Greek men: character traits, appearance and clothing style

Judging by the standards of ancient Greek artists and sculptors, a person's forehead should be low and easily meet the bridge of the nose. Instead of the bridge of the nose, only a slight indentation is permissible. This can be seen by looking at ancient helmets, where the protective plate serves as a continuation of the line. The deep setting of the eyes further emphasizes the deepening.

Initially, such profiles were found in red-figure ceramics. The contour began to look smoother, the forehead narrowed, the chin shortened, the nose became straighter and shorter. Basically, positive heroes, mythological gods and their children were endowed with such facial features. It is generally accepted that owners of a Greek nose have a reserved character, are able to think logically, and are not prone to panic. Today, a straight Greek nose is considered ideal. Even Hollywood stars resort to plastic surgery to adjust their appearance to ancient standards.

Greek style of clothing for men

Design motifs from ancient Hellas, the land of the gods of Olympus, are still echoed in the latest collections of fashion designers.
Since ancient times, the Greek nation has glorified the beauty of the human body. There was a real cult of good physical shape. The clothing of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not typical for it. The silhouette-lengthening robes often resembled majestic white temples with their strict outlines. Greek clothing for men was spacious - there were capes, cloaks, and under them - loose pants with shirts. However, these days no one wears such things anymore, they are inconvenient and impractical. Modern Greek men wear European-style clothing. Although many people wear national costumes to ancient Greek festivals.

Even with the hot climate inherent in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. There were always many folds in them where bladed weapons were hidden. The Greeks were in constant wars throughout their history, instantly transforming from peaceful peasants into brave armed partisans.

Greek clothing

The ancient Greeks not only achieved great success in various spheres of culture, but also succeeded in the art of dressing well: they were the first to come to the idea that people in their splendor are like gods, and the human body is a mirror reflecting the ideals of the universe.

The main elements of the national costume in Ancient Greece were: the himation, which was a cape that was draped to emphasize the figure, and the chiton, which was underwear. Based on the moral requirements of that era, clothing for Greek women was longer than men's and covered almost the entire body. It also consisted of a himation and a chiton, but was much more colorful and brighter. However, wearing colorful clothes was not welcomed by the Greeks. To make a single-color outfit more interesting, it was decorated with elaborate patterns and embroidery.

Today, clothing for women in the Greek style is not only part of the country’s history, but also an inspiration for designers and fashion designers from all over the world to create creations of modern fashion art that attract fashionistas with their elegance and lightness.


Beauty and ethics

How to change the shape of your nose
It should be noted that in Ancient Greece it was forbidden to depict a completely naked female body - it was believed that this degraded a woman and looked obscene. That is why many sculptures were covered with design elements carved from stone (parts of clothing and imitation fabric drapery, etc.) and were only partially exposed. Aphrodite of Praxiteles and Aphrodite de Milo remain very rare exceptions to the rule. The authors of these sculptures managed to avoid public condemnation: to prevent these works of art from gaining a bad reputation, the sculptors depicted women during the procedure of preparing for bathing.

Is it possible to make it perfect? ↑

Changing the shape of the nose is possible with the help of plastic surgery - rhinoplasty. People who are chronically dissatisfied with their natural shape resort to surgery to correct some individual elements (for example, eliminating a hump, raising the tip, correcting the nasal septum, etc.), or to correct the consequences of injuries.

Rhinoplasty can eliminate a hump, restore proportions, eliminate the consequences of a congenital defect or injury, correct the tip and wings of the nose, etc. That is, the operation can qualitatively correct this part of the face for aesthetic and functional purposes.

Key to the Heart

What is laser septoplasty

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir of the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of shares in it. Therefore, a characteristic male trait - the need to be a patron - is especially strongly developed among Greek men. At the genetic level, he strives to teach, and his spirit comes to life when such an opportunity is given to him. Conversely, he feels unhappy when he feels that no one needs his experience.

