Rating TOP 5 best foams for washing: which one to choose, characteristics, prices, reviews

How to choose the best product

The process of choosing cosmetics is individual and often difficult. There are several pitfalls, based on which you will be able to choose any product, including foam or gel for morning wash.

Skin type

Since foam is intended for skin care, its type plays a major role. It is clear that products intended for oily epidermis are not suitable for dry epidermis, just as “washes” for young people will not get rid of wrinkles for mature women.

There are many tests that allow you to determine your skin type at home. All you need is a cosmetic wipe. The procedure is simple:

  1. Clean your face of makeup and dirt.
  2. Wait a few hours for the pores to shrink and the skin to rest. Spend the entire period of time at home without going outside.
  3. Remove three napkins from the package. Place one on your forehead for 5 seconds, the second on your cheeks, and the third on your chin.
  4. Examine the marks left on the surface.
  5. If there is a greasy stain on every piece of paper, your skin type is oily.
  6. The prints were left on napkins applied to the forehead and chin - combined.
  7. Faint spots are normal.
  8. Absence of any fingerprints - dry.

The results of the method are 90% accurate, an error of 10% is acceptable, depending on external factors.

Label Information

There is no manufacturer who does not praise his product and does not try to promote it on the market. However, putting aside unnecessary epithets, it is possible to obtain comprehensive information about each product. It is unlikely that products designed to moisturize the skin will dry out and vice versa.

Do not pay attention to stereotypes that a budget product cannot be of high quality. Often cost is not a determining factor.

Consumer Reviews

The opinions of customers just like you are often more useful than information read in a glossy magazine. Study what others think about a particular product, compare it with the information provided by the manufacturer on the label, and draw conclusions. Such simple steps help to produce a complete analysis.

Balance price/quality

Despite the fact that the cost of luxury or pharmacy cosmetics in the market is lower, you cannot buy the cheapest product that catches your eye. To ensure your safety and avoid harm, find detailed information.

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The price depends on where you make your purchase. By the way, Korean foams are considered the safest. Moreover, you can find a product that is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of store-bought cosmetics.

Regardless of which product is purchased, you should pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

Product rotation and time of year

To prevent your skin from getting used to one gel and it becoming less effective, periodically replace it with another. There is another tricky way - in the morning the skin is washed using foam, and at night antiseptic “washes” are used. As an alternative, you can use mousse.

There are men's care products on the market, but they are essentially not much different from women's. The composition may contain hyaluronic acid, plant substances, essential oils and much more. The only difference is in the method of application: makeup is not removed first.

Caring for oily skin during adolescence

in Oily skin 03/27/2015

Everyone knows that adolescence is considered a special age. During this period, hormonal changes occur throughout the body, which is associated with many side effects. One of the most common problems in adolescence is acne. Fighting them during this period is practically useless, therefore many psychological problems are associated with the violation of external data. And it is especially important to know what to do with your skin if the teenager also has oily skin type.

Teenage rashes

Most often, teenage acne occurs on the forehead, temples, nose and chin. Pimple rashes usually look like small sore spots with a black tip. Then, when the teenager begins to squeeze out the annoying formations, the pimples turn into huge purulent pimples with the same black head and white or yellow content in them. In another, worse case, pimples have a pinkish-red inflammatory color, and after a few days, painful suppuration. Well, in the worst case, the face and even the back of a teenager becomes covered with bluish, inflamed pimples, which cause enormous discomfort due to their soreness. Subsequently, pus is released from these dense tubercles, and over time, pink scars remain in place of the former pimples. They often accompany a person for the rest of his life.

What to do?

So, what should a teenager suffering from this kind of appearance defect do? You should reconsider your diet. Namely, you need to exclude fatty, salty, spicy, fried and sweet foods from your diet. The last category includes chocolates, cocoa, coffee and the favorite of all teenagers - carbonated drinks. On the contrary, the following foods are useful for normal metabolism and reduction of rashes: carrots, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peppers and corn. Don't forget about the fruit menu, which should be rich in cherries, apples, apricots, black grapes and currants. Fermented milk products, beef liver, egg yolks, sea fish and seafood also have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Among the drinks, herbal decoctions and infusions are considered especially useful in this case. Particularly important herbs include: chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, black currant leaves and others. The main thing is that these herbs, drinks or food products contain a high content of vitamins and minerals. During cold seasons, the supply of elements necessary for a teenager’s body is significantly reduced, so it’s a good idea to supplement your proper nutrition with ready-made vitamin complexes, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Destroy immediately or wait?

