Hyaluronic acid: application in ophthalmology and treatment of dry eye syndrome

The best eye drops with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a rejuvenating substance. Previously it was used in cosmetics.

Japanese scientists have developed low molecular weight HA, which is actively used to create eye drops.

The composition may be indicated as sodium hyaluronate. This substance restores youth and restores dead tissue. That is why it is recommended by ophthalmologists.


The medicine is enriched with oxygen. Recommended for patients with increased sensitivity of the visual organs. Proactive can be used with all types of contact lenses. Apply 1-2 drops to each lens. The moisturizing complex contains only natural ingredients.

Can be used in pediatric practice. Proactive is indispensable in normal and extreme conditions.

Side effects: redness, itching, irritation, peeling, dryness. The occurrence of such effects means that it is necessary to reduce the dosage and frequency of application.


Suitable for people wearing contact vision correction devices. The optics do not need to be removed before instillation.

Blink is prescribed to children from 3 years of age and when driving a car at twilight or at night. Prohibited for angle-closure glaucoma.

Directions for use: 2 drops. into every organ of vision. After instillation, blink intensely or close your eyes and move your pupils in different directions for better and faster distribution of the solution.

Hyal Drop Multi

The German-made medicine protects the eyes from drying out. It quickly eliminates any discomfort. Use 1-2 drops for a long time.

A medication without side effects and with a minimum of contraindications. With constant use, it eliminates asthenopia and dryness, and fights redness of the conjunctiva.

Eye drops may cause short-term burning and itching. Adverse reactions disappear within 10–15 minutes.


The second active component is dexpanthenol. Once opened, the bottle of medication must be used within 12 weeks. Hilozar-Komod is used 1 drop. up to 3 times a day The procedure is permitted more often, but with the permission of the ophthalmologist.

The drug has no restrictions on the duration of use. Lenses do not need to be removed before instillation.


This is a gel produced with different dosages of sodium hyaluronate. Recommended for superficial keratitis and Sjogren's syndrome.

Ophthalmic hydrogel rarely causes side effects. Cannot be used with other eye medications as Vizmed alters their effects.

Apply 1-2 drops. After instillation, blink to distribute the medication.

Vizmed rarely causes adverse reactions. May cause irritation, foreign body sensation, hyperemia and burning. The medication causes blurred vision, so you should not drive after use.

High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops

The medicine has a pronounced comfort-stabilizing effect. High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops are suitable for soft and hard contact vision correction products.

The medicine contains infusions of chamomile, witch hazel, eyebright, and cornflower. It relieves red eye syndrome. Drops have a softening and refreshing effect.


Drops are intended for comprehensive eye care. Stillavit increases and improves visual acuity. It has two more active substances - D-panthenol and sodium chondroitin sulfate. This allows Stillavit to be used for total computerization, laser surgery and age-related changes.

The medication is used up to 3 times a day, 2 drops. The frequency of use can be increased to 10 r/s, but after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Reviews from doctors

Maria Sergeevna, ophthalmologist: I think Hilo-Komod drops are the best. The result is immediate, convenient to dose, contains a minimum of preservatives. Many people do not buy Hilo-Komod due to the large volume of the bottle and short shelf life, but this is the best remedy for dryness and redness, researched in my practice.

Alexander Valerievich, pharmacist: Drops with sodium hyaluronate protect the visual organs from drying out for a long time. They are excellent for treating moderate to mild dry eye syndrome. This disease is in third place among eye diseases. These medications can get rid of the problem in a short period of time.

Consumer Reviews

Irina: Hyal Drop Multi drops from Bausch&Lomb quickly eliminate discomfort in the eyes. I've been using it for a month now against dryness and redness. I'm very pleased with the result.

Yulia: I spent a long time looking for suitable drops with hyaluronic acid for moisturizing. Quality and fast action are important to me.

I tried Systane Balance, Licontin, but they did not help achieve the natural balance of eye moisture. The ophthalmologist recommended hyaluronic acid. There were Blink drops at the pharmacy.

After the first week I noticed only positive aspects. There are no side effects and the results are amazing.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to...

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Source: https://proglazki.ru/kapli-dlya-glaz/s-gialuronovoj-kislotoj/

How does sodium hyaluronate work?

Characteristics of Hyaluron gel and method of its use

When using sodium hyaluronate in cosmetics, when applied to the skin, it forms a protective film, thereby controlling the moisture content in cells without disrupting gas exchange processes.

