Methods for removing papillomas: advantages and disadvantages

Papillomas appear as benign neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes due to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus is transmitted, as a rule, through sexual and household contact between people. The most common route of transmission is considered to be sexual. Infection occurs through contact with neoplasms. To date, scientists have studied more than 100 types of papillomavirus, most of which affect the genitals. Some rare strains cause malignant tumors.

HPV can remain silent in the human body for a long time. But with a sharp decrease in the functioning of the immune system, it can cause the development of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes, which in turn can multiply quickly. The neoplasm consists of an epithelial and connective layer. Diameters on average vary from 2 to 15 mm. Often, papilloma is presented in the form of a papilla, a convex shape. They can be flat or hanging. Risk factors include frequent visits to public bathing places, long-term use of contraceptives, and damage to the skin.

Description of the pathology

The appearance of warts is a common disease that is expressed in changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, such benign formations occur when the body is damaged by papilloma and other viruses, infection of which occurs through contact and household contact. It has been established that more than 80% of the world's population is infected with pathogens, which, when immunity decreases, contribute to the appearance of warts and other similar neoplasms.

Today, dozens of types of warts are known, which differ in their size, shape and pathogens that cause this disease. The most common varieties are round, small-sized skin growths of brown-brown or yellowish-gray color. In the absence of quality treatment, warts become rough and lumpy, and severe pain appears when pressed and in contact with clothing.

Most often, warts are localized on the skin of the hands and feet , where there is often high humidity, which is one of the conditions for the rapid development of such benign neoplasms. Plantar tumors rise slightly above the skin and look like flat, hard formations with a vague and irregular contour. They are painful, and their sizes reach one and a half centimeters or more.

Types of papillomas: description, clinical picture

Regular or vulgar

The appearance of these formations does not depend on the person’s age, but, nevertheless, 70% of the sick are children of school and preschool age. The growths are most often localized on the back of the hands and between the fingers, less often on the palms, facial skin, and near the lips.

Papules are round in shape and rise above the skin level, their size ranges from a few millimeters to 1 cm. The color of warts is practically the same as the color of healthy skin, so at an early stage of the disease they are difficult to notice.

Over time, “babies” appear around the very first and largest wart. If the maternal papule also disappears.

Flat warts

This type of papillomas is quite rare - no more than 4% of patients suffer from this pathology. The shape of warts is round or polygonal, they have a flat and smooth surface, practically do not rise above the skin level, and the color is pale pink. Favorite places of localization are the back of the hands, feet, skin of the face, neck, chest. Sometimes found on the skin of the genital organs, in the rectal area.


Based on the name itself, we can conclude about the location of the tumors - on the soles of the feet. Their surface is rough to the touch, so the appearance of warts resembles growths that merge with each other. A characteristic feature of this type of papillomas is pain when palpating and walking.

Pointed papillomas

The second name for this pathology is genital warts. They are considered the most painful and unpleasant disease. Location – areas of the body where the skin connects to the mucous membrane:

  1. External genitalia.
  2. Urethral area.
  3. Anal hole.
  4. Around the lips.
  5. On the conjunctiva.

Multiple growths of warts resemble cauliflower or cockscomb. Very often, condylomas ulcerate or cracks form on them, which are the entrance gate for bacterial infection.

Reasons for formation and varieties

The main reason for the formation of warts is infection with various viruses, which can linger in the body for many years, and when immunity declines and in suitable conditions, they begin to actively multiply, which leads to the appearance of visible tumors on the skin, which only increase in size over time.

The main causes of warts:

  • Failure of the endocrine system.
  • Increased sweating of the feet and hands.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Dry skin and decreased pH levels.
  • Skin injuries.

When warts appear, they cause functional and aesthetic discomfort, they can increase in size, and painful sensations and peeling of the skin appear in the immediate vicinity of the tumor. It is important to start treatment correctly and in a timely manner by consulting a doctor who can select effective therapy and remove any tumors that have appeared.

To date, no confirmed evidence of the transition of benign warts to malignant cancer has been established . However, incorrect diagnosis cannot be ruled out. Often, cutaneous lichen and other similar pathologies are mistaken for such harmless formations. Therefore, in order to exclude medical error when malignant tumors were identified as warts, you should consult a doctor as early as possible for appropriate diagnosis and subsequent correct treatment.

Dermatologists can make a diagnosis based on the existing external signs, and will also conduct an appropriate study of the inflammatory infiltrate.

