BeautyOlder is no worse: What’s wrong with the concept of “anti-aging”

Aesthetic and anti-aging medicine

The absence in the Russian Federation of an intra-industry and legislative regulatory framework makes it possible to widely and very often be fundamentally mistaken about such a term as anti-aging.

At the moment, anti-aging covers aesthetic methods that are aimed at mechanically removing the external properties of aging, that is, cosmetology, cosmeceuticals, plastic surgery, and so on.

Real anti-aging medicine primarily addresses the internal problems of the human body, rehabilitation and normalization of the activity of other organs, as well as their systems, as a result of which two main effects are achieved:

  1. The quality of human life improves, both in physical, sexual, psychological and other aspects;

  2. Life expectancy increases by deactivating a number of harmful factors, which include genetic predisposition to certain diseases, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle defects, lack of microelements and vitamins, and much more.

The main differences between aesthetic and anti-aging medicine
Formation of indications and diagnosticsBased on comprehensive data about the patient’s condition and the prospects for its changeBased on the given condition, as well as the wishes of the patient
General essence of the approachEmphasis on symptomatic treatment, as well as on preventing the formation of certain problems in the futureRemoves mainly external problems
Who works with the patientCollaboration of doctors from different fields of medicineOne specialist
What's on offerDeeply personalized programs based on genetic analysis data and the patient’s conditionReady-made conclusions aimed at a wider range of patients

This does not mean that anti-aging medicine is considered a priority over aesthetic medicine.

These two areas solve their own specific range of problems, and at some points intersect, for example, in working with certain aspects of aging.

We decided to talk about this with Svetlana Orlova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutritionology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, member of WOSIAM (International Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine), full member of A4M (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) *.

— Good afternoon, Svetlana Vladimirovna! Thank you for finding time for us. I know you recently returned from a conference in San Diego on anti-aging medicine. What is the reason for the interest in this problem?

— In fact, this is not some spontaneous trend that arose under the influence of fashion; behind this there are quite tangible demographic phenomena, namely the aging of the population. For example, if the number of people over 65 years of age in 2010 was 524 million, then by 2050 this figure is expected to be 1.5 billion people!

If we talk about Russia, the number of pensioners is also growing here: in 1961 there were about 14 million people, in the 90s - 34 million, and in 2020 - 46 million people. Therefore, the medical community is faced with the urgent question of how to extend the active longevity of people and prevent the development of age-related diseases.


— Can we say that anti-age therapy is for older people?

- Of course not. What is aging? This is a process of gradual slowing down and extinction of the basic functions of the body. As a result, the body loses its ability to withstand stress, illness and injury. This is a cumulative process. And when we visually observe signs of old age, it means that the destructive processes in the body have long been “launched” at full capacity. Therefore, it is advisable to start supporting your body while you are still young and vigorous.

Today, people are offered prevention as early as 20 years of age, since problems associated with aging begin after the age of 20. For example, by the age of 22–25, the content of coenzyme Q10 in cells already drops by 10%.

— What affects the aging process? After all, some people look younger than their age for longer, while others age faster. What is the reason for this?

— It is believed that aging is only 20% programmed by the human genome. And 80% is what a person can influence (ecology, nutrition, lifestyle), which means that we have quite a lot of room for maneuver.

— Is it possible to get by with just healthy eating?

— This will surprise you, but healthy eating in modern conditions is a definite myth. Today we have a picture of a serious food shortage. For example, the magnesium content in beets has dropped by 26% over the past 50 years, in celery by 47%, and in carrots by 75%! There is 65% less iron in modern apples, 46% less in potatoes, and so on. The picture is similar with other microelements and vitamins.

- How then? What can you do to prevent aging and stay youthful longer?

— There are three basic recommendations, compliance with which has been proven to affect the quality of life - the so-called anti-age program.

Firstly, no matter how trivial it may be, giving up bad habits and regular physical activity. Anything will do here: from 10 thousand steps a day to walking up to the 10th floor - most importantly, every day.

Secondly, follow a low-calorie diet. Excess calories are the main cause of premature aging.

And thirdly, this is the harmonization of the diet by taking vitamins, minerals, as well as a complex of substances that inhibit age-related changes.

— What substances are we talking about?

— For example, coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble substance that is based primarily in mitochondria and is responsible for energy metabolism at the cellular level. It is believed that a decrease in its level by 25% includes the mechanisms of pathological processes leading to diseases.

The second most important function of coenzyme Q10 is antioxidant. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the effects of free radicals.

Coenzyme Q10 is synthesized in the body and also comes from foods such as fatty sea fish, chicken, rabbit meat, offal, eggs, etc. With age, the synthesis of Q10 in the body decreases, and its quantity in food is insufficient. The need for coenzyme Q10 increases with increased physical activity, prolonged stress, and after illnesses and surgeries.

Curcumin has been growing in popularity over the past few years...

— Is curcumin somehow related to turmeric?

— Curcumin is actually obtained from the root of turmeric. But it is important to understand that curcumin from the spice is absorbed only by 5–10%, therefore, for the production of health complexes, curcumin is used, converted into micellar form for complete absorption.