Constant use of a cream or gel that contains this substance increases the firmness and elasticity of your skin, and as a result, a rejuvenating effect is inevitable. Practice shows that even very dry facial skin revives over time, becoming fresh and velvety.

Penetrating into each cell, sodium hyaluronate fills its structure, which means it evens out folds and wrinkles, thereby tightening the overall contour of the face.

Currently, hyaluronic acid is more often used in the form of injections as a filler to restore lost volumes on the face, as part of fillers for biorevitalization of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area.

The administration procedure involves subcutaneous injections to a certain depth, depending on the task. Hyaluronate truly can work wonders because it gives the fastest possible effect.

This is the acquisition of beauty and youthfulness of the face without the use of a scalpel in the shortest possible time. With the help of various preparations based on hyaluronic acid, you can tighten the oval of the face, remove wrinkles, fill the cheekbones, restore asymmetry, change the shape of the lips and much more.

The filler is soft in structure, completely safe, contains high-molecular acid, and is absorbed over time and eliminated from the body.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid: list of drugs

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The demand for this substance is due to its moisturizing properties, which bring invaluable benefits to the human body.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are medications often prescribed by ophthalmologists to help combat discomfort and various pathologies of the visual system.

Also, such drugs can provide the necessary preventive effect.

Features of hyaluronic acid

The substance known as hyaluronic acid was discovered at the beginning of the last century. This low molecular weight compound has the ability to attract and retain water molecules.

Pure hyaluronic acid is not added to medications intended for eye drops. This is due to its ability to interact with other components of drugs.

Hyaluron introduced into eye drops has the following effect:

  • moisturizes and softens the cornea;
  • heals microcracks and various damage on the surface of the eyes;
  • eliminates dryness, redness, discomfort;
  • forms a thin film that serves to protect the eyeball;
  • relieves fatigue and the consequences of visual overload;
  • increases the bioavailability of other ingredients of ophthalmic drugs.

Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid is a synthetic compound, it is absolutely safe for the visual system. Preparations based on hyaluron are addressed to various categories of patients, including people who wear soft contact lenses or are prone to allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Moisturizing drops with hyaluron are prescribed in various situations:

  • With the development of dry eye syndrome.
  • For work that involves spending a long time in front of a computer monitor.
  • In case of constant use of soft or hard optical products.
  • During the rehabilitation period after surgical manipulations on the eyes (in such cases, the medication promotes faster tissue regeneration).

Preparations with hyaluronic acid are indicated for people working in hazardous industries, who are forced to stay in the wind for a long time, under active sun, in water, in dusty rooms with dry air.

Moisturizing preparations for eye instillation, which contain this compound, are used as adjuncts during the complex treatment of ophthalmological diseases and help prevent many eye disorders.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Eye drops with hyaluron have a minimal list of contraindications. The use of such drugs is not recommended for the following categories of patients:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with individual intolerance to components.

Adverse reactions associated with the use of hyaluronic acid-based drops are rare. Possible side effects may include:

  • burning sensation in the eyeballs;
  • swelling of the face or eyelids;
  • swelling of the area around the eyes.

Negative phenomena mainly occur in people with allergies to the composition of eye drops. To find out whether the patient has intolerance to hyaluron or other components of the drug, a sensitivity test is performed before starting the course.

The most popular drops

The list of popular liquid preparations containing hyaluronic acid includes:

  • Stillavit.
  • Oksial.
  • Hilo Chest of Drawers.
  • Vizmed.
  • Blink.
  • Proactive.

How to use

Solutions with hyaluron are injected into the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops into each organ of vision. During the day, ophthalmic agents are used 2-3 times. In some cases, eye drops are used more frequently.

The process of using eye drops consists of several stages. During the procedure you will need:

  1. Open the bottle of medication with well-washed hands.
  2. Tilt your head back and look up (you can perform instillation while standing, sitting or lying down).
  3. Gently pull back the lower eyelid and lift the upper skin fold of the eye.
  4. Holding the vial with 2 fingers at a distance of 3–4 cm from the eyeball, squeeze it to release a small amount of solution.
  5. Instill into the formed “pocket”.
  6. Close your eyes and lightly press their inner corners with your index finger (for 15–20 seconds). In this way, it will be possible to distribute the medicine evenly and prevent it from leaking out.
  7. After the session, remove any remaining medication from the skin around the eyes (using a clean, dry cloth).

