What cryolipolysis devices exist and what is their difference?

Cryolipolysis – what is it?
Our article will help answer the question. Cryolipolysis, cryoliposuction or cold liposculpture is a modern cosmetic procedure that involves body correction without surgery.

Innovative technology that allows you to cool subcutaneous fat, thereby destroying its cells, has already become in demand in many countries and has won fans among visitors to beauty salons.

Next, we will consider all aspects of the procedure, talk about its features, indications and contraindications, and understand the advantages and disadvantages.

Operating principle

The weight loss procedure cryolipolysis was developed by two American scientists: Rox Anderson and Dieter Manstein. The official presentation of the device they created took place in 2008.

The Anderson and Manstein method is based on the following principle. Fat cells, or adipocytes, are unlike other tissues in our body: they are unstable to prolonged exposure to negative temperatures. The purpose of these cells is that they store many substances valuable for the human body (in case of an excess of them), and in extreme situations they release the accumulations to generate energy.

This is what adipocytes look like

The components of the fat layer completely lack mechanisms of protection against the effects of cold. Accordingly, if cold exposure appears, then metabolism and energy processes in the cell are disrupted. If the low temperature continues for a long time, then most cells die; About 40% of the original amount remains “alive.” The death of cells significantly reduces the fat layer.

A clear advantage of this method is that the tissues adjacent to the fat are resistant to cold, and exposure to low temperatures during the procedure does not harm them. After all, everything is thought out in the cryolipolysis apparatus and unexpected frostbite of the skin cannot happen - the control system will prevent this. Typically, the exposure temperature in such a device is less than natural body temperature, but higher than 0 degrees Celsius.


The 2020 MAGICOSMO COOL ICE device is modeled after the original cryolipolysis devices from world leaders in the cosmetology market. The exposure temperature during the procedure is up to -10°C. Up to 4 vacuum-type handpieces of different sizes, connected to the body, operate simultaneously.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

MAGICOSMO COOL ICE has a modern emergency warning system consisting of temperature and water sensors.

Manufacturer: Beijing Fanch, China.

How is the procedure performed?

As already mentioned, the cryolipolysis procedure involves “freezing out” fat cells using a special apparatus.

The procedure is performed by a cosmetologist. Before doing cryolipolysis, you need to consult with him about problem areas, find out if there are any contraindications, and, if necessary, immediately calculate the required number of sessions (as a rule, one to three sessions are enough for a particular area of ​​the body).

Remember that it is not recommended to eat or drink an hour or two before the procedure.

During the session, the patient sits or lies down on the couch. A napkin pre-lubricated with a special gel is placed on the area selected for the procedure. An applicator with or without a vacuum attachment is then placed on this area. When using the nozzle, under the action of a vacuum, a fold of skin enters it, which requires the removal of fat. Cooling elements are applied to the fixed skin fold on both sides, under the influence of which the temperature of the tissue drops. The vacuum holds the fat fold for 40-60 minutes: it is during this time that the cells that form the fatty tissue die.

Mechanism of cryolipolysis

Usually the procedure is painless and does not cause much discomfort in patients. Within a quarter of an hour after the start of the procedure, a slight tingling and feeling of cold may be observed in the treated area, then you may feel a burning sensation or numbness of the skin.

The pressure in the nozzle for the procedure is not constant: its changes create a slight massage effect.

After the end of the session, the nozzle is disconnected, the napkin is removed and the gel is wiped off. In order for the skin to adapt to normal temperature and in order to normalize blood supply, the specialist massages the treated area.

This concludes the procedure, and the client can immediately go about his business.

The breakdown of “frozen” fat cells does not occur immediately. The effectiveness of cryolipolysis can usually be noticed 2-4 months after the session. After 2 months, the volume of the fat layer decreases by 20%, after 4 months – by 40%.

The breakdown products of cells killed by cold are removed from the body naturally: gradually, with the flow of lymph, they enter the bloodstream, and then finally disintegrate in the liver.

Cosmetologists advise drinking more fluids and moving a lot in the first weeks after cryolipolysis - this is necessary so that cell breakdown products do not create stagnation in the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryolipolysis


  • Liposuction without surgery does not require recovery time after the procedure.
  • The procedure is without punctures or incisions.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • Removes cellulite and local fat deposits.
  • Minimum side effects.
  • Does not harm internal organs.
  • No preparation is required, the procedure is carried out on the day of treatment.
  • Combines with other procedures.
  • Does not threaten tissue death.
  • There is no need for special underwear after the procedure.

