Everything you wanted to know about anti-aging lip correction, but were afraid to ask

Just recently, when posing in front of cameras, almost all the young ladies in the world, including Hollywood stars, folded their lips into a “ducky” shape. The original meaning of this grimace was that the face in the photograph turned out to be thinner, the cheekbones more defined, and the lips more plump.

Expert comment:

“This kind of antics makes most people simply stupid. But there is no trick against fashion. There are even entire tutorials on how to make duck lips!

However, not everyone can just smile sweetly and become themselves after the photographer’s flash. The reason for this is excess gel in the upper lip area.

For many years, we at Platinental have been correcting the mistakes of others: in one operation, we remove gels and return women to the normal shape of their lips.

Women call and come to us every day for whom duck-shaped lips

not a funny fashionable grimace, but a real problem that cannot be dealt with without the help of a doctor
Vasiliev Maxim, plastic surgeon.

We can easily correct unsuccessful correction with hyaluronic acid gels using special Spanish enzymes to eliminate excess filler. But permanent fillers require a radical approach.

Photos before and after

“This is an example of how the perception of a face changes after harmonization.
I removed the biopolymer from Marisha’s lips, and her eyes immediately “lit up.” This is the rule: the gaze of the beholder always catches the eyes, so nothing should distract from them - neither a large nose, nor lips. Moreover, the adjusted lips immediately lengthened the lower third of the face, making it more model-like and memorable. Plump lips are a feature that is initially atypical for the Caucasian type of appearance. This means that girls with a certain type of appearance can afford such large lips and still look natural.

And it’s not a matter of skin color at all - lips should have a “place” on the face. That is, the proportions of the lower third of the face should be of sufficient length to accommodate plump lips. Ideally, the height between the upper and lower lips should be 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

But in harmonizing appearance, not everything is so simple. If the tip of the nose is tilted down, then it “cuts off” the full face, shortens the above distance, and the lips, even after moderate contouring, look artificial.

Only a true artist who knows and understands the principles of appearance harmony can correctly fit new lips into the structure of your face.” Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Before and after photos of lip reduction surgery. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

A patient in a beauty salon was given a biopolymer gel instead of hyaluronic acid. The biopolymer changed the proportions of the lips, leading to the development of the so-called “duck mouth”.

The gel was removed from the patient through intraoral access and the lip shape was corrected. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.


“Thank you :) well, in one word, I am delighted!!!!! I remember how I walked and covered my lips)))) but now I’ve forgotten that I once faced this problem and the rehabilitation was generally easy, I expected terrible pain, which didn’t even happen) Andrey, thank you so much again for removing me from my life is a huge complex! You are simply a miracle person, talented, a huge professional, and by the way, your lips turned out worse in the photo than in life)))"


Modern solution to the problem

Lip volume correction can be performed not only with fillers, but also surgically. This operation is usually called “cheiloplasty”. Unlike injection techniques, cheiloplasty allows you to get a long-lasting result and, as a rule, it looks natural, as if no surgical interventions had taken place.

The main indications for cheiloplasty are:

  • dissatisfaction with the shape, volume or contour of the lips;
  • congenital (or acquired as a result of injury) asymmetry of the mouth;
  • hypertrophied lower lip , in which the upper lip appears too thin;
  • hypertrophied upper lip , in which the lower lip seems too thin;
  • reduction in lip volume under the influence of age-related changes.

The advantage of surgical lip correction is that it allows you to get a naturalistic effect, which will also last a lifetime. However, here too you need to be careful: to achieve naturalness, aesthetic changes should be minimal. Consult a plastic surgeon who performs cheiloplasty. Let him tell you about all the intricacies of the operation and its advantages, and also help you decide how to change the shape of your lips.

It should also be noted that cheiloplasty involves a whole range of surgical techniques, the choice of which will depend on the preferences of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the patient. Although all cheiloplasty techniques are quite effective and safe.

Common Mistakes

To avoid the “duck lips” effect you need to:

  • listen to the opinion of a professional;
  • take into account individual parameters and anatomical features of the face so that the new lip shape looks harmonious;
  • Do not use fillers in combination with surgical techniques.

Cleft lip

The unsuccessful cheiloplasty of TV presenter Maria Malinovskaya, as experts suggest, was most likely due to her passion for fillers. In this case, it is not recommended to combine the surgical method with the cosmetic method.

Instead of voluminous “Angelina Jolie lips,” Maria received an effect reminiscent of a harelip. Fortunately, surgeons were able to correct this error and return the shape to normal.

Doll lips

“Duck” lips are far from the most popular mistake of girls who want to change the natural shape of their lips. Sometimes a craze for fillers or surgical mistakes lead to the effect of “frozen” motionless lips, which makes the face appear waxy and doll-like.

