Baziron for acne is an amazing remedy, BUT... Before and after photos inside

It is recommended to use Baziron AS for acne as prescribed by a doctor, since the medication has contraindications and is likely to cause unwanted reactions. The medication helps with blackheads and works well with comedones on the back and other areas of the body and face. You can purchase the drug at the pharmacy in the form of a gel. If, after using Baziron AS, unpleasant symptoms appear or the drug does not have a positive effect, then you should consult a doctor who will select an analogue.

Composition and form of production

The main component of the pharmaceutical drug is benzoyl peroxide.

The gel "Baziron AC" is available in 2.5, 5 and 10 percent, and the doctor prescribes which medication to use. The difference between medications lies in the quantitative content of the main component, which is presented in the table:

Forms of release, %Substance content, mg

To enhance the healing effect, the drug Basiron against comedones also includes other components, namely:

Glycerin in the composition of the medication improves the penetration of active components into the deeper layers of the skin.

  • poloxamer 182, which has a cleansing and softening effect;
  • methacrylic acid copolymer;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol, which is a colorless liquid with hygroscopic properties;
  • docusate sodium, which serves as a laxative;
  • carbomer 940 - gelling agent;
  • disodium edetate;
  • purified water;
  • silicon dioxide colloid;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Baziron's analogs

Baziron is not the only remedy for acne, pimples, it also has analogues:

  • Eclaran,
  • Ugresol,
  • AcneFree,
  • Pan Oxyl.



Pan Oxyl

All these creams are also based on benzoyl peroxide. There are drugs in which the main components are different, but they are also successfully used in acne therapy:

  • Zenerite. The active ingredient is erythromycin.
  • Skinoren. Its base is azelaic acid.
  • Differin. The product is based on adapalene.
  • Baneocin. This drug contains the antibiotics neomycin and bacitracin.
  • Aknesept. The main component is clindamycin.




It is difficult to determine which drug is better. For some patients, Baziron is more effective, while others, having tried it, refuse it and get rid of acne with antibiotic-based creams. We can only say for sure that all other listed funds are cheaper.

Mechanism of operation

The main property of the pharmaceutical product “Baziron AS” for comedones is its antiseptic effect. After using the medication, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the epidermis is suppressed. The active substance and additional components of the drug have the following positive effects:

  • dead skin cells are exfoliated;
  • sebum production is suppressed;
  • the skin is supplied with oxygen at the site of comedones formation.

Additional components are aimed at uniform distribution of benzoyl peroxide, thereby preventing drying out of the epidermis. After applying Baziron AS to the skin, the components accumulate in the skin, but practically do not enter the bloodstream. The following positive qualities of a drug for acne are highlighted:

The drug is absolutely non-toxic and is eliminated from the body through the renal system.

  • metabolism in epidermal cells, where the drug becomes benzoic acid;
  • exits through the kidneys;
  • does not settle in body tissues;
  • no toxic effects;
  • System violations are not recorded.

Indications for use

The indication for the use of Baziron is acne of any severity and localization. The drug copes well with acne located on the nose, chin, and forehead.

It is included in therapeutic regimens when any clinical manifestation of acne is detected:

  • subcutaneous acne - dense to the touch nodules under the epidermis layer, filled with purulent contents;
  • closed comedones - whitish nodules;
  • blackheads - open comedones;
  • inflammatory elements - papules (nodules) and pustules (pustules).

Acne can also be an external manifestation of demodicosis. This is the name of a skin lesion caused by an opportunistic parasite. This is a mite from the genus Demodex, which lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. With the help of Baziron you will not be able to get rid of the parasite. The drug is prescribed to patients to eliminate inflammation, reduce the severity of itching and pain.

The product is used to relieve symptoms of demodicosis

Cosmetologists also use Baziron in their practice for the treatment and prevention of acne. But they recommend it to patients only after studying the results of biochemical studies. This drug is most often used in the initial stages of acne development.

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Who is it shown to?

It is recommended to apply Baziron AS gel to the epidermis only as prescribed by a doctor, so that no damaged marks remain and other unpleasant symptoms do not occur. The use of local medicine is indicated for problematic skin on the face and other parts of the body. It is worth using the medication not only during the formation of comedones, but also in other cases:

  • acne;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • acne due to hormonal imbalance;
  • acne after using steroids;
  • eliminating marks after other rashes;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

The use of "Baziron AS" is allowed in case of formation of purulent pimples of any localization.

Briefly about the problem

Acne is a pathology of the sebaceous glands, which is characterized by blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles. The disease is quite treatable, but only if several conditions are met. During the treatment process, it is necessary to adhere to hygiene standards. You need to wash your face several times a day and do not use low-quality decorative cosmetics. You should avoid greasy care creams and products that excessively dry out the skin.