Curcumin has proven anti-aging benefits. On the one hand, due to its anti-inflammatory effect - it improves the functions of the liver, cardiovascular system, reduces inflammation in the joints, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that curcumin can lengthen telomeres - the end sections of chromosomes and thereby prolong the life of cell division , prolong the youth of the body, slowing down aging.

— Omega-3 intake is becoming increasingly popular. How justified is this?

“This is completely justified and even necessary, since we get Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids only from food, and their content in it is steadily decreasing.

Omega-3 acids are powerful antioxidants, protect the cardiovascular system, have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the unborn child, fight chronic inflammation, are beneficial for the health of skin, hair and nails, as well as for the nervous system, help fight allergies and depression .

*Source: “Phytodoctor” magazine (No. 3 (50) 2018), pp. 6-7

The role of diagnostics

As we have already understood, the main goal of anti-aging medicine is considered to be the formation of a person’s predispositions to various kinds of inconsistencies, as well as the prevention of their development.

Anti-aging treatment almost always begins with a deeper diagnosis of the complex form, which involves two main stages.

General traditional diagnostics. It is able to reveal how deeply rooted certain diseases are in a person, both genetically programmed and through acquisition, such as lifestyle diseases, that is, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and others.

Genetic diagnostics. It is thanks to her that the doctor is able to gain an understanding of the patient’s personal essence, the main potential pathologies that are inherent in him from the very beginning.

One of the main and important components of diagnosis is the correct interpretation of the results, because individual genes do not play such a huge role as in combination and interaction. In anti-aging medicine clinics, interpretation is carried out exclusively by a group of doctors from different specialties.

Based on the results of their work, the patient receives complete detailed instructions on how to use his own body, which contains recommendations not only of a medical nature, but also of a more extensive nature, in particular, personal rules of sleep, psychogenetics, that is, relationships with other people, nutrition, physical activity, behavior in different everyday and everyday situations.

Anti-aging medicine methods

Very often, one diagnosis and interpretation is enough to direct the patient in the necessary direction, to prevent the development of diseases and other problems that affect their duration and quality of life.

In the event of the formation of dangerous conditions or a clearly expressed potential for their formation, additional measures of both a therapeutic and preventive nature may be required.

Anti-aging medicine or anti-aging is considered a deeply personalized trend. The point is not about specific sessions, but about programs that are created individually for each patient.

And, nevertheless, we can highlight the most universal methods that are suitable for a larger number of patients in anti-aging clinics, and are able to cope with the most well-known causes of aging, and provide the necessary support to the main systems and organs.

Enrichment of the body with stem cells - the number of stem cells in the human body describes its true age, not the one in the passport, but the biological one.

There are a huge number of new and already proven ways to enrich the body with these cells. This area is being seriously developed, but some methods can lead to serious complications.

Dietary supplements are the use of high-quality biologically active additives that can reduce the risk of the formation and development of hereditary and acquired pathologies by normalizing the amount of minerals, vitamins, and active substances.

Diets are a nutrition system that is developed exclusively on genetic diagnostics.

Ozone therapy is the enrichment of the body with an active form of oxygen, namely ozone, which has a detoxifying effect and has a positive effect on the immune and circulatory systems.

Peptide therapy - peptides are special chains of amino acids that, when penetrated into cells, help prolong their life cycle and increase the resource of the tissues consisting of them.

Detoxification is currently considered the mainstay of any anti-aging program.

Various toxins to which a person is exposed every second have quite a detrimental effect on health.

There are hundreds of methods to get rid of accumulated toxins, special diets, taking natural and medicinal medications, drainage procedures, and so on.

When you are a little over 30. Anti-aging care as it is

Good afternoon Let's discuss anti-aging care in modern society.

Just so we're clear, aging doesn't scare me. When I talk about anti-aging cosmetics, it is not because I have the illusion that these products will help me look 20 years younger forever, but rather, as a true fan of the “aging gracefully” phenomenon, I love cosmetics and experimenting, I I want to have the best skin I can get for my age!

I am very passionate about the topic of anti-aging and skin care, I want to share what I do, how I take care of my skin and other thoughts. I hope you find it interesting and useful!

There has always been a lot of hypocrisy in the anti-age world. Everyone wants to age gracefully, but few are willing to admit that it takes time, persistence, and also a certain amount of money.

Last year, I was completely infuriated by articles about beauty in which the main beauty secret was to drink 2 liters of water a day and get as much sleep as possible. Victoria Beckham recommends! Of course it helps, but honestly, let's be real, it's not enough! The amount of water you drink does not affect the condition of your skin. Whether you drank four cups instead of two, nothing will change. But what irritates me the most is product placement for the naive, when models at fashion shows are given a washbasin for three kopecks on their tables, where only glycerin is listed (I won’t name it) And everyone unanimously says that this is all they use. I readily believe, but with a small addition - at home. That's all they use at home. At the same time, appointments with a cosmetologist are scheduled by the hour per week and usually this is the most professional cosmetologist whose services range from 500 euros per hour just for a session with several masks.

