Iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis at home

The appearance of an unpleasant odor and the occurrence of irritation in areas of heavy sweating make it impossible to feel confident and reduces the standard of living. Therefore, hyperhidrosis, like any other disease, requires timely treatment. Consider the treatment of severe sweating with iontophoresis.

Description of the procedure

The device consists of two electrodes and water trays. Sweating parts of the body (usually the hands and feet, but iontophoresis is no less effective for other parts of the body) are lowered into baths of water where the electrodes are located. Under the action of the apparatus, the electrodes galvanize an electric current.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 20-40 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days, the procedure is performed every day.

Using iontophoresis you can get rid of sweating for:

  • On the face;
  • In the armpits;
  • On the arms (hands), on the legs (feet);
  • On the head and neck.

Applies only to certain parts of the body. For use in the head, neck and armpit areas, electrodes that act on ion channels are located in special inserts or in masks.

When using iontophoresis to treat sweating of the palms and feet, the electrodes are placed in trays filled with water and the drug. It is worth noting that the second option is more effective, since water is an excellent conductor and envelops the entire surface of the body part placed in it.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the method

The procedure is very easy to perform and accessible, but has a number of disadvantages.

Iontophoresis can only be performed for local hyperhidrosis of the feet, palms and armpits. Other parts of the body cannot be treated. The method is not used for the generalized form of the disease.

Another disadvantage of the procedure is the need to frequently repeat courses, on average every month. In this case, it is more convenient to use a device for home individual use, which also requires spending money.

Possible contraindications should be taken into account:

  • oncological pathology (benign and malignant neoplasms),
  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • dermatitis, dermatoses,
  • systemic diseases with damage to the skin,
  • damage to the skin at the treatment site,
  • individual increased sensitivity to current,
  • epilepsy,
  • acute viral and bacterial infection,
  • hypertrichosis (increased hair growth),
  • metal implants (joints, metal structures for osteosynthesis, pacemakers).

Only after eliminating possible contraindications can treatment of hyperhidrosis with iontophoresis be prescribed.

Duration of treatment with iontophoresis

The course of treatment is selected individually for each patient and ranges from 5 to 10 procedures. Helps cure heavy sweating and consolidate the results. The duration of the session is from 20 minutes, the degree of electrical impact on the skin is selected by a specialist depending on the form of the disease and the human body.

There should be no pain during the procedure, only a slight tingling sensation. If pain occurs, the procedure must be stopped to avoid problems with the skin and health.

Are there any side effects?

During the procedure, a tingling sensation is felt. If it is unbearable, you need to reduce the intensity. After the procedure, the skin may turn red and sometimes swell. But in general, the difference between iontophoresis is the minimum of side effects. And the unwanted symptoms quickly disappear.

We recommend reading about what not to do after facial mesotherapy. You will learn about the rehabilitation period after the procedure, restrictions in the recovery period, and proper facial care. And here is more information about biorevitalization of the face.

Where can hyperhidrosis be treated with iontophoresis?

Physiotherapy is carried out in private clinics. It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor, undergo a consultation: is it possible to be exposed to low voltage current, and whether there will be an effect. After all, each person has his own characteristics of the body, accordingly, a certain type of treatment is suitable for one, and not for another.

More on the topic: Treatment of hyperhidrosis with laser, review of the procedure

The procedure can also be carried out at home. To do this, you need to purchase the device and read the instructions.

However, according to reviews, some patients believe that it is cheaper to undergo treatment in a clinic, and it is also safer, since the process is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Before purchasing the device, you need to do a couple of procedures in the clinic to ensure its effectiveness.

Devices for home use

The following devices are suitable for self-procedure:

  • "Gezaton Beauty Iris" . Has 3 nozzles and several operating modes.
  • "Aurora Ceutical G 7" from "Mente" . Also a multifunctional device, more suitable for cleaning.
  • "Gezaton Galvanic Beauty SPA m775." Combines current, infrared rays and vibration.
  • "Gezaton M 910" . The simplest device with which only iontophoresis is possible.

Recommendations for treatment with iontophoresis

When treating sweating with iontophoresis, you must follow the instructions:

  • consult a specialist;
  • The first procedure should be done under the supervision of a doctor;
  • follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor;
  • after treatment, carry out maintenance therapy (once a month);
  • remove jewelry before the procedure;
  • treat wounds on the skin (if any);
  • take purified, distilled water, or add to regular salt or soda, 1 teaspoon;
  • After the procedure, apply moisturizer.

