Which is better to choose Bepanten or Panthenol: features and differences

Often you have to decide which is better, Bepanten or Panthenol. This is due to the fact that both products belong to the group of skin regeneration stimulators. They differ in properties and price, so it is important to study complete information from the manufacturer about these medications. First of all, pay attention to the indications for use, contraindications and side effects.

Bepanten and Panthenol belong to the group of skin regeneration stimulators.

Cost of cream, where to buy?

Bepanten is a face cream, reviews of which indicate high efficiency, and is offered to consumers in different volumes:

  • 100 g – 720 rub.;
  • 50 g – 520 rub.;
  • 30 g – 420 rub.

There are also other compounds available for sale to solve more specific problems. The line is sold in almost every pharmacy. The main difference between cream and ointment textures is the color of the stripe on the packaging. For ointment apply pink, for cream - blue. The latter option is less fatty and in some cases allows you to achieve a positive effect faster.

The products are produced by Bayer Consumer Care AG, Switzerland. Thanks to a responsible approach to the production process, ready-made formulas guarantee quality, safety and high efficiency

What is dexpanthenol

I teach my clients to start getting acquainted with any cosmetic or medicinal product by carefully studying its composition. And if you compare the packaging with “Bepanten” and “Panthenol”, you can see that in both cases the main active substance is dexpanthenol.

This is a synthetic derivative of vitamin B5, its more stable form. Under natural conditions, panthenol immediately decomposes upon contact with air and light, which is why chemists have been unable to enrich cosmetic products with this valuable substance for so long.

But dexpanthenol also reacts to external influences, so creams with its high concentration (more than 3%) are produced in tubes or opaque glass or plastic jars with a dispenser that prevents contact of the contents with air.

Composition of the drug

Panthenol, which is part of the drug, is a synthetic analogue of natural vitamin B5. In its pure form it is a viscous transparent liquid. The substance dissolves well in water, which ensures a uniform texture of the finished cream and high effectiveness against the listed conditions.

The composition includes the following substances per 100 g of cream:

SubstanceQuantity, g
Cetyl alcohol0,024
Propylene glycol0,015
Stearyl alcohol0,016
Isopropyl myristate0,035
Potassium cetyl phosphate0,0127
Purified waterup to 1

The finished cream, after mixing all the components, acquires an elastic, homogeneous and soft structure. The color varies from white to slightly yellowish. The smell is weak and characteristic.

Cream "Bepanten" for the treatment of dry skin

Bepanten cream is produced by the pharmaceutical concern Bayer, whose factories are located in Germany. This is a large company with a reliable reputation that has been caring about people's health for more than 70 years.

The product is available in metal tubes with a capacity of 30, 50 and 100 grams. The drug is a thick, creamy, white substance. Bepanten is available without a prescription.

According to consumer reviews, both women and men use the product with pleasure:

  • quickly softens the skin;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • returns the dermis to a healthy appearance;
  • smoothes out shallow wrinkles.

If you think about what the secret of the beneficial effect of the drug is, then the answer should be looked for in the composition of the cream.

Beneficial features

When applied externally, panthenol quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and turns into pantothenic acid. It, in turn, is integrated into the structure of coenzyme A, a coenzyme that is necessary for the transfer of acyl groups after their production and for further transformations of fatty acids.

Coenzyme A also oxidizes pyruvic ketoacid in the Krebs cycle. It is a key factor in the sufficient supply of all body cells with oxygen and energy - ATP molecules, which are universal energy units for metabolic processes.

As a result of the described reactions, the skin becomes significantly healthier, more even and smooth, and unwanted symptoms are significantly reduced or completely disappear.

Indications for use

Bepanten brand cream can be used in several directions and for different purposes:

  • daily care for skin that is regularly exposed to wind, sun and frosty air;
  • prevention and elimination of habitual dryness in various chronic dermatitis;
  • injury to the skin and soft tissues as a result of abrasions, burns, cuts.

This cream can also be used to care for nipples during breastfeeding to eliminate and prevent the reappearance of cracks, dryness and redness.

How Bepanten works as a face cream

In some cases, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the skin after certain procedures such as acid peeling or deep exfoliation, in which the upper layers of tissue are literally burned. After applying the cream, there are practically no cases of clogged pores and further appearance of acne.

Bepanten is a face cream, reviews of which are left by many users; you should buy only the original one. In Russia and in neighboring countries there are a large number of analogues, which, after practical use, cannot be compared in effectiveness with the original. Therefore, they actually end up being used only on the roughest areas of the body, hands or feet.

Is it possible to use Bepanten for acne?

