Biography of Nastya Ivleeva and personal life

The presenter, Anastasia Ivleeva, is a famous Instagram beauty and TV presenter who has ideal body parameters and facial features. She was already named “woman of the year” in 2020 and is still often used as an example when talking about ideal appearance.

Perhaps Anastasia’s only problem was fatty hernias on the lower eyelids. Subscribers and angry commentators often asked: “When will Ivleeva remove her terrible bags under her eyes, which spoil her face so much?”

It seems that Anastasia herself was worried about this problem, so she recently had lower blepharoplasty. The impeccable result of the operation was noted by many of Ivleeva’s fans: her look was transformed, she began to look fresh and young.

What are fatty hernias?

Fatty hernias form in the lower or upper eyelids. This is a problem of the periorbital zone, which cannot be hidden from others even with the help of special cosmetics or makeup.

Why do fatty hernias form under the eyes?

  • Tissue ptosis in the lower eyelid area.
  • Decreased turgor and loss of tissue elasticity.
  • Protrusion of intraorbital fat.
  • Problems of the muscular frame.
  • Contouring of periorbital fatty tissue.

It is difficult to determine why Anastasia Ivleeva developed bags under her eyes. Perhaps this is a genetic predisposition or an anatomical feature of her face. But sometimes fatty hernias under the eyes form due to stress and bad habits.

It is known that during the filming of the program “Heads and Tails. Reboot” the presenter had to travel a lot. Frequent filming, flights and lack of sleep could provoke such a problem.

What factors influence the formation of fatty hernias?

  • Poor or insufficient sleep
  • Excess fluid in the body
  • Constant visual load
  • Kidney pathologies
  • Age-related changes in facial tissues
  • Constitutional features
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Bad habits
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Drinking before bed

What to do if fatty hernias appear?

First of all, you should visit an ophthalmologist, cardiologist and nephrologist and get tested. Pass the necessary examinations. This is necessary to exclude possible pathological processes in the body.

If it turns out that fatty hernias under the eyes are not associated with diseases or any disorders in the body, surgical methods may be used.

Why remove fatty hernias?

Fatty hernias are a pronounced defect in the eye area. Intraorbital fat cannot be eliminated with folk remedies (tea bags, ice cubes, cold lotions) or cosmetic products (patches and eyelid gels).

If you correct bags under the eyes using decorative cosmetics, they will still be noticeable from certain angles and special lighting.

In one of her videos, Nastya Ivleeva jokes about bags under her eyes. As a person who is not afraid to laugh at herself and her shortcomings, for a long time she did not take the problem of fatty hernias seriously.

Why do plastic surgeons recommend removing fatty hernias under the eyes?

  • Fatty hernias make the face look tired and exhausted.
  • Due to the pronounced accumulation of intraorbital fat, the eyes appear small and narrow.
  • Over time, the problem worsens: the outer corners of the eyes begin to droop, the bags under the eyes increase in size and become even more noticeable.
  • Fatty hernias visually age the face and make it more mature.
  • Bags under the eyes do not “combine” well with makeup, as it emphasizes them even more.

What did Anastasia Ivleeva look like before eyelid surgery?

She is not yet 30 years old, but she already faced the problem of bags under her eyes at an early age. When she starred in “Heads and Tails. Reboot,” she already had fatty hernias. The cameraman often filmed her face in close-up, so viewers often noticed the defect in her lower eyelids.

Probably, the busy schedule did not allow the Instagram to find free time to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and for blepharoplasty itself. After removal of hernias under the eyes, time is required for rehabilitation.

Previously, when Ivleeva was not famous, she had a successful breast augmentation. The implants were chosen perfectly! Many do not believe that there was an operation. But this was confirmed by a Korean surgeon during the trip.

You can read more about Nastya Ivleeva’s mammoplasty in our other article.

Wedding rings? Nastya Ivleeva and Eldzhey got paired tattoos

There comes a time in many lovers' relationships when they decide to get matching tattoos. Celebrities are no exception. For example, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas, Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin, as well as many other stars, immortalized their tender feelings for each other. Recently, this list was supplemented by Nastya Ivleeva and Eldzhey, who, by the way, are competing to win the Love Radio Awards. Celebrity, in the “Couple of the Year” category.

Nastya Ivleeva and Eldzhey

The presenter of “Heads and Tails” and the rapper decided to secretly get identical tattoos. Their fans found out about this completely by accident. It’s all because of Ivleeva’s stories, in which Instagram users looked at two intersecting circles decorating the girl’s wrist. Attentive fans of Eljay noticed exactly the same tattoo on his arm. Many fans of the couple saw in these drawings a symbol of wedding rings. What does this all mean?

Nastya Ivleeva's tattoo

Let us remind you that they started talking about the romance between Nastya Ivleeva and Eldzhey in April of this year, when the TV presenter published the first joint photo with the rapper. After that, the stars fueled rumors about the relationship with hot photos, intriguing comments and even tracks (“360°”). The i’s were finally dotted after Nastya’s scandalous interview with Yuri Dudu.

Photo: Instagram Nastya Ivleeva

Ivleeva’s attitude to plastic surgery

Anastasia claims that “everything is real” for her, but she has never turned to plastic surgeons. But she goes to the cosmetologist regularly. Most of all, she likes injection procedures against facial fatigue.

“I have a completely calm attitude towards plastic surgery and injections. I think that with age they are especially needed,” Anastasia admitted in an interview.

At the same time, the girl said that she hates experiments and is extremely rarely ready for radical transformations. She considers her recent transformation from a brunette to a snow-white blonde to be the most serious step.

Nastya Ivleeva does not openly talk about blepharoplasty, but the changes are clearly visible in photos and videos. Where is the proof? She often wore sunglasses for a while.

