Ointments for bruises: types according to mode of action

Traumeel gel and ointment for hematomas and bruises

One of the most famous medications against bruises is Traumeel.
This drug is available in a wide variety of forms: ointment, drops, ampoules, gel and tablets. The product contains a variety of herbs, so it can even be used against bruises on the face. Usually, after using this medication, the effects of the injury disappear within a week. A very important advantage of the drug is that Traumeel, unlike other drugs against bruises, can be used by people of any age category.

But, despite the fact that a bruise is not considered a very serious injury, you still need to eliminate it as soon as possible, because it causes discomfort and can impede body movements if it is located on the limbs or near the joints. It is very important to get rid of bruises under the eyes as soon as possible, since there is a high probability that the injury restricts the blood vessels located there.

Traumeel gel for bruises

One of the most famous medications against bruises is Traumeel. This drug is available in a wide variety of forms: ointment, drops, ampoules, gel and tablets.

The product contains a variety of herbs, so it can even be used against bruises on the face.

Usually, after using this medication, the effects of the injury disappear within a week.

A very important advantage of the drug is that Traumeel, unlike other drugs against bruises, can be used by people of any age category.

But, despite the fact that a bruise is not considered a very serious injury, you still need to eliminate it as soon as possible, because it causes discomfort and can impede body movements if it is located on the limbs or near the joints. It is very important to get rid of bruises under the eyes as soon as possible, since there is a high probability that the injury restricts the blood vessels located there.

Self-medication with Traumeel

In no case should the effect of hematomas on the human body be underestimated, although it is believed that most injuries of this type do not pose a danger.

A large number of people are confident that an abrasion, even a very large one, can be cured on their own, but be that as it may, this is far from the case, because if you receive a severe bruise that results in hemorrhage, immediate medical attention is needed.

If, nevertheless, the injury is quite severe, then profuse hemorrhage into the human body can provoke a fall or another bruise. This is why self-treatment at home may not help.

You can self-treat at home if:

  1. The injury or swelling does not interfere with your movement.
  2. The leather is not damaged, there are no cuts, scratches, etc.
  3. The pain is not pronounced or appears upon contact with the sore spot.

It is all these situations that allow you to cope with the injury on your own; for this you just need to buy the right drug at the pharmacy.

Traumeel components

Traumeel-gel is one of the most effective and well-known medicines for bruises and abrasions. This medication relieves pain, reduces inflammation, optimizes tissue healing and has a positive effect on the immune system.

  • One of the components of this medicine is the plant Hamamelis virginiana, which has been used for abrasions and bruises for many centuries. This extract is bactericidal, narrows and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also makes the skin soft.
  • Calendula is also used - it soothes and stimulates tissue regeneration.
  • Echinacea is very beneficial for the oral cavity.
  • Chamomile extract – relieves inflammation, has a calming effect, tones.
  • Yarrow – relieves pain.
  • There is also a strong antioxidant - daisy.
  • Another pain reliever is belladonna extract. Also, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • St. John's wort, one of the most important components of the medicine, restores blood circulation.
  • Comfrey – has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Well, wrestler extract is another painkiller and tonic.

Hell is a German pharmacological company that produces Traumeel bruise ointment. As already mentioned, the medicine can be found in a variety of forms, but Traumeel gel or ointment is usually used against bruises. The gel is based on carbomer 980, as well as water and sodium hydroxide. The base for the ointment is alcohol, water, and Vaseline.

Traumeel for dark circles under the eyes is often recommended in the form of a gel for both adults and children.

Using the gel

Traumeel helps get rid of bruises very well - most often, traces of damage disappear within seven days. Moreover, this medication is often used after plastic surgery in order to quickly restore the skin.

Here is a list of cases when the medicine is used in the form of an ointment or gel:

  • For injuries that result in swelling, bruising or hematoma;
  • For burns or frostbite, including extensive ones;
  • In the period after surgery or after injury - to relieve swelling;
  • For gum disease, breast mastitis, or as a remedy in complex therapy against arthrosis.

This gel occupies a special place for lactostasis. Doctors very often prescribe Traumeel for the treatment of this disease, since the drug is quite effective in treating stagnant milk in the breast. Why this particular medicine? It is applied topically and therefore does not enter the woman’s bloodstream. Well, even more so in a child’s body.

Traumeel for hematomas

With severe damage to soft tissue, a hematoma often forms. With such damage, blood accumulates in the form of a clot. But this is the internal side. On the outside, the hematoma is represented by a bruise, the color of which varies from dark lilac to yellowish-green - this depends on how strong the blow was or how long ago the injury was received.

If we compare Traumeel ointment for bruises with many drugs for the same purpose, then this remedy has some advantages when used for hematomas and abrasions:

  • The drug consists entirely of natural ingredients and therefore can be used simultaneously with other medications. Moreover, Traumeel-gel is used at any age and for various types of injuries, such as bruises, abrasions, contusions of various degrees;
  • Thanks to the active components, the effectiveness of the drug is quite high; the product is quickly absorbed into the center of inflammation and acts from the inside. They also resume metabolism and processes inside cells - this is what leads to rapid healing of soft tissues;
  • Traumeel has a high speed of action, as it begins immediately after use. It usually takes at least seven days for a bruise to heal. But when using Traumeel gel, you don’t need to wait a week - everything will go away in a few days.

How to apply the gel?

This medication, whether it is in the form of a gel or ointment, must be applied to the affected areas. You need to apply in small quantities, several times in a row.