Additionally, a biopsy of the tumor can be performed, which excludes the malignant nature of the disease. Based on the information received, the specialist will determine the specific type of wart, select the correct treatment and method of removing the tumor that appears.

Based on their location, dermatologists distinguish between genital, facial and bodily warts. Most often, such neoplasms are observed in the genital area, which is explained by frequent trauma and the characteristics of the skin epithelium, which is susceptible to various viral infections.

Depending on the appearance and shape, it is customary to classify the following warts:

  • Ordinary ones have an uneven surface, appearing on the back of the hands, face, and scalp.
  • Plantar papillae look like filiform papillae and are most often localized on the foot, sole and phalanges of the fingers.
  • Genital condylomas appear in the intergluteal and groin areas, often localized on the genitals, looking like fused pink formations.
  • Flat juvenile warts appear from scratches, cuts and irritation on the hands, face and feet.
  • Senile keratomas are observed in elderly people, are of non-viral origin, and are localized on the face and neck.

It is extremely important to correctly classify the patient’s tumors, which will allow for the correct selection of treatment technology.

You just need to choose the right clinic where you can remove warts with a laser completely painlessly and efficiently. Diagnosis is performed using special equipment, including a biopsy of existing tumors. Subsequently, immediately after removal, the doctor must send the excised tumor for histology, which makes it possible to exclude the malignant nature of the pathology.

other methods

The process of getting rid of warts, in addition to removing papilloma, includes antiviral therapy and measures to strengthen the immune system.

The drug Isoprinosine is very effective against HPV, it forces the virus to “subside” and has an immunostimulating effect. The drug is taken for 14 days, a month break is taken, and the course is repeated.

The doctor may prescribe other medications, depending on individual indicators.

For example:

  • Lavomax;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Immunosin;
  • Anaferon, etc.

The drug Isoprinosine

Attention: all drug names are given for informational purposes. It is prohibited to take them without a doctor’s prescription due to a significant number of contraindications! If the affected area is small, you can try to remove the wart with pharmaceutical products.

The drugs are varied in composition and effects on the body. They fight papillomas using cold or chemicals (acids, alkalis).

The funds are available in the form of:

  • ointments;
  • plasters;
  • solutions;
  • pencils.

They must be used strictly following the attached instructions to avoid burns and injury to the deep layers of the skin.

The popular method of burning warts with celandine juice is widespread, but this is quite dangerous. The plant is extremely poisonous, you need to know how to handle it.

Attention: the pharmaceutical product Supercelandine is not a plant extract. It is an aqueous solution of sodium and potassium hydroxide.

At home, you can only get rid of small formations, having previously obtained the approval of your doctor. It is difficult to understand the variety of methods on your own. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

Radio wave removal of warts

To remove warts using radio waves, a special device is used - the Surgitron apparatus. As in the case of laser cauterization, radio wave surgery is a non-contact method of exposure, in which the destruction of damaged tissue occurs under the influence of high frequencies (3.8-4.0 MHz).

The active electrode is directed to the formation, cutting off the growth without temperature effects on healthy areas of the skin.

Radio wave removal

Advantages of the method:

  • rapid restoration of the skin;
  • exclusion of scarring;
  • impossibility of infection or bleeding.

When removing warts with Surgitron, the radio signal neutralizes the nerve endings, so the procedure is painless.

The operation takes a few minutes. The wound heals completely in about four days. At this time, the intervention site should be cleaned with soapy water and an antiseptic (or antibiotic) prescribed by the doctor should be applied.

The procedure should not be performed on people with colds, herpes, or hypertension.

Warts in women and men

It has been established that men and women are equally susceptible to infection with viruses that lead to the appearance of tumors on the skin. Most often, the penetration of the pathogen into the body occurs through the use of hygiene products, handshakes, sexual contact or in everyday life. Regardless of the method of infection and the location of such neoplasms, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, which will prevent the uncontrolled growth of warts, simplifying their removal.

Warts in women can appear at any age and on any part of the body. They vary in size, color and shape. For example, flat white growths often appear on the face, and dark genital warts appear on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The latter, without high-quality diagnosis and timely treatment, can contribute to the development of cervical cancer. Therefore, you should regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist to identify such skin tumors.

In men, only with a sharp decrease in immunity , as well as problems with the endocrine system, various papillomas can appear. Most often they are observed on the mucous membranes, skin of the legs or near the genitals. It has been established that HPV types 16 and 18 can increase the risk of developing cancer in the body, however, such warts in men are extremely rare.

