Reinforcement of the face with Polydioxanone mesothreads - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Lisa

In contrast to the full-fledged plastic surgery “classic facelift” with its indispensable attributes: deep surgical intervention, skin excision and a long rehabilitation period, today there is the most gentle procedure for thread skin tightening.

One of the most common on the domestic market is the lifting technique using certified Aptos threads. Reviews about this procedure are very different: from admiring to negative. Is there a “golden mean”?

Aptos threads - negative reviews

Domestic cosmetologists and plastic surgeons have been using the Aptos thread lift method for skin rejuvenation for about 20 years. Despite the large number of reviews from grateful clients, quite often you can find cautious or even angry comments from people who are dissatisfied with the result of the operation or suffer from complications. What is this connected with?

One of the most important risk factors is the wrong choice of clinic and doctor.

The authors of the Aptos method, Georgy Marlenovich Sulamanidze and Marlen Andreevich, conduct training and issue certificates only to dermatologists who have a higher education document. Therefore, when contacting a clinic, you need to make sure not only of the doctor’s competence, but also that he has a certificate that allows him to perform thread bioreinforcement or skin tightening with Aptos threads.

Mastery of cannulas (blunt-pointed needles made of high-quality surgical steel to which Aptos threads are attached) does not guarantee highly qualified medical care. Sometimes girls complain that they are bothered by significant swelling after surgery with a bluish tint.

Others notice

  • facial asymmetry,
  • surface roughness,
  • hematomas
  • or even subcutaneous inflammation

– this is not a complete list of troubles associated with the doctor’s unprofessionalism. In girls with very thin, fair skin, the threads themselves may be noticeable.

Another important factor in the appearance of negative reviews about Aptos threads is the low quality of unregistered samples of suture material, which does not have an official certificate from Roszdravnadzor.

It must be remembered that unscrupulous doctors can save on threads made in Asia.

The third factor in the occurrence of various side effects can be considered the individual characteristics of individual patients. If the doctor is not informed about the presence of allergies, the reactions of which he can prevent by prescribing antihistamines, as well as a number of other diseases, then the consequences of even a low-traumatic surgical intervention can be complicated.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid of all the possible side effects, you just need to take into account 3 factors:

  • the solidity of the clinic and the experience of the doctor,
  • high quality Aptos threads,
  • exclude contraindications, and also notify the doctor about diseases and medications taken (if any).

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Facelift with Aptos threads - is the effect possible?

According to the authors of the technique, face lifting with Aptos threads can be performed with both absorbable (polylactic) and non-absorbable (polypropylene) threads.

At the age of 25-35 years , depending on the condition of the skin, plastic surgeons recommend bioreinforcement of the soft tissues of the face with a slight lifting effect with absorbable Aptos threads, which

  • prevents sagging (ptosis) of tissues
  • pulls up slightly
  • will rejuvenate the contours and skin of the face.

At 35-45 years old, you can combine these 2 types of threads:

  • in the middle and upper part of the face, apply polylactic
  • and in the lower third - polypropylene threads.

After 50 years

  • pronounced “bulldog cheeks” or jowls,
  • drooping double chin with a lot of soft tissue

will require non-absorbable threads to maintain the oval contour of the face.

By the way, if the double chin is reinforced by adipose tissue, then it is necessary to perform liposuction first, otherwise the effect will be minimal or reduced to zero.

The effect of absorbable Aptos threads usually lasts about 2 years , non-absorbable - 5 .

Many negative reviews are also associated with high expectations: if I put on Aptos threads I will become 20 years younger or stay young forever. Judging by an interview with Sulamanidze M.A., the woman who, at 42 years old, had her first facelift with Aptos threads, repeated this facelift procedure three times over 10 years with different types of threads, adding them to different areas of her “calling card”.

In addition, after 2-2.5 months she received botulinum toxin injections and contouring (leveling the surface of the face with fillers with hyaluronic acid).

Therefore, with all the effectiveness of the Aptos technique, there is no limit to perfection - you will have to visit a cosmetologist as regularly as before.

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Threads approved by a plastic surgeon

Thread methods of facial rejuvenation are increasingly becoming part of the practice of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology. A wide selection and variety of properties of threads allows you to solve many aesthetic problems and avoid serious surgical interventions.

French threads Spring Thread (Spring Thread)

appeared in Russia relatively recently. They have several modifications, and implantation of some types is allowed only by plastic surgeons, as they affect the muscle fascia. To learn more about the properties and feasibility of installing threads, we decided to contact a specialist. Our interlocutor today is plastic surgeon Alexey Alekovich Gvaramia.

— Alexey Alekovich, how do you feel about thread methods of facial rejuvenation?

Thread techniques are a compromise.

