Secrets of physiognomy: reading a person by the shape of their nose

What does a potato nose look like?

Women's potato noses stand out in the photo. The shape was so named because of its round and wide tip. Owners of this feature in Russia are considered simple-minded and naive. A wide nose can become even larger with age as tissue elasticity is lost.

Recently, small, neat noses with a narrow bridge and tip have become fashionable. Many representatives of the fairer sex resort to all possible methods in pursuit of fashion and beauty.

Main parameters of the nose

Let's focus on the nose and take a closer look at its features. The nose is located in the center of the face and is its most convex part.

The following parameters can be considered decisive.


  • A long nose indicates that a person is stubborn.
  • A very long nose hints at the possibility of great achievements in the intellectual sphere or the capriciousness of a given individual, as physiognomy interprets it.
  • A wide nose means melancholy; such a person is calm, thoughtful and reliable.
  • People with short noses are open, positive and friendly.


  • A thin and slightly angular nose can be a sign of poor concentration. If a small hump is added to this, the person is most likely proud and stubborn; he is not alien to a certain aggressiveness and determination.
  • The narrow nose is a hardworking person, but any benefits do not come easily to him and require exhausting work from him.
  • Non-emotional and calculating individuals, as a rule, have a nose with a flat back and wide wings.
  • If a woman has a small nose, she is quite jealous, and if she has a tall nose with a pronounced back, she can easily compete with any man for a high position in society, says the science of physiognomy.

tip of the nose

  • If this part of the nose has a rounded shape, a person has every chance of becoming a prosperous and successful person.
  • If the tip of the nose droops, the person is hypersexual.
  • Physiognomy characterizes a sharp nose as a treacherous and unreliable nature.
  • The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle, means vindictiveness.

  • The full and large tip is good-heartedness, friendliness, a tendency to act to the detriment of one’s own interests for the sake of others.
  • An overly saggy tip, which hangs over the upper lip, does not indicate a positive character, but does indicate a tendency towards betrayal.
  • Physiognomy interprets an upturned nose as freedom from sexual prejudice and the inability to keep secrets.
  • Rancor, suspiciousness and suspicion are the eternal companions of a person with a split nose.

In general, physiognomy considers as many as 24 signs related directly to the nose, and this amounts to about 576 different variations.

Methods for correcting the shape of the nose

You can correct the shape of your nose to improve its aesthetics without surgery, using injections. To solve the problem of patients with septal deformities and impaired respiratory function, they resort to surgical rhinoplasty.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Potato noses in women in photos can be removed using photo editing programs, but in life, most often they resort to non-surgical rhinoplasty. Nose correction using injection plastic surgery allows you to change the shape, size, correct the surgeon’s mistakes after rhinoplasty, and hide skin defects.

Benefits of cosmetic correction:

  • lack of long-term rehabilitation;
  • there is no swelling or bruising after the procedure;
  • general anesthesia is not used;
  • the patient can see the changes in real time in the mirror.

The use of general anesthesia, as in the case of surgery, is a risk to the health and life of the patient.

Surgical rhinoplasty

Classic rhinoplasty is now performed using innovative technologies. Instead of a conventional scalpel, surgeons use a laser beam, which eliminates errors and irregularities in the cut line. This technique allows you to immediately seal open capillaries, closing the cut line from infections and bacteria.

Rhinoplasty is considered the most difficult plastic surgery, so not every good surgeon will undertake it just to change a person’s appearance.

The recovery period after surgical rhinoplasty is usually 2 weeks. During this time, a splint is placed on the patient’s nose and a bandage is applied on top. All this time, the person has difficulty breathing, swelling and pain interfere with him.

The advantages of this correction technique:

  • correction of serious defects that create discomfort for a person;
  • the result of the operation lasts for many years.

The photo shows how a potato nose is corrected in women using rhinoplasty.
Women's potato noses in the photo before surgery look much larger in size than in the photo after the recovery period. But in many cases, the original nose shape looks much more natural.

A little history

In Ancient Greece and Rome, not only a beautiful body was valued, but also a nose of the correct shape, obviously, this is where the concept of a Roman or Greek nose came from. This form can be seen on ancient sculptures that reflected the standard of female beauty. In Ancient Greece, correct, clear lines were highly valued, so the face had to have large expressive eyes, a thin straight nose and a low forehead with curls of blond hair.

