Chin correction with fillers - perfection of details

The chin plays a significant role in shaping the attractiveness of our face. But unfortunately, not all people have it ideal with the correct shape and size. Problems may be due to congenital and acquired defects, age-related changes, or initially irregular shape. Plastic surgery can give harmony to the face.

Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct and correct the size and shape of the chin. Plastic surgery can eliminate asymmetry, pronounced defects, and correct a double chin.

Mentoplasty has now become a very popular type of plastic surgery, because all men and women want to have correct and harmonious features: men have a strong-willed and prominent chin, and women have a neat one. In addition, chin plastic surgery is very effective and does not take much time, both during surgical procedures and during the rehabilitation period.

Indications ↑

  • facial asymmetry due to irregular chin shape;
  • heavy or too big;
  • acquired or congenital defects;
  • double chin.

Plastic surgery is suitable for both men and women of all ages.

Chin surgery is often combined with cheekbone correction and rhinoplasty to ensure that the resulting face is completely symmetrical, harmonious and beautiful.

The photo on the left shows a sloping chin, while the photo on the right shows an oversized chin, which creates disproportion due to too small lips.

Photo of a girl with a sloping chin.

The photo shows three women: in the first case, a normal chin, in the second, a double chin, and in the third photo, the woman’s chin is too large.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professionals consider chin plastic surgery with fillers to be a highly effective and safe procedure , with the help of which you can correct the shape of the chin, give a soft appearance, and make facial features harmonious and proportional. The main secrets of an excellent result are the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist and the correctly selected filler.

In the following review, the cosmetologist expresses his opinion about the RADIESSE filler:

One more point should be taken into account: fillers need to be combined correctly. Be sure to notify your doctor about previously performed cosmetic procedures to avoid drug conflicts. To be more confident, the cosmetologist may prescribe an additional ultrasound of the skin to identify remnants of the previous filler.

In the next review you will learn about side effects of the procedure such as hematomas. How to avoid bruises and speed up their resolution during the rehabilitation period.

Some experts are more inclined towards surgical intervention and installation of an implant. The main argument is the duration of the effect. The filler allows you to correct the shape and defects of the chin area for a period of time, for a maximum of 3 years, in the future the procedure should be repeated. The implant can be positioned indefinitely.

Types of operations ↑

Mentoplasty surgery can effectively and efficiently change the shape of the chin and thereby improve the patient’s appearance.

For correction, different methods and implants are used, which can be divided into several categories:

  • Lipofilling – the chin is enlarged using a patient’s fat tissue transplant.
  • Biocompatible implants – they are selected individually, depending on the facial structure and health of the patient.
  • Liposuction is a procedure used to remove excess fat that forms a double chin.
  • Lifting the lower part of the face and neck - corrects the oval of the face with various deformations, displacements and a double chin.

Detailed description of operations depending on the purpose and wishes of the client, as well as the anatomical features of his face:

Chin reduction ↑

Surgical reduction is performed if the patient has a chin that is too large, heavy, or excessively protruding. During plastic surgery, part of the bone is cut or removed; when cut, the lower part is moved back and secured. For such surgery, an incision is made either through the skin or through the oral mucosa. Reduction mentoplasty lasts approximately 2 hours.

The rehabilitation period after reduction lasts about 15 days.

Reduction plastic surgery is the most difficult type of mentoplasty.

Photo of the girl before and after reduction.

Chin augmentation ↑

Enlargement surgery is done when its shape is beveled. The lower bone fragment or implant is brought forward and placed under the periosteum. Implants are available in non-perforated, perforated and silicone types.

Implants are installed through incisions in the oral mucosa. This type of plastic surgery does not leave scars or scars in a visible place.

Augmentation is sometimes combined with a joint lipoplasty operation, when the patient's fat cells are transplanted into places where it is necessary to add the missing volume.

Chin augmentation surgery has a recovery period of approximately three days. During the week, the patient may experience mild pain and swelling.

The price of plastic surgery depends on the implants - with lipofilling it ranges from 20-40 thousand rubles, when using other implants - from 100 or 200 thousand rubles.

Photos of women before and after enlargement.

Double chin removal ↑

A double chin is formed due to excess fatty tissue and skin in the chin and neck area. It is eliminated using a liposuction procedure, which involves pumping out excess fat, as well as by stretching the excess skin and removing it. This type of plastic surgery makes the skin elastic, restores a beautiful contour and eliminates excess chin. Double chin plastic surgery is the simplest mentoplasty.

Mentoplasty lasts from one and a half to two hours. Recovery after such an operation is very short.

The price of liposuction in Moscow ranges from thirty to seventy thousand rubles.

