Putin is exhausted on the “direct”: Why won’t the president talk to the people

Leonid Volkov: “Novichok” is Putin”

Leonid Volkov

Alexey Navalny / Youtube.com

Leonid Volkov Alexey Navalny / Youtube.com

"Newbie" Now it's official. The statement of the German authorities, the harshest vocabulary they used (there is no “fairly likely” or “highly likely” - but a harsh and atypical for diplomacy “zweifellos”, that is, “beyond any doubt”, which, of course, means that the analysis has been confirmed and reconfirmed ten times) do not leave the slightest doubt,” writes an ally of Alexei Navalny on his Facebook page.

“Once again, what quacked like a duck and swam like a duck turned out to be a duck. We talked about the obvious from the very beginning - and still, of course, the news was shocking. For all its obviousness. Because there are several important aspects related to the fact that it was “Novichok”.

1. “Novichok” is Putin. This is not something that is “not sold at the pharmacy.” It is a substance prohibited from production and possession throughout the world. After the poisoning of the Skripals - on all conceivable and inconceivable prohibited lists. The use of Novichok is an act of terrorism. This is cooler than signing in blood at the crime scene, cooler than Yarosh’s “business card.”

2. Did Putin want to admit the crime so openly? Of course not. The combination of a number of factors - enormous pressure from outside and outside, the correct decision of the pilots of the S7 plane, the failure of the performers and some other factors that we can only guess about or do not yet know - led to the fact that Alexei Navalny survived and was beyond the reach of Putin’s “doctors” "at a time when the toxic substance can still be identified. The plan was, of course, different. Well, the man died suddenly, the tests showed nothing. I didn’t eat Rafaelka on time, it happens.

3. The crookedness of the perpetrators of the assassination attempt. The crookedness of the corrupt and thoroughly rotten Russian “special services”. The habit of lying and covering up lies at all levels. All this in this case saved Alexei Navalny. Obviously, someone told the boss “everything is under control, we will do it in the best possible way,” without really knowing how to do it. Obviously, someone told the boss “in 48 hours the poison will go away, the ends are in the water, no traces will be found,” because that’s what it says in some instructions from the 80s, or that’s how it actually is on equipment from the 80s. This is literally how everything works for them, and that’s why they are alive.

4. BBC journalists asked me now: okay, what do you now expect from the international community? sanctions, investigations? I answered: I’m not a lawyer, I don’t understand anything about international law; I don’t understand what mechanisms can and should be involved here, in this unprecedented story, when the state is trying to kill an opposition figure on its own territory using especially dangerous prohibited chemical weapons - but I understand this whole situation well from the moral and ethical side. I really really want the international community to ensure that no one else, ever, under any circumstances, shakes hands with Vladimir Putin.

At the end of the day, it's just not safe."

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Putin's streak of bad luck has begun

Alexander Zhelenin Journalist, Rosbalt news agency

Lately, it seems that in the two decades of Putin’s power, the regime he carefully built has never been so bad. One failure follows another, both in domestic and international politics. And no shining ray of hope, no triumphant Olympics ahead.

The current year began, it seems, encouragingly - if not for the whole country, then at least for its president. Let's remember. In January, Putin launched a surprise initiative whose official goal was to “modernize the Constitution.” As a result of the adopted amendments, however, it turned out that the Constitution was rather flayed than refreshed. But that's not a problem. Firstly, our Basic Law has long been nothing more than a piece of paper, and secondly, the main goal of many empty, ridiculous or outright reactionary amendments introduced to it during a months-long operation has been achieved. Putin, it seemed, got what he wanted. That is, resetting their previous presidential terms, with the possibility of being elected after 2024 two more times for six years. He acquired this right during the all-Russian vote from the hands of the people themselves - like, what else can you dream about for the next 16 years?

However, the first thunderclaps of the coming series of defeats sounded at the very beginning of spring. Let me remind you that from February 28 to March 5, 2020, the Turkish armed forces in Syrian Idlib destroyed a significant amount of military equipment of Bashar al-Assad’s army, and the losses in manpower then amounted to about 3.5 thousand people.


