Aging of female genital organs: where is the norm and where is the pathology?

What is meant by hypertrophy of the labia minora?

The labia minora and majora are elements of the vulva, that is, the external female genital organs. These are paired folds of skin surrounding the genital slit and the mouth of the vagina. The labia majora contain a significant amount of adipose tissue; their outer side is formed by skin, which, with the onset of maturity, becomes pigmented and covered with hair. The labia minora are folds that consist of extremely thin, smooth skin.

Women are often interested in the question of the correct appearance of the labia. Physiologically normal labia minora should be covered by the labia majora and become visible only after the labia majora are parted. There are often cases of hypertrophy of the labia minora, which begin to protrude beyond the genitals.

Significant problems that relate not only to beauty, but also to health, are indicated when the size (length) of the labia minora from base to edge exceeds 4 cm. Hypertrophic development of the labia minora is not only an unaesthetic appearance, but also the cause development of functional disorders.

The condition when the labia minora are excessively, very strongly hypertrophied is called Hottentot apron. The definition of this pathology comes from the name of the ancient African tribe of Hottentots. Women of this tribe are characterized by very large deposits of adipose tissue in the buttocks and strong development of the labia. In the Hottentot tribe, protruding buttocks and hypertrophied labia minora were considered an indispensable attribute of a woman.

Types of female labia

The shape and size of the labia minora are individual for each woman. On average, their thickness is half a centimeter and their length is 2-4 cm . There are several classifications of the labia minora. By lenght:

  • Short (there is a shortening of the distance from the clitoris to the posterior commissure, which is why the organs do not perform their protective function, since they do not close);
  • Long (closing, forming additional folds).

According to edge modifications:

  • Smooth (very rare);
  • Serrated (like cockscombs, observed most often and in many cases are asymmetrical).

By thickness:

  • Thin (occurs in adolescents and is characterized by a lack of volume);
  • Thick (have significant volume, characterized by decreased turgor).

It should be noted that all of the above variants of the labia minora are normal variants and do not require any correction.

Causes of hypertrophy of the labia minora

There are primary (congenital) and secondary hypertrophy of the labia minora.

  • Primary hypertrophy or genetic defect. Quite often, hypertrophy of the labia minora is a congenital defect; the reason for the development of this condition is still controversial. It is assumed that the defect in the structure of the labia minora is transmitted genetically, because in many cases such pathology occurs throughout the female line.
  • Secondary hypertrophy of the labia minora. In some cases, secondary enlargement of the labia minora occurs as a result of their excessive stretching.

Hypertrophied labia minora develop after natural childbirth, and deformation can also develop as a result of hormonal therapy using androgenic steroids.

Enlargement of the labia minora also occurs in cases of recurrent infectious diseases of the genital organs, which are often accompanied by swelling and stretching of the skin.

The insertion of intimate jewelry, as well as wearing jewelry, for example, heavy earrings that stretch the skin, leads to enlargement of the labia.


Possible causes and what is evidenced by enlarged labia Most women, when any gynecological problems arise, do not rush to visit a doctor to find out the cause. The reason for this is a feeling of embarrassment and fear of hearing a diagnosis. One of the problems of an intimate nature is enlargement of the labia. Sometimes, along with this problem, symptoms such as vaginal discharge, pain, redness, itching and burning in the perineum may also be observed. Why can the labia enlarge in women? The reasons for this intimate phenomenon can be very different.

Some of them require immediate treatment, while others go away on their own. Why do the labia become enlarged? The reasons for the increase in size may be the following:

Contact with a partner. Enlargement of the labia occurs due to blood flow as a result of sexual arousal. In most cases, the labia will return to their previous size within a few hours.

Treatment in this case is not required, but if they remain enlarged for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy period. Fatty tissue accumulates in the lower abdomen and genitals, which provides warmth to the fetus. After the birth of a baby, all female organs will return to their original appearance. Bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland).

With this disease, the Bartholin glands located at the entrance to the vagina become inflamed. The cause of inflammation of the glands is sexually transmitted infections. The early stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of an abscess, and the vagina and lips increase in size and become red in color. Thrush (candidiasis). Along with pain and itching, enlargement of the labia is one of the symptoms of the disease.

Most often they appear during sex and urination. Due to the fact that both partners can catch candidiasis, treatment should also be joint. If only the woman is treated, there is a high probability of re-infection during sex. In addition, the infection is transmitted through other people's underwear and other objects. Candidiasis develops against the background of a weakened immune system, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, and poor-quality underwear.

