genitals after childbirth

Surgical gender reassignment

— surgical operation(s) to bring the physical appearance of a transgender person into conformity with his self-perception.

Surgical gender correction can be performed in two options: FtM (Female to Male) and MtF (Male to Female).

These operations are designed to eliminate the dissonance between physical and mental gender in transsexuals. In most countries, changing documents for transsexuals is possible only after surgery. However, for example, it is impossible to change a person’s obstetric or chromosomal sex at the moment, so surgical correction is not a complete sex change.

The world's first gender reassignment surgery was performed in 1931 on Einar Wegener, the husband of Danish artist Gerda Wegener.

Surgical gender reassignment in MtF transsexuals [edit | edit code ]

Sex reassignment surgery for MtF transsexuals may include the following interventions:

  1. feminizing mammoplasty (breast enlargement or repositioning);
  2. orchiectomy (removal of testicles);
  3. penectomy (removal of the shaft of the penis);
  4. feminizing vaginoplasty (creating a vagina from the skin of the penis using the penile inversion method, labia from the skin of the scrotum and a clitoris from a flap of the glans penis);
  5. liposuction (removal of excess fat deposits on the abdomen and waist);
  6. chondrolaryngoplasty (reducing the size of the Adam's apple);
  7. feminizing facial surgery (changes in eyebrows, eyelids, cheekbones, chin, nose, including by grinding down the bones of the skull).
  8. Lifelong hormonal therapy due to the absence of gonads.

Causes and consequences of oreogranuloma in men

The main cause of the disease is the uncontrolled introduction of chemicals and other non-specialized substances under the skin of the organ, which quickly harden.

Patients do this to significantly prolong sexual intercourse and to be able to perform it without a full erection. Some men use such masses to form a certain shape of the penis.

The main sources of development of pathology are the introduction of substances such as tetracycline ointment, petroleum jelly, paraffin and others. Due to the introduction of foreign substances, dense inflammation begins to form at the injection site. It is localized in connective tissue.

The consequences of such independent treatment are the gradual growth of granuloma . It penetrates into all the tissues of the organ, the scrotum, which ultimately leads to impotence. In some cases, the organ is completely removed.

Video: “What are the dangers of modifying the penis with Vaseline?”

Surgical gender reassignment in FtM transsexuals [edit | edit code ]

Gender reassignment surgery for FtM transsexuals may include the following interventions:

  1. masculinizing mammoplasty (removal of mammary glands, nipple reduction);
  2. oophorectomy with hysterosalpingectomy, or otherwise female castration (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries);
  3. vaginectomy or masculinizing vaginoplasty (removal or surgical closure of the vagina);
  4. phalloplasty (creating a phallus from body tissue) or metoidioplasty (creating a phallus from the clitoris);
  5. silicone implantation (chin augmentation, calf muscles, etc.);
  6. liposuction (removal of fat deposits in the chest, abdomen and buttocks).
  7. Lifelong hormonal therapy due to the absence of gonads.

However, not all transsexuals, both FtM and MtF, undergo the full range of gender reassignment surgeries. Also, not only transsexuals can undergo some of the above operations for the purpose of greater masculinization or, conversely, feminization.

Diseases that cause burning after sexual intercourse

As already noted, a burning sensation in the penis in men can develop as a result of the practice of interrupted intercourse. This sexual behavior disrupts the physiological process, causing problems. With prolonged use of interrupted coitus, the contractility of the perineal muscles changes, which leads to atony. Because of this, stagnation in the pelvis often occurs.

In turn, there is an inadequate release of sperm, and impaired blood circulation leads to fibrotic transformations of an irreversible nature. An abacterial form of prostatitis is revealed.

It’s worth knowing: against the background of inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system, scar tissue often forms. During sexual intercourse, it is strongly stretched, as a result of which small cracks appear. It is because of them that a burning sensation is detected after ejaculation.

