, but on the other hand, this is another confirmation of their indifference.

Next, arthritis. Since September 1993, Harvard Medical School and Boston Hospital have been treating patients with swollen joints from arthritis with chicken protein. Patients were selected whose condition did not improve as a result of drug treatment.

These patients received injections of aspirin, prednisolone, cortisone, and various methods of physical therapy.
The only thing left was joint replacement surgery
. Then I said, “Listen, these people have suffered so much that if they agree to suffer for another 90 days, just 3 months, I will do a little experiment.”

29 volunteers agreed to this experiment. These 29 people, for whom all medical options had been exhausted and no improvement had occurred, were subjected to the following treatment: they were given every morning a teaspoonful of chopped chicken cartilage diluted in orange juice. And after 10 days, according to the observation of Harvard Medical School, all painful inflammation and sensations disappeared; after 30 days they could afford something, and after 3 months the function of the joints was completely restored.

How many of you have ever heard of Alzheimer's disease?

? Now everyone knows about it, but when I was little, Alzheimer's disease simply did not exist. Now it is one of the most common illnesses, affecting one in two people over 70 years of age. Quite scary data. Therefore, 50 years ago they began to study how to prevent and treat early Alzheimer's disease. We did this with large doses of vitamin E.

You should have received a letter from your doctor in July 1992, because the University of California San Diego is a serious research school since 1992. made a statement that vitamin E

slows down memory loss in Alzheimer's disease.

And in this they are 50 years behind veterinary medicine. That is why, perhaps, it is safer for you to go to the veterinarian.

Now tell me, how many of you have ever experienced such an unpleasant experience as kidney stones?

. I see several hands. Tell me, why did the doctor first of all tell you to stop eating? From calcium. And no dairy products, nothing containing calcium. Because there was confidence: “calcium in the kidneys comes from calcium from the foods we eat.”

In fact, kidney stones come from your own bones. When you are deficient in calcium, that's when you get kidney stones.

A thousand years ago they knew: in order to prevent the appearance of kidney stones in domestic animals, they need to be given more calcium, magnesium and boron.

We know how to prevent this disease. You should have received a letter from your doctor back in 1993, and it should have said that calcium reduces the risk of kidney stones. More than 40,000 patients were studied, divided into 5 categories. In the group receiving the most calcium, no one developed kidney stones.

Remember when I said that doctors live to be 58 years old?

and we are with you until 75.5


So, a group of people, professionals, who tell you how to live, and assure you that you should not consume salt, caffeine, should not eat butter, but margarine, and not do all sorts of stupid things, die at the age of 58;

while people aged 120...140 years old put a piece of rock salt in a cup of tea, drink 40 cups a day, cook with butter instead of olive oil and live.

So who will you believe - those who live to be 120 years old, or those who live to be 58? The choice is yours.

Dr. Steward Cartred. He is 38 years old and is a family doctor. He deals with aneurysm

. This is the swelling of a weakened artery due to loss of tissue elasticity.

In 1957, we learned that the cause of an aneurysm was a copper deficiency in the body.


Premature gray hair is the first sign that you have a copper deficiency in your body. Moreover, the skin wrinkles because the elasticity of the tissues is impaired, circles appear under the eyes, lines on the face, and you become like a prune.

In addition, there is such a problem as varicose veins

, the cause of which is a violation of the elasticity of tissues, your whole body begins to sag, sagging on your arms, chest, stomach, cheeks, and you go to a cosmetologist and resort to plastic surgery.

In fact, it is much cheaper, more practical and safer for you to take colloidal minerals.

And now I will introduce you to another doctor - Martin Carter. He died at 57 years old. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and his MD from Yale. When he was opened, it was determined that the cause of death was an aortic aneurysm. This is the conclusion of a doctor from Rockefeller University Hospital. So this is what the doctor died from, copper deficiency.

Here's another example. A fairly well-known lawyer from Detroit, Helen Walter, died at 44 years old. She attended one of the most fashionable sports clubs, you know, now all women want to have bones of steel at low cost. She also died of an aneurysm. According to the autopsy, the symptoms resembled paralysis or hemorrhage. This can also be caused by copper deficiency.


Steward Burker has written 5 acclaimed books on health, diet, and nutrition, and received an M.D. from Thor Medical School - one of the top medical authorities in Boston. His books include weight loss diets. He wrote these books for 20-year-olds and younger, and he himself died at 40. Would you like to follow the example and diet of this person? He died at the age of 40 from cardioanemia, the cause of which was selenium deficiency.