Patients leave positive reviews about this type of mentoplasty, noting the complete disappearance of the double chin and high firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Photo of a girl before and after removal of an extra chin.


to every person that he knows his face thoroughly. Most often, this is a misconception - mirrors and photographs shamelessly deceive us, giving us a flat picture. Only the video format gives a more or less truthful picture: an objective portrait is formed on the screen in motion, from different angles. In the vast majority of cases, a person experiences unusual feelings from meeting his three-dimensional self.

Until recently, plastic surgeons and aesthetic doctors were guided by planar images, while 3D modeling provides fundamentally different possibilities for planning an operation and greatly reduces the risk of being disappointed with its results. Virtual reality has come to the aid of plastic surgeons quite recently, although the 3D revolution in medicine occurred a couple of decades ago. But, most importantly, 3D modeling makes it possible to “plan” a harmonious face that will completely suit the client.

Deviations in the development of the facial skeleton, especially with dentofacial anomalies, may be the reason for contacting a plastic surgeon. If it is impossible to carry out or refuses orthodontic and orthognathic treatment, the use of chin implants in such patients allows solving the problem of facial harmonization. An equally common reason for seeking mentoplasty (genioplasty) is underdevelopment of the chin itself, or dissatisfaction with its shape without malocclusion.

The purpose of augmentation mentoplasty (agmentation genioplasty) is cosmetic (non-functional) correction of facial disproportions.

The reasons why patients seek augmentation mentoplasty: - underdevelopment of the chin with a normal bite; — refusal of orthognathic treatment for underdevelopment of the chin and malocclusion; — improvement of the aesthetic shape of the chin; - desire to rejuvenate the lower third of the face.

Ways to enlarge the chin
1 .
Bone mentoplasty (horizontal, retractable mentoplasty). The chin can be enlarged by sliding forward and/or downward movement of its bone fragment. This method gives good aesthetic results, but requires serious skills from the surgeon. The advantage of the operation is that its own plastic material is used, but it may not be enough and, at best, is enough for changes in two projections. Other disadvantages of the method are the frequent appearance of “steps” on the bone and the unnatural appearance of the chin. 2 . Augmentation mentoplasty (increasing mentoplasty with an implant). This operation is distinguished by:

— technical simplicity; - predictable result; - reversible changes.

3. Chin lipofilling. Rather, it can smooth out the contours, slightly change the shape, and slightly increase the size. You need to understand that lipofilling and mentoplasty are far from the same thing.

Types of chin implants:

1. Standard chin implants.

2. Custom chin implants.

The choice of materials for chin implants is not very rich. In most cases, medical silicone is used, less often - polytetrafluoroethylene. Both of these materials can serve as the basis for the production of customized implants in the laboratory. Recently, the use of polyethylene foam (Porex) has expanded, but only industrial production of implants based on it is possible. Each of the materials is perfectly compatible with human tissue. Listing their numerous differences, advantages and disadvantages does not ultimately affect the final result in the overall sample. The most important difference is that silicone is an elastic material (which is easier to install through a small incision and adapt to a curved surface), while polyethylene foam is not. The remaining differences are rather contrived for the sake of competition, and none of these materials have serious insurmountable disadvantages.

The use of standard chin implants is very practical, but they are often required to be adjusted during surgery due to the variety of shapes of the chin region, the discrepancy between the implants and the desired size and shape, the discrepancy between the surface of the lower jaw, incomplete fit, frequent asymmetries, bony protrusions, sharp transitions between the implant and surface of the jaw.

Rice. 1 Sizers for standard implants in assortment

About the features of standard chin implants:

- practical; - have a wide range; - often require adjustment; - require good fixation.

Rice. 2 Bone protrusions and jaw asymmetries are the reason for the inadequacy of a standard implant.

Rice. 3 The variety of shapes of the chin region is the reason for the inconsistency of the standard implant.

Rice. 4 Typical displacements of standard implants

Rice. 5 Replacement of a standard implant. A. Model of the lower jaw with an incorrectly installed implant. Next to it is an individual implant (red) and a standard silicone implant removed during surgery. B. A custom implant is made taking into account jaw asymmetry.

Fitting the implant into place is usually done during surgery and can take quite some time. In this case, the surface adjacent to the bone is modeled with a scalpel or a milling cutter, the size and shape of the implant is changed, and bone irregularities can be filed away. Installation of polyethylene implants requires their mandatory fixation and adaptation to the bone with screws, due to their high displacement and rigidity.

The main reason for failures and errors during mentoplasty is insufficient attention to the selection of an implant. Sufficient practical experience is required to select the appropriate implant size and shape and correctly predict the future shape of the chin.

The choice of chin shape should be based both on anthropometric studies of the face and on the wishes of the patient. For anthropometric analysis of deviations in the development of the chin, photographs of standard frontal and profile projections and a teleroentgenogram are usually used.

Rice. 6. Anthropometric assessment of the chin.

