Acne cream Differin: instructions for use, composition of gel and ointment, how to use, contraindications

The drug "Differin" is an excellent remedy for eliminating acne and other annoying skin defects. The most famous cosmetologists actively use it in their practice. But this medicine has a side effect - in the first days of use it can cause peeling and redness of the skin.

This is a natural and transient process, but some patients are quickly put off by it. Of course, they are trying to find a drug with a similar therapeutic effect and less pronounced side effects.

But is it worth doing this and what drugs can replace the proven Differin? You can find out reviews, analogues and other information about this product from this article.

general characteristics

The drug "Differin" is a medicine intended to combat acne. Based on its chemical structure, it can be classified as a retinoid, and based on its pharmacological properties, it can be classified as a dermatoprotector.

This medication normalizes metabolism in the skin, nourishes and protects it from the negative effects of the environment.

The drug "Differin", analogs of which will be discussed in this article, has the ability to control the rate of appearance of epithelial cells, as well as the process of their keratinization and transformation into scales. In addition, it prevents the formation of hyperkeratosis (excess stratum corneum of the skin).

Thus, this product has an exceptional therapeutic and cosmetological effect. The drug Differin (gel or cream) can be used as monotherapy against acne. It is also suitable for the treatment of acne in combination with other drugs.

Release form

The drug "Differin" on the modern market is available in two dosage forms - gel and cream, which have an identical concentration of the main active ingredient - 0.1%. They are sold in 30 gram plastic tubes.

The medicine is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires GALDERMA, which is focused on the development and production of cosmetics with a healing effect.

In the USA and Europe, Differin lotion is also available for sale, the properties and active substance of which are identical to other products under this name.

Composition of gel “Differin”

The main active ingredient of the drug “Differin”, analogues of which will be listed below, is adapalene. In addition, the following are usually added to the gel as auxiliary components:

  • propylene glycol;
  • carbomer 980;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • sodium edetate;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • distilled water.

Composition of Differin cream

The medicine "Differin" (cream) contains a wide range of additional substances that give this dosage form the ability to moisturize and nourish the skin, due to which this product dries out the skin much less than a gel. In addition to adapalene, it contains the following components:

  • polyethylene glycol-20;
  • carbomer 934P;
  • glycerol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • natural perhydrosqualene;
  • sodium edetate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • methyl glucose sescistearate;
  • 10% sodium hydroxide solution;
  • distilled water;
  • cyclomethicone.

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic effect of the drug "Differin" (cream and gel) is due to the properties of adapalene. This substance belongs to the latest generation of retinoids. It is a synthetic vitamin A in active form.

The main therapeutic property of the drug "Differin" is to reduce the number of skin rashes - comedones (blackheads), acne, pimples.

It is able to reduce the number of rashes and prevent the appearance of new ones due to the healing effects of adapalene on the body: sebostatic, comedolytic, anti-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory.

The sebostatic effect of this remedy is to reduce the production of sebum. Due to this, the oiliness of the epidermis is significantly reduced, the pores become much freer, and normal microcirculation is restored in the skin.

The anticomedonic and comedonolytic effects of the drug are interrelated and are caused by the same mechanism. Adapalene has the ability to dissolve oily plugs that clog pores, and also reduces the rate of formation of horny skin scales. This makes the drug “Differin” very effective for blackheads.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug we are describing is associated with the ability of adapalene to neutralize the activity of enzymes that cause this process.

Thus, the use of the drug "Differin" can significantly improve the appearance of the skin. However, the price of this drug is quite high, so some patients are trying to find a worthy replacement for it.

As mentioned above, this product is produced by a French cosmetics company. Perhaps in Russia they produce cheaper, but no less high-quality drugs? Let's look at this issue in detail.

Analogues and synonyms

It is well known that drug synonyms are drugs that contain the same active substance. But analogues are medications with similar therapeutic properties, but different active ingredients. The drug we are describing has both.

The product "Differin" (gel) has the following synonyms:

  • "Adapalene";
  • "Klenzit";
  • "Adolen."

A synonymous drug for another form of release of the drug is Adaklin cream.

