Fast rehabilitation after plastic surgery

One of the first targets of aging is our eyes. It is from them that one can determine the age of a person. In addition, bags under the eyes or fine wrinkles, also called crow's feet, give the face a gloomy and tired look. They can even add years to young girls.

With age, problems with the eyelids appear. The upper eyelid droops over the eye, and unwanted bags appear on the lower eyelid. Excess liquid drunk before going to bed at night affects the swelling of the eyelids in the morning. In such a situation, biorevitalization will help to positively solve this problem. A more complex problem with excess skin hanging over the eyelids can only be solved by blepharoplasty.

How is rehabilitation after blepharoplasty performed?

Postoperative rehabilitation lasts up to 12 days; physical procedures after blepharoplasty play a special role. For some time, there is moderate pain in the area of ​​surgery, slight discomfort is noticed in the form of heavy eyelids and mild eye irritation.

  • During the postoperative period, swelling and bruising appear on the face, so ice is applied to the site where the surgical intervention was performed.
  • On the second day after surgery, the patient needs to perform special eye exercises prescribed by the doctor.
  • For two or three days you should not strain your eyes by reading, watching TV shows or working at the computer.


Not often, but it happens that after the operation, a person cannot completely close his eyes. All temporary inconveniences will disappear soon (unpleasant sensitivity to light and lacrimation).

  • In the first three days after surgery, you need to put special antiseptic drops in your eyes, which prevent infection from developing.
  • You can start using cosmetics only after ten days.
  • It is not recommended to wear lenses for two weeks after rehabilitation. Replace contact lenses with comfortable glasses.
  • Bruises will disappear in ten days, and hematomas formed on the whites of the eyes will go away only after three weeks.

Sports activities, visits to baths and saunas will be strictly prohibited, and food taken should not be salty or spicy. You should not drink large amounts of water.

During rehabilitation, drinking alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited. Smoking has never improved anyone’s health or good complexion, therefore, in the postoperative period, it becomes possible to get rid of this bad habit forever in order to maintain an attractive appearance for many years.

Sutures after plastic surgery are removed within three to six days. After the operation, the patient will return to his usual rhythm of life in six to twenty days. The scars will be visible for about two weeks; on the eleventh day it is allowed to use concealers.

How to speed up recovery?

  • To prevent bleeding due to high blood pressure, avoid hot showers and baths.
  • Physical activity is strictly prohibited in the gym, fitness center and at the dacha; replace it with physiotherapy. After blepharoplasty, only they are indicated.
  • When going outside, wear tinted glasses, as they will not only protect your eyes from bright light, but will also hide the marks from the operation.
  • It is necessary to coordinate the use of medications with the plastic surgeon.

A slight swelling will be visible for several months. To shorten the rehabilitation period, it is useful to perform all physical procedures after blepharoplasty prescribed by the doctor.

Rules for facial skin care after a facelift

The patient should try to control the position of his body during sleep

When the lifting has been done, for the first 14-21 days you should sleep only on your back. The upper half of the body should be elevated. This will allow the operated tissues not to experience additional stress. Large swelling will not appear, the seams will not separate, and the skin will not stretch.

Must wear a sterile dressing

For 14 days, the surgeon recommends wearing a pressure bandage (sterile) and making sure that it does not move. Of course, there will be discomfort, but the bandage will create compression, support the tissues, prevent fluid from accumulating in the tissues, protect the skin from stretch marks, and the stitches will not get infected.

All hygiene procedures must be carried out carefully

Only on the 2nd day after the tightening can you brush your teeth. You need to do this with a small toothbrush. The paste should not cause skin irritation. You can wash your hair after 3 or 4 days. The water should be cool. You need to use sulfate-free shampoo. Do not dry your hair with hot air. The air flow should be cool. It is necessary to prevent air flow from entering the seam area. Hair should not be dyed for 2–3 months. This means that a visit to the hairdresser must be made before the operation.

Cosmetics should not be applied to the seam area.

The skin after surgery is very sensitive and reacts sharply to various substances. You should not apply cosmetics to the suture area for 14 days.

Painkillers should be taken only after consulting a doctor

Many products contain substances that thin the blood. They can cause increased blood pressure or swelling.

Intimacy and physical activity should be avoided

To prevent pressure from increasing and to prevent possible facial injuries. Activity can be resumed gradually after 2 or 3 weeks.

Hard foods should be excluded from the diet

In the first weeks after surgery, you should give preference to liquid and semi-liquid foods: soups, purees, smoothies, cottage cheese and soft fruits. Injured tissues need rest. If the jaw begins to work actively, this will lead to increased stress on the tissue.

Baths, tanning, sauna will need to be excluded

Exposure to UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation on the operated skin. Before leaving home, it is necessary to apply sun protection to your skin. The air temperature in the sauna and bathhouse is always high. The blood vessels dilate and the pressure rises. You cannot visit these establishments for at least 3 months to avoid hemorrhages and bruises.

It is necessary to attend procedures during the rehabilitation period.

This will reduce the recovery time. Blood circulation will be improved, swelling will disappear, and the scar will become less noticeable. Popular techniques include cryotherapy, laser technologies and microcurrents.

The result obtained must be maintained through visits to a cosmetologist.

A facelift gives a rejuvenating effect, but it does not stop the aging process of the skin. But modern cosmetology can do this. It can prolong youth and maintain the lifting result for a long time. For this purpose, hardware procedures, injection techniques have been developed, and recommendations for patients have been carefully selected. In addition, a dermatocosmetologist will be able to relieve the patient of remaining fine wrinkles using filler injections. The fabrics will get the volume they were missing.