The desire to squeeze out and get rid of the problem right now arises in many teenagers, while few of them think about the real consequences. After all, when we act on a purulent pimple, we simultaneously introduce a lot of additional bacteria, which in turn cause even greater inflammation and suppuration. At the same time, they spread over the skin like mushrooms after rain. That is, there are more and more of them and the fight against them is becoming more and more difficult. As a result, such suppurations leave permanent scars - scars that will prevent you from looking good for the rest of your life. Therefore, squeezing pimples, especially in adolescence, is extremely dangerous and strictly prohibited. After all, you will always want to look good.


Comedones are pimples with a black head and should never be rubbed with a hard washcloth. It is better to deal with them using a steam bath and subsequent disinfection.

A teenager's daily routine should include facial cleansing procedures. They are different for all skin types. And for those with particularly risky – oily skin – cleansing occurs with ordinary soap. Aftercare involves the use of astringents and tonics containing alcohol. But additional moisturizing and especially oily creams are not required for those with oily skin types.

If you have problems with teenage skin, do not forget about sun protection. A cream with an SPF of at least 15 should always accompany a teenager to the beach. It is not recommended to expose your face to the sun's rays.

It is best to choose cosmetics specifically for teenage skin. If it seems that the stronger the remedy, the better, then this is wrong. During this period of life, the skin is still very delicate, and the influence of harsh and potent products can lead to other worse consequences.

Folk remedies for oily teenage skin

In combination with special cosmetics, you can use traditional medicine recipes. For oily skin, it is good to use, for example, cucumber lotion . To prepare it, we need one cucumber, 1 tablespoon of yarrow herb and 1 glass of vodka. So, grated cucumber needs to be mixed with herbs and poured with a glass of vodka. Afterwards, the mixture should be infused for 4 days in a dark, cool place. And then feel free to cleanse your skin with cucumber lotion, remembering to store this product in the refrigerator. You should use lotion diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1 once a day after cleansing your facial skin.

Instead of cucumber in this recipe, you can use lemon, which will not be the worst remedy for acne.

You can also use a chamomile compress . To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, strain the solution and heat it to a warm temperature to moisten the gauze and apply in several layers to the face.

But, for example, a tomato mask tightens pores well.

One way or another, teenage acne will soon go away, so don't get depressed because of teenage abnormalities. Inflamed formations appeared in everyone and at all times, however, humanity did not die out from this. The main thing in the fight against acne is not to crush it, use the right cosmetics, and eat healthy foods.

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For oily and combination skin

Skincare cosmetics solve many problems, improve the appearance of the skin and its condition from the inside. Below is a list of several products that should be in the cosmetic bag of women with problematic epidermis.

Himalaya Herbals "Shine Control"

Cost 425 rub.

The air emulsion quickly eliminates oily shine and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The gel contains many plant extracts that have a complex effect that gives radiance. The skin becomes matte after use.

Opuntia fig, present in the mousse, is rich in polysaccharides, components that bind moisture. Unlike many similar products, the foam does not contain alcohol or parabens.

Himalaya Herbals “Shine Control” cleansing gel


  • hydration;
  • does not cause dryness.


  • not suitable for use by girls under 35 years of age.

Natura Kamchatka “Ideal skin”

Cost 244 rub.

A good gel that instantly cleanses the skin and removes even the most stubborn makeup. The active components contained in the composition relieve the inflammatory process and narrow pores. After regular use, the dermis becomes smooth and radiant.

foam for washing


  • included in the top of the best products;
  • made in our country.


  • not found.

Spivak "Tea Tree"

Cost 199 rub.

Inexpensive natural foam cleanser gently and effectively cares for problem skin. Essential oils soften the specific smell of tea tree. Unusual citrus notes can be seen.

Other components in the composition have powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and tonic properties. After time, you will notice that your skin tone evens out.

foam for washing


  • low price;
  • natural ingredients.


  • not found.

Rating TOP 5 best foams for washing

We made a selection based on quality and efficiency of use among a large number of products, thanks to which the following foams were added to the rating:

  • Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Fresh.
  • Cetaphil DERMACONTROL.
  • Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foam.
  • Spivak Tea tree.
  • Librederm Hyaluronic.

We offer a more detailed description of each product.

Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Fresh

The rating opens with Korean foam with many positive aspects. It was developed specifically for those with problematic skin, as it has a calming effect and refreshes the skin tone well. Contains citrus oils and extracts.