At that time, strict and noble beauty was in fashion. Women practically did not cut their hair; they styled it in a knot and tied it with a ribbon. The hairstyle is called the “Antique Knot” and it is still popular with some girls. In Ancient Egypt, a slender, but not thin body and long legs were highly valued. The Egyptians also constantly used cosmetics, painting themselves bright eyebrows and expressive eyes.

Times are changing, modern girls now pay more attention to the covers of glossy magazines and TV screens. There they find standards of beauty for themselves with ideal body shapes and facial features, the shape of the nose. Much of what they see makes them decide to undergo rhinoplasty .

Indications for surgery

Absolute indications for open nasal surgery:

  • it is necessary to remove the hump on the bridge of the nose;
  • there is curvature of the septum;
  • congenital pathological conditions;
  • asymmetry that interferes with normal human functioning;
  • respiratory dysfunction due to injury;
  • permanent dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • improper development of bone or cartilage tissue;
  • snore.

Optional indications include aesthetic factors:

  • need to correct the form;
  • thick tip of the nose;
  • excessively large nose, which spoils the appearance and is disproportionate to the rest of the face.

Rhinoplasty is a complex operation that requires the surgeon to have a lot of experience and high qualifications, since erroneous movements can ruin the patient’s entire future life.

Indications for potato nose surgery

Considering the complexity of rhinoplasty, surgical intervention is performed for special indications, but in fact, only the patient’s desire is enough. Common indications include:

  • dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance, so in a conversation with a surgeon they evaluate how objective a person is;
  • defects of cartilage, bone and soft tissue that interfere with normal nasal breathing;
  • defects after injuries;
  • breathing problems associated with the structural features of nasal tissues and structures;
  • the appearance of snoring, wheezing when talking, breathing;
  • frequent drying of the mucous membranes caused by the shape of the nasal passages.

After rhinoplasty to change the shape of the nose due to its imperfections, the result is immediately visible. Jewelry precision in performing the intervention not only frees breathing, but also gives self-confidence.


Main contraindications to plastic surgery:

  • oncological diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • psychiatric disorders;
  • heart failure;
  • some diseases of the endocrinological system;
  • liver pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy period.

These contraindications are absolute; even planned operations are performed in such cases only if there is a threat to life.

Operation stages

Rhinoplasty surgically is a complex step-by-step operation. The course of the procedure is determined by the type of defect, the patient’s condition, the individual reactions of the body, and the surgeon’s working methods.

The basic, generally accepted algorithm for rhinoplasty:

  1. before the operation, the doctor marks the incision sites on the patient’s nose with a medical marker;
  2. first of all, defects such as the presence of a hump that needs to be removed are eliminated;
  3. then steps are taken to straighten the septum to eliminate defects for medical reasons (if any);
  4. then the surgeon performs cosmetic corrections: narrows the tip of the nose, brings the bones of the bridge of the nose closer together so that the nose looks narrower, shortens the length of the nose, and so on;
  5. then the final stage is performed: dressing the nose, applying a splint.

The dressing process is very important, as it is what supports the tissues and tip of the nose until it is completely restored and healed.

Recovery after rhinoplasty

The patient's recovery process after surgical rhinoplasty takes an average of two weeks. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the individual parameters of the body and the complexity of the operation performed. Patients are capable of independent living; after the first days after surgery, they can wash their hair themselves.

The entire recovery process takes place at home and is divided into 2 stages:

  1. The first week of rehabilitation is characterized by the most unpleasant pain sensations: swelling, pain, bruises. Patients have difficulty breathing, so at first it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops. To remove blood clots, the insides of the nose must be washed with a special solution. The nose must also be treated with disinfectants.
  2. Second week - the splint and bandage are removed, swelling usually persists, bruises begin to change color. During this period, it is necessary to take all prescribed medications and not injure the nasal area.

After 14 days of the recovery period, swelling begins to subside, bruises begin to turn yellow, and blood drains from the eyes. The patient begins to return to his daily routine.

Possible complications of the operation

Popular complications of surgical rhinoplasty:

  • lack of the desired result;
  • long subsidence of edema;
  • presence of hematomas;
  • deformation of bone tissue;
  • difficulty breathing due to narrowing of the nostrils;
  • hardening of tissues at the tip of the nose;
  • lack of tissue sensitivity.