If you follow these simple rules, the rehabilitation period will pass without complications and without causing any discomfort. The result that was obtained will please you for a long time. A professional surgeon will be able to advise in detail, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of lift.


Author: Ulyana Katushkina

Microcurrents, massage and gymnastics for blepharoplasty

Microcurrents after blepharoplasty have a gentle effect on the vital activity of skin and muscle cells, blood lymphatic vessels. This has a beneficial effect on the removal of stagnant fluid, improves the appearance of the skin, and forms the correct oval of the face.

Microcurrent therapy is completely painless, removes irritation, reduces swelling, inflammation, and helps wounds and scars heal faster. It is useful to carry out in the presence of acute or chronic pain, before and after surgery, to strengthen the tone of the muscles around the eyes.

Microcurrents after blepharoplasty: reviews

Olga, 38 years old

I had upper eyelid blepharoplasty a year ago. After the operation there was severe swelling, and the doctor recommended electric shock therapy. In general, the procedure is even pleasant. First, they applied some kind of gel to me, and then moved a special thing along the contour of my face. The cosmetologist also recommended that I drink less liquid, and the swelling became less. After the swelling subsided, I did not stop the procedure, but completed the full course. And my face became completely different; not only did I look better after the operation, but the skin itself became soft and tender. At work, I hid the fact that I had blepharoplasty, and all my colleagues never ceased to admire my appearance, thinking that I had a great time on vacation. I plan to do microcurrent stimulation simply for the purpose of skin correction, and during the rehabilitation period, this procedure is simply irreplaceable.


This therapy actively fights acne and cellulite, treats hair, arthritis and rheumatism.

The main use of microcurrents after blepharoplasty in hardware cosmetology is lifting, otherwise called tightening. This therapy ideally stimulates processes that affect the youth and elasticity of the skin - cell metabolism, blood microcirculation. Thanks to these actions, facial skin is tightened.

Such stimulation simultaneously affects the skin, blood vessels and muscles, saturates the deep layers of tissue with moisture, removes toxins, awakens cell activity, improving blood circulation many times over.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is performed in the following cases:

  • bags under the eyes and the appearance of excess skin around the eyes;
  • the presence of small and large wrinkles near the eyes;
  • for swelling under the eyes.

How will massage of the lower eyelids help after blepharoplasty?

One of the unwanted complications after surgery is inversion of the lower eyelid, in which they do not close completely. This problem occurs when the skin is removed excessively or when postoperative recommendations are not followed.

To correct this situation, it is enough to perform special gymnastics and lymphatic drainage after blepharoplasty. This type of massage will greatly increase the circulation and outflow of lymph from the damaged tissue, and this will lead to the rapid removal of swelling. A course of massage will improve blood flow in the facial tissues, which will have a beneficial effect on the healing of postoperative sutures and scars.

Preparation for reconstructive surgery on the face and body

Rapid and successful healing of postoperative wounds must be planned before the start of surgery.

This especially applies to reconstructive operations, in which the surgeon has to make incisions not where they will be least noticeable (as when performing aesthetic operations), but where some kind of defect or scar is already present. It often happens that such a defect is located along the muscle fibers; in this case, muscle activity will interfere with wound healing, especially in cases where it is unfavorable relative to the vector of muscle traction.

In such cases, constant microtrauma will occur, which is caused by displacement of damaged tissue. The inflammatory reaction will be more active and this will lead to the formation of a more noticeable scar. The use of botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Dysport, Lantox) for injection into the muscles surrounding the wound minimizes repeated displacement of the wound edges and makes the scar less noticeable. In addition, the absence of tissue tension allows the use of thinner suture material, which provides a better cosmetic result.

Exercises and gymnastics for the eyes after blepharoplasty

The combination of special exercises for the eyes after blepharoplasty, which plastic surgeons recommend patients do, ideally stimulates the activity of the eye muscles, and through their active work, blood flow increases and stagnation of subcutaneous lymph is eliminated.

Systematic implementation of special eye exercises for several weeks will accompany the rapid elimination of postoperative swelling and create excellent conditions for the rapid resorption of hematomas. Such gymnastics restores tone to the circular muscles of the eyes.

Before doing gymnastics for the eyes after plastic surgery, you need to do a little warm-up: first look forward, then move your eyes to the left until they roll back, after a while - to the right, then up and down (need to be done 5 times).

After completing the warm-up, proceed to a set of special exercises for the eyelids:

  • First lesson
    . Raise your head up, move your gaze to the ceiling and start blinking for thirty seconds.
  • Second lesson
    . Close and at the count of three, open your eyes as wide as possible, look into the distance. Then squeeze your eyelids tightly again so that your eyebrows remain motionless. Repeat this activity 5-6 times.
  • Third lesson
    . Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids. They should be at an angle to the nose or perpendicular to it. Start opening your eyes, despite the resistance of your fingers. After a few seconds, close again. It is very important that the eyebrows remain motionless when performing the exercise.
  • Fourth lesson
    . Tilt your head back, looking down at the tip of your nose. After 5 seconds, level up and look straight ahead.
  • Fifth lesson “Chinese”
    . Close your eyes and place your fingertips on your temples. Gently pull the skin back and release. Repeat 5-6 times.

The course of the rehabilitation period is influenced by several factors: age, heredity (thick skin), the regenerative abilities of the body, the state of tissues and the immune system (if the blood vessels in the eye area are located very close, the recovery process is delayed), the presence of addictions (alcohol, smoking).

To facilitate the recovery process, the rules necessary for this period should be carefully followed. Not only the terms of rehabilitation, but also the final result of the operation depend on your attitude to the process.

Recovery period after surgery

Any operation requires a recovery period, i.e. rehabilitation. The type of operation plays a decisive role in this regard. Blepharoplasty is considered a gentle procedure that affects only the upper tissues, and therefore the rehabilitation period is relatively short.

