“You don’t need money to eat money”: Ani Lorak’s latest plastic surgery made her face “plaster”

 Celebrities / Ani Lorak

10-02-2020, 11:09

Author: Erica Radostnaya


Many celebrities, noticing the first age-related changes on their faces, literally panic and rush to plastic surgeons for help. Ultimately, this leads to the fact that in 40-50 years, most stars become very similar to each other. And there are those who decide to have quite serious operations on their face, as a result of which their face begins to resemble a plaster mask. It was precisely this experiment with her own appearance that Ani Lorak decided to undertake. A few days ago, Ani Lorak gave a big solo concert, the audience of which had the opportunity not only to listen to the songs they loved, but also to look at the completely new face of the singer. Unusually wide and large lips, an overly thin nose and pronounced cheekbones indicate that 41-year-old Ani Lorak recently emerged from under the scalpel of her plastic surgeon. Unfortunately, not all network users were able to appreciate the changes in Ani Lorak’s appearance. It seemed to many of them that the singer had lost her individuality. “What have you done to your face Caroline”, “After so many operations it’s already difficult to find out... But they were a beautiful girl!”, “I thought it was Loboda”, “Why mock yourself like that, your whole face is stretched, like Pugacheva’s” , 'You don't need money to eat money. “Everyone looked the same,” “The zest was gone after the plastic surgery,” followers wrote.

A chidhood dream

The girl Caroline was born in Ukraine in the small town of Kitsman. Their mother raised them and her brother alone and was subsequently forced to send the children to a boarding school. This did not become an obstacle to the goal for the future singer. The girl studied at a music school and actively participated in all local competitions.

In 1992, at one of these competitions, “Primrose,” the young singer became the winner and lit her star. The first contract did not take long to arrive; producer Yuri Thales was able to discern Anya’s potential. Under the guidance of a competent leader, Lorak makes a big breakthrough in his solo career. It was then that the pseudonym Ani Lorak appeared.

Performances at famous world competitions (Morning Star, Tavria Games), recording a solo album, winning the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition in New York - all this each time reveals the singer’s talent more and more and brings glory to her life , sold out concerts and large crowds of fans.

In 1999, the artist received the title - Honored Artist of Ukraine.

And her victory at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 is like a cherry on the cake, where Ani takes second place with the song “Shady Lady”.

Star looks

The oval of the face has acquired clearer shapes. The breasts, which according to fans have increased by several sizes, are also causing heated discussions. The singer reacts calmly to allegations about mammoplasty and explains her volume by the birth of her daughter and is happy to share the secrets of her slender figure.

Note: The singer’s height is 162 cm, weight is 48 kg. The singer considers these parameters ideal for herself.

During pregnancy, the artist gained 15 kg and after the birth of her child she pays increased attention to sports. In the photo, fans have repeatedly noted how the singer instantly lost weight.

Lorak prefers to train at home. In addition to fitness classes, the artist has an individual diet. “The diet is simple, but it must be followed strictly,” shares Ani.

Maintaining a drinking regime, eating before 18.00, eating small meals often and in small portions, excluding flour, fried, sweet and instant foods from your diet, steaming or baking meat and fish, a large amount of vegetables and dairy products - the rules are simple. Taking care of your body should not be a burden; sometimes morning exercises are enough for exercise.

What was the result?

The star once said that she only likes makeup and bright rhinestones on stage, but in life she prefers naturalness in everything. It seems that she adhered to this principle when choosing implants.

The singer's breasts perfectly match the parameters of her body. The result of mammoplasty turned out to be so natural that not everyone knows about its secret.

Plastic surgeon Ani Lorak managed to find the most correct shape and size of endoprostheses for her. The number of her fans after the operation increased noticeably.


To live up to the title of a star is hard daily work. But according to Ani Lorak, every woman deserves such a high status. One of the singer’s shows called “Diva” is dedicated to this topic, which is presented with vocal numbers and complex gymnastic tricks in the air.

The singer performed many of them independently. In 3 hours she changed 240 stage costumes, appearing on stage in the image of the most outstanding women: Coco Chanel, Mother Teresa, Mata Hari. Excellent physical shape is the key to successful work as an artist and plastic has nothing to do with this.