The drug is easy to rub into the skin, as it is quickly absorbed. Moreover, bandages can be applied using this medicine.

Tampons soaked in ointment are highly recommended (in the vagina), as well as rubbing for such ailments as mastitis.

Normal dosage ranges from two to five times. It is very important that treatment with this drug is selected individually for each patient.

Cosmetologists use Traumeel S to combat bruises on the face, in order to prevent the formation of a network of blood vessels.

It is worth noting that if the ointment is applied to the face with gentle tapping movements, rather than spread, then the process of absorption of the active components of the medicine into the blood improves, and the functioning of the blood vessels increases.

Impact on humans

This remedy has a good effect on the human body, regardless of age. We must not forget that before use it is very important to first read the instructions that come with the medicine. You need to make sure that this drug will not cause you an allergic reaction. You can check this in a simple way: you need to apply a small amount of gel to the area under the knee. The test result will be visible in no less than two to three hours. The ointment can be used if irritation and redness do not occur.

Traumeel for bruises

Traumeel S is a homeopathic remedy that contains exclusively natural herbal ingredients. The drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action: it stops bleeding, reduces pain, prevents inflammatory processes in the affected area, starts the processes of regeneration of damaged tissue and improves metabolic processes, due to which harmful substances are removed from the body and recovery is accelerated.

The above characteristics determine the use of the drug against bruises, bruises and other injuries to soft tissues, which are accompanied by the appearance of hematoma and inflammation. The drug is applied locally to the affected area. After the first use, swelling significantly decreases and the hematoma begins to resolve.

For burns

Solcoseryl is prescribed quite often for burns. Various forms of the above medication allow its use for varying degrees of damage to the skin and tissues.

Solcoseryl for burns is initially used in gel form. The gel does not contain fats and oils, and therefore a sufficient amount of oxygen will penetrate the skin. The gel will help restore damaged areas and eliminate the consequences of burns.

After healing the wound, use ointment. The fatty components in the ointment are necessary for the formation of a protective layer on the affected cells.

Release forms

The homeopathic remedy Traumeel can be purchased at the pharmacy. The drug is sold in 4 different release forms depending on the purpose and method of use.

  1. Drops. The use of drops is prescribed for severe and advanced soft tissue swelling. The patient needs to drink 10 drops three times a day. If the intake does not cause any effect, the dosage is increased to 30 drops three times a day.
  2. Ointment for bruises. The product is applied localized only to the affected area. You can apply the drug to various parts of the body, including using it on the face. The drug can be used three times a day; in case of severe pain, the daily dosage can be increased. The product can be used until all disturbing symptoms disappear.
  3. Pills. If the problem becomes more complicated, the doctor will prescribe tablets in addition to the ointment. The patient is prescribed a dosage of 1 tablet 3 times a day until relief occurs. You can also take one tablet to reduce pain (if the soft tissue injury is too severe).
  4. Solution. Used for internal injections. The main feature reaches the damaged area faster and reduces symptoms in the affected area. In advanced cases, injections can be prescribed to the patient on an ongoing basis; with relief, the number of injections is reduced to 2-3 per week.

For bumps and bruises, the product should be applied specifically to the area that was damaged by the blow. If the injury has affected a large area of ​​skin, the ointment is not used, the attending physician may prescribe additional examinations, on the basis of which he will select another form of the drug.

You should not purchase the product and use it yourself without medical advice. Despite the fact that the composition contains mainly natural ingredients, some substances can provoke a serious allergic reaction. Problems may also be associated with excessive self-increasing dosage.

The drug is mainly prescribed for the following problems

  • Soft tissue injury:
  • Hematomas and bruises on the surface of the skin;
  • Sprained ligaments and tendons;
  • Bruises after cosmetic procedures (beauty injections);
  • Damage caused by surgery.

Top 6 best remedies for bruises

A selection of the best remedies for bruises was collected based on reviews, the bitter experience of people and the opinion of doctors. Describes the characteristics, release form, advantages and disadvantages of creams, and will help the reader how to choose where to buy the product.


The cream-gel is produced in a volume of 25 g and has a quality certificate. The product is organic, based on a micellar formula that can heal and cleanse wounds due to its ability to penetrate the lower layers of the epidermis. The gel also contains extracts from natural ingredients (wheat germ, herbs). Effective in helping regenerate damaged cells.

  • removes primary redness;
  • restores subcutaneous tissue;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • reduces pain;
  • effective against bruises after injections;
  • craniocerebral bruises;
  • hematomas of the abdomen and chest.

The clinical picture in the group of women who received hematomas after cosmetic procedures shows: improvement after 3 days of using the gel; in the group of men who received severe facial hematoma: elimination of signs within 3 days.

Returns sensitivity to the limbs after serious bruises. Reduces skin photoaging.

BLACK&BLUE cream gel


  • thistle, krill oil, primrose, wheat germ;
  • chestnut, sea buckthorn, comfrey, jarutka, witloof, clover;
  • burdock, elderberry, chestnut and other herbs;
  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • sodium alginate, glucosamine.

Directions for use: Apply with massage movements. No later than 2 hours after the injury, every 3 hours. Course – 1 week.


  • without GMOs, artificial preservatives, natural composition;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • eliminates the severe consequences of hematomas.


  • components can cause allergies;
  • high price, from 320 rubles;
  • during long-term storage it changes consistency and smell.