During the procedure, you should ensure that the dropper of the bottle does not touch the mucous membranes of the organs of vision. It is important to note that drops of drugs are created for individual use and should not be used by several people at the same time.

Products with hyaluronic acid are stored in dark places, at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. Solutions from printed bottles are used for the period indicated in the instructions (from 30 days to 3 months). Upon completion of the treatment course, the use of drugs is prohibited, and the remaining medicinal liquids must be thrown away.

Can it be used without a doctor's prescription?

In most pharmacies, hyaluronic eye drops can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Despite the fact that such products do not have toxic properties, they are recommended to be used as prescribed by a specialist.

Before starting instillations, you should undergo an examination of your vision organs and clarify the existing diagnosis with an ophthalmologist. It is also necessary to find out, together with the doctor, any contraindications to the use of drops with hyaluron.

Source: https://oculistic.ru/preparaty/kapli/kak-polzovatsya-kaplyami-dlya-glaz-s-gialuronovoj-kislotoj


Mesobotox beauty and youth for many years

From the age of 21, the skin of the face begins to wither as the amount of hyaluronate in the cells decreases. After 30 years, age-related changes accelerate sharply due to skin dehydration. Hyaluronic acid deficiency leads to deterioration of cell function. The main task in controlling skin aging is to saturate it with moisture. Hyaluronic acid injections are used to replenish moisture reserves and increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The most popular salon cosmetic procedures with the introduction of hyaluronate under the skin:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic surgery.

These are safe, effective procedures for facial rejuvenation and modeling. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is popular. Before starting any procedure, a specialist conducts an examination, identifying possible contraindications, and recommends the necessary method of rejuvenation.


Biorevitalization is called microinjections of drugs created on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The almost natural concentration of hyaluronate allows the skin to easily absorb the drug. The procedure not only improves blood microcirculation and rejuvenates the skin, but also triggers natural regeneration and restoration processes. The procedure is carried out by subcutaneous administration of the drug using a very thin needle.

The whole process lasts no more than 40 minutes. The course ranges from 3 to 5 sessions, once every six months. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid has a prolonged and cumulative effect. To do this, intervals of 15–30 days are made between procedures. Already after 3 or 4 injections with drugs containing hyaluronic acid, the mechanisms required for rejuvenation are launched. Improvements are noticeable after the first session due to the saturation of the skin with oxygen and moisture. You need to take 1-2 courses annually, the effect lasts from six months to a year.


A medicinal and cosmetic gel or cocktail is injected into the mesoderm. The composition contains the following components: hyaluronic acid, nucleic acids, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, collagen. With its help, voids are filled, tissue volume increases, and moisture is actively retained inside the cells.

In this case, injections can be given not only in the problem area, but also at a distance from it. Thanks to intercellular communication, the drug is distributed to the desired areas. The procedure is carried out by a combination of manual injection of the drug and using a mesoinjector. The course is at least a week. The procedure is painful, but the discomfort is easily relieved with painkillers. The effect of mesotherapy lasts about a year.

Contour plastic

To correct facial contours, injections of hyaluronic acid and its derivatives, biopolymers, and collagen are used. The gel fills soft tissues, making them voluminous. You can correct the volume of the lips, the shape of the chin, remove nasolabial folds, and give relief to the cheekbones. The procedure is painless. Injectable gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid are biocompatible with the body, hypoallergenic, and have a long-lasting effect. The most effective and expensive is a high-viscosity gel. It can smooth out even deep wrinkles. The session lasts from half an hour to an hour. The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 20 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. During this period, the administered drug is completely dissolved. A repeat course is required once a year.

Hyaluronic acid is indispensable for a face with obvious signs of age. It can be found in creams, but they are significantly inferior to the effect of injections. Non-injection methods for introducing hyaluronate into the skin using microcurrents, ultrasound and laser are increasingly being used.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid has become one of the most popular substances in recent years. Consumers are tirelessly looking for it as a panacea in medicines and cosmetics. Although in fact, hyaluronic acid has been known for a long time and performs only one function: moisturizes cells, protecting them from dehydration.

Accordingly, eye drops with hyaluronic acid also, first of all, moisturize the surface of the eyeball. Why else are drugs in this category needed, for what ophthalmological diseases can a doctor prescribe them, how they are used correctly - the answers to these questions will help you choose the right medicine and get the expected result.

