Products that stimulate regeneration Bayer Bepanten Plus - reviews

How to apply Bepanten and other products after facial peeling? Top 10 creams and ointments

No matter how gentle peeling is, it is an absolute stress for the body, accompanied by physical or chemical destruction of the skin.
The consequences of peeling are skin itching, redness, and extensive detachment of the epidermis. Regeneration, hydration and nutrition are the main stages of skin restoration. How to properly use creams and ointments after the procedure, what products to use? Let's figure it out.


Exfoliation acids are serious allergens . It is worth finding out in advance whether there is a possibility of side effects due to a reaction to the components of the exfoliant

Ignoring precautions can significantly aggravate the situation with facial burns after peeling: allergies lead to swelling, redness, itching and rashes. You will have to fight them with the help of antihistamines, and the healing process will be delayed.

You also need to prevent allergies to cosmetic and medicinal post-procedure care products. The body's reaction to such creams and ointments is also checked by testing on the bend of the elbow.

Even if, during testing, exfoliants caused only mild redness or rash, you should discard them: an allergic reaction on an already damaged face will be much more noticeable.

How to apply the product correctly?

In the first days after exfoliation, touching the skin is kept to a minimum.
Basic care products should have a gel or foam consistency. How to care for your skin after procedures:

  • after superficial peeling, do not wash your face for 24 hours, after medium cleansing, the first wash is carried out on the 3rd day, with deep exfoliation - on the 3rd–5th day;
  • You should wash your face with slightly acidic water or cleanse your skin with sulfate-free cleansers;
  • do not touch the crusts that form: this is a protective antibacterial barrier for young skin;
  • Apply regenerating foam, gel or cream based on retinol, panthenol to a clean face 3-4 times a day;
  • on days 3–5 you can moisturize the skin with natural masks and decoctions;
  • do not use a towel - excess moisture and cream should be removed with cosmetic or medical wipes;
  • It is prohibited to apply makeup and use abrasives;
  • Before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen with a UV factor of at least 30 to your face.

Application after peeling

If we talk about the use of panthenol after peeling, then in this case we can say that the drug itself has a very positive effect in eliminating such unpleasant consequences of cleansing as redness and peeling, promoting rapid tissue regeneration. Regarding the use of panthenol after peeling, it is worth taking into account what type of cleaning was carried out in a particular case.

So, after superficial cleansing of the face, panetnol can be applied within 24 hours after the procedure itself - in this regard, it is worth choosing a spray that can heal minor abrasions, burns and eliminate redness. The therapeutic effect will be exerted by the drug itself, applied to the face in a thick layer, left on for half an hour, and blotted with a napkin. By doing such manipulations 3-4 times a day, you can quickly remove the negative effects of peeling.

After medium peeling, the drug should be applied 2-3 days after the cleansing procedure, when the skin will be stretched like rubber. Preference should be given to the drug in the form of a spray, spraying it, applying it in a thick layer like a mask, leaving it for 20 minutes. blot the remains with a napkin. It is worth carrying out this procedure 6-8 times a day, thereby eliminating the unpleasant consequences of peeling in the form of tightness and flaking of the skin. At the same time, retinoic peeling as a means to eliminate redness, flaking, and tightness should use panthenol in the form of a spray, making a mask, when the resulting foam helps eliminate such unpleasant manifestations of cleansing.

Can I use decorative cosmetics after the procedure?

Foundation belongs to decorative cosmetics. It can be used when the skin has completely recovered after peeling. The average rehabilitation period lasts two weeks.

Before using foundation and decorative cosmetics, an examination by a cosmetologist is required. He will prescribe the most harmless means.

Required use:

  • cream containing UV protection of at least 30;
  • non-comedogenic foundation - a cream that does not cause acne or clog pores.

What should not be done after the exfoliation procedure?

To avoid undesirable consequences, after the procedure you must adhere to the recommended rules and restrictions. During the post-peeling period you cannot:

  • Use decorative cosmetics, including powder and foundation, until the integrity of the epidermis is completely restored.
  • Additionally, cleanse the skin with a scrub or apply products containing coarse particles. Such care can aggravate the condition, injuring the delicate layers of the skin.
  • Rip off crusts and flaky pieces of skin. In their place, scars, scars, and age spots may form. In addition, the risk of infection increases significantly.

After the exfoliation procedure, physical activity and sports, including the swimming pool, should be avoided. Chlorinated water increases skin irritation, which leads to worsening of the condition.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse?

During the post-peeling period, you should refrain from visiting baths and saunas until complete recovery. Usually this time takes 1.5-2 months. The bath has a negative effect on the skin layers and the general condition of the body, because:

  • The inflammatory process is enhanced by exposure to high temperature and humidity.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate enlarged pores, leading to the development of infection.
  • The heat in the room leads to increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels. This contributes to worsening swelling and redness.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Peeling renews and heals the skin. However, this is a complex procedure that affects the inner layers of the epidermis.

We will provide answers to
the main questions asked to cosmetologists regarding facial care after the procedure:

  • Can I use foundation? - Definitely not. Clogging pores with foundation will lead to skin infection. Foundation does not hide peeling, it highlights imperfections.
  • What can I do to make facial redness go away faster? – Don’t rush things, skin regeneration processes should occur naturally. Give your body a rest: give up spicy food and alcohol, visit the bathhouse, sauna, fitness center and swimming pool for 2 weeks.
  • Is it possible to remove peeling on your own? - No you can not. The use of scrubs or other cleansers is prohibited to avoid the formation of deep scars, which will be problematic to get rid of.

If you suspect an infection, you should immediately contact a cosmetologist.