The Greek man strives to become a mentor, and something masterful often slips into his approach. This manifests itself in relationships with the entire world around us. He can start teaching his interlocutor anything, even if he doesn’t understand it. And since the male sex of this nation simply adores women and communication with them at any age, this happens very, very often. Even a gray-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity to gaze at any representative of the fair sex for a long time, smacking her lips after her. And you need to be prepared for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. This feature hides a curious key to the male heart of any Greek. After all, he may suddenly discover a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron of the whole world, will wake up in him.

Gender relations

Is it true that if a girl has a hooked nose, then she is very stubborn?

The Greek people are distinguished by sensuality. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising given the fact that from childhood everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adulterous myths.

Hence the desire to touch upon the most intimate topics in communication. Shameless stories, when and how much, are decorated with expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never Puritans.

It is common for married, handsome Greek men to try to seduce any member of the fair sex. Fleeting romances often develop. Unlike the situation in our country, this does not usually lead to a split in relationships with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add spice to everyday life, but do not divorce their wives. Greek wives are usually quite confident, like queens in a beehive. They will only casually dismiss adultery and say that the poor husband is incapable of saying no to a cat.

And often wives behave similar to There are sayings in Greek society in the style of “Cuckold your husband and do not resort to witchcraft and potions.” This is often the Greek scenario for a happy, full-of-well-being family. Usually, the more prone a wife is to infidelity, the less her husband suspects her of cheating.

Since ancient times, Greek society, even in patriarchal foundations, observed the relative equality of the sexes. The entire female population of Hellas received education. Girls and boys were taught reading and writing equally in the same schools.

Greek character

Women of Greece (and not only them, by the way, men too) are bright individualists who have their own view of this life and are not afraid to contrast it with the opinion of society. They have a habit of defending only personal interests and, most often, they are neutral towards cultural, economic and political events that do not affect their personal world.

What no Greek will certainly tolerate is an attack on the freedoms of his country and his personal freedom. This is not surprising, since the worship of democracy is in the blood of modern Hellas. If there is the slightest hint of infringement of its rights, the Greek population can turn into a formidable force that is ready to rush at the enemy.

Another typically Greek trait is pronounced emotionality. To express their feelings, Greeks do not see the need for half measures. If they cry, it’s sobbing, and if they laugh, it’s with all their hearts. Even the famous steadfastness and thoughtfulness of Greek fishermen is only a confirmation of this feature of their character, since only very emotional people can immerse themselves in their inner world with the same passion with which they would indulge in fun and joy at their own daughter’s wedding.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the famous Greek hospitality, elevated by the Greeks themselves to the rank of a national tradition revered with special awe. Arriving in Greece, you will encounter this at almost every step

The waiters will be very happy to explain to you what dishes the chef was especially able to prepare today, the store clerks will take your order with a polite and kind smile, and the hotel staff will surround you with attention and real home care. If you have business partners or friends in Greece, and you need to come to visit them, get ready for a meeting in comparison with which even the much-praised Russian hospitality will pale. This will not be just an ordinary dinner, but a real feast, where the tables will be laden with delicious dishes, the wine will flow like a river, and there will be no end to the songs and dances.

It’s very funny that two more completely opposite traits are also harmoniously combined in the Greek character: the famous business acumen of the Greeks and the no less famous Greek piety.

Greek diet

Greek women paid great attention to their appearance. They are known to have a special passion for food, so it is not surprising that they had curvaceous figures. However, in order for the shapes to be seductive, similar in shape to an hourglass, Greek women try to monitor their diet. This is why Greek women in the photo look so harmonious. Among the national Greek dishes you can notice many recipes from meat, fish and vegetables. No wonder Greek women are beautiful. All over the world, nutritionists have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that Greek cuisine is an example of separate nutrition: here eggplants are baked with potatoes, cheeses are eaten with tomatoes, and meat and fish are eaten separately from each other and without a side dish.

Greek appearance

Greek men's faces have the large, broad-boned features characteristic of the nation. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness and dark skin.

