How to massage your face for swelling at home

Causes of edema

Swelling of the face, like any other part of the body, is often the result of fluid retention in the human body. It usually accumulates in the extracellular spaces of tissues. There are many causes of swelling, but the most common are the following:

  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Menstruation;
  • Poor diet (in particular, excessive consumption of salty foods);
  • Disturbances of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • Physical inactivity;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Kidney disorders.

In addition, paradoxically, edema can be caused by a lack of fluid. If a person drinks too little water, the body may decide that you are in extreme conditions and turn on fluid “saving mode” to avoid dehydration. Women who are on a strict calorie deficit also experience swelling. In this case, fluid accumulates in fat cells, which, in the hope of restoring their former reserves, try to maintain their volume with the help of water. Edema is also often observed in athletes whose diet includes large amounts of protein: it gradually clogs the kidneys, which can also cause fluid retention.

The causes of edema are described in detail in this video:

Massage technique

Tip 1 How to get rid of closed comedones Tip 2 How to remove comedones Tip 3 How to get rid of comedones at home A
competent facial massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, activates cell activity and tones the facial muscles. Thanks to this, it perfectly helps get rid of swelling. This procedure takes only fifteen to twenty minutes. It can be done at any time of the day. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Take ordinary olive oil as a base (one tablespoon will be enough) and add two drops each of orange, juniper, fir, rosemary and geranium essential oils. But before using such a product, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the listed ingredients.

The massage should begin with circular stroking movements. They can be quite intense, but not too rough. Hands should glide easily over the skin. Take care to minimize friction and stretching of the skin. In general, the procedure is very similar to an anti-wrinkle facial massage. After you have thoroughly warmed up the skin, proceed to spot treatment.

Conditionally designate five points:

  • Middle of the chin;
  • Center of each cheek and forehead;
  • The points are two fingers above each eyebrow.

To begin, press on these points one by one, and then draw lines from them, as if you were trying to draw a star. As for the skin around the eyes, you need to be careful with it so as not to injure it, since it is very delicate and thin. You need to massage it with gentle movements, without pulling or rubbing. Light tapping with your ring fingers is also acceptable.

After completing the procedure, thoroughly rinse the oil off your face. If you do an anti-edema massage in the morning before work, you should remember that at least half an hour should pass from the end of the session to going outside, since the aggressive effects of wind, sun or frost can harm it.

By improving blood microcirculation and activating cell function, excess fluid will no longer accumulate in the tissues of your face.

Other methods of getting rid of edema

In addition to massage, there are other ways to get rid of puffiness. Not all of them are safe for your health (for example, taking diuretics can be harmful to your kidneys), but some of them are worth introducing into your lifestyle. In particular, in order to no longer have such problems with your face, you should balance your diet, drink enough fluids, move as much as possible, get enough sleep, get rid of bad habits and regularly see doctors. All these simple measures will help you not only look better, but also feel good. Remember that a truly beautiful person is a healthy person, so health should always be your priority. If none of the methods listed above, including massage, helped you cope with swelling, consult a doctor who will provide you with qualified assistance.

Swelling from massage

After a massage, it is extremely rare (no more than 5%) that swelling may intensify or occur. Possible reasons:

  • - swelling of the tendons from stress. Or rather, swelling of the collagen “lattice” (fibers that make up the tendon);
  • - response of the immune system to autoimmune diseases;
  • — allergy to kremgel;
  • - exacerbation of infectious diseases (enlargement of lymph nodes combined with stagnation of lymph around them);
  • — fibromyalgia (fibrositis);

A slight increase in body volume and mild soreness are usually normal. As a rule, this condition goes away in one to two days. Severe pain and swelling, which prevent the continuation of massage sessions, are not the norm and require termination of the procedure, correction of the massage load towards a decrease, and an increase in the recovery period between sessions (massage not every day, but every other day).

Swelling can be caused by autoimmune diseases, which are activated even when massage techniques are performed correctly. This process is the result of the immunostimulating effect of massage in general, which will result in the production of more antibodies. Thus, it does not matter what type of massage will cause this swelling. Autoimmune processes can be thrown out of balance by a “safe” LPG massage. Did your face look like your buttocks after the massage? I believe that facial massage should be left to a professional, certified esthetician, not a massage therapist (although in theory they should be able to do it). Experience shows that after a body massage it is difficult to dose the load by switching to a facial massage.

We should also highlight the swelling of the face after a back massage. Let's remember the direction of lymph flow. Anatomically, the thoracic duct, heading upward, deviates to the left, lies behind the esophagus and is already at the level of the III thoracic vertebra to the left of it and thus follows to the level of the VII cervical vertebra. The thoracic duct then turns forward, bends around the left dome of the pleura, passes between the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery and flows into the left venous angle. Without pathology, swelling intensifies when the patient is positioned head down and the tactics of back massage are incorrectly chosen - bottom-up movements instead of abductor massage. This swelling does not require any special correction and goes away after a short time. He can't hold on for several hours. In a mild form, only the nasal mucosa swells - “stuffy nose.” But as soon as you turn your face up or stand up, it immediately goes away. If you have an allergic reaction to the creams or gels used during the massage, swelling of the lips or eyelids may occur. Danger of Quincke's edema! Another thing is swelling after manual therapy or unsuccessful osteopathy. It may be accompanied by headache, sudden changes in blood and intracranial pressure. This is already an injury that requires immediate contact with a qualified doctor.