The disease should not be started, since it is easier to remove tumors as soon as they appear, using liquid nitrogen treatment or laser technology.

Rehabilitation after removal of growths

After a patient has had an annoying wart burned out, he may experience some complications. They often arise as a result of improper organization of the recovery period. Of course, they are not life-threatening, but they can cause some inconvenience to a person.

Possible consequences

Adverse health effects include:

  1. High probability of relapse of the disease. Re-formation of warts occurs when the area of ​​skin affected by the growths is not completely treated.

  2. The possibility of the formation of an unsightly scar on the skin over the removed tumor. This complication occurs when the laser beam penetrates too deeply.

  3. The formation of a keloid scar, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.

Most often, complications after laser wart removal occur when the skin on the toes and soles was treated. The spines have deep shafts, which explains the high risk of wounds and scars. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to know what not to do after burning off a wart with a laser beam.

Choosing the right treatment

The main way to treat warts is to destroy and remove them using medications and special equipment. Antiviral creams are used to prevent the spread of infection to nearby unaffected areas of the skin. Dermatologists often prescribe oxolinic ointment in high concentrations, which helps stop the growth of tumors, preventing the spread of the disease.

Today, the most widely used methods for removing tumors are:

  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Cryodestruction.
  • Laser removal.

In rare cases, surgical treatment is resorted to, which will be relevant in situations where a large area of ​​tissue is affected by warts and it is not possible to use electrocoagulation or laser. Excision is performed under local anesthesia, subsequently applying intradermal cosmetic sutures. The patient’s recovery usually takes 7-8 days, and after such treatment a barely noticeable light scar remains.

When should you think about deleting?

Most types of warts do not cause much trouble to a person, and such patients are in no hurry to see a cosmetologist. But there are certain symptoms, when they appear, a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory:

  1. Pain when palpating papilloma (plantar warts).
  2. Rapid growth of the wart, change in its color, and the appearance of bleeding at the growth point.
  3. Huge sizes.
  4. Pronounced cosmetic defect.
  5. Involvement of other areas of the skin in the infectious process.

Also in the section: Methods for removing moles.

Benefits of using a laser

The most popular today is laser technology, which allows you to remove tumors, eliminating the recurrence of warts, while preventing the appearance of stitches and other cosmetic defects. The patient undergoes additional local application of pain-relieving injections or creams, which completely eliminates discomfort during the procedure. This painless cauterization of warts with a laser eliminates the recurrence of tumors.

A laser LED directed at the wart evaporates the viral epithelium and tumor cells layer by layer without affecting healthy tissue. Using this technology, it is possible to remove tumors without bleeding or serious damage to the skin. The total duration of the operation usually does not exceed 2 minutes. There is no contact of the laser beam directly with the skin, which eliminates the possibility of blood poisoning. The spread of papillomavirus throughout the body is prevented, which often occurs during surgical removal of tumors, when the skin is affected and severe bleeding occurs.

A dry crust appears at the site of the removed wart, which disappears 10 days after the procedure. In rare cases, the formation of small depressions and redness of the skin is noted.

However, after 2-3 months, such cosmetic defects completely disappear, while papillomas no longer bother the patient, without causing him physical and psychological discomfort.

One of the advantages of laser wart removal is the affordable cost of such a procedure, which will be affordable for every patient. On average, cosmetology clinics charge 500–800 rubles for the removal of one small tumor.

Only in case of multiple warts or significant growth of damaged epithelium, such tumor removal can cost 2-3 thousand rubles or more.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

Deep freezing of warts with nitrogen (cryodestruction) is one of the fastest ways to get rid of the defect. The procedure is based on exposure to low temperatures that reach -196°C.

Under the influence of liquid nitrogen, the formation cells die, the papilloma dies, and the condition of the skin takes on its original (healthy) appearance.

Liquid nitrogen for removing warts should only be used by a professional, in a medical facility or beauty salon.

It is also important to take into account the specific health status of the patient.

Contraindications to this procedure:

  • hypertension;
  • heat;
  • rash around the wart;
  • colds;
  • presence of infections;
  • chronic inflammatory process;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance to exposure to cold.

Liquid nitrogen

Attention: it is prohibited to cauterize malignant neoplasms with nitrogen!

Burning off warts with cold is effective when you need to get rid of growths in the upper layers of the skin.