Lorak herself succeeds not only in show business. In 2009, she married a Turkish citizen, Murat Nalchadzhioglu, with whom she still lives. In 2011, their daughter Sofia was born. A caring mother and a happy wife, among other things, has been running her restaurant project since 2006 without leaving the stage.

Interesting fact: Among Anya’s friends is the king of Russian show business himself, Philip Kirkorov!

Numerous duets with Russian stars (Leps, Mot, Emin), more than 50 video clips, prizes and awards: “Best Singer”, “Person of the Year”, “The Most Beautiful Woman”, “Fashion Singer”, “Song of the Year”, “Best” concert show", "Golden Gramophone", MUZTV, RU.TV, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo. The singer is not going to stop there and there are still many new projects ahead. Discussions and disputes on the topic of appearance are not included in Ani Lorak’s plans and she leaves them without comment, forcing her fans to endlessly fantasize.

Ani Lorak is a popular singer, a favorite of an audience of millions. Her songs sell in crazy numbers, her work schedule does not have a single free column, her life is a mad rush forward, to new achievements, new victories. She is one of the few who achieved success precisely with her talent, a bright, deep voice, the ability to convey the meaning of each song to the hearts of listeners, and the ability to act, without which a real pop artist is unthinkable.

But no matter how talented a person is, he is forced to carefully monitor his appearance and sometimes make great sacrifices for the love of fans. Ani was no exception. Like most modern artists, she has more than once turned to the services of plastic surgeons, which can be seen with the naked eye, although she herself, in a conversation with journalists, refutes this opinion in every possible way. So, what was Ani Lorak like before plastic surgery, and what did she become after it?

Ani Laura, real name Carolina Kuek, grew up in a small Ukrainian town in a boarding school. Her family was on the verge of poverty, her father disappeared from the horizon of young Carolina’s life, and her mother, juggling several jobs, was unable to raise her children. Therefore, Caroline was sent to a boarding school. Yes, here she received shelter and food, but it was not the girl who lacked warmth and kindness: the harsh relationships between the pupils and the rudeness of the teachers became a heavy blow for the vulnerable heart of the romantically inclined girl. But this environment strengthened her character. She decided at all costs to become a famous singer, successful, rich, loved all over the world. Through thick and thin. Even if for this you have to go through the road of trials, even if for this you have to lie on the table of a plastic surgeon.

In 1993, at the “Primrose” music competition, Caroline’s bright star of talent lit up. Tall, big-eyed, with simple, sweet features and a mane of red curly hair, she attracted the attention of the audience and producer Yuri Thales. It was Thales who became the driving force that pulled an unknown girl from a provincial Ukrainian town onto the big stage, and he also advised Caroline the services of plastic surgeons, citing the fact that a real artist must be impeccably perfect and attract the attention of the audience not only with her excellent voice abilities . The viewer also pays attention to artistry, relaxedness, courage and a bright, daring image. And here, of course, there is no place for the sweet, innocent image of a romantically inclined girl. So the young performer began to turn into a socialite.

The first plastic intervention was changing the shape of the lips. Banal Botox in moderate quantities made Anya’s lips more sensual and her image more attractive. But, as practice shows, people, especially artists, rarely know how to stop in time, once they have tasted the fruit of plastic surgery. And here they are no longer stopped either by the monstrous torment experienced by a person who has undergone plastic surgery and undergoing a rehabilitation period, or by huge financial expenses. The desire to be better and better makes them go further and further.

Already at the beginning of the 2000s, Ani decided on a more serious intervention. Here, surgeons worked on the shape of the cheekbones, making them more expressive. Of course, such an operation took a lot of time and effort. But the result was successful.

The next time, after Eurovision 2008, Lorak decided to install implants, enlarging her breasts. Experts say that this process took place in several stages, because the singer appeared in public more than once with a new breast size. Fortunately, unlike many representatives of the fair sex, Lorak managed to settle on reasonable dimensions in this matter.

And finally, the last change that experts noted was the shape of the nose. Compared to photographs from the nineties, Anya’s nose has become straighter and thinner.