The rules are simple, but necessary.

Where do they do it?

If you are encountering the problem of hyperhidrosis for the first time, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo the first course of treatment in a highly specialized clinic. During your appointment, you need to tell the doctor in detail about all your existing ailments so that he can make sure that the procedure is suitable for you.

After examination, conversation, tests (if necessary), the doctor will prescribe individual treatment. Prices for iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis vary in all clinics, so you need to find out the cost directly in the clinic you will contact.

Before starting the procedure, you need to check if there are scratches or cracks on the skin and lubricate them with a thick layer of protective cream. You must also remove all jewelry from your body. Hands or feet are placed in containers with water (ordinary water is suitable for the procedure). The procedure lasts 10-30 minutes.

We recommend reading: Top 10 reasons for excessive sweating

As the course of treatment progresses, sweating will decrease, and at the end of the course it will return to normal levels. Do not forget that in order to maintain the result, it is recommended to carry out repeated procedures (the doctor will recommend how often to carry them out). In the future, you can purchase a special device to carry out procedures at home.

Causes of secondary hyperhidrosis

As already mentioned, uncontrolled sweating can occur due to unidentified factors (in the case of the primary form of the disease), as well as medically justified specific circumstances. Among the latter are the following:

  • body hyperthermia;
  • a person being in a stressful situation;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the respiratory system, destruction in the area of ​​nervous activity, problems with blood sugar levels, infections, rheumatism, skin diseases, malignant neoplasms, etc.;
  • increased body weight;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • intoxication with harmful substances;
  • menopause, etc.

Symptoms and diagnosis

As a rule, a person pays attention to the problem only when it begins to cause inconvenience in everyday life: more frequent changes of clothes are required, and ordinary deodorants and antiperspirants are no longer able to hide the unpleasant odor of sweat.

In addition to physical discomfort, the patient experiences:

  • regular, profuse, uncontrollable sweating. Its localization depends on the type of pathology, and can be observed both throughout the body and in its individual areas;
  • in the lesions the epithelium usually softens significantly;
  • If foot hyperhidrosis is left untreated, there is a high probability of fungal diseases occurring in these areas.

The presence of increased sweating, even without additional symptoms, is an undoubted reason to contact a specialist. The sooner the diagnosis is carried out, during which the root cause of hyperhidrosis and its nature are determined, the sooner it will be possible to begin treatment for the disease.

During the examination, the doctor determines the extent of the problem, its quantitative and qualitative indicators. This is crucial when choosing a method of getting rid of pathology.

Review from a reader or how to create a simple iontophoresis apparatus at home

One of the readers sent us a detailed review, which, as we thought, would perfectly complement the article, provide additional valuable information and be especially useful for those who like to design something at home. Further in his words:

“Hello, in my experience I have tried many treatment options, ranging from tablets to tinctures. As a result, I can note that only Dry Dry antiperspirant deodorants are particularly effective, but they still don’t always help. On the Internet, I found a diagram of how Drionic works (from the editor: Drionic is also a well-known device for iontophoresis).

Having figured it out, I realized that the principle of its operation is extremely simple; to make a similar apparatus for iontophoresis with your own hands, all you need is:

  • 2 containers that will serve as baths (these can be cat litter boxes, containers for seedlings, etc.)
  • Aluminium foil;
  • 2 x 9 W batteries;
  • Copper wires with alligator clips;
  • Plastic mesh (I used a PVC mat for drying dishes).

Next, we simply connect all the components as indicated in the diagram:

As a result, you should end up with something like this device, with a total cost of about 500 rubles (from the editor, it is advisable to use deeper containers to immerse your hands at least 4-5 cm):

From experience I can say that I conducted daily sessions of 40-50 minutes throughout the week. The first days of treatment are certainly not the most pleasant, but then everything goes away. Palms became less sweaty by 90-95 percent. But due to the simplicity of the device, the effect only lasts for 1.5-2 weeks, after which the procedures have to be repeated.”

Technique for performing facial iontophoresis at home

Under the influence of galvanization, ions with the nutritional components of the cocktail are able to penetrate into the structure of the dermis to a depth of 3-5 mm. Regular sessions contribute to the accumulation of nutrients and activation of internal physiological processes.

