Why do you need a body scrub and how to use it correctly?

A very long time ago, women discovered an excellent product that can cleanse the skin - a scrub. But not everyone knows how to properly use a facial scrub in order to achieve the desired result without harming the skin.

Let's look into the intricacies of such cosmetic manipulations to get the maximum effect on your appearance.

Main components

It should be understood that this is not just a cosmetic product, but a complex mixture. It contains a softening base, as well as an abrasive, the action of which removes all existing impurities from the surface of the skin.

The basis of a scrub prepared at home with your own hands can be sour cream or kefir, honey or eggs, and the abrasive will be salt or sugar, cereals or eggshells, ground coffee or nuts.

Some components will successfully have a healing effect: anti-inflammatory or antibacterial.

What is a scrub and how does it work on the skin?

Let's start with a definition. Scrubs are cosmetic creams that contain a certain proportion of solid particles. This could be salt or sugar, coconut flakes, oat bran, crushed seeds or nut shells, and even purified sand or other mineral grains or synthetic inclusions.

Everyone knows that the process of tissue regeneration, including skin, occurs continuously. As a result, dead particles accumulate on the surface of the skin and must be removed. If this is not done, dead skin cells prevent the absorption of beneficial substances, the skin stops “breathing,” and creams or lotions that you apply to unclean skin will, at best, not work, or even cause harm, further clogging the pores, and They can even cause acne.

Gradually, the skin becomes covered with a layer of dead particles and acquires a dull, gray tint. Of course, in this case we are not talking about beauty; the skin looks tired and old.

Of course, we all wash our faces and use special gels and foams to dissolve sebum and dirt. However, this is not always enough and a deeper cleaning should be carried out from time to time. That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we give the skin a light massage. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are restored, oxygen is better absorbed, which means the skin becomes smoother and softer.

For dry and sensitive skin, you should use the mildest formulations; for oily skin that is not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

How often can you use a facial scrub?

It is usually recommended to apply once or twice a week. You will be able to constantly get rid of dead cells without damaging the delicate skin of your face, leaving it without protection.

For those with problematic skin that is too sensitive and prone to irritation, it is not recommended to use it more than three to four times a month.

But if the skin is dry, you will have to limit yourself to two or three procedures per month.

When should it not be used?

Of course, a scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its contraindications. First of all, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant to the components. In addition, scrubbing is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • in the presence of infectious rashes, all kinds of inflammations, ulcers, wounds and scratches;
  • you use self-tanning or lightening cosmetics (may cause pigmentation);
  • your skin is sunburned (in this case, it cannot be torn off, you need to use special healing and soothing agents);
  • you had surgery (the scrub will interfere with the normal healing of scars);
  • you are going to do a chemical peel (pre-scrubbing can irritate the skin so much that after peeling a burn or inflammation forms);
  • in the presence of insect bites (the scrub can spread the affected area throughout the body).

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The scrub perfectly helps to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, but you need to use it wisely: do not overuse procedures, treat different areas of the body with care, and do not forget about possible contraindications.

How to use the scrub correctly?

We list the basic principles of application:

  1. When cleansing your facial skin, never use a body scrub, much less a foot scrub. They contain more abrasive particles, and they are always larger. You will certainly injure your skin.
  2. The most suitable time for the procedure is the evening, when you are getting ready for bed and definitely won’t go outside with steamed skin.
  3. It would be correct if you took a bath or showered before the procedure. Steamed facial skin is easier to clean.
  4. The scrub is applied to damp skin. Therefore, wash your face with water first. Apply the mixture with your fingertips, and then for another two minutes continue to slowly massage in circular movements along the massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and from the middle of the chin to the earlobes.
  5. It is better to wash off the composition with warm water, and after it it is advisable to apply a nourishing cream. Remember that the scrub should not be applied to the most sensitive areas where the skin is especially delicate (around the eyes and lips).
  6. If there is tingling, itching and redness that does not go away after a couple of minutes, this product is not suitable for you, or you are using it too often.
  7. If the skin has irritation and various rashes, it is not recommended to use the scrub. You'll only make it worse.

Criterias of choice

Face and body scrubs cannot replace each other.

