Removing stars on the face using a flash (photocoagulation)

Detailed characteristics table

The system has 4 modules:

  • IPL - intense pulsed light module;
  • Nd:YAG - neodymium laser for vascular therapy;
  • ResurFX™ is a non-ablative fractional laser;
  • Q-Switch Nd:YAG is a neodymium laser for pigmentation and tattoo removal.

The table shows the technical characteristics of each module.

IPL module
Type of radiationIntense Pulsed Light
Functions· photoepilation for phototype IV;
· photorejuvenation;
· vascular therapy;
· phototherapy of acne, rosacea, age spots.
Emission spectrum, nm400-1200
Fluence, J/cm210-56
Pulse duration, ms4-20
Pulse delay, ms5-150
Pulse modeMSP - multi-pulse
frequency HzUp to 1
Number of filters9
Light guides, mm35×15, 15×8, *6
Type of epidermal coolingContact
Type of equipmentNon-ablative fractional laser with CoolScanTM scanner
Functions· smoothing wrinkles;
· removal of scars, scars, stretch marks;
· acne therapy;
· elimination of difficult forms of pigmentation, skin whitening;
· treatment of alopecia.
Wavelength, nm1565
Energy, J1970-10-01 00:00:00
Pulse density per cm2Up to 500
Pulse parametersDetected by scanner
Number of scan patterns7
frequency Hz0,5-2
Working spot, mmBefore 18
Type of epidermal coolingContact
Type of equipmentNeodymium laser
Functions· laser removal of vessels, hemangiomas, telangiectasia and veins with a diameter of up to 4 mm;
· laser hair removal for phototypes I-VI;
· treatment of onychomycosis.
Wavelength, nm1064
Fluence, J/cm220-225
Pulse modeMSP
Pulse duration, ms2-20
Pulse delay, ms5-150
frequency HzUp to 1
Tips, mm1,5; 6; 9; 2×4
Type of epidermal coolingContact
Q-Switch Nd:YAG
Type of equipmentNeodymium laser with ultra-short powerful pulses
TipsDisposable and reusable
Functions· removal of dark blue, brown and black tattoos;
· treatment of pigmentation.
Wavelength, nm1064
Fluence, J/cm21,6-14
Pulse duration, nsec6-8
frequency Hz0,5-5
Pulsed radiation modeTop Hat - uniform cylindrical beam
Spot size, mm2; 2,5; 3,5; 5; 6

Features of laser therapy

Laser coagulation is considered a minimally invasive operation. It is intended to treat or remove damaged blood vessels. To do this, a small puncture is made in the skin , after which the doctor places a tube of a special laser device there.
As a result, coagulation occurs, that is, cauterization of the canals. A special feature of the procedure is the gluing of the vascular membranes, after which the blood flow is restored , and the veins themselves, which were treated during the operation, become a connective tissue membrane.

Experts distinguish two types of procedures.

  1. Endovasal coagulation is aimed at gluing the vessels, after which gradual tissue resorption occurs. This operation is considered minimally invasive. To carry it out, the contact method is used.
  2. Non-contact or percutaneous cauterization is indicated in the presence of spider veins. Thanks to special technology, no scars or other marks are left on the skin.

If you have various vein diseases, it is important to visit a phlebologist. This doctor will perform a thorough examination of the patient and decide whether any procedure is necessary.

Description of the device

Lumenis M22 is used in beauty salons, medical clinics and phlebology centers. Its safety has been confirmed by the FDA and Roszdravnadzor.

FOR REFERENCE. The Lumenis M22 laser received a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor in 2012.

This system solves various aesthetic problems of the patient:

  • signs of aging;
  • pigmentation disorders;
  • tattoos;
  • unwanted hair growth;
  • baldness;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • postoperative scars and scars;
  • striae;
  • superficial and middle vascular lesions.

The system is equipped in 5 options, depending on the number of modules. The basic assembly includes one IPL module.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The seller provides a 6-month warranty on the system.

Parameters of devices for removing blood vessels

Until recently, removal of damaged veins was carried out using surgery or a microsclerotherapy procedure. However, these methods had a number of contraindications and were often accompanied by complications. Lasers are considered a modern, reliable way to eliminate problems with blood vessels and give the skin freshness and youth. One of the main reasons for the popularity of this method is the painlessness during the procedures. In addition, the laser procedure does not leave behind any bruises or inflammation.