Diseases that provoke a burning sensation in the penis after intimacy:

  • Prostatitis of acute or chronic form. The disease is an inflammatory process that is localized in the tissues of the prostate gland in men;
  • Vesiculitis is an inflammation, the focus of which is in the seminal vesicles. Along with a burning sensation after sex, men experience increased temperature, pain during bowel movements, and difficulty urinating;
  • Orchitis is an inflammatory phenomenon in the testicles. The root cause is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system;
  • Epididymitis is an inflammatory transformation of the epididymis, accompanied by severe pain in the scrotum;
  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the protozoan Trichomonas;
  • Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease;
  • A fungal infection develops due to a sharp decrease in immune status.

A burning sensation after ejaculation may be caused by balanoposthitis - inflammation of the foreskin and head of the reproductive organ. Non-infectious sources of symptoms include urethritis and urolithiasis. A burning sensation in the penis after sexual intercourse can be caused by a lubricant or condom (an allergic reaction). In this case, treatment consists of replacing intimate lubricant or using a different brand of barrier contraceptives.

Famous people who have changed gender [edit | edit code ]

  • Andreas Krieger - athlete from the GDR
  • The Wachowski sisters are film directors.
  • Dana International - Israeli singer
  • Balian Buschbaum - German athlete, transsexual man
  • Brandon Teena is a victim of a hate crime.
  • Chaz Bono - son of Cher, LGBT rights activist, writer, actor and musician
  • Billy Tipton - American pianist, saxophonist and jazz musician
  • Thomas Beaty - the first "pregnant man"
  • Kim Petras - German singer
  • Andrea Pejic - Australian model
  • Elliot Fletcher - actor, musician, LGBT - human rights activist
  • Caitlyn Jenner - American television star, Olympic champion in athletics

How to avoid pain?

The burning sensation after intimacy does not only cause physical discomfort. Lack of treatment can lead to psychological problems, decreased potency and erectile dysfunction. This is due to the fact that a man will try to avoid sex so as not to experience pain.

The following is recommended as a preventive measure:

  • Avoid promiscuity;
  • Always use a condom during sex;
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations with a urologist;
  • Treat any chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • Support immunity with vitamins and a balanced diet.

You should not put off going to a medical specialist if you experience a burning sensation after sexual intercourse. Ignoring a symptom leads to the disease becoming chronic, which is much more difficult to treat and significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of developing diseases that are accompanied by a burning sensation in the penis. But compliance with preventive measures allows you to minimize this likelihood and maintain health.

The penis is a fairly sensitive organ, covered with thin skin rich in nerve endings. To understand why a man’s penis hurts after sex, you need to know the structure of the reproductive system and possible causes that can cause pain.

Having children [edit | edit code ]

Transgender men can become pregnant under certain circumstances. To do this, a person must preserve the uterus and stop taking hormonal drugs. There are several known cases of pregnancy like this. For example, in Austria, a transgender man gave birth to a child. During the transition, he retained his uterus. The child was conceived naturally [1].

Some people do not feel very comfortable in their body, and so that their internal state coincides with their external state, they decide to change their gender. Thanks to modern hormone therapy and various surgeries, such a transformation has become more than possible. Moreover, in some cases the result is simply stunning - it is impossible to imagine that the person we see was previously of a different gender. We present to you 35 photographs of people who radically changed themselves and shared the results of their transformation.

Gender reassignment surgery from male to female is the most dramatic change that is possible in a person. It is carried out when the patient considers his body to be someone else’s and wants to be like a woman not only in behavior, but also in appearance.

Modern medicine can turn a guy into a girl, but many examinations are required before a transgender transition can take place. Doctors must be sure that the decision to change gender to female is not hasty, but deliberate. It is possible to return a transgender person to their former appearance, but doctors do not give a chance for successful restoration. Moreover, death cannot be ruled out.

Features of intimate hygiene in women

Currently, you can still meet girls and women who are not always competent in matters of intimate hygiene. At the same time, knowledge in the sexual field can be quite great. To consider yourself a truly experienced priestess of love, you need to know not only about all kinds of positions, but also about the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Before love games, every self-respecting girl takes water procedures. As a last resort, you can clean the external genitalia using wet wipes designed for intimate areas. Indeed, in some situations there may not be access to running water. This often happens when traveling in nature.