Of course, drugs with similar therapeutic effects are also available on the modern pharmaceutical market. There are especially many medications that resemble Differin (cream) in their effect on the body. The following drugs have similar properties:

  • Videstim ointment;
  • ointment "Radevit";
  • retinoic ointment.

Each of these means has its own advantages. Usually, those with dry skin use rich creams and ointments, because it needs constant hydration. However, patients with oily epidermis most often suffer from various rashes. They prefer to use Differin gel for skin treatment. The agents listed below have a similar effect on the body:

  • gel "Isotrexin";
  • Retasol solution.
  • gel "Effezel".

In addition, there are drugs that, strictly speaking, cannot be classified as either synonyms or analogues of Differin.

However, they are also intended to combat acne and are effectively used both in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs. These are, for example, “Baziron” and “Skinoren”.

Which of these remedies is better? Everyone must answer this question for themselves, because every person’s body is individual. Let us dwell on the description of some of the means in more detail.

"Klenzit" or "Differin"?

These drugs are synonyms, that is, both contain adapalene. However, the original Differin is produced in France, and the generic Klenzit is produced in India. Therefore, these medications have varying degrees of effectiveness. The Differin analogue evokes rave reviews in some patients, but does not help others at all.

After all, generics are drugs that contain the same active ingredients as the original drugs, but the technology for their production can be very diverse. In addition, the purity of the chemical compound in the original drug and the analogue may also vary.

Therefore, if you wish, you can try the cheaper Klenzit, but if its use seems ineffective to you, it is better to switch to Differin.

"Skinoren", like "Differin", is available in two dosage forms - gel and cream. By and large, it is ineffective. This Differin analogue deserves attention because it is often used for maintenance therapy after treatment with other drugs.

For example, after a course of treatment with Differin for three months, experts recommend switching to the weaker Skinoren, which should be used several times a week for preventive purposes. At the same time, patients can gain, so to speak, a marble complexion, since the medication has whitening properties.

Apart from this effect, this remedy has virtually no side effects.

"Baziron" or "Differin"?

Essentially, Baziron is not an analogue of Differin, because these drugs have different mechanisms of action. Even their therapeutic effect is somewhat different. Cream "Baziron" fights external manifestations - relieves inflammation, eliminates bacteria and thereby reduces the number of comedones and pimples.

The drug "Differin" for blackheads also helps, but it fights the causes of acne: it reduces the production of sebum, clears pores of it, reduces the amount of keratinized skin, improves its respiration and microcirculation, preventing the proliferation of inflammatory microbes in it.

Both medications can cause irritation, but this effect is still more pronounced with Baziron.

Thus, the effective and safe Differin is the most suitable option. However, these two drugs are often used together.

Cosmetologists recommend applying Baziron cream to the skin in the morning, and using Differin in the evenings. The effectiveness of this combination is very high, but when using it there is a risk of excessive drying of the skin and even burns.

Therefore, in the presence of severe inflammation, it is better to use Baziron and then switch to Differin.

Magic "Radevit"

The drug "Radevit" is a worthy analogue of "Differin" in Russia. It can be used both to care for healthy skin and to heal various diseases of the epidermis. The range of its use is very wide:

  • restoration of the skin after a burn, including sunburn;
  • removal of peeling and dryness after sun exposure;
  • prevention of photoaging;
  • skin adaptation to climate change;
  • protecting the epidermis from the negative influence of the environment (smoke, smog);
  • increasing immunity in adults.

The therapeutic effectiveness of this remedy is due to the composition of the above drug. It contains vitamins D, E, A. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and effectively stimulate the production of collagen, which ensures its elasticity.

So, Differin is effective only if it is used to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the skin and eliminate blackheads and pimples.

And the drug "Radevit" has a wider range of effects, but it is usually not used to eliminate acne. It would seem that these two drugs complement each other, but they should not be used together.

The fact is that “Radevit” should under no circumstances be used with other retinoids in order to avoid their excessive accumulation in the body.


In the vast majority of cases, reviews of the drug "Differin" are positive, since it is highly effective, really removes acne and improves the condition of the facial skin.

