Intimate contouring: procedure technique, practical cases

Intimate contouring helps women get rid of complexes that are not usually talked about, but which can even cause serious mental disorders.

Dissatisfaction with the appearance of her own genitals not only does not allow a woman to relax during intimacy, but also often stops her from a scheduled visit to the gynecologist.

The cause of female dissatisfaction may be congenital anomalies of the external genitalia, tissue deformation after childbirth, injury, age-related or hormonal changes. At the same time, imperfections can prevent a woman from experiencing pleasure during sex, not only due to a physiological factor, but also due to psychological constraint.

Few people will decide to undergo plastic surgery, since not everyone considers surgical intervention justified in this situation; after all, the intimate area is not the nose or ears, which are visible to everyone. Contour plastic surgery is a completely different matter. This is an actively developing injection technique that allows for low-traumatic correction of different areas of the face and body. Cosmetology clinics successfully promote contouring of the face, nasolabial folds, and lips. Contour plastic surgery of intimate areas is not so popular: if in order to decide to epilate the bikini area in a salon, many women often have to overcome their embarrassment, then correction of shapes in the intimate area is even more difficult for them. However, time and medical progress take their toll, and intimate contouring is gradually becoming more and more commonplace.

What is contour plastic surgery of intimate areas?

Contour plastic surgery of intimate areas is a self-sufficient procedure for correcting the shape of the external genitalia. It is painless, safe and low-traumatic.

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of special “fillers” – fillers – into certain points. As a result of a successful procedure, it is possible to eliminate the asymmetry of the external genitalia, correct the shape and volume, and rejuvenate the tissue.

The purpose of intimate contouring is:

  • Correction of the shape and volume of the labia majora and minora, including the elimination of acquired or congenital asymmetry.
  • Restoring the elasticity of tissues that have lost elasticity due to sudden weight loss, childbirth, hormonal or age-related changes.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin and mucous membranes by normalizing local metabolic processes and water balance.
  • Improving the accessibility of the clitoris to solve the problem of lack of or decreased brightness of orgasm.
  • Treatment of involuntary urination due to urethral hypermotility.
  • Elimination of atrophy (kraurosis) of the vulva.

In addition, the procedure can complement classical plastic surgery, improving tissue healing and providing a more subtle correction.

Indications for increasing the volume of the labia with fillers

  • Restoring the shape of the genitals - the procedure is perfect for women who have lost part of their genital volume due to age-related changes, hormonal imbalances, childbirth, sudden weight loss and other reasons.
  • Dryness in the intimate area. Fillers contain substances that retain moisture inside the tissues, which helps to avoid poor moisture in the genital tract. After the procedure, you can forget about lubricants and other temporary measures. The intimate area will become naturally moisturized.
  • The labia augmentation procedure using fillers eliminates problems associated with the bladder and urethra. It helps eliminate urinary incontinence, inflammation of the urethra and bladder. Therefore, this method is often recommended not only by gynecologists, but also by urologists.
  • Reduced sexual sensitivity - the introduction of fillers makes the tissues more elastic and activates the G-spot, which is extremely important for obtaining satisfaction during intimacy. The introduction of fillers into the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule can reduce its size and enhance the sensations from sexual intercourse for both partners. Therefore, many women who have undergone this procedure claim that it has refreshed their intimate relationships.
  • Asymmetry of the genital area. Filler injections will help in situations where one labia majora or minora is larger than the other.
  • Scarring and other damage to the intimate area caused by childbirth, trauma, and surgery. Fillers not only smooth out this area, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the tissue. The components they contain, due to regeneration processes, make scars softer, more invisible and promote their absorption.
  • Sexual infantilism - in some women, the genital area is poorly developed from birth, which often becomes the cause of complexes and interferes with the normalization of personal life. Filling will eliminate this problem, while the genital area will look as natural as possible.

Reduced sexual sensitivity
Fillers can also be administered for aesthetic reasons by women who desire a specific genital area. That is, the procedure is both therapeutic and aesthetic.

There are few contraindications to the procedure. These are pregnancy, breastfeeding, serious illnesses, including cancer, and blood clotting disorders. Fillers are also not administered during menstrual periods. In other cases, a woman can contact the University Center for Aesthetic Medicine to enlarge her labia using this safe, modern method.