PS If after a massage something “swells” in you, then ask your massage therapist about the reason. Apparently you didn’t bother to look at the massage therapist’s certificate and diploma of medical education (And in vain.). Therefore, his explanations do not inspire confidence and one has to look for the answer on the Internet. Let me remind you that since 2013, all types of massage on the territory of the Russian Federation are legally classified as MEDICAL SERVICES, which ONLY specialists with higher or secondary medical education have the right to practice! Demand to show a massage therapist certificate and a certificate of advanced training issued ONLY by a medical educational institution!

New-style massage therapist certificate Certificate of advanced training for a massage therapist Old-style massage therapist certificate

Eye massage technique

Home facial massage

1. Before massaging your eyes, you need to rub your palm well against your palm. This will warm them up and revive blood circulation in your hands.

2. Next, three fingers of both hands (ring, middle and index) need to be rubbed in a circular motion along the entire height of the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then stroked. Repeat these movements 2-3 times.

3. Then press three fingers of both hands on the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 3-5 times. Stop at the highest part of the eyebrow and massage this point. This is the eye point. In this case, do not move the skin, but only press the eyebrows to the bone!

4. Use your index fingers and thumbs to grab your eyebrows and, pulling them back a little, squeeze them between your fingers and then release. Start movements near the bridge of the nose and continue to the temples. Repeat 3-5 times.

5. Next, massage the temples in a circular motion with two fingers (middle and index) in one direction and the other, 9 times.

6. Using pressing movements with three fingers of both hands, pass along the upper edge of the cheekbone 3-5 times from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Pressure must be applied from bottom to top.

7. Do the same with the lower edge of the cheekbone, directing these movements from the temples to the bridge of the nose.

8. Then press with your middle fingers from the inside on the side surface of the cheekbone. Repeat 5-6 times.

9. Gently grab the eyeballs with your thumb from below and three fingers from above, and then make vibrating movements. Repeat this 3-5 times.

10. Using circular movements, massage the points at the bridge of the nose (at the inner edge of the eye opening) 7-9 times in both directions.

You can massage the skin around your eyes every day. This will be a kind of exercise that will only benefit your eyes!

What cosmetics and home tricks for puffiness under the eyes (Part 3)

  • Household tricks are very varied and good if you have some time.
  • It is also important to know what to do to avoid puffiness under the eyes if you are prone to them:

Few people would be happy about swelling under the eyes, but such a nuisance can still happen. Often, small tricks that are accessible to any wallet help to cope with the problem.

What cosmetics and home tricks can help you if you find swelling under your eyes in the morning?

  1. Cold compress - pre-prepared ice cubes, special gel eye masks with a cooling effect will help remove minor swelling.
  2. Some makeup professionals recommend using a cold spoon: apply it to your eyelid for a couple of minutes, this will promote a slight natural tightening of the skin.
  3. Using creams and gels for the skin around the eyes: pay special attention to the packaging. It is better if the tube is equipped with a metal roller, then the cooling effect will be guaranteed and complemented by a light massage when applied to the skin of the eyelids. Also, a cooling effect can be achieved through the components of a cosmetic product; caffeine and coffee and tea extracts are recommended as a lifting component. Women can pay attention to creams with a tonal effect - thanks to colored pigment and reflective particles, they hide the unnatural color of swelling, and also help with the bluish tint of the skin of the lower eyelid. In this area, the skin is especially thin and this color is associated with a large number of small blood vessels.

Interesting: How to eliminate swelling (Part 2)

Household tricks are very varied and good if you have some time.

  • Eye masks. They can be placed on closed eyes as a piece of vegetable or as a compress, wrapping the ground mass in a piece of gauze to facilitate removal. Raw fresh vegetables such as cucumbers and potatoes are often used for these purposes.
  • Lotions from decoctions. Tea is very popular: use a cotton swab to wash the eyes for 15-20 minutes with strong tea leaves. Some people praise the convenience of bagged tea, while you can easily use a tea bag and apply it to a swollen eyelid for a few minutes; you can make decoctions of chamomile, dill, mint, linden blossom and birch leaves.
  • Eye massage. There are several massage techniques that help reduce swelling under the eyes. Here are the simplest options: The massage starts from the bridge of the nose, with light massaging movements we move towards the eye sockets, lightly pressing on the skin. This will promote the outflow of fluid from adipose tissue, in particular lymph. After 30 seconds of such a massage, you need to massage your temples in the same way, activating vital points and awakening energy systems. You can also spend about half a minute massaging your temples.
  • As a regular procedure, you can use the following massage: from the outer edge of the eye, move to the inner edge along the lower eyelid, massaging with the finger of one hand (usually it is recommended to do such acupressure with the middle finger), and with the other hand, lightly hold the eyelid at the outer edge. Once you reach the inner edge, move in the opposite direction. This cycle needs to be repeated 5-6 times, and then do the procedure with the second eye.