Itching that occurs in the genital area leads to enlargement of the labia as a result of the constant desire to scratch. By curing candidiasis, all genitals will return to their normal state. Herpes virus. The disease is transmitted through contact with a partner.

If a woman’s immunity is severely weakened or she often changes sexual partners, then the risk of developing the disease increases. Herpes is characterized by the following symptoms: swelling, redness of the skin of the genitals, itching, ulcers and blisters with liquid inside, fever, and general malaise. There is pain when urinating. The symptoms of herpes are noticeable only during the period of exacerbation; the rest of the time the disease is asymptomatic. Vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia).

Causes of the disease: long-term use of medications (especially antibiotic treatment), a number of diseases, allergic reactions, high humidity of the genitals, non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules. Enlargement of the labia is the main symptom indicating the disease, along with general malaise, redness of the skin of the genital organs and a burning sensation. Vulvodynia. The disease is characterized by pulsating pain; it occurs suddenly, but can remain in the body for a long time, after which it subsides suddenly. Pain occurs during walking or during sex. In some cases, the disease can cause swelling of the labia majora. Pathology can be provoked by: infections, somatic pathologies, tight and constricting underwear, nerve damage.

Chronic pathologies and allergies can also be the cause of labia enlargement. Enlarged labia: when should you sound the alarm? The symptoms listed below are a reason to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment: change in the odor, color or consistency of vaginal discharge; feeling of discomfort in the vaginal area, itching, burning; the appearance of compactions (self-diagnosis by palpation); the appearance of neoplasms on the skin of the vagina. Treatment methods Whatever the cause of labia enlargement, it is better not to try to get rid of the problem on your own. A qualified doctor can identify the cause and prescribe appropriate measures to eliminate it. Therefore, you need to visit a gynecologist.

If the cause of the increase in size is candidiasis, it is recommended to take immunostimulating medications and vaginal suppositories. Vulvodynia is a pathology, it is provoked by thrush, if therapy is started incorrectly or treated with hormonal drugs. Vulvodynia is also characterized by severe pain, so antispasmodics are also necessary. Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines and antidepressants. For bartholinitis, antibacterial drugs are indicated, and for vulvitis, antiseptic drugs. If the cause lies in diseases of the body systems, for example, the endocrine system, then treatment should be aimed at enhancing or suppressing its functions. Why is it still not recommended to look for the cause of the problem yourself?

Self-diagnosis, let alone treatment, is unacceptable, because the consequences can be the most unpredictable.


What problems do women experience as a result of hypertrophy of the labia minora?

The problem of hypertrophy of the labia minora is just ceasing to be a taboo topic. Until now, it was believed that this was a purely cosmetic problem, only now a significant impact of changes on a woman’s health is being noted.

Women with overly large labia develop serious psychological discomfort. They are very ashamed of their pathology. This has a huge impact on their well-being; women refuse tourist trips, trips to the beach or the pool.

Hypertrophy of the labia minora has a negative impact on the sexual activity of women. In addition to shame in front of their partner, they very often feel discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.

Patients with overly large labia minora often cannot wear regular underwear, which damages the skin. Microtraumas not only cause pain and discomfort, but also represent an entry point for infection. This problem is especially aggravated in the summer, when the surrounding skin sweats intensely, further irritating the labia.

In addition, with abnormal development of the labia minora, it is much more difficult to maintain adequate intimate hygiene.

Hypertrophy of the labia minora also affects the physical activity of women and girls. When the labia are too large, friction between the folds of the skin occurs when running, walking or cycling, which significantly limits a woman's activity, causing pain and severe discomfort.

Surgical treatment

Treatment can only mean surgical correction of overgrown tissues of the external female intimate organs. This is explained by the fact that any other treatment methods are simply unable to bring any obvious and lasting results. The reasons for prescribing surgical intervention are considered to be:

  1. Unaesthetic appearance of the external intimate organs, associated with the growth of the labia minora by more than 5 centimeters.
  2. The third and fourth stages of development of the disease bring the patient significant physical discomfort, which has a negative impact on her quality of life, physiological and emotional state.

In the presence of advanced stages of the disease, the risk of damage to the external genital organs during active physical exercise, sexual activity, or during childbirth increases significantly. To avoid all the problems listed above, the attending gynecologist can refer a patient with an overgrowth of the lower intimate lips for surgical treatment.

Plastic surgery of the labia, aimed at correcting their size, will relieve the girl of all problems associated with the growth of external intimate organs. Surgical intervention is performed by excision of the overgrown area of ​​the labia, which is performed using a laser or scalpel.