However, there is also a negative point - this cosmetic product causes painful redness and peeling in the first weeks of use. Over time, the above phenomena disappear, and the condition of the skin improves significantly.

However, some patients cannot withstand the psychological stress and begin to look for an analogue of Differin.

The positive opinion about this drug is reinforced by the ability to use it to treat acne, blackheads and pimples, as well as as a retinoic peel.

In rare cases, Differin causes intense irritation, causing people to stop using it.

This fact creates a negative opinion about it in some patients, and, as a result, we have negative reviews.

Now you know what the drug Differin is and what drugs can replace it. However, when choosing a suitable product, it is better to consult with a competent cosmetologist.


Instructions for use of Differin

The active ingredient "Differina" is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, the so-called adapalene. It comes from the retinoid family and is involved in the body’s most important vital processes. Local exposure to adapalene leads to a decrease in the frequency of rashes and the gradual disappearance of existing skin problems. Find out which is better Baziron or Zinerit by following the link.

Average price 850 rub.

Useful properties of "Differin":

  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates oily sheen.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Prevents the process of keratinization of the epidermis, which reduces the risk of scars.
  • Very effectively treats “blackheads” and blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  • Suitable for preventive measures.
  • Gently and carefully removes the layer of dead skin cells.

Despite the good therapeutic effect, the drug is used for mild dermatological diseases. It is quite capable of curing mild acne and pimples, but Differin will be powerless against advanced or severe disease. Often used in complex therapy against acne and acne. You can find out why acne appears on the face here.

The video explains which is better: Differin gel or cream:

What's included

The drug is available in the form of gel and cream, which contain the main active ingredient ─ adapalene.

The only thing that distinguishes one form of release from another is the slightly different composition of additional components. In addition, the gel has a lighter transparent consistency compared to cream. The latter has a denser texture and white color and is intended for people with more sensitive skin types prone to dryness and flaking. The gel is best used for dermis with increased sebum secretion.

Features of use for acne

Like any medicine, Differin requires a prior doctor's prescription, so you should not self-medicate. Depending on the cause and severity of the disease, you may need antibiotic therapy or hormone-containing medications, rather than just cosmetic cleansing. Moreover, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the body, skin condition and concomitant diseases, which can also affect the appearance of pimples and acne.

If you are using a drug for blackheads, you cannot use additional methods of exposure: scrubs, peels and deep cleansers. This can cause trauma to the skin and aggravate the condition and course of the disease. You can find out in the article which Skinoren or Zenerit helps better.

The video shows more information about Differin cream and gel:

Features of using Differin

It is worth noting that there are many subtleties associated with the use of Differin. This substance may react with alcohol or alkali.

Special instructions for using Differin:

  • Do not use the drug after using soap or shower gel. During this period, the epidermis may already be itchy and irritated.
  • After applying the product, you should not visit a solarium or sunbathe on the beach. The cream makes the skin susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Do not use lotions containing alcohol or acids together with Differin. These cosmetics can dry out the skin and cause irritation. Itching or irritation may occur with the use of this substance.
  • Under no circumstances should you apply decorative cosmetics after the drug. Only in the morning you can do make-up. Differin may react with substances contained in powder or foundation.
  • After applying the product, it is advisable not to shower or wash your face. Otherwise, you may wash off some of the gel or cause irritation.
  • Do not use the medicine after peeling or scrubbing the skin. This can cause itching, redness and irritation.
  • The combined use of Differin and antibiotics is permitted. But it is worth considering that the drugs must be applied at different times. This is due to insufficient information about the interaction of the cream with antibiotics. The drug combines well with Clindamycin and Erythromycin. It is recommended to apply the antibiotic in the morning and the drug in the evening.
  • Do not apply preparations containing sulfur, salicylic acid and perfume together with the use of cream. These substances contribute to the emergence of a cumulative, that is, accumulative effect.


  • Pregnancy and lactation (no clinical data).
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Associated dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea and allergic rashes.
  • Individual intolerance.

Differin reacts extremely negatively to ultraviolet irradiation. This is due to chemical processes between the active components of the drug. During treatment, you should limit exposure to the sun as much as possible or use protective devices. Even with minor manifestations of a skin reaction, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor to discuss replacing Differin with a similar drug. The inability to use Differin in the summer is one of the biggest disadvantages of this product.

