We treat the skin with herbs: recipes for lotions, masks and decoctions

Many women prefer natural skin care. There is a logical explanation for this. Natural components do not have a negative effect on the human body. Despite this, they are effective in combating various deficiencies.

The use of herbs is the most popular and affordable way to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.

Herbs for dry skin are used as beneficial ingredients in recipes that preserve natural beauty.

Herbal face mask recipes

Herbal masks contain many beneficial substances necessary for skin rejuvenation. They are especially in demand in the summer, when nature is fragrant, everything blooms and smells. To get a good effect, you need to use them correctly. It is recommended to do a course consisting of 10-12 procedures, then you can get a wonderful result.

Herbal masks for dry skin

Those with dry skin need to work hard. Their skin is very delicate and needs constant hydration, nutrition and protection. Masks are prepared for her from medicinal chamomile, yarrow flowers, mint, sage flowers, lemon balm, parsley, linden flowers, rose petals, hop flowers, and dill.

You can prepare a mask from a mixture of herbs - linden blossom, chamomile, mint, dill, and rose petals. It will have a softening effect.

You need to take two tablespoons of herbs, pour them with two glasses of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Then cool the broth, dip gauze pads into the liquid, and apply to the face. Within 10-15 minutes, gauze wipes must be changed three times. After the procedure, wash off the mask with warm water. It is recommended to conduct a course consisting of 20 procedures, doing them every other day.

Herbal masks for normal skin

Normal skin needs constant, but more gentle care. It should not be overdried. The use of fatty cream is contraindicated. Masks made from chamomile, string, yarrow, lemon balm, calendula, hawthorn fruit, and horsetail are useful for her.

Herbal masks for oily skin

Oily skin often becomes inflamed and becomes prone to acne. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, it must be cleaned periodically. She will benefit from masks prepared from the buds and leaves of white birch, wormwood, white yarrow flowers, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, chicory, peony, mantle, calendula flowers, and horsetail.

Oily skin benefits from 15-minute steam baths, after which a herbal poultice is applied. Take dry or fresh herbs, brew it with boiling water, and let it sit for a while. After it has cooled, apply it to the face for 7-10 minutes. The poultice is then washed off and a moisturizer is applied. The remaining cream is removed with a paper napkin.

Herbal masks for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is very capricious and needs special care and careful treatment. She will benefit from treatments that soothe her skin. It is recommended to prepare masks from chamomile flowers, parsley, calendula flowers, nettle, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aloe juice, hazel leaves.

For sensitive skin, a mask made with honey and aloe juice will be useful. Aloe leaves are cut and one teaspoon of pulp is taken. It is combined with egg yolk and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Whisk the ingredients, add milk powder in the amount of three teaspoons. The result should be a mixture resembling thick sour cream. It is applied to the face, kept for 20-25 minutes, then washed off with water.

Herbal ice for face

It is not difficult to prepare let from herbs. For this, use a herbal decoction or infusion. It needs to be poured into special molds and placed in the freezer to freeze. In 6-8 hours it will be ready for use. Rub the face with ice cubes along the massage lines, trying not to stretch the skin. Cosmetic ice nourishes, moisturizes the skin, cleanses pores, and improves complexion. After using herbal ice cubes, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

Herbal steam baths

You can use warm water for steam baths. But it’s better to prepare a steam bath using herbs or adding essential oils. They have the best effect. You need to take two handfuls of a mixture of herbs, which consists of mint, chamomile and lemon balm, and pour boiling water over them. Steam your face at a comfortable temperature for ten minutes. After the procedure, it is not recommended to be in the sun for an hour.

Herbal face masks are an excellent natural remedy that is recommended for women of all ages. Use them regularly, in courses, and you can prolong your beauty and youth for many years.

Cosmetic properties of herbs for the face

Tomato face masks
Medicinal herbs are a storehouse of valuable substances that are a real gift for the skin.

However, the most complete healing effect will be provided by those herbs that meet the needs of your skin, so you need to use each type of herb based on your facial skin type.

Experts in the field of cosmetology divided the plants in this way: ● for oily skin types, the use of nettle, mint, and plantain is suitable; ● Calendula and oregano will help dry skin; ● dandelion and parsley are useful in getting rid of age spots; ● if you have acne and irritation on the face, aloe, calendula, chamomile, and string will help; ● when there are wrinkles, rosemary and sage are useful.