These manipulations are performed under local anesthesia or sedation. The patient may be offered anesthesia in the form of injection or application of a special anesthetic cream to the site of surgical adjustment. After removing the overgrown labia, sutures made of easily absorbable modern medical threads will be placed on the surface of the external intimate organ. Typically, the operation time ranges from 30 minutes to one hour.

Labiaplasty to reduce hypertrophied labia minora

Labiaplasty (labium - lip) refers to plastic surgery to change the size and shape of the labia. This intervention is used to reduce the size of hypertrophied labia minora.

Labiaplasty of hypertrophic labia minora

The procedure is carried out for medical reasons for congenital defects, enlargement of the labia, which causes physical and psychological discomfort, and at the request of a woman, when she is not satisfied with the appearance of the genitals.

Labiaplasty is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia (this depends on the body’s allergic reactions to certain medications, for example, if lidocaine is intolerant, general anesthesia is used for local anesthesia) and involves excision of excess tissue, which leads to a reduction in the labia minora and a return to their normal physiology . The effect of labiaplasty is mostly positive.

Reducing hypertrophied labia minora using labiaplasty has undeniable advantages. This guarantees physical health, significantly improves well-being, and eliminates the woman’s psychological discomfort.

Functions of the labia majora and minora

The function of the labia majora is to protect the vestibule organs from mechanical stress and prevent infection of the genitourinary system. The labia minora are the second layer of protection against infection of the vagina and urethra, and are also largely involved in moisturizing the mucous membrane. In addition, the labia minora take an active part in sexual intercourse. During sex, additional stimulation of the penis occurs with the help of the labia minora. But organs are also involved in a woman's orgasm. Despite the fact that one of the main erogenous zones of the female body is the clitoris, the labia minora are amplifiers of pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. Because the labia are attached to the clitoris, their movement during sex provides additional stimulation, which helps achieve orgasm.

Recommendations after labiaplasty of the labia minora

After performing labiaplasty to eliminate hypertrophy of the labia minora, the doctor’s main recommendation is to take care of intimate hygiene to prevent the development of infection. Infection with bacteria prevents the healing of the wound surface; in addition, the inflammatory process can lead to distortion of the operated labia minora.

  • In the postoperative period for correction of the labia minora, you should wear only breathable cotton underwear.
  • For a month you will have to give up active sports that can cause friction in the genital area, such as cycling or horse riding.

About a week after the operation, the first visit to the doctor is scheduled, during which he examines the labia minora and removes the sutures.

A second follow-up visit is required approximately one month after surgery. The gynecologist will re-examine the condition of the genital organs, only after assessing the condition of the labia minora, and only the doctor gives permission to return to sexual activity.

The normal physiological state of the female genital organs is the key to a woman’s health and psychological comfort.

Contraindications to labia augmentation surgery

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding - lactation. During this period, any effects on the body are not desirable, including surgical interventions on the intimate area.
  • The presence inside the genitals of fillers used to enlarge them, for example, fillers or hyaluronic acid. You need to wait until they completely dissolve and come out.
  • Condition after recent surgical interventions - fat grafting is not performed until the body has recovered.
  • Menstruation - surgery should be postponed until after.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Various inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital area, including STDs. An increase in the volume of the labia under such conditions can cause the spread of microorganisms throughout the reproductive apparatus or even throughout the body.
  • Bleeding disorder - surgery is not performed due to the risk of bleeding.
  • Various cancers and diseases that do not even affect the sexual sphere.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars. In such women, any operation causes the appearance of scar tissue.

Preparation for labia enlargement surgery

Before surgery, the doctor examines the patient’s intimate area. The gynecologist, together with the woman, decides how much fat cells need to be added to get the desired result. Places for taking fat cells are selected - the abdomen, buttocks or thighs.

Increasing the volume of the labia

The patient is prescribed tests:

  • General blood test.
  • General urine examination.
  • Blood for clotting indicators.
  • Tests for infections - blood for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis.
  • Smears from the vagina, urethra and cervix for microflora.
  • Pap smear from the surface of the cervix, detecting cancer and precancer.

Before the operation, other diagnostics may be prescribed. For existing chronic diseases, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

A week before lipofilling, you need to stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting. You should tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking. You may have to temporarily stop taking some medications.

Labial enlargement under general anesthesia is done on an empty stomach. A woman does not have to fast before undergoing local anesthesia. Before visiting the clinic, you need to remove hair from the pubic and groin area.

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