Many discomfort sensations may remain temporarily after the recovery period, this is due to the individual reaction of the patient’s body. But due to the surgeon’s erroneous actions, the patient may get serious problems with the respiratory system, which will be very difficult to correct.

How to make a straight Greek nose

The nose is a characteristic feature on the face. It is he who speaks about human character. It is most often the focus of attention. Therefore, people with a public profession often want their profile to be impeccable.

The only way to get a straight Greek nose is rhinoplasty. This is the most popular operation. Most often, people want to make it thin, graceful, straight, reduce the nostrils and straighten the back.

We recommend reading about non-surgical rhinoplasty. From the article you will learn about indications and contraindications for the procedure, types of fillers, technique, recovery period and results. Read more about wide nose rhinoplasty here.

Despite the fact that the Greek nose is still considered the standard of beauty, it is important to take into account all the individual characteristics of a particular person. It is always important to consider your individuality. In addition, it is believed that by changing the shape of the nose, you can acquire new character traits or lose existing ones.

How to model the shape of the nose non-surgically

Non-surgical rhinoplasty involves the injection of drugs under the skin. After examining the patient and listening to his wishes, the doctor determines which drugs need to be used in dealing with this particular case. Next, an anesthetic cream is applied to the patient, then fillers are injected into the correction sites.

The main disadvantages of this procedure:

  • short-term effect;
  • high price;
  • the need to maintain the result.

bridge of the nose

Monica Lewinsky

A wide bridge of the nose (an example is the well-known Monica Lewinsky) inclines a person to investigative behavior. In science, psychology and the practice of investigative bodies, this is a most valuable quality, but in ordinary life it can lead to conflicts. In addition, people with this feature sometimes have difficulty setting goals—they need help choosing a goal.

Prince Charles

A narrow bridge of the nose (for example, Prince Charles) gives excellent goal setting and completely predictable behavior that is comfortable for others. Although... openness in behavior does not always please those who are nearby with its frankness.

Challenge: Which bridge of your nose would you choose to be the head of security for your corporation?

How are injections done?

The injection technique for correcting the nose is always carried out using anesthetic gels, which are applied to the patient’s skin for a while for an analgesic effect.

There are 2 most popular methods of administering the drug:

  • introduction of gel hypoallergenic fillers to fill voids, dimples, straighten irregularities on the nose;
  • use for the correction of hormonal drugs that can break down fat and excess tissue. This technique allows you to straighten the nose and visually reduce its tip.

The rhinoplasty procedure using tissue-soluble drugs requires a lot of experience from the specialist, since the result directly depends on the calculation of the dosage and the injection site. Many doctors carry out this procedure in several stages, gradually observing changes and introducing small doses of filler.

How to fix a potato nose with rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex surgical operations to eliminate external defects and restore functionality. Seventy percent of the population who resorted to this surgical intervention had surgery to change the shape of the nose. The remaining thirty are to get rid of chronic ENT diseases.

Indications for surgery are:

  1. An abnormal structure passed on at the genetic level from parent to child.
  2. Deformation after injury.
  3. Difficulty breathing due to improper development of the septum and nasal passages.
  4. Insufficient mucus production.
  5. Incessant migraine-type headaches.
  6. Snoring during sleep.

Not for medical reasons, but at the request of the patient himself, surgical intervention is performed to change the shape of the nose with a potato.

Contraindications to surgical intervention – rhinoplasty.

  1. The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  2. Poor blood clotting.
  3. There is an age limit. Rhinoplasty is not performed on persons under eighteen years of age.
  4. Presence of acute forms of infectious diseases at the time of surgery.
  5. Surgical intervention is performed with extreme caution on persons over forty-five years of age.
  6. Diabetes mellitus at any stage.
  7. Pregnancy throughout all three trimesters and the period of natural feeding of the child.

There are several types of rhinoplasty:

Potato rhinoplasty methods

  1. Open. When the incision is made not only on the mucous membrane, but also on the skin between the nasal passages. During surgery, the doctor cuts off the skin from the soft tissue and can fully observe the progress of the upcoming procedure.
  2. Closed. When incisions are made only on the mucous membrane, during which the mucous membrane is detached and its deficiencies are eliminated. The specialist cannot control the progress of the procedure visually. It is done by touch. Closed rhinoplasty does not leave scars.