Country of OriginKorea
Volume120 ml
  • controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • whitens age spots and redness;
  • dense and weightless texture;
  • promotes deep cleansing of the skin;
  • destroys sebaceous shine.
  • not found.

Price: from 200 to 350 rubles.

For a long time I couldn’t find a budget foam that can quickly and effectively soothe irritated skin and protect it from harmful substances. I found this product in one of the cosmetic catalogs and immediately rushed to order it. After the first use, the result was noticeably noticeable, thanks to which I was able to solve many skin problems. The texture is quite dense and applies well to the skin in one even layer without spreading over the cheeks. I liked the tube, which closes hermetically and does not let excess air inside.

Holika Holika Daily Garden Cleansing Foam Citron Fresh


The cleansing product is sold on behalf of a company engaged in the creation of medical cosmetics and is intended largely for use by persons suffering from excess acne. The foam quickly and accurately removes oily sheen and its excess on the skin, so that after several uses it gets a clean and fresh look.

Skin typesensitive
  • gentle and gentle cleansing;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and helps reduce acne;
  • Helps maintain skin balance;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • delicate airy structure is easy to apply;
  • nice smell.
  • difficult to find in stock stores.

Price: from 800 to 1,000 rubles.

I am the owner of capricious and strange skin, which is almost always shiny and has a large number of acne and blackheads, but with the help of this foam I have forgotten about my problem forever. I couldn’t find it in cosmetic stores because it ended up in pharmacies. The composition of this product works real miracles. After a month of frequent use, my problem areas decreased several times and my skin began to glow with a light and beautiful tone. With a simple dispenser, you don't have to measure the size of the product you apply because it takes care of this task for you.

Cetaphil DERMACONTROL foam cleanser

Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foam

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Regenerating foam is produced by a Korean company that guarantees gentle cleansing of facial skin from any difficulties. Does a good job of cleaning the face from dust and dead cells. The composition includes a special additive that allows you to increase the number of regenerating cells several times.

Tube volume100 ml
Country of OriginRussia
Skin typeany
  • carries out effective cleaning of makeup, street dust and removes dead cells;
  • the presence of Epidermal Growth Factor accelerates the process of cell restoration and improves skin color;
  • delicate creamy texture is easily applied all over the face and does not require careful distribution;
  • has a whitening effect.
  • small tube volume (100 ml).

Price: from 300 to 450 rubles.

Previously, I could not imagine how an ordinary wash would affect the skin. I have always suffered from dry skin and a lot of clogged pores. With the help of this product, after just a few weeks I was able to completely get rid of them and now I use it only for preventive purposes. The product has a pleasant consistency and is easily applied to the most inaccessible areas of the skin. It washes off easily and does not leave any redness behind, which makes me very happy. I am completely satisfied with the use and recommend others to try it!

Secret Key Snail+EGF Repairing Foam

Spivak Tea tree

The following product for rating the best is produced on behalf of the well-known Moscow soap-making company. The product contains exclusively natural ingredients that provide an effective tonic and antiseptic effect. Foam removes inflammation and oily shine.

Skin typeall types
Compoundalmond, coconut and tea oil, shea tree
  • effectively removes oily shine without drying out the skin;
  • cleanses pores well;
  • removes makeup of any complexity;
  • The composition includes natural ingredients: potassium salts, almond and coconut oil.
  • Do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyes.

Price: from 5,000 to 6,500 rubles.

For a long time I could not find a product to cleanse pores due to my capricious skin, which requires extremely soft and delicate treatment. A personal cosmetologist recommended that I try this foam, but I was immediately confused by its price and uncertainty about the effective operation of the composition. In one store I managed to find a product on sale and buy it for a very reasonable price. After several sessions of use, I felt the result of the work and realized that the money spent fully corresponded to the result obtained. In the composition, I read exclusively natural ingredients and the absence of harmful chemical additives.

Cleansing foam Spivak Tea tree

Librederm Hyaluronic

Hyaluronic-type cleansing foam is suitable for use by those with sensitive skin. The product carefully and effectively copes with the removal of contaminants of any level of complexity. Copes with removing makeup, which contributes to severe contamination of pores. Foam helps restore water balance and tones the skin well.

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Skin typeany
Effectmoisturizing, cleansing
A countryRussia
  • copes well with removing stubborn stains;
  • promotes gentle skin care;
  • gives the skin a tightened and lively appearance;
  • does not cause irritation on the mucous surface of the eye.
  • some users complain of severe dry skin after use.

Price: from 300 to 420 rubles.