How to remove warts with liquid nitrogen

A dermatologist performs cauterization manually according to the following scheme:

  • Anesthesia is carried out on an individual basis. For example, when the procedure is performed on a child. It is painful to remove warts of large sizes or with increased sensitivity using liquid nitrogen. In this case, a local anesthetic is administered, a 10-minute break is taken for the medicine to begin to act;
  • From the reservoir, which ensures the storage of the substance at the desired temperature, liquid nitrogen is drawn onto a wooden stick with the tip wrapped in cotton wool. The applicator is pressed onto the formation for 30 seconds (if the wart is large, the exposure time is increased). In some institutions, the doctor uses a cryoprobe that delivers nitrogen to the growth directly from a storage tank.

The procedure takes the most time when cauterizing warts on the feet, where the skin is rougher. In this case, several sessions may be required. If the situation is advanced, it sometimes takes up to six months to get rid of papillomas. When the formations are small, a single manipulation is sufficient.

What happens to a wart?

Cold destruction involves several stages of transformation that occurs with a wart. After pressing with the applicator, the papilloma turns white and thickens. The appearance of a pronounced white edging around the formation signals the end of the procedure.

Reviews on laser removal

Two small spots appeared on my hands, which often itched, causing me psychological discomfort. I went to a clinic where warts are removed, the cosmetologist conducted an examination, determined that it was a benign tumor, and then recommended using a laser to remove the tumor immediately on the spot. The whole procedure took no more than 2 minutes, and the cost was 900 rubles for 2 warts.


A noticeable tumor appeared on the lip, which only increased in size over time. Any woman will confirm that this is a real tragedy, so I immediately began to study where to remove a wart and how much such a procedure costs. The cosmetologist carried out the appropriate diagnostics, after which he immediately removed it with a laser in just a few minutes. I didn't feel any pain. A small crust appeared, which disappeared after 7 days, and not a trace remained of the wart that had been in that place.


Papillomas appeared on my soles and feet, which spoiled the appearance of my feet.
Most likely, they appeared due to my constant exercise; my feet in sneakers often sweated, which led to their formation. I went to a cosmetologist, the doctor examined the warts, and then advised me to remove them with a laser. I did not experience any discomfort or pain during this procedure. Three years have passed and my problem is completely resolved. Veronica

When is radical treatment indicated?

Whether it is necessary to remove warts is a question that worries everyone who has encountered them. Moreover, some patients consider it necessary to immediately use drastic surgical methods, while others ignore treatment for years, believing that the disease will go away on its own.

As a rule, warts are viral in nature. The human papillomavirus causes the proliferation of epidermal tissue in the places where infection occurred. Considering that most people are carriers of this virus, the development of the disease itself is caused by a decrease in immunity and a number of psychological factors.

Modern medicine in most cases does not offer treatment, but removal of the wart, considering this the fastest and most effective way to get rid of the disease. At the same time, removal does not affect either the virus, the immune system, or the psychology of the host, so it must be supplemented with antiviral agents.

It is important to contact a dermatologist to remove growths if:

  • warts cause physical discomfort;

  • are a cosmetic defect;
  • cause pain;
  • their color, the shape of the growth changes, or it grows rapidly;
  • the wart growth is excessively large.

Consultation with a specialist allows you to choose the most effective set of measures to address the problem. As a rule, this involves surgical removal of the wart, which in some cases is accompanied by taking medications to prevent recurrences. Accompanying therapy involves taking medications:

  • aimed at combating the papilloma virus (Isoprinosine, Panavir, Viferon);
  • increasing local and general immunity (Ribomunil, Immunal).

Contraindications for removal are:

  • viral and colds at the time of the procedure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • acute stage in the development of a chronic disease;
  • presence of cancer;
  • poor quality of the removed formation;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

If one of the contraindications is present, all methods of wart removal can be considered only after the end of the acute period.

Photos before and after

1) Laser removal of a spine on the hand.

2) Laser removal of papillomas on the face.

3) Laser removal of papillomas on the neck.

During pregnancy

Can. But with a caveat: if you use a laser to remove papillomas and genital warts in intimate places. That is, where they will pose a danger to the child during childbirth.

In other parts of the body, you can wait until childbirth.


  • Relapse – occurs due to incomplete treatment of the skin with a laser beam when papilloma cells remain.
  • A scar on the skin is formed due to excessively deep treatment of the skin with a laser beam.
  • Keloid scar is formed due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.