Top 10 creams and ointments

Healing of the skin after peeling is accompanied by:

During this period, it is recommended to use medicinal ointments and creams.

They must contain:

  • proteins, proteins and amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, C;
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • plant extracts and fruit acids;
  • lanolin.

Creams and ointments containing artificial dyes, mineral oils, silicones, and parabens are prohibited for use.

Use proven medical and cosmetic products. During the rehabilitation period, refuse home care products: masks, scrubs, lotions.

We will present post-peeling care products most often prescribed by cosmetologists.


Active ingredients: dexpanthenol and vitamin B5. The ointment belongs to the pharmaceutical group of non-hormonal drugs for external use.

Dexpanthenol, in contact with the epidermis, is converted into pantothenic acid. The latter, together with the excipients of the drug, actively regenerates the skin and has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

The ointment should not be used on wet wounds or mucous membranes.

The price of the drug is from 60 to 750 rubles, depending on the form of release and the brand of the manufacturer.


The active ingredient is dexpanthenol.

Restores structure, nourishes tissues after medium and deep peeling. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and converted into pantothenic acid. The cream is hypoallergenic, non-hormonal. Apply a thin layer 1-2 times a day, rubbing in lightly.

Prices in pharmacies range from 330 to 780 rubles.


Release forms: jelly and ointment.

The main active ingredient is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves. Actively regenerates tissue, improves the transport of glucose and oxygen to damaged cells, and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Solcoseryl is prescribed after chemical peeling.

Prices in pharmacies range from 400 to 1200 rubles.

Baby skin cream

Available in a variety of brands and compositions to suit every taste and budget.

Mandatory components in the compositions are plant extracts, natural vegetable and animal fats.

Prescribed 5–10 days after peeling as a nourishing agent and protect the skin from adverse environmental influences.

The price varies from 50 to 500 rubles - depending on the manufacturer.


Immunostimulating agent. Normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids. Accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration and epithelization, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Prescribed after deep peeling with a sluggish process of skin restoration. Allergic reactions are possible.

Sold in pharmacies from 50 rubles.

Hydrocortisone ointment

The main substance is hydrocortisone, a hormone produced by the human adrenal glands. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-edematous effects. Prescribed after medium and deep peeling.

Produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers and sold at prices ranging from 40 to 100 rubles.


Homeopathic medicine in the form of an ointment containing extracts of medicinal herbs. Used in complex rehabilitation therapy after exfoliation.

Allergic reactions to individual components of the drug are possible - mandatory medical consultation is required.

Price from 480 to 550 rubles.

Vegefarma cream

Moisturizing anti-inflammatory cream. The composition includes sunflower and rapeseed oils, chamomile extracts, angustifolia fireweed, milk proteins and a natural moisturizing complex.

Prescribed in the early post-peeling period of skin care from 1 to 15 days after chemical peeling and laser therapy.

Product price from 950 rubles.

Christina Post Peeling Cover cream

Post-peeling tinted protective cream. The components of the cream provide its antioxidant, tonal and soothing effect. The cream contains UV filters.

Christina Post Peeling Cover cream is best suited for oily, blemish-prone, sensitive and combination skin.

When used on dry or sagging skin, application of moisturizer is required. Otherwise, after some time all the shortcomings will appear.

Price from 2000 rubles.


It belongs to the B vitamins and is a derivative of pantothenic acid. Ointment:

  • normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • increases the density of collagen fibers;
  • has a local anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves skin irritation well and is an inexpensive analogue of bepanthen.

Price in pharmacies from 180 rubles.

Proper care after peeling will protect you from complications. Do not engage in amateur activities, follow the recommendations of the specialist who performed the procedure on you. Use proven quality skin care products.

How to care during the post-peeling period?

After the peeling procedure, it is important to provide the skin with proper care and maximum protection from external factors. This will help reduce the risk of infection, speed up the healing process, and shorten the recovery period. During the post-peeling period it is necessary:

  • Intensive skin hydration. Using products with hyaluronic acid or cosmetic oils will help get rid of the feeling of tightness and reduce flaking. It is recommended to use moisturizers 5-7 days after peeling.
  • Protection from aggressive environmental factors. At any time of the year, it is necessary to use sunscreen with a factor of at least 50. Exposure to wind and frost should be avoided.

An important point is nutritional correction. Fatty, spicy, fried foods are excluded, as they increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. Preference is given to light products.

After the chemical retinoic (yellow) and TCA

Retinoic peeling has a gentle effect on the surface layers of the skin, providing a rejuvenating and brightening effect. The product contains vitamin A derivatives, which help correct minor skin defects. After the procedure, an unpleasant feeling of tightness, itching and irritation appears. For a speedy recovery you should:

    Avoid mechanical impact on the face. Wash with boiled or mineral water without wiping. Gently blot the moisture with a soft towel.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a medium peel and is an effective procedure for cleansing the face, smoothing the skin texture and reducing age-related changes. After the procedure, the skin requires long-term rehabilitation as it suffers from extensive damage. To speed up healing it is recommended:

  • Do not touch the damaged surface or wash your face for 2-3 days.
  • After a certain period, use regenerating agents and gradually introduce washes.
  • Avoid components that can increase irritation (alcohol, fatty acids, scrubbing particles).
  • Apply masks that have drying and moisturizing properties (aloe juice, zinc, and kernel oils are added to the composition).
  • Use external antiherpetic agents to prevent infection.

After any chemical peel, you must apply sunscreen. This prevents the appearance of age spots and does not disrupt the production of melanin.

What is the best way to apply if your skin is peeling?

