What is bodyaga and how to peel with it? Recipes and recommendations

Bodyaga peeling is an excellent alternative to salon procedures. With its help you can achieve amazing results.

Naturally occurring bodyaga is a light green powder and has a characteristic odor of processed living organisms.

But many women already know that various skin blemishes on the face will disappear if they use bodyaga peeling at home. For centuries, the female half of humanity has been using the properties of the drug to exfoliate, cleanse, and renew the skin.

Benefits for the skin

Bodyaga is an absolutely natural absorbent product for external use. The substance is sold in any pharmacy in powder form in 5-10 g bags. or tablets. The cost of the product depends on the location of the pharmacy, starting from 8–10 rubles. The average price in retail outlets in Moscow ranges from 50–80 rubles.

Bodyaga powder is prepared from dried freshwater algae. The plant resembles a sponge in appearance and inherent qualities. The dry substance turns out to be dark gray, black in color with characteristic inclusions - particles of silica resembling small needles. It is this component that works effectively: it cleanses the skin and has a positive effect on blood circulation.

Recipes for homemade peelings with badyaga

There are several known methods for preparing peeling based on badyagi powder, depending on the additional ingredients included in the composition.

  • For any skin type

This composition has a cleansing, toning, rejuvenating, reducing pigmentation on the skin and whitening effect. The badyagi powder will need to be diluted to a thick sour cream with slightly warmed mineral or filtered water. Apply the composition to the skin with light, non-rubbing movements and a thin layer. Wash off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

  • With enhanced effect

Badyagi powder (a teaspoon) is diluted with heated water to a mushy mass, after which a teaspoon of gel with badyagi (sold in pharmacies) is added to the mixture. The gel will enhance the effect of the procedure due to the additional amount of active substance in the composition, making it more intense. Leave the mixture on your face for 10 to 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

  • For age spots (with clay)

This composition has a milder effect and does not cause hyperemia (redness), but to achieve the desired result you will need to carry out at least 10 - 14 sessions.

Mix a teaspoon of badyagi powder with 2 teaspoons of dry cosmetic clay (preferably black or white). Mix the ingredients and add a small amount of preheated water to obtain a thick mass. Apply this product in a thin layer, try to keep it even. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water. The full course of this peeling includes 8 procedures. If you want to reduce the aggressiveness of the badyagi, you can add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil to the mixture.

  • For aging skin with signs of aging

You will need pharmaceutical gel with badyaga and liquid honey (they are taken in the same ratio). The duration of action of this peeling composition is from 10 to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • For deep cleaning of thick leather with hydrogen peroxide

This recipe is characterized by increased aggressiveness and a deep exfoliating effect, so it is only suitable for oily and thick skin, which also needs to be checked for an allergic reaction. It rejuvenates, treats acne, eliminates comedones, excess fat, and removes acne marks.

To prepare it you will need the same badyagi powder and 3% hydrogen peroxide, which are thoroughly mixed until a thick mass forms and foam appears. Immediately after this, the product is applied to the facial skin using rubbing movements along massage lines, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. After 20 minutes, everything should be washed off with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week, then take a break for 3 weeks and repeat if necessary.

Use Cases

Bodyaga peeling is performed according to the principle of a mask. The composition, prepared strictly according to the recipe, is applied to the surface of the face or body, left for 15–20 minutes to act, and washed off with water. This is enough to effectively cleanse the skin. There is no need to rub or massage the skin treated with the product. This can lead to tissue injury.

The simplest option for using the properties of bodyaga is to treat the skin with a special gel from a tube, completely ready for use. The substance is considered safer, because the composition is perfectly coordinated, the gel consistency of the drug is characterized by a delicate effect. The product can also be purchased in pharmacies.

Preparations for home use

Pharmacy chains currently offer a fairly large assortment of drugs based on badyagi. The most common is powder for external use, packaged in 5 gram bags.

