6 “no’s” in the process of preparing for facial rejuvenation with Botox

Home care

You can spend a lot of time and money in a cosmetologist's office, but without proper home care, the results will not last long.
It's not just about creams and masks, our daily habits are also important. When we fall asleep on our sides, wrinkles form at the corners of our eyes, so it is best to sleep on your back and on a low pillow. The latter will eliminate the appearance of Venus rings on the neck. When it comes to cosmetics, it is advisable to choose one that is suitable for your age: marked 25, 35, 40+. Anti-aging products should be well moisturizing, because dry skin is much more likely to form fine wrinkles. Another component that helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles is hyaluronic acid. It must be included in anti-aging cosmetics.

Getting rid of cones with the help of radishes, carrots and an effective flatbread

To ensure that the lump resolves as quickly as possible after the injection, you can do the following:

  • 2 parts chopped radish should be mixed with 1 part honey. Place the resulting mixture on gauze folded in four and apply the compress to the sore spots. You can secure it on top with a bandage. The procedure is carried out at least three times;
  • Wrap finely grated carrots in gauze and apply a compress to the lump. Cover with a plastic bag. Wear thick underwear on top. When the carrots become dry, remove the compress;
  • Mix green or red clay with salt and water. Apply the resulting cake to painful areas.

Treatment of lumps that appear on the buttocks and between them using traditional medicine is as follows:

  1. Physiotherapy is carried out - ultrasound and UHF;
  2. Propolis, iodine mesh, Vishnevsky ointment and Troxevasin gel are widely used.

It will also be effective to conduct a massage course; read about it in this article: “Features of buttock massage.”

Face massage

Jowls, sagging skin and unclear facial contours are a consequence of loss of skin and muscle elasticity. Facial muscles are no different from body muscles, which means they can be trained to tighten and tone them back. You can perform a facial massage yourself (fortunately, there are many training videos and courses on the Internet) or sign up with a professional in a beauty salon.

Buccal massage is rightfully considered one of the most effective techniques. It has a lymphatic drainage effect, removes puffiness and makes the skin incredibly elastic. Massage easily eliminates the first wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. If you do Facebook building at home, it is important to do it regularly - 10-20 minutes a day will keep you young for many years.

Botox and massage

Imagine that you work at a spa and a girl has signed up for a facial massage. The morning before the session, she received a Botox injection into her forehead. Do you know what to do in this case? Are you sure that your massage will benefit her?

Or, for example, you are a clinic worker. Your client has a rare disease - cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis). It causes painful and uncontrollable spasms in the neck muscles. His neurologist recently gave him a Botox injection. Do you think massage will be useful in this case?

Most often, massage therapists know very little (or nothing at all) about the distinctive features of massage for clients using Botox for medical or cosmetic purposes. Indeed, very few studies have been conducted on the relationship between massage and Botox. But clients come to us in the hope that we will help them and not harm them. In this article, we will try to provide all the currently available information about the relationship between massage and Botox injections, and will also tell you what exactly you need to ask clients using Botox.

Mechanism of muscle contraction

We all know that muscle contraction begins with a signal in the motor centers of the brain. The signal is transmitted to the muscles along the spinal cord. Synapses connect the impulse to motor neurons that stimulate a specific area of ​​the spinal nerves. Ultimately, peripheral motor neurons carry the impulse to certain neuromuscular synapses - the connecting links between muscle cells and motor neurons. The electrochemical signal is transmitted from the motor neuron to the muscle cell using the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which triggers the process of “sliding” of myosin molecules relative to actin molecules. As a result, the muscle cell contracts.

Of course, this process occurs simultaneously in thousands of muscle cells to coordinate the movements of the entire muscle. Sometimes this process is disrupted - the muscle remains in a contracted state longer or more often than it should, or there is a disturbance in the impulse, which leads to painful, uncontrollable muscle contractions. Acute central nervous system disorders such as stroke and cerebral palsy can make the muscle unable to relax. Muscle spasticity leads to constant excruciating pain. The only way to relax the muscle in this case is to stop the secretion of acetylcholine.