It is also important to know what to do to avoid puffiness under the eyes if you are prone to them:

  • Don't drink a lot of fluids at night. All doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of fluid. Few people know that this is not recommended for people with kidney problems, and also that you need to drink the bulk of this norm in the first half of the day. Then the body will have time to process a significant part of the liquid per day, being in an active state. If you drink a lot of liquid in the evening, it may not have time to reach the kidneys during sleep and, as a result, be distributed throughout the body. Try not to drink liquid 2-3 hours before bedtime, and avoid drinking tea at night. A glass of kefir or fermented baked milk will help get rid of the feeling of thirst and hunger, but you need to drink it at least an hour and a half before bedtime. The body perceives them not as liquid, but as food, so swelling from them occurs much less frequently. If you don’t feel hungry, but are tormented by thirst, then drink in separate sips: drink not a glass of water, as you are used to, but two sips at most. You will be very surprised to find that this is enough to get rid of thirst.
  • Eliminate hazardous foods from your diet in the afternoon. Any food that provokes us to drink more or contributes to fluid retention in the body can be considered dangerous. These are any pickles, marinades, smoked meats, sausages, deli meats, seasonings, numerous snacks - chips, salted nuts, crackers, spicy and fried foods, salted, dried or dried fish. Also drinks with preservatives and colorings - most packaged juices, carbonated and flavored drinks.
  • Avoid alcohol. It's no secret that puffiness under the eyes and swelling of the face are typical the morning after a drunken party. The less alcohol you drink, the easier it is for your kidneys to work.
  • Reconsider your lifestyle. Swelling is often an external sign of overwork and a signal from the body that it cannot keep up with you. Try to exercise regularly, at least several times a week, this will improve your overall tone. For some, just walking in the fresh air for at least half an hour a day is enough. How much time do you spend in front of the computer? If it’s a lot, then give your eyes a rest at least at home. Try not watching TV or using the computer an hour before bed to give your eyes time to go into rest mode. The same applies to other electronic gadgets - tablets, mobile phones. Try to get enough sleep - your health will appreciate it.

These tips will help significantly reduce puffiness and return you to the joy of a truly cheerful morning. Be healthy!

Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes

Face massage

Recently, beauty salons have been actively offering lymphatic drainage massage procedures for both the face and the whole body. What is hidden under this newfangled word? Lymphatic drainage massage Lymphatic drainage is a procedure whose purpose is to stimulate lymph circulation. Under the influence of various factors (diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, aging), lymph flow slows down, blood vessels become clogged, and harmful substances and fluid accumulate in the tissues in the form of swelling and edema, hence the swelling under the eyes.

Lymphatic drainage massage forces the lymphatic system to work correctly, due to which toxins and excess fluid are eliminated from the body, and, therefore, swelling is reduced. What are the benefits of massage? With lymphatic drainage massage of the area around the eyes, fluid drains from the lymphatic vessels of the eyes, resulting in bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear, the skin looks younger and healthier. In addition, lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids helps get rid of wrinkles or prevent their appearance and significantly reduces sagging skin. Lymphatic drainage comes in two types: manual and hardware. Both can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. Of course, a professional will work with you in the salon, and the effect of the massage should be better. But if for some reason this procedure in the salon is not suitable for you, we will tell you how to do manual lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids at home.

Duration of the procedure The massage is carried out for 10-20 minutes, and after 7-10 regular procedures (daily, preferably in the morning), swelling and circles under the eyes disappear. Once the desired result is achieved, it is enough to perform a lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes once a week. Evening lymphatic drainage massage can be used to prevent bags under the eyes in the morning. Manual lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids at home. Step 1. Cleanse the skin around the eyes. To do this, we wash ourselves with a special product (foam, gel), wipe the area around the eyes with tonic and carefully apply eye cream, nourishing mask, serum or cosmetic oil. Step 2. We begin the lymphatic drainage massage procedure. We perform a massage on both eyes at once with both hands at the same time. Using two fingers (index and middle) we make 10 circular movements clockwise at the outer corner of the eye in the temple area. Step 3. Using the pads of the same index and middle fingers, we apply light pressure on the skin of the eyelids in the direction from the temple to the nose. The skin should not move. We repeat 3 times for the lower eyelid, then move to the upper eyelid and perform 3 more approaches, but this time from the nose to the temple. Step 4. If the product that you applied to the skin around the eyes before the massage is completely absorbed, apply a small amount again, this will prevent stretching of the sensitive skin of the eyelids. After this, press the lower eyelid for a few seconds with the pads of 4 fingers (fingers are located vertically), repeat for the upper eyelid. Lightly walk the pads of your index and middle fingers along the lower eyelid from the temple to the nose, making tapping movements, then along the upper eyelid in the direction from the nose to the temple. Step 5. Place the middle finger on the rib at the outer corner of the eye next to the temple, with the nail turned to the temple. We roll the finger over the other edge so that the nail now faces the bridge of the nose. We slowly move with such “rolls” along the bone under the eye from the temple to the nose. We repeat about 5 times, move to the area under the eyebrow, perform the movement in the opposite direction (from the nose to the temple). Step 6. Apply 10 light pressures with the middle finger at the outer corner of the eye, roll the finger along the bone under the eye to the inner corner of the eye (as in previous exercise), 10 pressures at the inner corner next to the bridge of the nose, roll the finger under the eyebrow towards the temple. We make about 10 such circles, not forgetting about pressure in each corner of the eye. Step 7. Using light pressure from the index and middle fingers, we perform circular movements along the orbicularis oculi muscle, capturing the area above the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheekbone. We start from the outer corner of the eye near the temple and move through the bottom to the nose. Step 8. We complete the lymphatic drainage massage with light tapping movements along the same “route” as in the previous movement. Step 9. We wash ourselves again. But now it will take a little longer. First, hold your face under cold water for about 10 seconds, then the same amount under warm water. Try to perform this procedure at least 10 times, ideally for about 3 minutes.

  • Online eye test for color blindness - Ishihara test
  • Floaters before eyes >

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

Massage for bags under the eyes - this topic worries many women, and that’s what we’ll talk about in this article.
Bags under the eyes can appear at different ages in both women and men. Genetics are largely to blame for this. As we age, the tissue around the eyes and some of the muscles that support the eyelids weaken. The skin sags, and the fat usually located in the area around the eyes can move to the area under the eyes.