Hilo chest of drawers

The main effect of these eye drops, also containing hyaluronic acid, is aimed at eliminating irritation, redness and itching of the eyes. Ideal for those who have used contact lenses incorrectly.

If you use the product for a long time, you can achieve healing of microcracks in the cornea and restore the eye structures. This remedy is not as well known and in demand as the previous one. But it can successfully replace Oxial if necessary.

The cost of the two drugs is the same - about 450 rubles per 10 ml bottle.

These drops are indispensable for those who regularly use contact lenses and spend a lot of time at the computer.

What else do you need to know about products with hyaluronic acid?

While patients are not yet very familiar with hyaluronic acid, its effect on the organs of vision, application features, and possible side effects. What you should remember if your doctor prescribed you drops from this category:

  • hyaluronic acid is a completely safe substance that does not give any side effects if the patient does not have individual intolerance;
  • all drops with hyaluronic acid have a viscous consistency, but when they come into contact with the surface of the cornea, they are easily distributed and form a stable film;
  • with regular use, you can restore the organs of vision at the cellular level;
  • drugs can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the formation of microcracks in the cornea;
  • such medications cleanse the surface of the eye, moisturize it and soften it;
  • recommended for regular use by those who constantly wear contact lenses;
  • do not reduce the clarity of the visual image; on the contrary, they help restore vision in case of fatigue and some ophthalmological pathologies in the initial stages.

Like any other eye drops, these are also intended strictly for individual use. The bottle should not be shared with other patients. If after the end of the course of treatment not all drops have been used, they should be thrown away: an opened bottle cannot be stored for more than 30 days.

Pharmacies offer a fairly wide range of eye drops containing hyaluronic acid.

It will not be difficult to choose the optimal product, taking into account the wide price range and availability of all products. Typically, these drugs are well tolerated and are available without a doctor's prescription.

But it is better to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist before starting a course of treatment in order to accurately determine all existing problems and ways to eliminate them.

Source: https://gsproekt.ru/lechenie/glaznye-kapli-gialuronovoy-kislotoy

Indications for use

Hyaluronic acid has a pronounced regenerative effect, which is used in ophthalmology.
Drops, the active ingredient of which is hyaluronic acid, are intended to prevent the development of ophthalmological diseases, protect the eyes from external harmful factors and prevent injury from lenses. And also for the purpose of complex treatment of pathologies caused by dehydration of the eye membranes.

It is imperative to use them in the following situations:

  1. When spending a long time in front of a monitor, driving, or working with fast-moving machinery.
  2. During dust storms, as well as for protection from excessively dry air flow and bright sunlight.
  3. In order to eliminate the symptoms of pathological dry eyes (irritation, tearing, pain, redness of the sclera and conjunctiva).
  4. To prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma.
  5. In the postoperative rehabilitation period.
  6. In order to reduce discomfort when using lenses.
  7. As a protective agent in conditions of constant exposure to excessively high temperatures and excessive dryness.
  8. To prevent age-related degenerative changes in eye tissue..
  9. When working with hazardous chemicals or biological substances.
  10. To reduce the negative effects of certain medicinal eye drops.

In any of the above situations, products containing hyaluronic acid should be used only with the permission of an ophthalmologist.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid. Delivery of contact lenses and glasses in Moscow and Russia

Among the ophthalmic drops that are often used by contact lens users, preparations with hyaluronic acid are considered one of the most popular. What they are used for, how they affect the eyes and who they are suitable for, we will tell you in this article.

Hyaluronic acid for eyes: what are the benefits?

Hyaluronic acid is an organic compound that is present in many tissues of the human body. One of its most important functions is to regulate water balance. Hyaluronic acid can bind water molecules and retain them in tissues, thereby providing high-quality and long-lasting hydration.

It is thanks to the moisturizing ability that drops with hyaluronic acid for the eyes are widely used in ophthalmology. They allow you to solve the following problems:

  • restore the integrity of the tear film;
  • protect the mucous membrane from drying out;
  • help fight dryness, burning, irritation and other manifestations of dry eye syndrome;
  • allow you to make wearing contact optics more comfortable and speed up the process of adaptation to lenses;
  • promote better healing of eye tissues after burns, surgeries, and injuries.

Hyaluronic acid in special drops for the eyes is well compatible with their tissues and rarely causes discomfort or side effects from the visual organs.

