Labia enlargement surgery

External genitalia can change depending on a person’s age, the number of births a woman has, and hormonal imbalances. In official medicine, there is the concept of “intimate rejuvenation”, which can be carried out using surgical intervention or non-surgical method. This type of service in clinics is relatively new, so this material will provide complete information on it.

What is intimate rejuvenation

Intimate rejuvenation refers to one of the types of correction of the external and internal genital organs. This procedure can be used not only to solve anatomical problems or treat scars after childbirth, but also to get rid of atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, a pathology associated with age-related changes.

Doctors believe that rejuvenation of the intimate area not only eliminates aesthetic problems, but also restores a positive psychological attitude and increases a person’s self-esteem. Often after the procedures there is an increase in libido and improved potency.

Intimate rejuvenation can be carried out using surgical and conservative methods; the choice of a specific one is made by the doctor after examining and examining the patient. Any of the methods is characterized by extremely rare complications both during the immediate surgical intervention and at the stage of recovery of the body.

We recommend reading about laser skin whitening. You will learn about the benefits of laser whitening, areas that can be lightened with laser, and methods for whitening the face, intimate area and armpits. And here is more information about rejuvenation for men.

Indications for use

Procedures related to intimate rejuvenation cannot be carried out solely at the request of the patient, although this fact must be taken into account by the doctor. There are a number of medical indications for which medical manipulations on the external and internal genital organs are clearly indicated:

  • severe vaginal dryness that cannot be cured by drug therapy and folk remedies;
  • abnormal structure or acquired defect of the clitoris (for example, after injury), which causes the absence of clitoral orgasm;
  • too thick labia, their asymmetry;
  • muscle laxity in the intimate area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased libido, sexual desire;
  • degeneration of the fat layer in the pubic area.

Indications for surgery to increase the volume of the labia

A decrease in the volume of adipose tissue caused by age-related tissue changes, sudden weight loss, and hormonal imbalance.

  • Asymmetry , in which one lip has greater volume and size compared to the other.
  • Congenital anomalies of the development of the reproductive apparatus . In such cases, the labia majora are underdeveloped and do not completely cover the vulva. The barrier function of this part of the genitals is disrupted, and the intimate area looks ugly.
  • Damage to the genital apparatus caused by injuries, gynecological operations and other reasons. With the help of labia enlargement, you can not only equalize the volume of the genitals, but also make the consequences of injury or intervention less noticeable.
  • A woman’s desire to make this area as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Plump labia majora are subconsciously associated with youth, so fat tissue transplantation is part of the intimate rejuvenation complex.

Contour plastic surgery – procedures with hyaluronic acid

Contour plastic surgery of the intimate area is a non-surgical correction method that is carried out using drugs (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid. In this case, only highly purified acid is used, which reduces the risk of developing an allergic reaction to the drug to a minimum.

Hyaluronic acid has excellent moisturizing properties, which is why contour plastic surgery is prescribed for severe vaginal dryness against the background of atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa.

Fillers are so safe that they can be used for corrective procedures even in case of hormonal imbalances during menopause.

What contouring with hyaluronic acid can do:

  • Enlarge G-spots while increasing vaginal moisture and increasing the functionality of the Bartholin glands. This improves a woman's sex life, since after the procedure the G-spot becomes more convex and is stimulated by the penis, regardless of the angle at which it is inserted.
  • Correct the shape and size of the labia . Contour plastic surgery can enlarge both the labia minora and labia majora, increase their tone (flabbiness and sagging disappear), and improve moisture specifically in this area of ​​the external genitalia.
  • Solving the problems of postpartum and age-related changes in the vagina . Hyaluronic acid can narrow the vagina, provide it with a constant level of moisture and high tone.
  • Clitoris correction . If fillers are introduced into it, its size will increase and sensitivity will increase. Separately, clitoroplasty is considered, which is performed to strengthen the clitoral hood.

Watch the video about intimate contouring:

What are fillers and how do they work?

