Darsonval is an effective method of combating cellulite

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Bring your thumb, index and middle fingers to the area of ​​skin and squeeze a little towards the middle, as if you were pinching. Has your skin become deformed and looks like an orange peel? This is cellulite, and we know how to fight it! Expensive salons, spa centers and home experts will offer you thousands of services to combat this misfortune, but not all of them are as effective as they are said to be. The most effective are: massage, peeling, wraps, scrubbing and darsonvalization. We will tell you about the latter method in this article.

What is darsonval

Darsonval is a compact physiotherapeutic medical device in the form of a kind of handle, oblong in shape, from 20 to 30 centimeters long. It is equipped with special attachments (there can be from 1 to 12) designed to solve specific problems.

Stationary versions are also produced, in which parameters are adjusted and electric pulses are generated using a unit. Such models are very powerful and are produced only for professional use.

The French physiologist Jacques Arsene D'Arsonval became interested in the influence of electric current on the human body at the end of the 19th century. The experiments he conducted proved that light discharges have a positive effect on metabolic processes and are capable of rejuvenating tissues.

The technology has become widespread. The device itself was named after its creator. It is used in various fields of medicine:

  • gynecology;
  • neuropathology;
  • surgery;
  • urology;
  • dentistry.

Darsonval is actively used in dermatology. Its effectiveness has been proven in eliminating skin problems such as:

  • psoriasis;
  • itching of various etiologies;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • stretch marks;
  • blueness under the eyes;
  • inflammation;
  • bacterial, viral lesions;
  • enlarged pores;
  • rashes.

Darsonval against cellulite is effective against lipodystrophy caused by fluid stagnation and metabolic disorders.

Photos before and after darsonvalization

Photos before and after the course of darsonvalization procedures No. 1

Photos before and after the course of darsonvalization procedures No. 2

Photos before and after the course of darsonvalization procedures No. 3

How does the device work on cellulite?

Cellulite (or lipodystrophy) is a pathological deformation of subcutaneous fat. The deviation develops against the background of a slowdown in metabolic processes, impaired peripheral circulation, and lymph stagnation. As a result, fat cells grow and cluster into uneven groups. Lumps and pits form on the surface of the body. The integument, deprived of adequate nutrition and oxygen supply, becomes coarser and becomes similar to the peel of an orange.

Depending on the degree of development of the disorder, there are four stages of cellulite:

  • 1 - the skin looks healthy in appearance, but the tone disappears, lethargy and discoloration become noticeable, the volume of problem areas increases;
  • 2 - the dermis becomes denser, and when compressed, characteristic tubercles and depressions appear;
  • 3 - irregularities are noticeable in a calm state (without tissue compression), the integument feels like rubber to the touch, and pain is felt on palpation;
  • 4 - combines the signs of the first three degrees in a more pronounced form. Added cyanosis, thickening, sagging hips (“breeches”), and buttocks. On the surface of the body, cold areas alternate with hot ones.

Treatment of cellulite with Darsonval is used at all stages. But, if in the first two the device (in combination with other weight loss methods) can completely restore the skin, then in grades 3 or 4 it helps to reduce the severity of manifestations and shorten the course of basic procedures.

The effectiveness of the device is explained by its shock effect on the epidermis. After a controlled electric shock, the vessels briefly spasm, then instantly dilate. Blood circulation in the capillaries increases, metabolism is activated, the body begins to intensively consume deposits, break them down, and remove them out.

Electrical impulses have a complex positive effect on the skin:

  • smooth;
  • relieve swelling;
  • relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • strengthen, tighten;
  • tone;
  • accelerate the removal of waste and toxins;
  • even out color;
  • eliminate defects in the form of pimples, pustules, warts;
  • fight signs of premature aging.

The strength of the fibers after a course of procedures increases, cells are renewed faster, the body becomes smooth and silky, the figure in problem areas is corrected.

What determines the effect of using the device?

Device efficiency

Does darsonval help against cellulite equally at all stages? Practice shows that the “orange peel” goes away better in the early stages. This is due to physiological factors in the formation of cellulite.

At stages I and II, swelling occurs in problem areas. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance in problem areas and subsequent transformation of the ionic balance in fat cells.

Be sure to read: What is electrolipolysis and how does the procedure affect fat deposits?