Types of contour plastic surgery of the intimate area

  • Labiaplasty

This type of contouring is used to correct the volume and shape of the labia. Most often, fillers are used to increase the volume of subcutaneous fat in the labia majora area. Normally, they should cover the labia minora, thereby providing a barrier and thermoregulatory function of the vaginal vestibule. Additionally, defects in the labia are eliminated and rejuvenated.

  • Clitoroplasty

The filler is not injected into the clitoris itself, but into the prepuce area. Injection correction of the clitoris improves the quality of intimate life.

  • G-spot enlargement

The introduction of fillers into the area of ​​the Gräfenberg point, one of the main erogenous zones in women, increases its sensitivity. In addition, the diameter of the vagina is partially reduced.

  • Correction of urinary incontinence

With age and after childbirth, the vaginal muscles weaken, the volume of soft tissue surrounding the urethra decreases, and as a result, the pressure in the urethra decreases. As a result, urine leakage occurs when laughing, coughing, physical activity and other situations that cause tension in the abdominal muscles. Intimate filling allows you to tone the muscles, thereby increasing the pressure in the urethra and restoring the function of the sphincter.

  • Perineoplasty

The essence of perineoplasty is the injection correction of the walls and vestibule of the vagina in order to narrow its diameter. The procedure is very relevant for women who have given birth and is needed to improve the quality of intimate life.

  • Correction of involutional age-related changes

Weight loss and gain, pregnancy, surgery and injury lead to weakening of the muscles and prolapse of the vaginal walls. Over the years, the amount of natural lubrication decreases, the folding of the walls and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat decrease. Carrying out intimate contour plastic surgery allows you to achieve a lifting effect and increase vaginal moisture, reducing the risk of developing atrophic vaginitis.

Why is contour plastic surgery needed in the intimate area?

Subcutaneous injection of filler gels is indicated primarily for patients with congenital anomalies of the genital organs: too small or asymmetrical labia, an underdeveloped clitoris and other visual defects. Contour plastic surgery can correct postpartum and postoperative tissue changes and restore normal sensitivity and hydration of the mucous membranes.

Often older patients resort to contouring, for whom this method of intimate correction is an opportunity to get rid of urinary incontinence, eliminate dryness, itching and burning in the vaginal area, and increase the G-spot, which is responsible for sexual satisfaction.

Intimate contouring preparations

Intimate contouring fillers are most often special fillers containing high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid-based fillers). The most popular of them are:

  • Bellcontour G-VISC, produced by the Swiss concern Hyalintertrade since 2005, designed specifically for the intimate area and has increased elasticity and viscosity.
  • Restylane Perlane, produced by the Swedish company Q-Med and having a consistency sufficiently dense for a lasting effect and convenient tissue modeling.
  • Repleri No. 3 made in Russia by NovoNexus. According to the manufacturer, due to its high viscosity, this filler has “shape memory” specified during injection.

Being a natural component of the skin, hyaluronic acid does not cause allergies. Since hyaluronic acid is absorbed by the body over time, intimate contouring with hyaluronic acid gives only a temporary result, which after a certain period (from 6 months to a year) requires additional correction.

Patient's own fat

can also act as a filler used to correct shapes and volumes in the intimate area. The advantages of lipofilling include complete hypoallergenicity, excellent survival rate of the fat filler and long-lasting results (about 2 years versus 6-12 months for fillers based on hyaluronic acid).

biopolymer or silicone non-absorbable gels can be used to perform contouring in the intimate area.

. They, on the contrary, have more disadvantages than advantages, and therefore are gradually becoming a thing of history and are practically not used at the present time. Firstly, the administration of biopolymers is often accompanied by the formation of fibrous capsules at the injection site. Secondly, an unsatisfactory result is very difficult to correct; the gel cannot be removed from tissues. And thirdly, when using a gel, there is a high probability of its migration, and for the intimate area, due to physiological characteristics (movement, friction), this risk is especially high. Well, besides, biogel does not have a rejuvenating effect on tissue, unlike fat emulsion and preparations based on hyaluronic acid.


The drug used for contouring of the intimate area must meet a number of requirements. It is unacceptable that the material from which the product is made is toxic, saturates the body with carcinogenic substances, provokes inflammation, allergic reactions or infection, or has a cytotoxic effect (causes changes in cells leading to their death). At the same time, it is important that the substance retains functional activity for the entire period that it remains in the tissues.

All of the above conditions are met by hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, preparations based on which are considered the most preferable for contouring the intimate area. Such products are easily administered by injection, are stable and do not migrate under the skin, are convenient for modeling soft tissues and replenishing volume deficits, and allow you to achieve results that will last for a long time.