Bruising and bruising immediately after surgery is a natural occurrence. Moreover, on the third day after the operation they will become more obvious. But then they will gradually fade away. Perhaps by 7-10 days there will be no trace left of them. It’s worth repeating - everything is individual. Age is a significant factor in this regard. The older the patient (patient), the more time it will take for rehabilitation. At 50 years old, swelling may disappear only after two weeks, on the 14th - 15th day.

The full rehabilitation period averages 3 weeks. But it can be longer.

Whether it will be shorter depends on you, on your attitude towards this important moment. Special care after surgery will promote faster recovery and shorten the rehabilitation period. Not a single recommendation should be neglected. Yes, the skill of the surgeon is extremely important, but the rest will be entirely up to you.

Features of recovery after surgery are discussed in the video below:

Recommendations after surgery

  1. home
  2. To help the patient
  3. Recommendations after surgery
  • Recommendations after surgery
  • To help the patient
  • home

In order for the result of the operation to meet your expectations, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

In order for the result of the operation to meet expectations, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon - from preoperative preparation to the end of the rehabilitation period.

For the convenience of patients, this section contains general recommendations for recovery after abdominoplasty, mammoplasty and aesthetic surgery on the face.

Of course, the surgeon’s instructions are individual in each specific case. However, by reading the suggested recommendations, you can prepare in advance for what you will encounter during the recovery period.

Recommendations after blepharoplasty and check-lifting

Blepharoplasty, like any surgical intervention, is accompanied by natural changes in the surgical areas as a result of the inevitable violation of the integrity of blood vessels and nerves...

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Recommendations after facial plastic surgery

Facelift – success depends not only on the skill of the plastic surgeon, but also on the patient’s strict adherence to postoperative recommendations and the use of rehabilitation measures…

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Recommendations after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, like any other operation, involves natural changes in the correction area. Surgical tissue trauma and inevitable violation of the integrity of blood vessels leads to...

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Recommendations after augmentation mammoplasty

Breast augmentation using endoprostheses, like any surgical intervention, is accompanied by natural changes in the correction zones.

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Recommendations for patients undergoing reduction mammoplasty or mastopexy

Breast reduction or lifting, being a fairly extensive surgical procedure, is accompanied by natural changes in the areas of correction. On the…

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Recommendations for patients undergoing abdominoplasty

Natural changes in the areas of correction (abdominoplasty) usually occur as a result of disruption of the integrity of blood vessels and damage to nerves during the operation. In the tissues of the anterior...

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Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

This is what the rehabilitation period looks like day by day.

Day of rehabilitation periodGeneral stateAcceptable ActionsRecommendations
1 day, the appearance of swelling and bruising.Apply ice and take painkillers.
Day 2The pain persists and the swelling increases.
Increased eye sensitivity.
You can take a shower, but water should not get into your eyes.Cold compress.
Start of eye exercises. Use of antiseptic drops.
Day 3The swelling continues to increase, possibly causing double vision.
Increased eye sensitivity.
The same as on the second day.Cold compress.
Continued exercise for the eyes. Also use antiseptic drops.
4 dayThe swelling begins to go away.Reading is acceptable, but not much.If there is a need to remove sutures, you should visit the clinic to perform the procedure.
5 dayThe swelling becomes even less.Reading is also acceptable.
Day 6A hematoma (bruise) may appear.Loads are still limited.Visit to the clinic. Remove patches, stickers, etc.
Day 7The swelling goes away almost completely.Gradually it is permissible to enter the usual rhythm of life.
Day 8Transitional period between swelling and the natural state.Makeup is acceptable.Physical activity is unacceptable.
9 - 10 dayTransitional, postoperative period.See day 8.See day 8.
11 - 14 daysRestoring the natural state, the seams are almost innocent. The bruises “go away.” Unpleasant sensations disappear. You can gradually begin to exercise.
It is acceptable to use lenses.
Up to 60 daysDisappearance of all visible symptoms, restoration of natural functions and reactions.A lifestyle in compliance with the necessary rules. The lifestyle should be gentle. Compliance with individual care recommendations.

Swelling after blepharoplasty by day (before and after photos)


During the two months of the rehabilitation period, all necessary instructions must be followed:

  • Serious sports are excluded,
  • It is not permissible to visit a bathhouse, solarium, etc.
  • When going outside, you should wear sunglasses,
  • It is recommended to use a sunscreen spray for the eyelids,
  • At first, you cannot wear contact lenses; it is recommended to use glasses.
  • Reduce eye strain as much as possible, limit watching TV, reading, computer work,
  • It is better to sleep on a high pillow in order to avoid a rush of blood to the head,
  • Avoid sudden head movements
  • Avoid drinking coffee as much as possible
  • Drink more fluids
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your diet or completely eliminate it,
  • Try to eat as healthy as possible. Milk-vegetable diet is the optimal solution
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations.

Compliance with these rules will significantly shorten the rehabilitation period and prevent possible complications.

The video below will show how rehabilitation goes with photos day by day:


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Blepharoplasty, with a thoughtful choice of clinic, specialists and proper care, gives truly wonderful results: it will get rid of drooping eyelids, eliminate bags under the eyes, remove asymmetry and congenital skin defects, and help bring your appearance to perfection. It is enough to follow simple rules and a healthy lifestyle.

How long does rehabilitation last after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids?

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids occupies a special place and completely depends on the patient himself.

Eyelid correction is one of the operations that is characterized by low risk

, where complications are not foreseen and they occur very rarely.
However, in any case, this is an operation that has its own rehabilitation period, and it lasts up to 2 weeks. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last a long time; to shorten this period, you must adhere to certain rules
. You can reduce the rehabilitation period by following all the surgeon’s instructions to 10 days. There are also circumstances that aggravate the situation.