Its price ranges from 40 to 80 rubles. Gels and ointments are also available. Gel “Badyaga911” - price from 83 to 100 rubles; a series of gels “Badyaga Forte” with additional components intended specifically for cosmetic use. Their price ranges from 60 to 120 rubles.

Badyaga is a truly unique natural remedy, the use of which can eliminate the need for expensive salon procedures. The dosage forms of the drug, ease and effectiveness of use, and a wide variety of mask recipes make badyagu an indispensable assistant in skin care.

Indications for the procedure

The main purpose of bodyaga peeling is the sanitation of oily, inflammatory skin. The product perfectly normalizes sebum secretion, helps to narrow pores, and has a positive effect on the internal functioning of tissues.

This does not mean that owners of other skin types will have to stop using the substance. You just need to be more careful when choosing the ingredients of a cleansing mask.

Body peeling is useful for solving the following problems:

  • tendency to form pimples, comedones, blackheads, teenage (hormonal) rashes;
  • predisposition to swelling, bruising;
  • aging (flabby) skin without signs of dehydration;
  • dull complexion;
  • post-acne, small scars;
  • spread of hyperpigmentation;
  • decreased tissue tone.

Attention! The age of the patient is not important for using the product. The main thing is to exclude contraindications. The product is used as regular and situational care.

How does peeling work?

Badyagi peeling activates skin respiration, deeply cleanses pores of dirt and sebum (blackheads). The cells are saturated with oxygen, so aging skin regains its former elasticity, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and fine lines and wrinkles become less pronounced. Also, peeling with bodyaga powder reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Judging by numerous reviews, facial peeling with badyaga helps get rid of marks and blemishes, as well as narrow pores after just a few procedures.

Efficiency of the procedure

As a result of body peeling, oily skin becomes more matte, the number of inflammations decreases, and pores become narrower. The procedure helps eliminate a tired look: the complexion is evened out, swelling and dark circles disappear. Loose skin is tightened, age spots and freckles are lightened. A single procedure guarantees cleansing and refreshing of tissues. Regular exposure (once a month) contributes to a complete transformation of appearance: improving the quality of the integument, rejuvenation.

Preparatory stage

With proper aftercare, the procedure can be performed at any time of the year. Intervention should be carried out with caution during periods of increased solar activity, when severe frosts are likely.

Preparation for the procedure involves eliminating contraindications. Active inflammation (ulcers), dermatological defects (eczema), viral rashes (herpes) are first treated with treatment.

Before performing bodyaga peeling, it is important to choose the right mask composition. It is necessary to carefully examine the skin, determine the type, and it would be a good idea to seek the advice of a cosmetologist. It is recommended to conduct a preliminary allergy test of the product.

Progress of the procedure

The greatest demand is for a mixture of bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide. The product has maximum sanitizing capabilities. After using the substance, the skin becomes fresh and tightened. Peeling is prepared and performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Preparation of the composition. Fill the container with 2–3 tsp. bodyaga powder from a bag or crush 5-6 tablets of the substance. Liquid hydrogen peroxide (3%) is added to the dry ingredient in small portions. The components are carefully combined by mixing. The consistency of the finished substance is similar to liquid sour cream. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps.
  2. Skin preparation. Covers are cleansed of cosmetics and dirt. It is recommended to use soft cosmetic milk, gel, foam or other similar product for washing. You cannot additionally apply scrubs, exposing vulnerable tissues.
  3. Performing peeling. Apply the previously prepared mixture using fingers wearing disposable gloves or a cosmetic brush in an even layer on the face. Delicate areas (around the lips, eyes) are not treated. For additional protection of delicate areas, you can pre-apply a rich cream (as when doing hair coloring). The mask can be applied to problem areas in 2 layers: after the composition has dried, repeat the processing procedure. The substance is kept on the face for up to a quarter of an hour. The composition is washed off with cool water, gradually soaking the layer of substance.
  4. Consolidation of the effect. The skin is nourished and moisturized with cream according to skin type. You can first apply a cooling compress, replace cosmetics with fatty kefir from the refrigerator. The product is applied with soft, patting touches of clean fingers.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside. It is advisable to perform the intervention in the evening and give the skin a night's rest. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before the weekend. The appearance will be able to return to normal.

