Lip lipofilling: all about the procedure and before and after photos

What is lip lipofilling?

The lipofilling procedure is an achievement of modern medicine. This procedure helps improve the appearance, add volume and add attractiveness. Currently, women use this technique quite often. Many people often wonder, lip lipofilling – what is it?

Fat grafting is a procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of a specific area. Simply put, this is lip augmentation with your own fat. Human fat is injected into the problem area to be corrected and extracted from other areas of the body. When carrying out certain manipulations, you can add volume to your lips separately. They will look natural. The procedure is quite safe, has a large number of advantages and does not harm the human body.

The main advantages of lip lipofilling:

  • no allergic reactions;
  • With the help of lipofilling, you can adjust their shape and significantly increase their volume;
  • the procedure does not require much time to carry out;
  • the effectiveness after the procedure lasts almost a lifetime;
  • In addition to lip augmentation, figure correction is also possible, since fat is taken from problem areas (thighs, abdomen).

The main advantage is additional rejuvenation of the area into which the fat is injected. The transplant serves as a source of stem cells. After its administration, increased collagen production occurs.

When is the procedure necessary?

Lip lipofilling is used in addition to contouring. After the procedure, you should not immediately use cosmetics or drink alcoholic beverages.

You should consider carrying out the procedure in the following cases:

  • when there is a need to correct the shape of the lips;
  • it is necessary to give volume to the lips;
  • There are defects that were obtained after injuries or due to age.

When comparing photos of lipofilling before and after the procedure, the result is visible almost immediately. Lip lipofilling solves problems such as wrinkles and loss of volume. Lips become moisturized and smooth.


In addition to the indications for the procedure, there are also contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • infectious or chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • age up to 18 years.

Doctors recommend doing the procedure after 25 years. Until this age, active formation of organs occurs. The exception is injuries sustained.

Examination and preparation before the procedure

Preparation for lipofilling includes several stages. These include a consultation with a surgeon. At this stage, the patient is examined, interviewed, and chronic diseases, medications taken and past illnesses are identified. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe consultations with more specialized specialists.

Testing is required. After making a decision about the correction, the patient must undergo the necessary tests. These include:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography.

The list of tests may be increased depending on the patient’s health condition. The doctor can give recommendations regarding the patient’s health (follow a diet, visit additional doctors).

If the test results reveal no contraindications, the doctor sets a date for the operation.

A few days before surgery, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and taking medications.

The day before surgery it is prohibited:

  1. Apply cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, to your face. If the use of products is necessary, then the cosmetologist should be warned about this.
  2. You need to have a good rest and sleep.
  3. It is necessary to follow a meal schedule and maintain water balance.
  4. You should take a shower and tune in to a positive outcome of the procedure.

All this is taken care of in advance.

Operation stages ↑

For anesthesia, both local and general anesthesia can be used.

The lipofilling procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Photo before surgery.
  2. Lip markings.

Lip marking before lipofilling

  1. Collection of donor fat cells (adipocytes). The surgeon obtains material from the thighs, abdomen or buttocks. The process is carried out using a syringe or a thin cannula with an atraumatic end. An average of 5-10 ml of fat is required.

Devices for collecting fat

  1. Cell purification to recover whole adipocytes. They are produced by centrifugation using a special apparatus - a centrifuge.
  2. Transplantation. Introduction of adipocytes through micropunctures. To increase and plump the fat, it is injected into the body of the lips, and for a beautiful contour, it is injected along the edges.

Scheme of fat injection under the lips

  1. Completion of manipulations. The patient is under the supervision of medical personnel for some time; hospitalization is not required.
  2. Photo after surgery.

Lip lipofilling lasts no more than an hour. The punctures during lipofilling are small, and there are no scars left after the intervention.

Main stages

For lip lipofilling, hospitalization is not required. Upon arrival at the clinic, the patient must fill out documents and go to the operating room.

The procedure consists of 3 stages:

  1. The transplanted cells are collected. They are usually taken from the thigh or buttocks area. The volume of donor material is small. An anesthetic (usually lidocaine) and a thinning agent are injected into the area. The fat is removed by vacuum.
  2. The resulting biomaterial is processed. Blood, lumps, and foreign impurities are removed from it. In a centrifuge, the fat is brought to a homogeneous mass, then mixed with nutrient solutions. Plasma or stem cells may be added. This is necessary for better survival of the biomaterial.
  3. The final stage. The transplant surgeon takes the required amount of fat into a syringe and injects it. Fat can be injected into the upper and lower lips. Typically, the injection points are the edges of the lips or areas where there is not enough volume, unevenness or wrinkles.