Believe me, you can completely prevent cardioanemia for just 10 cents a day, and if you don't know this, you are completely stupid. Otherwise, I just can’t call you if you don’t take 10 cents worth of selenium a day to save your own life.

Many of you may know this woman. Her name is Gail Clark. At the age of 47, she was the chief cardiologist for St. Louis County, and guess what she died from? She died of a cardiomyopathic attack.

A little advice

: Look at your hands and face.
If you see pink spots, this is evidence of early selenium deficiency
. Once found, start taking colloidal selenium for 6 months. Everything will disappear. In six months you will be able to reverse the process. After all, if the spots disappear on the outside, they will disappear on the internal organs, on the brain, heart, liver, kidneys.

Which of you has low blood sugar? Okay, about 10%. Surely you have seen overly active children pouncing on sugar. Chromium and vanadium deficiency

leads to low blood sugar. If you do not pay attention to this, a well-known disease called diabetes will develop.

Regarding tin deficiency

in the body, this manifests itself in such a common phenomenon as baldness in men, and many here present have an obvious tin deficiency. If this deficiency is not compensated for a long time, deafness develops.

Next up: boron deficiency

in organism.
Women should respect and know boron. It helps keep calcium in your bones to protect you from osteoporosis
. Boron helps in the production of estrogen and in men the production of testosterone. If you don't take enough boron, you women will suffer greatly during menopause, experiencing all the unpleasant sensations of this period. And men with a lack of testosterone will have a hard time. They are at risk of premature impotence.

The first sign of zinc deficiency

in the body when you lose your sense of smell and taste, when you don’t like the food your wife prepares and you complain that you can’t taste. “What, I spent the whole day in the kitchen to prepare a delicious dinner, and you don’t even praise it?” “Interesting, I came into the kitchen and didn’t feel anything.” This is a zinc deficiency.

In experiments on laboratory animals, it was found that there are approximately 7 minerals to double their lifespan. Remember, I told you that 90 nutrients are needed: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 fatty acids. And we are very lucky, plants are able to produce the amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids we need. Plants can do this, and we should eat 15...20 plant components per day in the right combinations to get these necessary 90 elements.

This is theoretically possible, but most Americans don't do it. The average American believes that if he eats a few potatoes in the form of chips, he has met his daily vegetable quota. You need to approach this correctly. So, despite the fact that this is theoretically possible, practically few people get the right amount of vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids in the right proportions in their diet.

And therefore, if your life is dear to you, as mine is to me, my children, grandchildren, you must take care yourself to take enough vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, because, I guarantee, if you don’t do this, you will live to 120 or 140 years is impossible.

Other story. These are minerals. There is simply a tragic story associated with them, because the plants no longer contain minerals in any form. They are not in the soil, nor are they in the plants themselves.

We have prepared for you a copy of the US Senate Document 2.64 from the second session of the 74th Congress. It says that the mineral content of our farm soils is completely depleted, and therefore the crops, be they grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, contain no minerals. People who consume these foods automatically acquire mineral deficiency diseases and the only way to prevent and cure them is to consume mineral supplements.

So says the document signed by the US Congress in 1936.

Has the situation changed for the better today? No, it didn't get any better. Unfortunately, it got even worse. The reason is that farmers fertilize the soil with sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Three components in various combinations and ratios.

No one will force the farmer to add another 60 minerals to the soil, because the yield does not depend on them.

So every time you harvest crops, plants that suck minerals from the soil, many pounds per acre, you are stripping the soil of those very minerals.

And if you put back 3 minerals and take away 60, the situation is reminiscent of your bank account, if you deposit $3 into your account every month and write off $60 from your account. You can imagine what will happen to your checks. Of course they can burst.

I can tell you that our health is also on the verge of disaster, because there are no more minerals in our soil, and therefore you and I, all together and each individually, bear full responsibility for our health and the conscious additional use of minerals.

Now I'll do this. I'll take some minerals. A couple of things just so you have an idea, but this applies to all minerals without exception. Let's take the most common mineral calcium. Everyone knows about him. Calcium deficiency is the cause of approximately 147 different diseases.

Osteoporosis is a disease that ranks 10th in mortality among adults. This disease is very expensive. An operation to replace a femoral neck or hip joint costs $35,000, and if, God forbid, two hips, it costs $70,000.

To prevent periodontal disease and gum inflammation, dentists and periodontists advise you to brush your teeth after every meal and use floss.