Types of lasers

The laser device affects blood vessels using light energy, which penetrates the vascular formation and turns into heat, heating the hemoglobin. As a result of this effect, the blood coagulates, the blood flow in the vessel stops, and the vessel itself becomes sealed and ceases to function. However, veins can be located at different depths and vary in size, so exposure to a specific type and length of wave may be necessary. Different lasers can have different wavelengths and produce different results:

  1. The neodymium laser allows you to work with different areas of the body and removes blood vessels faster than other types.
  2. The diode laser is also capable of eliminating rosacea in a short time, but the procedure with it has a long recovery period.

The Alexandrite laser penetrates to great depths and removes damaged vessels. These devices have a short pulse length and can leave burns on the skin after the procedure.

Duration of the procedure

With the help of some types of equipment, it is possible to remove almost any vessels located even at great depths; other lasers are effective in eliminating small spider veins. The duration of the procedure on a particular device depends on its capabilities, the size of the light spot, the handpiece and other factors.

REFERENCE! The duration of procedures can range from several minutes to half an hour, depending on the area of ​​the treated area.

Cooling system

This criterion is considered significant when considering the painlessness of procedures performed on the device. The more effective the cooling system and regulation of the temperature of exposure to the skin, the less discomfort the laser will cause to the client. Some devices do not have a cooling system, so special gels are used for procedures.

Price for the device

Prices for equipment for vascular correction can vary greatly, which is not surprising. Some types are a narrow-profile device, while others are an entire cosmetology platform with many functions and several attachments. The cost of a laser device also depends on the manufacturer, country of production, quality of materials and technologies used.

About the manufacturer

Lumenis Ltd. is an international company producing laser, light pulse and radio frequency equipment for cosmetology and medicine. The headquarters is located in Israel, and branches and representative offices are in the USA, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, etc. Other well-known Lumenis products: fractional ablative laser Acupulse-duet, LightSheer QUATTRO hair removal device.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to laser coagulation, it will be possible to remove all signs of vascular insufficiency in the legs and get rid of varicose veins without damaging the tissue. Accordingly, the patient will be able to go home within a few hours after the procedure. Using the laser method will help avoid the formation of hematomas and scars .
The development of pain syndrome is also almost completely excluded. The main indications include:

  • varicose veins on the legs, characterized by impaired functioning of the venous valves;
  • trophic changes that are often observed with varicose veins;
  • ulcers on the legs that cannot be eliminated thanks to therapeutic methods;
  • varicose veins of various veins.

It is worth noting that such a procedure turns out to be very effective in cases of impaired trophicity of the legs. So, you won’t have to constantly go to the hospital for dressings. If we talk about pathological dilation of blood vessels on the face or legs, it is important to remember that laser therapy will help eliminate defects whose size does not exceed 1 cm.

Among the contraindications it is important to note:

  • any atherosclerotic changes in the legs;
  • diseases of the vascular system, including endarteritis, characterized by obliteration;
  • skin inflammation;
  • chronic ischemic disease;
  • thrombophilia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • serious stage of obesity.


I am undergoing Lumenis to remove age spots on my body. The result is noticeable. Maybe not immediately, but the spots lighten. I plan to continue the procedures to completely get rid of them.


Patient, Tver

Two years ago I underwent photorejuvenation using the IPL system and decided to repeat the procedure. During the break, I did yellow peeling and botulinum toxin injections into the forehead muscles. That is, I try to periodically undergo anti-aging procedures. I like the effect of photorejuvenation. Of course, I haven’t looked ten years younger, but my face has noticeably freshened up. The oval tightened and the skin smoothed out. The pigmentation gradually disappeared. The only negative is that for me the procedure is unpleasant and painful.


Patient, Moscow

I was sure that the photorejuvenation procedure on Lumenis M22 included tightening, smoothing out wrinkles, and removing pigmentation. But according to the final bill from the clinic, it turned out that this was not the case. Each light filter was calculated for me, and several of them are used during a session: separately for rejuvenation, separately for phototherapy. I was happy with the results of the session for exactly 2 months, and then it evaporated. In general, don't expect miracles for your money.


Patient, Moscow

I had a procedure to remove small vascular networks on the nose and cheeks. Large vessels were removed using the radio wave method, and the remainder was finished off using a Lumenis M22. The mesh brightened by about half. I stopped the sessions because summer started. I plan to continue later.


