Panthenol for the face against wrinkles and dry skin

Treats burns and wounds

Dexpanthenol is a B vitamin. When it gets into the skin, it turns into pantothenic acid, without which the normal functioning of the epithelium is impossible. The need for it increases when the epidermis is injured.

See also Ideal face. How to use concealer, BB cream and other products

The fact is that pantothenic acid has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic effects. That is why the best healing drugs today are those made on the basis of dexpanthenol. In medicinal products, its amount sometimes reaches as much as 75%. By the way, this substance perfectly helps not only against burns. They can treat any scratches, abrasions, irritations, dermatitis and post-operative scars. Doctors prescribe medications with panthenol to nursing mothers to heal cracks around the nipples, as well as to their small children to eliminate itchy rashes caused by diathesis.

2% is the amount of panthenol usually found in hair and nail cosmetics
5% panthenol (no more) should be included in caring creams
75% of panthenol is contained in medicinal preparations

As for the form of products with panthenol, it can be any. What to choose depends on the injury: it is more convenient to treat cuts and scars with ointments and gels, and it is better to apply foam to burns. It does not create a thin sticky film on the skin, which means it does not disrupt the air exchange process. Thanks to this, the “burning” epidermis cools and the pain goes away.

Cream Panthenol Avanta universal EVO

Greetings to all who stopped by.

I have heard about Panthenol for a long time and more than once, but the opportunity and desire to use it never arose. The reason for the purchase was the recommendations of two tattoo artists, one Russian, the other Greek (the latter, of course, meant any cream that contains the substance dexpanthenol, a derivative of pantothenic acid). Moreover, these recommendations were far from strict, they were simply the easiest to implement, since the product is available in any pharmacy and is inexpensive. Ok, I bought it, used it for four days, and was finally convinced that I had no use for it.


Place of purchase: city pharmacies

Price: 79 rubles

Packaging: metal tube in a cardboard box

Volume: 46 ml

Consistency: watery cream

Smell: neutral



I got the tattoo in Crete, in the city of Rethymno on the penultimate day of my vacation. I spent the entire next day on the road. I didn’t buy the product at local pharmacies, everything there is unreasonably expensive, I used Athena’s Treasures cream on the road. When I arrived, I went to a tattoo studio in my city, and the master asked how I treated my “new thing.”

When I found out that it wasn’t Panthenol, I wanted to argue, but when I learned that it was a cream with oils and vitamins, I said that then everything was fine. After talking with him, I finally decided to try Panthenol... just for the sake of trying it.



Of course, the lineup was disappointing. 5% dexpanthenol is good; B vitamins are rarely found in any product. However, all these stabilizers, silicones, mineral oil... - why all this in a product for rapid regeneration?

Okay, I decided to use it anyway. As I wrote above, I treated the tattoo with cream for four days. She noted the following points:

✔ Absorbs quickly, even if you apply the cream in a thick layer (in my case this is a minus)

✔ Leaves an unpleasant sticky layer

✔ Softening and moisturizing are only nominal, and even then only in the first minutes. In fact, after 10 minutes the skin begins to tighten a little.

At the same time, I did not notice any accelerated regeneration. I don’t know, maybe my skin was already so accustomed to natural oils and creams with good ingredients that it just started acting up when I tried to “feed” it with Panthenol. In any case, the product did not have enough softening and moisturizing for me.

Without fail, I applied a delicate and rich eye and neck cream from Reviva Labs on top. It perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, contains oils and plant extracts. And in pair with it I used jojoba oil from Desert Essence - this is a liquid wax that contains fatty acids and their esters, collagen, amino acids and vitamin E.


Instead of output

The only advantages I noted were the absence of odor, light consistency and quick absorption. The rest of the praised properties of Panthenol turned out to be useless for me. To soften and accelerate skin regeneration, it is better to take some product with allantoin, and now there are also enough creams with oils and vitamins, and their compositions are not as “chemical” as Panthenol. I won’t dissuade others from buying it, and I’ll even recommend the product, it helps some people, look how they praise it, but I won’t buy it again myself. For me, this thing turned out to be useless and even somewhat disgusting.


I wish you beauty, health and good mood.

Moisturizes the skin

However, the properties of panthenol are not limited to healing. Among other things, this substance is very hygroscopic. Simply put, it attracts water molecules to itself and holds them like a sponge. That is why panthenol is a frequent guest in moisturizing creams.

Cosmetics manufacturers love it because it has a low molecular weight: its tiny size allows it to penetrate all layers of the skin (that is, its effect is not limited solely to the epidermis) and drag water there.

True, due to the fact that panthenol is a serious medicinal substance that can cause allergic reactions, its concentration in cosmetics is much lower than in healing preparations. A dose not exceeding 5% is considered safe.

You will never find panthenol in thick, dense nourishing creams. This substance mixes well with water, but is practically insoluble in oils and fats. Therefore, all preparations containing dexpanthenol are very light: these are gels, emulsions, serums and milks.

Advantages of drugs containing panthenol

The skin in the eye area is thinner and more vulnerable than skin in other areas, and the blood vessels are located close to the surface. Careless use of pharmaceutical products for other purposes than intended can lead to undesirable consequences: from peeling of the skin to burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Panthenol for application under the eyes is one of the products that is safe enough for use in such areas, and here’s why:

  • Gently and quickly heals the skin and mucous membranes;
  • helps restore water balance during dry inflammation of the skin;
  • eliminates manifestations of allergic dermatitis;
  • relieves puffiness under the eyes;
  • smoothes wrinkles, evens out skin texture;
  • accelerates the production of collagen fibers in the epidermis.

Panthenol not only restores the surface layer of the skin - it treats it from the inside, saturating the dermis with the substances necessary for its renewal. Young cells that appear during the regeneration process replenish collagen reserves in the skin, and wrinkles are pushed out. This explains the rejuvenating effect.

