Penis enlargement: surgical and non-surgical methods for penis enlargement: Tips

The size of the penis directly affects your intimate life. Most often the problem is purely psychological. But this does not make it any less significant. If a man is not satisfied with his size, he develops complexes, sexual problems begin, and even a complete lack of sex.

In some cases, the size of the penis or erectile dysfunction makes sexual intercourse impossible. Reconstructive intimate plastic surgery will solve a number of problems in this area and raise sexual life to a qualitatively different level.

The decision to go under the knife is quite a serious step, requiring a careful approach and consultation with a surgeon or urologist.

Normal penis sizes

The size of manhood worries many men. The penis is measured according to three parameters: at rest, at maximum stretch, and in an erect state. Correctly measure at room temperature, measure along the back of the penis, from the pubis to the edge of the head.

When taking measurements, pull it out in a horizontal position. An erect penis greater than 9.5 cm in length is considered normal size. A smaller penis is considered small. The term "micropenis" means that its length is less than 2 cm.

Traditional medicine methods

When deciding how to increase penis size, you should first turn to traditional medicine methods. Possessing high efficiency and a minimum number of contraindications, they involve the use of means and drugs available to everyone.

The following methods for changing the size of the penis have proven to be the most effective: Using soda - from this product, accessible to everyone and always available at home, a bath is made (1 tablespoon of soda per full glass of warm water) into which the penis is lowered. The procedure time is 10 minutes. It is recommended to use such a bath an hour before intended intimacy: there is an increase in sexual desire and a high degree of sensations during sex.

To increase efficiency and obtain overall healing effects, you can add half a teaspoon of natural honey to a bath of soda. Using the method for several months in a row allows you to increase the girth of the penis by up to 2 cm.

  • Thyme decoction, which is brewed at the rate of 100 g of dry herb per glass of boiling water. To obtain results, it takes several months of daily use of the decoction. The advantage of this effect is the absence of side effects and long-lasting results.
  • Wormwood seeds also have a stimulating effect on the male genital organ. a teaspoon of seeds is poured into 150 ml of cold water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink half a teaspoon of the decoction three times a day for 3 months, then take a break (2-3 weeks), after which the effect continues.
  • An infusion of blackcurrant and raspberry leaves, to which propolis is added, has a positive effect on blood circulation. This allows you to increase blood flow to the penis and increase its size.

Traditional medicine methods make it possible to answer the question of how to increase the width of the penis. At the same time, there is a general improvement of the body, increased potency, which has a positive effect on sexual life in general. However, for a noticeable effect, you should follow the chosen method (or a combination of them) for a long time (3-5 months without a break), which will ensure the success of the effect and improve the quality of your intimate life.


Penis lengthening surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The organ is supported by ligaments, which, going deep into the pelvis, are attached to the bones. Surgically, the ligaments in the scrotum area are cut, which allows you to literally stretch the inner part of the penis, visually increasing its size by 1.5-6 cm.

Recovery period: several months, you should abstain from sexual activity for 2-3 weeks. For proper fusion of the ligaments, an extender, a special fixing device, is worn for 2-8 hours a day. Its regular use for six months allows you to increase the size of the organ by another 2-4 cm.

Advantages: the procedure takes about 40 minutes, the postoperative suture remains almost invisible, there is no discomfort after the operation, the urethra, cavernous bodies and neurovascular bundle of the penis are not injured.

Indications for the operation:

  • Injuries that affected the size of the penis
  • Insufficient organ size during erection,
  • Congenital deformities: Peyronie's disease (curvature of the organ),
  • Cavernous fibrosis.

Reviews from doctors

The effect after the procedure is observed for quite a long time. The operation does not directly lengthen the penis, it makes it visually longer; it is necessary to follow all the specialist’s recommendations after the procedure, including wearing an extender.

Patient reviews

Evgeniy, 28 years old

It was possible to enlarge the penis by as much as 5 cm, the operation was painless, the seam was invisible, there was no pain, no discomfort after the operation, no complications. Of course, I wore a stretcher for 6 months, but the results are worth it. My personal life is in full swing, there are no problems with girls, now I feel very confident.

Dmitry, 35 years old

I gained 4 cm, my wife is very happy, a new round in our intimate life. And I began to feel much more confident.

The cost of the operation is in a fairly wide range from 21,000 rubles. up to 115,000 rubles, depends on the level and prestige of the clinic.