Effect of cryolipolysis

The result of the procedure is noticeable 2-4 weeks after treatment, but the maximum effect occurs after 2 months. The amount of adipose tissue in problem areas decreases from 2 to 4 cm in volume.

Cryolipolysis: before and after photos


  • The procedure does not trigger fat burning processes and is useless for obesity.
  • Effective exclusively on localized areas of fat accumulation.
  • To maintain results you need to eat right and exercise.
  • Not suitable for getting rid of excess fat in small areas of the body (for example, the chin).
  • The result is noticeable only after a few weeks and sometimes months.
  • Ineffective on severely stretched skin.
  • Expensive procedure.

Devices for cryolipolysis

The first cryolipolysis device patented in 2008 was Zeltiq (Zeltik) manufactured in the USA. It is still the most popular and is considered the most proven and safe. The device has multi-level protection, which ensures the client’s safety during the session. The thickness of the fat fold for treatment with this device should not be less than 3 centimeters.

An analogue of Zeltiq is the Freezefat device for cryolipolysis, produced in Germany. It is also equipped with a vacuum attachment to capture fat folds.

The Spanish cryolipolysis machine Cocoon has also managed to gain popularity. Its design difference is two working attachments (the so-called maniples), which allow the procedure to be carried out on two areas of the body simultaneously. At the same time, different operating modes can be set for different nozzles.

An important addition to any device is a variety of attachments, designed separately for different parts of the body.

Table with points

CriterionMBT 340Magicosmo Cool IceCoolsculpting ZeltiqClatuuBeco ETG50-4SFreezefatCocoon CooltechCoolplas-2 SVC-101CosmeStar CRYO XLiposonixCryopad
Electrical requirements5,55555545545
Duration of the procedure5,55453434445
Total points4439373834353133283226
Place in the ranking1243659710811

Indications for cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis can be considered as a separate procedure aimed at body contouring, or as part of a comprehensive program that includes mesotherapy (injections for skin tightening and fat removal), ultrasonic cavitation, lymphatic drainage massage or radiolifting, diet and exercise.

Cryolipolysis is indicated primarily for people who want to change the proportions of their figure, since this procedure can remove fat locally.

Most often, correction is carried out on the following “problem” areas:

  • underbelly;
  • sides;
  • thighs (if desired, you can remove fat deposits in the form of “ears” and “breeches”);
  • buttocks;
  • area above the knees;
  • shins;
  • area on the back (under the shoulder blades);
  • shoulders;
  • forearms.

Cryolipolysis is not performed on the face (with the exception of cryolipolysis of the double chin, for which a special attachment is used), on the neck and in the décolleté area. Also, the procedure is not used if the thickness of subcutaneous fat is small - less than one centimeter.

The cryolipolysis procedure is also indicated in the fight against cellulite (we are talking about a cosmetic defect in the form of an “orange peel”, and not a diagnosis of a disease in which inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue is observed).

A pleasant addition to the main effect is the improvement of metabolism, the removal of toxins and the relief of stagnant processes in the area where the device is used.

Cryolipolysis may be due to the following reasons for excess weight gain:

  1. Alimentary-constitutional. In this case, excess weight gain occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of high-calorie foods, and compulsive overeating.
  2. Hypothalamic. Obesity is provoked by disorders of the nerve center responsible for eating behavior, which manifest themselves in regular heavy overeating.
  3. If the endocrine system malfunctions, as a result of which metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, and fat does not disappear even with severe dietary restrictions.
  4. Mental disorders can also cause uncontrolled fat gain. Psychotropic substances taken by the patient also have an effect.

However, people with such causes of excess weight need to simultaneously undergo therapy for the underlying disease and psychological correction of the causes of overeating. Otherwise, no cryolipolysis will help: the weight lost due to the procedure will stubbornly return to its place.


The Coolsculpting device is the world's first device for cryolipolysis - non-surgical lipoxation using low-temperature exposure. The equipment manufacturer, Zeltiq, received FDA approval for this technology in 2010. Coolsculpting performance characteristics:


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

A cryolipolysis session lasts on average 60 minutes.

  • cooling temperature -10°C - if it drops to -11°C, the warning system will stop the procedure;
  • 6 standard vacuum manipulators for working on the body and face and a Cool Advantage applicator with removable attachments, which reduces session time to 35 minutes;
  • automatic calculation of exposure time and temperature to prevent tissue frostbite.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The procedure protocol is recorded on an eZ-chip, without which the equipment will not work. This approach is implemented only in Coolsculpting.