Factors that can increase the recovery period include:

  • patient age over 45 years;
  • passion for smoking, alcohol;
  • genetic features of skin structure (for example, thick skin);
  • predisposition to edema;
  • personal characteristics due to the individual structure of the skin around the eyes (for example, nearby thin blood vessels).

All this should be discussed with your doctor before surgery.

In general, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last about a month.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery: ratings and terms

The effectiveness after plastic surgery directly depends not only on the qualifications of the surgeon, but also on compliance with all the rules and recommendations of the recovery period.

It is important to note the individuality of each case, taking into account the possible characteristics of the body.
Otoplasty (1 to 2 weeks) With the help of otoplasty, it is possible to correct the shape and size of the ears.
This operation is not classified as complex and after surgery the patient can go home almost immediately. The rehabilitation period may be accompanied by swelling, headaches and hematomas. Recovery from otoplasty requires wearing a compression bandage. Removal of sutures is usually prescribed on the 10th day. Blepharoplasty (2 to 3 weeks)

Blepharoplasty surgery involves removing hernias and excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids.
This type of intervention is not classified as complex, but recovery is accompanied by swelling, hematomas and bruises. After blepharoplasty, a hospital stay is not required; the patient can undergo rehabilitation at home. Removal of sutures is scheduled for 6-7 days. Primary regeneration lasts a week, and secondary - from a month to three, depending on the characteristics of skin turgor. Patients are often prescribed laser resurfacing of sutures to speed up healing. Rhinoplasty (4 to 5 weeks) Surgery to reshape the nose is one of the three most popular operations.
The complexity of recovery after rhinoplasty directly depends on the chosen method. Laser or non-surgical rhinoplasty does not involve long and complex rehabilitation. Surgical rhinoplasty is accompanied by a fairly long regeneration. As usual, the turundas are removed on the second or third day, sutures on the seventh, and plaster on the tenth to twelfth. After rhinoplasty, it is necessary to limit active physical activity, baths, saunas, solariums, as well as wearing sunglasses. The final result cannot be assessed without earlier 6-12 months after surgery. Body liposuction (3 to 4 weeks)

The duration of rehabilitation after liposuction directly depends on the chosen method. Non-surgical liposuction is non-traumatic, the patient is discharged from the hospital after 2-3 hours. As for surgical liposuction, the duration of hospital stay is a day or more, depending on the selected areas. Primary rehabilitation lasts 3-4 weeks, and secondary rehabilitation lasts 4-6 months. Recovery after liposuction requires wearing compression garments for 1 month or more, as recommended by the treating doctor. General rehabilitation rules include:

  • Limiting physical activity.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Exclusion of hot baths and solariums.
  • Moderate active lifestyle.

The surgeon usually prescribes antibiotics and painkillers. According to indications, a course of physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage is also prescribed. Mammoplasty (from 4 to 6 weeks) Breast correction surgery seems to always be at the peak of popularity! The final shape of the new bust can be assessed no earlier than six months. After surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for a day, after which he is discharged. It is strictly necessary to wear compression garments for a month. It is important to note that for the first two weeks the patient should limit physical activity, as well as sleeping on the stomach or side. It is allowed to sleep exclusively on your back, with your head raised. Abdominoplasty (from 4 to 6 weeks) This type of operation involves removing fatty tissue and excision of excess skin from the abdominal area. Primary recovery takes three to four weeks. Secondary rehabilitation can last from eight to twelve months, depending on the quality of the skin and its reduction. The average length of stay in the hospital is 2-3 days. Compression garments must be worn for at least a month. External swelling can persist for 3-4 weeks, and internal swelling can last up to 8 months. Physical activity is possible a month and a half after surgery, with the permission of the attending surgeon. Facelift (from 4 to 6 weeks) A circular facelift is included in the category of the most complex plastic surgeries. Hospital stay is 2-3 days on average. During the rehabilitation period, it is strictly necessary to wear a pressure bandage. Removal of sutures is usually scheduled for the tenth to twelfth day. Swelling can persist for up to two to three weeks. The preliminary result can be assessed within a month or two after the operation. By this time, the main restrictions have already been lifted and it is possible to return to the usual way of life.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

The healing process can be presented in the form of a table:

Time after plastic surgery, in daysPatient's conditionAllowed actionsRecommended Procedures
1There may be swelling around the eyes. Feeling sore. A trip home accompanied by a relative.Taking painkillers. Applying cold.
2-3Diplopia (double vision) is possible.Shower, wash your hair (only carefully, do not get water or detergents into your eyes).Antiseptic drops. Exercise for the eyes.
3-5Reducing swelling and diplopia.You can read (preferably books for a short time).Removal of sutures in the clinic (with the exception of self-absorbable sutures).
5-6Traces of hematoma (bleeding) and edema in rare cases.Visit to the clinic.The plasters (antiseptic stickers) are removed.
7Bruises and swelling are almost invisible.Return to normal life. You can go to permanent work.
7-10Postoperative conditions after edema.Makeup is allowed.
10-14Visually good.You can use lenses. Gradual physical training is acceptable.
40-60Scars after surgery are invisible.Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is completed. The effect is obvious.


The table operates with average statistical indicators, and they may vary depending on individual characteristics and external conditions.

Fast rehabilitation after plastic surgery

Plastic surgery, as you know, is not the final point in your personal struggle for beauty and youthful skin. All surgeons unanimously say that how the patient behaves during the rehabilitation period

, the final result depends.
At the same time, cosmetology came to the aid of all operated patients, which made this time easier and faster. We talked with dermacosmetologist Natalia Tobina
and found out why rehabilitation procedures are needed, what will be effective and in what quantity.