On the one hand, they should not be underestimated, and on the other hand, they should not be abused.
As a rule, threads provide a relatively short-term effect. This is especially true for absorbable threads.
Patients regard this property as a plus (there is nothing left of the threads), but this is also their minus. You can often see how absorbable threads are placed in patients with obvious facial ptosis. And then they are very surprised that everything quickly comes back.

Absorbable threads are not aimed at improving the appearance, but at maintaining the condition of the skin.

Therefore, when there is obvious sagging of tissues, the cosmetologist must be honest and not use threads that will give a very short-term effect. Performing a thread lift just because the patient is afraid of a full-fledged operation is not fair to the patient. The principle of “doing at least something” does not apply here.

As a surgeon, I stand in this position: install threads that provide an effect for a long time, or do a facelift.

— There is a common opinion among patients that after installing non-absorbable threads it will be impossible to do a plastic facelift. True?

It is not true. When we (surgeons) open tissue during facial plastic surgery, it costs us nothing to remove these threads.

- Is it necessary to delete them?

When surgical lifting is performed, firstly, they are no longer needed, and secondly, deformation of the face may occur if they are not removed. We stretch the skin along a certain vector, and with the threads various shifts and retractions of the skin are formed. Therefore, it is better to remove them.

When patients who have previously had non-absorbable threads installed come for a surgical lift, it is clear during the operation that fibrosis is observed around the thread - the growth of connective tissue. This is good for the patient - a supporting frame is formed. Such people turn to plastic surgery much later. Those. A patient who sought a surgical lift at age 60 would have come to us at age 50 without threads.

— Why do you prefer Spring Trade threads?

I like Spring Trade for many reasons. Firstly, they have a spring effect

I liked how long the notches stay in the fabrics. If the procedure is aimed at improving the oval of the face
, then the threads are attached to the fascia in the back of the head, i.e.
the thread is firmly fixed. This provides longer lasting results. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for the results for 2-2.5 years. This is true. There may be more. But only a surgeon can perform such manipulations.
— Tell us in more detail - how are the threads attached to lift each area of ​​the face?

If the problem is loose skin in the chin area (double chin)

, the threads are attached behind the ears, resulting in support in the form of a hammock. If the problem is in the cheeks, then the skin is punctured at the level of the cheekbone area. To correct both sides of the face, you need two packages of threads: one part of the thread goes to the nasolabial fold, and the other goes to the temple.

— If you want to correct your eyelids right away, can you do it in one go along with threads?

When it comes to the upper eyelids, it doesn’t matter when to do it. If this concerns the lower eyelids, then I would advise installing threads first, as there is a slight displacement of the tissue. And then do blepharoplasty.

— Can you describe the ideal patient for such a thread lift?

Age up to 45 years.

There is tissue drooping without much excess skin. Sagging jowls, obvious nasolabial furrow. Those. This is a patient who needs tissue transfer.

— How would you formulate when it is reasonable to do a thread lift?

Thread methods exist in order to “with a decent face” reach the age when a full-fledged surgical lifting is already needed. When it is too early to have surgery, but the problem already exists, a thread lift will help. If the operation is performed early, the patient will be surprised: why was such an operation for such a small effect?

— What type of anesthesia is used when installing Spring Trade?

The procedure is performed in an operating room or dressing room under local anesthesia.

— Tell us more about the rehabilitation process...

Since we are introducing a foreign body, it is better to do this under the protection of antibiotics, i.e. Take antibiotics for a few days after correction. Limit consumption of hot, spicy and solid foods. Use facial expressions more gently: don’t laugh too much. For about 3 weeks, avoid sports with tissue concussion (running, trampoline, jumping). It is advisable to sleep on your back at first so as not to touch your cheek to the pillow. The swelling lasts no more than 4-5 days.

— Sometimes there are complaints from patients that after the installation of threads the skin appears bunched up, does this happen?

If there is no excess skin, but there is collection, this is a technical error. In any case, after about a month the collection goes away.

— What techniques can be combined with threads?

If a person comes for a thread lift, then serious manipulations are excluded. Either there is no evidence for them, or he is not yet psychologically ready for them. Then thread lifting can be combined with contour plastic surgery. But all injections must be done some time after the threads (from 3 weeks).

Thank you very much, Alexey Alekovich! It was important for us to hear the opinion of a qualified surgeon, since the attitude towards thread methods still remains ambiguous, especially among plastic surgeons.

+7, 920-72-84 Mont Blanc Clinic

How is Aptos thread installed?

Bio-reinforcement of the face with Aptos threads takes 10-30 minutes, face lifting in several areas (ptosis in the eyebrows, cheekbones, medial (middle) third of the face, area of ​​the “young oval”) can last up to 1.5-2.5 hours. Pain relief is most often applied locally (as at the dentist).

During the procedure itself, cannulas (blunt needles with fixed suture surgical material) are inserted into micropunctures (or small incisions if Needle threads are used - non-absorbable) into the intradermal space. This material has notches that, when opened, create a frame. The body subsequently builds up additional collagen fibers on it, which thicken the skin.