In addition, the area under the eyes can accumulate fluid, making the under-eye area appear puffy.

The appearance of bags under the eyes can occur for various reasons:

  • Due to lack of sleep;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Bad habits;
  • Allergies;
  • As a result of kidney problems, heart disease;
  • Age-related hormonal changes;
  • Inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses, nasopharynx;
  • Due to work associated with frequent flights or prolonged exposure to a computer monitor;
  • Heredity. In this case, bags under the eyes are normal.

To eliminate puffiness, you can use different methods:

  • Laser correction;
  • Chemical peeling;
  • Fillers that can tighten the skin and improve its tone;
  • Blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty is a type of surgical intervention that involves excision of excess skin and fatty formations.

Source Wikipedia

The surgeon makes a subtle incision below the eyelashes in the natural crease of the eye and removes excess sagging skin. It is then reattached to the skin using tiny stitches along the natural crease of the eyelid.

How to do lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids yourself

To relieve puffiness and eye fatigue, it is useful to know some exercises. This will be an excellent preventive measure to get rid of facial wrinkles. So, how is eyelid massage performed, and how can it help improve lymph circulation?

After removing makeup, take a special eye cream and lightly tap it in with your fingertips, moving from the inner edge of the eye to the outer one. In the morning, the procedure is repeated: apply the product and massage the lower eyelid from the temple to the inner edge of the eye by tapping your fingers (no more than three minutes). After this, massage directly along the upper edge of the depressions, without pressing on the eyelids, but touching the edge of the bone. Gentle rotational movements in a circle will improve muscle tone and blood circulation in the area around the eyes. Lymphatic drainage massage of the area around the eyes must be carried out using products intended specifically for the sensitive eyelid area.

To improve the outflow of fluid, you can also smooth your face along the lines of tension: with your fingertips, moving from the center of the forehead to the temples, then following from the bridge of the nose to the cheekbones along the lower edge of the eyelid. The duration of the procedure lasts no more than five minutes.

Watch a video about exercises for the face (eyebrows) - upper eyelid:

Lymphatic drainage massage

The procedure is recommended starting from the age of 25. This is done in order to prevent the occurrence of various skin problems. There are many types of massage that can help cope with premature aging. The main condition is the regularity of the procedure.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps to cope with swelling and fine wrinkles, and deep ones become less noticeable. The essence of the procedure is to apply pressure to certain areas of the face. Any movement is performed for 25-30 seconds with both hands.

You can massage your face at home for swelling as follows:

  1. Warm up the skin.
  2. Then apply cream, oil or liquid honey. The movements are slightly pressing; stretching the skin is not recommended.
  3. To prevent the appearance of a double chin, use the back of your fingers, changing hands, to move from the neck to the chin. They are carried out smoothly, avoiding serious pressure.
  4. To prevent the occurrence of nasolabial folds, wave-like movements are carried out from the cheekbones to the wings of the nose and back.
  5. To eliminate wrinkles in the eye area, apply pressing movements from the temples under the lower eyelid to the inside of the eyes. Then over the area above the eyebrows to the temples.
  6. To prevent wrinkles on the forehead, press the skin from the center with your fingertips towards the temples along imaginary lines.

The session lasts for 10 minutes. Women notice a positive effect after the first procedure. It is best to perform massage in courses, 10-15 sessions every 2 days. Intervals may increase depending on the massage technique and health status.

Traditional recipes for eliminating bags under the eyes

At home, you can remove puffiness under the eyes using folk remedies.


With potatoes

The problem with bruises and swelling under the eyes in the morning can be solved with the help of raw potatoes. Peeled and cut in half potatoes should be applied to the eyelids for 2 - 3 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water and carefully apply the cream around the eyes.

With cucumber

Cucumber masks refresh the skin and area under the eyes, nourish, moisturize, and smooth out fine expression wrinkles.

To prepare a compress, grate the cucumber. Wrap the resulting mass in two gauze bags and place on your eyelids for 10 minutes. After this, wash your face with warm water.

With coffee and cosmetic oil

This mask moisturizes the skin and gives it a healthy look. Ground coffee tones, and oil (peach, olive, coconut) tightens the dermis and saturates the skin with vitamins.

You need to mix half a teaspoon of coffee with 1 tsp. oils Apply the resulting mixture under the eyes for 10 minutes. You can make a mask 2 times a week to nourish the skin and prevent swelling.

With parsley

The most effective home recipe for puffiness under the eyes. It removes bruises, evens out complexion, and stops skin aging.

It is necessary to chop the greens and apply the resulting mass along with the juice under the eyes for 15 - 20 minutes.

For dry skin you need 1 tsp. chopped parsley mixed with 2 tsp. sour cream and apply the resulting mixture to the eyes for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

With egg white

Returns skin elasticity. To get rid of bags under the eyes, you need to beat 1 egg white well and apply it to the lower eyelids with a brush. Leave until dry, then rinse with water.

With milk

Compresses with milk constrict blood vessels, eliminate inflammation, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. The recipe is completely simple. Cotton pads should be dipped in cold milk and kept on the eyelids until they become warm. Do the procedure for 10 – 15 minutes.

Compresses for bags under the eyes

Compresses made from various herbs will help relieve swelling and reduce bags under the eyes.

Here are some of them:

From sage

This compress helps restore elasticity and reduce bags under the eyes.