Female sex hormones (estrogens) bind waste products and deposit them in the hips, abdomen, and chest. This process compresses the vessels of the lymphatic system and causes lymphostasis.

A further influx of toxins into problem areas against the background of reduced lymph outflow gives rise to subsequent accumulation of fats and metabolic disorders. It is at these stages that darsonval helps eliminate congestion, improve lymphatic drainage, and saturate the skin with oxygen.

During stage III (micronodular), the phenomena of lymphostasis intensify. Under conditions of oxygen starvation, lipogenesis occurs in problem areas. This phenomenon provokes the appearance of triglycerides and the subsequent enlargement of fat particles. Cells adhere to each other and form small clusters.

Further development of cellulite is characterized by the formation of collagen fibers around these adhesions. In problem areas, the outflow of blood becomes difficult, capillaries become brittle and are unable to provide cells with nutrients and oxygen.

At this stage, the loose connective tissue becomes coarser. The skin loses its elasticity and smoothness. Nodules and irregularities become more noticeable. If you make a fold of leather with your hands, an “orange peel” will form.

The third stage of cellulite development is more difficult to respond to physiotherapeutic treatment - darsonval can be used at home as a means to combat the unaesthetic appearance in the interval between the use of wraps and massages.

Stage IV of cellulite is called macrodular. In areas where skin defects form, partial blockade and slight compression of arterial vessels occurs. This enhances the processes of hypoxia, which leads to increased swelling of the skin and subcutaneous layer. Fat cells increase significantly and create dense accumulations under the skin.

This period in the development of cellulite requires great effort to restore the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Darsonvalization is used as an additional means that stimulates metabolic processes and helps restore blood circulation in small vessels, but you should not hope for complete elimination of defects with the help of the device.

Cosmetologists also distinguish between different types of “orange peel”. Whether cellulite belongs to a specific type depends on the location of the problem and external distinctive features.

Massage of dense cellulite

A dense type of cellulite is found on the thighs of young women. It has a pronounced granular shape; when the skin is squeezed, the “orange peel” looks dense. This type of cellulite also “takes root” in athletes who have pumped up muscles. To eliminate dense tubercles, it is recommended to undergo a course of massage, and only then eliminate residual effects with the help of Darsonval.

Be sure to read: How to use a vibrating massager for effective weight loss&

Soft cellulite is located on weakened areas of the body - near the armpits, on the stomach and on the inside of the thighs. When the skin is compressed, weakness of muscle tissue and weakening of skin turgor are noticeable. This type of cellulite is accompanied by the formation of a spongy, loose subcutaneous layer and the presence of another cosmetic defect - stretch marks. To tighten the skin, experts recommend combining physical exercise and darsonval (to improve local metabolic processes).

Edema cellulite, like dense cellulite, forms in the thigh area. But when squeezing the skin affected by cellulite, the tissues do not thicken and pain is felt. In the fight against edematous cellulite, darsonval will have a quick and visible effect, since the use of a T-shaped nozzle at the first stage of treatment effectively relieves swelling and improves lymphatic drainage.

Types of darsonval and its attachments

First of all, the devices are divided into equipment for home and professional use. The latter cannot be used independently. They are purchased for clinics and physiotherapy rooms. “Household” Darsonvalis are available for free sale. They are cheaper and differ from salon ones in voltage, strength and frequency of current.

They are also equipped with a different number of electrodes. Stationary installations are equipped with the following types of attachments:

  • mushroom-shaped;
  • T-shaped;
  • vaginal;
  • rectal;
  • cavitary for the treatment of diseases of the nose and ears;
  • comb - for hair;
  • gingival - for treating the oral cavity.

For home procedures, three attachments are enough:

  • T-shaped - for legs, buttocks;
  • “mushroom” - for the stomach;
  • "comb" - for hair.

There may be other electrodes that expand the functionality of the device. But you need to be careful when working with them yourself.

Some more tips on how to fight cellulite

In addition to Darsonval, there are a large number of different products that you can choose depending on your preferences. So, the most effective remedies for home use.

  1. Anti-cellulite cream. Rub into problem areas and massage the skin thoroughly. Blood flow is activated and metabolism is accelerated. However, it is important to consider that the use of anti-cellulite cream alone is unlikely to give a bright result. It is better to combine its use with various procedures.