At the end, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic for disinfection. At the end of the operation, the patient is left in the clinic for several hours. If the patient's condition is stable, the patient can be sent home.

Features of the procedure behavior

Today lipofilling of the lips is no longer regarded as a way to increase their volume; experts prefer to call this procedure modeling. This is explained by the fact that its implementation can achieve various results and cope with a large number of aesthetic disorders. This variability became possible thanks to significant progress in the development of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

The lip lipofilling technique consists of several successive steps:

  1. Using a special elastic cannula, the doctor takes the required amount of adipose tissue from problem areas of the body (buttocks, thighs). The collected fat is placed in a pre-prepared sterile container to await further processing.
  2. The adipose tissue is then placed in a centrifuge, where it is processed using special substances. During the processing process, fat fibers, blood and other unnecessary tissues unsuitable for lipofilling are separated.
  3. The third stage is intermediate, it includes the introduction of a local anesthetic, which ensures the most comfortable and painless procedure.
  4. As soon as the anesthesia takes effect, the prepared mixture of purified adipose tissue is injected into pre-designated areas of the lip. As a result, an increase in volume, smoothing of wrinkles, and modeling of shape are achieved.

The success of the procedure fully depends on the qualifications of the specialist, as well as strict adherence to the technological process. On average, it takes a doctor from 1 to 2 hours to perform lip lipofilling, which depends on the scale of the operation and the goals pursued.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Each lip augmentation technique has its pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  1. Long lasting effect. When using hyaluronic acid, the effect lasts up to six months. When using lip lipofilling, the cells are kept in one place forever.
  2. The changes made will last for several years depending on the age of the person.
  3. Natural effect. Human fat is ideal for volume restoration. Fat does not show through the skin. Lips look juicy and plump. They do not swell or become heavier. The color remains rich and natural.
  4. Safety of the procedure. When lipofilling is performed, there is no risk of allergic reactions, rejection, or risk of fibrosis. This is often observed with the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

But the procedure also has its significant disadvantages:

  1. If the patient does not like the result of the procedure, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. Resorption can be accelerated with massage and physiotherapy. Transplanted fat is difficult to remove. For this purpose, non-surgical lipolysis is used. Cosmetologists recommend first doing lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, and only then lip lipofilling.
  2. High cost of the procedure. Before the procedure, you must undergo several tests. It is not cheap.
  3. Lip lipofilling is more expensive than contouring.
  4. The desired effect may not occur at all. The cells may not take root at all.
  5. The procedure is not suitable for athletes or people on low-calorie diets. When losing weight, fat decreases in volume, the effect will be close to zero.
  6. The fat may not be completely absorbed. Small lumps may form in the skin of the lips. Since there is no fat in the skin of the lips, problems may arise in the future from the introduction of hyaluronic acid. There won't be enough space to fill.
  7. Fat transplanted from the body to a person's face can behave differently. As you gain weight, fat can develop into cellulite.

The injected fat is difficult to get rid of. It is introduced into separate layers.

Reviews from salon clients

Currently, you can find many reviews about the procedure being carried out. For example:

Anna. 57 years old, Voronezh.

“I take care of my appearance. I often go to beauty salons. I decided to undergo a lip lipofilling procedure. I doubted it for a long time, read the reviews. I believed the reviews that my lips would be natural, my lips would look better than after hyaluronic acid. The filler material is human fat. The doctor assured that after 2 weeks the effect will be noticeable. I did not experience any particular pain during the procedure. But I was alarmed by the fact that the doctor injects the biomaterial directly into the lips. If you move carelessly, the result is unpredictable. Fat is introduced with a small reserve. Immediately after the procedure, my lips were terrible. I was very upset. At home I already noticed that the fat is distributed unevenly across the lips. A month has passed since the procedure, and my lips still hurt.”

Maria. 35 years old, Moscow.

“I’ve wanted lip lipofilling for a long time. I contacted a well-known clinic, a professional in his field. On the doctor's recommendation, I passed the necessary tests. A few days later I arrived for the procedure. I was not admitted to the hospital. The operation itself did not last long. I was given anesthesia. Fat was taken from the flank area. The lips turned out neat, slightly swollen. I've always dreamed about these. After a few months they decreased slightly in size. On the advice of a cosmetologist, after some time it will be necessary to make a correction. It consists of the same steps as the original procedure. I am very pleased with the result. Many of my friends, on my advice, also underwent lipofilling. And I recommend it to everyone."