Gel Badyaga

The drug for bruises and pigmentation is one of the most famous in Russia. Badyaga from the Skimed brand is available in 50 g volume, in the form of a gel.

Badyaga is used for bruises, stagnant spots and small bruises. It has a restorative disinfecting effect, eliminates pain and scratching, thanks to its action that increases blood flow to damaged skin.

Gel Badyaga

The gel is used:

  • for minor bruises, contusions, minor sprains;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • from acne, blackheads;
  • for diseases of rheumatism and radiculitis;
  • for skin rejuvenation by exfoliation.


  • absorbable, decongestant;
  • pain reliever;
  • whitening;
  • reducing the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • bactericidal, protective, strengthening.

Directions for use: applied in a 2 mm layer, 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Preliminary testing (sensitivity) is required.


  • inexpensive from 80 rubles;
  • time-tested remedy;
  • many indications.


  • causes allergies;
  • contains preservatives, fragrances;
  • not suitable for severe damage.


Cream balm 75 ml from ForaPharm (KorolevPharm), included in the list of the best manufacturers, according to customer reviews for 2020. Sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, without a doctor's prescription

Purpose: against damage to muscles, tissues, skin.

Ambulance cream balm


  • reduces pain;
  • resorption of bruises, reduction of swelling;
  • softens colloidal and postoperative scars.

Ingredients: based on water and wax, with linseed oil and camphor. Extracts: bodyaga, chestnut, sage, lavender, mint and other natural ingredients. Vitamins: B 5; WITH; RR. DEG, preservatives.


  • inexpensive product;
  • helps with severe consequences of damage;
  • has a cooling effect.


  • components cause allergies;
  • not allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Strong smell.

Penka Coo

The product was released by a sports goods company. The product is available in foam form and is suitable for emergency treatment of sports injuries, sprains and bruises. Manufacturer company – AKILEINE (Monaco). Foam has:

  • calming effect;
  • softens;
  • relieves pain.

Spray at a distance of 20 cm from the bruise, in a uniform layer of 2 mm.

Controlling agent: d'Arnica Enoxolone plant mixture. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

The product can be ordered online. At the same time, it is difficult to answer how much the product costs; the price varies on different sites.

Penka Coo


  • quick help;
  • convenient format;
  • comfortable release form.


  • price from 950 rubles;
  • for minor bruises and sprains;
  • not suitable for children's bruises.


Gel for express removal of bruises is presented by the Biocon brand. Available without a prescription. The drug is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day. You don't have to wash it off. It is not recommended to go outside for 2 hours after applying the cream. Promotes rapid “fading” of the bruise. Eliminates pain and burning. Resolves bruises due to the effect of lymphatic drainage. Relieves swelling and swelling of damaged tissues. Helps fight post-operative swelling and spots on the body and face. Relieves inflammation.

For severe hematomas, apply 5-6 times a day.

Ingredients: 15% leech extract, 4% ethoxydiglycol, pentoxifylline 2%.

Additionally: water, bronopol, carbomer, TEA, iron oxide pigments, titanium dioxide, methylparaben, bronopol.

Volume 30 g, price from 94 rubles.


According to reviews: a black eye was removed in 4 days, a light bruise on the arm in 6 days. Powerless with severe hematoma.


  • without smell;
  • suitable for face;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • slow action;
  • burns the skin;
  • effective only with immediate treatment.


The homeopathic medicine is suitable for the treatment of bruises in children from 2 to 12 years old. The natural remedy from the company founded in 1903 is safe, but the manufacturer warns that individual intolerance to the components may occur and in case of a rash on the skin, stop using the cream. Reduces: pain, swelling, lightens bruises. The cheerful design of the packaging will distract and calm the baby. Does not cause itching or burning.

The remedy will not be suitable if, in addition to bruises, the child has a cut in the skin or a wound. The impact site is washed and cream is applied to dry skin.

Composition: Arnica Montana 2X HPUS; Hypericum Perforatum 3X HPUS; Ruta Graveolens 6X HPUS; Bellis Perennis 6X HPUS; natural wax, oils; purified water, glycerin; lecithin, tocopherol

Hyland's Children's Arnica Bruise & Bruise Ointment Ointment Stick 0 8 oz Hyl-32151


  • convenient design – stick;
  • attractive design;
  • with arnica extract.


  • short-term effect;
  • price from 1100 rubles;
  • fragrances, flavorings.

Composition Traumeel S

Ointment for bruises, as well as other forms of homeopathic medicine, provoke improvements in metabolic processes in the area of ​​the soft tissue damaged by the blow, stop inflammatory processes and prevent the damage from spreading throughout the skin, localizing it.

For bruises, the hemostatic and analgesic properties of the drug are also useful.