Whether it was worth it for an already pretty Ukrainian girl to go through so much torment on the plastic surgeon’s table, only an objective audience can say. But the fact remains that Ani did not avoid this path. And we can only hope that in the future she will not become a victim of plastic deception, because every time the operation is a huge risk, both for beauty and for life.

Cheiloplasty is a popular area of ​​plastic surgery, the object of which is the “problematic” part of the face, according to many girls – the lips. There are aesthetic and reconstructive lip shape correction.

In the first case we are talking about increasing or. By the way, the latter is not as in demand as “pumping”. As for reconstructive plastic surgery, such an intervention is aimed at eliminating congenital and acquired defects (cleft palate or cleft lip, consequences of injuries, etc.).

What does Ani Lorak look like today?

Ani Lorak knows how to emphasize the advantages of her figure. Lately, she has been successfully combining elegant silhouette dresses with extravagant corsets and belts, which help create an emphasis on her luxurious shape.

When she appears at ceremonies and carpets, all attention turns to her.

Cheiloplasty is a popular area of ​​plastic surgery, the object of which is the “problematic” part of the face, according to many girls – the lips. There are aesthetic and reconstructive lip shape correction.

In the first case we are talking about increasing or. By the way, the latter is not as in demand as “pumping”. As for reconstructive plastic surgery, such an intervention is aimed at eliminating congenital and acquired defects (cleft palate or cleft lip, consequences of injuries, etc.).

Who did the operation?


The popular singer denies any surgical interventions on her face, but many experts are convinced that the attractive volume was achieved through corrective surgery.

Upon careful examination of the photographs, it can be noted that the upper lip has slightly increased in size. The star herself claims that the involvement of plastic surgeons is nothing more than rumors, and the whole point is only in the ability to use cosmetics correctly.

Alsou even revealed her “trademark” secret to her fans: you can simply and absolutely painlessly add volume to your lips using usually a contour pencil.


The Russian pop star never ceases to amaze fans with changes in her appearance. If previously they were associated with clothes and hairstyle, now the singer is experimenting with radical changes in appearance.

First of all, this affected the star’s face: the “new” lips look much more voluminous and fuller than before. Result: a naturally attractive girl began to look even more seductive.

It is noteworthy that not so long ago Nyusha strictly condemned women who resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Now fans know that this is not the singer’s first experiment. An increase in volume is noted not only in the lip area, but also in the chest.

Alisa Grebenshchikova

Rumors about involvement in aesthetic plastic surgery did not bypass the popular theater and film actress.

According to some media outlets, Grebenshchikova recently had filler injected into her lips.

All this is nothing more than rumors. Mother Nature rewarded the star with lush lips.

Victoria Beckham

Many journalists believe that Victoria does not smile not because of a lack of emotionality, but because her facial expressions are simply limited.

This is difficult to do because of the injections used to enlarge her lips.

There is also an opinion that the star did not limit herself to lips alone: ​​Beckham inserted implants into her cheekbones, made and.

Liza Boyarskaya

Boyarskaya is credited with a lot of plastic surgery. Most of all, journalists pay attention to the lips and nose, but there is no reliable information about plastic surgery.

Lisa herself answers questions related to appearance in the form of a joke. In one of her interviews, the actress said that in twenty years she might have decided to have surgery, but not now.

As for lips specifically, experts have differing opinions on this issue.

The last photos show that the upper lip has become somewhat more expressive. Some plastic surgeons claim that the actress made a vertical “constriction” on her upper lip. Others believe the change may be a result of age.

It is quite logical that by the age of thirty a woman looks different than she did ten years ago.

Evgenia Brik

There is no information in the media that the Russian theater and film actress has ever undergone cheiloplasty.

Evgenia got lush lips from nature, and skillful makeup only complements the perfect image.

Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk, a world-famous model from Russia, appears on the covers of top glossy publications. Those who have seen her teenage photographs have no doubt that Irina had plastic surgery.

In her justification, the beauty stated that any corrections, be it lip augmentation, changing facial contours, etc., are unacceptable for her. The model is convinced that such interventions will not make a woman more beautiful and that you need to love yourself as you are.

The girl's lips attract special attention from skeptics. One can hardly argue with the fact that they are plump and very seductive.