To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. sage pour a glass of boiling water over the floor. Close the lid and leave for 5 minutes. Then strain the infusion and divide into 2 parts. Cool one part.

Place 2 pieces of cotton wool in a warm broth and 2 in a cold one. Apply to the eyes in turn - cold - warm. Do the procedure for 10 minutes.

From herbs

The most effective compresses are those based on herbs. Suitable for preparing herbal tea:

  • Mint;
  • Linden blossom;
  • Series;
  • Chamomile;
  • Rosemary;
  • Arnica montana;
  • Eyebright.

These plants can be used together or separately.

Take 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes. For compresses, use only warm infusion.

From lemon balm

To make a compress, pour the pulp of white bread with the juice of medicinal lemon balm and wrap it in gauze, after which this mixture is applied to the eyes.

This compress is used to relieve puffiness and bags under the eyes.

From horsetail

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry horsetail into a glass of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Apply a warm compress to your eyes.

Massage techniques and techniques

Before starting the procedure, cleanse your skin with cleansers. After cleansing, apply a mask or cream.

Basic massage movements:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • pat.

First way

Apply cream or oil to the skin and begin the procedure. Run your hands along your neck from bottom to top. Next, perform stroking, then rubbing in stages in the following directions:

  • from the chin towards the ears;
  • from the lips to the temporal areas;
  • from the wings of the nose to the middle of the forehead;
  • from the eyebrows to the temporal areas.

Finally, follow the same lines with patting movements and massage your temples.

Shiatsu acupressure massage

The essence of the technique is the impact on bioactive points. The pressure should be strong enough (to the point of mild pain). Duration up to 7 seconds. The index, ring, and middle fingers are used, and sometimes the thumb is added. Apply pressure perpendicular to the skin.

  1. The first stage is pressing with three fingers on the eyebrow line (7 seconds).
  2. Then we move to the area of ​​​​the outer corners of the eyes. Using two fingers, press on the skin, trying to slightly lift it upward (7 seconds).
  3. After this, press with two fingers on the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes (3 seconds).

Massage with circular movements

Use facial oil to avoid damaging your skin with massage movements. Stages of performing a massage for swelling of the eyelids:

  1. Perform 12 clockwise circular movements on the outer corners of the eye.
  2. Apply pressure to the upper and lower eyelids, maintaining pressure for up to 15 seconds. Perform 5 pressures on each eyelid.
  3. Lightly pat the entire surface of the eyelids.
  4. Place your index finger on the outer corner of your eye. The nail should be facing the temple. Slowly turn towards the nose.
  5. Perform 6-7 counterclockwise circular movements in the inner corner area.
  6. Press 10 times on the inner corner of the eye.
  7. Perform circular movements around the entire organ of vision.
  8. Close your eyes and lightly tap your upper eyelid with your fingertips.
  9. Leave your fingers on the upper eyelids and try to open your eyes.
  10. Pull back the eyelid skin slightly.

Tibetan complex

Performing a Tibetan facial massage helps to quickly get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

  1. Close your eyes for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
  2. Open your eyelids and look as high as possible. After 1 minute, relax.
  3. Close your eyelids and press 12–15 times on the organ of vision.
  4. Press your finger against your closed eyelid and raise your inner gaze upward. Use your fingers to lift your eyelid. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Rotate your finger clockwise in the inner corner of the eye. Then blink for half a minute. Repeat 6 times.
  6. Press 10 times in the outer corner, then move along the lower eyelid and press 10 times near the bridge of the nose.

We also suggest watching a practical video of Tibetan facial massage with a pearl shell.

Taoist technique

Massage movements begin with stroking. Walk 7-8 circles around the visual organ clockwise and back. At the same time, moderate pressure is applied. The procedure is completed with patting movements in the same directions.

Massage with spoons

It is advisable to cool the spoons. This will enhance the anti-edematous effect. Apply the cream onto the spoons and walk several times in a zigzag motion from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples.

A good example: a video on how to massage your face with spoons.

It is advisable to seek the help of professionals, but you can also master the procedure techniques yourself.

Share the article with your friends on social networks. Tell us about other lymphatic drainage massage techniques for swelling. All the best.

Contraindications to massage

Lymphatic drainage massage for swelling under the eyes is contraindicated:

  • With conjunctivitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Skin damage - cuts, abrasions;
  • After plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Massage according to Zhdanov

Consider eye massage according to Zhdanov. According to his technique, massage includes working with the entire face. Particularly effective for astigmatism and myopia (nearsightedness). We provide a sequence of exercises.

1. It all starts with massaging the forehead with three fingers, followed by light stroking;

2. Move on to eyebrow massage, similar work with middle fingers

It is important to find a dimple in the center of the eyebrows and “warm up” this area well, but do not overdo it;

3. Now massage the temples with your index fingers for 30 seconds;

4. Using three fingers, massage the upper cheekbone (under the eyes);

5. Light massage of the nose and bridge of the nose, after which we massage the area above the upper lip, do not forget about stroking;

6. Find the dimple at the end of the cheeks and work with this area of ​​the face for about 30 seconds;

7. Thoroughly knead and massage the neck;

Let's move on to eye massage:

8. Press on the eyes with 2 fingers, creating a slight vibration;

9. Massage the eyes with your middle fingers. Starting position - from the corners of the eyes;

10. We work on the eyeball with four fingers;

11. At the end of the complex, close your eyes 3 times.

Indications and health effects

Lymphatic drainage has a profound positive effect both on the whole body and on individual systems and organs. The recommendations in the corresponding section of the article will help you consolidate and strengthen the achieved results.