Manufacturer: Zeltiq Aesthetics, USA.

Contraindications for cryolipolysis

Despite the apparent universality of the method, crilipolysis has contraindications. This:

  • cold allergy;
  • Raynaud's syndrome (disorder of blood circulation in the vessels of the feet and hands);
  • skin diseases;
  • skin damage, scars;
  • very loose and stretched skin;
  • hernias in the areas where the device operates;
  • taking medications that reduce blood clotting (anticoagulants);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood circulation disorders;
  • severe obesity;
  • with a pacemaker or metal implants installed;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, excretory system;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • with uterine fibroids.

In women, cryolipolysis can also have negative consequences for cysts of the ovaries or other internal organs.

A temporary contraindication is considered to be the period of menstruation.

Cocoon Cooltech

The Cooltech cryolipolysis apparatus differs from equipment of its class by the presence of 2 handpieces with independent parameters for different zones, which can operate simultaneously. A total of 6 straight and shaped applicators and adapters for hard-to-reach areas are used.

Cocoon Cooltech is a classic device for cryolipolysis with vacuum capture of the skin fold.

Manufacturer: Cocoon Medical, Spain.

Possible side effects

If the cosmetologist who performed the session is a professional, and the quality of the equipment is not in doubt, then side effects or complications after cryolipolysis rarely appear.

The most common of these is paleness or redness of the skin, or the appearance of a hematoma at the site of vacuum exposure. This occurs due to a lack of planning of the procedure, or due to the increased sensitivity of the client’s skin. Bruises cannot be corrected immediately: it will take more than a week for the hematoma to completely disappear.

The client may also complain of a feeling of cold, swelling, numbness, loss of sensitivity or slight pain after cryolipolysis in the treated area immediately after removing the attachment. These phenomena depend on the individual characteristics of a person. They usually go away within a few minutes. If this does not happen, the symptoms and pain intensify, cramps and swelling appear - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

ZLipo Med

The ZLipo Med device is a classic vacuum-type cryolipolysis equipment, similar to Coolsculpting equipment. German engineers made a number of improvements to the model:

  • the vacuum operates in 10 modes, including pulsation, to better prepare the skin fold for cooling;
  • the anatomical applicator has a transparent silicone “skirt” and backlight to control the grip and accuracy of the application;
  • The mode of simultaneous operation of 2 handpieces is supported.

The device is equipped with 4 applicators for procedures on the body and face.

Manufacturer: Zimmer MedizinSysteme, Germany.

The effectiveness of the method in comparison with other procedures

The described fat removal method, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. Below are the main ones.

Benefits of cryolipolysis:

  • Excess fat layer is removed without surgery. This advantage proves the uniqueness of the technology, because the patient avoids many risks associated with the operation, such as infection, exposure to anesthesia drugs, disruption of skin aesthetics due to incisions, etc.
  • Cryolipolysis allows you to model your figure, while diets and sports can only reduce the percentage of body fat in accordance with the natural proportions of a person. For example, you can do cryolipolysis of the abdomen or thighs, and the subcutaneous tissue of the buttocks will remain intact.
  • The technique allows you to get rid of the “orange peel” and also improves the appearance of the skin due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the treated area.
  • The risk of intoxication of the body or the appearance of a stressful situation is very low, since fat is broken down gradually, and the body has time to adapt to changes (unlike the period after liposuction). Cell fragments and toxic substances from their decay are removed from the body naturally.
  • Due to the gradual and long-term removal of dead cells, there is no load on the liver and kidneys.
  • The treated area looks natural and does not differ from nearby skin areas. This distinguishes this procedure from radical methods of fighting fat by “pumping it out”.
  • The session is painless in most cases.
  • The procedure takes up to an hour, which can easily fit into the schedule of even the busiest person.
  • After a session of “freezing out” fat, you can immediately go about your current affairs; there is no rehabilitation period.
  • The procedure does not depend on the time of year and does not oblige you to change your lifestyle after it.
  • The effect of cryolipolysis is persistent, since dead fat cells will no longer be renewed.