    Anti-cellulite cream works well

  2. Wraps are a very effective way. A variety of formulations are used - both those that can be purchased at the pharmacy and those made independently. Coffee, chocolate, honey and mustard wraps work best.
  3. Massage. Self-massage cannot always be performed professionally, but if the problem has not yet gone too far, you can rely on this method.

Wraps and massages are no less effective

Important ! Whatever method you choose, it is important to remember that you should always focus on the individual characteristics of the body and not neglect the rules that will help maintain health.

Darsonval for cellulite how to use at home

Before using Darsonval for cellulite, you need to read the instructions. The common points for all devices are as follows:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin and treat it with cream. Covers must be completely dry. You can use talcum powder or baby powder to make the device glide easier.
  2. Put on the required attachment and adjust the power.
  3. First, a T-shaped electrode is used. It “works” against cellulite on the legs, buttocks, and thighs.
  4. Then change the tip to a “fungus” one, treat the stomach, and go over all the bumpy areas again.
  5. After devoting approximately 10 minutes to each zone, turn off the device from the network.

Attention: do not conduct the session in a room with high humidity (for example, a bathroom).

All movements should be smooth, circular, directed from bottom to top. No intense pressure is required. If severe discomfort is felt, the manipulation should be interrupted. Light tingling and tingling sensations are acceptable and should not cause concern.

It is prohibited to pass through the device:

  • popliteal caps;
  • bikini area;
  • mammary gland.

It is permissible to carry out independent darsonvalization sessions every other day (it is good to alternate them with anti-cellulite wraps). Procedures cannot be skipped. The full course lasts 30 days, then you must take a three-month break.

You should also take some precautions:

  • do not handle the switched-on device with wet hands;
  • Before connecting to the network, make sure that the device is in good working order and that all elements are securely and correctly fastened;
  • during the procedure, do not touch metal parts or sockets on the body;
  • Do not hit or disassemble the device.

If you have the slightest suspicion that the device is not working properly, contact a service company and have it repaired by professionals.

Procedure at home

At home, darsonvalization is carried out according to the same scheme as in the salon. You can even do a massage yourself. Just don’t forget to prepare the skin: apply cream, gel, or simply sprinkle with talcum powder (some advise applying an anti-cellulite product after darsonvalization).

Darsonval works from the network. Before plugging the device into the outlet, install the desired attachment, check whether it fits tightly into the groove, and you are ready to start.

It is better to carry out the procedure not in the bathroom, but in the room - with high humidity, the device can be dangerous.

To treat cellulite areas, use the “petal” or “fungus” attachment. Switch the device to active mode by pressing the power button at the bottom and apply the attachment to your body. The electrode should touch the skin, but do not press hard. When the device is turned on, do not touch the metal sockets on the body.

All movements must be smooth and sliding. There is no need to treat the hamstrings, breast area and bikini area. If you have completed your legs and feel tired, rest, then move on to another problem area.

At home, the procedure is also carried out every other day. The result will come faster if you alternate darsonvalization with anti-cellulite wraps (one procedure one day, another day ) . The course of such complex treatment will take 30 days. The break between courses must be at least 3 months.

How to use darsonval - video

How to choose a device for home use

You need to approach the purchase of a Darsonval device consciously. First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary certificates required for medical devices.

The device must be accompanied by a technical passport indicating all the necessary characteristics, as well as instructions for use.

An important parameter is voltage. It depends on what purposes a particular device is suitable for:

  • 2-7 kV - enough to prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • 7-12 kV - suitable for combating scars, signs of aging, and improving the health of the hair growth area;
  • 12 kV or more - will help remove cellulite, tighten the epidermis, eliminate swelling. Suitable for complex therapy of infectious or inflammatory diseases, rheumatism.

When should the use of the device be delayed?

Darsonval, like any other physiotherapeutic device, has contraindications. This is due to the peculiarities of the course of certain diseases or the inability to be sure of the development of undesirable consequences after using the device. Darsonval should not be used:

  • During pregnancy, the device increases lymphatic drainage and blood circulation and can provoke premature birth,
  • If the patient has cancer, darsonvalization activates metabolism and can cause accelerated growth of cancer cells,
  • Patients with serious neurological disorders,
  • For any form of tuberculosis,
  • Patients with arrhythmia or a pacemaker,
  • With any abnormalities in the blood test.