Peeling is a natural reaction of the skin to peeling. It occurs as a result of the rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis, consisting of keratinized cells. Do not pick off areas of flaky skin in an attempt to speed up the cleansing process. With premature artificial exfoliation, there is a high likelihood of scarring and age spots. The use of moisturizing and healing products will help quickly restore the surface of the skin after retinoic and TCA peeling.

Bepanthen cream

The use of Bepanten in the form of a cream will help speed up the healing process during the post-peeling period. It has a light texture without clogging pores. The product is quickly absorbed, softening and nourishing the skin, reducing dryness and flaking. Bepanthen has a powerful regenerating effect thanks to dexpanthenol and vitamin B5.

The cream does not cause allergic reactions or irritation. It is recommended to apply the product 3-4 times daily for a week after the procedure. It is acceptable to replace the drug with Panthenol spray to completely eliminate contact with the skin.

Methyluracil ointment

To quickly heal the damaged surface and eliminate unpleasant peeling, methyluracil ointment is often used. It helps relieve the inflammatory process, prevents the appearance of scars and scars. Lanolin, which is part of the ointment, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Using the product can significantly shorten the post-peeling period, restoring the skin and softening the exfoliation process.

Recommendations for recovery after laser peeling

Laser peeling gives amazing results, but you should prepare for a long recovery period. After the procedure, the skin looks like a burn. The surface of the skin is hot, reddened, swelling rapidly increases, which subsides after a few days. Within a week, crusts form, which must be carefully removed without tearing them off.

Basic rules for skin care during the post-peeling period:

  • In the first three days, it is necessary to make sterile dressings using soaked ointment wipes (Branolind) or ordinary sterile bandages. Ice wrapped in a cloth is applied to the damaged skin daily. Cooling helps relieve swelling and soreness.
  • The resulting crusts should be gently removed by soaking them in chlorhexidine or saline solution. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids, as they increase irritation of the epidermis.
  • After peeling occurs, the face is lubricated with moisturizers and sunscreens.
  • In the first days after peeling, you should minimize all touching your face by wiping your eyes with a cotton pad. You should not wash your face; you can simply rinse your mouth.
  • To speed up healing, regenerating agents are used (Bepanten, Panthenol, Solcoseryl).

If there is a possibility of infection spreading, antibacterial agents are prescribed, sometimes as a preventive measure. It is acceptable to use painkillers internally (Nurofen, Tempalgin). In addition, it is advisable to use antihistamines that reduce itching and swelling.

What happens to the skin after peeling?

Cleansing the face with chemical acids, diamond or laser resurfacing damages the top layer of skin. Adverse reactions that occur after Peeling can ruin your appearance and quality of life for a long time. Typically, a woman faces the following consequences, which are the norm:

  • redness;
  • itching, burning;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • peeling of the face.

Important! Those with sensitive skin who resort to deep or medium peeling may experience swelling and hyperpigmentation.

To quickly get rid of unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to clarify all the features of post-peeling care before the procedure. It is recommended to apply external effects on the skin using moisturizing, regenerating, healing creams.

If you do not properly care for damaged skin, scars will appear that will remain after the upper crust disappears. Also, the procedure can lead to an increase in acne, an allergic reaction, and damage to capillaries. Therefore, cleaning at home is not recommended.


Any chemical exfoliation is effective, essentially, because of the burn.

Exfoliants contain various acids that act, depending on the type of cleaning, on the upper or middle layers of the skin.

In the process of exposure to reagents, tissues are renewed: keratinized cells are exfoliated, blood microcirculation improves, and the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated.

These goals can only be achieved by using the correct concentration of acids and following cleaning techniques.

If the exfoliant is too aggressive or is left on the skin for longer than necessary , the chemical burn will move from the category of normal phenomena to the category of medical problems.

Only a slight first-degree burn provides a positive cleaning effect. More severe forms can cause significant harm.

Normal effects of cleaning with acids:

  • Peeling that goes away after a few days;
  • Mild swelling;
  • Itching.

That is, the feeling of tightness, as well as itching and tingling associated with peeling, is not a cause for concern.

If after peeling there is a strong burning sensation, blisters have formed, and any touch to the face is painful, we are talking about a more serious chemical burn.

Abnormal consequences:

  • Infections;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Scars.

Risk of severe chemical damage

Experts distinguish 4 degrees of burns , which are characterized by various tissue damage:

  1. A first-degree burn involves redness and mild swelling: such a reaction after a chemical peel is considered normal.
  2. The second degree is characterized by the appearance of blisters filled with a yellowish liquid: over time they burst.
  3. In the third degree, the skin dies and scabs form.
  4. In the fourth degree , both the dermis and muscle tissue are affected, and in complex cases, even the bones.

With chemical peeling there is a risk of any degree of damage. Therefore, acids should be treated with caution.

Mistakes when cleaning at home are fraught with consequences, including serious injury. That is why it is better to carry out the procedure with a specialist.

How to avoid problems?

To achieve a good effect after Peeling, it is necessary to properly treat damaged skin. Cosmetologists can recommend ointments and creams that are specifically designed for care after cleansing the face. You can also purchase a budget product at the pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical preparations must perform the following functions:

  • hydration, nutrition;
  • regeneration, healing;
  • improving blood circulation, reducing swelling;
  • increasing protective functions;
  • antibacterial effect on the skin;
  • protection against allergies.

Before using the cream after Peeling, study its composition. Avoid products with a lot of chemical compounds and fragrances. Preference is given to drugs based on vegetable or animal fats. If you are prone to allergies, do an allergy test.