Disadvantages of cryolipolysis:

  • From the moment of the procedure until visible results appear, up to four months pass (in this, the liposuction method or a low-calorie diet have an undoubted advantage).
  • There are a number of contraindications and side effects.
  • You cannot treat a large area of ​​the body at once. And the impact on different areas in turn increases the time of the procedure and its cost.
  • The procedure is not cheap. Therefore, if you are not ready to make an expensive investment in your appearance, then budget alternatives (for example, diet and exercise) will be relevant.


The Chinese MBT-340 device differs from other cryolipolysis equipment in its high power - 2,500 W. This is an energy-intensive device with an unreasonably high vacuum aspiration force - up to 650 mm Hg. Art. The procedure on MBT-340 will be painful for the patient.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The German ZLipo Med device has a vacuum power of up to 250 mmHg. Art.

The procedure is carried out using 2 manipulators, the settings of which do not depend on each other. Device delivery options:

  • 2 applicators;
  • 4 applicators.

Manufacturer: MBT-Laser, Beijing Mega Beauty Technology., Ltd., China.

Approximate prices

Cryogenic liposuction is distinguished by its high cost. In different salons, its cost varies from very low figures to very high ones. Based on the proposed price for the service, you can determine what procedure they are going to provide: using real technology on the Zeltiq device or one of the untested analogues.

With the Zeltiq device, using original technology, one session using a small applicator can cost about $300-400. If you use a large vacuum applicator, this figure increases to $500-600 per session. If you plan to treat several areas of fat deposits at a time, then the price for one area can be reduced by 10-20%.

You should beware of carrying out the procedure on a counterfeit device if the price for one session is two or more times lower than the prices described above.

Types of devices for cryoliposuction - features

Zeltiq , Freezefat, MED340, CryoMini, etc. were developed

Most clinics in Russia today prefer to work with devices from American manufacturers Zeltiq . Unlike other devices, they are equipped with three nozzles: small, medium and large. Other devices often have only a large attachment in their arsenal. A larger attachment is used to work with large areas where a large amount of fat deposits are concentrated. Such areas include the stomach, back, riding breeches area, etc.

A small nozzle helps to cope with excess adipose tissue, which is located in hard-to-reach places: the inner part of the arms, thighs.

During operation of the device, the adipose tissue is cooled to a temperature of -5...-6C.

For blood vessels, nerve endings and healthy tissues, such a temperature regime is not dangerous, but the mitochondria, which provide the fat cell with energy, are destroyed.

Adipocytes die, and the body independently gets rid of waste products.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Cold liposculpture can be prescribed to a person in the following situations:

  1. If a person has nutritional-constitutional obesity. This type of obesity is typical for people who lead an inactive lifestyle and are prone to constant overeating.
  2. In case of disruption of the body's endocrine system and the manifestation of endocrinological obesity.
  3. Obesity associated with a malfunction of the digestive system, caused by disruption of the hypothalamus.
  4. Obesity due to psychological reasons. In the case when, due to a disorder of the mental system, a person is prone to overeating.

The cryolipolysis procedure is acceptable for a number of the above-described cases of obesity.

A ban or restriction on a cold liposculpture session may be justified in the following situations:

  1. Raynaud's syndrome is considered one of the main contraindications to the procedure.
  2. The presence of a pacemaker in a person does not allow the procedure to be performed.
  3. Increased sensitivity of the body to low temperatures may be a contraindication to cryolipolysis.
  4. Women should postpone cold liposculpture during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. In the case of recent surgical operations with cryogenic liposuction, it is necessary to wait until the body recovers and the scars heal.
  6. If there are open wounds or unhealed scars at the site of the fat fold, the cryolipolysis procedure is not performed until the wounds have healed.
  7. In cases of morbid obesity, the procedure is not performed.

Correction zones

Getting rid of excess fat tissue can be done on any part of the body. Using this method, figure imperfections are corrected. Most often, patients come to remove deposits from so-called problem areas.

It does not matter why the excess body weight appeared. This can be either banal nutritional obesity or an endocrine disorder. Cryolipolysis can be performed on the following areas:

  • on the face (double chin removal);
  • on the stomach and waist;
  • in the hip area;
  • in the buttock area;
  • under the knees;
  • on the arms (removal of fat folds).

The devices have special attachments for each part of the body. They all have different volumes and areas. At the patient’s first visit, the cosmetologist determines the areas that need correction. Next, the desired mode is selected.

To ensure that the effect is as accurate and safe as possible, the boundaries of the fat fold are marked on the skin with a marker. The doctor selects the number of procedures in each case individually.

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