The Bodyaga peeling option with hydrogen peroxide is more suitable for oily, normal skin. For delicate cleansing, use a mixture of bodyaga and clay (1:2), diluted with warm water. For dry, sensitive skin, it is better to use bodyaga mixed with nourishing cream or diluted with mineral water. The second option will additionally saturate the tissues with oxygen and minerals. Apply the compositions in the same way. On problem areas, the mixture can be gently rubbed into the skin.

Beneficial properties of bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide for facial skin

It should be clarified that in medicine the concepts of “badyaga” and “badyaga” are equivalent. Even on pharmacy counters you can see medicinal products with different spellings, but they are similar in action. Badyaga is a natural substance. It is a sponge that lives in bodies of fresh water in shallow water. Thistles live in colonies, clinging to stones and snags. They can reach a meter in size over a life span of 2 years.

The sponge is collected in the summer and dried in direct sun, spread out in a thin layer. Dried bodyaga has a gray-green tint. In medicine and cosmetology it is used in powdered form. When rubbed, it emits a sharp, unpleasant odor. But you can see what this hair procedure looks like and how it is done here.

The therapeutic effect of bodyaga is due to the presence of silica in it, which resembles tiny needles. They dig into the epidermis, thereby irritating the skin and causing a tingling sensation.

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This activates blood flow, and as a result, metabolism accelerates and metabolic processes in tissues improve. The natural protein spongin in bodyagi has a mild analgesic and antiseptic effect on the skin.

Video shows peeling with bodyaga and peroxide:

As a result, the following positive effects appear:

  • secretion production by the sebaceous glands returns to normal;
  • pores are cleaned and become noticeably smaller;
  • the skin is restored, scars, stretch marks and other damage are reduced or completely disappeared;
  • the leaching effect refreshes the skin and gives it a healthy and radiant appearance;
  • The tone and elasticity of the epidermis increases, skin respiration is activated.

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Contraindications and precautions

Despite the safety of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications to peeling with bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide. This should include allergic reactions to components, the presence of open wounds and abrasions, various infectious skin diseases in the acute stage. Peeling is not recommended for diseases such as rosacea, when the capillaries are located very close to the surface of the skin and can easily be damaged.

Before the procedure, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, apply the prepared mixture to the inner elbow and observe the skin reaction for some time. If only slight redness occurs, accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, this can be considered a normal skin response to the action of the drug. But in what case the procedure is done for oily skin and how effective it can be is detailed here.

If severe itching occurs, a rash, blisters, or red spots appear that spread to other parts of the body, there is increased sensitivity, and peeling with these components is contraindicated.

But in what case the procedure for the head is done at home and to whom it is most often prescribed, is outlined here.

Avoid contact of the mixture with the mouth, eyes and mucous membranes. If this does happen, you should quickly wash off the mixture under running water. Particular care must be taken when mixing bodyaga and peroxide, since the sponge powder is dusty and can easily penetrate the respiratory tract, causing allergies and inflammation.

Revitalizing skin care

During the procedure, silica needles are embedded into the skin. This causes irritation of the integument. The face turns red, dead cells begin to actively peel off from the surface. The process takes 1–3 days. During this period, it is important to properly care for the integument. It is forbidden:

  • steam (visit a bathhouse, sauna);
  • sunbathing in the sun, in a solarium;
  • use other cleansers (exfoliating masks, scrubs, hardware procedures).

A high-fat cream is applied to the skin twice a day. Before going outside, use a product with a UV filter. In cold weather, it is mandatory to use cold protection.

The result of bodya peeling is noticeable immediately after completion of rehabilitation: the skin becomes more even, smooth, and fresh. The skin is subsequently less susceptible to inflammation, the depth of wrinkles gradually decreases, and the skin tightens.