Alena Shishkova (ex-wife of rapper Timati) encountered this postoperative phenomenon when she decided to enlarge her lips using cheiloplasty and fillers. The lips look unnaturally large and do not quite correspond to other facial parameters.

Fish lips

Singer Alsou denies that she had surgery, but many experts are confident that the new lip shape was obtained surgically using the Bulhorn technique. The result of the operation does not look very natural and is striking: the upper lip has become much larger.

Where do duck lips come from?

Many probably remember how in the 90s, in pursuit of modern trends, women rushed to perform plastic surgery. Lifts were made, noses were straightened, breasts and lips were enlarged. The girls strived to become like both the Pam Anderson heroines and the Barbie doll.

Today it is difficult to imagine the gullibility with which they placed themselves in the hands of plastic surgeons (especially considering that highly qualified plastic surgeons then could literally be counted on the fingers of one hand).

Particularly affected were the lips, which were mercilessly pumped with silicone and polyacrylamide gels. It would seem: what’s the problem? One visit to a cosmetologist - and beautiful lips are guaranteed for life!

Unfortunately, these gels differ from modern preparations based on hyaluronic acid. A few years after the introduction, they begin to migrate, gather in lumps, grow into the tissue of the lips, become inflamed, scar, deform the lips and... hopelessly spoil the face.

However, those whose procedure was successful were not very lucky either. A few years later, girls with duck lips began to go out of fashion, and doctors did not undertake to correct gel-pumped lips.

Expert comment:

“The upper lip has become like a duck’s” is the most common complaint with which victims of those desires for beauty come to Platinental today.

The so-called “duck mouth” occurs when, at a young age, an excessive amount of filler is injected under the skin in the area above the upper lip.


Of course, not all problems with lip augmentation are related to unsuccessful injections. There are cases when a woman or man has a disproportionate mouth from birth or after suffering an injury. But such cases are rare.”

Iskornev Andrey, plastic surgeon.

Why might you get an unsuccessful result?

The success of the volumizing procedure depends on many factors. Failed lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can occur for several reasons:

  • Insufficient professionalism of the specialist or incorrect selection of procedure techniques. So, injections should be made at certain points on the lips. Incorrectly selected areas, too deep and, on the contrary, insufficient needle penetration - all this most directly affects the subsequent condition of the lips. The amount of acid introduced is also considered equally important.
  • Not all women are candidates for augmentation procedures. Thus, under no circumstances should hyaluronic acid be administered if the patient is hypersensitive to it. Infections in the body, especially if they appear on the lips, are also taboo for the procedure. Enlargement is also contraindicated for women with blood clotting problems. If the cosmetologist neglects all these tips, the result of the procedure may be disastrous.
  • Violation of sanitary rules. Absolutely all tools for the master’s work must be sterile. Failure to comply with this rule may result in infection in the client’s lips and, as a result, numerous complications.
  • Use of low-quality, uncertified injection products.

Of course, the condition of the patient’s tissues (age-related changes and other features) cannot be discounted. However, the human factor is considered to be the culprit for most unsuccessful enlargement attempts.

The appearance of small bruises

About 30% of women who receive fillers experience this. This is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of blood vessels in the skin. Unfortunately, doctors do not have x-ray vision and can get into some of them.

Your actions: There is no need to schedule filler injections several days before an important event. Do not be alarmed if bruises still appear after the injection of the filler. Over time they will come off. You need to wait 10-14 days, during this period you can use external remedies to treat bruises (Traumel S, Badyaga, etc.).

How is lip contouring done?

The procedure begins with anesthesia (cream or freezing). Then the specialist selects one of the material injection techniques described below:

  1. Gradual introduction and kneading of areas in order to evenly distribute the filler under the skin. The skill and experience of a cosmetologist is extremely important, who must professionally create a symmetrical shape, because the increase occurs within an hour due to swelling, so it can be difficult to predict the final result.
  2. Vertical injection filling of the lips, as a result of which the effect of natural fullness and relief is created in different facial expressions. The indisputable advantage of this technique is the ability to easily reverse the original shape within 24 hours if you don’t like the result.

A useful short video about how lip contouring is done:

The filler went on unevenly

This can happen if the contouring technique is violated, for example, if a sufficiently dense drug is injected superficially. In this case it will contour. Also, uneven distribution of the drug is possible if low-quality filler with low plasticity is used for injection.

Again, contouring of the drug may be due to non-compliance with the recommendations given after filler injections.

Remember, after the injection of fillers, you should not drink alcohol or show excessive facial activity for 24 hours; within 4 days – injure the drug administration areas, take anticoagulants; within two weeks - visit any type of bathhouse; within a month - sunbathe in a solarium.

Your actions: All modern fillers have high plasticity and, if administered correctly, the likelihood that they will be redistributed unevenly is very low. In any case, remember that hyaluronic acid has an antidote - the enzyme hyaluronidase, which easily breaks down the filler, especially in the first two to three weeks.

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