Patient, Moscow

I removed the vascular network on the cheeks using the IPL Lumenis M22 device. I still regret that I didn’t take a vacation in advance and stock up on ointments for healing. After the session, my face looked like a bloody mess. The family even decided that I had been in an accident. But the result after two weeks shocked me. Pigmentation and spider veins are gone! I recommend the procedure, but don’t repeat my mistakes - prepare for rehabilitation in advance.


Patient, Moscow


8th place

The ADSS VR2015 is a diode laser and is ideal for removing spider veins and varicose veins. Radiation with a wavelength of 980 nm penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, while the power of the device allows you to remove both small and large vessels.

Carrying out procedures to remove blood vessels using the ADSS device is possible even on the most sensitive skin; this is achieved thanks to the pulsed and constant operating mode. The settings of the device are highly accurate, so the procedures on it do not cause pain and do not cause complications when removing rosacea. Thanks to the effectiveness of the laser, the disappearance of visible and small vessels is noted after the first procedure.

IMPORTANT! High-quality components of the device are manufactured by Western specialists using innovative technologies, and complete assembly is carried out in China.

7th place

The Chinese-made 980Fairy diode laser with a wavelength of 980 nm can be called a novelty in the field of laser cosmetology. Outwardly, it resembles a tablet computer, which makes it easy to carry it indoors and provide services to clients in a comfortable environment. This compact device is suitable for use in a small beauty salon and a large medical center.

Thanks to the optimal radiation length, the laser effectively combats vascular defects on the skin, ensuring safe and painless procedures. The presence of a laser pointer allows the device to accurately influence even the smallest vessels without affecting nearby tissue. The device comes with several interchangeable attachments that can be used depending on the selected area of ​​skin.

6th place

The Russian-made laser device AZOR-ALM can be used in various fields of cosmetology and medicine. With its help, you can carry out procedures to remove tumors on the skin, including warts, papillomas and others. In addition, the optimal wavelength of radiation allows you to remove spider veins, hemangiomas, and port-wine stains without damaging the skin, but directly affecting the vascular walls. A distinctive feature of this device is that it can be used even for patients with diabetes.

The device has a simplified electronic panel, the control of which is available for operation in any mode with any set of parameters. It is possible to configure individual parameters for each client. The results of the procedures are visible immediately after the first session; no rehabilitation is required after them.

5th place

The innovative laser device Cynosure Cynergy will be an ideal solution not only for the removal of spider veins, but also for the effective elimination of complex pathologies such as angioma, hemangioma and others. This device is also designed for procedures for skin rejuvenation, hair removal, elimination of pigmentation and even signs of psoriasis.

The platform includes not only a neodymium laser, but also a dye laser, which makes it possible to use Multiplex technology, that is, combine YAG and PDL radiation. This effect creates a powerful synergistic effect during procedures.

The laser device is effective in cases such as the treatment of surgical scars, psoriasis, acne treatment, wart removal, and others.

4th place

The BBL broadband pulsed light device from SCITON (USA) is designed to remove vascular pathologies non-invasively, which eliminates skin damage or burns. To treat spider veins or varicose veins, the ClearScan YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is used, which specifically targets dilated capillaries and helps eliminate them in a short time.

IMPORTANT! A distinctive feature of this device is the use of 2 lamps, which evenly affect the skin. The integrated thermoelectric handpiece cooling system reduces the risk of skin overheating, ensuring comfort and pain-free treatment.

Already 2 weeks after the first session with the BBL laser, you can notice real changes, the absence of visible capillaries and signs of skin rejuvenation.

3rd place

The M22 device from Lumenis is a multi-module platform whose functions include photorejuvenation, hair removal, pigmentation and spider vein removal procedures. It includes a neodymium laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm, which is considered the gold standard in vascular removal. Treatment of blood vessels in different parts of the body occurs due to the effect of light on blood vessels and hemoglobin, which gradually leads to the destruction of the vessel walls without harm to surrounding tissues. In addition, the platform also includes IPL therapy, which targets superficial vessels that often detract from the appearance of the skin. The choice of one of the two modules is left to the doctor who examines the patient.

Thanks to the ability to create individual programs based on skin type, procedures using the device are painless and effective. In just a few sessions, the laser will allow you to forget about dilated blood vessels and restore freshness to the skin. The presence of a contact cooling system for the sapphire laser tip minimizes the risk of burns on the body.

2nd place

Harmony XL is a multifunctional platform from the Israeli manufacturer of medical laser equipment Alma Lasers. The equipment combines 5 innovative technologies, 20 replaceable attachments, with which you can treat 65 indicators of skin problems. Among them are hair removal, photorejuvenation, elimination of pigmentation, removal of vascular pathologies and acne treatment.