Find out how to deal with internal acne on your face.

Here are the causes of acne on the forehead.

Reviews of the inhaler Chamomile 3: .

Side effects

Possibly just local skin irritation. Side effects occur in only 7% of patients, as a result of excessive application of the drug. Negative consequences manifest themselves in the form of irritation, peeling, dry skin, itching, redness, an unpleasant burning sensation, local pigmentation, and contact dermatitis.

The incidence of side effects is quite low.

If the above symptoms are detected, treatment should be suspended until the irritation completely disappears. Further use of the drug is possible after consultation with a dermatologist.

Difference between cream and gel

The composition of both products is absolutely identical; just for ease of use, the manufacturer has released two dosage forms. It’s not difficult to figure out which one to buy; just answer the following questions. What are the differences?

Criterias of choice:

  1. What is your skin type? For dry or sensitive skin, the creamy structure of Differina is ideal. Mechanical impact will be minimal, and efficiency will remain high. The consistency of the cream will provide the skin with additional nutrition and will not create problems with an allergic reaction.
  2. What to do for oily skin? The answer is simple - use Differin gel! it will act a little rougher, but the effect will be noticeable faster. The gel form is ideal for oily skin, for which acne and pimples are almost a natural phenomenon.

Based on these indicators, you can decide on the dosage form of the drug. When taking it, you should take into account the features of this product and some nuances of use. Differin and Baziron are often prescribed in combination. Instructions for using Baziron can be found in this material.

A reasonable and comprehensive approach, regular long-term treatment and consultation with a good specialist are all components of a successful fight against acne and pimples. You should not limit yourself solely to one drug; you need to systematically adjust your diet, lifestyle and your own health. We should not forget that skin manifestations are just a reflection of internal processes, so the entire body must be dealt with and treated. You may also be interested in information about which is better: Skinoren or Baziron.

On the video there is more information about Differin:

Is it better to buy Differin in the form of a cream or gel?

In pharmacies in any city, you can find a large number of medications for the treatment of acne on the face. One of the best drugs in this area is Differin. It comes in two forms: gel and cream. Each patient chooses what suits him best.

The drug itself is produced in France, pharmaceutical. The medication is recommended for patients aged 12 years and older. The drug is also used for preventive actions. You do not need a prescription to purchase this product.

How does Differin cream work?

The main component of the composition is adapalene - a derivative of vitamin A and drugs of the retinoid group.

The effect of this medication leads to the following factors:

  1. The frequency of rashes decreases, and over time, existing skin problems disappear.
  2. The work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized.
  3. Oily skin shine is eliminated.
  4. Differin has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Promotes restoration of the epidermis, thereby reducing the risk of scars and scars on the face.

"Differin" gel and its features

A drug made on the basis of adapalene. It is prescribed in the following cases:

  • To rid the skin of “black dots”.
  • They are recommended not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
  • Use only for mild dermatological diseases.
  • Dermatologists recommend using it in complex therapy against acne.

General indicators of the drug

The drug "Differin" must be prescribed by a dermatologist and self-medication is prohibited.

Depending on the degree of the disease, the patient may need not only cosmetics, but also antibacterial and hormonal drugs.

When choosing a medication, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the person’s skin. It is also necessary to strictly follow the indications of Differin and not violate the contraindications:

  • When a gel or cream is used against “blackheads,” it is prohibited to use cosmetic medications in parallel.
  • In any form of release of the product there is an age restriction. Approved for use only by people over 12 years of age.
  • You cannot use Differin for dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, or rashes caused by allergies.
  • Use of the drug in parallel with one of the retinoids.
  • Contraindications also include individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • After applying a cosmetic product to the face, it is prohibited to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is not recommended to stay in the sun, and also to limit its contact with the skin by any means.
  • The medication is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
  • Allergic reactions to drugs of the retinoid group.
  • It is forbidden to apply the medicine to burned skin.