Do not exceed the recommended session time; prolonged darsonvalization can cause headaches or dizziness. If you have undergone laser hair removal on the treated area of ​​skin, remember that one of the actions of the device is stimulation of “dormant” hair follicles. Be prepared for the fact that this may trigger unwanted hair growth.

In order for therapy with the device to have a visible result in a short time, you should not use Darsonval at maximum power. It is more important to approach the procedures wisely, strictly follow the instructions, making movements in the right direction and lubricating the skin with the necessary products to combat cellulite.

Popular models 4 options

Modern industry offers several options for Darsonval devices. Let's take a closer look at several popular models and their main characteristics:

  • Chios Zvezda CH-107 is a very productive device at an affordable price (about 3,900 rubles), which can be used both in the salon and at home. The device works well against fluid stagnation, cellulite, warts, pustules on the body, and spider veins. Its power is 35 W, voltage is 55 kV;

  • Estetico Pro - has high power (15 W), modern design. Intended for the treatment of cellulite, alopecia, varicose veins, papillomas, inflammation. The device costs about 6,000 rubles. It comes with seven different attachments;

  • Gezatone Biolift4 118 with four electrodes can be used by family members of any age to sculpt the figure, get rid of puffiness, skin defects (acne, pimples and others). With its help, you can normalize the structure of vascular walls and increase the elasticity of the integument. Voltage - up to 45 kV, power - 10 W. The device costs approximately 4,000 rubles;

  • NOVATOR CORONA - compact, inexpensive (about 2100 rubles) with three attachments has received approval from the Ministry of Health. Voltage - up to 24 kV. Suitable for eliminating most cosmetic problems, treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, ligaments, and joints. Helps cope with neurological disorders.

To choose the best device option for yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as well as a representative of the manufacturer.

What causes cellulite?

When faced with this aesthetic defect, many take it for granted and do not pay attention to the causes. It is believed that cellulite is a consequence of excess body weight and low physical activity. This is a correct point of view, but, in addition to this, there are a number of other reasons that could become the starting point for the development of such a problem.

There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite

In most cases, “orange peel” appears in women. This is justified by the fact that it is estrogen, which is produced in large quantities in the female body, that affects the appearance of cellulite.

Important ! Most harmful substances literally settle in the layer of subcutaneous fat.

It is precisely due to the effect of estrogen that exacerbations of cellulite occur at those moments when serious hormonal changes occur in the body (this could be pregnancy, menopause, disruptions in the endocrine system, etc.). Another reason for the formation of such deposits is serious stress, which also has the ability to create an imbalance in hormonal levels.

Important ! The consequences of cellulite are not always harmless - in advanced stages it can not only cause aesthetic discomfort, but also negatively affect the blood circulation process, and deposits of harmful substances cause additional harm to the body.

Don't underestimate other causes of cellulite

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the device table

Like any medical procedure, darsonvalization has its pros and cons. We present the main ones in table form:

advantages flaws
ease of use rapid wear of nozzles, the need for their periodic replacement
improving the quality of the dermis, restoring its firmness and elasticity ineffective in late stages of cellulite
visual reduction of the appearance of cellulite the need to strictly adhere to the schedule of sessions
anti-inflammatory, tonic effect on the skin a large number of contraindications
painlessness discomfort during the first sessions due to unpleasant sounds and crackling sounds
lack of rehabilitation period risk of drying out the surface of the epidermis, increased hair growth after treatment
low-traumatic. The procedure does not leave any damage or bruises. no guarantee of a positive effect
the ability to use the device independently without visiting a medical facility
elimination of stagnation of fluid, lymph
affordable price of the device compared to the cost of services in beauty salons
multifunctionality of the device. It is suitable for solving many health problems

If all requirements for safe operation of the device are met, in most cases it has a positive effect on the integument. However, it does not directly affect subcutaneous fat. To achieve a sustainable result, you need to combine darsonvalization with diet, exercise, and normalization of the drinking regime.