But the most important thing is to establish the cause of acne development. After all, it is not always provoked by hormonal fluctuations. Acne forms on the body and face for many reasons:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • acute experience not only of stressful situations, but also of banal ordinary conflicts;
  • excessive cleanliness, leading to a decrease in local immunity;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • taking certain medications, such as glucocorticosteroids.

The formation of acne on the skin can be caused by many reasons.
If the factor causing acne is eliminated, then there is no need to use medications. But if you have a disorder of the immune or endocrine system, you cannot do without treatment. After all, acne brings a lot of worries about their appearance to people of any gender and age.

Instructions for use

The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area of ​​the epidermis twice a day.
In order for the anti-comedone gel to bring maximum effect, you need to know how to use it correctly. It is worth avoiding the interaction of Barizon AS with other medications with similar effects, so that negative manifestations do not occur. Each package contains instructions for use, which must be read before treatment. The manipulation is performed as follows:

  • Wash your face or rinse another area of ​​skin where comedones have formed with running water.
  • Apply Baziron AS cream in a thin layer, trying to distribute it as much as possible over the entire affected area.
  • Procedures are carried out in the morning and evening hours for best results.

Results from gel therapy are noticeable 21-30 days after starting to use the medication. To achieve a lasting effect, you need to be treated with the drug for at least 3 months. Rashes often appear on the skin after applying Baziron AS for comedones. To prevent this effect, you must first lubricate the epidermis with a lotion that does not contain alcohol.

Special instructions for use

In the first few days (usually 3-5) of using the medication, the patient may experience slight tingling, burning, redness, and peeling of the skin. Such phenomena are not dangerous, most often mildly expressed, and completely disappear within a few days.

If the patient develops severe skin irritation, use of the drug should be immediately suspended until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. After this, the course of therapy should be resumed, reducing the number of applications and changing the concentration of the gel. If side effects recur, it is important to completely stop using it.

According to reviews of “Baziron AS” for acne on the face, when the product is applied in excess in a thick layer, its therapeutic effect does not increase, but the epidermis becomes dry, the patient develops irritation, as well as accelerated addiction to the medication.

When using the medication, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. It is prohibited to apply the gel to areas of skin with wounds, damage and signs of erosion.
  2. If the medicine accidentally gets into the mucous membranes, eyes, nose or mouth, it is necessary to immediately rinse with warm water.
  3. During the course of treatment, active exposure to sunlight on the treated areas should be avoided. This will prevent the development of severe irritation and hyperpigmentation. Benzoyl peroxide increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Experts recommend using large sunglasses, visors, and products with a high degree of sun protection during this period.
  4. The simultaneous use of alcohol-containing and skin-drying products is not recommended.
  5. It is important to keep in mind that when the gel comes into contact with colored hair or materials, it can cause a change in color.


Although the medication effectively relieves the patient of acne spots, comedones and other pathological rashes, there are some cases in which it is not recommended to use Baziron AS. Before treatment, be sure to consult and check with your doctor about the permissible dosage. The gel is contraindicated when carrying a baby, and women who are breastfeeding should not use the medicine. Refrain from therapy with Baziron AS in the following cases:

  • age less than 12 years;
  • negative reaction to active and auxiliary substances;
  • tendency to an allergic reaction.

Are there any possible side effects?

Undesirable reactions, such as burning of the skin, may occur when using a larger dose than prescribed by the doctor.
If you use Baziron AS ointment in a larger dosage than the doctor prescribed, or do not follow other instructions from a specialist, then there is a high risk of developing unpleasant symptoms. Systemic adverse reactions are almost never recorded; only severe allergies and irritation to the skin are possible. Often, after applying Baziron AS, the following signs are recorded:

  • burning sensations;
  • redness of the epidermis.

The result before and after using Baziron AS

Before use, Baziron AC seems like a panacea to many, but the effect will appear only after a month of use:

  • the face will become less shiny;
  • pores will narrow as sebum production decreases;
  • there will be fewer acne, and after 3 months they will disappear completely;
  • subcutaneous pimples will no longer bother you, as the inflammatory process that causes them to form will disappear;
  • The skin color will become uniform and the texture will be smoother due to the exfoliation of dead skin particles.

Before and after using Baziron

What to replace it with?

If for some reason it is not possible to get rid of comedones of different localizations with the help of Baziron AS, then no less effective analogues are prescribed. In such cases, the dosage is adjusted by the doctor individually for each patient. Tetracycline and erythromycin ointment have similar properties. You can also use drugs such as Skinoren, Adaklin, Differin, Zinerit. Independent use of the analogue is not recommended, since it can aggravate the course of the pathology, and more comedones will appear.

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