Before you undergo rhinoplasty, you need to choose a qualified specialist and work with him to model the shape you want to receive after the operation at the first consultation. Modern medicine allows you to simulate the final result on a computer.

The doctor writes out directions for tests

After selecting the form, the specialist prescribes the patient to undergo a series of clinical tests:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Pregnancy test for women.
  • Fluorography this year.
  • Immunodeficiency virus test.
  • Clinical analysis for syphilis and hepatitis of all groups.
  • Electrocardiogram of the heart.
  • X-ray of the nose.
  • Ultrasound examination on an individual basis as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Consultation with a therapist and anesthesiologist to select anesthesia and exclude side effects on its components.

After passing the tests, a day for rhinoplasty is scheduled.

With the results of the tests, the patient comes to the doctor at the appointed time for a second consultation. During the visit, the type of surgical intervention is selected. If all the indicators suit the specialist, he sets a date for the operation.

Seven days before surgery, the patient is prohibited from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as blood thinners and eating a lot of citrus fruits, which make the blood more fluid.

On the appointed day of the operation, men are clean-shaven, women do not use decorative cosmetics. The patient must arrive at the hospital with the necessary things for the postoperative period.

Progress of rhinoplasty:

  1. The patient is given general anesthesia.
  2. The face is treated with seventy percent ethyl alcohol.
  3. Depending on the choice of closed or open rhinoplasty, the doctor makes an incision and cuts off a piece of soft tissue at the tip of the nose.
  4. Then the doctor stitches the legs of the lower lateral cartilages and, if necessary, uses cartilage grafts.
  5. After that, stitches are applied to the incisions.
  6. A tight tamponade of the nasal passages is performed and a bandage is applied.

Photo gallery of rhinoplasty on the potato nose:

If there are no complications during rhinoplasty, the operation takes no more than two hours.

Rehabilitation period.

The patient is in the hospital under the supervision of medical personnel for three days. Visually, the nose is bluish in color, swelling and hyperemia are observed. Rehabilitation continues at home. The patient is not allowed to carry out heavy physical activity, bend forward, or sleep with his face buried in a pillow. It is necessary to follow all recommendations, attend consultations and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Injection surgery aims to change the appearance of the nose without surgery. The non-surgical correction involves injecting a specialized gel into the tip. Patients who used this method of adjustment noted absolute painlessness, a minimum of time spent (no more than thirty minutes) and the absence of scars.

Injection rhinoplasty of the nose with potatoes

The disadvantages of injection rhinoplasty are that the effect is short-lived. After one year, the gel dissolves and the correction must be repeated again.

Types of injection rhinoplasty:

  • Filling the tip of the nose with a specialized gel.
  • The use of hormonal drugs that affect excess soft tissue.
  • Using Artos threads to model the tip.
  • Applying a splint that models the shape.

Progress of the rhinoplasty procedure using gel:

  1. Injection rhinoplasty is performed under local anesthesia.
  2. The face must be cleansed of cosmetics.
  3. The skin is treated with alcohol.
  4. The gel is injected into the tip of the nose through the mucous membrane and skin using a specialized syringe.
  5. After the correction, an immobilizing splint is applied.

The rehabilitation period passes without complications.

Preparations for injections

Types of drugs used for non-surgical rhinoplasty:

  • Gel fillers are used to correct external defects, for example, a protruding hump on the bridge of the nose. The filler is injected subcutaneously using a thin needle:
  • Synthetic drugs differ in the duration of the effect; now they are little used, since breakdown products are not removed from the body.
  • Biodegradable drugs are 100% excreted from the body and adapt to the composition of skin tissue and adipose tissue. The composition usually includes a large amount of hyaluronic acid and natural collagen. The effect of such procedures has to be constantly extended.
  • Autoimmune drugs contain real human adipose tissue. The introduction of such fillers under the skin has no contraindications. The body rarely rejects such fillers.

Nasal correction procedures with autologous drugs are expensive.

Nostril width

The width of the nostrils, like the shape and length of the nose, can say a lot about a person’s character. Their width determines the temperament of a person. It is believed that a person with wide nostrils can inhale a large amount of air, which is the main source of vital activity.

A person with wide nostrils is quickly inspired by an idea and is ready to take action at that very second, but very quickly cools down and is deflated. Long-term goals are not his strong point.