Natalia Nikolaevna, why is it so important for patients
to undergo rehabilitation procedures after plastic surgery ?
Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. Our skin knows what frost, wind, hot sun and humidity are. But she doesn’t know how to behave in case of extensive injuries, even if they were inflicted in aseptic hospital conditions.

It’s easier for those patients who systematically take care of themselves, because their skin has a kind of “airbag”. As a rule, many people have a rather low regenerative resource a priori, and the operation and rehabilitation period completely reduce it to nothing.

The task after surgical rehabilitation is to develop and use the potential for rapid restoration of cells and the body as a whole, resorting to cosmetic procedures.

What procedures are we talking about?

All patients want to return to society as quickly as possible and see the resulting beauty in the reflection. And despite the fact that patients are warned about bruises and swelling, in their hearts they want to observe the planned effect immediately. Therefore, on the first line we have physiotherapy, the purpose of which is drainage, removing swelling that is unpleasant to the eye. In our clinic we use the German device Hivomat

. We also use an ultrasound machine in combination with it. This combination promotes faster healing and a comfortable state.

What other procedures may be recommended?

The second most important procedure is PRP therapy (plasma therapy)

, the work of which is based on the action of platelet-rich plasma. Contrary to the fear of some patients, plasma lifting does not increase swelling. The good thing about the procedure is that a person receives two amazing components for the skin at once. Firstly, plasma is enriched with a bouquet of vitamins, microelements, hormones, amino acids and antioxidants. And secondly, live platelets enter the skin, which contain many growth factors and beneficial components that enhance healing potential.

We work according to the Swiss plasma therapy protocol from the Regenlab laboratory. The Swiss also have meticulous statistics, which say that skin rehabilitation after traumatic procedures is accelerated by 40% when using prp therapy.

PRP therapy is still primarily carried out to obtain an aesthetic result?
Not really, the main indication for this procedure is rehabilitation. Aesthetics are already secondary. PRP therapy is used in trichology, for recovery from sports injuries, in urology, in gynecology... Any organ consists of cells and at the cellular level, if they are younger and healthier, then their functionality will be better accordingly.

Among other things, we try to connect the BBL device

- an innovative unit with various filters and attachments, operating on the basis of broadband light. Thus, physiotherapy, plasma therapy and BBL are the main procedures that will help quickly restore the body and finally see the reflection of a beautiful and rejuvenated person.

When (on what day after surgery) can you start doing the procedures you described? What procedures do we start with?

We perform physiotherapy and ultrasound already on the 2nd day after surgery. We start plasma therapy on days 5-6 - for the reason that at first the patient wears a surgical bandage, and after a couple of days it changes to a compression bandage, which is easily removed and put on. It is important to understand that the earlier we carry out the procedure, the more effective it is. A month after the operation, it is no longer advisable to do plasma lifting and BBL. It is possible, but this is not a task for rehabilitation, but for anti-age.

Are rehabilitation cosmetology procedures combined or used strictly separately?

Yes, procedures can be combined and carried out even on the same day, without fear of stress. On the contrary, it will only help recovery, since the skin is so “stressed” after surgery that it instantly absorbs everything. Therefore, with a competent approach, everything will be beneficial.

How many procedures do you need to do on average?
The question is individual. But almost everyone needs to do it once. Next, we look at the reaction, because plasma therapy is a “capacious” procedure and in 99% of cases we stop after just one session. If there are any nuances and there is an obvious need, then, of course, we can repeat the procedure in two to three weeks. I would like to note that all patients like the result, and many of them understand how much this helps in rehabilitation.

Do you use any medications? Maybe for softening or forming thin scars? What kind of drug are we talking about?

Frankly, I'm not a fan of this approach.

Yes, to speed up the healing process, surgeons often prescribe certain medications, but in fact, swelling is a natural reaction to injury. But since I am not a supporter of “pharmacological artillery,” I can only advise taking homeopathic remedies that slightly relieve the swelling.

Tell us, what procedures will help after blepharoplasty?

For a speedy recovery after blepharoplasty, all of the above procedures are suitable. Lymphatic drainage massage, microcurrent therapy, and gentle exfoliation may be considered for physical therapy.

It is also important here how accurately the patient himself will follow all the recommendations, because if he does something that is prohibited during this period, the result may not be very good.

Do you accept only your own patients for rehabilitation procedures or do you also accept other patients from other clinics?

If we talk about the rehabilitation program, then most often we carry out procedures for those who have undergone surgery in our clinic. But patients from other clinics often come to us, and we are happy to work with them. But in general, outside the recovery period, people even come to us from other cities for cosmetic procedures.

What to do next, is it necessary to resort to any other procedures after surgery and recovery?

It's simple - if you want to maintain the results and stay youthful, then you should take care of yourself. The operation alone will not give what can be obtained if a person systematically takes care of himself and regularly visits a cosmetologist’s office. Surgery still does not solve many issues, especially at the level of skin quality. For example, at the age of 45, many people have thin lips, and here it is reasonable to resort to injections. The same story with crow's feet, which are neutralized only by botulinum toxins. Procedures for skin quality are also mandatory, for example, biorevitalization and plasma therapy - the responsibility of those who want to keep themselves in a “young frame”. And, of course, nutrition - proper food, rich in vitamins and microelements, and drinking influence no less than other things.

Natalia Nikolaevna, thank you for the conversation!

Features of the first days of recovery after blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a non-traumatic type of surgery,

therefore, there is no need for a hospital stay and constant medical supervision. After applying a special medical antiseptic patch, you can immediately return home.