Fillers are drugs that are injected into the labia majora and minora to create volume. They are perfect for women whose intimate area has undergone age-related or other changes. Fillers contain components that retain moisture and stimulate tissue regeneration. Moreover, rejuvenation will occur naturally – by the body itself.

The fillers used in our Center have a natural base, therefore they do not cause allergic reactions and are perfectly accepted by the woman’s body. After 8-10 months, they break down into non-toxic components - carbon dioxide and water, and are completely eliminated from the body. After this, if desired, the procedure can be repeated.

Laser rejuvenation in the intimate area

The possibilities of lasers in medicine are simply enormous, so they are widely used in a variety of areas. One of the safest and most effective is intimate rejuvenation. In this case, laser exposure:

  • increases the tone of the vaginal muscles;
  • normalizes and stabilizes sexual desire, libido and sexual sensuality;
  • removes moles, age spots, scars and other blemishes on the external genitalia;
  • corrects the appearance of the labia and clitoris (their sizes and shapes);
  • The vaginal mucosa is constantly moistened.

Laser intimate rejuvenation
Laser rejuvenation in the intimate area significantly improves a woman’s sexual life - relieves pain during direct sexual intercourse, relieves psychological complexes.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • the integrity of the skin is not damaged, so scars do not form during the recovery period;
  • there is no pain, although if the dermis is hypersensitive and the patient is afraid, the doctor can make anesthetic applications;
  • there is no risk of damage to the vaginal mucosa, because the equipment allows you to set a certain intensity and depth of exposure to the laser beam, which is determined by the doctor on an individual basis;
  • The rehabilitation period is short; after just a few days, a woman can lead a normal lifestyle, and after 2 weeks begin sexual relations.

The duration of preservation of the obtained effect is separately mentioned. For a lasting result, the doctor may prescribe a course of laser rejuvenation procedures, but usually 1 session is sufficient.

Despite the fact that laser rejuvenation of the intimate area is considered the preferred procedure, there are clear contraindications to its implementation:

  • inflammatory diseases localized in the external genital area;
  • any types of diabetes;
  • tumors of a malignant and benign nature;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • thrombosis, hemophilia and any disturbances in the blood clotting system;
  • moles with unclear reasons for formation, localized on the external genitalia;
  • exacerbation of any chronic pathologies;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

The risk of developing side effects after laser rejuvenation of the intimate area is negligible. Rehabilitation ends after 5 days, but for another 3 weeks you need to avoid severe overheating in the external genital area, do not take hot baths, douche or visit the pool.

V-shaped resection of the labia minora

V-shaped resection is indicated for elongation of the labia minora in their middle part. In such a situation, a V-shaped flap is excised, then the tissue is sutured along the midline. Self-absorbable suture materials are used. After the operation, there are no scars or marks left, the labia look as natural and proportional as possible. During the operation, not only their size is corrected, but also their shape, and asymmetry is eliminated. Increasingly, labiaplasty is performed using laser technology. This allows you to achieve excellent aesthetic results, accelerate tissue regeneration in the postoperative period and reduce the risk of complications.


Resection of the labia is prohibited if:

  • infectious diseases in a patient:
  • venereal diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • persistent mental disorders;
  • oncopathologies;
  • poor blood clotting in the patient;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • menstruation, as well as a few days after it;
  • The patient is under 18 years of age.

Preparation for resection

Before undergoing a labia reduction procedure, you must consult with the plastic surgeon who will perform the operation. It is also necessary to undergo tests. Namely: general urine and blood tests, blood clotting tests, immunodeficiency virus tests, hepatitis and syphilis, find out your blood type and your Rh factor. 14 days before the scheduled date of the operation, the patient must give up tobacco products, hookah and blood thinners (acetylsalicylic acid, tocopherol acetate). If the body is weakened, the plastic surgeon may recommend taking a vitamin complex. The day before surgery you should not have sex.

