10 face masks at home - 5 soothing and 5 clearing for redness, rashes and acne

Most people sometimes experience irritation, inflammation, and redness on their face, which spoil their appearance. If everything is fine with your health, then the cause may be improper cosmetic care, the use of aggressive chemicals, or too harsh scrubbing. In this situation, soothing masks at home will help, because they activate cellular metabolism and start blood circulation processes. As a result, inflammation and irritation are eliminated, redness goes away and complexion is evened out.

How to help your skin?

Various conditions can lead to skin irritation and redness. Causes range from temporary sensitivity to chronic skin problems that won't be addressed with soothing face creams and masks. But most of the problems of inflamed skin can still be solved with the help of improvised means and natural ingredients, such as:

  • Honey is a natural antibacterial agent that promotes rapid cell recovery. In addition, it is an excellent moisturizer for the facial skin.
  • Cucumber – We often use this vegetable as an anti-aging eye cream because of its ability to soothe the skin and reduce puffiness and redness. Cucumbers are also great for soothing tingling and burning sensations on the face in general.
  • Chamomile tea has a calming effect not only on the nervous system of the body, but also on inflamed facial skin. This natural anti-inflammatory helps speed up wound healing and even out your complexion.
  • Aloe vera is ideal for all skin types and helps relieve irritation naturally. In addition, this amazing plant in masks stimulates the healing of small cracks, wounds and cuts.
  • Oatmeal relieves itching, cleanses the skin and removes dead cells.

And this is just the basic list of ingredients. You can also add fermented milk products, eggs and fresh fruits to face masks that relieve redness. The main thing is that you do not have allergies or individual intolerance to these products.

Tips for proper use

Improper care and abuse of decorative cosmetics are the key reasons for the thinning of the epidermis. To reduce skin sensitivity to external irritants, you need to regularly treat your face with soothing cosmetics. To achieve the desired effect you should:

  • Carefully select the components of the mask. The composition of the products should not include products with a pronounced local irritant effect. Therefore, citrus fruits and concentrated fruit juices are not used.
  • Properly prepare the skin for the procedure. To maximize pore expansion, wash with hot water. Due to this, the absorption of nutrients from the mask is enhanced.
  • Conduct allergy tests. If the recipe changes, be sure to conduct an allergy test. If necessary, irritating products - honey, soda, starch - are replaced with other components.

Around the eyes the lipid barrier is thinnest. Therefore, to treat this area, use only special products with a hypoallergenic composition.

It is not advisable to wash off cosmetic residues with running water, as it contains chlorine. To prevent dehydration and irritation, wash your face with herbal infusion, mineral water, micellar water, etc. To avoid moisture evaporation, be sure to use a film-forming cream with fats, waxes or mineral oils.

Soothing masks are nourishing cosmetics with an anti-inflammatory effect that reduce skin sensitivity to irritants. Their action is aimed at restoring the hydrolipid mantle and increasing sebum formation. Due to this, all symptoms of irritation are eliminated - peeling, tingling, redness.

Components for masks

Particular attention should be paid to choosing the appropriate components for preparing a homemade cosmetic mask, because the further result will depend on this.

You need to add gentle products to your care products, such as vegetables, herbs, oils or fruits. You need to choose ingredients that are suitable for your derma type and can solve the problem.

The most popular products are:

  • cucumbers are a source of folic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • green apples – block inflammatory processes, whiten and get rid of excess oil on the face;
  • potato tubers – have a softening and restorative effect;
  • rolled oats - perfectly moisturizes dry epidermis, removes itching and flaking;
  • olive, castor or peach oils - used as a mixture to prevent clogging of pores, best diluted;
  • vitamins – saturate cells with useful microelements, nourish and tone the dermis, improve blood flow;
  • antioxidants – remove toxins, soothe irritated skin;
  • green tea and herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are natural antiseptics that promote the healing of minor wounds and injuries.

Lemon and honey are considered the most allergenic products, so adding them to cosmetic products should be done with caution. An herbal mixture of mint, lavender and lemon has an excellent calming and relaxing effect. And to nourish and soften the dermis, it is recommended to use sandalwood oil and shea butter.