Preferably with a relative or friend. Since the eyelids are not fully open after the operation, the gaze is blurred and foggy, and walking on your own will not be very comfortable. An accompanying person will help you get home in the first few hours (or be prudent in calling a taxi).

The pain of the procedure is minor. But if it is present, taking a mild pain reliever will help relieve pain. Applying cold will relieve swelling.

Some actions may negatively affect further recovery, worsen the result of correction,

Therefore, in the first days for better recovery, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Under no circumstances
    should you touch or rub the seams with your hands;
  • do not load your eyes
    with reading, give up the PC, TV;
  • do not wear
  • monitor
    hygiene of the eye area;
  • sleep
    on a fairly high pillow without tilting your head;
  • It is allowed
    to wash your hair and body hygiene (shower) from the 2nd day after surgery, excluding water getting on the eyelid area;
  • maintain
    a water-salt balance - the body needs a moderate amount of salt and water;
  • the next day
    , do special exercises prescribed by your doctor.

After removing the stitches and bandages, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic ointment that accelerates healing.

Features of subsequent rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

In the early postoperative period (the first 2 weeks), swelling gradually subsides and the skin condition returns to normal.

During this period, you should pay attention to caring not only for the eyelid area, but also for the eyes:

Apply antiseptic ointment until wounds and punctures are completely healed.

Be careful:

visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool during the rehabilitation period after correction of the upper and lower eyelids is strictly prohibited.

Effect of microcurrent therapy after blepharoplasty

Microcurrent therapy has proven itself to be excellent during the rehabilitation period after surgery; it promotes:

  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • has a regenerating and drainage effect;
  • restores and relaxes muscle tissue;
  • helps avoid the appearance of keloid scars;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes fluid from the body, reducing swelling.

However, this therapy is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications:

  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • inflammatory process of any nature;
  • mental disorders;
  • drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • presence of pacemakers

Natural consequences of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Since plastic surgery is an operation that takes place under local anesthesia,

The following conditions may occur:

  • moderate swelling;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • small bruises under the lower eyelids;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • or vice versa, dry eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • diplopia (double vision);
  • blurred vision.

Do not panic: such consequences are natural and disappear within 2 weeks. It is very rare for all symptoms to appear at once. Most often, one or two symptoms from the list are identified. These are mainly diplopia and edema, which can remain for a long time. However, with the right approach and skin care, you can reduce the recovery time.

How to reduce swelling after blepharoplasty

Swelling (namely, the accumulation of excess fluid) causes not only cosmetic discomfort, but also turns out to be a medical problem. The procedures offered in beauty salons will help to significantly reduce local swelling: microcurrent, lymphatic drainage massage.

Under the influence of pulsed current (microcurrent), nerve fibers are restored

and the movement of blood and lymph improves, the complexion is evened out.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps eliminate toxins and metabolites by improving the functioning of the lymphatic system (a lifting effect is obtained). Such procedures shorten the rehabilitation period.

  • cold
    herbal compresses with chamomile infusion;
  • maintaining
    the head in a slightly elevated position during sleep during the entire rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • quitting
    smoking, alcohol;
  • minimizing
    physical and emotional stress.

People prone to swelling (with renal failure, diabetes, vasculitis) need to avoid eating salty, smoked, spicy foods and strictly adhere to the advice of a nutritionist, include vegetables and fruits in the diet.

How to speed up the healing of scars and bruises during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the appearance of bruises is common due to disruption of the blood circulation of the smallest capillaries and the accumulation of the corresponding fluid (blood, plasma). This is a natural microphysiological reaction of the body when injured.

However, a prolonged state of swelling complicates blood circulation due to the pressure exerted on the walls of microvessels, preventing the rapid healing of sutures and wounds. You can reduce hematomas with the help of medications

, cosmetics and folk remedies.

Scars heal on their own and do not require special intervention. In a month they will turn into an almost imperceptible, light, thin strip. Mesotherapy, which is performed optionally after plastic surgery, will make the scars completely invisible.

Medicines: Lokoid, Lyoton are the most prescribed decongestants.

The principle of their action is based on restoring skin receptors, reducing permeability and increasing vascular resistance. Prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates inflammation. Lyoton-gel also has an analgesic effect. Effective even for upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic preparations: (gel with retinol, gel with caffeine, cream with Chinese mushroom extract) - like all dietary supplements, are not medicines. They improve the overall condition of the skin and metabolic processes in the application area.

Folk remedies: decoction of sage, chamomile, linden, juice of parsley leaves - used in the form of compresses and improve the condition due to a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

It is important to know:

the use and use of any means is possible only after prior consultation and discussion with a doctor!

Exercises and massage for eyelids after blepharoplasty

During the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to pay attention to special exercises. They are aimed at restoring the functionality of the eyelids and additionally increase blood supply to the skin, returning lost tone to the eye muscles. All techniques are very simple and do not require special training.

Perform eye exercises in the morning and evening:

  • move your gaze up, down, left, right, repeat 5-7 times;
  • blink for half a minute, raising your face up;
  • close your eyelids, open them wide, looking into the distance, repeat 5-7 times;
  • close your eyelids, use your index fingers to pull the skin away from the temple to the sides, do 5-7 times;
  • With your index fingers, fixing the edges of the eyelids from below, lift the eyelids up, while simultaneously rolling up the pupils, 5-7 times.

Acupressure lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids can be performed by lubricating your fingers with cream.

Key points:

  • in the temple area;
  • along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner part;
  • in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • along the edge of the upper eyelid in the direction from the inside to the temple.

All movements are performed with light pressure clockwise 10 times.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

If you follow the advice of specialists and the above recommendations, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids goes smoothly, without complications.

