Oatmeal cleansing face mask: instructions for use and recipe table

Oatmeal for the face is one of the main products for health and beauty. It is natural, inexpensive, and provides invaluable benefits to the body when used internally and externally. Oats will make hair and skin healthy, soften the epidermis, improve blood circulation and speed up regeneration processes. You can make decoctions, masks, scrubs with oatmeal, use regular flakes or Hercules. Next we will talk about popular recipes, their features and applications. Oatmeal masks are suitable for all skin types, so we recommend them.

The secret to efficiency

A simple oatmeal face mask at home “works” no worse than salon treatment. What is the secret to the effectiveness of such a familiar product? The answer must be sought in the substances it contains.

  • Ascorbic acid. Responsible for youth, can make sagging skin tighten.
  • Retinol. It has a healing effect and starts the process of regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Thiamine. Accelerates the renewal process, eliminates dryness, restores elasticity.
  • Water. Guarantees the required level of hydration.

When the substances contained in oats act comprehensively on the epidermis, a rejuvenating effect is guaranteed. This is confirmed by reviews of beauties who chose oats and products made from them for home care.

A refreshed appearance, smoothed out wrinkles, a clean face - this is not a complete list of results. The effect is noticeable almost immediately. The very first use of oats will make you turn off your inner skeptic, and after the third, the reflection in the mirror will truly pleasantly surprise you.

How does oatmeal affect the skin?

Surprisingly, four thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians actively used oatmeal to restore smoothness to the skin, nourish it with vitamins, moisturize and slow down the aging process. Women at all times strive to look great, so many recipes have come to us from ancient times. The benefits of oatmeal for the skin are many-sided, the product:

  • effectively eliminates pimples, acne, and gets rid of blackheads;
  • promotes healing of wounds, abrasions and bruises;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • eliminates problems with excessive oily and dry skin;
  • removes dead cells;
  • activates regeneration processes;
  • restores the epidermis in a short time;
  • improves natural collagen production;
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms such as itching and flaking;
  • suitable for any skin type, which makes it stand out compared to other natural products;
  • has a whitening effect and evens out the tone;
  • gently cleanses pores without causing harm;
  • serves as an excellent prevention of skin diseases;
  • reliably protects the skin from negative environmental influences;
  • eliminates both facial and age wrinkles;
  • eliminates puffiness without a trace;
  • eliminates freckles and age spots.

This is such a solid list of benefits that oatmeal has. Many girls, trying to be beautiful, visit beauty salons, periodically leaving impressive sums there. Of course, it is impossible to completely refuse the services of professionals, but you can return your skin to a healthy appearance and attractiveness on your own. Using oatmeal at home will have a beneficial effect on your appearance, mood and will not empty your wallet.

Who is oatmeal cosmetics suitable for?

The versatility of an oat face mask allows it to be used regardless of skin type. The use of additional components in the preparation process depends on individual characteristics and the problems that need to be solved. Oatmeal in tandem with the right ingredients will help with:

  • acne. In teenagers and if suddenly acne decides to make itself known in adulthood;
  • dry skin. Which leads to peeling, a feeling of tightness;
  • active work of the sebaceous glands. Which is expressed by an oily sheen on the face;
  • the first signs of wilting. Loss of firmness, elasticity;
  • the appearance of wrinkles. Age-related and those caused by excessive facial expressions and improper care.

The use of oatmeal for cosmetic purposes in its pure form has no contraindications. However, if the product contains other components, you need to take into account the individual reaction to a particular product. This is especially true for components of plant origin, honey and other allergens.

Attention! How to act to achieve maximum results from use

Oatmeal masks prepared at home provide an amazing effect. However, before you start using them, read the rules. This approach will guarantee a better result.

  1. Ideally, apply the mask in the evening, from 18 to 23 hours - this time period is the most favorable.
  2. Remove all excess makeup from your face using a product specially designed for this purpose and a cotton pad.
  3. Wash thoroughly using cleansing cosmetics - gel or lotion.
  4. Steam your skin - visit a bathhouse or sauna, if possible. Otherwise, take a steam bath or simply apply a towel soaked in hot water - this will expand the pores and help effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells.
  5. For oily skin, use a scrub - the product will reduce the production of sebaceous glands and remove impurities from the cells.
  6. At the end of the preparatory procedure, lightly pat your face with a towel so that it remains slightly damp.
  7. Apply the prepared mixture, moving along the massage lines.