Ill-wishers never stop talking about cheiloplasty, but it’s easy to prove that the celebrity did not enlarge her lips:

  • Firstly, you can look at the model’s childhood photos, where Irina Shaykhlislamova (real name) is captured with the same lush lips.
  • Secondly, the supermodel looks exactly like her mother, who has the same lips.

Most likely, rumors about Shayk's plastic surgery are spread by those who are simply jealous of the girl's natural beauty. By the way, she is often compared to Angelina Jolie, who has been accused of “pumping up” her lips for many years.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak is one of the most beautiful Ukrainian artists. Glossy publications note that over the past year the singer’s appearance has undergone significant changes.

The biggest questions are raised by her lips: has she, like many of her colleagues in the shop, pumped Botox into them?

In the latest photographs, the star’s lips look too voluminous, which suggests correction of the shape and contour. All doubts were dispelled by one of the popular plastic surgeons, who claims that the singer naturally has a plump upper lip and a slightly thin lower lip. It looks quite natural.

If the singer applied filler, her lips not only became larger, but also visually “heavier.” At the same time, the distance from the tip of the nose visually increased, which could not be ignored.

Thus, Lorak did not undergo cheiloplasty. These are just tricks of professional make-up that stars resort to in order to look even better.

Angelina Jolie

Sensual plump lips are Jolie's calling card. She has had them this way since childhood, so all the information about “pumping up” is just speculation. Most likely, the star has never resorted to cheiloplasty.

At the same time, there are suggestions that the surgeons worked with the contour, since young Angie’s was not clear enough. And you can’t be 100% sure of this.

In addition to cheiloplasty, Jolie is credited with genioplasty (chin correction), face lift, and cheek correction.

Not a single surgeon admits to this, which is not surprising, since this is a matter of medical ethics. However, the lack of definitive evidence only fuels the debate.

Those who want to find out the truth do not stop comparing photos of the star. Lips in ancient and modern photographs generally look the same, and the slight difference can be attributed to the play of light, angle and makeup. In addition, any person changes with age, which is reflected in all parts of the face.

Megan Fox

Beauty industry experts have long been interested in the actress’s changes. Some believe that the merits of plastic surgeons are minimal, others believe that almost everything about Fox is artificial.

Experts believe that the star performed the following operations:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • mammoplasty;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • skin lightening;
  • cheiloplasty.

As for the lips, Megan clearly went too far with them. Every time they become more and more. After the latest corrections, they generally look unnatural.

The actress herself says this: “My lips are my lips,” which cannot be regarded as either proof or refutation.

Unsuccessful results of lip surgery among stars and celebrities

The consequences of cheiloplasty depend on many factors:

  • condition of the lip tissue;
  • near the perioral area;
  • degree of age-related changes;
  • surgeon's qualifications, etc.

Unsuccessful correction is associated with such reasons as violation of the intervention technique, little experience of the doctor, unsuccessful choice of drug, postoperative complications and many others.

Complications develop directly during the intervention or some time after. Depending on the type of operation, complications are identified after contouring and after adjusting the size and shape.

Among the stars there are many examples of unsuccessful cheiloplasty.

Mention should be made here of 42-year-old Jennifer Garner

, who tried to correct a gummy smile with the help of additional volume:

Melanie Griffith

(I decided to have surgery for the same reason):

Lisa Rinna

(unsuccessful administration of non-absorbable gel). The latter finally got rid of the gel not long ago, which left her very pleased:

61-year-old Donatella Versace

- another victim of unsuccessful correction, however, unlike Lisa, the fashion designer is in no hurry to get rid of filler.

Unfortunately, the older a woman gets, the more caricatured her lips look. Moreover, they emphasize nasolabial folds and sagging facial skin.

All celebrities are, by definition, successful and can afford any whims. Cheiloplasty in stars does not make them less talented and gifted, it is only a matter of moderation.

Carolina, known to the public as Ani Lorak, became recognizable back in 1995 after participating in the TV project “Morning Star”. At the same time, her first music album was recorded.

After the release of her second album in 1999, she devoted almost all her free time to touring cities in the USA, Ukraine and Europe. And soon the public’s favorite received the honorary title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Today the singer is a caring wife and a happy mother. Few people know that in addition to her merits on stage, Carolina is a successful restaurateur, and since 2006 she has owned her own establishment.