Reduction of cellulite deposits. The result depends on the stage of the disease, the number of procedures, and the intensity of exposure.


Weight loss by reducing body fat and removing excess water from tissues.

  • Edema.
  • Sagging muscles, decreased skin tone, dissatisfaction with the condition of the body and face.
  • Poor complexion, acne.
  • Scars, burn marks, stretch marks, post-operative scars.
  • Problems with blood circulation.
  • Organ dysfunctions.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Insomnia.
  • Fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Slow metabolism.
  • Some congenital childhood pathologies.

Effect of the procedure:

  • Toning muscles and skin, rejuvenating the skin by accelerating regeneration processes, reducing the number of wrinkles.
  • Correction of figure and face contours.
  • Elimination of edema.
  • Mobilization of the body's defense mechanisms.
  • Improving skin color and elasticity, detoxification, eliminating dark circles under the eyes.
  • Reducing the area of ​​damage.
  • Restoration of blood circulation.
  • Normalization of organ function.
  • Preventing the development of vein disease.
  • Sleep returns to normal.
  • Treatment of chronic fatigue, relieving internal tension
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Elimination of pathologies, prevention of health problems.

Reasons for the problem

The face swells when there is excessive accumulation of fluid due to impaired lymph flow. Risk groups include:

  • women aged 35 years and above;
  • people with an unhealthy lifestyle (bad diet, insufficient activity, etc.);
  • tea and coffee lovers;
  • those who neglect proper rest and sleep.

Also, bags under the eyes and other swelling may appear due to serious health problems. Therefore, in any case, it is worth visiting a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. If a serious illness is ruled out, the doctor may recommend a special massage.


According to the technique of execution, the following types of lymphatic drainage massage are distinguished:

  • Hardware:
  • microcurrent;
  • vacuum.
  • Manual (manual).

Despite the visible differences, the principle of operation is the same - acceleration of cellular metabolism, removal of excess fluid and waste products of cells.

According to the degree of impact, lymphatic drainage is divided into superficial (capillaries, skin), medium and deep (lymphatic vessels and nodes, for example, Japanese massage).

Manual lymphatic drainage

It is carried out for any part of the body with any required depth of influence by a specialist familiar with the location of the lymph flow in the human body. It involves light pressure without sudden movements, and the movement of the massage therapist’s hands exactly along the trajectory of the movement of the lymph to the lymph nodes. Compared to the hardware method, it requires significant time.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

It can complement manual therapy or be performed separately. Devices for hardware massage are presented by both Russian and foreign brands

It is important that there are no negative reactions to current procedures. The choice of a specific technique depends on the area being treated and the desired result.


The method involves influencing areas of the body using pressurized air. It is actively used to reduce the percentage of excess fat and, accordingly, the volume of the body and limbs, to eliminate cellulite. The person being massaged is wearing a suit that looks like a huge cuff to measure blood pressure. The method is the most effective; in this respect it is comparable to the manual technique.

Microcurrent massage

It is based on the use of electrodes that transmit low voltage currents that are safe for humans. There are no unpleasant sensations. The upper layers of the skin and fat deposits are affected, depending on the amplitude, frequency and voltage of the current. Microcurrent drainage helps smooth out wrinkles by relaxing muscles. It is divided into galvanization and electroiontophoresis. In the first case, the current provokes the activation of metabolic processes in the epidermis, in the second, with the help of electrodes, substances are introduced into the skin that moisturize it and help eliminate toxins.

Vacuum massage

It is performed using vessels (cans) located on the treated areas of the body. The pressure in the cups decreases, they “stick” to the skin, facilitating the removal of metabolic products. The professional performing the procedure must control the pressure in the cups to avoid the formation of hematomas.

Who will benefit from the procedure?

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is a medical procedure, so a doctor must decide on its advisability. If a person has no contraindications, then the cosmetologist should evaluate the visible result of the lymphatic system. Most people over 40 have every reason to regularly visit a massage therapist.

But it is important to rely not only on biological age, but also on indications:

  • ptosis: unclear oval face, double chin, drooping eyelids, bags under the eyes;
  • wrinkles, including facial wrinkles;
  • dull skin color.

With the help of a correctly performed procedure, you can perform light facial modeling: raise cheekbones, reduce cheeks, slightly adjust the shape of lips. Typically, this effect is achieved using techniques combining lymphatic and classical massage. Movements should be intense: pinching and vibration with fingers are used.

As a result, lymph is redistributed under the skin to make the face look firmer and more youthful. The result will be short-lived, but can be maintained with regular visits to a specialist. If you do facial modeling with a massage before an important event or photo shoot, you can be confident in your attractiveness.


Lymphatic facial massage is useful for rehabilitation after surgical interventions, including plastic surgery. The procedure, performed using special techniques, helps eliminate traumatic swelling and speed up rehabilitation. But you can start the course only after the attending physician has given permission: early start of manual manipulation can cause complications: hematomas, disruption of the tissue healing process.

Legs and buttocks

Wearing restrictive clothing and an inactive lifestyle, frequent stress and bad habits lead to lymph stagnation. Increased physical activity, especially if you are overweight, provokes the appearance of spider veins.

First of all, such procedures are indicated for women, since they are the ones who most often suffer from vascular diseases of the legs.

The buttocks are processed for an aesthetic effect, and hardware techniques are actively used. The specificity of foot massage is that this procedure affects the entire body, so the session gives the maximum effect. You can perform lymphatic drainage massage at home or in the salon, manual or with a vacuum machine.


