Plasmolifting of the head for hair. Photos before and after, contraindications, reviews

The essence of the procedure and its benefits for hair

Acceleration of regeneration of areas of the scalp is ensured by the introduction of microscopic injection portions of personal blood plasma enriched with platelets. Only blood from a vein is suitable for manipulation, which, due to rotation in the centrifuge, separates the plasma , and the thrombotic activity in it increases many times over.

After introducing plasma under the skin, it reverses the process of dying of hair follicles, changing the mode of hair loss to a mode of rapid regeneration and hair growth. The procedure normalizes blood microcirculation, strengthens the immune system and metabolic processes in cells. The thickness of the hair increases, the roots are actively nourished, which ensures the thickness and quality of the hairstyle.


“Plasmolifting is an effective procedure for hair loss, but it is not easy to endure - the pain is simply terrible. The head is not rubbed with any anesthetic, and injections along the growth line of the strands and near the temples are especially sensitive. I was prescribed 4 sessions, and before each subsequent one I prepared myself for a visit to the salon for 2-3 days.

But all the pain is forgotten after the results become noticeable. In my case, this means a decrease in the amount of hair falling out, a decrease in fragility, the disappearance of dandruff and the appearance of “undercoat” - new small hairs. In principle, I was satisfied with the course of treatment, despite the fact that it was quite expensive and unpleasant. But I don’t know whether I’ll decide to do it again” - POLINA, MOSCOW.

“Long-term breastfeeding resulted in thinning and increased hair loss for me. The problem had to be solved radically, and I chose plasma lifting.

The painful sensations were quite tolerable, but after the session my head hurt for almost a day. I washed my hair on the third day and it was already noticeable that there was much less hair falling out during washing.

My course consisted of 4 procedures, after which the trichologist said that the hair had become stronger, and new vegetation had appeared in the thinning areas. Yes, I myself see that my hairstyle has begun to look much better” - MASHA, ST. PETERSBURG.

“Last year in the spring I started having terrible hair loss. I didn’t want to be bald at all, so on the advice of a trichologist I signed up for plasma lifting. After taking blood for tests, the day of the procedure was scheduled.

First, they took blood from a vein to obtain plasma and after 15 minutes they invited me into the office. Of course, I suspected that the sensations would not be the most pleasant, but the pain was sometimes so unbearable that I wanted to push the doctor away and run away from the office.

But still, I managed to endure this torture to the end, I came home on autopilot and literally spent the rest of the day coming to my senses.

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, I decided that I would not go to the clinic again. But by the second procedure, the painful sensations had already been forgotten, and it was thought that the skin would get used to it and would not react like that, so I ended up in the clinic again.

Alas, I experienced the full severity of the pain again, and as a result, instead of the prescribed sessions, I only did two. There are results - the hair has become softer, more vibrant, thicker, that is, plasma lifting works. But this is not my procedure, so they will look for other methods of treatment” - INGA, MOSCOW.

“I have diffuse hair loss, the cause of which could not be determined by a full examination of the body. Therefore, I choose methods and methods for strengthening follicles and increasing the density of strands empirically.

The last experiment was plasma lifting. The trichologist prescribed 10 sessions, which needed to be alternated with mesotherapy. But I couldn’t stand them all - the injections were very painful, but there was no result - my hair kept falling out. We will probably have to search more deeply for the causes of the disease” - GALINA, SAMARA.


Plasmolifting of the scalp is indicated for serious diseases of the head.

The procedure will help solve numerous problems:

  • Loss of hair thickness and shine: from severe hair loss to baldness.
  • Hair thinness and fragility caused by genetic predisposition, exposure to chemical care products, sun and poor-quality water.
  • Dryness and split ends. Hair looks dead and cannot grow normally.
  • Increased fat content in the root zone.
  • Itching on the skin, if a fungus or other dermatological problems are not diagnosed.
  • Alopecia at any stage of its manifestation.