As mentioned above, the cream is suitable for dry skin. When applied to oily dermis, the drug can contribute to clogging of inflamed pores.

But the product can be applied pointwise to affected areas or used to restore skin after cleansing and exfoliating masks. For the treatment of acne, Bepanten Plus, which contains the antibacterial component chlorhexidine, is more suitable.

The drug has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for babies over 1 month of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. However, if you are individually intolerant to dexpanthenol, you will have to abandon this remedy.

Rules of application

The standard recommendation for proper application is a thin layer 2 times a day, morning and evening after thoroughly cleansing the facial skin. The means for this should always be used in accordance with its type.

If undesirable symptoms intensify or if symptoms are pronounced at the beginning of use, it is recommended to prefer Bepanten in the form of an ointment. It contains much more lanolin - 250 mg instead of 13 mg in the cream. This substance is a mixture of natural fatty esters that are obtained by processing sheep fat.

Based on especially well-purified fractions, creams are produced to soften and heal cracked nipples in nursing women. For example, the famous Purelan brand Medela. The name itself speaks about its composition. PureLan is pure lanolin, since the cream does not contain any other additives, is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe for a newborn baby.

After peeling

After exposure to chemical acids, lasers, or laser resurfacing, the outer layer of skin is significantly damaged.

Normally, the following symptoms are observed:

  • peeling;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • dryness:
  • itching

Depending on the depth and type of procedure performed, various crusts may form on the surface of the skin, which in no case should be removed. On average, the first wash is allowed 3 days after peeling. Bepanten then needs to be applied up to 4 or more times a day so that the recovery period ends as soon as possible.

An additional condition is to avoid touching your face with a towel. It is allowed to lightly blot the skin with clean and well-absorbing bristles.

For wrinkles

Bepanten should not be perceived as an anti-aging agent and expect other effects from it, which are often promised by obsessive advertising of expensive branded creams. From its application you can expect good softening, moisturizing and other effects that were listed above.

For acne

Bepanten will not be able to eliminate acne directly, since it does not contain antibacterial components. But if you have an existing problem, you can use the version of the cream that contains chlorhexidine - Bepanten Plus. Particular effectiveness and feasibility of its use will be observed with a combination of acne and constant dry skin.

Chlorhexidine is a special antiseptic, chemically presented in the form of a bigluconate formula. Being a derivative of a biguanide, it interacts with the surface of cells of pathological microorganisms and causes a biological shift in the osmotic balance within them.

As a result, the integrity is violated, the membranes rupture and further death of microbes and bacteria occurs.

For allergies

Bepanten - a face cream, reviews of which are left by both ordinary women and mothers of infants, can be recommended to eliminate the symptoms of allergic reactions. At the same time, it does not carry a hormonal load, but helps to naturally relieve symptoms while allergens are naturally eliminated from the body.

Face cream Bepanten produces different types

If symptoms are severe, the course of therapy should be supplemented with an antihistamine.

For dryness and flaking

With such symptoms, Bepanten will have a quick, strong and pronounced effect, starting from the first applications. As a rule, a positive effect is noted after 2 days of regular applications, about 5-6 times every day. In the future, it will be enough to use the cream no more than 2 times a day.

For burns

For such indications, Bepanten with chlorhexidine should be used in cases where the skin surface is significantly damaged. This will avoid secondary infection of tissues by pathogens.

For deep thermal burns, it is recommended to use the drug applied to a bandage, fixing it after that with small pieces of adhesive tape. It is recommended to change them at least 2 times a day.

For dermatitis

Women often experience the appearance of dermatitis in the form of an allergic reaction to organic oils, decorative cosmetics and other products in the form of a rash and redness of the skin around the mouth or on the cheeks.

Bepanten is able to completely suppress symptoms in a short time, from several days to 2-3 weeks. In the future, if dermatitis develops again, for example, in response to the application of a new composition, it is recommended to always have the cream in stock so that you can immediately begin to restore the inflamed tissue.

From skin damage

In case of soft tissue injury, it is also recommended to use the option with chlorhexidine - Bepanthen Plus. The complex composition in this case will protect the skin from the secondary spread of infection. The especially delicate texture of the cream pleasantly cools and soothes damaged skin.

The components included in the composition promote rapid epithelization and subsequent healing of damaged areas.

Bepanten or Panthenol – which is better?

By carefully studying medications, it is easy to determine that some drugs have almost identical compositions. The main differences lie exclusively in the commercial plane - name, manufacturing company and price. Such pharmaceutical products are usually called analogues. Bepanten and Panthenol, discussed in today's material, are a striking example of interchangeable drugs. What is the difference between these two drugs, and is there any?