When you wash off the product, carefully move your fingertips along the massage directions. Apply a serum or cream with a moisturizing or nourishing effect to your face and lie quietly for half an hour - these actions will help consolidate the result.

Best Recipes

In order for a cosmetic hand-made product to produce an effect no worse than store-bought products, you need to know the correct recipe, the nuances of preparation, and the subtleties of application. It is important to consider the characteristics of your skin. Otherwise, it’s easy to become disappointed in home cosmetology, never understanding why your friends admire it.

There is a “classic of the genre”: an oatmeal face mask that any beauty can use. You need to take a few tablespoons of flour (the amount is at your discretion, four or five will be enough). Pour water over flour. The product should have a uniform consistency, reminiscent of thick sour cream. The mixture has a nutritional effect. It is used to combat acne, but can also be used for preventive purposes.

You can use oatmeal instead of flour. They are steamed with boiling water for ten minutes. This variation of the classic mask also has a scrubbing effect due to the heterogeneity of the mixture. To enhance the effect of cosmetic products prepared at home, add additional components that can overcome a particular problem.

Video on the topic Incredibly simple and effective oatmeal facial scrub

Benefits of oatmeal face masks

The benefits of this cereal are invaluable both as food and as a body and face care product.

What is the essence of the healing effect of oatmeal? In fact, it simply contains a storehouse of nutrients and valuable microelements. As a food, it is useful because it contains fiber and “long-lasting” carbohydrates, which fill you up for a long time. It also cleanses the body of toxins.

Since, first of all, beauty depends on what we take in food, but also for the manufacture of cosmetics.

Hercules cleanses not only from the outside, but also from the inside, this has been known since ancient times. Also, oatmeal porridge restores water balance and relieves irritation in the form of peeling and rashes.

The crushed and steamed mixture of rolled oats serves well as a scrub, erasing the stratum corneum of the dermis. A mask made from this grain is also valuable because it is suitable for both oily and dry dermis.

To cleanse your face

Cleansing your face with oatmeal will ensure a healthy appearance for your skin. The procedure delicately removes dead cells, eliminates inflamed areas, acne, and greasy shine. Cleansing will also help get rid of blackheads and will make your pores smaller. Recipes for effective remedies, where oatmeal is the main component, are presented in the table.

Table - Cleansing oat masks for different skin types

Skin typeComponentsTime
Fat- A tablespoon of crushed flakes; - a teaspoon of honey; - three tablespoons of low-fat kefir (you can use yogurt); - a pinch of salt 10 minutes
Normal- A tablespoon of oatmeal; - a tablespoon of corn flakes; - a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) 10 minutes
Dry- Two tablespoons of cereal; - a tablespoon of sour cream 15 minutes
Problematic- Two tablespoons of oatmeal; - a teaspoon of regular soda; - a tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice; - 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or yogurt 10 minutes

It is important that the oatmeal cleansing face mask is suitable for your skin type. Then the effect from it will be no worse than the salon one. A product with a cleansing effect can remove impurities, tighten pores, get rid of acne, and even out complexion.

Anti-wrinkle recipes

With tea

  • Oatmeal – 2 spoons
  • Brewing black tea – 4 spoons

Brew fresh black tea. Pour the flakes into a bowl and pour warm, strong tea leaves over them. Cover the bowl with a lid or saucer. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, when the flakes swell, mix the mass carefully. While the mixture has not yet cooled, apply it evenly to the face. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask.

The expected result from the influence of this product: smoothing of wrinkles, elimination of greasy shine, narrowing of pores.

With yeast

  • Warmed milk – 3 spoons
  • Baker's yeast – 1 spoon
  • Oatmeal – 2 spoons

Combine the yeast with warm milk, wait about three minutes until the yeast dissolves and fermentation begins (bubbles and a characteristic smell will appear). Pour the flakes into this mixture, stir and leave for another 5-10 minutes. Distribute the composition over the face. The duration of action is a quarter of an hour.