The only thing to focus on is not to subject the operated area to mechanical stress and not to disturb the suture line, to prevent the risk of infection, not to remove the bandages yourself and not to use untested skin care products.

The use of decorative cosmetics in the first 2 weeks is contraindicated

to avoid allergies and irritation. It is strictly forbidden to expose your face to strong heat and solar (solarium) procedures, wind, or frost.

More and more often, women are using modern methods of rejuvenation, among which plastic correction plays an important role. The effect of blepharoplasty lasts for 10 years, and this is a unique chance to prolong youth and beauty.

Complications after blepharoplasty: what should the patient be afraid of
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty 2 years later:

General recommendations after facial plastic surgery

  • During the rehabilitation period, you cannot dye your hair.
  • Baths, saunas, and sports activities are excluded for two months.
  • It is advisable to avoid intimacy for 2 weeks, because this increases blood pressure.
  • For 2 months you cannot swim in the pool or open water, do massage, or sunbathe. The face should be protected from direct sunlight.
  • After a facelift, the skin will feel tight, this is normal. It is necessary to try to limit facial expressions in order to reduce the load on the skin and facial muscles.
  • In the first 2 weeks, in order to reduce the load on the masticatory muscles, you need to follow a diet. It includes pureed and liquid food.

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    I have many friends who went through this procedure, mainly because of the impending eyelid. I also think sometimes, because... I really like the result, the look becomes open, the makeup looks more beautiful.
  • I had upper and lower eyelid surgery in October. Now it’s the third month and the result is already visible. I’m very happy and also noticed that my eyebrows have become more symmetrical. Like this...

    I had blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids 12 days ago. I still don’t really understand what’s what. But the fact that nothing goes away in two weeks is for sure. And there are still bruises and swelling, I think it will last another three weeks, and it’s painful the sensations are present. The skin is recovering very slowly, so far I’m only worried. Although the changes are visible, the gaze is open, and it even seems that the eyes are shining. But the desired result, apparently, really needs to wait three months.

    Likewise. I had surgery on the upper and lower eyelids on January 11, 2018. The swelling went away, but the bruises remained. Mainly under the eyes. I disguise myself as best I can, plus glasses. Contact lenses are probably still a long way off. Because the lower eyelids are still irritated.

    • Hello! My yellow bruises lasted for more than four months. The cosmetologist said that the pigmentation might not go away at all, but fortunately, everything went away. Seven months have passed since the operation. Wrinkles should not go anywhere. To do this, you need to do a circular lift. I came to the conclusion that older women need to do everything at once. After blepharoplasty, wrinkles and sagging skin become more noticeable. I am planning a circular procedure in a couple of years.

      Dear girls! I had blepharoplasty on January 16th. I don’t have any swelling, just a small one under my eyebrow. I did the microcurrent procedure from the second day of the operation. It really helps, plus following all the recommendations of the doctor and cosmetologist. It is not reasonable to perform such an expensive operation and waste money on rehabilitation. Get well, and in a couple of days I will be able to walk without makeup

      Girls, tell me, I’m very worried(((! Two weeks ago I had a transconjunctival blepharo - removal of hernias. The bruises are almost gone - a slight yellowish tint, the swelling is also almost gone..., but a small part of the swelling seems to have gone down to the malar area and now I have malar bags, ALTHOUGH THERE WERE NO BEFORE THE SURGERY(((!!! I read the entire forum up and down! As I understand it, many people had this problem, but no one wrote whether it went away and when??? Please write, very much I’m worried whether this zygomatic swelling will go away((

      Hello! I had lower eyelid blepharoplasty 11 days ago. The swelling is almost gone, there are almost no bruises, the stitches are healing. But there is a BUT. The eyes became round, the shape of the eyes changed. Has anyone had this happen? The doctor assures that it is too early to judge the results, but I read that this should not be the case if the operation was performed correctly. Maybe I'm rushing to conclusions...

All patients are concerned about significant swelling after blepharoplasty. You should know that swelling is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage and should not be a cause for concern. A cooling bandage and compresses help reduce swelling. Limiting physical activity and taking anti-inflammatory drugs also help speed recovery.

Bruising after blepharoplasty is another inevitable consequence of plastic surgery. Hematomas do not require special treatment and go away on their own within two weeks. Approximately the same amount of time is needed for the complete disappearance of tissue edema, but the change in skin color in the periorbital area can last up to 3-4 weeks. But from about the tenth day you can already use decorative cosmetics, which help hide the marks of plastic surgery.

After blepharoplasty, patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of stiffness in the eyelid area. These symptoms do not require special treatment; it is enough to follow general recommendations. Pain in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, dry eyes or watery eyes, and temporary changes in vision also often accompany blepharoplasty.

Antiseptic eye drops help moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent infectious complications. During the daytime outdoors, it is advisable to wear sunglasses or glasses with tinted lenses. It is necessary to regularly perform gymnastics for the extraocular muscles and the orbicularis oculi muscle.

You will have to give up contact lenses for a couple of months and return to regular glasses. For 2-3 weeks you need to limit physical activity. If possible, you should sleep on high pillows. During the entire recovery period, you should not visit the solarium or sauna. It is advisable to give up alcohol, coffee and smoking. You should not take medications without first consulting your doctor.

The exact recovery time depends on many factors: the method and extent of surgical correction, the patient’s age, the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face and periorbital area.

Physiotherapeutic methods can speed up tissue regeneration. In our clinic, microcurrent therapy is actively used after eyelid surgery. Each patient after plastic surgery is provided with three free procedures. The results of blepharoplasty can be assessed after 2 months.