Animals do not suffer from gum disease, they do not use floss. They sometimes have bad breath, but healthy gums. The reason we don't see gum disease in livestock is the same. No calcium deficiency.

Next is the problem of arthritis. If you remember, we already talked about chicken cartilage and gelatin. 85% of arthritis is caused by osteoporosis of the articular ends of the bones.

Next is arterial hypertension. Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. The first thing your doctor will recommend is to reduce the salt content in your diet.

Everyone knows this, if it’s always been drilled into their heads.
But let's remember the cows. The first thing a farmer adds to his livestock's food is a piece of salt. No farmer will be competitive if he doesn't give his cattle a piece of salt. And we are asked to believe that we do not need salt, that the amount of salt that we get in wheat bread, in salad, is enough.
Don't believe it.

Imagine, a doctor who will live to be 58 years old tells you: “Don’t eat salt, don’t eat butter,”

and those who lived 120 years ate butter and salt. Try to make a choice.

I took a control group of 5,000 people with high blood pressure and doubled their calcium intake, and after 6 weeks I stopped the experiment because 65% of that group had their blood pressure normalized just by doubling the calcium.

When these patients who were being treated by a doctor showed up for an appointment, the doctor would say, “Oh, your blood pressure is normal, what did you take?” “I was on an experiment, I took double the amount of calcium,” the patient answered.

The next problem is cramps. You wake up in the middle of the night and can't move your leg. We've all experienced it. Usually this is a calcium deficiency in the body.

Next comes postmenstrual syndrome. An emotional and physical condition that we call hystericectomy. The California Institute of San Diego suggested doubling the daily calcium intake and 85% of emotional and physical symptoms disappeared.

And the last thing is lower back pain. 65% of Americans suffer from lower back pain, whether they work on a computer, unload trucks, or drive large buses. This is a great American tragedy. In fact, lower back pain is osteoporosis of the vertebra, regardless of whether there is a problem with the spinal discs or not. If the disc has nothing to support it, the vertebra becomes depleted and collapses, especially if you have a copper deficiency


The last thing I want to talk to you about is diabetes.

Everyone was connected with this problem. It is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Its complications and side effects include blindness, renal impairment, and varying degrees of cardiovascular disease. Which, in turn, is the number one cause of death among Americans. If you have diabetes, your life expectancy is, on average, shorter than that of someone who doesn't have it. We learned in 1957 that diabetes can be prevented and treated with minerals.
The findings were published in the official journal representing science at the National Institutes of Health, which stated that "diabetes can be prevented and treated with chromium and vanadium." Vanadium alone, according to the University of Vancouver and Brigshkolumbium Medical School, can replace insulin. For many people, the process lasts 4...6 months, i.e. This is a gradual process during which adequate amounts of chromium and vanadium must be taken. I have seen with my own eyes how this works on hundreds and thousands of patients. It would be good if I managed to convince you to take minerals yourself, and not rely on them getting into your body from food.

And even more so, count on what is packed in boxes, bags, bottles.

There are 3 types of minerals that you should pay special attention to.

First type: inorganic minerals. These are those that are mined mainly from rocks. They are absorbed only by 8...12%. And when you reach the age of 25...40 years, digestibility drops to 3...5%. It's very bad if you take something like calcium lactate, a common inorganic mineral.

In the 60s, chelated minerals began to be used. These minerals are inorganic minerals with amino acids, proteins or enzymes enveloping the inorganic atom. This form of minerals increases their absorption by 40%. That's why the food industry has jumped on the idea.

The third form of minerals is called colloidal minerals. They have the highest absorption. But it is absorption, suction, that worries us most. Colloidal minerals are absorbed by 98%, which is 2.5 times more than chelated minerals and 10 times more than inorganic minerals. Colloidal minerals can only be in liquid form and in very small bodies, 7000 times smaller than a red blood cell, an erythrocyte. Each particle is negatively charged, but the intestinal lining is positively charged, creating an electromagnetic field that concentrates minerals against the intestinal wall. All this taken together gives you 98% absorption


Plants play a very interesting role in the formation of colloidal minerals. They convert inorganic minerals into colloidal ones in their tissues. By consuming these plants, we accumulate minerals in our body and use them. But since there are no minerals in our soil, there are not enough minerals in the plants, in the crops.

Do you think colloidal minerals are important? And every time you don’t take minerals for one day, you shorten your life by several hours or even several days.

Think about it and be healthy!

Dr. Wallach, BS,DVM,ND, 1991 Nobel Prize Nominee, Medicine

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