Therefore, you should pay attention to exactly which herbs are beneficial for facial skin in each specific case. If you use plants correctly, you can achieve excellent results.

Decoction with calendula

Acne causes many problems. You can’t let the disease take its course, much less crush acne on your face. It is best to try to cure your skin with a unique natural antiseptic - calendula. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria, disinfecting fabrics. The source of infection is cleansed and inflammation disappears. For the decoction you will need:

  • Calendula (flowers) – 2 tbsp. l;
  • Clean water - half a liter.

Marigolds (the second name for calendula) are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 6 minutes. After this, the broth should brew a little. Then it is filtered and another 0.1 liter of water is added. The product must be used daily, several times a day. As a result, the effect will not take long to appear: comedones, pimples and oily shine will disappear. And the skin of the face will gain elasticity and tone.

Herbs for the face against wrinkles - benefits

Chinese face masks

There are a large number of herbs that help restore skin turgor and make them younger. But to get the desired rejuvenating effect, we recommend using the following medicinal plants:

  • Aloe - moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin
  • Calendula - moisturizes, disinfects, soothes and smoothes wrinkles
  • Nettle - helps speed up metabolic processes in tissues and restores the elasticity of the skin
  • Lavender - refreshes, soothes and restores skin color
  • Coltsfoot - smoothes, moisturizes and makes the skin velvety to the touch
  • Parsley - smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, nourishes and whitens the skin, making them young and fit
  • Mint - refreshes and tones aging skin
  • Dandelion - helps get rid of pigmentation
  • Rosemary - has smoothing properties, tightens and rejuvenates skin well
  • Chamomile - restores skin, stops its withering, prevents the formation of wrinkles
  • Rowan - cleanses the skin, smoothes wrinkles and acts as a light antioxidant
  • Thyme - effectively moisturizes dry skin, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles
  • Sage - used as a natural lifting remedy
  • Horsetail - removes sagging skin, helps with oily and problematic facial skin

Above we described a small number of herbs that can be used in home cosmetology to combat aging skin. Depending on the properties of the herb, it can be used in the form of a mask, infusion or compresses. Rubbing your face with cosmetic ice based on a herbal decoction helps to remove wrinkles perfectly.

Decoctions for the face. Herbs for facial skin - beneficial properties and methods of use

Herbs for the face were the first cosmetics. Used for centuries for cleansing and freshness, preserving youth. Today, herbal skin masks can be used to solve various aesthetic problems. Treating acne, smoothing wrinkles, restoring elasticity - all natural ingredients can do.

What herbs are good for the skin

Facial care using natural ingredients allows you to provide a comprehensive effect. For each type, you can select a unique medicinal recipe.

The list shows which herbs will help solve basic cosmetic problems:

  • calamus - has an antimicrobial effect, dries and soothes inflammation;
  • aloe - provides hydration and care for oily problem skin;
  • immortelle - cleanses and removes toxins, removes oily sheen;
  • birch - strengthens facial vessels, recommended for problematic/combination dermis;
  • hawthorn - tones and strengthens facial capillaries;
  • elderberry - refreshes color, treats acne and pimples;
  • oak - reduces the secretion of glands, cleanses the ducts;
  • oregano - has antimicrobial properties, soothes and moisturizes;
  • elecampane - gives an even healthy tone, relieves itching and inflammation, nourishes;
  • St. John's wort - accelerates renewal processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • strawberries - relieves puffiness and swelling, removes toxins;
  • Ivan tea - rejuvenates, increases immune properties;
  • calendula - for sensitive and allergic skin, soothes and has an antiseptic effect;
  • nettle - for oily and combination dermis, improves structure, relieves redness;
  • clover - retains moisture, restores elasticity and firmness;
  • lavender - removes flaking and itching, soothes the skin;
  • linden - rejuvenates, reduces gland secretion;
  • burdock - removes decay products, cleanses ducts, normalizes oxygen metabolism;
  • coltsfoot - protects from adverse environmental factors, softens and nourishes;
  • lungwort - cleansing dry and sensitive skin, restoring elasticity;
  • mint - tones and refreshes, reduces gland secretion;
  • dandelion - whitens pigmentation and freckles;
  • primrose – soothes irritations, tones;
  • parsley - removes blemishes, smoothes wrinkles, fights age-related changes;
  • wormwood - smoothes scars, stimulates renewal processes;
  • plantain - tightens pores, treats rashes;
  • chamomile - has a powerful antioxidant effect, a universal remedy for care and rejuvenation of all types;
  • rosemary - copes with wrinkles and sagging;
  • Rowan - whitens, removes sebaceous plugs, tightens pores;
  • yarrow - soothes, relieves itching and irritation;
  • series - cleanses and tones, normalizes intracellular processes;
  • thyme - to remove impurities, prevent vitamin deficiency and maintain freshness;
  • celandine - treats purulent acne, inflammation, relieves itching;
  • sage - gives radiance and freshness, corrects age-related changes;
  • horsetail - treats purulent formations.