Swelling after blepharoplasty and features of the postoperative period

All patients are concerned about significant swelling after blepharoplasty.
You should know that swelling is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage and should not be a cause for concern. A cooling bandage and compresses help reduce swelling. Limiting physical activity and taking anti-inflammatory drugs also help speed recovery. Bruising after blepharoplasty is another inevitable consequence of plastic surgery. Hematomas do not require special treatment and go away on their own within two weeks. Approximately the same amount of time is needed for the complete disappearance of tissue edema, but the change in skin color in the periorbital area can last up to 3-4 weeks. But from about the tenth day you can already use decorative cosmetics, which help hide the marks of plastic surgery.

After blepharoplasty, patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of stiffness in the eyelid area. These symptoms do not require special treatment; it is enough to follow general recommendations. Pain in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, dry eyes or watery eyes, and temporary changes in vision also often accompany blepharoplasty.

Antiseptic eye drops help moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent infectious complications. During the daytime outdoors, it is advisable to wear sunglasses or glasses with tinted lenses. It is necessary to regularly perform gymnastics for the extraocular muscles and the orbicularis oculi muscle.

You will have to give up contact lenses for a couple of months and return to regular glasses. For 2-3 weeks you need to limit physical activity. If possible, you should sleep on high pillows. During the entire recovery period, you should not visit the solarium or sauna. It is advisable to give up alcohol, coffee and smoking. You should not take medications without first consulting your doctor.

The exact recovery time depends on many factors: the method and extent of surgical correction, the patient’s age, the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face and periorbital area.

Physiotherapeutic methods can speed up tissue regeneration. In our clinic, microcurrent therapy is actively used after eyelid surgery. Each patient after plastic surgery is provided with three free procedures. The results of blepharoplasty can be assessed after 2 months.

Sutures after blepharoplasty

Sutures after blepharoplasty are not always applied; for example, with transconjunctival access, a cooling bandage and a patch on the eyelids are sufficient. Thanks to the excellent blood supply to the conjunctiva, the wound heals on its own in the shortest possible time.

If the surgical approach is through skin folds or along the ciliated edge of the eyelid, absorbable suture material is used. Minor scars remain after any operation, but after blepharoplasty they are not visible because they follow natural folds.

How is the operation performed?

Eyelid correction is carried out in specialized clinics, by doctors specializing in this field. There are a number of indications for blepharoplasty:

  • crow's feet;
  • wrinkles in the eye area;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • drooping eyelid

The essence of blepharoplasty is excision of the eyelid, during which, if necessary, the hernia is removed. There are several techniques for making incisions and suturing after surgery.

After eyelid correction, rehabilitation is required, which usually takes no more than two weeks. During the recovery period, bruising and swelling may appear, but with proper care and following all the doctor's recommendations, they will soon disappear.

Physiotherapy is of great importance during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty.

Complications after blepharoplasty

Any plastic surgery carries a risk of complications. In most cases, complications after blepharoplasty require only conservative treatment.


. Increased tear production is associated with soft tissue swelling, which leads to displacement of the tear ducts. Does not require treatment. When the swelling decreases, lacrimation goes away on its own.

Dry conjunctivitis

. Eyelid surgery can trigger the development of conjunctivitis, although this condition is not a direct consequence of plastic surgery. To reduce pain in the eyes and moisturize the mucous membrane, special eye drops are used.

Eversion of the lower eyelid, or ectropion

. A rare complication after blepharoplasty. Its cause is non-compliance with doctor's recommendations or removal of excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. Due to the deformation of the eyelid, the patient cannot close the palpebral fissure; an open area of ​​sclera appears between the iris and the lower eyelid. As a rule, ectropion is accompanied by significant dryness of the mucous membrane.

An effective method for preventing ectropion is gymnastics for the orbicularis oculi muscle. Gymnastics and therapeutic massage are used when the first signs of eyelid eversion appear, and only when the ectropion is severely severe is surgical correction indicated.


(double vision). Such visual impairment is a temporary complication. It is caused by a disorder of the coordinated work of the oculomotor muscles. Does not require special treatment, just perform eye exercises. The function of the visual analyzer is restored after 2-3 weeks.

Retrobulbar hematoma

. An extremely rare, but most serious complication of eye surgery. Its cause is hemorrhage in the retrobulbar area (behind the eyeball). Symptoms include pain, limited mobility, and protrusion of the eyeball. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Despite the impressive list of possible complications, in the vast majority of cases, the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty goes well. If you want to learn more about the operation and the features of the recovery period, sign up for a free consultation with a plastic surgeon at SOHO CLINIC.

Preparing for blepharoplasty

Preparing for surgery with the preliminary administration of Botox, Dysport, Lantox helps prevent many complications that arise during upper eyelid surgery. Most often, patients requiring blepharoplasty have one eyebrow located lower than the other; As a rule, the lowered eyebrow is on the side on which the patient sleeps more often.

There is a risk during surgery of increasing the asymmetry by removing more skin from the side of the lowered brow line. Preliminary injection of Botox, Dysport, Lantox before surgery returns symmetry to the patient’s face and helps the surgeon correctly plan the scope of the operation.

The introduction of drugs containing botulinum toxin A into the “crow’s feet” area before surgery makes it possible to hide the incision line within the bony edge of the orbit. This eliminates the need to correct such facial wrinkles surgically, significantly reduces the amount of intervention and guarantees an effective aesthetic result.

Combining the administration of Botox, Dysport, Lantox with surgery (blepharoplasty) allows you to inject drugs directly into the orbicularis oculi muscles. This method gives longer-term paralysis of these muscles - up to 12 months, much longer than when Botox is administered through the skin. In addition, in this case, the drug begins to act within 24 hours after surgery (when administered through the skin, the effect is achieved only on the third to fifth day after the injection).

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