How to do lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids yourself

Causes of edema

Lymphatic drainage of the skin around the eyes helps remove excess fluid from the tissues and restore their tone.
Swelling does not always indicate disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular or excretory systems. If swelling appears occasionally, then most likely the reason is the following:

  • inappropriate skin care (cosmetics left on overnight, excessive amounts of cream, oil applied to the eyelids before bedtime);
  • eating salty foods in large quantities;
  • drinking plenty of fluids in the evening;
  • drinking alcoholic drinks the day before.

Swelling can also occur due to smoking. All bad habits primarily have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.

In any case, if you get up in the morning and see a tired woman in the reflection of the mirror, you should take a set of measures to eliminate swelling. Lymphatic drainage of bags under the eyes will not take much of your time and will help refresh your look without extra effort.

How to get rid of bags under eyes at home

To remove bags under the eyes, you need to reconsider your drinking regime. You need to drink in moderation. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. If you are thirsty and drink a lot of water, and if your legs also swell, you should consult a doctor. Because swelling may appear due to disorders of the urinary system. This may also indicate a thyroid disease or the early stages of diabetes.

Excessive salt intake can contribute to fluid retention in the body. When cooking, add less salt and use spices to improve the taste. Lead an active lifestyle.

To help get rid of bags under the eyes:

  • Compresses and lotions made from parsley juice, tea leaves;
  • Cold masks;
  • Gels and creams for the care of the eye area.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage helps remove toxins and reduces swelling or fluid retention. Repetitive and soothing movements also stimulate pain reflexes.

Regularly performed procedure gives the following effect:

  • enhances immune function;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • improves cell nutrition;
  • normalizes lipid-water balance;
  • reduces pain;
  • causes a state of deep relaxation.

There are two types of lymphatic drainage: hardware and manual. This massage can be performed in a beauty salon or at home, using available cosmetics and devices.

The modern market offers not only professional, but also semi-professional devices. They can be used for sessions at home.


Traditional lymphatic drainage massage involves applying gentle pressure to the muscles. This stimulates the movement of fluid to the vessels, causing capillaries to open and close, improving the reabsorption of lymph from the tissues back to the nodes.

Microcurrent massage works on a slightly different principle. Low frequency electric current acts on the upper layers of the epidermis, stimulating the active work of smooth muscles.

As a result, blood flow increases and lymph flows out, which ultimately leads to restoration of skin firmness and elasticity. In addition, puffiness and bruising under the eyes are eliminated, wrinkles are smoothed out.


This method is available to every woman. There are effective techniques that are quite simple. By watching the video instructions or studying the step-by-step photo diagram, you can reproduce all the movements yourself.

For lymphatic drainage massage at home, you will need moisturizing cosmetics, essential oils, cleansing mousse or foam, and cotton towels. If you have all this, study the technique of manual massage and begin the procedure.

If you follow the recommendations, the result will appear immediately. It will be fixed after 5-7 sessions.

Massage for bags under the eyes at home

Many women notice that their eyelids swell in the morning. The reasons for this can be different - diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, endocrine system.

Or there may be an incorrectly selected pillow, due to which the neck muscles remain tense during sleep. As a result, fluid accumulates in the facial area, visible under the skin of the eyes.

In order to remove swelling, you can use different creams that have a resolving effect. You can do lymphatic drainage massage. It has a rejuvenating effect. If you do it regularly in the mornings and evenings, the swelling will disappear.

To get a massage, it is not at all necessary to use the services of a cosmetologist. Making it at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you will need a face cream or a special anti-edema product that enhances microcirculation and the outflow of intercellular fluid.

In addition, massage has a double cosmetic effect. With its help, facial wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes smooth.

Manual massage technique

Decongestant massage, according to reviews, is best done in the morning. Swelling of the eyelids appears at this time.

It is extremely important to follow a certain sequence of movements - each of them is aimed at a specific effect. Together they allow us to achieve positive results.


At this stage, you need to prepare the skin - remove makeup using a cleansing mousse or foam. Movements should be gentle. Under no circumstances should you stretch the dermis, as this will lead to the formation of additional wrinkles.

After washing, let the moisture dry on its own or blot with a soft cotton towel. Apply a small amount of moisturizer or cosmetic oil. Start massaging until the product is absorbed.

Step-by-step execution

This type of massage is performed strictly step by step. If you want to get the desired effect, it is not recommended to skip steps or change their order.

