What is post-acne: causes and methods of treatment

Dermatology is a medical specialty for a reason. Papule, pustule, erythema, comedon, acne, pimples... it’s easy to get confused in a bunch of terms, but the real feat is to figure out how to treat it. Today “Your Face” offers to find out what post-acne on the face is, look at photos of various options for the manifestation of this condition, and most importantly, find out the most effective methods of getting rid of the scourge.

photo from the site soveti.com.ua

Question answer

Doctors advise not to injure the skin yourself. It is home mechanical cleaning that often causes acne marks. It's better to go to a cosmetologist. He will carry out the procedure using professional equipment. The cost of cleaning is low.

Try not to touch the area where the pimple appeared, if it hurts or there is redness. This indicates an inflammatory process. If you injure this area, a wound may appear and the infection may spread. You can apply an alcohol composition to the pimple.

Home methods will most likely only reduce acne, but they will not be able to make the skin smooth and without marks. Pay attention to salon treatments.

Azelik® is a drug for the treatment of acne

Azelik® is a gel based on azelaic acid. The foundation also contains an auxiliary component - the emollient squalane, which helps moisturize and soften the skin2,7. Azelik® helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin and normalize keratinization processes in the follicles5. By reducing the metabolism of neutrophil granulocytes and their production of free radical forms of oxygen, the inflammatory process is reduced5.

What home remedies can make acne marks less noticeable?

Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of red spots. It should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3 and wipe the skin with this lotion once a day. Or soak a cloth napkin in the composition and apply it as a mask on the face for 5 minutes - this procedure can be repeated every other day.

Lemon or grapefruit juice will also help whiten your skin. Dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio, freeze and wipe away acne marks with an ice cube in the morning and evening.

Classification of post-acne scars: how to get rid of the consequences of acne

The shape of atrophic scars is 52:

  • V-shaped;
  • Monoform;
  • U-shaped.

Sometimes a combination of these forms of scarring occurs, which complicates diagnosis. In 2006, a “Global qualitative classification of acne scars” was proposed 52.

  • Grade 1 – macular level of damage. Erythema, hypo- and hyperpigmentation are observed, the scars are flat, do not change the skin texture, but affect its shade.
  • Grade 2 – mild damage. The scarring is weakly expressed and is not visible at a distance of half a meter. It can be easily disguised with cosmetics. In men, it is not noticeable behind a growing beard.
  • Grade 3 – average level of damage. Moderate hypertrophic and atrophic scars are observed. They are visible even from a distance of 50 cm. It is difficult to disguise them with cosmetics, just like natural hair growth. If the skin is stretched, the defects are smoothed out.
  • Grade 4 – severe damage. Scarring of tissues is pronounced, it is clearly visible at a distance of more than 50 cm. It is almost impossible to disguise it with cosmetics, as well as with growing hair. Even with skin tension, the defects are not smoothed out.

This scale helps to more accurately assess the clinical picture and prescribe the correct treatment.

5 basic rules for preparing and conducting peeling

Before carrying out any procedure, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of preparation for its implementation. To get the maximum benefit from peeling, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, avoid trauma to the skin of the face . It is also advisable to reduce the time spent in the sun, since ultraviolet rays can be harmful.
  2. Check your skin for any injuries. After all, the slightest wounds can become inflamed. This procedure is not recommended for people with dry facial skin.
  3. Before the procedure, it is advisable to thoroughly clean and steam your face.
  4. Postpone preparing the mask until you begin peeling.
  5. Before using the mask (scrub), do an allergy test.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

I advise you to take a full course of DMAE 3% mesotherapy. This procedure shows good results. But don't expect an immediate effect. It is required to visit a cosmetologist 5-8 times. If there is redness or inflammation on the skin, doctors add vitamin C and organic silicon to the mesococktail.

Sheila Nazaryan

plastic surgeon

Homemade masks and purchased products reduce scars, but they will not remove them completely.
You need to understand this. Microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing remove scars well. You will not only remove acne marks, but also improve the condition of your skin. Rashes on the face and body require careful examination. Sometimes it’s easier to change your diet and adjust your hormonal levels to prevent new rashes and defects.

The problem of post-acne marks today is successfully solved with the help of hardware procedures, injections, and peelings. The individual treatment program is selected by the doctor.

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