Most often, Bepanten, Depanthenol creams or Solcoseryl ointment are used for healing after Peeling. It is necessary to choose the appropriate product depending on your skin type and type of procedure.

Criterias of choice

The main side effects encountered after peeling:

  • Redness. Depending on the type and depth of exposure, redness may remain on the face for up to several days.
  • Swelling. Those with sensitive and thin skin are susceptible to it. It usually concentrates in the neck and décolleté area.
  • Sensitivity. Since peeling is aimed at exfoliating the surface layer of the skin, after the procedure it becomes thinner and there is increased sensitivity in this area.
  • Negative effects of the sun. After peeling, the skin must be protected from direct sunlight and special protective agents with SPF 50 or higher must be applied to it.
  • Peeling and itching. Depending on how the procedure is performed, peeling may continue for several days. There is also a feeling of tightness.

In the very first days after the procedure, only medicinal ointments and creams are used. They help heal wounds, remove swelling, inflammation, itching and irritation.

The main criteria to pay attention to when choosing:

  • the cream should match your skin type and age;
  • a minimum of chemicals and fragrances in the composition so as not to cause irritation or an allergic reaction;
  • only professional and certified medicinal cosmetics, preferably from the same line.

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What components to look for in the composition:

  • collagen;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • proteins;
  • lanolin;
  • fruit acids;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vegetable oils of natural origin;
  • seaweed;
  • proteins;
  • snail mucin;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids.

Use of Bepanthen

Cream based on dexpanthenol is a universal remedy for sensitive skin. Promotes healing of sun or chemical burns, wounds, bedsores, diaper rash. Bepanten is a safe pharmaceutical drug. It does not contain components that cause allergies, is approved for caring for children from the first days of life, and is used during pregnancy and lactation.

This is interesting! For facial care after deep peeling, it is recommended to purchase Bepanten plus. It contains chlorhexidine, which has an antibacterial effect. With the help of this cream, the skin is disinfected and healed at the same time.

The product is used to accelerate skin regeneration, heal post-peeling burns, and eliminate acne. For the effect, it is enough to apply a thin layer of cream once a day to the face and décolleté.

Use of Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl ointment or gel restores, eliminating the negative consequences after cleansing the face. It is made on the basis of dialysate from the blood of calves. Its use during the rehabilitation period promotes the healing of burns, improves metabolism, hydration, and increases collagen production.

The budget product is used after the procedure by women over 35 years of age. Their skin requires additional nutrition and hydration. The course of treatment regulates the water-lipid balance and reduces wrinkles. If rashes or peeling appear after Peeling, it is recommended to use the gel.

Uses of Depanthenol

After deep peeling, they use Depanthenol, which is a cheaper analogue of Bepanthen. Both products have an almost identical composition; they are based on natural ingredients and vitamin B5. The drug is available in the form of a cream, ointment or spray.

The dosage form of Depanthenol is selected depending on the degree of damage. The drug promotes healing, softening, moisturizing, and increasing the protective functions of the skin. Before use, you must clean and treat your face with an antiseptic. The product creates an invisible film that protects the dermis from external influences, so it is recommended to use it in the morning.

Application and dosage

You burned yourself at home and decided not to see a doctor? Then follow these recommendations when using Panthenol:

  • Cream, aerosol, lotion, ointment should be applied to the affected area in a thin layer. It is best to do this at least 4 times a day. Be careful not to get the product into your eyes.
  • Superficial wounds must first be treated with an antiseptic, then with Panthenol.
  • Eye gel is recommended for use in case of burns to the organs of vision. Depending on the degree of damage, the product can be dropped into the eyes up to 5 times a day, but no more than one drop at a time.
  • Panthenol solution is used for burns of the oral mucosa. They need to gargle, rinse the mouth (the product is diluted with water 1:1), and can be applied to the scalp (diluted with water 1:3).
  • For minor burns accompanied by hyperthermia, peeling, redness, an ointment or spray is applied immediately, this way complications can be prevented at an early stage. In this case, the ointment is carefully rubbed in and left on the affected area. Please note that after applying the medicine to the burn site, there is no need to use a bandage.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist is obliged to explain all its features, as well as recommend special means for healing and restoring the skin. The rehabilitation period requires careful care. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Do not wash your face for 12 hours after peeling, do not touch your face with your hands;
  2. during the rehabilitation period, avoid scrubs, massages and other aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  3. for daily skin care, use foam or gel with a natural composition;
  4. bepanthen or any other post-peeling cream is used after a crust has formed;
  5. if acne appears after the procedure, the cosmetologist will prescribe special medications for you;
  6. If an allergic rash or swelling occurs, you should consult a dermatologist.

Important! After the procedure, the skin becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is not recommended to cleanse your face in the summer. It is necessary to use sunscreens with a high SPF (50 or higher).

After Peeling, the cosmetologist will recommend what products are best for treating the skin. If necessary, not only a cream or ointment is prescribed, but also an antiseptic drug.

How to care, what to apply: popular cosmetics

The injured epidermis requires special care during the recovery period.

Moisturizing, healing and proper nutrition are required. The following cosmetics can provide this:

Hidraloe Aloe Gel

Hypoallergenic gel made in Spain. Well moisturizes, heals, tones the epidermis. Relieves irritation, redness, promotes rapid regeneration of the skin.

The gel is based on aloe extract, it has a light texture, and after application it gives a cooling effect. Suitable for all skin types.

Uriage Predicated

Antipruritic gel . Very soothing, relieves itching, irritation, dryness, feeling of tightness, discomfort.

The base is calamine and thermal water. The gel is hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.