Facial products usually contain small particles that are not able to cope with the rougher skin on the body. Thus, if you apply a scrub intended for the face on your body, you will not achieve noticeable results.

Solid particles are the main criterion on which the degree of cleansing and exfoliation depends. They are natural and synthetic:

  • silicate round particles are well suited for sensitive skin and delicate areas on the body, since due to their shape they damage the epithelium less;
  • sea ​​salt or granulated sugar have a high exfoliating effect, but their disadvantage is that they dissolve quickly, which means the duration of scrubbing is limited;
  • Ground apricot kernels or coffee beans are an excellent remedy that can cope with the roughest skin on the elbows and knees (this type of scrub is also often used in the fight against cellulite).

Reference! Choose the right scrub composition depending on your skin and personal preferences.

High-quality scrubs contain not only solid particles and a soft base, but also auxiliary components, the use of which contribute to better care:

  • natural oils perfectly moisturize the skin surface;
  • panthenol or allantoin gently relieves irritation that often occurs after scrubbing.

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The scrub may also contain various extracts, antioxidants and vitamins that help restore the skin after the physical cleansing procedure.

Which scrub should you choose?

There are so many scrubs on sale today that it’s dizzying. It is clear that making a choice is not so easy. Moreover, most of the packaging does not contain any information about what skin types this product is suitable for. But we are not interested in such “secret” scrubs. We women must know everything about the products we use. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what question we are asking: “how to maintain youthful skin or how to grow hair quickly,” a self-respecting manufacturer will definitely indicate on the packaging the composition of the product and the skin types for which it is suitable. And those who hide this information should not be trusted.

People with sensitive skin should not use scrubs that are intended for oily skin. In general, with sensitive skin you will have to be most careful so as not to disturb the already weakened skin. And, of course, you can’t use scrubs that are intended for the body on your face. It should be noted that the peeling product can not only be purchased. You can always make a scrub at home, which, although it will take time to prepare, you can be sure of its safety and natural composition.

Some universal tips for using a scrub

  • It is best to apply the scrub after a bath or shower: the skin is well steamed and ready for further care.
  • After applying the scrub, you need to massage the skin in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes on the face and up to 5 minutes on the body.
  • The scrub is washed off with regular warm water.
  • Do not apply the scrub to the area around the eyes: the skin there is delicate, so there is a high probability of stretching and irritation.
  • It is not advisable to use the scrub for those whose face is covered with acne and pimples, as the condition of the skin can significantly worsen.
  • After the scrub, it is very good to apply nourishing creams and masks: the skin is cleansed, which means it will absorb all the substances and vitamins very well.

All scrubs, depending on the place of impact, can be divided into two groups: scrubs designed to cleanse the face and scrubs that cleanse the body. Let's look at them separately.

Warming body scrub

Warming scrubs can be purchased, or you can prepare them yourself immediately before performing home spa treatments. As a rule, warming scrubs include ginger powder and ground pepper.

warming scrub

RECIPE for making a warming scrub at home

Action: the scrub moisturizes and nourishes the skin. When using a warming scrub, pores are cleansed and skin tone is evened out. Thanks to ginger essential oil, blood flow improves and a slight warming sensation is achieved.


60 g blue clay 25 g henna 2 tbsp brewed coffee 1 tbsp sea salt 10 drops essential aroma oil

Application: All scrub components must be mixed, adding salt and essential oil last. In this case, the salt will not have time to dissolve, and the oil will not evaporate prematurely. The usual method of using the scrub is: apply to moisturized skin for a few minutes.

Body scrub with cinnamon

The aroma of cinnamon brings back memories of childhood, sweet buns and buns. Cinnamon is used very often in facial cosmetics. It promotes skin rejuvenation and regeneration.

Cinnamon scrub recipe

Action : activates blood circulation, restores capillaries, removes excess fat, corrects age-related changes


2 parts natural honey 1 part cinnamon

Application : Apply the scrub with light massaging movements. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water.