Instructions for conducting an iontophoresis session:

  1. Before the session, all metal (gold, silver) jewelry must be removed.
  2. Carry out preliminary deep cleansing. This can be done using alcohol-containing products or disincrustation - galvanic anaphoresis. This will help increase the permeability of the membranes, making the epidermis more loose and receptive to the introduction of substances of the composition.
  3. A gauze bandage soaked in a weak soda solution is applied to the skin. For 20 minutes. a negatively charged electrode acts on the area. After this, for 2-5 minutes, the area is treated with an electrode with a “+” charge.
  4. After disincrustation, a nutrient cocktail is applied to the treated areas, and the areas are treated completely over the entire area using a roller-electrode (with the corresponding “+” or “-”) indicator. The passive electrode with a protective fabric pad is held in the hand.
  5. After the session, treat the areas with moisturizing gels or tonics.

Fabric pads are placed on the electrodes to prevent the development of a chemical burn. A slight tingling sensation may be felt during treatment.

Tips and tricks

Keep your body clean:

  • take a shower daily, sometimes more often;
  • After each bath, be sure to change your linen;
  • Treat areas of excessive sweating with talcum powder;
  • change bed linen 2 times a week;
  • Each family member must have a personal towel.

If you are unable to shower, wipe areas of excessive sweating with cool water. Otherwise, pathogenic microflora will be added, which will lead to inflammatory reactions and the appearance of pustules on the skin.


Avoid spicy, fried, fatty foods and fast food. Too hot food will promote sweating, eat more fiber. Significantly limit the consumption of black tea, alcoholic beverages, coffee, and chocolate. In autumn and spring it is useful to drink a vitamin-mineral complex.

Use antiperspirant

It does an excellent job with first degree hyperhidrosis. They mistakenly think that it clogs the ducts and prevents the release of sweat. In fact, the active substances react with body proteins and contribute to the narrowing of the sebaceous ducts. As a result, sweat production decreases, but does not stop.

It is important to use antiperspirant correctly: It is applied only to dry skin. Validity period from 2 to 10 days

It is convenient to use the product in the form of a spray.

Organize your daily routine, don’t overwork, move more, walk, breathe fresh air, relax, and also buy clothes only from natural fabrics.

Home remedies

This is a disease that humanity has faced throughout its existence. However, at a time when there was still no idea about cosmetology centers, and such natural hygiene products for modern people as deodorants and antiperspirants were not yet known, people used folk remedies to relieve the symptoms of sweating.

Baths using herbs such as chamomile, sage, and oak bark will help eliminate excessive sweating for a while. A saline solution has worked well (2 tablespoons of table salt per 200 ml of water). A cloth soaked in it is applied to the most problematic areas of the body.

How to get rid of hyperhidrosis?

At the Innovative Medical Center, they will help you cope with the problem of increased sweating using injections of botolutoxin preparations.

This method has a number of undoubted advantages, namely:

  • This is a short-term therapy with a long-lasting effect;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • safety of treatment;
  • no side effects;
  • no long-term rehabilitation;
  • after botulinum therapy, compensatory sweating does not occur in other parts of the body.

Botulinum toxin injections block nerve impulses from the sweat glands, which significantly reduces their activity, reducing sweating.

Injection method for treating sweating

This technique has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it has gained mass popularity in the field of cosmetology. Injections have a direct effect on the sweat glands, while deodorants act only on the outer pores of the skin.

The injection procedure does not have a negative impact on the metabolic processes of the human body. This is due to the fact that those areas of the human body that, as a rule, have an increased number of sweat glands (palms, armpits, facial area, scalp, feet, etc.) are not included in the structure of the body’s secretion system, and do not interfere with their function of removing toxins from the body.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the face and scalp. In addition to the mass of inconveniences that such a pathology causes, drops that appear above the lips, on the forehead and cheeks, and wet hair like icicles do not look aesthetically pleasing and spoil a person’s appearance.

To correct and treat excessive sweating in these areas of the body, in addition to alternative treatment methods (taking certain medications, selecting the most suitable shampoo, face lotion, using special masks, etc.), injection techniques are also used. This allows you not only to get rid of an unpleasant disease, but also to preserve your natural beauty without negative consequences for health.

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