Probiotic Balancing cream from Holy land cosmetics

Professional and expensive cosmetics, cream. It has a complex effect: enhances regeneration, eliminates traces of inflammation, protects cells from aggressive external factors.

The basis is probiotics, milk protein, lactose.

Kanebo Sensai Silk Soothing Cream

Cream from the silk series of the professional line of the cosmetic brand. Well moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates dryness, flaking, swelling, and tightness of the skin.

The base is mineral enzymes, white lupine extract and kikiyoku. Characteristics: very light, quickly absorbed texture, does not weigh down the epidermis, and does not leave any marks.

Panthenol and Bepanten

An affordable option for facial skin care after peeling : these drugs are available in different forms (cream, spray, ointment) and are used to treat abrasions, cracks, burns.

Effectively eliminate dryness, enhance regeneration and healing of the skin.


“After Peeling, my cosmetologist advised me to use Bepanten Plus, which was able to replace several expensive cosmetics. On day 5, I began to lubricate the damaged areas with cream. After 2 weeks my skin became clear and soft.”

“A few days after cleansing, the skin began to itch, and it was very painful to wash my face. At this time, D-Panthenol cream saved me. After using it, the crusts softened and the feeling of tightness disappeared. Sometimes I use it when acne appears.”

“I did several courses of retinoic peeling in winter. For recovery I used Panthenol spray, and as a result I am being treated by a dermatologist. She severely burned her face and left scars on her chin and forehead. Therefore, I consider it mandatory to use a cream for post-peeling care.”

“I always use Rescuer, other pharmacy creams cause a rash and redness. The product is especially effective after home, less aggressive peeling.”

“To improve the condition of the skin, I use Bepanten for about 2 weeks after the procedure. I tried Solcoseryl ointment, which is also a very good remedy. However, it is not convenient to use; you have to wait a long time for it to be absorbed.”

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Rescue for the skin or how to use Bepanten after peelings

Cosmetologists prescribe Bepanten after peeling only in cases of medium or deep exfoliation. Radical cleansing and rejuvenation techniques can cause significant damage to the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, in some cases, it is possible to accelerate skin regeneration only with the help of medications based on panthenol. Many women do not know what to prefer: ointment or cream, and what is the difference between them. We will tell you further about why you need to use wound healing products from the pharmacy after peelings, how long the care should be and whether there are any restrictions.

Why may the epidermis not exfoliate?

The peeling process is almost always accompanied by peeling. However, there are exceptions when the top layer of skin does not peel off. There are several reasons for this situation:

  • Using a gentle procedure that does not affect the deep layers of the skin. In this case, the upper layer of the epidermis peels off imperceptibly.
  • Apply the product for a short period of time. How long to keep the substance on the face can only be determined by the cosmetologist who performs the procedure.
  • Well-groomed skin with a small number of dead cells. Regular cosmetic procedures at home or in salons lead to cleansing of the skin surface from dead particles. In this case, the top layer of the epidermis is removed along with the peeling; no noticeable peeling occurs.
  • The first stage of healing is not completed, the ichor is released. It will take a few days for the exfoliation process to begin.
  • Low concentration of peeling agent or thick layer of dead skin. The procedure must be repeated.
  • Individual characteristics of the body, manifested in the form of insensitivity to chemical or mechanical influences.

For a high-quality and effective procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist, competent selection of peeling, and proper skin care during the recovery period.

Why does skin require care?

No matter how gentle and careful exfoliation is, for the skin it is damage and stress, and in the case of radical lifting techniques - an acid or thermal burn of I-II severity. Effective medium and deep peels, chemical as well as physical, destroy the integrity of the skin and adjust the internal processes in the epidermis in a new way. Blood flow is stimulated, collagen and elastin fibers are formed at an accelerated rate, the skin is saturated with nutrition and oxygen. But on the way to noticeable rejuvenation and effective removal of defects in appearance, women have to deal with itchy redness, inflammation and extensive skin exfoliation.

Saving skin correctly

Care for skin injured by acidic compounds or laser beams must be consistent and thorough. Skin damaged by peeling, under which a new epidermis is actively forming, must be carefully cleaned with sulfate-free face washes, moisturized with natural masks and decoctions, nourished and restored with special creams, protected from ultraviolet radiation and disinfected with antibacterial drugs.

The basic rules of post-peeling care are common to all anti-aging techniques:

  • in the first few days after peeling, it is advisable to touch the injured facial skin as little as possible, so the consistency of all cleansing and moisturizing products should be gel or foam: they will be quickly absorbed without additional rubbing;
  • Moisturizing is a separate mandatory stage of post-peeling skin restoration. Drugs that help normalize the water-lipid balance eliminate the feeling of skin tightness and are a good prevention of scarring;
  • the formation of renewed epithelium is stimulated by regenerating preparations containing retinol, panthenol, and omega fatty acids. Creams based on these components help accelerate the healing of the skin;
  • In the case of deep peels, it is necessary to add antibacterial drugs to the standard set of post-peel care products that will prevent infection of young skin. As well as antioxidant compounds containing tocopherol or selenium;
  • in the first days after the exfoliation procedure, it is advisable to wash your face with slightly acidic water;
  • The crusts formed after acid or thermal peeling cannot be touched. They are a natural barrier for young epithelium, protecting it from atmospheric pollution and bacteria, and also prevent the formation of scars and screeds;
  • During post-peeling skin regeneration, refrain from applying makeup and using compositions with abrasive particles;
  • Apply a regenerating cream or gel to your face 3-4 times a day, as well as a product that protects against ultraviolet radiation with SPF of at least 30.