The mask is suitable for any skin type, it cleanses, nourishes, and tightens.

With honey

  • Small oat flakes - 2 tablespoons
  • Hot water – 2 spoons
  • Liquid honey – ½ spoon
  • Flaxseed oil – 2 tablespoons

Brew the flakes with hot water and leave to soften. Heat the honey slightly, add it to the oatmeal, add vegetable oil, and mix everything well. Spread a thick layer over the skin of the neck, face, décolleté, leave for 25-30 minutes.

If you do this mask 1-2 times a week for a month, you can expect that the epidermis will smooth out and look refreshed and radiant.

With glycerin

  • 2 spoons of oatmeal
  • 1 yolk
  • 3 spoons of milk
  • 1 teaspoon liquid honey
  • 1 spoon glycerin

Heat the milk, but do not boil, combine with the cereal and leave for about 10 minutes, add glycerin, honey, yolk, knead into a homogeneous mass. The mask will take half an hour. During this time, the skin will be moisturized, nourished, pores will be cleaned and wrinkles will be visually smaller.

With olive oil

  • Liquid honey – 20 ml
  • Olive oil – 5 ml
  • Yolk of 1 egg
  • Oatmeal – 30 ml

Melt and heat the honey in a water bath, mix it with the yolk and butter, and grind thoroughly. Pour the flakes into this mixture, mix and leave to swell. Use the resulting composition for its intended purpose within 20 minutes.

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The mask is recommended for mature skin prone to oily skin.

With cream

  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • Yolk
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 2 spoons oatmeal
  • 1 spoon of fruit pulp (banana, apple, kiwi)

Prepare a slurry from warm plums and flakes - the base. Add the remaining ingredients to the thickened mass and mix. It doesn’t matter what kind of fruit puree you include in the composition; here you can be guided by personal preferences or what is available. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour.

The mask refreshes tired skin, intensively nourishes, smoothes wrinkles.

With lemon

  • Milk and oat flakes - 2 tablespoons each
  • Sour cream – 1 spoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Prepare oatmeal according to the traditional method, add citrus juice and sour cream. This mask is not suitable for dry skin; it is best used for oily or combination skin types. Since the composition not only fights age-related grooves, but also mattifies, tightens pores, and eliminates excessive sebaceous shine. The effect of the mask is up to 30 minutes.

With avocado

  • Alligator pear pulp - 2 tablespoons
  • Small oat flakes – 20 g
  • Olive oil – 10 g
  • Honey – 20 g

All ingredients are combined in one bowl, mixed well, and left for 5-10 minutes. While the flakes are soaking and swelling, you can begin preparing the skin for the procedure. Apply the useful composition for 25-30 minutes.

The mask can be called an express product, since after removing the composition, the face looks radiant, tightened, and brightened.

With egg white

  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • White of 1 egg
  • 30 g oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons warm milk or water

If the oat flakes are large, it is better to first grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. Combine with the rest of the ingredients from the recipe. After 5 minutes, make an application on the face from the swollen mixture, which should be washed off after a quarter of an hour.

Along with narrowing pores and smoothing out wrinkles, the mask has whitening properties.

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With pomegranate juice

  • 1 spoon of fat sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate juice
  • 40 g oat flakes

Combine both liquids: sour cream and juice, add cereal flakes to them. The mass should be quite viscous, a beautiful bright pink color.

If you only have low-fat sour cream at home, you can use it for the mask, but you will have to add ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil to the composition. The oily product smoothes out the aggressive effect of pomegranate juice acids.

This product should not be kept on the face for more than 15 minutes.

The mask whitens, tones, activates blood flow to the problem area, cleanses and narrows the mouths of the sebaceous ducts, and smoothes the relief of the epidermis.

With grapes

  • 2 spoons of oatmeal
  • 100 g grapes
  • 1 raw egg

Lightly beat the egg, mash the grapes into a paste, combine in one container and add oatmeal. Porridge can be prepared from 2 tablespoons of hot water and 2 tablespoons of cereal. Knead thoroughly and begin the procedure, which lasts a quarter of an hour.

The grapes for the mask are selected depending on the type of skin. For oily epidermis, take more sour varieties, for dry ones - sweet ones.

