Blepharogel for wrinkles: is there any point in using it (only the truth)

Composition of the drug and release form

Let's start with the fact that Blefarogel is not initially intended for use against wrinkles around the eyes. This is a medication that is prescribed for dry eyelids, blepharitis and other problems.

But it was noticed that this remedy can help smooth out wrinkles in the eye area. This is due to the fact that the composition contains hyaluronic acid. It is this that is an important component for facial rejuvenation.

Blepharogel has a multicomponent composition, and all included ingredients can be divided into main and auxiliary ones.

You can buy Blefarogel 1 or 2 on the pharmaceutical market. The latter is used primarily for therapeutic purposes, since it does not contain hyaluron.

Components of Blepharogel 1:

Hyaluronic acid. This active component is the main substance that has a rejuvenating effect. Elimination of wrinkles and hydration is achieved due to its penetration into the skin of the eyelids and retention of water molecules that maintain sufficient skin tone. The therapeutic effect is manifested in relation to fine wrinkles; pronounced age-related changes with the help of hyaluronic acid can only be slightly corrected, but not completely eliminated. Glycerol. The substance does not have a therapeutic effect, but after application there is a pronounced softening and moisturizing of the skin. This is especially true for dry skin that accentuates wrinkles.
Aloe extract. The natural plant component has a pronounced regenerating effect, so it is recommended for use in inflammatory processes, as well as ulcerative lesions. Anti-inflammatory and soothing effects help improve trophic processes for healing scratches and other violations of the integrity of the skin.
Carbomer. The substance does not have a therapeutic effect, but acts as a thickener for the main components.
Propylene glycol. This component is used in cosmetic preparations with a rejuvenating effect. It simulates regenerative processes.
Methylparaben. The substance has an antimicrobial effect.
Deionized water.

The product is produced in a small plastic bottle, which is packed in a cardboard box. The dispenser makes it easy to apply the product, avoiding excessive contact with the surface of the skin.

Blepharogel is a gelling substance. The volume of the bottle is 15 ml.


The pharmacological product is available in two versions:

  • Blefarogel-1;

  • Blepharogel-2.

The composition of the first product is based on the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • Aloe Vera (juice).

For better absorption of the drug, the following is also used in production:

  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • methylparaben;
  • carbomer;
  • hemodesis;
  • deionized water.

Blefarogel-2 is made from the same components, but to enhance the effect, the composition is enriched with sulfur preparations.

The medicinal product is available in the form of a liquid gel, bottled in bottles with dispensers.

pharmachologic effect

The main directions of action of the gel include relieving itching and inflammation, as well as destroying demodex mites. The product also helps normalize eyelash growth and restore the functional activity of the exocrine glands on the surface of the skin.

Against the background of its regular use, the functioning of the meibomian, sebaceous and sweat glands is normalized, preventing the appearance of traffic jams.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the gel during physiotherapeutic procedures, such as massage.

As a result, in a short period of time the patient can get rid of dry eye syndrome, fatigue and glandular dysfunction.

To achieve maximum effect, you can perform a massage with Blefarogel at home after consultation with a cosmetologist.


  • Blepharitis of various etiologies. Blepharogel effectively copes with the inflammatory process caused by demodex.
  • Barley. The drug can be used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.
  • Additional protection of the mucous membrane, which has a calming effect in patients who spend a long time at the computer.
  • Dry eye syndrome, including that developing due to the use of lenses.
  • Relieving fatigue from the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Eyelash loss.

In addition, Blepharogel is used for wrinkles. It moisturizes the skin well and adds freshness.

The product exhibits high effectiveness when used as a means of enhancing the effect of physiotherapeutic procedures.

It is applied during electrophoresis, phonophoresis or magnetophoresis. Before starting the procedure, two drops of the product are dripped onto the surface of the eyelids and sensors are installed.

To avoid harm to your health, always read the instructions before using any product.

Dermatologist Azadeh Shirazi

Blefarogel 2 – what is it used for?

Blepharogel 2 is prescribed for demodicosis of the eyelids - this is its main purpose.

Other Applications:

  • elimination of inflammation in blepharitis;
  • prevention of dry eyes and styes;
  • normalization of the lacrimal glands;
  • elimination of swelling and eye fatigue;
  • eye hygiene when working with office equipment or documents;
  • improvement of the walls of scleral vessels.