Important! Frequency of procedures: 1 time per month for dry, normal-looking skin. For oily skin, if the product is tolerated satisfactorily, it is permissible to carry out the intervention 2–4 times a month. For prevention, 2 procedures are performed per year; for therapy, a course of 5–10 consecutive sessions is required.


Bodyaga (the “badyaga” option is also correct) is an olive-colored Spongilla coelenterate sponge that lives near fresh water bodies. Since our grandmothers learned about its exfoliating qualities, they began to use the sponge for both medical and cosmetic needs.

The product is available on the pharmacy market in different consistencies. Thus, the “Bodyaga” gel is very popular, intended for resolving bruises and contusions, as well as neutralizing redness and swelling.

Spongilla consists of microscopic needles of silica (compounds of silicon and oxygen) that act as abrasives, stimulating blood circulation in tissues and getting rid of dead cells that impede the penetration of vitamins and minerals.

Effect after the procedure

Due to the specific principle of action, face peeling with bodyaga can be compared with salon procedures for regeneration and rejuvenation, although in this case a whole range of problems are solved:

  • Oily shine, increased sebum secretion, enlarged pores;
  • Acne, blackheads and comedones;
  • Post-acne, mild stretch marks and scars;
  • Uneven, unhealthy shade of the skin;
  • Hyperpigmentation, freckles;
  • Photo- and chronoaging;
  • Bruising and swelling around the eyes;
  • General swelling.

Peeling with badyaga returns energy to weakened tissues, normalizes cellular respiration and tightens the oval of the face. Even one single session brings visible changes:

  1. Deep cleaning - quickly and effectively removes dead deposits, dirt and excess grease that do not allow oxygen and life-giving elements to enter;
  2. Therapeutic effect - wounds heal, hematomas resolve;
  3. Drying effect - lipid metabolism is normalized, acne goes away, pores narrow;
  4. Improvement - blood flow increases, barrier functions improve, the face becomes fresher;
  5. Lifting - wrinkles and unevenness are smoothed out, contours become clearer.

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Precautionary measures

Bodyaga peeling is not recommended if you have:

  • rosacea, rosacea, another variant of close proximity, fragility of blood vessels;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • open wound surfaces (scratches, burns);
  • formations on the surfaces involved (eczema, herpes);
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure during pregnancy, lactation, people with a high pain threshold, during menstruation, or when feeling unwell.

After body peeling, there is a high probability of developing complications:

  • pain, itching, other discomfort;
  • burns;
  • persistent redness, peeling.

If symptoms persist for more than 3 days, it is recommended to seek help from a cosmetologist.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors say that all aggressive procedures must be carried out by cosmetologists. This will help avoid negative consequences. Peeling with badyagi, especially when supplemented with hydrogen peroxide, is considered a serious chemical composition that can cause harm. Cosmetologists warn that using the facial cleansing option is fraught with complications. Doctors allow the use of the product to eliminate stretch marks on the body.

The cosmetologist is sure that it is impossible to carry out the intervention on your own.

A cosmetologist talks about a patient who received a chemical burn and performed the procedure on her own.

Indications and contraindications

A face mask made from badyagi can cope with the following problems:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • acne and acne;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of skin depigmentation;
  • hematomas.

Despite this list of beneficial properties, badyaga also has contraindications for use.

These include:

  • dry skin;
  • presence of pustular infection;
  • rosacea (superficial location of capillaries);
  • predisposition to excessive facial hair growth;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • allergic reactions to the ingredients of the mask.

Patient reviews

Bodyaga peeling at home is widely used. There are often positive and neutral assessments of the effect of the substance, but there are also negative reactions to the use of the drug. I especially don’t like the process and the recovery period.

Positive assessment of the procedure.

Peeling is used, but the effect is weak.

The effect is good, but the procedure is difficult to tolerate.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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