The mask is used twice a week to combat wrinkles, nourish and moisturize the epidermis.

With strawberry

  • 3 spoons of kefir
  • 2 tablespoons oat flakes
  • 2-3 ripe strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Mash the berries into a homogeneous puree, add honey and kefir. Add pre-chopped oat flakes to this tasty mass, mix and leave for 10 minutes.

To make wrinkles less noticeable, apply the mask once a week for a quarter of an hour. This homemade cosmetic product perfectly tones the epidermis and rejuvenates it.

With yogurt

  • 3 spoons of natural yogurt
  • 1 spoon of soft cottage cheese
  • 1 spoon oatmeal

Mix all components in one container and use the composition for the care procedure. The mask should remain on the skin for no more than half an hour.

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To prepare it, fermented milk products must be taken without dyes and other additives.

Video: Hollywood oatmeal face mask

Video: Oatmeal mask with a rejuvenating effect

Video: How to remove wrinkles around the eyes using oatmeal, honey and eggs

Anti-acne remedy

Oatmeal kills acne-causing bacteria. It restores normal skin acidity levels, absorbs excess oils, and reduces redness and inflammation.

Try this anti-acne treatment.

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • ½ cucumber (grated)
  • a few drops of tea tree essential oil.

Keep the product for no more than 15 minutes, after washing as usual.

Beneficial properties of oatmeal for the face

Oatmeal is not only a dietary food product, it is also widely used in cosmetology. It is indispensable as a component of masks that improve skin tone, help remove facial wrinkles and prevent the development of dermal diseases - blackheads, acne, inflammation.

Thanks to their components, oatmeal facial masks can solve many problems:

  • Rejuvenate . Oat-based face masks help smooth out fine expression wrinkles, give the skin a fresh look and tighten the contour.
  • Moisturize. Cosmetic formulations that include oatmeal soften dry skin, allowing it to be more elastic. Thanks to the vitamins contained in the flour, masks are able to penetrate deeply and retain the necessary moisture in the skin. This means effectively nourishing the skin.
  • Bleach . Oatmeal masks with the addition of lemon or cucumber juice work well against pigment spots, freckles, and also make the skin lighter.
  • Cleanse . An oatmeal face mask, according to reviews, is an indispensable remedy for skin prone to rashes. Such compositions will help remove the dead layer of the epidermis, get rid of acne, blackheads, and relieve skin redness.

With constant use, oat masks refresh the skin, filling it with essential substances. They are easy to make and will pamper any skin type.

Recipe to soothe dry and itchy skin

Oatmeal has long been used as a home remedy to relieve itching. Its source may be eczema, exposure to poison ivy, sunburn, or rash.

The anti-itch effect of oatmeal is due to the presence of avinanthramides. This is a group of phenolic alkaloids that help reduce skin hypersensitivity and inflammation. Oatmeal not only reduces itching and inflammation, but also helps restore the skin barrier and moisture.

Try bathing. Fill a bathtub with warm water and add 1-2 cups of oatmeal. And then write your review, what is the result before and after.

Rules for using a mask

  1. First you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to cleanse your skin of makeup.
  2. Then thoroughly steam your face. To do this, brew chamomile, calendula or sage in 2 liters. boiling water Bend your face over the pan and cover yourself with a blanket or towel. Steam the skin for at least 10 minutes.
  3. If you have time, you can apply the scrub before the mask, then the result will be more pronounced.
  4. After this, apply the mask with light movements onto the face in a thin layer.
  5. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  6. Next, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer.

The mask should be used no more than once every 3-4 days. Course - 10-12 procedures. It can be repeated after a month.

How often should the course be repeated?

This mask can be used quite often, it is not addictive. And with regular use, the skin becomes smoother, pimples dry out, pigment spots become less noticeable, and skin tone improves. In principle, this mask can also be used for prevention, to maintain healthy skin color.