After eyelid surgery, temporary traces of the operation remain: bruises, swelling, redness. To protect the skin from the sun and temporarily mask postoperative defects, surgeons always recommend wearing glasses.

Nastya Kovaleva before and after surgery

On the very first day of Anastasia Kovaleva’s appearance on “House 2,” suspicions crept into the minds of attentive viewers that her brilliant appearance was not entirely a gift given to her by nature. And they turned out to be right. The glamorous blonde is actually partly unnatural.

It is not surprising that in light of all of the above, fans of the show began to actively seek information about what Nastya Kovaleva was like before the operation. It is not difficult to understand why these searches were organized. Gossips and envious people, who are still a step ahead of Nastya in terms of appearance, wanted to prove to themselves once again that if they had the opportunity or desire to go under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon, Kovaleva would “nervously bite her nails with envy” at the sight of them.

They did not know then that the campaign they launched would be completely in vain and they would be bitterly disappointed. After numerous photos of the “natural” Kovaleva were posted online for everyone to see, it became clear that the girl was never deprived of beauty from birth.

Chiseled facial features, a well-cut figure, chic hair - at one time the ex-participant of a television project calling for building love on air looked very impressive. The author does not quite understand the purpose of the experiments she conducted on her body.

He dares to suggest that the girl had simply seen enough of fashion magazines and decided to make every effort to get as close as possible to the already very tired stereotype of an over-hydrated blonde with hair extensions, lips bursting from the abundance of Botox and breasts well inflated with silicone. And this is not to mention false eyelashes, artificially enlarged nails and other tricks that are customary for everyone who strives for a generally recognized ideal.

Many believe that it was thanks to the transformations in her appearance that Anastasia Kovaleva at one time managed to win the heart of Alexei Samsonov. The first macho man of the project always liked fragile blondes, “tuned” according to all the rules of modern glamor.

Before the operation, Anastasia Kovaleva had rather voluminous lips: beautifully shaped, with that unique, barely noticeable swelling that usually attracts males. Unfortunately, this was not enough for the girl. And now - Botox injections. Now this part of the body is hard to miss. True, there is one significant “but” here: she looks like thousands of others like her. Her lips turned from a unique creation of nature into something made on an assembly line (even by a very good craftsman).

But with the breasts everything is quite clear. Few people can proudly wear their first size when everyone around them flaunts at least a full third. In Anastasia’s defense, we can say that she made the right choice in breast enlargement. The new mammary glands look quite harmonious on her fragile body. If she had dared to be a size five or six, the picture would have turned out to be unflattering: a caricature from a humor magazine - these are the associations she would evoke among others.

It is worth noting that there is no direct confirmation that Samsonov’s former passion underwent mammoplasty. These are just rumors. It is quite possible that the girl grew up on her own, and those around her did not fail to turn everything around in their own way. Nastya Kovaleva came to the project very young; the photos before the operation that are available on the Internet were taken at a young age (presumably fifteen to sixteen years old). So the version proposed by the author has every right to exist.

Neither the plump lips that Kovaleva received after visiting a cosmetologist, nor her breasts that allegedly increased by a couple of sizes, helped Nastya build her love for “House 2.” The girl left the show as a result of intrigues deployed in her direction, without receiving support from her boyfriend.

Before the operation, Nastya was a real beauty. After that, she remained the same. With one single difference: if the “before” photo shows a pretty, innocent girl, then the “after” photos show those around her a socialite who has managed to experience adult life.

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Photo after blepharoplasty by Anastasia Ivleeva

Many subscribers saw that Ivleeva’s face “prettier”, the bags under the eyes disappeared, the skin under the eyes became even and smooth. Successful eyelid surgery helped her in her career growth.

Anastasia Ivleeva is at the peak of her popularity. She became famous thanks to her funny videos, photos on Instagram and the project “Heads and Tails. Reboot".

She has been repeatedly declared the best viner in the country, while she appears in TV series, voices and hosts her own TV show “Agentschow”.

Now fans are starting to follow her transformations. First, breast surgery, then white hair, removal of bags under the eyes...

What to expect next from Ivleeva? In any case, she looks great now. Perhaps she should stop there.

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Figure before plastic surgery

Nastya Ivleva (the blogger’s figure parameters are close to world standards) took the first steps in her career in the form of a slender brown-haired woman with regular facial features and a wonderful sense of humor.

Previously, the TV star repeatedly changed her image:

  • experimenting with different wigs and hairstyles;
  • dyeing your hair;
  • wearing extravagant outfits.

Having become the host of “Heads and Tails,” Nastya tried on the image of a glamorous blonde with large breasts and a chic body that looks great in tracksuits, short shorts and miniature swimsuits.

Loved by fans, Ivleva’s ability to laugh at herself and those around her is considered the main highlight of the TV presenter, which distinguishes her favorably from other show business stars.

Figure parameters:

Height174 cm
Weight64 kg
Bust volume97 cm
Waist67 cm
Hip volume98 cm
Bust size3
Foot size39
Clothing size42-44
Hair colorAs of 2020, ash blonde. But by nature Ivleva has brown hair
Eye colorBlue

Nastya’s luxurious figure helped her not only get a job on television, but also became the calling card of the TV show “Heads and Tails.” Ivleva’s appetizing forms are constantly demonstrated in skimpy swimsuits, and her photographs of her breasts from various angles are a favorite technique of the project’s photo and television cameramen.

Nastya Ivleeva in the photo with her boyfriend.

The lover of experiments, despite her popularity, continues to change her appearance, but the latest changes are caused more by a desire to please her beloved Eljay than by a love of shocking.

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