Steam baths: benefits or harm for dry skin

Masks for oily hair, 18 recipes for homemade masks

A steam bath is a great intermediate step between lotion and mask application. It’s better to pamper yourself with them in the spring and summer.

There is a myth that it is only required for oily skin, but it is not true. Warm (not hot!) steam helps to open pores more strongly, improve blood circulation in the upper layer of skin and prepare it for more efficient consumption of beneficial microelements. In addition to herbs, the baths usually contain a few drops of essential oils (10 per liter of water).

Oily skin needs 20-30 minutes to get the effect, normal skin needs 10-15, and dry skin only 3-5 minutes, although the latter type will tolerate the compress more easily.

Herbal infusion recipes

Infusions of medicinal herbs for cleansing, nutrition and toning are easy to prepare. But you will notice the result of their regular use after 2-3 weeks: tightened, clean, smooth and matte facial skin will delight you.

Poppy skin moisturizing lotion

Pour 3 tablespoons of red poppy petals or 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds with half a glass of just boiled water (if the skin is very dry, then pour in milk), cover tightly with a lid, and leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain and wipe your face with the resulting infusion twice a day.

Moisturizing flower infusion

Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of chamomile, jasmine, linden and rose petals (you can use fresh or dry plants, or make a mixture). Leave in a tightly closed jar for two hours. Strain the infusion and wipe your face daily. This procedure nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

Cleansing herbal infusion

Mix equal parts of dried linden, sage and chamomile flowers, mint leaves, dill and fresh rose or rose petals. 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting mixture pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Let the broth cool completely, strain and use for daily facial cleansing.

Linden infusion

To prepare this infusion, you need to collect herbs such as linden, lemon balm, strawberry, and wild rose.

All components need to be crushed. Then take a tablespoon of this mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour and then strain. This infusion is used when washing cold. This infusion has a beneficial effect on the skin: cleanses and nourishes it. Cell metabolism improves.

Cleansing decoction of chamomile, linden, mint, rose hips, sage and dill

Decoctions of herbs for the face from linden, sage, rose hips, and dill perfectly cleanse, moisturize and nourish. The collection from these plants also has disinfectant properties, relieves inflammation, and promotes the healing of microcracks. It is used for problematic facial skin prone to dryness and inflammation. Effect of the decoction: moisturizing, cleansing, nutrition.

To prepare a cleansing decoction, you will need the following: dry chamomile inflorescences; sage leaves; dill herb; linden flowers; petals from rosehip flowers; mint leaves. Instead of rose hips, you can take rose petals. Pre-prepare the herbal mixture. To do this, plants are mixed and crushed in equal proportions. Then 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for about 5 minutes. The broth is infused for about half an hour and filtered. The resulting product is used to cleanse, nourish, and moisturize the skin.

Moisturizing mint infusion

During the hot season, wipe your face with this infusion, as it moisturizes the skin well, tones and refreshes it: pour one glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of mint leaves (you can take both dry and fresh), put the container with mint on the fire and boil for about 5 minutes. After this, remove the broth from the heat and leave it for an hour, after which strain the resulting infusion. This product also moisturizes the skin well in cold weather; to do this, take one tablespoon of mint leaves and pour 0.5 cups of hot milk over them, then let it brew for about 30-40 minutes.

Moisturizing infusion based on linden and honey

  • Honey (half a tablespoon)
  • Linden blossom (two teaspoons)

How to use?