Regeneration, hydration and nutrition - this is what the skin needs after a chemical or physical burn caused by peeling. To heal the skin, you can purchase professional cosmetic products, ready-made lines of which are offered by any clinic. Another option is to consult with a specialist and buy their budget analogues at the pharmacy - medications based on the same active ingredients.

Bepanten and Solcoseryl: is there a difference?

The use of Bepanten after peeling is recommended by many experts. This product is not a cosmetic product. Initially, Bepanten is a medical product based on dexapanthenol, the wound-healing effect of which is ideal for restoring skin damaged by peeling. The most popular composition is in 2 forms: cream and ointment. Both help with burns, cuts, cracks and other serious violations of the integrity of the skin, including those caused by peeling.

Compared to a very fatty ointment, which is mainly recommended for infant diaper rash and post-operative bedsores, the texture of the cream is much lighter - it is absorbed in minutes, does not leave a film and has a good regenerating effect, largely due to vitamin B5 included in the preparation.

Bepanten is suitable for facial care after medium and deep chemical and mechanical peels. The product does not clog pores, does not cause allergic reactions or the formation of blackheads. It is recommended to apply the cream within 5 days after the peeling procedure in the morning and evening. A more affordable analogue of Bepanten is D-Panthenol spray or cream. It is based on the same active component, but there is no vitamin component in it.

Some cosmetologists prescribe Solcoseryl gel instead of Bepanten. This drug is especially effective after chemical peels. Its basis is components of animal origin, namely an extract from the blood of dairy calves. Despite its specific smell, Solcoseryl is indispensable during post-peeling care: the product activates metabolism, normalizes blood flow, and helps saturate the skin with micronutrients and oxygen. Solcoseryl ointment is suitable for any skin type, and the gel is the best option for facial skin with manifestations of acne or the presence of seborrheic zones.

Please note that neither Bepanten nor Solcoseryl contain antibacterial components. Antimicrobial treatment of the skin after peeling is best done with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

Each woman decides for herself which product to choose as the main one for speedy skin regeneration after peeling. It all depends on the type of exfoliation, the degree of damage to the skin and, of course, the budget. In any case, before looking for advice from friends, on thematic forums or from pharmacists, consult a cosmetologist. Despite the fact that wound healing creams and ointments do not cause allergies and are suitable for any skin type, you should not prescribe them yourself.

Panthenol and Bepanten after peeling, reviews

Chemical, deep peeling is always stressful, and serious for the skin. It can be seen this way. The face is red and peeling is felt. How to care, how to help the skin recover faster? Panthenol and Bepanten should be recommended by cosmetologists after peeling, listing all care measures for the client after the procedure.

Sometimes people do not remember or forget to take the necessary recommendations, thinking that a regular nourishing cream used for the face will do. Chemical peels vary depending on the substance used.

But after any peeling, special care is needed, carried out at home, by the client herself who has undergone cleansing.

Usually, a cosmetologist advises purchasing Panthenol and Bepanten after peeling, listing products suitable for quickly restoring the skin.

Deep cleansing

Chemical peeling is a serious, large-scale effect on the skin, so it must be carried out in trusted salons and always with an experienced, professional cosmetologist, who is obliged to thoroughly explain before the procedure:

  • All details of the upcoming procedure;
  • Subsequence;
  • Time of its implementation;
  • Possible sensations;
  • Describe the result;
  • Suggest how to spend the rehabilitation period.

And after a successful session, he is obliged to thoroughly list all permitted and prohibited actions, restrictions and exchange numbers for direct communication.

If for some reason the client did not receive the recommendations, it is better to contact the doctor immediately, bypassing the cosmetologist. This means that the master was inexperienced or simply inattentive. Chemical peels usually cost a lot of money, and the patient is required to receive the full range of all listed services.

You can ask a cosmetologist yourself how to wash your face, whether Bepanten or just Panthenol is suitable, how to apply makeup, you need some moisturizing masks, a cream or a special ointment, you must buy it.

After superficial, shallow peeling

It is difficult to understand the types and subtypes of cleansing yourself; immediately clarify which one is being carried out. After all, there really are a lot of variations. Buy Panthenol spray at your nearest pharmacy. It is able to painlessly heal minor scratches, as well as burns or abrasions. Now it will be used as a means of rehabilitation.

The first day - you need to wait, no action on the skin. Even regular night cream cannot be applied.

Second day - after about 24 hours, an unpleasant tightness will appear, as if there is a film on top of the face. The skin looks shiny and taut, especially if you try to smile or frown. Wash your face using a regular product, the main thing is that it does not contain the slightest abrasive (aggressive scrubbing particles). A regular gel will do.

Next, it’s time for Panthenol - apply thickly, like a mask, leave for 15-20 minutes, then blot the residue with a napkin. Only 3-4 similar procedures are needed per day. It may sting - this is normal, because the skin is extremely sensitive immediately after deep cleansing, and Panthenol, a valid, active drug, penetrates inside.

Days two and three – the film will be more visible, especially between the eyebrows or around the mouth. It started to crack and gradually come off. Let be. Do not touch. Wash your face with a regular, safe product, then apply Panthenol. Continue until the film gradually comes off on its own. Usually the unpleasant peeling stops somewhere around 7-10 days.

If redness persists, continue to use Panthenol and be sure to consult a doctor. Normally, the face should look normal by 7-10 days. You can return to your usual daily care using a nourishing or morning cream. The course of Panthenol is also stopped.

The rehabilitation period from cosmetics allows the face to rest; you can only paint the eyes or lips themselves. If you really need it, take BB creams, mineral cosmetics, without powder or foundation.