However , it is well known that the shape of the chin is aesthetically more important than its correct projection.

Rice. 7. Same chin projection, different shapes

Usually , to achieve mutual understanding with the patient and demonstrate the expected result, photographs brought by the patient, modeling in graphic editors, moving soft tissues with hands in front of a mirror and opening the mouth slightly are used.

3D modeling

head , like any three-dimensional object, is described by its texture and three-dimensional shape.

Texture (surface coloring) largely determines the recognition of a face. So the coloring of the doll allows you to identify it with a certain character. However, a more accurate assessment of a face is based on its three-dimensional geometry.

Facial texture (color, light, makeup) often simply interferes with correctly assessing the three-dimensional geometry of the face. To properly evaluate a 3D image, it is sometimes useful to get rid of texture.

Rice. 8. Face coloring makes it difficult to understand that the dolls are the same

Due to the high aesthetic demands placed on the face, patients want to get an idea of ​​their new appearance before surgery. Since a person’s face is initially a three-dimensional object, difficulties arise in assessing it equally by the doctor and the patient, including based on its two-dimensional representation. Creating a three-dimensional model of the patient’s head and simulating the results of the operation on it allows you to get as close as possible to the real object, as well as calculate the future implant.

3D modeling is made during the consultation. Within 5 minutes, a light scan of the patient is carried out and a three-dimensional computer model is created. The procedure is completely safe and does not require makeup removal.

Fig.9. Scanning procedure

Immediately after this, you can rotate, comprehensively explore, measure and change the 3D model on the computer screen. A plastic surgeon and a specially trained artist help the patient with this. Quite often, to achieve a harmonious face with a change in the chin, a change in the shape of the nose is performed.

Rice. 10. An example of simultaneous modeling of mentoplasty and rhinoplasty.

It is also possible to imitate liposuction/lipofilling, removal of Bisha's lumps, changing the shape of the lips, etc.

This virtual model will be saved for further use when planning a future operation (calculating changes and markings, manufacturing individual implants, etc.).

Fig. 11. Simultaneous simulation of mentoplasty, removal of Bisha's lumps and liposuction of the cheeks.

Rice. 12. Removal of a deep-lying Bisha lump allows you to reduce the volume of the cheek without liposuction.

Making a custom chin implant

To make a custom implant, you will also need a CT scan. The size and shape of the future implant is calculated using the German mathematical model.

Rice. 13. Simulation of a new appearance compared to the old model, calculation of the shape and size of the implant.

Figure 14. Creation of a virtual chin implant.


Individual silicone implants made in the laboratory are optimally selected in shape and size; they do not require adjustment during surgery; they are simply fixed and rarely move. The high elasticity of silicone implants and the advantages listed above allow them to be installed through small mucosal incisions, minimizing surgical trauma.

Rice. 15. Installation of a silicone implant through the mouth.

The use of three-dimensional modeling in correcting the shape of the chin has made it possible to sharply reduce the number of errors when selecting an implant and increase patient satisfaction with the results of plastic surgery.

The procedure for manufacturing individual implants takes one week from the patient’s arrival for consultation to the finished implant. Typically, five days after the consultation, the patient is invited to correct the model. Practice shows that correction is often necessary, and the implant may differ from the calculated one due to some characteristics of the patient’s tissues.

Rehabilitation ↑

After any mentoplasty, the patient must wear a special fixing bandage that maintains the new shape. The bandage is worn until the operated area is completely healed.

Sometimes chin surgery requires the patient to stay in the medical center for a day while maintaining complete rest. And in some cases, depending on the degree of complexity of mentoplasty, the patient should not move his jaw at all for some time. In such cases, you cannot even chew, for this reason the patient has to eat only liquid food for about two weeks.

The likelihood of hematomas, allergies, and long-term scarring of sutures after plastic surgery is very low. Real clients leaving reviews note that they have not experienced such side effects. Since access to bone tissue was made through the oral cavity or an incision on the surface of the skin in its natural folds, the scars after mentoplasty will be practically invisible.

The recovery period takes place on an outpatient basis; the patient only needs to come to the doctor for dressings.

The first postoperative week is characterized by disturbances and difficulties in chewing, pain and swelling in the patient.

Avoid heavy lifting or exercise for approximately one month. Even after complete healing, vigorous sports such as boxing should be avoided.

After about 3 months, complete rehabilitation occurs and all consequences disappear. By this time, the patient’s appearance has improved significantly and the full result of the operation can already be assessed. Most patients are very satisfied with the results of the operation, as evidenced by positive reviews. Reviews also often note a quick and problem-free rehabilitation period.

Patient reviews

Many patients were completely delighted after chin correction with fillers. Here is one option for successful chin augmentation. You can see discussions of this review by following the link

Another laudatory review of the procedure. You can evaluate the effect of the procedure yourself based on the patient’s before and after photos.