Blepharogel for wrinkles: application features

Before you start using the product, you must carefully study the instructions, which describe in detail all the key points.

  1. At the preparation stage, it is necessary to remove contact lenses from the eyes; their re-insertion is possible no earlier than 25 minutes. In addition, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of any dirt or makeup residue. This will ensure better penetration of the product under the skin, improving the therapeutic effect. You can use a cleanser for this. At the cleansing stage, the eyelash line is also treated to remove flakes and dust. The skin can be steamed.
  2. Before application, prepare a glass applicator and wash your hands thoroughly. If a manual massage is performed, the fingers are thoroughly rubbed to keep them warm.
  3. After applying the product to the surface of the eyelids, perform a massage, making circular movements. Its average duration is from 1 to 2 minutes.

To correct wrinkles and improve skin tone around the eyes, the product is applied three times a day. The average course duration in this case should be up to 3 weeks.

In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, they are used in courses, with a one-month break.

Despite the fact that there are no direct indications for the use of Blepharogel for wrinkles, it is widely used to correct age-related changes. For this purpose, preference is given to Blepharogel 1 .

Skin rejuvenation is achieved due to the content of hyaluronic acid in the composition, it is this that allows you to retain water molecules, which, when lost from the skin, trigger the aging process.

But, it should be borne in mind that its content in the drug is small, so the therapeutic effect appears only at the initial stages of the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the drug must be used for a long time.

Due to its good tolerability and low cost, it can be used for prophylactic purposes as a cosmetic product that moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

If you need correction of deep wrinkles, preference should be given to cosmetics with a high content of hyaluronic acid, and even better, if a person goes to a cosmetologist.

Dermatologist Jessica Krant


The gel used in ophthalmology provides a high therapeutic effect due to the unique properties of the components contained in the composition:

  • Hyaluronic acid regulates the level of moisture in the skin, increases turgor, gives elasticity, smooths out wrinkles.

  • Aloe medicinal plant extract relieves inflammation in the focal area, eliminates swelling. Penetrating into the tissues and cells of the organ of vision, the juice has a tonic effect. Efficiency is also noted in the fight against harmful microorganisms.

  • Propylene glycol stimulates regenerative function. This component is included in cosmetics that provide a rejuvenating effect.

  • Sulfur is a natural antiseptic. The substance reduces the number and eliminates parasites that are actively developing on the eyelids in the area of ​​eyelash growth.

  • Methylparaben – antimicrobial component of natural origin.

  • Glycerol is one of the frequently used substances in pharmacology and cosmetology. It perfectly softens the skin and helps regulate the water balance in it.

  • Carbomer – the substance does not have medicinal properties, but due to its physical properties it helps the active compounds to be absorbed. Used as a thickener.

Advantages and disadvantages

People who have used Blepharogel for wrinkles around the eyes for cosmetic purposes mostly leave positive reviews. This is due to the advantages, among which are:

  1. A convenient release form that allows you to apply a small amount of gel to the eyelid area. This ensures economical consumption.
  2. Low cost. Unlike most products with a claimed cosmetological effect, Blefarogel has a low price, ensuring wide availability.
  3. Moisturizing and rejuvenating effect against the initial signs of aging.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need for regular use over a long period of time;
  • unexpressed effect when applied to deep wrinkles, which is explained by the low content of hyaluronic acid.

Instructions for use

To get rid of wrinkles and bags under the eyes, it is important to use the drug correctly and regularly. The positive effect is visually noticeable after 7 days.

The use process consists of several steps that must be followed:

  • Step 1 . Clean the problem area of ​​makeup and treat with alcohol tincture, preferably if it is calendula or eucalyptus, wait 20 minutes.
  • Step 2 . Rinse your face thoroughly under warm water and dry with a towel.
  • Step 3 . Soften dry skin with any nourishing cream.
  • Step 4. Apply a certain amount of gel to a cotton swab or sponge and distribute a thick layer over the entire eye area.
  • Step 5 . Use your fingertips to drive the gel into the skin structure, performing gentle massaging movements.
  • Step 6. Concentrate on the wrinkle area.

To avoid burning, it is advisable to carefully ensure that the product does not get into your eyes.

To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is performed at least 3 times a day. The course of rejuvenation in the eye area lasts for 20 days.