1. Pour boiling water (one glass) over the linden blossom and leave for sixty minutes;

2. Filter the broth and add honey;

3. Use regularly throughout the day.

Cleansing decoction recipe for daily care

Use the following dried herbs to prepare a decoction: calendula, St. John's wort, medicinal chamomile flowers, nettle, wormwood and sage. You can mix any of the above herbs in equal proportions or use them separately. For one serving of cosmetic product, pour a tablespoon of dry herb with half a glass of boiling water. Close the container tightly and leave until completely cooled. Strain before use. Wipe your skin with the decoction as a lotion.

Chamomile infusion for cleansing oily skin

What is needed?

Dried chamomile flowers (four teaspoons)

How to use?

1. Pour boiling water over chamomile and keep it on low heat for about six minutes;

2. Filter and use.

By choosing the right set of caring procedures, you can keep your facial skin in good condition at home, saturating it with all the necessary biologically active substances and maintaining its freshness, firmness and elasticity.

Herbal medicine for oily skin

The main problem of oily facial skin is excessive shine, enlarged pores, acne, and a tendency to inflammatory processes. To avoid such troubles, you should thoroughly cleanse and tone your face. Tools from:

  • yarrow;
  • wormwood;
  • calendula;
  • chicory;
  • coltsfoot.


Yarrow herb contains flavonoids and tannins, which:

  • reduce inflammation;
  • have an astringent and bactericidal effect;
  • tighten pores;
  • tone the skin.

Organic formic acid promotes maximum skin cleansing, disinfection and fight inflammation. Vitamin K improves microcirculatory processes in the skin, and essential oil treats acne and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. You can read more about the benefits of yarrow at this link.

An infusion of yarrow will help reduce oily skin and remove rashes

1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, cool. Strain the liquid and wipe your face with it twice a day after cleansing your skin.


Coltsfoot for oily skin is useful because it contains:

  • tannins, which destroy bacteria and reduce skin inflammation;
  • carotenoids, which get rid of acne and strengthen blood vessels;
  • essential oil that regenerates damaged cells;
  • organic acids that regulate the secretion of sebaceous glands and cleanse the skin.

A mask with the addition of coltsfoot will help improve the condition of oily skin

2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled infusion, add egg white and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Lotions and tonics

Another mistake is to say that decoctions are the same as lotions. Any beauty specialist will tell you that this is the same as comparing lotions and tonics. Lotions help cleanse the skin, but do not tighten wrinkles or combat dryness. You don't always have to associate them with rose water, milk, chamomile or green tea.

Some may be surprised, but very often vodka is found in homemade lotions. If you don’t want to injure your skin, then you can replace it with salicylic acid. But tonics do not need alcohol; it is better for them to use distilled water, plant extracts or decoctions, which we talked about earlier.

Where to get herbs for the face

There are several ways: this includes landing on flooded flowering meadows or impassable wilds of the forest, turning to local herbalists, if you are sure that they collected the herbs in an ecologically clean area, far from highways and chemical plants. The easiest way out is ready-made herbal preparations or purchased natural cosmetics.

The popularity of natural cosmetics and medicinal herbs is very easy to explain, because they can be bought in pharmacies or specialized stores, and the most important thing is that the herbs themselves are on sale, as well as masks, gels, tinctures, ointments, lotions, creams, tonics , collections, teas produced on their basis. Purchasing rare and beneficial herbs collected in an ecologically clean area is also possible by mail, therefore, after making sure of the reputation of the seller, you can order them in online stores.

Unfortunately, the cost of natural cosmetics is not cheap, but you really want to save the youth and beauty of your skin, and our ancestors did without industrial cosmetics. When buying herbs or herbal cosmetics, you need to know your skin type (normal, oily, dry, mixed), and also find out which herbs are beneficial for your skin.

Mint decoction

Peppermint is used either alone or in combination with other types of herbs. You can buy ready-made, dry herb at the pharmacy. Or prepare it yourself by drying the leaves on the balcony. A decoction of this plant can transform the skin of the face. Due to the fact that he:

  • Relieves irritation;
  • Disinfects;
  • Softens;
  • Saturates cells with moisture;
  • Tones the skin.