The following patient also offers a detailed review of her chin correction using hyaluronic acid fillers. The girl also shares tips and secrets for a successful transformation, which can be appreciated in the photos presented.

Correcting defects in the lower third of the face and changing the shape of the face is possible without surgery. Non-surgical mentoplasty allows you to solve visible imperfections in the shortest possible time. Side effects are minor, the effect is guaranteed, local anesthesia and minimal tissue trauma are the main and weighty arguments in favor of the procedure. Correction with fillers is approved by many cosmetologists and patients.

Possible complications ↑

  • Chin surgery can cause infection. If an infection occurs, the implant must be removed immediately.
  • If an implant has been inserted, there is a possibility that it will dislodge. Moving the implant greatly changes the appearance for the worse and causes discomfort. Only a repeat operation can correct the situation.
  • Chin plastic surgery for some time is subsequently accompanied by discomfort, swelling, sometimes hematomas and even numbness of the lower part of the face.

In general, mentoplasty has a very beneficial effect on a person’s appearance, restoring the harmony of the face. Patients who decide to undergo such an operation are very satisfied with the result and their reviews are only positive.

Simple ways to remove a double chin at home

  1. Compresses

Eliminating a double chin using compresses is an easy way to get rid of excess folds. At the same time, the quality of the skin also improves. Wet dressings soaked in honey, herbal infusions and other products provide a lifting effect and saturate the skin with nutrients. In order to make a compress, you need a clean cloth, which is moistened in the solution, slightly wrung out and used as follows: you just need to lightly pat the cloth, folded into a rope, on your chin for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is completed by washing with cold water. You can apply a nourishing cream or mask to enhance the effect.

  1. Creams

Creams that help get rid of a double chin can be effective in the initial stages of the development of this cosmetic defect. In cases where the cause of the appearance of a small excess fold is a loss of muscle tone and sagging skin due to age-related changes, high-quality creams with a lifting effect can have a positive effect and make the oval of the face clearer.

  1. Masks

Restoring skin elasticity with a nourishing mask can also be called a simple way to eliminate a double chin at home. You can find quite a lot of ready-made cosmetics that are suitable for this purpose. If desired, use folk recipes at home. The bandage mask is considered the most effective.

  1. Massages

Massage in the chin area is aimed at improving blood circulation in the problem area, working out the muscles, and restoring their tone. As a result of pressure, rubbing, vibration and other methods of influence, the fat fold gradually disappears, which helps restore the clarity of the facial contour.

  1. Balanced diet

Many people develop a double chin due to weight gain due to an unhealthy diet. Adjust your calorie intake to avoid overeating or eating foods that don't benefit your body. Most nutritionists recommend consuming up to 2,000 calories a day if you're trying to lose extra pounds, but it varies from person to person. Try to stick to a diet that gives you enough energy and doesn't cause you to gain weight. Standard recommendations:

  • Eat more healthy fats and lean protein.
  • Eliminate carbohydrates, sugar and animal fats.
  • Include enough vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  1. Exercises

When the problem of a double chin is associated with excess weight, you can eliminate excess fat folds with daily physical activity. In other cases, simple exercises that help maintain muscle tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin give good results.

An example of effective exercises to eliminate a double chin:

  1. Open your mouth wide, then loudly, clearly and slowly pronounce the sounds in succession: a, e, i, o, u.
  2. Stretch your neck upward and chin slightly. You need to hold out in this tense state for 2-3 minutes. It is gradually recommended to increase the exercise time to 5 minutes.
  3. Pull your lower jaw down and move left and right using your chin muscles.
  4. Place a thick book on your head and, without holding it with your hands, walk around the room for 5-7 minutes.
  5. After applying the lifting cream, vigorously pat your chin with the back of your hand and lightly pull the skin in several places over the entire surface to improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  6. If possible, try to frog swim, as this method requires stretching the neck, which helps eliminate fat deposits and eliminate a double chin.

What kinesio tapes should I use for chin taping?

Sensitive skin requires careful handling. Especially soft kinesio tapes have been developed especially for the face. The patches presented in the BB FACE TAPE™ line have a hypoallergenic adhesive base and are made of premium quality materials.

To create an additional lymphatic drainage effect, you should pay attention to lymph tapes with perforation BB LYMPH FACE™. This is an innovative development in aesthetic taping, created specifically for lymphatic correction and the fight against edema. Due to the fact that perforation creates a difference in pressure on the tissue, lymph outflow accelerates and blood circulation improves, and the regeneration process starts. The skin tightens, acquires elasticity and elastic structure due to the removal of excess fluid.

Assorted colors and sizes. See our catalog to choose a tape to correct your jawline or other problem areas.

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