A person with narrow nostrils will be the complete opposite of the previous one. He performs tasks efficiently that require a long time, and also has a balanced character, as physiognomy states.

A hooked nose gives its owner a changeable disposition. Impermanence manifests itself in all areas of life. Many different ideas come to him, which is why a person rushes from one type of activity to another and cannot decide. In addition, such people are easily hurt. Sometimes in the process of communication they can rub their hump, which means that some words have touched the person to the quick.

Possible consequences and complications of injection rhinoplasty

Main, common complications:

  • severe pain during recovery;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • tissue compaction at the injection site;
  • bruises;
  • infectious infections;
  • hematomas;
  • allergy to filler;
  • deformation of the nose.

Negative consequences can be short-term, as an individual reaction of the body, or they can remain for many years. With the first manifestations of complications, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, since symptoms may signal infection of the body.

Physiological characteristics of large noses in men and women

Research conducted by American scientists has led to the conclusion that people with large noses are less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases due to longer nasal passages, in which air is retained somewhat longer, which means it has time to warm up and get rid of some pathogenic microbes. According to statistics, seven percent fewer microorganisms enter the body of those with large noses, as well as plant pollen, which provokes allergy attacks.

Cost of injection and surgical rhinoplasty

Surgical rhinoplasty is considered the most expensive plastic procedure, as it requires maximum dedication and attention from the surgeon. The cost of a non-surgical adjustment procedure varies depending on the method chosen and the tasks set.

The introduction of fillers with hyaluronic acid can cost the patient from 14,000 to 25,000 rubles.

The price for a procedure with injections of hormonal drugs ranges from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. Surgical rhinoplasty costs much more. The cost depends on the complexity and defect. The average price in Moscow is 115,000 rubles.

How to hide your nose with a “potato” without surgery

Potato noses in women can be externally corrected without surgery or injections. The right makeup can change the shape of the nose; in the photo, such a correction looks perfect.


To create the correct, corrective makeup, you will need a high-quality tone - a sculptor, which has two colors: dark and light. Areas that should appear more subtle are darkened, such as on both sides of the bridge of the nose and at the bottom of the tip.

The upper line of the bridge of the nose and the point at the tip of the nose are highlighted. This creates the effect of a thin, aristocratic nose. It is recommended to apply a highlighter over the whitened areas to give a glowing effect to the face.


A well-chosen hairstyle can help hide a flaw such as a wide nose. For a distracting maneuver, you need to choose an interesting haircut or contrasting coloring. To select a suitable solution, you need to contact an experienced craftsman who understands how to create a complete image.


Hats with visors or brims help to visually reduce the tip of the nose and distract attention from it.


Bright and interesting clothes will help complete a complete, attractive look, looking at which no one will notice any flaws.

A potato nose causes some women to have negative emotions about their appearance, especially when they look at photos of themselves, since the camera tends to magnify large facial features. Not every woman decides to go under the surgeon’s knife, but without any contraindications, the situation can be corrected with the help of injection plastic surgery or a competent stylist.

A girl, a woman, a man has a snub nose: what is his character?

  • A snub nose differs from a snub nose in that it is more rounded and fleshy in shape. A person with such a nose is easy to communicate with, because the interlocutor inevitably gains confidence in him.
  • The owner of a snub nose is distinguished by eloquence and calmness.
  • He simply exudes reliability and readiness for mutual assistance, even if their work and business suffers as a result.
  • The snub nose gives the face a special charm. As a rule, such a nose is found in people with Slavic roots.

Snub nose and character
Snub nose in a woman: meaning

  • Representatives of the fair sex with a snub nose are distinguished by optimism, kindness and responsiveness. Such ladies are energetic, with a rich imagination and a penchant for adventure, which makes them participants in dubious adventures.
  • Snub-nosed women give themselves over completely to love impulses, without thinking about the consequences of their romances. Such women tend to change men like signets, because they are not constancy. The support of family and friends is important to them.

A man's snub nose: meaning

  • Men with snub noses are generous and kind. In their work they demonstrate such qualities as accuracy, scrupulousness, and responsibility.
  • People with snub noses are natural extroverts. They do not tolerate intriguers and gossips in their environment, therefore in the team they are valued as decent and fair.
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