Excellent foam for washing. In terms of quality, it matches the level of real medicinal cosmetics. The product helps to carefully and effectively care for facial skin. I liked the easy application and pleasant consistency. Separately, it is worth noting the appearance of results after a week of daily use. The skin has become much cleaner, the tone has become several times lighter. Application does not consume a lot of product, so one such jar will last for several months if used carefully. A convenient dispenser allows you to easily remove the contents; you only need to press lightly and the product itself falls into the palm of your hand.

Librederm Hyaluronic Cleansing Foam

For dry and sensitive skin

Have you noticed that after cleansing procedures, your skin is dry and tight? Most likely the wrong product is being used. To carefully remove dirt and avoid irritation and rashes, it is recommended to use the products listed below.

Tony Moly Clean dew

Cost 369 rub.

A unique foam produced in Korea carefully takes care of the skin, cleanses, prevents inflammation and many other problems. Lemon contained in the composition fights pigment spots, lightening them and making them less noticeable.

The hearts of millions of women around the world were won by its attractive design, economical consumption, and natural composition.

Tony Moly Clean dew


  • accelerates skin cell regeneration;
  • tones;
  • increases elasticity and smoothness.

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  • not found.

Librederm "Tender Panthenol"

Cost 340 rub.

The famous cosmetics brand was again able to please and surprise women and girls. A gentle foam cleanses the dermis of impurities, removes makeup residues, and does not cause irritation. Panthenol moisturizes, heals and smoothes. It is recommended to use the product for girls with sensitive skin prone to imperfections.

The mousse contains no dyes or parabens.

Librederm "Tender Panthenol"


  • low price;
  • comprehensive care.


  • not found.

Ecolab "Moisturizing"

Cost 400 rub.

Rich composition, delicate texture, pleasant aroma - all this makes the product unique. After use, dry and sensitive skin is restored, filled with moisture and nourishing components.

Contains 99.5% substances of plant origin.

Before use, the skin is moisturized, then a small amount of product is applied, massaged, and washed off with warm water.

Ecolab "Moisturizing"


  • eliminates peeling;
  • relieves the inflammatory process.


  • not suitable for young girls.

For problem skin

Taking the first product you come across for this type of derma is dangerous. Already existing problems will become more pronounced, tightness and irritation will appear. But several products that can help can still be highlighted.

Cetaphil Dermacontrol (Cetaphil)

Cost 991 rub.

The best solution for daily care of problem skin. The product perfectly cleanses of impurities, removes old makeup, and preserves the natural protective barrier. Zinc in the composition provides a sebum-regulating effect.

The consistency is so soft and weightless that you don’t even feel it after application; it washes off without a trace, leaving no dryness or irritation behind.

A study shows that the mousse reduces sebum production by 77% without damaging the skin barrier.

Cetaphil Dermacontrol


  • approved by top dermatologists;
  • no parabens and soap;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • high price.

Himalaya Herbals

Cost 305 rub.

A herbal product designed to cleanse the skin, without alcohol or soap. Every day the dermis will receive nutritional components, reliable protection against the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

After regular use, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is restored, and the water balance does not suffer.

It is recommended to avoid the eye area during application. Wash off with warm water, after which the skin is dried with a soft towel.

foam for washing


  • low price;
  • natural composition.


  • not found.

Vichy Normaderm

Cost 1093 rub.

Cream mousse easily and quickly removes dirt and makeup, including waterproof makeup. Throughout the day, your skin will remain matte and sebum production will be restored. Thanks to its delicate texture, there will be no irritation.

The cleanser spreads easily over the face and is also washed off. Contains thermal water, salicylic acid, glycerin and much more.

Vichy Normaderm


  • restores imperfect skin;
  • gets rid of fat.


  • high price.


New generation cleanser. Penetrates deeply into pores, preventing tightness and drying out. Can be used by girls with both dry and oily skin types.

Librederm "Hyaluronic"

Cost 516 rub.

Foam cleanser has a number of features for which millions of women around the world love it. Among the main differences are:

  • light texture that quickly spreads over the surface;
  • absence of a pronounced odor or coloring components in the composition;
  • hyaluronic acid content;
  • the ability to soothe the dermis, restore lipid balance, and eliminate redness;
  • increased tone and elasticity.

The product does an excellent job of removing street dirt, dust, and sweat, but does not remove stubborn makeup.

The universal product is used morning and evening, preparing the skin for further care. Immediately after the hygiene procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

Librederm Hyaluronic Foam Cleanser


  • natural composition;
  • delicate cleansing;
  • restoration of water-lipid balance.