In addition, mint helps smooth out fine wrinkles. And the skin takes on a radiant appearance. A decoction of mint leaves is very simple to prepare. To do this, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of peppermint and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Keep on fire for a couple of minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture brew. The final stage of preparation is straining the broth through a sieve.

It is best to use mint water in the summer, wiping a clean face with cotton pads soaked in the decoction. In winter, the decoction is prepared half as concentrated. And instead of boiling water, they use cow's milk.

Choosing herbs for different facial skin types

The beneficial properties of herbs have not changed over thousands of years and herbs still continue their healing practice. Our great-grandmothers made decoctions for dry skin from some herbs, and for oily skin they used another. We will follow their experience.

The best ten herbs for dry skin that can moisturize, smooth and nourish, which is very important for this skin type:

  • dandelion;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • rose petals;
  • peony petals;
  • St. John's wort;
  • parsley;
  • horsetail;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Linden blossom.

The best ten herbs for oily skin that can tighten pores, inhibit the sebaceous glands, and relieve inflammation:

  • sage;
  • silver wormwood;
  • oak bark;
  • nettle;
  • series;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • strawberry leaf;
  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • cinquefoil rhizome.

For mixed skin, the composition of herbal mixtures must be combined. Normal skin is a privilege of childhood; adults almost never have it. Therefore, herbal remedies and natural cosmetics must be purchased according to your skin type. If you don’t find suitable products for your skin, don’t be upset, because herbal masks and lotions prepared with your own hands have no less healing effects.


Masks not only give your female image “mystery” (see green skin color and round cucumbers instead of eyes in movies!), but also a chic composition of vitamins and minerals. If you are a person who is not greedy for self-praise, then it is better to use them once every three to four days in a course of 10-15 procedures. After you have rested, a new course should be started with other herbs.

As soon as you prepare the product, use it immediately. If you make everything in reserve, then you can store it for no more than three days, then it loses all its beneficial properties. And don’t forget – it’s better not to use the product around the eyes!

Recipe No. 1: Take two tablespoons of fresh kefir, add the same number of chamomile flowers and one egg. Use the blender. Suitable for skin types 2 and 3.

Recipe No. 2: You will need nettle or sorrel in equal quantities, they are filled with cream and lemon juice (one spoon). For types 1 and 3, it has a whitening effect.

Recipe No. 3: For rejuvenation and type 1. Flour, plantain - all in equal quantities - mixed until porridge.

Basic rules points

At the very beginning, you need to decide what effect you want to achieve from the treatment: do you need treatment, rejuvenation or increased skin elasticity? All this requires different approaches.


  • Type 1. If you have oily skin, then your friends will be wormwood, sage, string, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, butterbur, nettle, burdock.
  • Type 2. For dry skin, dill, yarrow, lemon balm, chamomile, parsley, hops, dandelion, calendula, lavender, rosemary, thyme and rose flowers are suitable.
  • Type 3. Problem skin requires celandine, aloe, calendula, horsetail, mint, and immortelle in your home.

When women start dyeing their hair, they, of course, first read the instructions: the product may cause irritation, do a test on the skin of your wrist

The same applies to any other cosmetic products that are created quickly at home. Sometimes incorrect concentration (do you like to do it “by eye”?) can result in a serious skin disease. But what should you choose for yourself, your beloved? Decoctions, masks, ice toning?

Decoctions for dry and normal skin

Normal to dry facial skin can never benefit from additional hydration. This is especially true in old age, when collagen production decreases. Dry skin is often subject to irritation and inflammation. Its frequent companions are peeling, acne, early wrinkles. In order to get rid of them and replenish moisture reserves, use herbal decoctions for the face containing mint, sage, linden, sea buckthorn, and chamomile.

Peppermint decoction

Peppermint is often used in cosmetology, both individually and as part of various herbal infusions. It has the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and has the following effects on it:

  • tones
  • refreshes
  • moisturizes
  • calms down.

In addition, it has antibacterial properties, promotes skin rejuvenation, smoothing out fine wrinkles. In order to prepare a mint decoction for the face, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons fresh or dried peppermint leaves;
  • water – 200 ml.

The water is brought to a boil and poured into a container with plant materials. Then keep on low heat for 3-5 minutes. The resulting broth is covered with a towel and left for about an hour. Then filter. This product is used to wipe the skin during hot days. In winter, it is recommended to reduce the amount of mint by half and replace the water with milk.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile contains organic acids, mucus, essential oils and microelements such as selenium, copper, zinc. It has anti-inflammatory properties and softens inflamed, flaky facial skin.