How often is plasma lifting done?

All the nuances of hair treatment with plasma lifting are discussed in advance with the doctor. Some clients require only 2-3 sessions, others require a course of 5-6.

For the first time, the break between the first and second sessions can be up to one month, subsequent injections are carried out after 1-2 weeks.

Plasmolifting courses are recommended to be repeated once every one or two years. But you need to take into account that the condition of the hair depends on many factors and if you do not approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, the effect of plasma therapy will not last long.

Depending on the identified defect and the cause of poor hair growth, in addition to administering plasma, the trichologist may advise taking vitamins, using special external agents, and undergoing drug treatment for chronic diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system.


Plasmolifting of the head for hair is an injection procedure, during which injections are made into the scalp, therefore there are a number of contraindications to plasma injections.

The procedure should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • violations of the integrity of the hairline: scratches, wounds, combed areas, hematomas, stitches;
  • pathologies of a dermatological nature at any stage of its course: fungus, lichen, rubella, chickenpox, scabies;
  • reduced percentage of platelets in the blood;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases such as ARVI or herpes;
  • diagnosed tumors of any type;
  • ongoing herbal medicine, the substances of which may react with the composition injected under the skin;
  • time of bearing and feeding a child;
  • critical days for women.

What it is

Autoplasmotherapy has been used for more than 20 years to tighten and increase skin turgor. But recently, trichologists have paid close attention to this technology, modified it somewhat and are now using it to treat the scalp and restore hair.

We asked what hair plasma lifting is and how it differs from the basic procedure. It turned out that the patient’s own blood, purified from leukocytes and erythrocytes, is additionally enriched with nutrients vital for hair. In this way, the resource capabilities of the human body and modern technologies are combined.

Side effects of the procedure

Plasma injections are considered to be a completely safe procedure for the patient, but they have a number of side effects.

In addition to possible allergic reactions, there is a risk of the following negative consequences:

  • if the storage conditions for the components used are violated and the sanitary and hygienic standards of the procedure are not followed, infection may enter the bloodstream;
  • manifestation of hematomas and bruises at the sites of plasma injection;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • activation of viral infections.

Most side effects occur due to the incompetence of the cosmetologist performing the procedure, improper storage of auxiliary drugs and the use of materials that have not been certified.

Operating principle

The procedure is based on the use of plasma from the client's blood. To obtain it, blood is placed in a special tube and processed in a centrifuge. As a result, platelets become more active, so platelet autoplasma is released. It contains a high concentration of the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • hormones;
  • growth factors;
  • vitamins.

After microinjection of plasma into the skin, hair follicles stop dying and begin to grow rapidly. The immunity of the dermis increases, cellular metabolism improves. Each bulb is saturated with useful elements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The blood plasma injection procedure is an innovative method of combating hair loss and baldness.

A visit to a cosmetologist for an injection has a number of advantages:

  • There is minimal risk of allergies, since the blood purified by the centrifuge speed belongs to the patient personally.
  • When the manipulation is carried out correctly, the risk of infection and pathogenic bacteria from another donor is minimized.
  • Injections help restore hair in men with patchy baldness.
  • Minimal risk of allergies.
  • Accelerated rehabilitation and good health of the patient after the procedure.
  • Minimal pain during injections and the ability to numb the skin if it is hypersensitive.

Disadvantages of plasma therapy:

  • The high cost of the service is due to the need to choose a high-class specialist and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • The difficulty of finding a qualified certified specialist with a document confirming the right of a cosmetologist to handle blood elements.
  • The need for several visits to a cosmetologist to obtain a visible effect.

Preparation for the procedure

The injection procedure for hair resuscitation requires certain preparation.

Patient preparation steps:

  1. A patient’s visit to a cosmetologist to draw blood for a general analysis to prevent complications.
  2. Detailed examination of the scalp to detect mechanical damage.
  3. On the appointed day of going for the injection, you should not eat food, and 2 days before that you should exclude fatty or spicy foods from the menu. It is better to stop the choice of food in your diet on vegetable salads and fruits.
  4. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages are completely contraindicated.