Hygiene after sex should not be the main method of contraception. After ejaculation, sperm enter the cervix within 30-40 seconds. And this time is barely enough to run to the bath. Therefore, if pregnancy is not desired in the near future, you should be sure to use condoms every time you have sexual intercourse. In addition, this is a reliable way to protect against diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

Indications and contraindications for gender reassignment from male to female

The only factor that indicates the need to transform a guy into a girl is a lack of perception of his body and suffering over a “mistake of nature.” On this basis, a man becomes withdrawn, and suicide attempts are not uncommon due to the fear of telling loved ones about the struggle with himself or ridicule from others.

Sex reassignment surgery from male to female opens up all opportunities for a normal life for a transgender person, but has a number of contraindications:

  • diagnosis of transsexuality unconfirmed by a psychiatrist;
  • tumors;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • renal failure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • old age (the limit depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the functioning of internal organs in men);
  • homosexuality;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • Minority (exceptions are possible in some cases).

Some contraindications are relative, and after they are eliminated, a man is made into a woman through surgery, while others completely exclude this option.

Hygiene after oral sex

During oral sex, there is a risk of infection by pathogenic bacteria that are found on the oral mucosa. This type of intimacy should be abandoned if the partner suffers from sore throat, stomatitis, herpetic rash, gum and dental diseases.

It should be borne in mind that this type of lovemaking is more suitable for regular sexual partners. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection with various ailments. To avoid this, experts recommend using special condoms designed for oral sex.

Before engaging in oral sex, it is only recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water or a special dental rinse. After blowjob and cunnilingus, hygiene must also be observed. After sex, both partners should take a shower and thoroughly clean their mouths. When contacting a non-regular partner, it is recommended to sanitize using medical disinfectants.

The appearance of discomfort after ejaculation is one of the symptoms of genitourinary diseases. Burning after sexual intercourse in men, during sex or during ejaculation, is not normal. The reason lies in various pathologies or sexual behavior. Many people use interrupted coitus as a method of contraception. This practice on a regular basis significantly impairs the functionality of the genital organs with the development of negative symptoms. Let's consider what diseases provoke a burning sensation in the penis after sex, and what is the prevention of discomfort?

Preparatory activities

No matter how much money the patient is willing to pay to “transform” into a girl, he will have to go through a preliminary stage:

  • Observation by a psychiatrist, psychologist, sex therapist. There are several methods by which a doctor determines whether it is a reasonable decision to change gender from male to female. For at least one year, the patient lives as a representative of the opposite sex. The doctor monitors how social adaptation is progressing and gives a conclusion based on many factors.
  • The plastic surgeon prescribes tests and instrumental examination to exclude contraindications for health reasons.
  • No later than 9 months before the operation, the patient is prescribed hormones. The course is prescribed only by a doctor to reduce the risk of side effects. A man needs to reduce testosterone levels and increase estrogen levels. At this time, the voice changes, fat deposits are distributed differently, facial features become more attractive, and body hair partially disappears.
  • Under favorable conditions, 1 month before the guy finally becomes a girl through surgery, hormones are stopped until the postoperative period.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

A burning sensation in the reproductive organ after intimacy is accompanied by a small number of pathologies, which makes it possible to establish the cause of the symptom as quickly as possible. If such a clinic is available, you should contact a urologist.

At the first visit, the doctor interviews the patient about complaints. Then he studies his life history, in particular, existing chronic pathologies, since they often act as a trigger. A visual inspection is then carried out. A medical specialist examines external clinical manifestations - the presence/absence of a rash, hyperemia, spots of uncharacteristic color, swelling, inflammation, discharge from the urethra, etc.

Important: diagnosis necessarily involves tests that detect the presence of infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. Biological material taken from the urethra is examined. It is studied in laboratory conditions for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. If they are detected, an additional sensitivity test to antibacterial drugs is performed.