Botulism - a brief history

The first cases of botulism were recorded in 1735. A German doctor described an outbreak of an unknown fatal infection leading to paralysis, which manifested itself in all people who ate contaminated meat, namely sausages. He named this, as it later turned out, bacterial infection “botulism” from the Latin “botulus” - sausage.

Botulinum is an anaerobic bacterium of the genus Clostridia, which forms a spore that is resistant to environmental influences. This allows the bacterium to remain in an inactive state until it enters an environment favorable for development and reproduction. This bacterium, which has several subtypes, produces an exotoxin that blocks the secretion of acetylcholine, which leads to flaccid paralysis of the affected muscle tissue. The effect of the toxin is permanent. The affected motor axons will never again be able to secrete acetylcholine until the damaged nerve tissue is completely regenerated. Regeneration usually takes from two to three weeks to six months. Nowadays, a botulinum toxin antidote is successfully used, which can stop the progression of damage to nerve tissues, but without the possibility of their further restoration - lost muscle strength will not return until the axon terminalia are completely regenerated. Nowadays, random outbreaks of botulism are extremely rare. About a hundred cases of botulinum toxin infection are recorded annually.

Benefits of botulinum toxin

The neurotoxin botulinum, which causes paralysis, was first isolated in 1944. The military had high hopes for it - they wanted to use botulinum toxin as a biological weapon, ignoring other areas of use. Laboratory synthesized botulinum toxin was first used in medicine as a treatment for strabismus, a disease of the eye muscles.

In 1989, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the medical use of botulinum toxin to treat disorders of the facial and neck muscles. The cosmetic use of botulinum toxin has also been approved due to its ability to temporarily paralyze the facial muscles that cause wrinkles.

Nowadays, Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic products. In modern drugs, the botulinum toxin molecule is modified, which makes it suitable for the treatment of many diseases with minimal side effects. Dosages also vary.

What is Botox used for?

Botulinum toxin is used in cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead caused by excessive tone of the facial muscles, namely the corrugator brow muscle and the procerus muscle. The result of Botox is flaccid paralysis of the muscles that cause wrinkles, which leads to smoothing of the skin. Regeneration of neuron axons occurs after six months. In addition to cosmetology, Botox is used to treat certain diseases:

  • Strabismus is an asymmetrical position of the corneas of the eyes in relation to the corners and edges of the eyelids. The pupils of strabismus are not parallel. Botulinum toxin normalizes the tone of the eye muscles, aligning the visual axes.
  • Blepharospasm is an involuntary contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle, leading to persistent spasmodic closure of the eyelids. Blepharospasm can lead to functional blindness (without impairment of eye function). Often accompanied by oculogyric crises.
  • Hemifacial spasm is a disease characterized by painless, involuntary unilateral tonic or clonic contractions of the facial muscles innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve. Botulinum toxin helps get rid of involuntary contractions.
  • Spasmodic torticollis, cervical dystonia is a dystonic disease, a type of torticollis in which incorrect head position is caused by pathological tension in the neck muscles.
  • Dysphonia is a condition that causes involuntary contractions of the muscles that control the vocal cords, leading to speech problems.
  • Migraine. Chronic migraines respond well to botulinum toxin injections. It is also used in the treatment of chronic hoop headaches.
  • Hyrhidrosis. Multiple targeted subcutaneous injections of Botox reduce sweating by blocking the activity of the sweat glands.
  • Muscle pain. For people suffering from pain caused by involuntary spasms of skeletal muscles, Botox is a salvation from all problems. It limits muscle tension, relieving spasm, and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue.

Other areas of application of Botox have been less studied, for example, the treatment of cerebral palsy, Charcot-Marie neural amyotrophy, multiple sclerosis and the consequences of strokes. A doctor I know uses Botox to treat spasms in the calf muscle.