  • relieving leg swelling;
  • getting rid of cellulite and fat deposits;
  • normalization of veins;
  • reduction of vein bulge;
  • improvement of the general condition of the lymphatic and venous systems;
  • correction of the shape of the legs and buttocks;
  • maintaining tone and eliminating soreness in the leg muscles.


  • varicose veins - not to cure, but to prevent further development;
  • lymphostasis;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • sedentary work.


  • tumor formations on the legs;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Massage technique

You can do lymphatic drainage massage of the legs yourself, since the technique is simple.

After warming up the muscles, a comfortable sitting position is assumed, the lower limbs can be positioned horizontally and stretched, lubricated with liquid honey or oil. You should work with your fingertips, gradually increasing the pressure and intensity. Alternate smooth rubbing and patting.

The shin in the ankle area is grabbed by the palms. Displacement vectors:

  • ankle - knee;
  • knee – hip, all-round impact;
  • carry out movements in the direction of the groin.

Undesirable consequences after the procedure

Sometimes facial swelling may occur after a massage. Especially when performing lymphatic drainage techniques. Why are there swellings after the session:

  • normal reaction - in this case, mild pain and swelling appears, disappears in a couple of days;
  • reaction to massage in autoimmune disorders;
  • allergic reaction to a cosmetic product;
  • exacerbation of existing infectious diseases;
  • incorrect execution.

What to do next

If the face is swollen (no matter for what reason), severe pain and swelling appear, which complicates the massage, it is better to cancel the procedure. And be sure to consult a specialist about what causes such consequences.

If the massage can be continued in the future, you need to correct the technique: reduce the load, increase the interval between sessions and make sure that all movements are done correctly.

Advice. To speed up the process, you can try contrast washing (alternating cold and hot water), masks made from natural ingredients, ointments for swelling, rubbing with ice cubes, paraffin applications. But even these manipulations should be agreed upon with the doctor.

When should you stop getting a massage?

When side effects appear after a session (one or more), it is recommended to postpone the procedure. In what cases should this be done and how to fix the problem:

  • Rashes appeared. It is recommended to change the cosmetic product to a more gentle one. Another reason may be poor facial cleansing after the procedure. After a massage, toxins are removed from the body and must be carefully removed.
  • Chronic diseases have worsened.

Facial massage for swelling gives amazing results. Those who have already tried this procedure on themselves note that it gives good results. You can even visually look 10 years younger. But if you violate the execution technique or ignore serious health problems, the consequences will be disastrous.

To protect yourself, you need to consult with a specialist about the possibility of using massage in each individual case and be sure to follow the exact instructions for performing all movements.

Decongestant facial massage

Many girls are helped to get rid of swelling by facial massage with rosemary or geranium essential oil. To prepare a massage product, add two drops of aroma oil to a tablespoon of olive oil. The resulting composition is applied to the face and massage begins.

The procedure must begin from the center of the forehead, moving in a circular motion to the temples. Then horizontal movements are made in the same direction. The next direction is from the eyebrows to the hairline. Then - from the bridge of the nose to the temples and from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. You can complete the massage with vigorous patting with your fingertips. If home measures do not bring the expected effect, do not be offended by their ineffectiveness. Lack of results is a serious reason to consult a doctor!

Article prepared for the site


Features of the procedure

The technique helps get rid of puffiness quickly and effectively (in some cases, the result is noticeable after the first session). Any movements are aimed at improving the functioning of blood vessels and lymph flows.


Thanks to special pressure and stroking, the massage has a comprehensive effect:

  • excess fluid is removed;
  • the skin is tightened;
  • collagen production is activated;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow improves.


As a result of such manipulations, the face is noticeably transformed:

  • swelling goes away;
  • the face looks healthier and younger;
  • dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Having mastered the necessary techniques, you can easily massage your face for swelling at home.

The procedure is performed using different techniques regardless of the time of day.

Attention! To perform a facial massage against edema yourself, you need to carefully study the technique of its implementation, the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of the lymph flow of the treated part of the head. Incorrect movements can cause harm.

Face and neck

Lymphatic drainage massage for the purpose of a rejuvenating effect on the face makes sense to perform after reaching 25-30 years of age.


  • facial contours are tightened, muscles are strengthened;
  • the double chin decreases;
  • expression lines are reduced;
  • the depth of the nasolabial folds decreases;
  • eliminates oily or dry skin;
  • bags and swelling of the lower eyelids, dark circles are eliminated;
  • the feeling of “sand” in the eyes disappears;
  • visual acuity increases.


  • distortion of facial contours with age;
  • skin aging;
  • premature wrinkles;
  • recovery after facial surgery;
  • sagging eyelids;
  • dark circles under the eyes.


  • enlargement or inflammation of neighboring lymph nodes;
  • damage to the epidermis, including insect bites;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

Execution technique

The superior lymph nodes are located in the lower face and above the collarbones. Their tasks include processing lymph coming from the tissues of the head. Thin facial skin allows only myostimulation and manual therapy. Lymphatic vessels originate approximately from the mid-horizontal line of the face, lymphocapillaries – higher.

There is no kneading preparation. Before lymphatic drainage, it is recommended to steam the skin of the face, cleanse it, then lubricate it.

The massage is performed with light and gentle touches with your fingertips strictly following the lymph flow (from the axis of symmetry to the sides). At least 4-6 repetitions are done with a duration of 15-20 minutes. Each subsequent step should begin with pumping lymph, moving from the temples to the collarbones, involving the face and neck. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, a mask or cream with a lifting effect is recommended.