List of mandatory tests before resection

  • Blood type, Rh;
  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Blood glucose;
  • Coagulogram;
  • Blood for RW, HbsAg, HCV;
  • Fluorography;
  • Vaginal smear;
  • Cytogram of the cervix;

Possible complications and outcome assessment

The results of the operation can be assessed no earlier than 60-80 days , and in some cases even after 3 months. The result is satisfactory if the resulting aesthetics suit the patient, the postoperative period is uncomplicated, the patient’s physical discomfort goes away, and sexual problems disappear. Complications may include scars that appear after resection of the labia, a decrease or increase in the sensitivity of the genital organs, wound infections, and the appearance of bruises.

Rehabilitation after surgery

It is worth taking recovery after surgery as seriously as possible. The appearance of the labia largely depends on this. So, during the rehabilitation period it is worth:

  • refuse to take hot baths, visit saunas, baths;
  • refuse to go to the gym;
  • abstain from sexual relations for a month;
  • douche the labia with an antiseptic;
  • apply special moisturizing and healing creams prescribed by the surgeon;
  • reduce activity so as not to rub the operated areas;
  • take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor for 1-2 weeks;
  • try not to sit;
  • do not visit the solarium or sunbathe;
  • Do not wear tight underwear and clothes for the first month.

Video of labia resection

Cost of labia minora reduction in Moscow

It is not possible to unambiguously determine the price, since each case is purely individual. The cost is influenced by the choice of anesthesia, the complexity of the case, the clinic where you will have the operation, the qualifications of the surgeon, and the length of stay in the clinic. The operation of resection of the labia (including V-shaped resection ) ranges in price from 10,000-45,000 rubles. On average, the cost of an operation in Moscow is 27,000 rubles.

Questions and answers about labia resection

How is the labia minora anesthetized during resection?

Doctors often use local anesthesia, exactly the same as that used in dentistry. This technique not only provides excellent pain relief, but also promotes rapid healing of the postoperative wound.

How long do you need to stay in a medical facility?

The entire process, from surgery to discharge, takes exactly one day, without an overnight stay. Resection can be carried out both in a hospital and in an outpatient setting.

How does the preparation process for labia minora plastic surgery proceed? ?

For a successful operation, avoiding risks, and for a quick recovery, you need:

  • A few days before the resection, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and not eating foods that contain vitamin E, and also not drinking green tea and fatty acids;
  • 24 hours before plastic surgery, you should avoid sexual intercourse, do not use tampons, suppositories, etc.;
  • Be sure to follow all hygiene rules to prepare for resection.

What risks exist during surgery?

  • Light bleeding, occurring in 3% of cases;
  • Infectious complications occur in less than 1% of cases.

Choose only experienced surgeons to perform the operation and be beautiful!

Date of publication: 01-07-2018

Thread lifting

An excellent alternative to surgery is thread lifting. This is a unique technique in its own way, which involves the installation of special threads with notches. They are completely biologically compatible with the tissues of the human body, so there is no risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Thread lifting is often prescribed when it is necessary to narrow the vaginal lumen; the effectiveness of this method is high, and the results last a long time. There are several more advantages of this method of intimate rejuvenation:

  • there is no rehabilitation period - the patient leaves the clinic after a few hours, and after 1 - 2 days can return to his usual rhythm of life;
  • there are no scars left in the manipulation area;
  • positive results are visible instantly.

Method of thread lifting
If the need arises, the doctor can administer local anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient must observe sexual rest for 3 weeks and refrain from physical activity for 2 months.

Preparatory stage for intimate rejuvenation

Despite the fact that the described procedures are carried out according to different algorithms, patient preparation involves the same studies:

  • on the level of acidity of the vaginal mucosa;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • collection of biomaterial for oncocytological research;
  • electrocardiography;
  • fluorography;
  • on blood glucose levels;
  • on the rate of blood clotting.

The doctor is obliged to collect the patient’s medical history, including information about illnesses suffered in childhood. Only after this will the feasibility and safety of intimate rejuvenation be determined.

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