Botox and massage - allies or opponents

Most often, the use of Botox does not cause serious side effects, but in some cases they do occur. According to the FDA, symptoms of botulinum toxin poisoning occur due to a violation of the order of therapy, or (to which the massage therapist should pay special attention) if the botulinum toxin penetrates deeper into the tissue.

The instructions for Botox indicate that only after two to three days the drug begins to act in full force. The client is immediately offered a complex of gymnastics for facial muscles, but during the first days after Botox injection, he is strictly forbidden to touch his face, apply compresses and sleep face down - all this can lead to the spread of botulinum toxin. If your client recently received a Botox injection for cosmetic purposes, do not place him face down on the massage table.

It becomes clear that massage and Botox are not the best combination, since any manipulation of soft tissues under the influence of botulinum toxin will reduce its therapeutic effect and increase the likelihood and severity of side effects. However, studies have been conducted in which scientists have proven that by injecting botulinum toxin into the deep layers of muscle tissue, massage can improve absorption and improve the therapeutic effect of Botox by improving its absorption. For people using Botox for medical rather than cosmetic purposes, this may be important. Unfortunately, this increases the incidence of side effects. At risk are children with cerebral palsy and patients who receive Botox injections into the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, rather than the face or neck. Some patients suffering from cervical dystonia and voice dysphonia experience problems swallowing during Botox treatment. This can lead to food particles getting into the respiratory tract, which can be fatal.

So what should a massage therapist in a spa and a massage therapist in a clinic do? For a massage therapist working in a spa, the rules are simple - no facial massage on the day of the injection and no pressure on the face. After a few days, when the therapeutic effect of Botox appears in full force, these restrictions are lifted.

For a massage therapist working in a clinic, everything is not so simple. He needs to ask the client the following questions:

“What disease are you being treated for with Botox? Where did you get the injection? How long ago did you have the injection?”

And ask yourself: “Will deep tissue massage spread the toxin, or will it just make the injection more effective?” “What side effects are likely?”

In this situation, we advise you to work collaboratively with your client's neurologist to learn about all contraindications and avoid possible side effects.

Chemical peeling

A chemical peel can be called a controlled burn to the skin. After exposure to acids, the skin sends a signal to the cells that regeneration urgently needs to be started, and the body devotes all its strength to recovery. As a result, the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin increases, which has a beneficial effect on your appearance.

Chemical peeling exfoliates cells and smoothes skin texture. After 35, you should pay attention to medium peels - they effectively remove fine lines and wrinkles, make the skin elastic (which means it is not at risk of creases). We have already written about how to choose a peeling that is right for you.

After the injection, a lump formed: Why?

There is a reason for absolutely all troubles. Likewise, a lump from an injection on the buttock does not just appear. If the technique for placing an intramuscular injection is violated, an inflammatory process can start, leading to compaction at the injection site, redness, pain and swelling of this area. Let us list the main, most common reasons for the appearance of “bumps”:

1. Accelerated administration of the drug. In this case, the drug simply does not have time to distribute evenly in the muscle tissue and remains in one place, forming a compaction from the injection , which can become inflamed over time.

2. Insufficient needle length. Some people who give injections at home on their own or with the help of loved ones mistakenly believe that it is best to use the thinnest possible needles and use insulin syringes for injections into the buttock. In this case, the needle is not long enough to reach the muscle, and the medicinal substance is injected into the subcutaneous fat layer. The same effect will occur if a syringe with an adequate needle length is taken, but during the procedure the needle entered less than halfway.

3. Muscle tension. Since childhood, we all remember the nurse’s phrase before giving an injection, “relax your butt.” In a tense muscle, the medicine will not be able to quickly dissolve and an infiltrate may form after the injection , in simple terms - a “bump”. Also, the main and rather serious danger of injecting into a tense, hard muscle is that the needle may break, and then the fragment will have to be removed surgically. Therefore, during the injection, relax and do not agree to give the injection while standing.