After medium peeling

You will also need Panthenol - it is better to always store it at home in your first aid kit. 2-4 days of no action. You can only wash your eyes and lips, trying not to wet your face in any way. Take a shower very carefully.

After about 2-4 days (sometimes earlier), you will feel an unpleasant, rather strong tightening. It is extremely difficult to smile, even to speak. The color of the film itself is different - normal, sometimes brown, sometimes similar to individual crusts left by burns.

Start a course of Panthenol. Apply a thick layer onto your face generously, leave for about 16-20 minutes, then blot off any remaining residue with a napkin. 6-8 similar procedures (per day). Start washing your face using a safe, non-scrubbing product.

After 2 days, you will notice loose patches of skin hanging around the mouth or between the eyebrows. Don't touch them. Just carefully trim the edges if necessary with scissors.

Continue the course of Panthenol until the skin cleanses itself and all the unpleasant films come off. The face will then return to its usual, normal color. Peeling will end somewhere around 10-12 days, but the redness will disappear later, by day 14 (rarely 21-28 days).

After waiting for a normal, familiar complexion, complete the course of Panthenol. That's it, you can take your favorite cream and apply decorative cosmetics.

If you had a retinoic peel

It is also considered average, but the rehabilitation needed is different. Usually a yellow tint is visible on the face - this is a mask with which the cosmetologist sends the patient home, telling him approximately when it can be washed off.

Be sure to adhere to the time specified by him! This will affect the result quite seriously later. Retinoic peeling itself does not leave tightness, there is no film.

The next day - notice increased sensitivity of the skin, it reacts even to the slightest, accidental touch. You can wash your face using ordinary means, only safe ones that do not contain abrasives.

If there is redness, take Panthenol or special masks. The rest of the care is quite ordinary, the main thing is that the face tolerates it calmly, without itching or redness, without irritation. Also, the skin should not turn red after the daily cream.

A week has passed (approximately), it will feel as if you haven’t washed for a long time, your skin will roll off. Everything is fine, normal care. The signs will disappear on their own.

A similar scheme is perfect after a gas-liquid type of peeling, as well as laser procedures (for example, laser resurfacing or fractional photothermolysis). Check the depth of the impact immediately, because the devices can carry out a superficial or mid-level impact. Therefore, the peeling will be either superficial or medium"



“The skin is problematic, too dry. I tried to moisturize it for a long time, took different products: creams, all kinds of masks. There was either no effect at all or temporary relief. “Okay, maybe,” I decided to take Panthenol D. The result was amazing: suddenly the skin became pleasantly soft, the dryness, of course, did not disappear immediately, but after prolonged use it went away.”


“It turns out that I am terribly allergic, and specifically to Panthenol D! The skin becomes covered with unpleasant, bright spots, then swells and terribly itches. I used it as recommended to carry out rehabilitation. Here it is. Alas, the remedy may be good, but I simply can’t.”


“D Panthenol was indeed recommended by a cosmetologist. True, as an ordinary, non-restorative agent. I used it every day, in the evenings before bed. The result is excellent, a real delight! He easily surpassed expensive means. Safe, no allergies"


“Every winter passed as a difficult period, requiring separate protection for the skin. She was peeling, weathered, and could not withstand the frost. I took Panthenol and now treat my face every winter. Real salvation. Other creams could not give a similar effect. They moisturized, yes, but only for a short time.”


“I don’t think that Panthenol can be used simply for constant, daily care. After all, it is not a simple nourishing cream, but a medicine. It’s normal to use it in rehabilitation, but otherwise it’s unlikely. Especially without any recommendation or prescription from a doctor."


“Panthenol suited me. First, I gave them rehabilitation, the skin really calmed down quickly, soon all the redness went away, and so did the peeling. Then I decided to use it this way since my skin liked it.

Normal, moisturizing, even protective cream. No allergies. I studied the instructions, it seems there are no serious contraindications for it either.

Of course, it may not be suitable for regular, daily use, but sometimes it’s possible.”


“Indeed, any normal, professional cosmetologist is obliged to tell what he is going to do, what the results are and how the rehabilitation proceeds. Especially if the client came for a chemical, expensive peeling. Although, cosmetologists are often too keen on describing different drugs.

After all, they are also advertising agents, who receive a decrease in the percentage of funds sold. Panthenol itself is a good thing, quite cheap, no match for salon products that cost a decent amount. I asked separately after the procedure how to restore the skin faster, what helps. They said take Bepanten or Panthenol.

I found out the procedure later, through the forum.”


“Bepanten came up. It looks like a regular cream and is convenient to use. I have been looking for a good product for quite a long time, my skin is sensitive, everything is not right for me. Either itching or redness. She even reacted to some weather changes. Frost or heavy rain. They advised to provide protection to the face, I decided to use Bepanten"


“Basically, I used both means. Panthenol is convenient as a spray to better treat the face, and Bepanten is thicker, lasts better, and is absorbed. I recently performed my first procedure and took a risk with chemical cleansing. Everything is fine, even painless.

At first it seemed like a real acid that could corrode the skin. But the master explained everything, how and what is used, what it feels like. I calmed down, the peeling went smoothly. There were unpleasant sensations, but it was tolerated without panic. In principle, it’s understandable, because there was a middle cleansing going on, under the skin.

Afterwards, the cosmetologist listed in detail, literally point by point, what to do, what to use, when, what the sensations will be, what appearance the face will take. At the pharmacy I immediately bought a couple of packages of Panthenol, then, just to be on the safe side, I also took Bepanten. Both were useful, the result was good.