Procedure for facial lymphatic drainage:

Forehead area.

Stroking is performed from the center of the forehead towards the temples.

The area around the eyes.

Circular movements from the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid to the temples, then back, but along the lower eyelid.

Nasolabial fold.

From the wings of the nose to the lateral areas of the lower jaw.


From the middle of the chin along the contour of the lower jaw with slight pressure, from the corners of the lips to the earlobes, from the upper lip to the tips of the ears.

  • Moving fingers from chin to neck.
  • Back of the head.

From the parietal part down, behind the ears.

  • The palms are placed on the back of the neck, under the ears. Moves from top to bottom and in the opposite direction. Using light movements, treat the area under the ears, in the middle and at the base of the neck.
  • The fingers are placed on the neck at the base of the skull. Using light pressure, circular movements are made between the back of the head and shoulders. The fingers should not touch, the movement is carried out from top to bottom.
  • A number of lymph nodes in the neck.

By gently pressing your fingers, circular movements begin: from below, along the vertebrae, then along the left and right sides of the neck in the opposite direction. Removing the load on the lymph nodes occurs by lightly rubbing your fingers below the ears, at the base of the neck, in the middle.

Rules for the procedure

Before performing a lymphatic drainage massage, be sure to cleanse your facial skin of any remaining cosmetics, dust and dirt. Then the epidermis needs to be moistened with any cosmetic oil or massage product.

Be sure to follow proper hand technique and always move in the direction of the lymph flow as indicated in the diagrams. You cannot massage in the opposite direction! Essentially, at the end of each movement, you start it again.

After the procedure, wash your face with cool water and apply moisturizer to your skin. You also need to actively drink water - this way you will help the body get rid of toxins and waste. You need to do this massage 2-3 times a week.

Be sure to take into account contraindications for this procedure, otherwise you may harm your health. These include diseases of the veins and blood vessels, viral and infectious diseases (even the common cold), dermatitis, rosacea, asthma, high blood pressure, kidney and heart failure, and cancer. This massage is also not advisable to do during menstruation and pregnancy.

How to remove swelling from the face at home

If the cause of facial swelling is identified, and it is not a bruise, not a disease, or tooth pain, then masks, compresses and other means can be used to eliminate the puffiness.

It is not necessary to use expensive procedures. You can remove swelling from your face at home. The most popular and effective methods of eliminating puffiness include the use of contrast washing, masks, massage, and compresses.

In addition, in order to remove excess fluid from the body, you need to adjust your daily routine, nutrition and drinking regimen.

Using a contrast wash

Experts recommend washing your face with cold water more often

Moreover, it is important to alternate warm water with cold - you need to wash your face with cold water for 10 seconds, then the same amount with warm water. Two such alternations must be made

This procedure will help stimulate blood and lymph circulation, as well as quickly relieve swelling.

Application of compresses and masks

There are many remedies that can help cope with the problem. You can ask a cosmetologist about how to remove swelling from the face and what products are best to use. One of the most effective ways is to use compresses.

  1. Cold compresses to combat swelling. It is necessary to moisten a gauze napkin in cold water, then squeeze it a little and apply it to the face for a couple of minutes. When the gauze becomes warm, the procedure must be repeated. Water can be replaced with decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, lingonberry.
  2. Hot compresses against facial puffiness. You need to soak a gauze pad in hot water and apply it to your face for a few minutes.
  3. Application of contrast compresses. It is necessary to alternately apply a cold and hot compress to the face. Apply gauze to your face for a minute.

You can remove swelling from your face using masks. There are a huge variety of them.

The most effective include the following:

  • You need to take fresh dill, chop it and mix 10 grams of greens with 20 grams of sour cream (preferably with a high fat content). The product is applied to the face for twenty minutes. The procedure must be carried out every day.
  • It is necessary to judge the freshly brewed tea leaves. Next, you need to moisten gauze folded in several layers and apply it to your face. As soon as the base starts to heat up, it needs to be moistened again.
  • Potatoes are also effective in combating edema. One potato needs to be peeled, cut into slices and applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is until the potatoes are heated.

Application of massage

Massage is one of the most effective home remedies to help quickly relieve swelling. The procedure can be carried out independently. Professional training or a diploma, in this case, is not needed. Experts who know how to remove swelling from the face advise, first of all, to use massage to combat the problem.

  1. It is necessary to relax and tap with your fingertips along the dermis in all directions along the massage lines.
  2. Next, you need to lightly, but often enough, pat your cheeks, chin and forehead with your palms.
  3. You can also lightly pinch your facial skin. This will help in improving blood circulation and eliminating puffiness.

Useful tips for eliminating swelling

To eliminate swelling, try following some recommendations:

  • Special gymnastics for the facial muscles promotes better blood flow and fluid outflow from the intercellular space;
  • Before the procedure, wash your face with cold water - it increases blood circulation. Thanks to this, the face becomes fresh, the skin tightens, and fine wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • You can apply ice cubes from a frozen decoction of chamomile, nettle, calendula or green tea to the skin of the eyelids. This will give the skin additional beneficial substances;
  • Use moisturizer. It acts in the shallow layers of the dermis, and therefore does not increase swelling;
  • Use products containing hyaluronic acid with caution. It has the property of binding liquid molecules, which can cause swelling to increase;
  • Use an orthopedic pillow. During sleep, the neck muscles will be in the correct position.

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