The singer’s bright appearance more than once brought Ani Lorak the title of the most beautiful woman in Russia and Ukraine, and she also became the cause of controversy about whether beauty is natural or the matter could not have happened without the intervention of plastic surgeons.

For the first time, controversy about the naturalness of her lips began in 2012 during a speech in honor of the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then most fans came to the conclusion that the singer’s luscious lips were the result of decorative cosmetics, not plastic surgery. Moreover, this part of the performer’s body has always been especially sexy.

Ani Lorak's breasts are causing no less heated discussions. Photos before and after plastic surgery are compared by many experts in the field of plastic surgery, and fans themselves see a very noticeable difference between the photographs of the time when the singer was not yet so popular, and the photographs of today.

Some people justify their enlarged breasts by the birth of their daughter Sofia. However, large breasts appeared long before this happy event. One of the popular plastic surgeons, analyzing the pictures of the singer, came to the conclusion that the celebrity had implants installed and also corrected the tip of her nose. However, he did not express 100% confidence.

Ani Lorak’s appearance has been one of the most important objects of gossip for five years now! What was attributed to her: lip surgery, rhinoplasty, mammoplasty, thread lifting, removal of Bisha's bags and even removal of ribs! The 39-year-old singer has repeatedly come out with denials of any surgical intervention, declaring that everything she has comes from nature, plus competent care and a healthy lifestyle.

Ani Lorak: this is what the singer looks like now, 2020

“The most ridiculous rumors are about the removal of ribs. Like, I have a thin waist because I removed two ribs. If you remember what they write, it turns out that I am not crawling out from under the surgeon’s knife: my nose, lips, breasts, butt, eyes - everything is foreign. For now I’m holding on to what Mother Nature and my parents gave. We'll see later. Perhaps in the future they will invent something clever: if you apply cream - minus 10 kilograms, take a pill - the skin is fresh, like that of an 18-year-old,” the singer seemed to joke with a smile in an interview with the Russian portal Starhit.

Ani Lorak, 2020

But only at first glance. Previously, Ani Lorak admits, every such material in the press or comment under her photo on Instagram caused a flurry of emotions: she was upset, nervous and even cried. Over time, when encountering the next headline “Ani Lorak had plastic surgery,” I learned to react calmly and philosophically:

“I began to love everyone and light candles in church for my enemies and ill-wishers. I learned to accept them as they are. Some people even feel sorry for it: a person who is doing well cannot throw mud at another,” says the star.

These photos confuse fans: they think the star had plastic surgery

Is the singer telling the truth or lying? Has she had plastic surgery? If yes, which ones? And how does she even manage to maintain her appearance in such a young appearance: you can never tell that she is almost 40 years old! At this age, women experience certain age-related changes: loss of skin elasticity, sagging and drooping of soft tissues on the face, lack of collagen and elastin lead to the formation of a network of wrinkles and creases in both moving and static areas. Considering these signs of aging, many stars decide to undergo plastic surgery, which, in the end, although they eliminate wrinkles, change their appearance beyond recognition! Here we should remember Renee Zellweger, Nicole Kidman and other famous actresses and singers.

In this photo, Ani Lorak allegedly enlarged her lips, 2016

In the case of several years ago, we already asked questions to surgeon Slosser: then we were talking about lip augmentation. Users online thought they were too swollen and voluminous. The expert debunked the myth about correction and noted:

“The star has a naturally plump upper lip and a relatively thin lower lip, which looks natural. In this case, any injection with an additional drug will not only enlarge the lips, but also “weight” them, the distance from the tip of the nose will increase, and will look quite obvious. I can say with confidence that Ani Lorak did not enlarge her lips, and all this is nothing more than makeup tricks,” the surgeon commented on these photos.