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Reception (examination, consultation)



A wart on a toe or hand is not a reason for serious concern about your own health, although it is difficult to call their appearance pleasant. Warts are benign skin growths that look like a papilla or a nodule. They are caused by human papillomavirus infection. It is worth noting that if the skin around the wart is damaged, the tumor will most likely begin to grow. The presence of warts is also one of the indirect signs of decreased immunity.

It is worth noting that if wart removal was successfully carried out using traditional medicine methods, there is a high probability that they will reappear in the coming months. The risk of relapse can be eliminated only by timely seeking qualified help, which can only be obtained in a clinical setting. Only timely and correct high-quality treatment can guarantee getting rid of the problem and restoring the functioning of the immune system.

Despite the fact that warts are benign growths and do not pose an immediate threat to health, they must be removed as soon as possible, immediately after detection. And it is best to seek help from a reliable medical center for this.

Why you shouldn’t delay removing warts

The cause of warts is the presence of a viral infection in the body. There are medicinal methods to combat it. Despite this, the best way to get rid of such tumors is to remove them. There are a number of reasons for this. Among others, we note that timely removal of warts prevents their growth and the appearance of new ones, forming entire clusters and spreading over healthy areas of the skin. In addition, timely removal of warts is necessary to:

  • Prevent the degeneration of benign formation into malignant
  • Prevent the spread of the disease and infection of others
  • Get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect that negatively affects the external attractiveness of the skin and creates discomfort
  • Get rid of painful and unpleasant sensations that are inevitable when warts are located on easily injured areas of the skin (for example, a heel wart may be such a case)
  • Eliminate the risk of inflammation and the appearance of ulcers
  • In some cases, such as the removal of plantar warts, tightening is generally impossible, since the tumor is located in a painful area that is constantly exposed to physical stress

Methods of drug treatment or the use of traditional medicine can also lead to the desired result - the disappearance of warts. However, such treatment will be extremely time-consuming. A quick and effective solution to the problem is only possible by removing warts. Despite the fact that the price of such a procedure will be higher compared to the use of therapeutic methods, it is much more effective and leads to getting rid of the wart after the first session. And this procedure must be done exclusively in a specialized medical institution.

Radiosurgical removal of warts

Removal by radio waves is carried out using two types of waves: long and short. The former are necessary directly to remove the tumor, the latter help in treatment.

Note that radiosurgical removal is performed under local anesthesia. This technique gradually affects the tumor. Wart removal is carried out layer by layer, with appropriate treatment of the formation. The skin around the surgical area is wiped with alcohol, and the resulting crust is lubricated with special solutions. Complete healing of the wound occurs after 7-10 days. A sign of proper healing is the formation of a dense, dry crust, which subsides on its own after another 3-4 days. After this, a patch of young pink skin will remain on the affected area, gradually acquiring the normal color of healthy skin.

It is worth noting that during the first few days after the procedure, the treated area should not be exposed to moisture, cosmetics, etc. You can only use those products and drugs that are prescribed and recommended by your doctor. It is also very important not to pick off the scab yourself, as this can lead to the formation of rough scars on the surface of the skin.

Advantages of the radiosurgical method:

  • Radio knife is the most modern and safe method
  • This technique leaves virtually no marks on the skin.
  • No scars
  • Wart removal occurs in one visit
  • The equipment allows you to adjust the depth of exposure
  • Deleted material is retained for research (if necessary)
  • The radiosurgical method allows you to remove warts of the smallest sizes

Despite the safety of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications against removing warts using the radiosurgical method. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure in the following cases:

  • During an exacerbation of somatic illness
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes
  • For bleeding disorders
  • In the case where the formation is malignant
  • In case of individual intolerance to painkillers or the procedure itself

Reliable and safe

Experienced dermatologists at our clinic will conduct an examination and, under the influence of a local anesthetic, remove warts on the foot, face, leg, arms, nose and other places. The techniques used by our specialists ensure that there is no blood loss during the procedure. This is achieved by the fact that after the incision is made, the small blood vessels are immediately “sealed”.

We offer a low-traumatic technique that does not leave burns, scars or scars. After the procedure, the doctor will give recommendations on the use of medicinal compounds that will promote speedy healing. We will also recommend a complex of vitamins and immunostimulating drugs. Only an integrated approach to treatment can guarantee a complete cure and eliminate the risk of relapse.