I also liked the peeling itself, the rehabilitation went well, without complications or alarming symptoms. I'm planning a new session"


“Panthenol is truly an excellent product, even unique. It was good for home rehabilitation for my sister, I tried it this way to treat my problem face. Calming effect, gradually, areas of irritation calmed down"



Proper care after a session is almost more important than the procedure itself, because proper healing provides up to 80% of the effect. That is why many are interested in the benefits of Bepanten after peeling and how good are other pharmacy ointments in the same category. Let's analyze what can replace everyday cosmetics for facial skin during recovery.


24-32 hours after peeling, as a rule, you can already wash your face (it is better to discuss this point with your doctor). At this point, many realize that their usual creams are not suitable: they either contain abrasive particles, or alcohol, or too greasy components. At this stage, so that there is no doubt, it is better to invest in proven pharmaceutical drugs like Bepanten and Panthenol.

Cleansing PHYSIOGEL without rinsing

This professional post-peeling care product from the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline is created using innovative skin self-healing technology based on coconut oil. Allows you to remove dirt without the use of water, alcohol and soap, has neutral acidity (pH) and is suitable even for sensitive skin with dermatological diseases. Also in this line there is an excellent moisturizing product with the same name (PHYSIOGEL): it does not contain any artificial additives and completely imitates the effect of human lipids.

Toning Hidraloe Aloe Gel 3-in-1

And this Spanish hydrogel with aloe extract is unique in that it combines several functions at once. Basically, distributors talk about this drug as a tonic and moisturizing agent, suitable as a base for makeup, but many users also use it as an antibacterial cleanser with water. Thanks to aloe vera, the gel cools and restores the skin after damage, normalizes lipid metabolism, and neutralizes irritation.

Moisturizing Arnica Gel

Arnica (lamb) is a plant growing in the mountains, known in folk medicine as a medicine against bruises and bleeding. The gel of the same name based on Panthenol soothes swollen skin and at the same time nourishes it with moisture, improves hemodynamics, metabolism, and cools itchy skin after peeling. Suitable for any type of epidermis, perfectly absorbed.


Such phenomena as redness (erythema), dehydration, swelling and itching are considered absolutely normal after peeling. These side effects accompany the healing of facial skin, especially in the first 12 hours after a “controlled chemical burn,” as peeling is often called in professional circles. To alleviate these symptoms, you can use pharmacy ointments and creams specially designed for tissue regeneration: Bepanten, Panthenol, and others like them.

Bepanten for healing with vitamins

Bepanten cream, produced in Germany, was specially created for the regeneration of damaged and irritated skin with redness (including children's skin). This is one of the most popular drugs in its category with multiple dermatological applications (burns, bedsores, tattoos, wrinkles). Bepanten promotes tissue healing after various types of peeling and enhances barrier functions.

Unlike the thicker ointment of the same name, Bepanten cream is absorbed faster, so it is preferable after peeling. Apply a thin layer to the skin for 5 days in the mornings and evenings. The main active ingredient of the cream is provitamin B5, supplemented with beeswax and almond oil. “Bepanthen Plus” also includes the disinfectant chlorhexidine.

Panthenol for healing

A more cost-effective alternative to Bepanten - D-Panthenol-cream - is also based on completely natural ingredients and dexpanthenol (vitamin B5), and therefore has gained popularity among nursing mothers in the treatment of cracked nipples and diaper rash in babies. On the farm, Panthenol cream is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also after insect bites, sunburn, etc.

It is also available in the form of a spray, which is especially convenient when you don’t want to touch your itchy face again. However, it is worth taking into account that D-Panthenol cream does not contain antibacterial components and is not suitable for daily use.

Solcoseryl to normalize metabolism

Solcoseryl ointment for any skin type can replace Bepanten or Panthenol creams. Extracted from the blood of calves, the drug normalizes metabolism in the epidermis after chemical peeling, activates cellular respiration, relieves pain, accelerates regeneration processes, and normalizes impaired nutrition in tissues. Available in the form of ointment and jelly, suitable for use on the epidermis affected by acne and seborrhea.

Lyoton-gel for swelling and redness

Traditionally, Lyoton is used in the treatment of varicose veins, but in cosmetology it is used for the face against bruises and swelling, as well as rosacea. The principle of action is based on the beneficial properties of heparin: this substance is extracted from the liver and lungs of cattle and prevents blood from clotting. The product is economical: just squeeze out a small pea-sized amount of gel from the tube and apply with patting movements.

Troxevasin against edema

The special pharmaceutical anti-edema ointment Troxevasin is also not directly intended for the face, but its bactericidal properties help fight swelling and bags under the eyes, as well as vascular mesh, which is why cosmetologists love it. Its action is similar to Lyoton, but is designed for a longer period of use. Apply in the same way as Lyoton; can be used as a cream base for makeup, but be sure to avoid contact with mucous membranes. As an option, you can buy a cheaper analogue of Troxevasin - Troxerutin.

Uriage Pruriced gel for itching

French-made gel Uriage Pruriced with raspberries, isotonic water, calamine and Omega fatty acids helps relieve itching and burning even with chicken pox, not to mention peeling. The product, light in consistency, has a cooling effect, treats burns and prevents the formation of greasy stains on the collar. The hypoallergenic composition is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Acetylcysteine ​​for pigmentation

The so-called “epidermal conditioner” based on the amino acid cysteine ​​normalizes sebum production, has a wound-healing and antioxidant effect, and increases tissue elasticity. More suitable for oily skin. Helps prevent the formation of age spots after peeling. Available in powder form, for application to the face it is diluted with water to the thickness of village sour cream.

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