These characteristics are due to the inclusion of the following components:

  • Calendula. Penetrating into damaged tissues, it improves blood circulation in the affected area, has a mild soothing effect on inflamed areas, and starts metabolic processes, as a result of which all harmful elements formed during impact are eliminated. Calendula participates in regeneration processes, due to which the healing of a bruise is significantly accelerated;
  • Witch hazel. The main component in the product that helps against bruises. The element disinfects the affected area, prevents the development of microbes and bacteria that can aggravate the situation, removes swelling, improves the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, reduces hematoma after several uses;
  • Echinacea. Any problem in the body, including bruises and contusions, can lead to a malfunction of the immune system. The product has a stimulating effect, triggers immune processes in the body, accelerates healing and the recovery process;
  • Chamomile. Penetrates the affected area and starts recovery processes. Relieves inflammation, irritation and redness on the surface of the skin, promotes rapid healing of bruises;
  • Daisy. It has disinfecting characteristics, starts metabolic processes, due to which toxins and waste are removed from the body.
  • Millennium. Accelerates the healing process of the affected area, prevents the inflammatory process from developing and spreading;
  • Belladonna and Arnica. Helps reduce pain, accelerate the processes of regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues;
  • Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni – penetrates well into the joints, due to which it significantly reduces the pain caused by the bruise, accelerates healing, and reduces swelling;
  • Hepar sulfuris - localizes inflammation and prevents purulent processes from developing in the affected area.

It is the inclusion of these components in the composition that ensures accelerated recovery of soft tissues after bruises and bruises. Gel for bruises Traumeel reduces swelling in the damaged area, stops internal bleeding that occurs when small vessels are damaged by an impact, and triggers regeneration processes in the body.

Applying the gel improves blood circulation in the area of ​​injury, as a result, all symptoms of bruises and bruises go away much faster.

Due to its natural composition, the drug is suitable for children and pregnant women. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

Homeopathy Heel Traumeel S (ointment) – review

Hi all

Let me start by saying that I respect homeopathy and have tried many medicines, especially from well-known and trusted manufacturers, many times and have been convinced of their effectiveness.

about Traumeel S ; doctors often prescribe it to their patients.

From the manufacturer of ointment “TRAUMEL S”:

Complex homeopathic medicine for injuries and inflammations.

Indications for use:

  • sports and household injuries (sprain, dislocation, hematoma, hemarthrosis, fracture)
  • birth injuries
  • inflammatory, microtraumatic and degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system (tenosynovitis, glenohumeral periarthritis, bursitis, arthritis of the hip, knee and joints of the foot and hand)
  • inflammatory processes of the skin
  • inflammatory processes of the dentofacial apparatus (periodontitis, purulent periodontitis, gingivitis, teething)
  • bedsores, burns, prickly heat, trophic ulcers.

Action of the ointment:

The substances of plant and mineral origin included in the preparation activate the body’s defenses and normalize its impaired functions. Thanks to this, the drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-exudative, immunocorrective and reparative effects.

About the ointment:

Ointment “Traumel S ” is available in tubes of 50 g. In blue and white packaging with the Heel brand name.

Using a tip, a tube of ointment is punched into the cap.

The ointment has a thick and greasy white consistency, almost odorless, and is easily distributed and absorbed.


  • 100 g of the drug contains
  • Achillea millefolium Ø − 0.09 g,
  • Aconitum napellus D1 − 0.05 g,
  • Arnica montana D3 − 1.5 g,
  • Atropa belladonna D1 − 0.05 g,
  • Bellis perennis Ø − 0.1 g,
  • Calendula officinalis Ø − 0.45 g,
  • Echinacea Ø − 0.15 g,
  • Echinacea purpurea Ø − 0.15 g,
  • Hamamelis virginiana Ø − 0.45 g,
  • Hepar sulfuris D6 − 0.025 g,
  • Hypericum perforatum D6 − 0.09 g,
  • Matricaria recutita Ø − 0.15 g,
  • Mercurius solubilis
  • Hahnemanni D6 − 0.04 g,
  • Symphytum officinale D4 − 0.1 g.
  • cetostearyl alcohol (type A)
  • emulsified,
  • viscous paraffin,
  • white soft paraffin,
  • purified water,
  • ethanol 96%.

Shelf life: 3 years

Manufacturer: Germany

My experience using Traumeel S ointment:

For the first time, this ointment was prescribed to me by a surgeon after a laparoscopy operation; then she smeared it on postoperative skin areas to restore tissue and relieve swelling. The effect was clear.

I also used this ointment for sprains of ligaments and muscle tissue, it also helps, but not as quickly as I would like.

But for injuries with tissue swelling, when bumps and bruises occur, this ointment copes better than anything I’ve tried. I myself have experienced its effect on myself more than once, and now the pediatrician recommended it to us for a child in case of a bruise.

And since children are very nimble and tend to get bumps, this is the second time I have used this ointment for my child. Recently I ran into a table and a bump appeared on my forehead instantly. First I gave him a cold compress on his forehead, and then applied Traumeel S .

I took a photo for clarity of our bump (on the same day I got it), but the child is fidgety and it’s difficult to take a clear photo, since he’s constantly spinning

That is, in the first half of the day the child got a lump and I applied this ointment according to the instructions, and by the evening the swelling had almost gone down and the blue color of the burst vessel under the skin could only be seen. And the next day there was no swelling at all, just a small bruise. That's it)

Therefore, for families with children, I think that this ointment should be in the first aid kit.

P/S No one noticed any side effects from using this ointment!


Where to buy ointment and how much it costs: Traumeel S ointment is sold in many pharmacies and is not difficult to find. Price on average 200 UAH. (600 rub.) per tube.

Conclusion: Traumeel S ointment has earned my trust completely, it is effective, safe, of course I recommend it, especially for those who have children! Although her price is high, as our pediatrician told me: “She is the best of the best.” But nothing is a pity for the child.

Thank you all for your attention, be healthy

Another effective homeopathic remedy for nasal congestion that I recommend is Euphorbium compositum.


Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/pri-travmakh-ushibakh-rastyazheniyakh-i-vospalitelnykh-protsessov-kozhi-osobenno-s-otechnost

Use for bruises and bruises

It has been proven that the use of Traumeel can reduce the recovery process. If independent healing of pathological and extensive soft tissue injuries occurs within 2-3 weeks, then the use of the drug can speed up the process by up to 1 week.

If the gel was prescribed to the patient in a timely manner, it is even possible to prevent the appearance of a hematoma in the area of ​​bruise or impact.

Instructions for use for bruises and impacts:

  1. The damaged area is disinfected and dried;
  2. A small amount of gel is applied to the area with light circular movements;
  3. The product is left for several minutes for complete absorption;
  4. It is advisable to attach a sterile bandage to the affected area.

The product is applied 2-3 times a day; for advanced problems, the number of uses increases to 5 times a day. Do not increase the indicated dosage, and do not apply the product to too large an area.

Do not rub the gel into the skin too vigorously; the product is well absorbed and penetrates into the desired tissue layers on its own. Active rubbing may result in additional damage to the injured area.

The duration of taking the drug is not limited. You can use Traumeel until all unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

Neither adults nor children are immune from injuries and diseases that lead to hematomas, sprains, swelling and limited movement. Timely treatment with properly selected medications will help to cope with the problem and reduce symptoms. One of the effective and safe remedies is Traumeel S ointment.

The multi-purpose homeopathic drug is produced by the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH.

The product is white or light yellow in color, with a slight herbal odor, intended for external use. It has the consistency of a nourishing cream, fits well on the skin, is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily film or staining clothes.

The composite product is packaged in metal tubes of 50 g or 100 g, packed in cardboard boxes. Contains 14 natural components, which allows for versatile use for injuries and diseases. Despite the fact that the start of production dates back to the mid-twentieth century, Traumeel is still in demand in more than 50 countries around the world.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids

Since hemodialysate from the blood of young calves is able to stimulate the healing process, as well as the processes of supplying the affected areas with blood, Solcoseryl ointment has proven itself well in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

The ointment is applied up to five times a day.

For deep anal fissures, before applying the gel, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with an enema.

Note. Cleansing the intestines is not always given special importance. And completely in vain. After all, feces contain a considerable amount of putrefactive bacteria, which significantly inhibit the healing of cracks.

Contraindications and side effects

The composition of Traumeel gel for bruises includes mainly natural ingredients that do not have a negative effect on the body. There are no serious contraindications. Patients who may develop allergic reactions to one or another component of the ointment should avoid taking the product.

The use of the gel is not recommended for patients suffering from:

  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • HIV infections;
  • Malignant tumors.

Before use, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and compare the degree of risk and benefit from using the gel.

The natural composition also results in an almost complete absence of side effects; rarely, patients may experience increased salivation, as well as itching and redness of the skin.

pharmachologic effect

Thanks to the multicomponent composition of the ointment, Traumeel has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory and regenerative effects:

  • reduces swelling;
  • eliminates or significantly reduces pain;
  • strengthens the tone of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillary walls;
  • increases the effectiveness of complex therapy, enhancing the effect of other drugs;
  • used in the postoperative period to eliminate inflammatory processes of various localizations;
  • has a regenerating effect.

Traumeel S has virtually no contraindications or negative side effects. Can be used at any age. The exception is children under 3 years of age, but many pediatricians recommend using it from the first months of life.

For your information! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult your doctor before use. The benefit to the mother and child of taking the medication must outweigh the risk of using the drug.

Indications and contraindications

Traumeel ointment is used for the treatment in complex therapy of diseases and the consequences of injuries - bruises, sprains, dislocations and hemorrhages.

Indications for use of Traumeel ointment:

  • diseases of joints, muscles and tendons of various origins;
  • skin diseases - fungus, scabies, boils, diathesis and neurodermatitis;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • use in the postoperative period to prevent suppuration of sutures and other complications;
  • inflammatory processes of the mammary glands;
  • injuries - sprains, dislocations, bruises, hematomas;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dental diseases - periodontal disease, gingivitis.

Contraindications for use:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • leukemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • age up to 3 years (the effect has not been sufficiently studied clinically);
  • hypersensitivity to components, allergic reaction - itching, redness, urticaria or swelling;
  • tuberculosis.

Attention! If negative side effects or allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug for a while and consult a doctor.

Traumeel for dark circles under the eyes

Black eyes bring a lot of trouble, especially for women. It doesn’t matter whether it happened as a result of a fall or after cosmetic surgery, you want to get rid of the “decoration” as quickly as possible.

In addition to the negative aesthetic perception, hematomas and bruises on the face are accompanied by pain and swelling. If the affected areas of the body are not treated quickly, spider veins may form.

In this case, Traumeel S will come to the rescue - thanks to natural ingredients, the facial skin does not suffer, quickly relieving symptoms, injuries disappear within 6-7 days.

The best effect for eliminating bruises in the eye area can be obtained if the ointment is driven in with soft patting movements. This action improves the process of absorption of components into the blood and improves the functioning of blood vessels.

On a note! When taking homeopathic medicines, existing symptoms may temporarily worsen (primary deterioration), which subsequently disappear.

Instructions for use

It is advisable to discuss the instructions for using Traumeel ointment with your doctor. It is also recommended to visit the clinic if pain or swelling after an injury does not go away within 3-4 days - fractures, dislocations, torn ligaments and other serious injuries that require special treatment are possible.