  1. Lymphatic drainage should be done with both hands on both eyes. Place your fingers on the outer corners, press lightly and massage in a circular motion towards your temples.
  2. Use the same fingers to apply pressure - first 3 times on the lower eyelid, gradually moving towards the nose. Then the same amount - on the top, towards the temples.
  3. This exercise should be done with the pads of 4 fingers. Press lightly on the skin under the eye for a few seconds. Then do the same on the upper eyelid.
  4. Using gentle taps, slowly move from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid. After that, go back along the top one. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 3 times.
  5. Rifles. The finger should be placed on the edge and, without lifting it from the skin, turned in the other direction so that the nail looks not at the temple, but at the bridge of the nose. Repeat the movement, slowly moving from the outer corner to the inner. Do the same on the upper eyelid.
  6. Lightly press the skin at the outer corner with your fingertips ten times. Then make rolls to the inner one - along the lower edge of the eye socket. Stop, press ten more times and roll along the upper eyelid towards the outer corner. It turns out to be a circle. You need to repeat ten times.
  7. Massage the eye muscle in a circular motion, grabbing the skin on the cheekbones and under the eyebrow. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  8. Lightly tap with your fingertips in the direction of point 7.
  9. Wash your face first with cold water for 10 seconds. Then warm - the same amount of time. Repeat 3 times.

Application of special cosmetics

The final stage of any massage is the application of cosmetics. The modern market offers a wide variety of serums, gels and emulsions of targeted action.

One of the latest new products is a hyaluronic filler cream for the skin around the eyes from the Russian company Novosvit. It provides long-lasting hydration, eliminates puffiness and brightens the skin, smoothes expression lines and deep age wrinkles.

The entire line of products from this manufacturer is offered in the middle price range. This is an undoubted advantage of the product.

Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes

Recently, beauty salons have been actively offering lymphatic drainage massage for both the face and the whole body. What is hidden under this newfangled word?

Lymphatic enage is a procedure whose purpose is to stimulate lymph circulation. Under the influence of various factors (diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, aging), lymph flow slows down, blood vessels become clogged, and harmful substances and fluid accumulate in the tissues in the form of swelling and edema, hence the swelling under the eyes. Lymphatic drainage massage forces the lymphatic system to work correctly, due to which toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body, and, therefore, swelling is reduced.

What are the benefits of massage?

With lymphatic drainage massage of the area around the eyes , fluid drains from the lymphatic vessels of the eyes, as a result of which bags and bruises under the eyes disappear, and the skin looks younger and healthier. In addition, lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids helps get rid of wrinkles or prevent their appearance and significantly reduces sagging skin.

There are two types of lymphatic drainage: manual and hardware. Both can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. Of course, a professional will work with you in the salon, and the effect of the massage should be better. But if for some reason such a procedure in the salon is not suitable for you, we will tell you how to do manual lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids at home .

Duration of the procedure

The massage is carried out for 10-20 minutes, and after 7-10 regular procedures (daily, preferably in the morning), swelling and circles under the eyes disappear. Once the desired result is achieved, it is enough to perform a lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes once a week. Evening lymphatic drainage massage can be used to prevent bags under the eyes in the morning.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids at home.

Step 1. Cleanse the skin around the eyes. To do this, wash with a special product (foam, gel), wipe the area around the eyes with tonic and carefully apply eye cream, nourishing mask, serum or cosmetic oil.

Step 2. We begin the lymphatic drainage massage procedure. We perform a massage on both eyes at once with both hands at the same time. Using two fingers (index and middle) we make 10 circular movements clockwise at the outer corner of the eye in the temple area.

Step 3. Using the pads of the same index and middle fingers, apply light pressure to the skin of the eyelids in the direction from the temple to the nose. The skin should not move. We repeat 3 times for the lower eyelid, then move to the upper eyelid and perform 3 more approaches, but this time from the nose to the temple.

Step 4. If the product that you applied to the skin around the eyes before the massage is completely absorbed, apply a small amount again, this will prevent stretching of the sensitive skin of the eyelids. After this, press the lower eyelid for a few seconds with the pads of 4 fingers (fingers are located vertically), repeat for the upper eyelid. Lightly walk the pads of your index and middle fingers along the lower eyelid from the temple to the nose, making tapping movements, then along the upper eyelid in the direction from the nose to the temple.