Under the gun "orange skin"

Orange skin

There are many physiological factors behind the formation of cellulite, but for women it is not so important to know the reason for the formation of “orange peel” as to eliminate this cosmetic defect. Courses of massage, rubbing, following a diet, rubbing in anti-cellulite creams have their effect, but darsonval has its advantages over these methods of combating cellulite:

  • You can perform the procedures yourself, at any time,
  • The price of the device is relatively low,
  • The use of darsonval allows you to relieve swelling, restore blood circulation in small vessels, achieve elasticity of the skin,
  • It has been proven that low-power current has a positive effect on the muscles, which is important for the legs and pelvic area.

To carry out darsonvalization, you do not need to undergo a training course; all that is necessary is to learn how to do darsonval for cellulite and perform the procedures according to the recommendations.

How to prepare for darsonvalization

Before using the Darsonval device, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist to make sure there are no contraindications to its use. It is better for people at risk for cancer to visit a specialized specialist, since electric current can provoke the growth of tumor cells and their malignancy.

If doctors approve of darsonvalization procedures, they must be done correctly. Those who decide to organize sessions at home need to prepare the body for manipulation.

You should first take a shower and use a scrub to cleanse the skin and open the pores as much as possible. The affected area should be treated with anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream.

Attention: applying alcohol-based lotions is prohibited!

Preparatory manipulations should be carried out approximately 30 minutes before the start of darsonvalization. Then the cosmetics will have time to be absorbed, and the currents will contribute to the maximum absorption of nutritional ingredients by the dermis.

Darsonval for cellulite: to help or harm

Darsonval is a device that was assembled at the end of the 19th century by the French physician-physiologist d'Arsonval. What’s interesting is that since its creation, the operating principle of this device has remained virtually unchanged. It is assembled from a high-frequency alternating current generator and glass electrode tubes. Through them, a small discharge is applied to the surface of the skin, which is practically imperceptible to humans. The conductor of the pulsed current is the connective tissue, or more precisely, the protein compounds contained in it - electrolytes.

How the device works:

  • if this is a contact technique, an electrode is applied to the surface of the skin, and the current required is applied to it (maximum 200 mA). Current pulses irritate the nerve endings of the skin and cause short-term vascular spasm. The capillaries narrow briefly, almost immediately the tension subsides, the vessels dilate, the blood flow increases, which means that all processes become more intense: cellular nutrition, respiration, absorption of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • with the non-contact method, the electrode is located approximately 2–3 mm from the skin, so that spark discharges occur between the nozzle and the working surface. They act on nerve fibers, and through them on the spinal cord, causing a reflex reaction of the organs associated with this area of ​​the spinal cord. Vascular tone increases, venous outflow and lymph flow improves. Muscle spasms, spasms of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract disappear. The flow of charged ions also has a powerful bactericidal effect: after it, ulcers break out, inflammations dry out, and microorganisms on the skin die.

That is, both methods are effective if the cause of skin problems is changes in the upper and middle layers. The root of cellulite is in the lower layer, the hypodermis. While the body is young, the growth of fat cells is restrained by connective tissue, which still has a rather dense texture. Over the years, the fibers of this fabric lose their tone: the less a woman monitors her shape, the faster this will happen. Subcutaneous fatty tissue will begin to grow. Until cellulite has developed beyond stage 1-2, it is necessary to normalize metabolism, restore cell nutrition and stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. Pulse current copes with this task quite well. To treat individual problem areas of the body, local darsonvalization is used (there is also general or so-called inductotherapy - to improve the health of the whole body). Locally, the procedure can be done independently, the main thing is no longer than 15 minutes in one session. After the course of treatment, first of all, the quality of the skin will improve - but these favorable changes will stop the proliferation of fat cells for some time.

If you do not engage in treatment, changes in the tissues will quickly become irreversible and regress into stage 3-4 cellulite, and it is already treated only with lipolytic procedures, which are aimed at destroying the scar walls of fatty adhesions, dissolving fat and removing it from the tissues. Darsonval currents are too weak to split these tumors.

The contact attachment of the device is mainly used to treat cellulite.

Contraindications to the procedure

Darsonvalization is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women and patients:

  • with individual intolerance to electric current;
  • with neoplasms of any nature;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accidents, after a stroke or heart attack, in the presence of a pacemaker);
  • with acute infectious diseases;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
  • with active phase tuberculosis;
  • with hirsutism (excessive hair growth).