All representatives of the nation are distinguished by the depth of their eyes and thick hair. The typical Greek appearance of a man is broad-shouldered, stocky, highly sexual and aware of his worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, everyone considers themselves almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The standard Greek profile of men in this country deserves special attention. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with the national traits of the Greeks. The standard Greek nose for men is absolutely straight, with a smooth line running from the forehead. There is practically no depression on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. The world-famous Greek nose in men is reflected in all ancient frescoes and sculptures. The gods were then believed to have such features of appearance.

Immediately recognizable

The Greek profile primarily implies a nose and a rounded, slightly protruding chin, although early vases often depict heroes and gods with this part of the face rather flaccid. It should be noted that there are some misconceptions about this profile, for example, that it has a hump nose. The nose of this shape appeared later, it is more typical of ancient Roman sculptures - the Greeks had an absolutely straight nose. If the bust or statue is complemented by a helmet, then it also forms a straight line with the nose. Maybe it's a sign of masculinity or invincibility. It should be noted that many people imagine the Greek nose to be long. This is a visual illusion due to the transition of the nose line to the forehead line. The nose itself in classical and perfect statues is not very large and, as usual, has thin, well-defined nostrils.

The shape of your nose tells everything about your personality.

Strange but true! Your nose can tell a lot about your character, according to research by Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir of Ben-Gurion University. The results of his scientific work were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

There are a great variety of nose shapes, but here are the eight main ones:

Nubian nose:

The Nubian nose is distinguished by its length. The back of such a nose is almost straight, and the tip is directed downward. People with this form are often curious and very optimistic. “Nubians” try very hard to help others and create ideal conditions for those around them. Many people like people with Nubian noses; they will always find a solution to any problem.

Greek nose:

This name appeared as a result of observing Greek ancient sculptures. The Greek nose is very narrow, long and straight. “Greeks” do not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and loyal to their loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.

Hook nose

Many people compare this nose shape to a bird's beak. Its back is curved and its tip is directed downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They are passionate about defending their principles, risking everything to achieve their own goals.

Arched nose

This type of nose is very similar to a hook nose, but its tip is even more pointed. People with such noses are brilliant organizers. They are always honest and responsible in their work, and always achieve the necessary goals.


This nose is very small and graceful. Its form is the most common. Owners of such a nose are very spontaneous in their decisions, which sometimes displeases others. These people have a very strong character, they immediately move from talk to action. They almost always get what they want.

Straight nose


This nose is very common in Asia. Its shape is almost perfectly straight, slightly flat. The tip is rounded and the nostrils are quite wide. Such people have a very strong character. They are very passionate and temperamental. It is very easy to provoke the anger of people with straight noses.

Concave nose

This type of nose has a small bump on the back.

This form is not very common; it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with such a nose are distinguished by their generosity and desire to solve the problems of others. Owners of this form are very sensitive, they are easily offended or insulted.

Crooked nose

The name is not the most pleasant. However, the character of such people very often turns out to be soft and loving. The back of such a nose is curved and the tip is rounded. The Crooked Noses are very focused on what they do. They are great listeners, best friends and partners.

Found your form? Got it? Share this information with your friends! Let them learn more about themselves.

Small nose

Typical representative: Reese Witherspoon.

photo: Getty Images

photo: Getty Images

If the length of your nose is less than the height of your forehead and the distance from its tip to your chin, like Reese Witherspoon, then you are an open and optimistic person. In addition, representatives of such a person are very sociable and can find a common language with any person. Regardless of status and recognition, they always remain simple and sincere. Also, most often these people are very amorous, but at the same time they can be shy in expressing their feelings. They often choose professions where they need to help people or animals; they love children very much.

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually filled with serene calm and peace so that it becomes clear that they are getting a well-deserved rest. Life expectancy in Greece is also high - it reaches 80 years. Having a Mediterranean climate, healthy food, sunshine and a relaxed attitude to life obviously does the trick. There is a lot to learn from them.