Diagnostics may include the following activities:

  • Study of the secretion of a glandular organ;
  • General/biochemical blood test, urine;
  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum and pelvic organs;
  • Bacteriological culture of urine.

If there is a suspicion of urolithiasis, then magnetic resonance therapy is performed. This diagnostic method appears to be the most informative option when compared with computed tomography. Based on the results obtained, the required treatment is prescribed.

Therapy is divided into symptomatic and etiological measures. Etiological treatment is focused on eliminating the cause of the disease, for example, an infection transmitted through sex. Symptomatic prescriptions help improve well-being until the moment when the main therapy begins to act.

Your doctor may recommend the following:

  1. Taking medications with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antibacterial properties.
  2. Physiotherapeutic treatment (warming).
  3. The use of local agents that have an anti-edematous and antipruritic effect.

During the therapeutic course, you must adhere to proper nutrition. Reduce consumption of table salt, granulated sugar, spices and seasonings. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages. Surgical intervention is recommended against the background of urolithiasis, phimosis, and also in cases where conservative therapy does not produce results.

How to change a man's gender: surgery

Those who decide to remove all signs of gender at birth will have to undergo various procedures over the course of several years.


Testicular removal is often prescribed before other more serious surgical procedures. This operation becomes an alternative to taking certain medications, because testosterone is mostly produced by the gonads.

Orchiectomy is classified as a simple procedure. The surgeon cuts the scrotum, separates the organ from the blood vessels and vas deferens, and sutures it.


Removal of the body of the penis is a complex invasion and is performed under general anesthesia. The skin of the organ is used to form the vagina.


Transsexuals prefer to undergo breast augmentation with implants while taking hormones. This way you can quickly change your appearance from male to female.


The procedure for pumping out or destroying fat cells. During a session of classic surgical liposuction, the doctor makes small incisions in the skin and subcutaneous layers and injects a suspension that liquefies the tissue. Then the fat cells are pumped out through cannulas.

Facial surgery

The doctor makes facial features more feminine by touching the bones of the skull. After plastic surgery, the cheekbones, eyebrows, nose, eyelids, chin, and forehead are modified.

Vaginoplasty can completely turn a guy into a girl when changing gender. After a flawlessly performed operation, there are no scars or traces left on the genitals, and even the gynecologist is not able to determine the radical intervention.

Photos of those who have changed their sex and details of the operations can be found in the article “Sex reassignment surgery, how it is done, before and after photos.”

The importance of intimate hygiene

It is not customary to talk about intimate hygiene in society. Parents introduce their children to some knowledge in this area at an early age and that, in most cases, is where it all ends. The body's needs change as we grow older, and the rules for caring for the body also need to be reconsidered. Compliance with them will help avoid serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Lack of hygiene negatively affects not only physical health, but also psychological well-being. Moreover, both women and representatives of the stronger half of humanity suffer from this. By the way, for some reason men treat the issue of intimate hygiene irresponsibly, which often leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

Feminizing vaginoplasty: what methods are used

To form the female genital organs, scrotal tissue and penile skin are used as working material. There are several ways to undergo gender reassignment surgery from a man to a woman

  • Penal inversion. The method is simple, widely used in practice, but not suitable for everyone. To form the vagina and labia minora, the skin of the penis is used, and if its length is less than 10 cm, the working material is not enough. The operation lasts 4 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. After a guy has changed his sex, he must remain in the hospital under observation for 4 days.
  • Scrotal tissue grafting without complete inversion of the skin of the penis. In this way, the surgeon creates a vagina and labia minora of normal physiological size. The length of the penis does not matter. If there is not enough working material from the genital organs, a transplant is made from the arms or abdomen.
  • Colovaginoplasty. Gender reassignment occurs from male to female using tissue from the sigmoid colon. The size of the penis is also not important. The big advantage of the method is the presence of natural lubrication in the vagina.

More information about why women undergo gender reassignment and what operations await them is described in the article “Sex reassignment surgery from a woman to a man, how it goes, photos.”

Should you shower after sex?