Relative contraindications to the procedure:

  • mechanical damage to the skin in the problem area;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • spider veins.

There are quite a few contraindications to treatment with Darsonval; before starting a course of procedures, you need to consult a doctor

Darsonvalization in the clinic

The salon procedure is not too different from the home one. It follows a well-developed standard scheme:

  1. The girl lies down on the couch.
  2. The nurse applies cream or massage oil to the body to increase the conductivity of the current. In some institutions, a gentle anti-cellulite massage is first performed.
  3. First of all, the device “passes” the legs using a T-shaped nozzle. The specialist moves the device from bottom to top. The bikini area and dimples under the knees are not affected.
  4. Then the patient turns over onto her stomach. The same nozzle is used to treat the buttocks.
  5. In the “lying on your back” position, the stomach is worked out. The nozzle moves in such a way as if the doctor is drawing a flower, the petals of which close in the center.

10 minutes are allocated for each area. The entire session lasts about half an hour. A full course of darsonvalization consists of 10-15 manipulations, depending on the severity of the problem. You should visit the salon every other day. Afterwards you will have to take a break for 3-4 months, then it is permissible to repeat the therapy. Darsonvalization can be combined with other methods of eliminating cellulite.

What effect will there be after the procedure?

The physiotherapeutic effect of darsonval is noticeable in the condition of the skin. How beneficial the completed course of treatment was will become clear after about a month of procedures. What changes can you expect:

  • swelling subsides:
  • small bumpy folds smooth out and become almost invisible;
  • the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes more pleasant to the touch;
  • healthy skin color is restored.

Positive external changes are a consequence of the beneficial effects of microcurrents on the body. Darsonval increases muscle and vascular tone, restores blood and lymph flow, and stimulates cellular metabolism. After stimulation with high-frequency current, cells receive more nutrition, are better supplied with oxygen and are cleansed of toxins.

Darsonvalization will be doubly useful if you correctly alternate it with body wraps and anti-cellulite massage. Since cellulite itself is not very pronounced in the initial stages, you may simply not notice obvious changes after a full course of treatment. However, this does not mean that the procedures were not beneficial and the money for the device (or for visiting the physical therapy office) was given in vain. A timely course of treatment is the best prevention.

Darsonval will not cure cellulite completely, there are other methods for this, but it improves the quality of the skin

Contraindications for use

Before you start using the Darsonval device, it is important to make sure there are no contraindications.

You cannot fight cellulite using this device in conditions such as:

  • individual intolerance to electrical influence;
  • neurological diseases;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • the presence of neoplasms (including benign) of any location;
  • thrombosis;
  • infectious, viral, colds;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • increased hair growth (hirsutism);
  • alcohol or drug intoxication.

Attention: an absolute contraindication to using the device is pregnancy. Electrical impulses can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and provoke termination of pregnancy.

The technique should not be used by people with damaged skin or with increased sensitivity of the dermis. Particular caution should be exercised in patients prone to allergies. Darsonvalization in some cases enhances and provokes a negative reaction.


Does using Darsonval help against cellulite? Reviews left by girls who tried the method confirm the effectiveness of the device.

Cellulite appeared in my youth, and after the birth of my child it began to progress. After finishing breastfeeding, I started eating right and joined the gym. After a month, I lost a few extra pounds and my cellulite decreased a little. However, I wanted quick results, so the cosmetologist advised me to buy Darsonval. After 3 weeks of use, my buttocks began to look firmer and my skin smoothed out.

Svetlana, 34 years old

I bought Darsonval in an online store. I was very worried about the quality, etc., but my fears were in vain. The device is functioning, fully equipped. A month later, I began to notice the results of darsonvalization. I am very pleased, because the effect of the procedures was exactly the same as in the salon, but I did not have to spend extra money on visiting it.

Alina, 25 years old

I'm tired of fighting cellulite. I don’t have any special funds, so salon sessions are no longer needed. After advice from friends, I decided to try Darsonval. My order arrived today and soon I will also join the ranks of slim girls.