The mother has the main unquestioned authority in the family; she actually personifies Hera along with Athena. Family ties are very strong. Thus, weekly lunches with mothers are traditional. Their sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, and listen to their advice. It is clear that the search for a bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on the qualities that the mother demonstrated. Most often, families are created at the age of 30. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy, free youth and having fun.

Perhaps everyone has heard about the famous standard of beauty of the ancient Greeks - the Greek nose; all over the world the concept of classical beauty is associated with it. If countries could be associated with body parts, then Greece would undoubtedly get the face, along with the famous profile and characteristic Greek nose shape. For many years there has been debate about why these traits were considered ideal, were they really inherent to all Greeks, and is it now possible to meet people with a real Greek profile in Greece?

Cost of nose shape correction ↑

How much does nose shape correction cost in Moscow? Prices vary greatly in different clinics, but on average they are:

  • the price for removing a hump is on average 150 thousand rubles;
  • price for correction of demise – 100-200 thousand rubles (and higher);
  • the cost of wing correction is from 20 to 100 thousand (and more);
  • Correcting a deviated nasal septum costs on average about 60 thousand rubles.

Before rhinoplasty, a person consults with a specialist to choose the ideal shape specifically for himself. After all, the whole secret is in the proportions, for example, if a woman wants a shape like her favorite actress, this does not mean that it will make her more beautiful, perhaps even the effect will be the opposite of what was expected.

But thanks to modern technologies, 3D facial modeling is performed, which allows the patient to look at a photo of his future appearance and understand whether he likes the new appearance.

By the way, now there are even online consultations that allow you to find out everything you need without leaving your home.

Features of the Roman profile

This form also has features. This nose is slightly elongated and has a slightly curved tip. People with a Roman nose are considered very strong and courageous; they can both defend themselves and attack. Men with this form of the olfactory organ are distinguished by their composure and clear thinking. They are very brave, never afraid to stand up for themselves and their loved ones. Many people like such character traits, which is why men with a Roman nose often become very authoritative.

People who are characterized by a Roman profile include the following features:

If the Roman profile looks like a kind of “beak”, then this may indicate aggressiveness. Owners of this part often became adventurers and notorious adventurers. Individuals with a Roman profile are often considered very unreliable and cold-blooded. Small nostrils mean a love of risky endeavors. However, risks often bring with them great success.

The Roman nose in women or men may have a slight hump. This form is characteristic of the descendants of the ancient Romans. The Roman profile with a raised back was called aquiline. Such an organ was possessed by Julius Caesar himself, Charles the Fifth and Henry the Sixth.

It is impossible to assert that the shape of the olfactory organ can determine human character and actions. But there is an opinion that along with a change in the natural form, a person’s behavior, as well as his life path, can also change.

The men of Greece are known throughout the world for their mesmerizing voices and bodies of ancient gods. The iodine-filled sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood affected the temperament of Greek men. Lovers of Hellas have repeatedly taken first place in male sexuality ratings.

Features of the Greek nose

It is in vase paintings and sculptures that the Greek nose is depicted. How is it characteristic? The one that continues the line of the forehead. Sometimes there is a small depression in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, but it is completely non-specific and does not break the single straight line starting at the roots of the hair and ending at the tip of the nose. And even in the early sculptures of archaic times, when vase painting played the dominant role and sculpture was still imperfect, the statues already had a Greek nose. It is difficult to assume that all representatives of the aristocracy of Ancient Greece had noses of this shape, because it is extremely rare among modern residents of this country. For several thousand years, the bridge of the nose could not fail like that. And the eyes of ancient sculptures are sometimes set unrealistically deep.

Most likely, the Greek nose was a canon of either beauty, or testified to the extraordinary qualities and merits of the person depicted. Zeus could not have had a snub nose. But Socrates could! He has an upturned nose with wide nostrils. According to unanimous opinion, he resembles either Bacchus or a satyr. The only thing he has of a genius is his forehead - high and beautiful. But the bust of Socrates itself suggests that even in those days not all great people had a classical appearance. Therefore, it can be assumed that gods and godlike heroes were supposed to differ from mortals by their unattainable beauty.