In addition, preparations based on it have a rapid moisturizing and lubricating effect, helping to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of dryness and irritation.

Who are eye drops with hyaluronic acid indicated for?

Like any medications, ophthalmic solutions based on hyaluronic acid are recommended to be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Indications for the use of such drugs may include:

  • wearing contact lenses;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • work or frequent exposure to unfavorable conditions (dust, dry air, wind);
  • visual fatigue;
  • increased visual stress, in particular long periods of work at the monitor;
  • recovery period after ophthalmic surgery.

Contraindications for drops based on hyaluronic acid for the eyes are, as a rule, minimal - individual intolerance, allergies to components.

Also, many drugs should be used carefully during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Popular drops based on hyaluronic acid

The list of ophthalmic solutions that contain sodium hyaluronate (another name for hyaluronic acid) is quite large, so it will be difficult to list all drugs with a similar composition. We will talk in detail about several popular eye drops based on hyaluronic acid.

"Artelak Splash"

Hyaluronic acid for the eyes is also contained in another product from the manufacturer Bausch & Lomb - Artelak Splash. The concentration of hyaluronate in these drops is quite high, which ensures fast and effective action.

Within a few minutes after instillation, the user experiences symptoms of dryness, burning, and discomfort, while the moisturizing effect lasts for a long time.

The advantage of these drops is that they are hypoallergenic (no preservatives), so even people with sensitive eyes can use the drug.

Like the previous product, Artelak Splash is compatible with contact lenses.


This effective moisturizing solution, which includes hyaluronic acid, effectively helps with the feeling of “sand” or “specks” in the eye, irritation, itching and other manifestations of discomfort.

The use of HILO-KOMOD drops allows you to relieve symptoms of dry eye syndrome, speed up the process of adaptation to wearing contact optics, and protect your eyes from dust, smoke and other negative influences.

Sometimes the doctor recommends the use of this drug in the postoperative period.

Optimed ProActive

Modern ophthalmic drops for moisturizing the cornea are produced by the domestic company Optimed. The advantage of this solution is that it contains not only a natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid, but also succinic acid, which promotes better oxygen supply to the visual organs.

If you instill Optimed ProActive solution into your eyes while wearing lenses, you can not only effectively moisturize the surface of the eye, but also cope with the lack of oxygen on the cornea. The product has a delicate composition, thanks to which it can be recommended for people with sensitive eyes and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Adria Relax

This drug with hyaluronic acid is produced by the South Korean company Interojo. Drops help relieve eye fatigue, restore the integrity of the tear film, and moisturize the surface of contact lenses.

The drug allows you to easily clean the surface of the eyes from dust and allergens, eliminate the feeling of “sand” and dryness, and provide a feeling of comfort and freshness for a long time.

Like Optimed ProActive, Adria Relax contains succinic acid, which helps effectively solve the problem of free radicals.

Doctors recommend instilling this ophthalmic drug for those who are just starting to use contact optics or often experience discomfort when wearing lenses, as well as office workers and freelancers who spend a lot of time at the computer.


This eye drop solution is produced by the manufacturer Ursapharm. Like other drops with hyaluronic acid, Hilabak is prescribed to those patients who need to additionally moisturize their eyes or speed up the healing process of the cornea.

The solution helps get rid of burning sensation and discomfort in the eyes, relieves redness, fatigue, and helps you get used to the lenses faster.

It contains no preservatives, so the list of contraindications is minimal and even allergy sufferers and people with sensitive corneas can use this product.

VizoTeque Giasol

These premium drops from the VizoTeque brand contain not only a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, but also additional substances that prevent eye infections and help fight bacteria and other microbes.

How often should I use moisturizing drops?

Each manufacturer includes detailed instructions with recommendations for use with the bottle of eye drops. Before first use, you should carefully read these instructions. You should also take into account the individual recommendations given to you by your ophthalmologist.

In some cases, the frequency of use of eye moisturizing drops is determined by the extent of need.

That is, they can be instilled as often as the need for eye hydration arises.

How often should I use moisturizing drops?

Each manufacturer includes detailed instructions with recommendations for use with the bottle of eye drops. Before first use, you should carefully read these instructions. You should also take into account the individual recommendations given to you by your ophthalmologist.

In some cases, the frequency of use of eye moisturizing drops is determined by the extent of need.

That is, they can be instilled as often as the need for eye hydration arises.

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