“To enhance the sensations, I had the G-spot enlarged at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic using intimate contouring. I liked the effect. When necessary, I will come for the procedure again.”

Christina, 22 years old. See other reviews about intimate plastic surgery.

Intimate contouring: stages

  • Survey

Before undergoing contouring, it is recommended to undergo a number of basic tests to minimize the likelihood of side effects and complications.

  • Preparation

Women are not recommended to plan the procedure on the eve of, during and immediately after menstruation, when the tissues have characteristic swelling.

The day before the procedure, you must remove all hair in the intimate area and take a shower.

  • Administration of the drug

The procedure is carried out in sterile conditions in a medical office using disposable instruments (syringes).

Before administering the injections, the specialist treats the skin with an antiseptic to disinfect the skin and an anesthetic for pain relief.

The drug can be injected into the labia majora and minora, into the clitoris, and into the G-spot.

  • Rehabilitation

During the first couple of days, the patient may experience discomfort in the area where the drug is administered, and swelling of the mucous membrane and skin may occur. Such troubles last no more than four days.

After seven days, the result is assessed and, if necessary, additional correction is carried out.

Within two weeks after the procedure, sexual abstinence is required, avoiding taking hot baths, hypothermia, visiting a sauna, solarium, or swimming pool. Also during this period, physical activity is not recommended, especially horse riding, riding an exercise bike or a bicycle. All these measures are aimed at preventing migration and premature resorption of the material in the tissues.

Intimate contouring for men

Intimate contouring for men is no less interesting. It is relevant for the problem of premature ejaculation, as well as in situations of dissatisfaction with the shape and size of the penis.

  • Solving the problem of premature ejaculation

Statistics show that about 50% of men constantly or periodically face the problem of rapid ejaculation. The introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid allows you to solve this problem as quickly and minimally traumatic as possible. The effect is achieved by increasing the distance between the surface layers of the skin and the genital receptors through the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Interestingly, over time, despite the resorption of the filler, the effect may persist due to the entrenched psychological attitude toward prolonged sexual intercourse.

  • Changing the shape and size of the penis

It is not only women who experience psychological discomfort when they are dissatisfied with their own shape. In men, this can even lead to impotence. Injecting fillers into the soft tissues of the external genitalia allows you to increase its size, adjust its shape, etc. Due to physiological characteristics, fillers in this area tend to dissolve quickly. Therefore, some experts consider the technique ineffective.

Laser intimate rejuvenation

Laser intimate rejuvenation is a non-surgical technique aimed at improving the functional and aesthetic properties of the vulva. Indications for the procedure are:

  • decreased libido and sexual sensitivity;
  • decreased muscle tone of the genital organs in the postpartum period;
  • vulvovaginitis during perimenopause, accompanied by itching, burning, dryness;
  • age-related changes in the external genitalia: hypotrophy of the labia majora, hypertrophy of the labia minora, lipodystrophy of the pubic region, hyperpigmentation of the vulvo-perianal region;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dyspareunia (painful sensations during sexual intercourse).

Laser intimate rejuvenation procedures allow you to achieve a lasting effect, including natural mechanisms of tissue remodeling, which means that rejuvenation is carried out by the body itself - naturally, physiologically and without side effects.

  1. Restoration of the receptor apparatus, increase in sensitivity and hydration.
  2. Improving tissue microcirculation and increasing muscle tone.
  3. Correction of defects of the external genitalia, correction of the size and shape of the labia majora and minora

Benefits of non-surgical intimate rejuvenation

  • minimally invasive technique;
  • safety of the procedure;
  • painlessness;
  • the effect lasts 8-12 months;
  • the procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times.
  • Contour plastic surgery
    from 15,000 ₽
  • Narrowing of the vagina with hyaluronic acid (without the cost of the drug)

    25 000 ₽

  • Laser intimate rejuvenation

    from 25,000 ₽

Gynecologists performing intimate rejuvenation at the Frau Klinik

Contraindications for intimate contouring, side effects, complications


  • individual intolerance to filler components;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • inflammation and injury to the skin in the affected area;
  • oncological diseases;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloids;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Possible complications:

  • risk of infection during injections;
  • the likelihood of the formation of fibrous areas.

Complications develop extremely rarely. To avoid them, you must carefully choose the clinic and specialist performing the procedure.

Side effects:

  • slight itching in the injection area;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • small hematomas.

Side effects usually do not cause too much discomfort and go away on their own within a few days.

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