Khabarovsk dead end of the Kremlin

But where is Syria and where is Russia? The Kremlin, as usual, simply kept silent about this military failure. Then there was a series of smaller, but no less sensitive defeats of Russian and pro-Russian armed formations in Libya. But Libya is even further from Russia than Syria and, accordingly, is of even less interest to the majority of Russians...

The latest problems are already of a global nature; they have simply superimposed on those that have already existed in Russia for a long time. We are talking about the coronavirus pandemic and the collapse in prices for the main Russian export commodity - oil, which led to a spiral of global economic crisis. These troubles have worsened the situation in the Russian economy, which has already been stagnating for many years in a row.

This development of events could not but lead to political problems. All I needed was a good reason. And it happened in Khabarovsk, where the people have been rebelling against the federal government for three weeks in a row. The trigger for these unrest was the Kremlin’s actions to eliminate and arrest the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Sergei Furgal. But, as I already had to write, this is not about Furgal. This is just how the systemic crisis manifested itself. In particular, this is a critical failure in the system of relations between the federal center and the regions. Due to their specificity, this applies especially to the Far Eastern regions.

Here I will make a small lyrical digression. What is happening now with Furgal reminds me of the “Beilis case” that thundered a century ago. The parallel is not only that Furgal is also accused of murder, but also that in both the first and second cases the authorities loomed behind the initiation of these criminal trials. The third thing that unites these very different stories is that their main participants were poorly aware of the social background of what was happening.


The Kremlin is unable to understand the persistence of the protests

Beilis, they say, did not understand that two Russias came together in a battle over the absurd accusation of the ritual murder of a child. One is progressive, democratic, the second is reactionary and obscurantist. Furgal, apparently, also doesn’t really understand why Khabarovsk is rebelling. It is no coincidence that, already sitting in a Moscow prison, he called on Khabarovsk residents not to go out into the streets (other members of the completely “systemic” LDPR also persuade them to do the same). This is just understandable. No matter how successful a governor he was, Furgal was still part of the system, which means he was used to negotiating with it. It’s just that the system, apparently, in the face of declining sources of financial resources, decided to sacrifice them in the interests of people much closer to the top of power.

One way or another, the Khabarovsk events, as I also had to say, acquired the character of an anti-Moscow protest, which means they became an anti-system challenge and, in this sense, the most serious internal political test for the Kremlin after the end of the second Chechen war. And this crisis, we note, is still far from over.

But the troubles of those who live behind the battlements did not end there. The arrest of 33 “Wagnerites” in Belarus, followed by public accusations of Alexander Lukashenko that it was Moscow that sent them to “stir up the situation” before the presidential elections, became another failure of the Russian government.

After all, regardless of whether the accusations against Moscow are real, an attempt to carry out “closer integration” of Belarus with Russia in this way is another public defeat for the Kremlin. If the Belarusian authorities prove that the “Wagnerites” were preparing a coup in another “brotherly” country on the eve of the presidential elections, this will mean the collapse and public humiliation of the Russian special services, which could result in an even greater separation of Minsk from Moscow.


Why did Lukashenko turn on “Wagner”

But even if this is just a propaganda move by Lukashenko before the presidential elections on August 9, in order to once again show that only he is a guarantee of Belarusian sovereignty, it turns out that he has such exclusive rights in relations with the Kremlin (in this case, to public accusations of preparing coup), which no one has not only in the post-Soviet space, but also in the rest of the world. Which in itself demonstrates both its real independence and the futility of Moscow’s attempts to ever carry out this “close integration” in the foreseeable historical future.

The large-scale environmental disasters in Norilsk and Usolye-Sibirskoye must be discussed separately. I will only note that they go against a certain gloomy background of the above-mentioned political, military and economic defeats of the Kremlin that have occurred in the last few months.