Step 5. Place your middle finger on the rib at the outer corner of the eye next to the temple, with the nail turned towards the temple. We roll the finger over the other edge so that the nail now faces the bridge of the nose. We slowly move with such “rolls” along the bone under the eye from the temple to the nose. We repeat about 5 times, move to the area under the eyebrow, and perform the movement in the opposite direction (from the nose to the temple).

Step 6. Using the middle finger, apply 10 light pressures at the outer corner of the eye, roll the finger along the bone under the eye to the inner corner of the eye (as in the previous exercise), 10 pressures at the inner corner next to the bridge of the nose, roll the finger under the eyebrow towards the temple. We make about 10 such circles, not forgetting about pressure in each corner of the eye.

Step 7. Using light pressure from the index and middle fingers, we perform circular movements along the orbicularis oculi muscle, capturing the area above the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheekbone. We start from the outer corner of the eye near the temple and move through the bottom to the nose.

Step 8. We complete the lymphatic drainage massage with light tapping movements along the same “route” as in the previous movement.

Step 9. Wash again. But now it will take a little longer. First, hold your face under cold water for about 10 seconds, then the same amount under warm water. Try to perform this procedure at least 10 times, ideally for about 3 minutes.

Underwater gymnastics

Gymnastic exercises performed under water are a great way to quickly get rid of swelling. For the procedure, you will need a small basin and clean water without chlorine and other impurities.

Fill a container with cold liquid and immerse your face in it. Then open and close your eyes several times. Raise your head, lower it back into your pelvis and repeat the exercise. This needs to be done 3-4 times.

Underwater gymnastics perfectly tones the skin, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes, and smoothes out even the smallest wrinkles. It is recommended to perform the procedure in the evening so that you don’t have to strain your eyes later.

Rules for performing manual lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids

The procedure for lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids can be carried out by a cosmetologist in two ways: manually or using a machine. Manual massage is very effective if it is performed by a professional, adhering to the basic rules:

  • Before performing a massage, the skin around the eyes must be cleaned using special products, and then apply cream, serum or oil for the skin around the eyes;
  • massage is performed on both eyes, simultaneously with both hands;
  • It is necessary to perform lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids strictly along massage lines and beauty points;
  • If the eye product used during the massage is completely absorbed, it is necessary to apply it again - this will prevent stretching of the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • After completing the lymphatic drainage massage procedure, it is recommended to wash your face using alternately cold and hot water.

See below for the technique of acupressure lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids:

Let's summarize

Swelling and circles under the eyes occur in women after 25 years. They are not always a symptom of any disease or disorder. Sometimes swelling occurs due to poor nutrition, drinking too much in the evening, or working at the computer for many hours.

It is noteworthy that widely advertised targeted cosmetics have only a superficial effect and do not solve the problem. But you can cope with it perfectly if, in addition to using creams and serums, you regularly do lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids.

Study the line diagram, watch the video instructions and start a new life without wrinkles, bags under the eyes and swelling!

Author: Elvira Poltaranina

Positive aspects of massage

Patting, stroking and massaging the epidermis has a positive effect on the tissues underneath and helps remove excess fluid, which significantly reduces the bluishness under the eyes and sagging of the oval of the face.

These easy manipulations are an effective prevention of skin aging. The procedure is of a healing nature and has a number of significant advantages:

  • Mastering complex skills and knowledge is not required to obtain a rejuvenating result;
  • Harmful compounds accumulated during the day are removed from the skin;
  • Collagen synthesis is stimulated and the elasticity of the epidermis is increased;
  • Regular massage for wrinkles around the eyes is the most effective way to combat them;
  • Sessions do not cause pain or significant discomfort;
  • Can be used to prevent skin aging.

You can quickly see pleasant results from performing massaging movements:

  • Cellular metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • The number of small wrinkles decreases, deep creases in the epidermis decrease;
  • The skin tone in the periocular area increases;
  • Blueness and swelling disappear.

Features of hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids is performed in aesthetic medicine clinics and beauty salons using special hardware techniques, such as microcurrent therapy, electrophoresis, radiofrequency therapy, and so on. The hardware procedure effectively helps relieve puffiness in the eye area, reduce the severity of wrinkles and improve blood circulation, but it may be contraindicated in cases where the patient suffers from ophthalmic pathologies such as cataracts, glaucoma or retinal detachment, as well as in the postoperative period and in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

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