Intimate hygiene after sex is a mandatory procedure. Firstly, a light shower using special products will help get rid of the feeling of discomfort, and secondly, it will minimize the risk of developing inflammatory processes. Of course, many may think that running to the bathroom immediately after sexual contact is completely unromantic. But, on the other hand, no one said that you need to do this alone. Taking a playful shower with your partner will be much more enjoyable!

Are there certain hygiene rules after sex? According to doctors, just taking a warm shower is enough. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to use products for washing that will not disturb the pH level. Regular shower gels and soaps are absolutely not suitable for these purposes. If you don’t have a special intimate product at hand, just use warm running water.

Postoperative period of gender reassignment from male to female

Any surgical intervention requires rehabilitation first in the hospital, then at home. Immediately after the operation, you must remain in bed for at least a week and follow the basic rules:

  • stick to a menu based on liquid food that does not cause gas;
  • treat the wound with antiseptics;
  • do exercises with a vaginal dilator;
  • do not use caring cosmetics;
  • don't take a bath.
  1. Men who have changed their sex must take hormonal medications throughout their lives.
  2. Sex is prohibited for 3 months after surgery.
  3. If sterility is not observed, complications are possible, as after any surgical intervention: high temperature, inflammation, tissue suppuration.

The main causes of pathology

Each disease described above develops due to certain reasons and provoking factors. Prostatitis or inflammation of the glandular organ has many causes. These include physical inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to blood stagnation and poor circulation, complications of tonsillitis, the presence of other inflammatory processes, urological infections, and a sharp decrease in immune status.

For information, the causes of vesiculitis are divided into specific/nonspecific and stagnant factors. In the first case, we are talking about bacterial, viral, chlamydial and fungal infection; in the second option, the etiology is based on infection with gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and trichomoniasis. The third group of factors is the phenomenon of stagnation in the seminal vesicles, glandular organ and other sex glands.

Etiology of genitourinary diseases:

  1. The development of orchitis is caused by infection. It can be specific - the disease develops due to the causative agent of tuberculosis, syphilis, or nonspecific - the disease is caused by another infection. Influenza, typhus, gonorrhea, and previous injuries can lead to pathology.
  2. Gonorrhea is an infectious disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Infection through the use of things of a sick person cannot be ruled out (rare).
  3. Trichomoniasis - infection occurs during intimacy without using a condom.
  4. Epididymitis. In 80% of clinical cases, the cause is a bacterial infection. Sometimes the etiology is based on the pathogenic activity of fungi, testicular trauma, promiscuity, severe hypothermia, and a long period of sexual abstinence.

Prices for gender reassignment surgery to female

After hormonal therapy, about 1/3 of transgender people undergo surgery. The reasons for this are different: some are satisfied with the changes achieved, while others cannot afford surgical intervention financially.

The cost of the operation ranges from 150,000 rubles to 550,000 rubles. In addition to the price, it is necessary to add the costs of consultations, instrumental examination, hospital stay and the purchase of drugs before and after the invasion.

Judging by the reviews, gender reassignment for transsexuals is the only opportunity to feel like a full-fledged woman, to stop waging an internal struggle and waiting to no avail for understanding from others.

Features of water procedures

To cleanse delicate skin in intimate places, it is necessary to use cosmetics specially designed for this purpose. Ordinary shower gels and soaps reduce the alkaline pH level, which means they can cause itching and inflammation. In the intimate area of ​​women, the environment should be extremely acidic, which is necessary to maintain normal microflora.

Timely hygiene will provide protection from infection after sexual intercourse. Women should definitely take water procedures after sex. By the way, when cleansing intimate areas, you must follow some rules:

  1. It is best to wash with running water. In this case, the stream of water should be directed towards the vagina from top to bottom, and not vice versa.
  2. Do not use washcloths or sponges. Such devices should be left for cleansing other parts of the body.
  3. A woman needs to wash herself at least twice a day. Hygiene procedures are also indicated after each sexual contact.
  4. Douching is not a method of washing. The procedure is more therapeutic in nature and is used only as prescribed by a specialist. Otherwise, this may lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance.
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