I recently read an article that inspired me to write this post: “The best skin care trick is wealth. Just don't rub your face with money. "If you can, please read it, it's quite a refreshing candid read, different from the usual hypocrisy of women's magazines.

This article has inspired me to share my anti-aging routine and I'm also very interested in hearing about what you do for your skin. Let's discuss?

So, in this post I want to tell you what I do to maintain my 30+ skin, both in terms of cosmetics and in terms of home anti-aging treatments.

The bad news is that skin aging starts quite early! The first signs of aging appear around the age of 25.

So here's what happens when your skin ages:

— skin cell renewal slows down: young skin is completely renewed in an average of 28 days. As you get older, the period increases to 5-6 weeks. This results in a loss of radiance and a less smooth and even skin texture.

- Pores also enlarge with age due to loss of skin elasticity. Therefore, its appearance is less smooth and with an uneven appearance,

- the color of the skin also changes: it usually becomes less even, pigmentation appears

- it also dehydrates more easily, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines,

- skin becomes more sensitive with age. Redness is more common, blood vessels are more visible.

- loses elasticity, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines, again.

- the skin loses volume and density. This is due to a decrease in its adipose layer (= the fat pad that supports the skin in the deeper layers) and also due to bone loss (the bone density of the body decreases).

When it comes to beauty solutions, there are many!

The anti-aging business is booming, and it shows no signs of stopping. But in general, the market is changing, banks are becoming cheaper and fit into the budget, more and more devices for the home are appearing, procedures not in celebrity salons can be afforded. To compare, I would say that just 40 years ago only the upper middle class flew on airplanes; now everyone can afford to fly on an airplane. It’s the same with skincare, with the advent of Indie brands and the popularity of K-Beauty, creating a good and inexpensive skincare routine is not a problem.

When we take care of our skin, it is important to know what to expect in order to better navigate and choose cosmetics according to our needs and expectations. When we are well informed, we make much better choices (and it also saves us from throwing hundreds of euros out the window because the expectations were unrealistic).

Lotions, essences, serums, masks, creams - I won’t specifically talk about jars, because today X is a good product, and tomorrow it will be Y. It depends not only on the product, on branding, and the mood of the masses in particular.

My cosmetic shelf:

- To speed up slow skin renewal, there are lotions or serums with exfoliating acids and/or retinol. I always have acid lotion and retinol cream on my shelf. Tretinoin in this case.

— — To improve the texture of uneven skin, acids and retinol are still the best options, as are products with niacinamide, for example.

- To correct skin pigmentation, daily sun protection is necessary, but there are also many ingredients against dark spots. Arbutin, the same niacinamide, hydroquinone, vitamin C.

— For dehydration, I personally really like hyaluronic acid-based serums.

- To soothe skin that becomes more sensitive, there are many good options too! I'm a big fan of honey and centella asiatica myself, but there are other wonderful soothing ingredients. Recently the star has been snail slime.

- To slow down the loss of skin elasticity - antioxidants and peptides. Vitamin C, Resveratrol, Matrixyl, Pycnogenol, Furellen, Bruise...

-To reduce rashes (not everyone needs this) - acids - salicylic, azelaic, sulfur, zinc, clay.

My beauty devices:

Non-invasive cosmetology devices (LED, microcurrent, radio frequency, microdermabrasion...):

Home beauty devices will allow you to go a little further in eliminating the signs of skin aging.

Like cosmetics, depending on the technology used they can help with:

- skin renewal,

- uneven texture

- moisturizing

-swelling, sliding face

It sounds like a utopia, but beauty devices definitely and absolutely have a big impact on the firmness and hydration of the skin (and therefore wrinkles and fine lines). Tested not on hares, but on myself.

Most of these devices reach the deeper layers of the skin and even in some cases target the muscles of the face to effectively target skin firmness (muscles help support the skin so it appears firmer), something that cannot be achieved with a cosmetic product.

Most of them are not cheap, and you also need to be very consistent in using them to see good results. All this must be taken into account when purchasing them, because the very fact of buying a device for 400 euros will not change anything.


As you can probably tell, I'm not one to let my skin age in peace! I love the idea of ​​self-care and don't mind investing my time and money into taking care of my skin.

After reading the article I mentioned above, I came to the conclusion that people with the means can afford effective treatments once a week from 1000 euros and above with immediate results.

But for people with less money (I’m talking to myself, if anything), you can still achieve good results!

To see them on our face, we must be well informed (= do not blindly believe in the miraculous claims of brands, but invest in products containing the right ingredients, recognized scientifically effective = do not buy creams with gold and diamonds, cement and silicones in the composition) , start taking care of your skin as soon as possible and, above all, be very consistent.

When we are well informed, we can truly find effective and affordable skin care gems in the uh… haystack.

So, I'm curious to know if you have any favorite anti-aging ingredients? Which ones have actually been seen to work to improve skin condition? What does your anti-aging plan look like?

Thank you for your attention



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