We offer you an attentive comparative review of 2 skin regeneration stimulators. Both medications effectively eliminate dermatitis, inflammation and irritation. They are prescribed not only to adults, but also to children.

How are these medications different?

The main differences between Panthenol and Bepanten are their composition. We are talking not only about the main active ingredient, but also about the auxiliary ingredients. Let's look at this aspect in more detail.

  • Bepanten is a well-known representative of the pharmacological group of skin reparatives. The drug is available in 3 forms: ointment, cream and lotion. The main active element of the medicine is dexpanthenol.
  • Panthenol is a medicine that is often called “provitamin B5”. If you don’t delve into the chemical nuances, the key active component of the medicine is panthenol. Without this substance, enzymatic reactions and epithelial functions are impossible. Provitamin B5 is a cofactor formed during the synthesis of porphyrins, steroids and proteins.

Panthenol is the best choice for external treatment of affected skin areas. The drug is exceptionally permeable and can accumulate in deep tissue structures. Active ingredients stimulate the biochemical processes of cell division, increase hydration of the stratum corneum, eliminate itching and swelling.

Objectively speaking, Panthenol is a complete analogue of Bepanten, since it is based on the same substance - pantothenol.

Selection rules

Many people faced with dermatological problems are wondering what is better: Bepanten or D Panthenol. Since the composition of the drugs is almost identical, the main task is to select the optimal dosage form in each specific case.

Main forms of drug release:

  • spray;
  • cream;
  • ointment.

Sprays based on panthenolic acid form a light foam on the surface of the skin. They are prescribed primarily for the treatment of ulcerative lesions, the treatment of epidermolysis of bullous etiology, and the treatment of burns (including sunburn). The concentration of the active compound does not exceed 5%.

Ointment formulations are used to treat dry and cracked skin. They are characterized by a prolonged therapeutic effect, since they are absorbed by tissues not instantly, but gradually. After treating the problem area of ​​the epidermis, a protective layer is formed on its surface, which does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the epithelium.

Creams are used to treat weeping wounds accompanied by the formation of large amounts of exudate. The composition boasts excellent hydrating properties, is easily washed off and absorbed by the dermis. The undoubted advantage of the cream base is that it does not clog pores, allowing the cells to fully “breathe”.


A separate direction for using Bepanten cream is the healing of damaged skin after tattooing.

A special case is permanent makeup, in which the most sensitive areas of the face are treated:

  • upper and/or lower border of the lips;
  • contours of both eyes;
  • eyebrow arches.

If the procedure is carried out correctly and with high-quality care in the first days after its completion, it is very important to allow the damaged tissues to recover calmly. Before applying Bepanten cream, you should additionally disinfect the skin with a cotton swab soaked in Miramistin.

If necessary, you can enhance the effectiveness and healing abilities of the cream by alternating it with hormonal agents such as hydrocortisone ointment, Olazol, Apollo hydrogel and other compositions of a similar purpose. Bepanthen, unimportantly, with or without chlorhexidine, in such cases will significantly shorten the recovery period.

The product, used as a balsamic cream for the face, according to reviews, prevents the formation of defects after healing and prolongs the overall period of preservation of the achieved effect.

Currently, the manufacturer has significantly expanded its range of cosmetic compositions for the care of the whole body:

  • moisturizing and nutrition, lotions for very dry skin, 200 ml;
  • cream for dry areas on the feet, 100 ml;
  • restoring hand balm, 50 ml;
  • lip balm in 7.5 ml tubes;
  • care lipstick, 4.5 g.

According to reviews, Bepanten cream can also be used as a base for preparing a lighter version of foundation.

Mixed for application to the face, it will help to hide minor imperfections well, even out the tone, and at the same time, on a daily basis, will have a beneficial effect against dryness, tightness, flaking and other unpleasant symptoms of chronic dryness and lack of moisture in its upper layers.

What problems does it solve?

The cream solves only medical problems for which it is intended:

    skin damage and irritation; burns of any origin; cuts, cracks in the skin; diaper rash in children; inflammation and hyperemia of the skin (for example, after tattooing).

Girls, where will the reduction of wrinkles come from? Once again we look at the composition of the cream - well, there is nothing there that affects wrinkles! No collagen or elastin hydrolyzate, no hyaluronic acid.

With the same success, you can spread yourself with sour cream - the result is the same, but much tastier and cheaper.

How can you treat teenage acne with Bepanthen? The skin is already oily, and is additionally covered with a film of cream, as a result of which acne blooms in a “lush color”, new pimples and blackheads (comedones) from clogged pores appear every day.

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