You can soothe dry and sensitive skin with a mask containing lavender or geranium oil and chamomile infusion. Essential oils of ylang-ylang, tea tree, jasmine and neroli are well suited for normal dermis. Women with oily epidermis should give preference to fruits and essential oils of lavender and tea tree. Chamomile also copes well with oily skin.

Read this article on how to use a mask of colorless henna.

Anti-redness masks at home: reviews and useful tips

Sometimes salvation can come from the most unexpected quarter, because many people mistakenly believe that redness can only be gotten rid of by using expensive cosmetics. The results of using a soothing face mask for redness at home indicate the opposite:

  • Reddish spots quickly disappear, internal foci of inflammation are eliminated;
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the dermis is supplied with the necessary moisture;
  • Wrinkles tighten and pigmentation disappears.

Rules for using masks to soothe the skin

To achieve the maximum positive effect, masks are used at home according to certain rules:

  • Cleansing. Before applying a cosmetic product, you need to thoroughly clean the epidermis, remove makeup and other contaminants. After the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to wipe your face with a decoction of herbs: chamomile, oak bark or linden.
  • Correct application. The finished product is applied to the face in a thin, even layer. For application, you can use a special brush, spatula or fingertips.
  • Consistency. The mass must be stirred until smooth. The composition should be at comfortable room temperature and prepared from fresh ingredients.
  • Proper removal. Do not keep the composition on your face for more than 15 minutes. Residues of cosmetic products should be removed with warm running water or a decoction of herbs.
  • End of the procedure. After the procedure, you need to apply a soothing cream suitable for your skin type and season. In winter we prefer nourishing creams, and in summer - moisturizers.

Learn about the features of a kiwi face mask from this article.

The mask should be applied along the massage lines.

Before application, you should conduct an allergy test for the components of the mask.

Procedures must be carried out regularly for a month, at least 1-2 times a week. To soothe more mature dermis, it is allowed to make masks 2-3 times a week.


  1. After aggressive cleansing procedures (peeling, scrubbing, cleansing), the dermis needs additional care.
  2. Soothing masks at home relieve inflammation, reduce irritation, relieve itching and burning, moisturize and nourish the skin.
  3. Homemade cosmetic masks should include gentle products that do not contain acids or chemicals.
  4. To prepare a soothing mask, fruits, vegetables, oils and antiseptics are suitable.
  5. The duration of the cosmetic procedure should be 15-25 minutes, no more than 1-2 times a week.
  6. The course is at least 1 month, then a break is required.

Causes of redness on the skin

Each person's skin is unique. Some women have classic aristocratic pallor on their faces, while the cheeks of other ladies are filled with a healthy blush. This is the norm. The situation is different if the redness is local in nature and is provoked by various external or internal factors. Before choosing a mask for redness on the face, it is necessary to clarify what exactly causes such a reaction of the integument. The most common causes of changes in skin pigmentation include:

  1. Psycho-emotional factors (the skin turns red as a result of frustration, joy or excitement; this can also include depressive states and stress).
  2. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays directly on the skin (resulting in sunburn, causing redness).
  3. Microdamage to the dermis.
  4. Manifestation of allergic reactions of the body.
  5. Damage to the trigeminal nerve.
  6. Rosacea (a pathology characterized by a sharp dilation of blood vessels).
  7. Wrong choice of decorative cosmetics and dermal care products.
  8. Weather.
  9. Poor nutrition.

Understanding the problem: the key to the solution

Various conditions can cause irritated, red skin to appear on the face. We are not talking about a light blush that appears on the cheeks after jogging in the park, walking through frosty snow-covered areas of the city, or romantic confessions from a loved one that embarrass you.

The pathological condition of facial redness is a dermatological problem, the culprits of which are the following factors:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • sunburn;
  • loss of the ability of skin cells to retain moisture;
  • side effects of deep salon peelings and cleansing;
  • eczema, etc.

Red skin is not just a matter of aesthetics. The face may become covered with uneven, bumpy areas, itchy and flaky. Such defects are difficult to hide with concealers, powders and correctors. But some home remedies do not mask imperfections, but eliminate them. You can try excellent masks that are made from ingredients found in every home.

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