Marina, 27 years old
Unfortunately, age-related changes that occur in the tissues of the body bring with them unpleasant manifestations in the form of sagging and the appearance of “orange peel”. Darsonvalization is aimed at effectively combating sagging skin and cellulite. The effectiveness of the method has been proven by more than a dozen women.

Choosing a device for darsonvalization

If you want to try to get rid of cellulite using darsonvalization, but you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialized establishment, you will have to purchase a device for home use. And in order to make the right choice, you need to have some information:

  • Before buying Darsonval, read the documentation included with the device. It must be certified as a medical physical therapy device, and not just a massage device.
  • Pay attention to the attachments that are included in the kit. To treat cellulite on the abdomen, it is better to use a mushroom-shaped attachment, and to treat buttocks and legs, it is better to use a T-shaped one.
  • Read the technical characteristics of the device specified in the passport. Optimal parameters: pulse strength - no more than 0.2 mA, voltage - from 2 to 15 kV, frequency - 110-125 kHz.
  • At home, it is more convenient to use a compact device that is light in weight. These requirements are met by such modifications as “Spark ST 117”, “Karat DE 212”, Gezaton BT 2015.
  • Don't forget to ask the seller for a warranty card and a sales receipt. If the purchased device fails, you will have the opportunity to exchange it for a new one.

If you want to not only defeat cellulite, but also simultaneously improve the condition of your facial skin by removing wrinkles and other blemishes, as well as improve the health of your scalp, purchase a model equipped with several replaceable attachments for all occasions.

Harm of Darsonval currents

The impact of alternating currents on tissue is not truly harmless - after all, it is an interference in the natural course of physicochemical reactions in the body. Thus, there is an opinion that instead of treating cellulite with Darsonval, it is possible to provoke the development of tumor processes in soft tissues that are exposed to alternating high-frequency currents. This, scientists say, is possible if a person has a predisposition to cancer. Therefore, before treating cellulite, get examined by an oncologist and find out if you are prone to cancer. This is possible by examining the skin in those places where you plan to get rid of excess fat deposits using a dermatoscope (dermatoscopy). You will also need to donate blood for certain tumor markers (their numbers will be given by the doctor).

Please note: the procedure increases not only the likelihood of developing malignant tumors from scratch, but also the malignancy of existing tumors.

In addition, if darsonvalization is used immediately after treating the skin with alcohol, it can cause burns or brown spots.

Action on problem areas

Electrical impulses emitted by the darsonvalization apparatus initially affect the skin. Blood circulation is activated in it, the movement of biological fluid leads to the participation of deep layers in the process. Due to this, the body:

  • gets rid of toxins,
  • receives conditions for the formation of new collagen and elastin cells,
  • activates metabolism,
  • is deprived of excess fluid in the tissues.

And these reactions are prerequisites for destroying the “orange peel” and restoring the smoothness of the skin. If darsonval is used against cellulite, fat cells are damaged, turning into a substance that is easier for natural elimination. By increasing vascular tone and increasing the flow of oxygen, the skin is tightened and smoothed.

Indications for the procedure

Darsonval device WELSS WS 2320

Based on the positive effects, the use of Darsonval currents is indicated for the treatment of:

  • local edema;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • psoriasis;
  • minor manifestations of acne;
  • boils;
  • bruises;
  • lichen planus;
  • eczema;
  • long lasting bruises;
  • hair loss after stress;
  • skin itching, the cause of which could not be identified;
  • pronounced “bags” under the eyes

Blood circulation at the site of exposure to Darsonval currents improves slightly. Therefore, it cannot be said that the bridges of scar tissue that separate groups of fat cells from each other (this is the cause of cellulite) and impair their nutrition will be damaged. The ultrasonic vibrations caused by Darsonval are also not so significant as to cause cavitation in fat cells. This effect implies the appearance of bubbles in an intracellular drop of fat, while the bubbles connect with each other and then burst, damaging the cell membrane and forcing the lymphatic vessels to remove the contents of the cells.

A slight increase in blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and the absence of cavitation from alternating high-frequency currents casts doubt on the effectiveness of using the Darsonval apparatus against cellulite. Of course, no one has canceled the so-called “placebo effect”, and perhaps it is under its influence that you personally will be able to get rid of fat traps on your legs, stomach, and sides with the help of darsonvalization, just first carefully read the next two sections.

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