After a month's break, cosmetology sessions using Blefarogel are recommended to be repeated. In order to prevent skin aging, the drug is applied exclusively before bedtime.

How to use Blepharogel is described in more detail in the video.


Before treatment, it is imperative to exclude contraindications. This will allow you to avoid serious complications that worsen your health and aggravate the underlying disease.

The only contraindication to the use of Blefarogel is the increased sensitivity of the body to the components included in the composition.

To make sure there is no allergic reaction, just apply a small amount of gel to the back of the forearm and rub. Assess the condition of the skin and your well-being after a few minutes. In the absence of redness, itching, burning and swelling, its further use is possible.

If Blefarogel gets on the surface of the eye mucosa, itching and redness may develop.

Special treatment for such symptoms is not required, as they disappear on their own after a few minutes.

Despite the fact that the drug must be used with strict adherence to the instructions, no pathological reactions develop in case of an overdose.

Precautionary measures

Before you start applying the gel to your eyelids, you should remove makeup and cleanse your skin with special products.

Regular washing is not enough; water cannot remove decorative cosmetics.

The material from which the lenses are made may react with the components of the Blefarogel composition. Therefore, the optics must be removed before the procedure.

Further use is possible after 20 minutes.

If by chance a little gel gets on the mucous membrane, you should not wash off the product with water. A slight burning sensation and discomfort are felt for only a few minutes, after which the condition stabilizes.

The components of the drug do not pose any threat to the retina and other areas of the eye.

Analogs (2 options)

Blepharogel for wrinkles around the eyes has an affordable price and positive reviews. But there are also analogues.

There are no absolute analogues with identical composition and similar mechanism of action on the pharmaceutical market.

The most popular remedies that can be used if you are intolerant to Blepharogel include:

  1. Demazol. The drug, like Blepharogel, can be used to treat demodicosis or rashes on the skin of the eyelids, which are caused by mites. Despite a similar anti-inflammatory effect, Demazol does not preserve youthful skin, so it does not eliminate wrinkles.
  2. Libriderm. The cosmetic product contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Additional plant components additionally relieve inflammation and increase skin turgor. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it must be applied daily.


The release form of “Blefarogel 1” and its “twin brother” “Blefarogel 2” is the same. This is a dropper bottle with a volume of 15 ml. The contents have the appearance of a transparent gel with a thick consistency.

Depending on the region and pharmacy chain, the price of both the first and second medications may fluctuate. The average cost is about 300 rubles.

Both drugs are good care products for the skin around the eyes. They successfully cope with redness, excessive dryness or flaking of the epidermis under the eyes and on the eyelids. In addition, judging by the reviews, they minimize fatigue during long-term work on computer equipment.

The differences between “Blefarogel” numbers 1 and 2, in fact, lie in one component of the composition and a slight difference in indications for use. One product is more cosmetic, and the second is a medicine.

To learn to distinguish between these drugs, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the composition of each of them, as well as the indications for their use. This information will help you not get confused when choosing the right product.


Both people and cosmetologists leave reviews about Blefarogel for wrinkles around the eyes. Referring to application experience, some of them express their opinions, for example:


“In my practice, I often use Blepharogel to correct the first signs of skin aging.
Considering that the skin in the eye area is not only sensitive, but also thin, it is necessary to select a product with active ingredients that will not have an irritating effect. I gave preference to Blefarogel. The product is well tolerated and does not lead to allergic reactions or other side effects.”


“I recommend using Blepharogel for wrinkles around the eyes at the first signs of aging.
As a result of application, I noticed a pronounced smoothing effect. The drug has an affordable price, and this is good news. Although the price is low, the product is effective. I like the result.

I suggested that my mom try it. She didn't notice a difference, even after using it for a long time. It probably all depends on age.”

Indications for use

Blefarogel 1 is indicated in the following situations:

  • for chronic and acute blepharitis;
  • for the prevention of eyelid diseases;
  • when you feel tired eyes;
  • for the prevention and elimination of any external inflammatory processes in the eyelid area;
  • in cases of dysfunction in the production of tear fluid resulting from constant wearing of contact optics.

Keep in mind! Blepharogel 2 is used to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin tissues of the face and tone the epidermis, as well as as part of a complex or basic treatment of demadecosis.

Both products can be used to treat such disorders in children, even in infancy, but it is necessary to apply the ointment carefully, avoiding it getting into the child’s eyes.

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