Application and benefits of purchased body scrubs: tips and reviews

  • Store-bought body scrubs do not always contain information about what skin type they are suitable for. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a cleanser: take into account your skin type and for what purpose the scrub is needed
  • With the help of special scrubs, which contain tonic and fat-burning substances, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Modeling scrubs normalize lymph flow and improve metabolic processes and skin nutrition
  • Incorrect use of the scrub, as well as its too frequent use, can lead to microtraumas and ingrown hairs. The scrub should not be used if the skin has inflammation or acne.
  • Allergic rashes and redness can be avoided by preparing a scrub at home. The allergy-causing component can be easily replaced with another


Polina, 25 years old: I usually use salt scrubs. But recently I tried Brazilian coffee. The scrub has an amazing coffee and creamy smell. Scrubbing occurs effectively thanks to sugar and ground coffee particles.

Galina, 36 years old, cosmetologist: proper skin care is impossible without such an important procedure as skin exfoliation. When choosing a facial product, give preference to scrubs with abrasive particles without sharp edges. Avoid cleansers that contain ground seeds, nut shells, salt, or sugar (all of these ingredients are suitable for exfoliating the body). Gommages and scrubs with polyethylene particles gently cleanse the skin of the face.

Anastasia, 42 years old: “I usually make scrubs myself. Once a week you can pamper yourself. But if I don’t have time, then I use store-bought ones. The skin becomes soft and smooth. The aroma is usually relaxing and uplifting.”

Making a scrub at home

There are a large number of recipes for various scrubs. This cosmetic product is loved by many because of its exfoliating effect. You can easily prepare a scrub at home from natural products. What is not added to the composition of the product. This can be salt, soda, oatmeal, coffee, sugar, cosmetic clay and many other ingredients. Now we will look at several effective and popular recipes.

Recipe No. 1 (main component – ​​sea salt)

Let's try to prepare a scrub for acne and blackheads.
After the procedure, the oily sheen will disappear and the skin will dry out a little. Based on this, we can conclude that this recipe is not suitable for dry skin types. Components:

  • egg white;
  • sea ​​salt.


  1. Since sea salt is quite coarse, it will need to be crushed.
  2. Then you need to separate the white from the yolk.
  3. Add a small spoon of salt to the bowl with the protein and mix everything well.
  4. Apply the finished composition onto the face with massaging movements, and after 5 minutes rinse with warm water.
  5. Lubricate your face with cream.

Recipe No. 2 (main component – ​​oatmeal)

To prepare such a scrub, in addition to oatmeal, you will need fruit. For example, apples are rich in various vitamins. It contains iron, potassium, vitamins A, C and K. This fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and nourishes it with oxygen. Banana is excellent at fighting pollution. Cream supplies the dermis with collagen and elastin. The benefits of this or that fruit (ingredient) can be described endlessly. You choose any one at your discretion.


  • apple;
  • banana;
  • natural honey;
  • oatmeal.


  1. Wash the apple, peel and cut into 4 parts. Grate one slice.
  2. Peel the banana and cut into 3 equal parts, take one and mash with a fork until pureed.
  3. Combine banana and apple puree. Add a small spoon of liquid honey, a large spoon of cream and the same amount of oatmeal.
  4. Mix everything well. The finished composition can be used.

Recipe No. 3 (main component - soda)

The combination of soda and honey is simply divine. The first component perfectly exfoliates dead cells, and the second enriches the skin with beneficial microelements. You can give your face freshness by adding lemon juice to the scrub.


  • sea ​​salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon juice;
  • natural honey


  1. In a clean bowl, mix a small spoon of sea salt and a pinch of baking soda.
  2. There is also a large spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the same amount of liquid honey. Mix everything well.
  3. Slowly rub the scrub into your face. There is no need to press hard, otherwise redness will appear.

Exfoliating body scrub

Exfoliating scrubs contain ingredients that remove sebum and dead cells. The skin becomes radiant and youthful after using a scrub with brown sugar, coffee, healing clay, crushed rice, and honey. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is better to make your own exfoliating scrub.


Action : moisturizes and cleanses, removes dead cells. In just a few minutes, the skin turns from rough to soft, elastic and silky.


1 tbsp coffee grounds (can be replaced with ground coffee) 1 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp sour cream (if the skin is dry) or (if the skin is oily: 1 tbsp yogurt and a little boiled water) 1 tbsp milk 1 tsp olive oil

Application : mix all ingredients, adding salt last (so that it does not dissolve). Apply the scrub to your face and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse.

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