Types of surgical operations

Elimination (total or partial) of the affected penis is carried out using several methods. These include:

Remember that the degree of preservation of the organ depends on timely access to a doctor

  • Surgical elimination of the penis using the emasculation method. It is prescribed in case of cancer of the male genital organ (stage 4) with penetrating metastasis to the scrotum area. In this case, the testicles in men are removed and the penis is completely eliminated. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. First, the treating specialist performs a dissection of the skin in the groin area, followed by intersection of the spermatic cords. Then the affected inguinal lymph nodes and the penis itself with the contents of the scrotum are excised, followed by suturing of the urethra. A puncture biopsy of the testicle will help the doctor determine the presence of tumors in the scrotum (this examination is often performed in case of male infertility).
  • For cancer of the penis (if the tumor is localized in the area of ​​the foreskin and there is no damage to the cavernous bodies), the scalping technique can be used. First, the skin is cut around the base of the penis. After this, it is scalped up to the borders of the coronary sulcus and then cut off. The next steps involve preparing a tunnel in the front of the scrotum and placing the penis inside it. A transverse incision is made on the skin of the scrotum, through which the head of the penis itself is removed and then sutured. After 2 months, repeated surgical treatment is performed, aimed at releasing the penis from the scrotum, followed by suturing of the renewed skin.
  • Total amputation of the penis followed by urethrostomy is carried out with dissection of the skin immediately to the beginning of the boundaries of the tunica albuginea. After this, the cavernous bodies are intersected and interrupted sutures are placed on them (to stop bleeding). Then the doctor sutures the urethra into the skin (perineum). At the end of the manipulations, a catheter is inserted into the bladder, which will remain there permanently.

Advice: if you suspect the presence of tumors on the penis (for example, enlarged nevi and various skin formations), you should immediately consult a urologist to identify cancer. If there is heaviness in the scrotum area and discomfort, it is also necessary to visit a treating specialist, since varicocele may develop (the operation to remove varicocele using a microsurgical method is very effective and painless).

Penis thickening operations


It is performed under general anesthesia. It involves transplanting your own fat cells (lipocytes), which are injected along the shaft of the genital organ under general anesthesia with a microneedle. Lipocytes are collected from areas of the body that have excess fat deposits (buttocks, thighs, abdomen).

During the recovery period, sexual rest is required for about a month.

Advantages: the procedure itself takes approximately 1 hour, since your own cells are transplanted, there is no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection of a foreign body by the body.


  • Internal complexes due to the small size of the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction.
  • A pathologically thin penis, or its deformation, asymmetry.

Small penis size can lead to psychological problems that become the cause of erectile dysfunction, and, consequently, lead to problems in the intimate sphere or a complete lack of relationships with the opposite sex.

Sometimes the patient has no reason to complain about the size, but he is forced to turn to minimally invasive plastic surgery to correct severe deformation or asymmetry of the organ.


  • Immune disorders
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections
  • Diabetes
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Purulent wounds and ulcers on the body of the penis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage


For two months after the operation, sports and physical activity are excluded, and sexual rest is also recommended. This is necessary so as not to damage the transplanted fat cells.

Reviews from doctors

The procedure solves cosmetic problems, corrects deformation or asymmetry of the phallus. The risk of an allergic reaction is minimal because your own cells are transplanted. In the postoperative period, you need to abstain not only from sexual activity, but also from physical activity.

Patient reviews

Maxim, 23 years old.

I decided to undergo the procedure in order to give my penis additional volume. I became more confident, during sexual intercourse there are some sharper sensations or something, girls also like it.

Prices for the lipofilling procedure are 35,000-50,000 rubles.

Exercises and manual techniques

The use of massage movements allows you to achieve an increase in the volume of the penis. Experts, studying how to change the volume of the penis, strongly recommend massaging the organ. It is ideal to perform manual manipulation on your partner - this way the effect will be faster and longer lasting.

The question is often asked: “Is it possible to increase the thickness of the penis only using massage?”, and the answer from doctors is affirmative. It is based on an active rush of blood into the cavernous bodies of the penis, while the diameter of the penis becomes 0.5-2 cm larger. The main condition for success is regularity of exposure. Massage effects are one of the effective methods of how to independently increase the thickness and length of the penis.

The following exercises will help improve the quality of your intimate life:

  • before starting the complex, the penis is grasped at its root part, soft warming movements are performed;
  • after the appearance of an erection, the body of the penis is stretched until slight pain appears;
  • the head is stretched for 10-15 seconds.

An increase in the size of the penis occurs due to tissue stretching and increased filling of the body with blood.