Side effects of the drug "Differin":

  1. Slight redness of the skin.
  2. Pain in the facial muscles.
  3. Slight irritation and burning.
  4. Tear discharge.

Comparative characteristics of cream and gel "Differin"

Since the composition of the products is very similar, and the common main component is adapalene. The gel form is characterized as follows:

  1. The main auxiliary components are phenoxyethanol and propylene glycol .
  2. The gel form is also used for oily skin types. It will act more roughly, but will lead to effect faster.
  3. Available in plastic tubes of 30 g.

The cream is characterized by the following features:

  • Auxiliary components include carbomer (974 r or 934 r) and glycerol.
  • Release form in aluminum tubes of 30 grams.
  • It is recommended to use it for dry as well as sensitive skin. The creamy structure will allow you to further saturate the skin of your face and will not cause an allergic reaction.

The main distinguishing features are also:

  1. Various technological methods for the production of drugs, as well as obtaining their active compounds.
  2. The chemical purity of medications also differs.

In what cases and what is better to use?

Since the principle of action and the basic composition of the cream and gel are identical, the choice of the form of the drug depends on the type of human skin:

  • For dry skin, experts recommend cream, because it has a softer structure.
  • The gel is best used for patients with oily skin. Due to its structure, it not only stabilizes the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also serves as a kind of scrub for dead skin.

The optimal time for conducting a treatment course is from October to the end of March. The drug is suitable for the treatment of non-advanced forms of acne and acne, that is, the initial and middle stages. If there are inflammatory processes on the face, the medication can be supplemented with other medications or replaced altogether.

Differin has a high degree of activity, so in the initial stages of use it may cause slight skin irritation. These include symptoms of burning, redness and dryness. All these symptoms disappear in no more than 7 days. In other cases, the medication is replaced with another.

Use the cream or gel strictly according to the instructions:

  • Cleanse the skin without using scrubs or other cleansers.
  • Dry your face with a soft waffle towel.
  • After 10-15 minutes, apply to the skin with circular movements and a thin layer. Side effects develop from an overdose of cream or gel.
  • Remove excess medication with a damp cloth.
  • Use only once every 24 hours and best before bed.
  • Apply every day without skipping for at least three months.
  • Noticeable results will appear in 1.5 months .
  • If, after using the product, your skin feels tight and dry, it is better to apply a moisturizing and soothing cream to your face.

Differin is only part of a comprehensive treatment. To get rid of the disease completely you need:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene for skin care.
  2. Stick to a diet and exclude allergenic foods.
  3. Minimize, or better yet eliminate, spicy and fatty foods.

If you use the drug correctly and adhere to the right lifestyle, then as a result you can achieve clean and healthy facial skin, as well as a properly functioning body.



  • Lilya: “I’ve been using Differin cream for almost a week now, so far the results are good, but the doctor warned that the treatment will be very long. The general condition of the skin has improved, the redness has subsided and severe volcanic acne seems to have become smaller. I don’t have any serious problems, but since my skin is somehow unhealthy, constantly greasy and periodically covered in pimples, I decided to go to the dermatologist. At the moment, the greatest delight is caused by the reduction of oily sheen. Of course, there is still a long way to go to an ideal matte face, but the relative result is also noticeable, I will continue to use it.”
  • Alexander: “The problem of acne has been familiar to me almost since childhood. Transitional age is scary to remember, even the scars remain from those acne. Now the skin condition is more or less normal, but I would like it to be better. I neglected to go to the dermatologist and bought this product at the pharmacy on the advice of a pharmacist. Not a bad result, especially since you can apply it once a day, it’s very convenient. The only drawback, as for me, is the cost; they say that analogues can be bought several times cheaper.”
  • Angela: “I’ve been using Differin for two months now, at first the effect was simply amazing: almost my entire face cleared up and particularly large rashes disappeared. Then the skin began to renew: the old skin peeled off and peeled off, acne appeared again, in general, horror. The dermatologist said that this is a natural process and you need to be patient a little. I used scrubs and put on foundation for half my salary, but I met the deadline. Now I won’t say that everything is rosy, but it’s relatively good: the surface has leveled out a little, new skin appears better than the old one. There are still rashes and acne, but I think we can handle them. The only thing I’m afraid of is that in the summer I’ll have to interrupt the course of treatment, maybe everything will remain the same again.”