The device significantly reduces the severity of vascular pathologies due to the combination of a long-pulse neodymium laser with a radiation length of 1064 nm and Dye-VL technology. This combination can even treat deep veins.

Such procedures are carried out using In-Motion technology and in step mode, which ensures maximum comfort for the client and effective removal of vascular pathologies. As a rule, all procedures are painless and without any consequences.

IMPORTANT! If you follow all the recommendations for laser vascular removal after the procedure, you can return to your daily activities.

1 place

In first place in our rating is a universal device with a wide range of functions and the latest technologies for laser cosmetology Aerolase NEO. This laser device is considered unique due to its ability to effectively remove angiomas, including in young patients.

A microsecond neodymium laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is an indispensable equipment for eliminating vascular formations without the risk of skin damage and the appearance of age spots. Thanks to the latest American technology of microsecond laser exposure, it is possible to carry out several procedures at once in 1 session and achieve excellent results in a short time.

The patented technology of laser exposure to the skin implies the absence of thermal effects on it and allows procedures to be carried out on any phototype at any time of the year. This also means there is no need for the bulky water cooling system that causes other laser machines to sit idle.

IMPORTANT! The equipment is equipped with an air cooling system, which makes it more reliable and compact in size. The safety of this device is confirmed by FDA (USA) certificate.


  1. Aerolase NEO
  2. Harmony XL
  3. M22
  5. Cynosure Cynergy
  6. AZOR – ALM
  7. 980Fairy

Side effects and complications

Immediately after laser treatment, slight redness occurs on the skin.
To minimize this occurrence, air cooling will be required. It will help relieve pain and swelling. In some cases, there is a change in pigmentation. So, the skin may darken or lighten , which is explained by the reaction of the pigment to the laser. It is worth noting that over time, normal skin color will be restored.

Laser therapy will be truly successful when the vessel is quite close to the surface of the skin. The type of skin should also be taken into account. If the pigment content is low, it will be possible to use more intense pulses.

It is worth noting that removal of blood vessels on the legs usually does not cause any complications. In some cases, pain may occur, which, if necessary, can be relieved with special medications. Removal of rosacea on the face, as a rule, takes place without complications.

Preparation for the procedure

To get a good result after using a laser, it is necessary to carry out preparation, which consists of several stages. Neglecting recommendations often leads to complications and a long recovery period.

14 days before the start of the procedure you should:

  • Avoid tanning.
  • Protect your face from exposure to sunlight.
  • Stop taking antibacterial therapy using drugs from the tetracycline group.
  • Avoid using products with aggressive chemical composition.

3 days before laser therapy, it is not recommended to take a steam bath or visit saunas, drink alcoholic beverages or use alcohol-containing facial products.

Prevention of rosacea

Prevention of the formation of spider veins on the face involves proper skin care and the use of specialized products to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. People with a predisposition to this disease should avoid cosmetics containing alcohol, as this substance not only irritates the skin, but also promotes vasodilation. It is recommended to use products with a high content of vitamins E, C, P, K. They strengthen the vascular wall and increase its elasticity. Vitamin masks and gentle peelings are also useful.

When the first signs of rosacea appear, it is best to immediately contact a specialist who will help you choose an effective treatment method.

Recovery after the procedure

After the laser procedure, redness occurs at the site of treatment of the skin. Patients say it goes away in 1-2 days. Cosmetologists recommend not to wet the treatment area for three days. After removing spider veins with a laser, the skin is cleansed with a chlorhexidine solution. This disinfects the surface of the skin and protects it from infection.

Immediately after laser therapy, ice is applied to the injured area. It is prohibited to use cosmetics during the day. Antibacterial ointment is applied for several days after using the laser. A ban on decorative cosmetics and alcohol-containing facial care products is being introduced for three days. It is not recommended to drink alcohol for three days. For two weeks you should refrain from active physical activity, exposure to the sun and visiting the pool. You should not use scrubs or peels for about 14 days.

After removal of rosacea, you cannot visit the bathhouse or sauna for 60 days. During this period, it is better to protect the skin from sudden temperature changes. You should regularly moisturize and nourish the skin with creams. They will soothe the irritated dermis and help it recover.

By adhering to the above recommendations, you can protect yourself from the development of side effects that are possible after the procedure.

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