About the lip lipofilling procedure: how much, how long, what if...

The lipofilling procedure itself takes no more than 30 minutes. It is performed with local anesthesia, so it does not require a hospital stay after it: you can leave the clinic within an hour. No bandage is applied; the puncture sites are sealed with a special plaster, which can be removed on the same day. But at the same time, you need to adhere to the recommendations for caring for the area of ​​punctures and the introduction of fat filler, as well as some restrictions. After just 3 days you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

The presence of swelling or lack of sensitivity in and around the lips for 3-5 days is considered normal during this procedure. A specialist will be able to evaluate the final result of lip lipofilling 2-3 months after the natural process of fat resorption and engraftment of the remaining fat.

With a professionally performed operation and acceptance of the autoimplant by your own body, the renewal effect after lip lipofilling lasts for several years.

What if something goes wrong?

Not a single, even the most eminent, plastic surgeon gives 100% guarantees that there is no risk that after the procedure there may be complications or an unpredictable result. If any injection or mosquito bite causes you to respond in the form of significant swelling, then longer or more severe swelling after lip lipofilling injections is possible. There are cases when the injected fat is absorbed by some within six months, i.e. the long-lasting effect of the procedure is not justified. This reaction is especially typical for smokers. In other cases, due to uneven dissolution of the filler, lip asymmetry occurs. And the body’s reaction to the use of even local anesthesia is not always predictable.

It turns out that neither the doctor nor the patient will be able to predict any deviations from the expected result after lip lipofilling. the procedure itself is safe and minimally invasive.

How much does lip lipofilling cost?

When you have to choose a method for lip augmentation, you are immediately interested in the lip lipofilling procedure and how much it costs compared to gel injections and Botox injections. But prices for such services may vary significantly in different clinics or medical centers. Not least important in pricing is the location of the clinic, so in the capital it can be higher than lip lipofilling in Barnaul or Murmansk.

The specific total cost of the procedure will be given to you after consultation with a plastic surgeon, when the areas of correction and fat sampling and its amount are precisely determined. After all, even in one institution, the price depends on the qualifications and credentials of the specialist. The cost of the procedure includes the collection of adipose tissue from the targeted area, processing and purification of the fat in a centrifuge, its introduction into the correction area, as well as anesthesia.

The average cost of lip lipofilling in Russia is 25-40 thousand rubles. (Data based on ruble/dollar exchange rate 65)

What can and cannot be done during recovery after the procedure?

During the recovery period, there are a number of rules that must be followed. Namely:

  1. You can’t apply cold to your lips; fat doesn’t like it. It may lose its shape. Swelling and bruising will be more noticeable, and pain will increase.
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics, massage the skin or wash it with cold water.
  3. Heat exposure should be avoided.
  4. You should not give your body physical stress.
  5. It is not recommended to expose lips to direct sunlight.

The cosmetologist may, at his discretion, recommend the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs to speed up healing.

Question answer

How long does the result last after lip lipofilling?
The result lasts for at least three years, but can last a lifetime, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to use decorative cosmetics after lip lipofilling?

It is advisable to refrain from using decorative cosmetics until the wounds after injections are completely healed, as well as swelling subsides. It is also not recommended to massage the treated areas and apply cold compresses to the lips; this can have a bad effect on the engraftment of fat cells in a new place.

Comments and questions

Pink 09/07/2016 at 03:38 # Reply
Well, what can I say, it’s tolerable, but this is for an adult, and at such a young age you can get a lot of ridicule from others about the shape of your nose, etc. It’s better to try and correct this in your youth, the only way to maintain your psychological health. Excellent result!

How long does the effect last?

The resulting effect will be noticeable 10-14 days after the swelling subsides. After 3-4 months, some of the fat cells die off, and the remaining ones take root in a new place. During this period, final results can be drawn.

If the volume is insufficient, correction can be made. It consists of the same stages. The fat that sets in during this time will no longer leave the lips. But often they still decrease in volume under the influence of external factors. This process is inevitable; it can be restored with the help of new transplants.

Lip augmentation with fat can make them plump and firm. But it should be remembered that in most cases it will be necessary to make a correction. The procedure is quite expensive. But to create a beautiful image, women are increasingly resorting to this procedure.

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