Plasma therapy for hair - expert opinions

The described technique was developed and patented by Russian doctors (authors R. Akhmerov and R. Zarudiya). There is no such term as “plasmotherapy” for hair; the registered name of the technology is only “plasmolifting”. Experts note that any other variations of this procedure are falsifications, which can be hazardous to health.

According to qualified trichologists, plasma lifting for weakened hair is useful and effective, but it cannot cope with the problem of alopecia on its own. To completely cure baldness, the procedure in question must be combined with other types of therapy. At the same time, it is important to eliminate the causes of alopecia and normalize hormonal levels, and provide the scalp with intensive and properly selected care.

Precautionary measures

Plasmolifting of the head for hair requires strict precautions, which must be verified before starting.

Security Guarantee:

  • plasma therapy is carried out only in beauty centers or medical clinics that have the necessary equipment;
  • sterility of the premises and instruments is mandatory;
  • the specialist performing injections must have a special permit confirming the cosmetologist’s right to this type of activity;
  • you should make sure that the instruments are sterile, which must be in disposable individual packaging;
  • Frequent replacement of needles and their high quality will help reduce pain.

Procedure technology

Plasmolifting of the head for hair occurs in stages.

Positive effects of plasma lifting for the scalp and hair.

Treatment for damaged hair looks like this:

  1. The specialist immediately draws 15 ml of blood from a vein on the day of the procedure. In the presence of the patient, the blood is loaded into a centrifuge using disposable sterile tubes.
  2. During rotation, the blood is stratified, the number of red blood cells and leukocytes decreases, and the concentration of platelets increases. Vacuum purified plasma is separated from the fractions. The procedure takes up to 15 minutes.
  3. At the patient’s insistence, complexes of vitamins and microelements can be added to the plasma tube.
  4. The scalp is treated with an antiseptic to eliminate the possibility of pathogenic microorganisms attaching.
  5. At the client's request, a cooling ointment for anesthesia can be applied.
  6. The resulting substance is drawn up with syringes for single injections. Punctures are made with thin needles immersed 1 mm, first in the forehead area, then in the right and left parts, and then in the back of the head. It is important that new needles are used for injections in different areas of the head.
  7. On average, the entire procedure takes approximately 1 hour.

Head plasmolifting technique

Plasma therapy compares favorably with other methods of scalp regeneration. Injections are performed with the patient's own blood, divided into fractions. At the same time, the activity of platelets in the plasma increases, which, after entering the skin, fight the death of hair follicles.

Microcirculation and cellular metabolism improves, and local skin immunity is strengthened due to increased nutrition of the hair roots.

Treatment of alopecia with plasma lifting

Alopecia comes in several types. The method of its treatment and the effectiveness of plasma lifting depend on the type of disease.

For example:

  • Genetic. For this type of disease, plasma therapy is ineffective, as it will give only a small short-term effect.
  • Acquired. Easily and effectively eliminated with plasma. The effect will last about 2 years, after which the procedure is repeated as necessary.

The therapy will cure baldness by 80%, and the percentage error depends only on the personal characteristics of the body.

Plasma therapy for the scalp - what is it?

Plasma therapy (plasmolifting) is a procedure that acts directly on the scalp. Trichologists and cosmetologists began offering it to clients not so long ago. Plasmolifting copes well with baldness, hair loss, and other diseases of the scalp.

This is an invasive medical procedure that involves infusing the patient with his own blood, only processed in a special way. The blood is passed through a centrifuge, plasma is isolated and injected under the scalp. A course of such procedures will help revitalize stem cells and normalize skin condition. This method can help solve a large number of problems in the field of trichology that could not be solved by other methods.