4. Some medications have an oily structure. They must be injected into the muscle more slowly than others, and it is advisable to warm them to body temperature before insertion.

5. Allergic reactions to medications are rare. Allergic infiltration from an injection has its own characteristics: rapidity of occurrence, swelling and redness of the injection site, and sometimes itching. In such cases, you should immediately notify your doctor so that he can take the necessary measures to correct therapy.

Beauty injections

The debate about when to inject Botox will never subside. Cosmetologists say that the procedure has no age restrictions. Botulinum toxin is an excellent way to prevent the appearance of deep expression lines. You should not refuse injections, citing the fact that you are not yet thirty.

Any facial wrinkle begins to appear on the upper layer of the skin and over time deepens and deforms the lowermost layers of the dermis. Most often, such facial wrinkles appear in the forehead area and between the eyebrows. If you let the process take its course, Botox injections alone will not be able to save the situation - fillers, threads and hardware techniques will be used.

It’s easier to prevent a strong crease. Bonus: after injections, many girls simply lose the habit of frowning and squinting. So the second procedure may not be necessary, because the wrinkle will disappear forever.



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Svetlana Tvardovskaya, cosmetologist-pharmacist, Ayurvedic therapist, creator of unique massage techniques, answers the questions.

What spoils our appearance?

The most common customer complaints are wrinkles and other age-related changes. Even three or four wrinkles can change our face, making it sad, more angry, and unfriendly. But we are all intuitively drawn to open, smiling people.

Today, filler injections are one of the most popular methods for correcting wrinkles. What should you be careful about?

In the fight against expression wrinkles, many experts recommend Botox or fillers, which are absolutely unsafe. For the last four years, I have often had to rehabilitate people after injections, which result in a number of side effects, such as eyelid ptosis, swelling, abscesses, hematomas, facial muscle paralysis, and damage to the facial nerve. Long-term complications also occur - these are mutagenic changes in cells, weakening and sagging of facial tissues, scars, scars. Therefore, before putting yourself at risk, it may be worth looking for other, safer methods. For example, help your body regularly produce joy hormones - endorphin and serotonin. They smooth out muscles in a matter of seconds, giving peace and joy. The sources of joy hormones are experiences of pleasant moments in life. Therefore, more positive! A great way to relax and enjoy is a massage.

There is an opinion that injection techniques and massage are incompatible.

On the contrary, after hyaluronic acid injections, massage is a necessity. Massage prevents the formation of stagnation and the accumulation of toxic substances in the injection area. The use of hyaluronic acid fillers in the area around the eyes can cause swelling, and superficial injection will create the effect of gray circles under the eyes. A properly performed massage will restore blood and lymph circulation. As for botulinum toxin, the most powerful “engine” of lymph is muscle movement, and as a result of the injection of botulinum toxin, the muscles are relaxed and the dynamics are impaired. In this case, massage is simply necessary.

What is the secret of your Hollywood Lifting massage technique?

The massage I developed for the face, neck and décolleté is a complex symbiosis of ancient massage techniques and modern lifting techniques. “Hollywood lifting” consists of 5 stages:

1) lymphatic drainage;

2) alpha relaxation - relaxation of muscles and emotions;

3) plastic deep facial muscle massage;

4) rhythmic stimulating movements;

5) relaxing massage - the final stage with elements of Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi and Ayurvedic massage.

When creating this technique, I used all the previously accumulated knowledge gained in Spain, Italy, France, Poland and, of course, India. The result of such a massage is visual lifting, a clear facial contour, improved complexion, filling skin cells with energy and noticeable rejuvenation.

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Laser rejuvenation techniques

For those who still missed the moment when the first wrinkles appeared, fractional laser resurfacing is suitable. The Photofractional procedure involves heating the deep layers of the skin, activating the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the beauty and smoothness of our skin. After the session, the skin will be slightly burnt. On the third day, severe peeling will begin, and on the seventh, clients receive smooth and youthful skin, without a single hint that it once had fairly deep wrinkles.

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