This is what Ani Lorak looks like now

Less than a few years later, people started talking about Ani Lorak’s plastic surgery again, because in the photo her facial features became more expressive and voluminous, which did not escape the eyes of the singer’s fans and haters. Rumors immediately arose that Ani Lorak removed Bisha's bags, did a thread lift, enlarged her lips and cheekbones with the help of implants, and also corrected the shape and tip of her nose. There is also talk about mammoplasty: in the video for the song “New Ex”, Ani appeared in a tight-fitting nude suit with a top that emphasized her very ample breasts. This volume can be achieved in several ways: breast augmentation with the help of implants, lipofilling, or well-chosen top and underwear with internal Push Up inserts, which are often used by stylists on filming and red carpets to draw attention to the bust of their star client. But if you carefully look at the early photos, you will see that Ani Lorak’s breasts have always been distinguished by their volume and curvaceous shape, and over these few years they have clearly not changed in parameters.

Ani Lorak on the set of the video “New Ex”

This is a serious operation, the rehabilitation period of which is at least 14 days - only removing the sutures and checking the condition of the mammary glands. For a month, the patient must wear compression garments, come regularly for examinations, follow a certain regimen and slow down her rhythm of life. It is possible to evaluate the effect of breast surgery and openly emphasize the “new dignity” only after 2 months after the operation.

Ani Lorak: 2014 and 2018

Now let's analyze: Ani Lorak is one of the most toured singers in the CIS countries, her tour schedule is scheduled for two years in advance, and this does not count filming, interviews, and participation in TV shows and projects. She prepared her new and most expensive show “Diva” for more than a year, investing millions of dollars in it. The show turned out to be so impressive that it attracts packed halls throughout the CIS countries and even Europe. What do you think is Ani Lorak’s schedule? Would there be room for 2 months of rehabilitation after surgery? Hardly. When it comes to touring, not a single star would decide to undergo surgery. No one will risk their health and appearance for the sake of breast surgery, nose surgery or any other manipulation with a scalpel.

“Recently, a large number of comments have appeared on the network regarding the appearance of Ani Lorak. Considering that Ani is a famous and popular singer, every, even minimal, change in her appearance attracts a lot of attention, giving rise to rumors and speculation. To dot all the i's, I carefully analyzed all the photos of Ani Lorak, in which she supposedly Before and After plastic surgery. Believe me, a surgeon with my experience can tell a lot about a person even from a picture! Having examined these photos in detail, I did not see any obvious signs of surgical intervention on the singer’s appearance. Of course, at the age of 40+ (and Caroline is now 39), many women allow themselves to correct age-related changes on their face with the help of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. And this is absolutely nothing new, agree? When resorting to injection correction, the question is the naturalness of the forms that the patient receives as a result of manipulation. When the correction is done professionally, the facial features will be harmonious and devoid of grotesque volume.

Ani Lorak: 2014 and 2020

In the case of Ani Lorak, I see only cosmetic correction of the shape of the lips and certain areas on the face that lose their volume with age. But it is worth noting that the singer’s face looks natural: neither cheekbones, nor lips, nor other parts of it arouse suspicion or visual rejection. Perhaps I will disappoint someone, but there is no surgical intervention here and never was. I’m glad that Ani Lorak takes such careful care of her appearance and takes care of her youth and beauty.”

Ani Lorak: 2012 and 2018

From Dmitry Slosser's comment it follows that Ani Lorak's appearance is natural, and the singer is telling the truth: she did not have plastic surgery. High-quality care cosmetics, cosmetic procedures, healthy sleep, nutrition and sports help her maintain her beauty.

Carolina Kuek was born in the small Ukrainian town of Kitsman on September 27, 1978. The girl had a difficult childhood: after the divorce, her mother experienced financial difficulties and sent the children to boarding school.

Carolina first started singing at the age of four and from that moment on she went through life with music. A serious step on the world stage was the victory in the Primrose competition.

Producer Yuri Thales saw a future star in the 14-year-old girl and took patronage over her. The pseudonym Ani Lorak appeared while participating in “Morning Star”: the girl had to change her name so as not to repeat another singer.

Ani Lorak's stunning singing won the hearts of listeners and brought incredible popularity. New hits came out one after another, and Ani Lorak became known far beyond the borders of her country. In 2008, the singer represented Ukraine at Eurovision and took second place.

Now Ani Lorak is actively touring, recording albums and running a popular Instagram page, in which she talks about her creative life and her family - her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu and daughter Sofia.

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