Base of the nose

The shape of the base of the nose may vary. There are square, round, triangular, trapezoidal. For the base of the nose, when viewed from below, the ideal proportion is considered to be the ratio of columella to lobule, that is, the tip of the nose, as 2:1. If the tip of the nose is pointed, then the ratios are almost equal; if the nose has a square shape, the length of the columella will be greater.

Rhinoplasty is a complex aesthetic operation. Its possibilities are not limitless, but it is thanks to the work of a plastic surgeon that you can change the overall impression of your face, turn a simpleton into an aristocrat, and an older lady into a young attractive woman.

You can find out the details of rhinoplasty and get a free consultation here -
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Human nose shape photo. Snub nose photo. Potato nose photo of the stars.

TamaraProfessional coffee lover

You can tell about a woman's character by the shape of her nose.

Not all men pay attention to a woman’s nose, I advise you to take a closer look at women’s noses

Classic nose

Classic is a straight nose, in which the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose are connected by a straight line. Only such a nose can a woman, beautiful by all canons, have. Women with a classic nose are very reserved and never show their emotions.

Basically, they are cold and selfish people. Almost always these are hardworking individuals. They stubbornly pursue their goal, no obstacles will stop them.

Women with a classic nose are very lucky in life. They have a great desire to constantly maintain and cherish their beauty. They spare no expense on this.

Star example: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Eagle nose

A straight nose with a slight hump and a characteristic, slightly overhanging tip pointing down towards the lips. Many women find this type of nose disgusting.

But according to the objective assessment of many, such a nose makes one’s appearance memorable. Women with an aquiline nose are arrogant people, they prefer not to engage in controversy, they do not prove anything to anyone, they simply live the way they like.

Women with an aquiline nose are self-sufficient people; they never get bored in the company of themselves and their beloved. Their main credo is to live to the fullest and enjoy. They are absolutely not interested in what impression their lifestyle makes on others.

Star example: Paris Hilton.

Roman nose

A straight, fairly large nose, with a slight hump noticeable in profile, which levels out approximately towards the middle of the nose. The Roman nose gives a woman a certain aristocratic sophistication.

Owners of a Roman nose are ambitious individuals with the makings of a leader. They have a strong masculine character and an analytical mind. They calculate their actions many moves ahead; such women are very resistant to stress.

Owners of Roman noses have excessive ambition, which forces them to accept the blows of fate without fear, both in personal relationships and in business.

Star example: Yana Churikova.

Snub nose

Perky upturned tips of the noses are mainly characteristic of representatives of the Slavic peoples. Snub noses add extraordinary charm to girls' faces.

Owners of snub noses are by nature optimists, they are sympathetic and kind. A penchant for adventure, an abyss of energy and a wild imagination constantly pushes them to participate in dubious activities.

Women with snub noses dive headlong into love relationships. Men are attracted by their easy-going nature, carelessness and gushing fun. But their relationship with the stronger sex is not constant.

These women need constant support from friends and family. These women cannot be called frivolous, but they never like to take responsibility.

Star example: Anastasia Zadorozhnova

Potato nose

A nose of this shape has a significant difference between the width of the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose. In this case, the length of the bridge of the nose can vary, and the shape of the tip has an indefinite shape. It makes those with a potato nose look like simpletons. But in fact, in life they are much more circumspect, smarter and smarter than many other people. Such women have enormous penetrating power, without hesitation they go for a battering ram just to achieve their goal. But in general they can be described as sociable and have a good sense of humor.

Star example: Natasha Koroleva

African nose

A rather large nose with a flat back and wide wings is usually called “African”. It gives its owners an exotic feel. Women with an “African” nose have great creative potential and charisma. Such women know how to grab luck by the tail in the most hopeless situations. They have no shortage of gentlemen. But a passionate nature does not want to deal with the little things of everyday life, prefers to solve world problems. This often prevents them from starting a family.