Treatment without the recommendation of specialists is possible provided that the injury has not led to a limitation of motor function, the pain is not pronounced, and there are no significant damage to the skin.

Attention! When using independently, you should read the instructions.

Before applying the ointment, you must ensure that there is no allergic reaction to the components. To test, apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow or under your knee. If no redness, irritation or itching appears after 4-5 hours, the product can be used without fear. Unless otherwise prescribed, a single dose for an adult is 0.5-2 g (1 cm long strip), based on the affected area. The procedure is carried out 2-4 times a day, depending on the disease or injury, for 2 weeks, for complex inflammatory processes - up to a month.

If negative side reactions caused by the ointment occur, you should consult a doctor for advice.

For your information! Prices change periodically, so you need to check the cost of the product before purchasing.

The product is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees C for 3 years from the date of manufacture.


Bruises and hematomas, in most cases, appear from impacts with blunt objects. Most often, the appearance of bruises occurs from a strong mechanical impact on a part of the body, from a blow. The stronger the mechanical impact, the darker the injured area. The systematic appearance of dark spots for no reason indicates diseases of various organs and the circulatory system. Overwork and lack of sleep will be reflected on the face and under the eyes.

If bruises appear on their own, without impact, this indicates serious diseases of the circulatory system or internal organs.

Hematomas are divided into types:

  • subserous;
  • subcutaneous;
  • head hematomas;
  • intramuscular.

The result of blood accumulation in the abdomen or chest is subserous hematomas. It is dangerous to human health and requires urgent medical attention.

Subcutaneous – usually mild lesions under the skin.

An intramuscular bruise is a bruise that is caused by force on muscle tissue. The symptoms of the two types are the same - pain, internal, external swelling. These two types of hematomas are similar to each other, and the symptoms are almost the same (swelling, pain). Safe, goes away in 2 weeks.

Severe pain and nausea caused by head impacts cause hematomas and serious injuries. Serious damage leads to hematomas of the head.


According to the severity of bruises there are:

  • 1: slight pain when pressed, the bruise appears within 24 hours, from pink-red to dark purple;
  • 2nd degree: appears yellow, after 2 hours, when injured, the muscles are affected, throbbing pain is detected, which subsides after 3-4 days;
  • in the third degree, the hematoma is green, causes severe pain, takes a long time to heal, and is accompanied by tissue swelling.

If the bruise is throbbing or the injury has become large, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Traumeel ointment is exceptional in composition, therefore it does not have full-fledged substitutes; similar analogues in action are produced.

Popular means:

  • Ibuprofen - used for joint diseases, radiculitis, ankylosing spondylitis, bruises, sprains and dislocations. Relieves pain and swelling.
  • Esculus - strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels, is indicated for varicose veins, is used in proctology, treats phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
  • Venza - normalizes blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels.
  • Troxevasin - treats venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, reduces itching, swelling and pain, eliminates cramps.
  • Badyaga-forte - helps speed up the treatment of mechanical injuries - bruises, hematomas and bruises, reduces the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and neurology.
  • Rescuer - a remedy for bruises and contusions, ensures the fastest healing of wounds.
  • Arnica - relieves inflammation and swelling, reduces pain, strengthens blood vessels and quickly resolves bruises, soothes skin irritation.

The ointment is safe for use as it contains natural ingredients and is effective in treating many diseases and injuries. This remedy is recommended by many consumers who have experienced the effects of the drug on themselves and their loved ones.


Let's take a closer look at patient reviews after using Traumeel ointment.

Natalya, 40 years old, Moscow: “I had beauty injections, after which swelling and small bruises appeared on my face. My mother had joint pain, she used Traumeel ointment, which helped well, she suggested that I try it for bruises. I applied the product to my face morning and evening, and everything went away within 6-7 days. I’m satisfied with its performance, and now I recommend it to my loved ones.”

Maria, 32 years old, Stavropol: “In the summer we live at the dacha, one day my 5-year-old daughter was bitten by a bee. The bite is very painful even for an adult, let alone a little girl - she cried a lot and could not calm down. A neighbor found out about our problem and brought a tube of Traumeel S cream, which I had never heard of before. I smeared the bite and quickly enough the child calmed down, the pain went away. Now I always keep the drug at home just in case as a painkiller and anti-inflammatory agent. I recommend trying it."

Vladimir Mikhailovich, 55 years old, Volgograd: “After moving to a new apartment, my shoulder hurt so badly for several days that I had to go to the doctor. I was prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which included Traumeel ointment. I rubbed it into the sore spot three times a day. The pain decreased almost immediately, and after a few days it disappeared completely. A good effective remedy."

Svetlana Ivanovna, 60 years old, Novosibirsk: “I have been suffering from varicose veins for more than 30 years. I have tried traditional medicine formulations and traditional medicines. Recently, on the advice of a friend, I have been using Traumeel. Thanks to her, she got rid of heaviness and swelling in the legs, and the vascular network also noticeably decreased. In addition, my grandchildren constantly get bumps and bruises, I apply cream to their sores, which helps reduce pain and heal wounds and cuts faster. My husband is being saved from sciatica. In general, it’s a universal drug, most importantly, it’s natural, so it definitely won’t do any harm.”