The main effect of chamomile:

  • antibacterial
  • moisturizing
  • soothing
  • wound healing
  • whitening

In order to prepare a decoction using chamomile, you will need the following:

  • chamomile (inflorescences) – 2 tablespoons;
  • water – 200 ml.

Dry or fresh chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and boiled for about 5 minutes. After removing from the heat, the broth is cooled and filtered. Wipe your face with this product, cleansing, softening and moisturizing the skin.

For very dry, flaky, cracked skin, use an oil mask. To prepare it you will need the following:

  • olive oil – half a glass;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 1 spoon.

Pour crushed dry chamomile flowers into the oil heated in a water bath, mix and keep on fire for about 5 minutes. Before use, allow the decoction to stand in a warm place for about an hour. The mask is applied using gauze soaked in an oil composition, which is kept on the face for 15-30 minutes.

Sea buckthorn decoction

Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins, organic acids, and fatty oils. It has the following effects on the skin of the face:

  • rejuvenates
  • tones
  • moisturizes
  • nourishes.

To prepare sea buckthorn decoction you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn (leaves);
  • water -500 ml.

Pour sea buckthorn into boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, cool and let it brew. Sea buckthorn facial decoctions are used as lotions, masks, and lotions. This product is useful for mature, aging skin.

Moisturizing decoction of lemon balm, hops and yarrow

A good moisturizing effect is obtained by using herbal mixtures from lemon balm, hops, and yarrow. These herbs are rich in essential oils, vitamins, and microelements.

Properties of the decoction:

  • moisturizing
  • tonic
  • antibacterial.

To prepare a moisturizing decoction you will need:

  • dried lemon balm flowers;
  • yarrow leaves;
  • hop cones;
  • water.

Herbs, each in the amount of one tablespoon, are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 2-3 minutes. The resulting decoction is infused for 2 hours, filtered and used as a tonic twice a day.

Cleansing decoction of chamomile, linden, mint, rose hips, sage and dill

Decoctions of herbs for the face from linden, sage, rose hips, and dill perfectly cleanse, moisturize and nourish. The collection from these plants also has disinfectant properties, relieves inflammation, and promotes the healing of microcracks. It is used for problematic facial skin prone to dryness and inflammation. Action of the decoction:

  • humidification
  • cleansing
  • nutrition

To prepare a cleansing infusion, you will need the following:

  • dry chamomile inflorescences;
  • sage leaves;
  • dill herb;
  • linden flowers;
  • petals from rosehip flowers;
  • mint leaves.

Instead of rose hips, you can take rose petals. Pre-prepare the herbal mixture. To do this, plants are mixed and crushed in equal proportions. Then 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for about 5 minutes. The broth is infused for about half an hour and filtered. The resulting product is used to cleanse, nourish, and moisturize the skin.

How to use them correctly?

Herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy or collected yourself. In pharmacies they are found in loose form and in bags for one-time brewing. The method of preparing the decoction directly depends on the packaging format. The instructions for any pharmaceutical herb contain a specific algorithm for its preparation. The herb in bags is filled with the required amount of hot water. Usually 1-2 sachets are required for 1 glass. The loose herb is prepared in a water bath.

The broth is brought to a boil as many times as indicated on the package. It is then cooled to room temperature. The resulting ingredient must be stored in the refrigerator. Some decoctions are allowed to be taken internally. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications first. Oral intake of herbs should not be abused. Treatment of the skin from the inside is carried out in a course. Its duration does not exceed 1 month.

And finally the powder

Believe it or not, powders also help eliminate wrinkles and improve skin tone! Use thistle herb or Indian Ayurveda ubtan recipe.

Ubtan is a powder that can be used all over the body. Can replace a scrub, soap, mask, and help eliminate problems associated with sagging skin, enlarged pores and peeling.

It is prepared from rice, oatmeal or chickpea flour - the grains are ground and mixed with (optional) flax seeds, parsley, calendula, St. John's wort, mint or thyme. Plus ginger, turmeric and nutmeg, blue clay and oil (olive or sesame). Mix two parts of a mixture of herbs and flour base with one part of oil.