Star example: Naomi Campbell

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Bridge of the nose

The bridge of the nose should not be too wide, otherwise it will make the face look rough and rustic. It is no coincidence that this feature of the structure of the bone section is called the “Pinocchio effect”: the wide bridge of the nose narrows towards the tip, giving a resemblance to a fairy-tale character.

The ideal bridge of the nose resembles the delicate petals of a lily: narrow at the top, it gracefully widens towards the tip. In a beautiful woman, the dorsum of the upper part of the nose is 80% in relation to the distance between its wings.

Another important point is the smoothness of the line, assessed in profile. The nose is spoiled both by humps, which give a certain predatory appearance to the face, and by unsightly concave areas. An experienced surgeon will definitely take into account during correction the fact that when straightening the bridge of the nose, it may be necessary to correct its size in the tip area.

A slight harmonious arch of the back is allowed, which gives the face tenderness and youthful defenselessness.

Greek profile

Greek profile is a special interpretation of the profile of a person’s face, which is part of the canon of sculpture of Ancient Greece of the Hellenistic and classical eras. It is also one of the most important characteristics of the period's attractiveness.

A distinctive feature is the line of the nose, which goes straight into the forehead with almost no emphasis on the bridge of the nose. If a helmet is worn on the head, then this line merges with it too. A relatively heavy chin is also noted.

It is extremely difficult to meet people with a similar appearance in real life, even among modern Greeks. General type: high compact nose, developed cheekbones, rectangular eye sockets, narrow subnasal area, rectangular face. Using the expression "Greek profile" in speech to describe someone's beauty is not true, because in fact, people usually just want to express admiration for the clean lines of the profile of the person they are describing. Worth not

is synonymous with
“long nose”,
thinking this way is a common mistake.

Analyzing the Greek profile, Hegel comes to the conclusion that in it the “animal” features that are inherent in the head are smoothed out as much as possible: cheekbones, chewing muscles, mouth, reminiscent of human physiology, and, conversely, emphasis is placed on features that indicate mental activity - First of all, it is a beautiful forehead. In such a face, the proportions of which are in complete harmony, the usually not very high forehead receives an expression of stubborn concentration of mind and firmness, testifying to the high merits of a person.

As for the female face, according to the main canons that define the idea of ​​beauty, it was considered beautiful if a Greek woman had a straight nose, and her eyes were wide open and large, the distance between them should not be less than the size of one eye. Large eyes were skillfully emphasized by rounded arched eyebrows. All this should have been framed by the straight lines of the chin, nose and low forehead. The hair was not cut, but was styled in a neat hairstyle tied with a silk ribbon at the back of the head.

How to make a beautiful nose?

Nature has endowed man with an individual appearance. But what if there are flaws and need to be hidden? There are many ways to achieve image harmony and improve your appearance.

Let's look at some of them:

  • With the help of makeup, you can visually enlarge or reduce different parts of the face. With a slight movement of powder and foundation, you can create the perfect nose for a girl.
  • Using a hairstyle, you can emphasize your face shape and hide imperfections.
  • Radical methods of changing appearance include plastic surgery. If a person has serious congenital or acquired defects, for example, curvature of an organ after an injury, then rhinoplasty will help cope with this problem.

Every person is unique. The idea of ​​a perfect face and an ideal nose is subjective and changes all the time. By properly emphasizing your strengths, you can achieve harmony in your appearance and significantly increase your self-esteem.