The Capital Medical Clinic is waiting for you in Moscow at Sretenka Street, building 9. For a preliminary consultation and to make an appointment with a specialist, call.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

Common warts

Their main differences:

  • They resemble small balls with clear boundaries around the edges.
  • The sizes are very small.
  • Color varies from yellow to gray and beige.
  • When palpated, they have a dense texture and a heterogeneous top layer.

At first impression they do not cause any particular concern because from above they look very harmless. But if you know the species, you can understand that their size extends even into the depths of the skin. They occur to a large extent in schoolchildren who actively interact with children and do not monitor hygiene.

The simple type of HPV is quite contagious and easily transmits its viruses through touch, through clothing and personal belongings. They appear suddenly and also disappear. And they develop over several months. Photos of the main types of warts can be viewed in any medical reference books or through Internet resources.

Important points

Before choosing a removal method, you should consult your doctor. He must determine the most appropriate treatment method. Many who decide to independently eliminate formations do not even ask themselves whether it is dangerous to remove papillomas. After all, with the wrong approach, complications may arise in the form of:

  • burns of healthy skin;
  • scar or scar;
  • infection of the body;
  • bleeding;
  • tumor recurrence;
  • growth of other entities;
  • appearance of cancer cells.

Self-removal can lead to various complications

To avoid dangerous consequences, you must remember the basic rules of removal.

  • You cannot touch the growths on your eyelids yourself.
  • It is very dangerous to remove papillomas using piercing and cutting objects.
  • It is prohibited to eliminate growths on the mucous membranes, mouth, nose and genitals.
  • If aggressive agents are applied, healthy skin should be lubricated with a rich cream or covered with a band-aid.

Filiform warts

Features of the species:

  • Thread-like, elongated warts.
  • They grow only in the upper part, and the neck remains narrow.
  • May grow hair.
  • They only grow with age.
  • The affected areas are the eyes, or rather the eyelids, nose, neck, groin, armpits. In general, this type’s “favorite areas” are thin and soft skin.

According to statistics, people over 65-70 years of age are 100% infected with the virus. This happens due to age-related loss of the immune system.

Care and recovery

As a rule, there are no complications after this procedure. The recovery period takes no more than two weeks . At this time, it is necessary to perform a number of procedures.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to treat the former lesion with disinfectants.
  2. Secondly, it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time or expose the postoperative site to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to refrain from applying cosmetics to the former wart for the entire recovery period.
  4. Fourthly, it is advisable to avoid contact with water.
  5. And the last point is refusal to visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse and swimming pool.

If the wound does not heal after laser removal of the wart, then it is recommended to use a chlorhexidine solution with a concentration of 0.5% for treatment.

It is also advisable to treat the wound with calendula tincture or a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

You can resort to using the pharmaceutical product "Baneocin".

Where is the procedure performed?

Laser treatment of warts has gained great popularity and trust among clients, so in every city there is a qualified clinic where competent specialists will come to help in getting rid of the trouble.

Moscow and Moscow regionDeltaClinic3000-6000 rubles
Moscow and Moscow regionVector100-1220 rubles
Moscow and Moscow regionLama300-7500 rubles
Moscow and Moscow regionBest Clinic660-2200 rubles
Moscow and Moscow regionSM-Clinic1500 rubles
St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionAdmiralty Shipyards1250-1850 rubles
St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionDynasty1000 rubles
St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionMEDEM2862-6804 rubles
St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionPreventive clinic600-1100 rubles
St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionFork1000-2000 rubles
Other regions of the Russian FederationFrom 1000 rubles

Prices vary depending on the location of the wart and its diameter.

If the prices for wart removal are too high for you, then you can use pharmacy medications for warts:

  • pills and injections;
  • ointments for warts (Panavir, Viferon);
  • freezing using the drug Wartner Cryo;
  • lapis pencil;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Salipod patch;
  • Superclean solution;
  • iodine;
  • Castor oil.

Or even remove a wart for free using folk remedies:

  • celandine;
  • garlic;
  • potatoes;
  • vinegar;
  • thread.

Whether to remove a wart at home or in a clinic is up to you to decide.


Or its other name is pointed. They mainly appear in the genital areas or near the anus. Sometimes they grow under women's mammary glands or in the armpits.


  • The color varies from beige to pinkish shades.
  • There is a possibility of several papillomas appearing in one place at once.
  • The appearance is similar to cauliflower.

Infection occurs through sexual relations and frequent bleeding of warts. Viral infections can easily leak through wounds.

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