Protects hair

Look for panthenol not only in skin care products, but also in hair cosmetics (up to 2%) - in shampoos, masks, conditioners and all kinds of styling products. This substance envelops the curls with the thinnest invisible film, which protects them from ultraviolet radiation, temperature exposure and other aggressors. However, panthenol does not stop at surface contact: it also seeps into the hair shaft and fills all the cracks and voids. Thanks to this, the hair looks smoother and shinier, and the ends stop splitting.

You can also find panthenol in nail cosmetics - decorative and caring varnishes. In their composition, the miracle substance is responsible for nourishing the nail plate, increasing its flexibility and strength.

Mode of application

When using Panthenol in the form of a spray, the container with the drug should be held vertically with the valve up. Before applying the foam, the can must be shaken several times. The drug is applied to damaged skin several times a day. The duration of treatment with Panthenol depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The container with Panthenol should not be used near open flames or intensely heated objects. After using the drug, the cylinder must not be disassembled and thrown into fire.

Indications, contraindications

Panthenol has been used since birth to eliminate allergies, diaper dermatitis, and skin lesions. Widely used by nursing mothers to moisturize nipples and heal cracks. Skin irritation due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, frostbite, all types of burns, abrasions, scratches, wounds - these are just a small part of the problems that Panthenol copes with.

A contraindication to the use of this drug is individual intolerance to dexopanetnol and excipients. Attention, they are different in each dosage form, so it happens that a spray is suitable, but a cream or ointment causes an allergy, for example, due to the lanolin that is present there.

To avoid irritation and allergies, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before using Panthenol.

Composition of Panthenol

The main active component of the drug is dexapanthenol (a derivative of pantothenic acid).
It belongs to the pharmacological group of B vitamins and tissue regeneration stimulators. Panthenol is available in the form of spray, cream, ointment, gelatin capsules and has a wide spectrum of action:

  • relieves inflammation at the site of origin;
  • reduces pain;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • accelerates the healing of skin lesions;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamin B;
  • when taken orally (capsules), it strengthens hair and nails, has a rejuvenating effect, and tightens turgor;
  • moisturizes the skin.

One of the advantages of the drug is the minimum number of contraindications and rare side effects. Due to this, Panthenol can be used in the presence of various chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug can also be used for the treatment and prevention of children from birth.

Proper use for best results

To effectively combat acne and comedones, it is better to use a medication produced in the form of a spray or cream. Panthenol ointment has a too oily texture, so it may interfere with the elimination of painful rashes.

To achieve the expected result, a spray with provitamin B5 must be applied correctly:

  • the product is sprayed onto fresh acne marks;
  • When applying the medicine, do not bring the can close to the skin. The optimal distance for spraying is 15 or 20 cm;
  • if there are large areas of rashes, panthenol is used to treat the entire surface of the face.

The following recommendations will help you successfully eliminate acne and post-acne using cream:

  • before applying provitamin B5, the face must be thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics and perfumes;
  • 30 minutes after treating the skin with antibacterial drugs, you can use a product with pantothenic acid;
  • It is advisable to use panthenol 2 times a day.

Important! When using panthenol to combat acne and post-acne, you should not count on an instant effect. Provitamin B5 fights imperfections of the epidermis at the cellular level, so the result will be cumulative.

Recipes for masks with panthenol to relieve inflammation and eliminate bacterial activity:

  • 1 teaspoon of panthenol cream is mixed with 6 drops of essential oil (3 drops of camphor and 3 of tea tree). The mass is applied to a cleansed face and left for about 20 minutes. Wash off the remedy with warm water.
  • Panthenol cream is diluted with chlorhexidine solution in a ratio of 2:1. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask from the skin with a napkin or wash off with warm water.
  • Mix aloe-based gel and provitamin B5 in cream form in equal proportions, and then add a few drops (no more than8) lemon juice). Apply the mixture to problem areas of the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

The optimal frequency of cosmetic procedures is no more than 3 times a week. To quickly restore the skin after painful acne, systematic repetition of procedures is recommended. Panthenol is one of the products that has a minimum of contraindications. The main factor preventing the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components.

Beneficial effects of provitamin B5

Once in the body, the main active component of panthenol is converted into vitamin B5 - a substance without which epithelial regeneration is impossible. Provitamin is involved in cell division and growth, energy metabolism and other important processes. Thanks to pantothenic acid, hydration and restoration of damaged epidermis occurs at the cellular level, so the use of panthenol for acne helps restore health to problematic facial skin.

By regularly using panthenol, you can achieve the following results:

  • normalize sebum secretion;
  • promote oxygen saturation of cells;
  • stimulate blood microcirculation in tissues;
  • prevent scar formation;
  • cleanse the pores of the products of the sebaceous glands;
  • activate the nutrition of epidermal cells.

Provitamin B5 prevents the proliferation of connective tissue, so it is advisable to use panthenol to eliminate fresh post-acne. The components of the drug provide the skin with proper regeneration, so that inflammatory processes on the face will not result in the formation of scars.

Normal skin restoration is impossible without regular cleansing and disinfection of problem areas. Along with panthenol of any form, it is necessary to use antiseptics, mild cleansers, and in some cases antibiotics.

Important! Antibiotic therapy cannot be started independently. To identify the causative agent of acne and select appropriate medications, you must consult a dermatologist.

In the struggle for beautiful skin, many people resort to using drugs that contain acids. Such medications not only dehydrate the epidermis, but also provoke excessive production of sebum, which leads to the formation of new pimples and closed comedones. Unlike acid-containing products, panthenol has a gentle effect on problem areas and prevents dryness and flaking on the face.

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