The Greeks do not always keep their promises. A certain carelessness in this matter is a characteristic feature of the whole nation. These people simply live for today and are careless about the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any holiday is spent in grand style. It is considered normal to waste your entire month's income on one party. A Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, order wine and a sea of ​​snacks, and never mind waking up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. And a Greek will never hold his head when remembering the money spent; the past and future are not as important to him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense item in the life of any representative of this nation. There are dozens of taverns in every locality. Sometimes it seems there are thousands of them, and this is a clear overkill per capita of the local population. However, they all turn out to be full in the evening. The Greeks do not like to gather in their homes as much as in taverns. Stuffy establishments are often literally packed, but this does not bother anyone. To an unaccustomed person it will probably be unclear where the place to rest in such conditions is. However, such evenings, taking place in an atmosphere of emotional friendship, are a favorite place for Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to taverns with tables filled with delicious snacks.

It is possible that such national traits led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about important steps to equalize the economy. And at the same moment, the way they appreciate every moment cannot help but draw attention to these people who love life.


There are also similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and have a warm attitude towards Russians, they are hospitable and friendly. They have a simple worldview and enjoy everything they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live “here and now”, to abstract from everything that causes despondency and melancholy. Even a broke Greek man who has just been laid off from his job can go out and have fun with a noisy crowd, and that’s par for the course here.

The widespread laziness in this country is pure myth. In their free time from holidays, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. Often workdays begin at 5 am. Greek men often support the entire family themselves, taking on all the traditional male responsibilities; their wives do not work. This is especially true for men of high status - such people always have non-working wives who take care of the house and children.

The crisis situation in the country has changed somewhat. Then the female part of the population went to work during the most difficult periods of time.

The emotionality of any Greek stands out as a separate point. Sometimes you can see two men quarreling to the death, but in reality they are just peacefully discussing the weather. With increased emotional intelligence due to the constant expression of their own feelings, Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them, it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole body. The Greek's gaze will only go to the side if something extremely wrong is happening. Well, either an interesting representative of the opposite sex is passing by. The immersion in their own inner world of fishermen from Greece was glorified and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere can go into such deep, attractive reverie with the same dedication with which they indulge in all kinds of feelings.


Since the period of Ancient Greece, there is one story of the creation of a sculpture of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite. Praxiteles, one of the most talented creators of graceful statues of the human body, created it in the image of his beloved. For this he was summoned to court and accused of blasphemy, since according to the laws of that time it was forbidden to depict gods from human images, and even more so to make associations with the goddess through a mortal woman. It was believed that the gods could be angry with people for such missteps and in anger destroy everyone who lives in the city.

In his defense, Praxiteles brought Phryne, his beloved, with him to court. Having taken off her clothes in front of everyone present, the sculptor asked why they think that her body is not divine and what shortcomings are there in it? Convinced of the beauty of Phryne’s body, the judges were unable to find arguments and were forced to grant the master freedom.

Perfect sculptures of Polyctetus

The standard of male beauty, obviously, will always be considered, as it is still considered, “Doryphorus” by the sculptor Polyctetes. And what an amazing profile! What a beautiful face! Subtle, spiritual, thinking. It may belong to a poet, an athlete, an ancient Greek who improved not only the body, but also the soul through exercise. This is one of the most famous statues of Antiquity. The ideal proportions of the face and body, the rich spiritual world, guessed from the hero’s face, fully correspond to the Greek concept of kalokagathia - a harmonious combination of external and internal virtues. A beautiful person cannot be evil, and a spiritually perfect person cannot be a freak. An excellent illustration of what has been said can be the head of a Diadumen (winning athlete) by Polyctetus.

The ideal of beauty among Greek women

As mentioned earlier, the ideal of attractiveness in the period of antiquity was an athletic, absolutely proportional body. For a Greek woman, a big advantage was high, rounded shoulders, height, a slightly widened pelvis, a wasp waist, slender legs and a flat, toned stomach. The combination of a high forehead, blue eyes and blond hair was considered very beautiful. The nose of Greek women was supposed to be straight with a small hump. The statue of Aphrodite de Milo fits this description. She personified the highest natural perfection and was the ideal of beauty. The sculpture depicts a slender girl with graceful posture. Her height is 164 cm, and her hips, waist and chest measurements are 86, 69 and 93 cm, respectively.

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