Microsurgical muscle transplantation

Complex microsurgical manipulation allows you to increase the penis in diameter up to 3-4 cm. For transplantation, tissue from the abdominal wall or fascia or the serratus anterior muscle from the lateral surface of the chest is used.

The covering tissues of the penis are mobilized, the flap is fixed to its tunica albuginea, the epigastric vessels of the fragment and the organ are connected to each other to ensure blood supply.

The operation under general anesthesia lasts about 3 hours; active pain relief is carried out in the postoperative period.


  • Consequences of injuries
  • Congenital pathology
  • Previous sexual diseases
  • Sex reassignment due to hermaphroditism
  • Presence of a “micropenis”

The rehabilitation period is 1.5-2 months.

Using an extender

When consulting with a specialist on how to increase the size of your manhood, you should take into account the possibility of using modern devices, for example, an extender. To get the effect, you must follow the instructions:

  • the penis is located inside the device;
  • a special mechanism fixes the penis, pulling it;
  • the penis is stretched until slight pain appears and left to stretch the tissues;
  • This stretching is performed several times a week, increasing the exposure time.

By changing the girth of the penis, the extender for enlarging the male organ ensures that the result is maintained, and with its regular use, an increase in the diameter of the penis is guaranteed.

Important! The use of the device is approved by the Association of Sexologists; if you follow the rules of its use, you can lengthen your penis and improve the quality of your intimate life. Safety and the appearance of the effect (penis width and length) make the extender a popular method of changing organ parameters.


With the help of gel injections, the penis can become several centimeters thicker. The main possible complication is the formation of scars, which reduce skin mobility and can cause pain during erection. Severe complications can not only shrink the organ, but also lead to erectile dysfunction.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and hyaluronic acid is injected using a cannula or needle. Takes approximately 10 minutes. The enlargement effect lasts up to 1.5 years, then the injection is repeated in smaller doses.

Contraindications are the same as for any other interventions:

  • Presence of temperature
  • Acute infectious process
  • Diabetes
  • Serious pathologies of internal organs and systems

Possible complications:

  • Narrowing of the urethra
  • Probability of risks of erectile dysfunction
  • Disorders of the innervation of the penis
  • Inflammatory process
  • Transplant rejection

Instead of an increase in size due to an acute adverse reaction of the body, the opposite effect occurs.

Vacuum pump

Among the methods that you can carry out yourself, you should focus on a vacuum pump for penis enlargement. The process of increasing the thickness of the penis is carried out due to the active filling of the cavernous bodies of the organ with blood while creating a vacuum inside the device in which the penis is placed. However, the pronounced effect decreases after the end of the procedure, and its duration is minimal.

To obtain a lasting result, you should use the pump for a long time, carrying out the treatment procedure regularly. Knowing how to increase the thickness of the penis using a vacuum pump, you can significantly change the diameter of the penis. Ease of use, absence of contraindications and obtaining results can be called the main advantages of the method of influence under consideration.

Important! Decreased potency can be easily treated with a vacuum pump. However, if there are significant negative changes in the state of erection, or if there is pain during intimacy, you must first consult a doctor who will examine the condition of the prostate and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Restoring erectile function

Penile prosthetics

With the normal functioning of the sexual organ during an erection, blood fills the cavernous bodies; if this does not happen, we speak of erectile dysfunction.

In cases where it is not possible to solve the problem with conservative medical methods, the only way to maintain a full sexual life is penile prosthesis.

But this procedure is a radical relief from impotence, the result is irreversible, the corpora cavernosa are not restored after the introduction of prostheses into them.

What types of prostheses are there?

One-component bendable prostheses in the form of silicone cylinders with a flexible frame inside are mounted in the body of the penis. An erection occurs due to upward bending. The simplest prosthesis.

The main disadvantage of such a prosthesis: the organ is constantly in an erect state, circulatory disorders in the tissues, loss of the implant, and difficulties during endoscopic procedures of the genitourinary system are possible.

The hydraulic three-component prosthesis consists of hollow cylinders that are mounted in the cavernous bodies. When you press the pump button, hidden inside the folds of the scrotum, the cavities are filled, a full erection occurs, which lasts for the required time, then the liquid is returned to the reservoir. Advantages: sexual intercourse is as natural as possible, the penis is relaxed when at rest.

Complications after penis enlargement using surgical method

For the first few weeks after surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • wound infection may occur;
  • bleeding may occur;
  • pain during erection;
  • there is swelling of the penis for a long time;
  • The sensitivity of the head of the genital organ decreases.

Several later complications.