Rules for applying a mask

Oatmeal masks will bring maximum benefits if you follow some simple rules and tips: 1. Before application, the skin must be steamed and scrubbed. The scrub can be prepared from ground flakes and natural coffee. If you have spider veins, apply the mask without steaming. 2. Oatmeal should be natural. Muesli and quick oatmeal with additives are not suitable. If you have sensitive skin, use oatmeal. 3. Apply the mask with a soft brush or massage movements with your hands. Avoid the area around the eyes. 4. The effect of the mask is 10-60 minutes, depending on the recipe. 5. Be sure to wash off with warm water without soap. 6. After rinsing, rinse with cool water or wipe with ice for additional tone and narrowing of pores. 7. It is advisable to carry out the procedures in sessions 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months. Between sessions there is a break of 10-14 days so that the skin has time to rest. 8. When adding various components, it is necessary to undergo a test for possible allergic reactions.


Oatmeal is a true gift of nature. Both eating it and using products based on this valuable grain will help in the fight against this or that problem.

  1. Do not forget that the less the components are processed, the greater the value of a home-made product.
  2. After making a mask, it is better to use it immediately; it is better to store the leftovers frozen, since products made from natural ingredients quickly deteriorate and thereby lose their healing effect.
  3. It is better to use masks in courses for greater effect.

Oatmeal for face reviews, before and after photos

I am a lover of all kinds of masks. I recently discovered that oatmeal can also be used on the face. Every morning because of gastritis I eat oatmeal. Now I use it for washing and for a nourishing mask with sour cream. Afterwards, the face seems to glow from within. I want to touch it endlessly. The mask has a great effect on the skin. —Viki67

A few months ago I washed my face with oatmeal every day, then I became lazy and gave up on it. But there was a result! Therefore, I decided to return to these procedures and this time bring the matter to the end. But it seemed to me that washing alone was not enough. I decided that for the best effect I would make oatmeal masks daily with the addition of herbs and essential oils. I apply it in a thick layer so that it doesn’t dry out quickly, then wait about 30 minutes. The skin after the mask is transformed before my eyes. -Marina

Homemade masks are simple and safe, and they help eliminate many problems on the face. Oatmeal not only cleanses the skin, but also tightens it, rejuvenates it, eliminates pigmentation and signs of fatigue. This product is universal.

Selection and rules for using oatmeal

First of all, no instant cereals! Due to strong processing, it loses many of its natural valuable qualities, such as exfoliating properties. This instant porridge should not be used either for food or for making masks. Only unpolished whole grains without any additives are suitable.

How to make a face mask from oatmeal

Almost all recipes are based on whole, unprocessed cereal, as well as flour ground in a blender. When mixing it with other components, it should be remembered that excessive heat treatment has a bad effect on the quality of nutrients.

How often to make an oatmeal mask

Frequent use of a mask from this mixture may not have a bad effect on the dermis, but it will not increase effectiveness. However, if you use Hercules products in courses, that is, several times a week for a certain time, the effectiveness will increase.

How to make a face wash for sensitive skin

Oatmeal contains saponins, a type of chemical compound found in abundance in the plant kingdom. Producing foam when dissolved in water, saponins work much like soap. However, oatmeal is much gentler because its cleansing effect only works on the surface of the skin. It does not penetrate deeply and does not remove natural oils or damage the skin barrier.

Try this facial cleanser: 1 teaspoon oatmeal + a little water. Do this wash every morning for a week.

Oatmeal and oatmeal - the basis for masks

Oatmeal can be found in every home, it is affordable and goes well with other products that are beneficial for the beauty of the skin.

For an oatmeal mask at home, you can successfully use both oatmeal itself (rolled oats) and a more crushed version of it - oatmeal. If everything is clear with oatmeal, they are sold in the store, all you have to do is buy them. You can easily make oatmeal at home yourself using for this purpose such kitchen aids as: a blender, a chopper, a coffee grinder, a food processor, a meat grinder with a fine grid.

If you don’t have similar equipment in your kitchen, don’t worry, you can use other, albeit more labor-intensive, methods. For example, grind oatmeal into flour using a regular mortar and pestle, and in the absence of the latter, simply place the flakes on a wooden board, take a rolling pin and roll it several times on top. Your Izuminka brings to your attention the best recipes for masks made from oatmeal (rolled oats) and oatmeal for cleansing, nutrition and rejuvenation. They are suitable for absolutely everyone, because oatmeal has no contraindications for use. Based on it, you can make masks for any type of facial skin: oily, dry, combination and sensitive.

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