After installation, Aptos threads provide fixation of ptosis tissues. Micro-punctures and incisions are made in the scalp area and therefore remain invisible. The result of a facelift is visible immediately, the maximum lifting effect is achieved within a month and lasts from 2 (with absorbable aptos threads) to 3-5 years (with non-absorbable threads).

More about contouring on “Cosmetology for Dummies”:

How are Restylane drugs used for rejuvenation?

Read here why fillers are needed.

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Differences between mesothreads and fillers

Both methods are widely used to correct defects, visual rejuvenation, and restore attractiveness. Both are based on the principle of subcutaneous injection through punctures. However, there are significant differences between them.

Operating principle

Fillers replenish the missing tissue volume. Mesothreads create a framework for strengthening and tightening muscles, stimulate collagen production to create a new bioframework.

The main disadvantage of thread lifting is that it does not compensate for the deficiency of skin and subcutaneous tissue. It can tighten the skin, but is unable to fill out wrinkles and folds. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid cope with this task.


  • Filler is a gel-like implant without a shell.
  • The threads are a biodegradable suture material made from polydioxanone (PDO).

Effect durability

The result after the installation of mesothreads lasts for an average of 1.5-2 years. It depends on the hormonal status, metabolic activity of cells, and the age of the person.

The effect of using biodegradable fillers may be less durable - from 6 months. up to 1.5 years. This is influenced by the rate of breakdown of hyaluronic acid in the body of a particular person, his individual reaction to the components of the drug.

Age restrictions

The introduction of fillers gives good results at any age. The effectiveness of mesothreads after 40-45 years is much less, although exceptions are possible.


The price for installing mesothreads is significantly higher than the cost of introducing fillers.

Application area

Unlike mesothreads, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are not the best option for correcting gravitational ptosis. They will only add massiveness to the floating oval of the face. Mesothreads are inferior to fillers in the effectiveness of solving the problem of the nasolacrimal groove.

Aptos threads: complications after the procedure

Despite the fact that facial skin tightening with aptos threads is low-traumatic, complications are also possible after this procedure:

  • The ends of the threads have to be removed as they become exposed;
  • Thread breaks (if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed);
  • Swelling, hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • Infection;
  • Quite severe post-operative pain;
  • Loose threads that require correction.
  • Additional tightening is performed after 3 months.

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Aptos threads - rehabilitation period

If after the procedure of bioreinforcement with Aptos threads you can go to work almost immediately, then after lifting you will need several days to recover. In rare cases, this period extends to 1.5 weeks. At this time it is observed:

  • Some “gathering” of the skin, which gradually straightens out and the visual tubercles along the threads disappear;
  • Small hematomas (especially in women who smoke due to the fragility of the vessel walls). They also pass within a few days;
  • Pain that can be relieved with prescribed medications;
  • Feeling of skin tightness.

No post-operative procedures or compression bandages are provided. Sudden facial movements and massage are contraindicated for two to three weeks. During this time, cosmetic procedures are also prohibited.

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How to fix errors?

Is it possible to do something if the threads are placed incorrectly?

The most radical way to correct errors in this case is to remove threads. However. experienced surgeons can find an alternative if required:

  • Trim the nodules (become visible);
  • Tighten the threads (they began to sag);
  • The face has lost weight and tissue ptosis has increased.

For absorbable Aptos threads, doctors can prescribe physiotherapy procedures that promote rapid biodegradation of the threads.

Perhaps a dermatocosmetologist will recommend additional botulinum therapy or contouring procedures to visually correct the skin texture.

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Main misconceptions

On the Internet and glossy magazines, along with reliable information, there are many myths, inaccuracies, and exaggerations. It is very difficult to choose the optimal procedure for yourself after familiarizing yourself with such sources. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Misconception 1: “hyaluronic acid fillers are better than mesothreads and are suitable for any situation.”

It all depends on the condition of the skin, the severity of age-related changes, and the area of ​​correction. Only a qualified cosmetologist can choose the best option.

Mesothreads, which contain at least 75% polylactic or polyglycolic acids, help improve skin turgor and stimulate elastin production.

When a filler with hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips, cheekbones or other area, the result can be easily corrected using the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Misconception 2: “For deformation-edema type of aging, fillers are not suitable, only threads can be used.”

Correction of facial oval requires preliminary lipolytic preparation using drugs with deoxycholic acid or vacuum radio wave therapy. After this, you can use both calcium hydroxyapatite fillers and threads. The number of threads based on polylactic acid in this case should not be large. They stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, which can lead to even more swelling.

Misconception 3: “Any mesothreads strengthen the oval of the face and tighten the skin in the middle part better than fillers.”

The most popular smooth monofilaments do not provide a significant lifting effect, like fillers. Deep insertion threads with multidirectional notches - “claws” (cog) or with spikes (rose) - cope best with this task.

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