  1. The angle of erection shifts after the intersection of the ligaments that supported the male organ. As a result, in an excited state, the head of the penis looks down or straight.
  2. Erection disorder.
  3. Instability of the male organ during sexual intercourse.
  4. Necrosis of tissues that were introduced under the skin of the penis.
  5. Penis deformity.
  6. Loss of sensation.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that the results obtained do not always correspond to previous expectations.

Indications for surgery

  • Erectile dysfunction as a result of pelvic surgery
  • Unsuccessful penile surgery
  • Consequences of injuries
  • Uncontrollable impotence


  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Pustules and sores on the penis
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Oncology
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • Recent heart attack or stroke
  • Immunity disorders

Possible complications:

  • Fibrosis of soft tissues around the prosthesis
  • Bleeding from the urethra
  • Problems with the prosthesis
  • Implant rejection

Complications can be caused by infectious genitourinary diseases, alcohol abuse, diabetes mellitus, obesity, taking certain medications, and endoscopic procedures on the pelvic organs.

Surgical increase in penis length

Penis lengthening surgery is called ligamentotomy. A small incision is made at the base of the penis and the ligament that supports male “dignity” is cut. In some cases, adipose tissue is placed in place of the cut ligaments. In others, a synthetic mesh is placed there. This is done to ensure that the ends of the crossed ligaments do not grow together. Due to the fact that the fixation at the pubic bone is removed, the male organ stretches forward and becomes longer.

After the procedure, the Andro-Penis extender device is applied to the penis. It must be worn for about 5 months to make the penis longer by 1-3.5 cm.


It is most difficult in the first days after the procedure, with pronounced discomfort in the area of ​​the penis and scrotum that increases when walking.

Immediately after the end of the operation, the surgeon activates the prosthesis, during the first dressing it is deflated, the drainage from the scrotum is removed, a rather painful procedure. Gradually the pain decreases, the stitches are removed after 10-12 days.

Penis enlargement

Penis enlargement is achieved by performing reconstructive plastic surgery to increase its length or thickness.

Typically, such surgical interventions are carried out on the personal initiative of a man who strives to meet the standard of masculinity and sexuality.

At the same time, such operations are prescribed for certain categories of people for medical reasons, when it is necessary to restore the normal functionality of an organ and improve the patient’s quality of life.

The scope of surgical intervention for each patient is determined by the surgeon individually. For example, manipulations to increase the size of the organ can be combined with the elimination of erectile deformation (curvature of the penis) of a congenital or acquired nature.

Persons who have not found any contraindications during a preoperative comprehensive examination can participate in such operations.

Main indications

Most often, thickening or lengthening of the penis is performed when:

  • congenital underdevelopment of an organ with its normal anatomical configuration;
  • a man’s desire to exceed standards of masculinity and sexuality in this way;
  • a man’s dissatisfaction with the size, shape and functionality of the penis;
  • traumatic injuries or burn deformities of the genitals;
  • short penis length (no more than 8-10 cm in an erect state).

How to prepare for the procedure

The operation is performed after a comprehensive examination of the patient. It begins with a study of his complaints, collection of anamnestic information and a physical examination with an assessment of the functional and anatomical state of the genitals.

The patient will need to undergo laboratory and instrumental tests, which are used in general surgical practice in the preoperative preparation program and to select the surgical technique. Usually this:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulography;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • electrocardiography;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • urethrography, etc.

At this stage, the surgeon examines the patient's expectations from the upcoming operation. All the nuances of the treatment and rehabilitation program and the presence of risks are discussed with him in detail.

Features of the procedure

Thickening of the penis is carried out using the following methods:

  • wrapping the organ with skin-fat autografts taken from the buttock area;
  • injection of the patient's own adipose tissue under the skin of the penis;
  • application of flaps from the rectus abdominis muscle, anterior abdominal wall;
  • transplantation of free flaps from the serratus anterior or latissimus dorsi muscles.

The penis lengthening technique involves performing the following activities.

Carrying out an intervention by excision of the suspensory ligament of the penis and filling the cavity formed in the pubic area with one’s own fatty or synthetic tissue. Or a lateral bypass of the corpus cavernosum and isolation of the suspensory ligament (penoscrotal approach) in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis with its subsequent drainage.

Postoperative wearing of Extender-type traction structures.

Local treatment with testosterone-containing ointments and creams; at the discretion of the doctor, drug correction of androgen deficiency disorders with hormonal drugs can be used.

In the postoperative period, swelling lasts about 14 days. Resumption of sexual relations is possible no earlier than after 2 months.

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