So, failure after failure - and this against the backdrop of the upcoming regional elections in Russia in September of this year. At the same time, there are no glimmers of thought about how and what to cover up these failures in order to convince the people that everything is still going well. But now it’s summer, it’s time for vacations... What will happen after the onset of cold weather, when a second wave of coronavirus is predicted, the economic and therefore political crisis will intensify?

Alexander Zhelenin

Putin was stunned by the change in appearance: “cadaverous spots on his face”, photo

Russian President Vladimir Putin is known for his appearance embarrassment, which openly shames him in public

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that the president of the aggressor country, Vladimir Putin, actively uses the services of cosmetologists in order to somehow get rid of the “old age” complex.

However, visiting cosmetologists does not go unnoticed for Putin, because at official meetings he is often embarrassed because of his appearance, which can “float” due to Botox.

Therefore, we decided to make for you a selection of the most ridiculous embarrassments of Vladimir Putin with his appearance in recent times.

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Thus, in January, Russian President Vladimir Putin puzzled everyone with his appearance, speaking at a joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Users instantly ridiculed the Russian president and noted that Vladimir Putin looks very pathetic.

“This criminal, thief and moron has no “colleagues” in Germany, France or Great Britain. His colleague is only Maduro”, “This is a lie, but as always”, “How fucking pathetic Putin looks”, “Damn... he’s already started to stutter... Grandfather gives it up!”, “Somehow the Kremlin dwarf looks really bad today. Spots all over his face,” “In my opinion, he’s not stupid, but just slightly freaked out by this turn of his so-called partners. It will get worse if we continue to be patient and wait for who knows what,” they write in the comments under the post.

A train exploded at the station, people are running from their homes: photos from the scene of the fiery emergency

Another embarrassment with Putin occurred at the beginning of 2020, which is why rumors about the illness of the Russian President appeared online.

The absurd situation with Putin was drawn to the attention of political expert and blogger Alexei Golobutsky, who, in his usual manner, ridiculed the Russian president.

“Putin at a meeting with the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The holidays were not easy for this version of Putin - judging by the asymmetrical swollen face, which is also covered in spots that look suspiciously like corpses,” he wrote in the caption to the photo, which he also published on his Facebook page.

Users reacted with humor to the embarrassment of the Russian president and suggested that it was Botox that began to “walk across Putin’s face.”

Another incident occurred with Putin at the end of January, when he went on an official visit to St. Petersburg.

An ordinary propagandist Dmitry Smirnov, who for unknown reasons calls himself a “journalist of the Kremlin pool,” bravely reported this on his personal microblog Twitter.

Users reacted angrily to Putin's latest PR and suggested that his entourage even stole budget funds to organize the exhibition.

“A bitch with security”, “Don’t... A bitch before mating... Soon they’ll have a rut...”, “Have they really spent money on the holy budget?”, “Botox lying rat”, “Putin and the former lawyer and business partner of the one imprisoned for smuggling of billionaire Mikhalchenko Anatoly Bernstein is looking at the exhibition that belonged to the latter. A couple of days ago, Mikhalchenko was charged with organizing a criminal community,” they write in the comments under Smirnov’s publication.

Also, a similar embarrassment occurred with Putin this week. In particular, the President of the Russian Federation was ridiculed by Russians on social networks due to incomprehensible changes in appearance.

In particular, some commentators drew attention to another senseless PR campaign by Vladimir Putin. And others noticed that the president has problems with his face.

“Dimka, your owner was not injected with Botox evenly, one cheek is outweighed,” “What’s wrong with his face? Looks all swollen”, “Oh, these impudent teachers with their inflated demands of 9,000 rubles.”, “These teachers are amazing people, they hardly get paid in the region anymore and they work, amazing people”, “Fucking circus” , “Saving on teachers is the same as saving on your own children,” they write in the comments under the publication.

Let us remember that the United States made serious concessions to Putin.

As Politeka reported, Putin disgraced himself in front of the cameras with a monkey.

Politeka also wrote that Vladimir Putin and Alla Pugacheva staged a joint outing.

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