The principle of action on acne

Adapalene is a synthetic retinoid that is a derivative of naphthoic acid. The active substance helps get rid of blackheads, comedones and pimples due to the following effects on tissue:

  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • stimulation of cell renewal;
  • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.

The component helps tissues affected by the inflammatory process recover much faster. In addition, it prevents the formation of sebaceous plugs, which cause blackheads, comedones and pimples.


Differin is an effective new generation drug that is successfully used in the treatment of acne and gives good results.

However, the drug often leads to the development of an allergic reaction and is not recommended for use in pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Long-term treatment with the drug is required, which is 3 months. Due to the long course, the medication is often replaced with analogues that contain an antibiotic or antimicrobial component, which allows reducing the duration of therapy from several months to 2 weeks.

The retinoid is not recommended for use without a dermatologist's prescription, since before starting acne treatment, the true cause of its development should be determined using special tests. In addition, acne in most cases is treated comprehensively. In addition to the use of external medicinal products, it is necessary to properly care for the skin, adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Reviews of use, photos before and after use

Hello! I also suffer greatly from this acne disease. I smeared everything on my face, but the acne never went away. The face was so disfigured, inflamed, all covered in purulent bumps and so painful. There was no limit to nervous breakdowns. But two weeks ago I started using Differin at night and Zinerit during the day. Everything immediately worsened, I continue to use these drugs. Now it’s the third week, the skin is terribly dry and stretched, the red face is just terrible, but all the inflammation has gone away, the blackheads have also disappeared, the skin on the cheeks is evening out. I’m also planning to buy Baziron, I’m patient with all my might, the visible results are worth the patience. The main thing is patience and not to give up treatment. I wish you good luck and patience!


I have been using Differin for 4 months together with Baziron. At first I used only Baziron, but I decided to try combining it with Differin, alternating between daytime and evening applications. I mainly use Differin during the day, since it does not leave whitish traces (unlike Baziron), but if I know that I will be at home, then Baziron in the morning, and Differin in the evening. My skin is oily, capricious and prone to irritation, Differin irritates the least, but with Baziron the whole face turns red and dries out. I also used Klenzit and Klenzit S, I didn’t see any improvements, but with Differin there seems to be progress. The downside to these products is the price, the small tube is too bitey) In general, after a month, the skin began to look better, improvements were noticeable. I continue to use it as long as I'm happy with it.


Photos before and after using Differin

Application diagram

The instructions recommend using Differin cream or gel for acne according to the following scheme:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin by washing with a specialized gel.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the product to problem areas, which should be not only clean, but also dry.
  3. Apply up to two times a day in the morning and evening immediately after washing.

The first positive results are noticeable after a month of regular use. There is a reduction in inflammatory elements and blackheads on the skin.

If there are a large number of blackheads, the retinoid should be applied to the problem areas in a thin layer every 3-4 days.

In the first 2 weeks of use, adverse reactions often occur, such as peeling of the skin and slight itching, which in most cases do not require discontinuation of the drug and go away on their own.

Special instructions and possible consequences

Differin for acne should not be applied to the skin in the following cases:

  • presence of eczema or dermatitis;
  • neoplasms of any etiology;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • use of systemic retinoids.

If you are intolerant to adapalene, the retinoid provokes adverse reactions such as contact dermatitis, excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, the appearance of pigment spots, itching and burning at the sites of application.

During treatment, due to the high risk of developing hyperpigmentation, it is forbidden to visit a solarium or be in the sun.

What should you not use Differin with?

Although adapalene in certain forms of the disease is recommended to be combined with baziron and antibiotics, they cannot be applied at the same time and to the same areas of the skin, since this can significantly reduce the results of the first.

It is also not recommended to combine it with the use of:

  • other drugs from the retinoid group;
  • peeling and abrasive cleansers;
  • skin-drying agents, including sulfur- and zinc-containing products;
  • aromatic products that irritate the skin, irritating soaps, as well as solutions (even aqueous) with salicylic acid;
  • photosensitizing agents and procedures involving ultraviolet and laser radiation.
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