Plasma therapy is not a painful procedure, as it might seem at first glance. Experienced doctors reduce discomfort to a minimum, especially since the resulting effect is impressive. Injections into the scalp during plasma lifting are made pointwise, in places where the most severe baldness is observed.

The procedure will only act on living hair follicles, stimulating their work, but will not stop further loss of dead hair. New hairs will grow from the awakened bulbs, making the hair thicker and stronger.

Plasmolifting is carried out in courses, the number of procedures is prescribed by a trichologist. Since the therapy quickly produces positive results, only four to five sessions will be enough. Then a break is taken for ten to fifteen days. During this time, the scalp has time to recover after the injections, and the injected drug is completely absorbed.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Diffuse alopecia in women
  • Plasma therapy for the scalp
  • Useful vitamins for hair: against hair loss and for growth


After the manipulation, the following changes are observed in the integument:

  • Suspension of the process of dying of hair follicles.
  • Reducing the amount of hair loss.
  • Strengthening hair follicles (accelerated growth after several trips).
  • Stimulates the growth of new, stronger and healthy hair.
  • Reduced split ends due to the quality of the hair shaft.
  • Increasing the density of strands due to the density and increase in hair diameter.
  • Stabilization of the functionality of the sebaceous glands and elimination of dandruff.
  • Natural shine and beauty of hair.
  • Long-term effect obtained (minimum 2 years).

Who is the method indicated for?

The technique will help women and men who are struggling with certain problems to no avail.


  • severe hair loss;
  • sparseness and thinness of strands;
  • dandruff;
  • cut and weakened curls (such troubles arise after frequent use of a hair dryer, iron, or hair dyeing).

You need to choose a clinic for events responsibly, because the future result depends on it.

Platelet autoplasma is saturated with beneficial vitamins, growth factors, and hormones. That is why its introduction leads to the fact that the hair follicles stop dying and hair growth increases. Local immunity also increases.

Plastic surgeon Kenneth Francis

Care after plasma lifting of the scalp

To enhance and prolong the positive effect of plasma lifting after completion of the procedure, you must follow several recommendations.

Care Tips:

  • After plasma injections, you should not wash your hair for at least a day, preferably 2-3 days.
  • For the first week, you must refrain from going to the pool, bathhouse, or hairdresser.
  • It is not recommended to be under the bright rays of the sun.
  • It is better not to stop the course of procedures, even if the effect is not visible after the first manipulation.

How to care for your hair afterwards?

After each procedure in the course of treatment, cosmetologists do not recommend washing your hair for 2-3 days. It is also necessary to exclude visits to the sauna, swimming pool, and hairdresser for this period.

You cannot wash your hair for at least a day, and various hair care products are also prohibited (this also applies to hairspray). But it is better to refrain from water procedures a little longer.

Dermatologist Sunanda Chew

Exposure to sunlight is also subject to restrictions.

Complexes of vitamins and minerals will increase the body's capabilities. The cosmetologist who performed the procedure or the pharmacist will advise the preferred options. The main thing is to take vitamins as prescribed in the instructions.

Patients who notice continued hair loss after the first procedure should not worry. The hair will gain strength after 2-3 repetitions.

But if hair falls out more intensely after plasmophylling, either a specialist cosmetologist in the salon (clinic) where the sessions were held, or a trichologist will help.

In the future, hair care is performed in the usual manner. Along with the previous shampoos and conditioners, masks and oils with vitamins will help maintain the thickness and silkiness of strands.

Price of plasma lifting in salons of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Plasmolifting of the scalp for hair growth and strengthening is a rather expensive procedure. The price varies depending on the qualifications of the specialist and the region of location.