“Gel Traumeel was recommended to me by a friend, after beauty injections I had severe bruises and swelling, I didn’t even dare to go outside. I wanted a natural remedy against bruises, and Traumeel was suitable for this purpose. I used it for a week, applied it to the damaged area three times a day, and now there is no trace of the injections left. It’s a good drug, the main thing is that it’s harmless.”

“I was in a motorcycle accident, I didn’t get any serious injuries, but bruises appeared all over my body after a while. I used the homeopathic medicine Traumeel. I’m completely satisfied with the application, now two weeks have passed since the accident, and only minor injuries remind me of it, which have not yet completely gone away.”

“The drug Traumeel was prescribed to me by my attending physician. I have problems with my legs, which results in frequent falls and, as a result, bumps and bruises. Now when I hit myself, I immediately apply the gel to the damaged area. And it relieves pain perfectly, and also prevents the appearance of hematoma.”

The material was prepared jointly with homeopathic doctor Vladimir Alekseevich Galiev and the E-Medica media agency.

You can find out more about the authors by following this link.


I am a professional kickboxer. Bruises and contusions “do not go away” from my body. Several times I had to turn to doctors for help. The doctor said that traumeel is the best remedy for dark circles under the eyes. This ointment relieves edema and swelling, and this means a lot for contact martial arts (it is difficult to practice with a partner when the “view” is blocked by a “black eye” near the eye). I am satisfied with the drug, despite the fact that bruises and bruises remain on my face less and less often, I get rid of them in an average of 3-4 days.

Svetlana, 24 years old, Sverdlovsk

I have a severe allergy to insect bites - all it takes is for a mosquito to grind its nose on my skin and my body becomes covered with small swellings. The reaction passes, but on average within a day. If you treat the bite site with Traumeel ointment, then no adverse reactions occur, the skin remains clean and smooth. I recommend!

The drug in question is unique in its composition, therefore it has no full-fledged analogues (substitutes). A similar mechanism of action (anti-inflammatory) is observed in the following medications: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Esculus, Lymphomyosot, Venza. Troxevasin ointment is best for bruising.

The substitute is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition and the severity of the pathological process.

Traumeel for bruises and swelling: effectiveness, instructions for use of ointment and gel, analogues and reviews

Not a single person is immune from bruises and injuries: falls, pinched limbs, “crushing” of body parts - almost all of us have had similar troubles.
Typical soft tissue injuries in 95% of cases are accompanied by capillary rupture, which invariably leads to bruising.

In some patients, bruises and hematomas are so large that they interfere with the natural microcirculation of blood.

In such cases, first aid consists of treating the affected area with a properly selected medicine for bruises. One of the most famous, effective and affordable medications is the drug Traumeel for bruises and abrasions. We’ll dedicate today’s material to him.

Description of the drug

The medication in question is available in several dosage forms: tablets, ampoules, drops, ointments and gel. Its main feature is the naturalness of the ingredients.

The composition contains exclusively natural herbs, thanks to which traumeel helps even against bruises localized on the face.

It is often possible to get rid of the consequences of an injury in 7-9 days, provided that the ointment or gel is used daily.

Traumeel ointment is an absolutely safe drug

The undoubted advantage of the drug in comparison with other similar medications is absolute safety, regardless of age category.

Despite the fact that a bruise is often a small injury, it is important to pay close attention to its elimination.

Such injuries are accompanied not only by discomfort and pain, but also significantly complicate body movements.

Traumeel is a homotoxic drug of complex action with pronounced regenerating, analgesic, anti-exudative, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The considered ointment for bruises, Traumeel, belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines used for the treatment of inflammatory-dystrophic pathologies localized in the musculoskeletal system. The medication is often prescribed for injuries, to treat joint diseases, and to normalize motor activity.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic properties of Traumeel gel are due to the activity of its components. The ingredients act locally in the area of ​​application, activating biochemical processes characteristic of the symptoms of joint ailments. Systemic influence of the drug components is excluded due to the nominal concentration of the active substances.

In simple terms, in the treatment area the ointment creates conditions similar to those that arise inside the body when it becomes ill. Due to this mechanism, the level of resistance of internal organs increases.

Mechanism of action of the drug:

  1. The ingredients activate an artificial substitute for th3 lymphocytes, which in turn triggers a chain of immunological reactions.
  2. In the area of ​​inflammation, the concentration of anti-inflammatory and inflammatory cytokines is compensated.
  3. In the problem area, inflammatory symptoms in the form of swelling, pain, and bruising are leveled out.
  4. The accumulation of minerals and extracts of phyto-components eliminates the danger of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, suppuration and hyperemia.

The ointment is quickly absorbed by the epithelium, inflammation is quickly stopped, which promotes cellular regeneration and healing of injuries.

Release form and composition

Anti-bruise ointment Traumeel is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Heel GmbH. The drug is available in several dosage forms - parenteral solution, oral drops, tablets, gel and ointment. Liniment has a distinct herbal aroma and a white-yellow, medium-thick consistency.

The medical product is sold in 50 g aluminum tubes with a sealed neck. Each tube of medicine is in a cardboard package and is accompanied by an annotation.

The homeopathic medicine consists of a whole string of plant extracts:

  • echinacea;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • belladonna;
  • fighter;
  • millennium.

The composition contains mercury and sulfur chemical compounds, carbomer 980. The ointment base is distilled water and purified paraffin. To ensure high transepidermal absorption, the components include ethyl and stearic alcohols.