Watch the video for a few more recipes for this interesting product:

Interesting recipe, right? I can’t vouch for it, but I think it’s possible to master it, especially since the New Year holidays are coming soon - you’ll have to do something, right? By the way, what are you planning for the holidays? It seems like 10 days, but they fly by in an instant.

What are the benefits of chamomile

Regular use of a decoction of this medicinal plant will make your skin healthy and beautiful. Its benefit lies in its rich and unique composition, because it contains organic acids, vitamins and microelements.

Among these beneficial substances, chamomile contains the following components:

  • chamazulene;
  • caprylic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • choline;
  • carotene;
  • polysaccharides.

Chamomile is endowed with many beneficial properties, thanks to which it has long been used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. First of all, the plant is useful for its disinfecting and regenerating effects. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so even people prone to allergic reactions can safely wipe their face with chamomile decoction.

Chamomile is beneficial for the skin in the following ways:

  • gently disinfects it;
  • cleanses and tightens pores;
  • relieves inflammation and redness;
  • heals wounds.

For facial care, you can use the infusion immediately after preparing it and cooling it to room temperature. However, a much better effect is achieved if the skin is wiped with a frozen decoction of this medicinal healing plant.

Using ice on your face

Freshly prepared and cooled chamomile infusion should be poured into special molds and placed in the freezer. Then you need to remove the frozen ice from the container and wipe your face with it.

This procedure, in addition to enriching the dermis with all the beneficial substances present in the plant, also tones it well.

Frozen chamomile ice can be used for any skin type. If it is dry, this product perfectly refreshes the face, cleanses and softens the skin.

The same effect is achieved with normal facial skin type. If you have oily skin, you can also carry out this procedure, because chamomile ice cubes tone it well and eliminate problems such as oily shine and acne.

With regular use of frozen chamomile decoction for the face, the following effect of this natural remedy is noted:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antiseptic.

This complex action allows you to effectively combat acne. If you wipe other types of skin with a piece of ice, it acquires a healthy color and radiance, smoothness and elasticity. Rubbing the skin with a chamomile ice cube can replace any tonic.

To wipe dry and normal skin you will need only two tablespoons of chamomile and 200 ml of water. The process of preparing the decoction is the same as for oily skin. You don’t need to freeze this decoction, but simply wash your face with it.

Of course, carrying out such a procedure has a beneficial effect on our skin, however, this folk remedy may have its contraindications. You should not wash your face or wipe your skin with chamomile ice if you have obvious vascular networks and stars on your face.

Also, do not forget that prolonged exposure to cold on the skin does not benefit it either, so try not to stay in one area for a long time. You should know that chamomile has coloring properties, so do not prepare the decoction in a white container.

How to make ice

To use frozen chamomile decoction, you need to properly prepare the care product. There are several available methods for preparing a decoction, which is selected depending on the skin type. If you have oily skin, take three tablespoons of chamomile and add 200 ml of cold water.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for five minutes. Remove the broth from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for several hours. Strain the prepared broth, pour into ice cube trays and place in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the chamomile decoction ice for the face against acne is ready!

Other cosmetics

Chamomile goes very well with other plants. To prepare a tonic for the face, mix this useful plant with mint, you need to take them in equal quantities, then add 200 ml of water and boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Wash your face in the morning and before bed after removing makeup.

In autumn, when the skin especially suffers from wind and cold, it needs more careful care; carry out cosmetic procedures every day until spring arrives!

Sage decoction

Sage is in demand not only in cooking, it is also highly valued and actively used in facial care.

Its main action is aimed at restoring problematic skin, since thanks to its properties it copes well with acne, blackheads, wounds, microcracks and even eczema.

If you want to avoid premature aging, then washing your face with a decoction of this plant is a must.

It effectively cleanses pores of impurities, promotes the removal of harmful substances, and eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. And with regular use, your healthy complexion will be the envy of everyone around you.

Prepare the decoction:

  • Pour 6 tablespoons of sage into a liter of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat, covering the pan with a lid.

When preparing a sage decoction, you can immediately get double the benefits. As soon as you remove it from the heat, you can immediately steam your face; to do this, tilt your head over the pan and hide under a towel for a quarter of an hour. And when it cools down, use it to wash your face.