RegionCost of plasma therapy (RUB/1 session)
Moscow6000 — 11000
Saint Petersburg5000 — 10000
Kazan3800 — 8000
Rostov-on-Don3500 — 8500
Volgograd4000 — 7500


The price for a full course of plasma lifting depends on the required number of procedures, as well as the area of ​​influence. The cost of one session of such hair improvement can range from 6 to 20 thousand rubles, it all depends on the clinic where it will take place, on the qualifications of the doctors, and on the prestige of the institution. However, a person who has decided on such a procedure should know that choosing a medical institution for plasma lifting based only on low price is fundamentally wrong. After all, those specialists who do this manipulation cheaply often do not have licenses or certificates. Therefore, such clinics cannot be trusted. You only need to choose an establishment that you are completely confident in. You can come to the clinic, ask them for certificates, licenses, and based on this, decide whether you will use the services of specialists from this company or not.

Analogues and similar procedures

If there are contraindications to the use of plasma therapy, alternative procedures can be used.

For example:

  • Mesotherapy. A certain cocktail, prepared according to a cosmetologist’s recipe, is injected into the scalp. The procedure accelerates hair growth, strengthens it and removes dandruff. There are several types of mesotherapy: classical, current, ultrasound, cryomesotherapy, laser.
  • The ACR method is the release of autoplasma and autogel to reduce hair loss and strengthen the roots.
  • Fibersuit (beauty injections). The manipulation is carried out before dyeing, therefore it is indicated for hair subject to the negative effects of dye, straightening, hair dryer or perm. The components of the drug fill damaged strands, giving them shine and increased elasticity.

Popular questions and answers

There are many opinions around this procedure, both positive and negative. Due to some limited information, many people often have the following questions:

  1. Have clinical tests of the technique been carried out or not? Yes. It took more than seven years to research the technology.
  2. Can injections cause cancer? No, this is completely excluded, since platelets do not have oncogenic characteristics and are not prone to malignant mutation.
  3. Are stem cells used during the session? No.
  4. What is more effective – laser plasma lifting or the standard method of doing it? The laser method is somewhat more expensive, but they are approximately equivalent in effectiveness.
  5. At what age can manipulation be performed? Not earlier than 16 years of age.
  6. Is there a risk of contracting, say, HIV? No, such cases are completely excluded, even if the procedure is performed on patients with positive HIV status.
  7. Does this deplete the body's internal resource? No, sessions do not affect this indicator in any way.

From the video you will learn what plasma lifting is, how it works, how it is carried out, and what results are achieved in the field of trichology.

What is better plasma lifting or mesotherapy for hair?

Both procedures are widely popular among patients, and many are interested in the difference between their effects. Plasma therapy and mesotherapy are similar, but have a number of fundamental differences.

In plasma injections, only natural substances are used, and in mesotherapy, a medicinal complex is introduced that is clearly intended for the diagnosed problem, which is characterized as a targeted targeted effect. With mesotherapy, allergies often occur due to the use of foreign substances, and with plasma lifting, the healing effect appears over the entire surface of the head.

What to do if your hair starts to fall out after the procedure?

After plasma injections, the possibility of negative phenomena is possible. Often this is redness, itching and swelling. After 3-4 days the phenomena will disappear. After the injections, hair loss will not stop 100%, but will be reduced by 70-80%, so after lifting, hair will continue to fall out, but in minimal quantities.

Plasmolifting of the head for the improvement and regeneration of follicles will help stimulate and nourish the root system of the hair, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the hairstyle, skin color and overall health.

The effect of plasma lifting

After the procedure, you can notice an improvement in the condition of your hair in a number of areas:

  1. Platelets stimulate the growth of curls, so the bulbs stop dying and come back to life.
  2. The appearance of the strands improves - they begin to shine, become healthy, smooth and silky.
  3. Hair becomes thicker and stronger. Volume appears at the roots.
  4. The work of the sebaceous glands improves, dandruff disappears.

After the first session, any discomfort will disappear. The follicles will begin to awaken and grow, although the effect will become noticeable after about a month. Plasmolifting for hair has a cumulative effect, so one course will last for a couple of years. During this period, the hair will grow well and look well-groomed.

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