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  • not found.

Compliment Dr.Richards

Cost 193 rub.

The foam is a whole complex of facial skin care products. The components included in its composition relieve redness, relieve dryness and flaking. Cotton extract carefully penetrates into the deepest layers, helping to moisturize them. Polymnia extract helps maintain the natural hydrolipid balance.

Due to the fact that there is no alcohol in the foam, it can be used for the skin around the eyes.

foam for washing


  • high quality;
  • economical consumption.


  • not found.

Secrets of Arctica

Cost 226 rub.

The composition of the product is natural and extremely gentle; it contains extracts of Arctic snowdrop, hyaluronic acid, plant polysaccharides and much more. Using foam, you will be able to naturally replenish the moisture supply in the skin.

Within 24 hours after hygiene procedures there is a feeling of comfort.

The delicate composition does not disrupt the protective functions of the dermis and does not provoke tightness and dryness. Unlike similar products, it removes even the most stubborn makeup.

Secrets of Arctica cleansing foam


  • natural composition;
  • low price.


  • not found.

Lifestyle like teen facial

The issue of preventing the appearance of acne and pimples must be approached comprehensively. It is important to combine cosmetic care for teenage facial skin with a proper daily routine and a nutritious diet rich in minerals and vitamins.

Here are some more tips on how to care for teenagers' facial skin:

  • It is necessary to exclude, or at least reduce, the amount of fatty foods from your diet. Fast foods, groceries and dairy products containing large amounts of fat should be excluded from the diet while fighting acne. At a minimum, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of these products to 3 times a week and consume exclusively low-calorie dairy products.
  • You need to try to avoid stress and negative emotions.
  • Sleep should last at least 8 hours, and the bedroom must be ventilated before going to bed.
  • It is very important to take care of the cleanliness of your body and face. It is necessary to change bed linen quite often (1-2 times a week), clothes and especially towels. You should have a separate towel for drying your face - this is important!!! Otherwise, the cause of the rash may be contact with the skin of insufficiently clean material.
  • It is equally important to keep your hands clean and not touch your face. A teenager can easily transfer bacteria that cause acne from their hands, which is why it is so important to try not to touch your own face. Encourage your teen to wash their hands with antibacterial soap or use hand sanitizer.
  • A good effect can be achieved by using a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings , and once a week it would be good to visit the bathhouse.
  • Neck and shoulder massage performed with essential oils is also a fairly effective means of prevention. Massage improves blood circulation, and essential oils have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and also tone the skin.
  • Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples or pick them off , and if this happens, you need to wipe the wounded area with alcohol infusion.
  • You should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If your teen is particularly active and sweats a lot, they should increase their water intake to at least 10 glasses. Water helps solve teen skin problems by keeping it healthy and hydrated, which is very important since dry skin can cause acne.

Comparative characteristics of facial washes

There are all sorts of foaming cleansers available in modern stores. They differ from each other in composition, cost, and purpose. How not to get confused and choose from all the variety what really suits you? Just look at the characteristics of each product, after which everything will fall into place.

NameManufacturer countryVolume (ml)CompoundCost (rubles)Customer rating
Cetaphil DermacontrolFrance236Zinc sulfate, purified water, zinc gluconate.9914,9
Himalaya Herbals "Shine Control"UAE150Honey and lemon extract.4254,7
Natura Kamchatka “Ideal skin”Russia150Thermal water, Schisandra chinensis and blueberry extract, white clay.2444,6
Librederm "Tender Panthenol"Russia160Oatmeal, panthenol.3404,6
Vichy NormadermFrance400Aqua/water, Propanediol, Saliculycacid.10934,6
Tony MolyKorea180Vitamins, fruit acids, acerola extract.3694,5
Librederm "Hyaluronic"Russia160Aqua, Benzyl salicylate, Citric acid5164,4
Ecolab "Moisturizing"Russia150Plant ingredients, natural dyes4004,3
Spivak "Tea Tree"Russia150Water, shea, potassium salts of almond and coconut oil, essential oils1994,2
Himalaya HerbalsIndia150Aqua, Glycerin, Parfum, Citric Acid3054,2
Compliment Dr.RichardsRussia160Cotton extract, water, polymnia extract, plant fatty amino acids1934,1
Secrets of ArcticaRussia150Extract of northern linnaea, arctic snowdrop, cucumber. Organic Evening Primrose Oil, Cranberry Food Preservative 2264

There are many face care products on the beauty market, which allows you to choose the best creams and foams for washing.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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