Green tea

Recommended for dark bags, sagging under the eyes, irritation of the dermis, clear signs of fatigue, exhaustion. The main condition is to use only a pure product, without flavorings, fruit or berry additives.


  1. To boil water.
  2. Place two tea bags into the liquid, which has already begun to cool.
  3. Squeeze lightly and place on eyes.
  4. Lie down, relaxing, for about a quarter of an hour.

Do not throw out the remaining broth - it has no less beneficial properties than tea granules. Use it to rinse your face or make homemade masks. Throw away the bags immediately - they are not suitable for a second use.

What herbs are good for dry skin?

There are several skin types - combination, oily, normal and dry. In each individual case, certain care is required. Dehydrated skin needs hydration and nutrition. The following herbs are suitable for it:

  • sage,
  • aloe,
  • rosemary,
  • mint,
  • yarrow,
  • spring primrose,
  • Linden,
  • parsley,
  • chamomile,
  • rose.

Properly selected herbs can replace industrial cosmetics. Lotions, masks and creams are prepared from herbs. The advantage of homemade cosmetic products is the absence of dyes and preservatives. Regular use of herbal decoctions in skin care eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness. Those with dry skin are prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. Home care using herbs delays the aging process indefinitely.

Help: It is not recommended to use horsetail, calamus, immortelle and nettle. They produce a drying effect on the epidermis.

Sea buckthorn decoction

Sea buckthorn is a multivitamin plant. It is used to prolong youth. It has proven itself well as a wound-healing and antibacterial agent. And also as a product for the care of excessively dry or oily skin. After regular use of sea buckthorn decoctions, the skin of the face becomes:

  • Full of vitamins;
  • Elastic;
  • Moisturized;
  • Fresh;
  • Rejuvenated.

A decoction is prepared from half a liter of clean water and sea buckthorn leaves. Three tablespoons of the plant are immersed in boiling water and boiled for about 5 minutes. Then the liquid should stand on the stove without fire for about an hour. The strained broth is used as: lotion, mask, lotions. Sea buckthorn (as a cosmetic product) is very useful for women after 45 years.

Decoctions or infusions

Many people do not understand the meaning of decoctions and infusions in a woman’s life, and they confuse the definitions themselves. Decoctions have a lower concentration of substances. If you first boil the herbs and then leave them for several hours (or days), then the remedy will become an infusion. Both are best used on the day of preparation.

The effect of moisturizing the skin is given by a recipe for a decoction of lemon balm, hops and yarrow. Take everything in equal proportions - one tablespoon at a time, pour in half a liter of boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 2 hours.

Decoctions of bitter wormwood, which narrow pores, get rid of oily shine, as they contain tannins, glycosides and resins: 2 tablespoons of the herb per cup of boiling water, cook for 5-6 minutes, leave for 3 hours.

Rejuvenation with herbal remedies

Anti-aging facial skin care requires an integrated approach. To stop the appearance of wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity, you need to take care of cleansing and nutrition. Along with cosmetics, decoctions and infusions from:

  • rosehip;
  • hops;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • calendula;
  • celandine.


Hop cones contain essential oil that:

  • prevents skin aging processes;
  • restores elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation and saturates the skin with oxygen;
  • provides antioxidant effect.

Amino acids, which are also part of the chemical composition of hops, activate cell renewal processes and stimulate collagen production. Therefore, cosmetic products made from hop cones not only smooth out old wrinkles, but also prevent the appearance of new ones.

A decoction of hop cones will help give the skin elasticity

Take 1 tbsp. l. hop cones and plantain, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry mixture, simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. Cool the finished broth and strain. Wipe cleansed face twice a day.


Rosemary is a real godsend for tired and sagging skin. It contains B vitamins which:

  • improve skin blood circulation;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • accelerate the transport of nutrients;
  • promote the elimination of toxins;
  • increase skin elasticity.

In addition, rosemary contains tannins, amino acids, fatty acids, phytosterols, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, which improve cell regeneration, even out skin tone and slow down the aging process.

will help reduce wrinkles and clear the skin of age spots .

Take equal parts of fresh rosemary, apple cider vinegar and purified water. Finely chop the rosemary with a knife, mix with water and vinegar, leave for 2 hours. Use the mixture to wipe your face once a day.

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