Instructions for use for bruises and hematomas

To treat bruises, hematomas and accompanying edema, swelling, the ointment is applied to the surface of the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer, evenly distributed over the entire problem area. The composition is rubbed into the surface of the epithelium with light massaging movements. The absorption rate is high, so there are no difficulties with applying the medication.

In case of severe pathologies, in order to cope with the injury on your own, it is recommended to apply applications or bandages with medicine.

For bruises and hematomas, liniment is used exclusively externally, locally. With timely treatment of problem areas, the drug prevents the formation of spider veins. Cosmetologists recommend not rubbing the composition, but “driving” it into the skin with cotton, which promotes rapid absorption by epithelial tissue.

Indications and contraindications

Traumeel ointment includes a number of natural ingredients that provide a wide spectrum of action of the pharmaceutical drug. The medicine is in demand not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

The medicinal product is indicated for use in:

  • inflammations localized in cartilage and bone tissues - bursitis, arthrosis, aortritis, sprain;
  • soft tissue injuries - bites, cuts, abrasions, bumps from injections and bruises (including those resulting from bone fractures);
  • dental ailments – periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • dermatological diseases - mycosis, eczema, acne, ulcers, burns, swelling under the eyes;
  • prevention of ARVI (nasal composition is supplemented with a solution of sea salt);
  • caesarean section - for preventive purposes in the postoperative period.

Despite the naturalness of the components of the ointment, it is safest to use it as prescribed by your doctor. Like any other pharmaceutical product, Traumeel ointment has a number of contraindications for use:

  • the patient has an autoimmune disease;
  • HIV;
  • local collagenosis;
  • tuberculosis (regardless of the form);
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the medication.

It’s easy to mitigate the likelihood of side effects – just consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

Directions for use and doses

To treat bruises and bruises with Traumeel ointment, it is enough to apply a small amount to the surface of the problem area and spread evenly in a thin layer.

  1. The average dosage for an adult varies from 0.5 to 2 g (1 cm long strip) per 1 procedure, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.
  2. Procedures are carried out 2 to 5 times a day, based on the severity of the pathological process.
  3. The duration of therapy is from 14 to 30 days.

Troxevasin gel, characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory, venotonic and analgesic effect, will also help get rid of bruises.

Before starting treatment, you should contact a dermatologist for an individual examination and development of a personal therapeutic regimen.

Side effects and special instructions

If the recommended frequency of use of the ointment for bruises on the face is violated, or if the drug is overdosed, the body may develop adverse reactions. In most cases, they manifest themselves in the form of the following side effects:

  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • rash.

If at least one of the listed reactions is detected, you must contact a specialist to prescribe a substitute and adjust the treatment regimen.

Special instructions:

  1. The medication is not recommended for use on large areas of the body.
  2. The drug interacts with other drugs without any negative consequences for the patient.
  3. In some patients, a primary worsening of the underlying disease is observed when using homeopathic medicines. In such cases, it is safer to consult a dermatologist.

Before applying the composition to the surface of the skin with open wounds, the course of the underlying disease may worsen.

Pregnancy and lactation

Traumeel ointment (gel) is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding as prescribed by the attending physician. The naturalness of the composition determines its safety for pregnant women.

Use in childhood

The drug in question is indicated for children over 3 years of age. At an earlier age, it is not recommended to use the drug, which is due to the high degree of permeability of the walls of blood vessels and tissues. There is a high probability of penetration of the drug ingredients into the main bloodstream.

It is forbidden to apply traumeel to hematomas or bruises formed after injections or vaccinations.


The drug in question is unique in its composition, therefore it has no full-fledged analogues (substitutes). A similar mechanism of action (anti-inflammatory) is observed in the following medications: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Esculus, Lymphomyosot, Venza. Troxevasin ointment is best for bruising.

The substitute is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition and the severity of the pathological process.


Nikolay, 25 years old, Chekhov

I am a professional kickboxer. Bruises and contusions “do not go away” from my body. Several times I had to turn to doctors for help. The doctor said that traumeel is the best remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

This ointment relieves edema and swelling, and this means a lot for contact martial arts (it is difficult to practice with a partner when the “view” is blocked by a “black eye” near the eye).

I am satisfied with the drug, despite the fact that bruises and bruises remain on my face less and less often, I get rid of them in an average of 3-4 days.

Svetlana, 24 years old, Sverdlovsk

I have a severe allergy to insect bites - all it takes is for a mosquito to grind its nose on my skin and my body becomes covered with small swellings. The reaction passes, but on average within a day. If you treat the bite site with Traumeel ointment, then no adverse reactions occur, the skin remains clean and smooth. I recommend!

Source: https://mydoctorok.ru/mazi/traumel-ot-sinyakov.html

Self-medication with Traumeel

In no case should the effect of hematomas on the human body be underestimated, although it is believed that most injuries of this type do not pose a danger. A large number of people are confident that an abrasion, even a very large one, can be cured on their own, but be that as it may, this is far from true, because if you receive a severe bruise that results in hemorrhage, immediate medical attention is needed. If, nevertheless, the injury is quite severe, then profuse hemorrhage into the human body can provoke a fall or another bruise. This is why self-treatment at home may not help.

You can self-treat at home if:

  1. The injury or swelling does not interfere with your movement.
  2. The leather is not damaged, there are no cuts, scratches, etc.
  3. The pain is not pronounced or appears upon contact with the sore spot.

It is all these situations that allow you to cope with the injury on your own; for this you just need to buy the right drug at the pharmacy.

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