Anti-age peeling system for instant lifting and increasing skin turgor Promoitalia PQAge Evolution Plus

The latest technologies are firmly integrated into the life of modern people. The beauty industry is no exception: every now and then, laboratories at well-known brands develop new formulas for cosmetic products. Consider only “smart” foundation creams, which, when in contact with the skin, adapt to its natural tone. Another innovative development that improves skin elasticity and has an excellent lifting effect is the PQ Age peeling.

Mechanism of operation

The latest peeling formula and a successful combination of components give a visible tightening effect, instantly improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. A mixture of kojic acid, coenzyme Q10, urea peroxide, trichloroacetic acid, acting on the upper layers of the skin, stimulates the renewal of internal ones. Promotes gentle cleansing and removal of dead skin particles. As a result, the appearance improves and various irregularities are smoothed out, while Promoitalia PQ Age peeling has a gentle effect on the upper layers of the skin, and a more aggressive effect on the inner layers.

Peeling components

The peeling contains four main components: kojic acid, urea, coenzyme Q10, trichloroacetic acid. Trichloroacetic acid is used in many peels. This component has a significant positive effect:

  • greatly tightens pores, expelling fat from them;
  • has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • activates the regenerative properties of the skin;
  • cleanses the skin, smoothing wrinkles and stimulating collagen production;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Urea peroxide (a mixture of urea and hydrogen peroxide) mechanically cleanses the skin surface through a chemical reaction that releases oxygen. The component has a pronounced antiseptic effect and significantly reduces the number of pathogens.

Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most famous substances used in age-related cosmetology. This is a very strong antioxidant that can slow down aging and aging of the skin. With age, less and less of this substance is naturally released, although the body requires it to maintain healthy skin. Coenzyme also restores vitamin E in skin cells, which improves its structure and restores elasticity.

Kojic acid is known for its brightening properties. The substance prevents excessive melanin synthesis, copes with high pigmentation, has antiseptic properties and promotes accelerated skin renewal.

PQAge Evolution. “Bride Peeling” PQAge has updated the formula

Innovative chemical peeling PQAge Evolution for atraumatic skin bioregeneration with a botulinum-like effect. Instant lifting, bioregeneration and skin rejuvenation. Smoothing of wrinkles and deep restructuring of the skin. Remodeling of the dermal matrix. Lightening the skin and smoothing the microrelief. For face and body. For women and men.

The innovative formula of chemical peeling
PQAge EVolution , which replaced PQAge, is aimed at intensive rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
Allows you to achieve an instant lifting effect and increase skin density, ideal relief, smooth out facial wrinkles and reduce pores. It is also recommended for the treatment of skin prone to acne, pigmentation, and for the correction of stretch marks. Without disturbing the epidermal layer. No frost or peeling. No rehabilitation period. The procedure is comfortable and universal. Features of PQAge EVolution:

  • For all skin types
  • For men and women
  • All-season
  • Atraumatic, without rehabilitation period and skin peeling
  • Absolutely comfortable for the patient
  • Application areas: face, neck, décolleté, hands, body
  • Noticeable lifting within 15 days after the first procedure

Indications for PQAge Evolution peeling:

  1. Photo- and chronoaging
  2. Flabby atonic skin, ptosis
  3. Wrinkles
  4. Enlarged pores
  5. Post-acne
  6. Fresh scars and stretch marks
  7. Hyperpigmentation

Composition of PQAge Evolution:

Stabilized trichloroacetic acid 30-35%, Glyne complex, coenzyme Q10 1-5%, kojic acid 5-10%, mandelic acid 5-10%.

Active components:

TCA 30-35% stabilized by the Glyne complex system overcomes the epidermal barrier without damage and penetrates the dermis; TCA denatures glycated collagen; TCA stimulates neocollagenogenesis.

Glyne complex A patented transdermal delivery system ensures the penetration of acids into the deep layers of the skin without damaging the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin and the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Hexapeptide 30 Innovative muscle relaxant peptide; Prevents muscle contraction by modulating the release of calcium ions; Relaxes the myofibrils of the dermis.

Kojic acid 5-10% Stabilizes the TCA-urea peroxide complex, facilitating its penetration into the dermis. Blocks the enzyme tyrosinase and prevents melanin synthesis.

Coenzyme Q10 1-5% Increases the energy potential of cells. Strengthens the metabolic functions of fibroblasts. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Mandelic acid 5-10% Causes mild exfoliation. Has an antibacterial effect.

“Before and after” peeling PQAge Evolution (photo not from my archive). Used as an example to demonstrate the result.

Course of procedures recommended for PQAge Evolution peeling

4-6 procedures. The interval between procedures is 1 week. Repeated course after 6 months.



  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Inflammatory elements in the affected area
  • Irritated skin, wounds, abrasions
  • Fresh tan
  • Some common acute and chronic diseases - details at an in-person consultation

PQ Age peeling effect

The peculiarity of peeling is that the beneficial composition immediately penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, promoting rejuvenation and restoration from the inside, and a large number of substances with antibacterial action eliminates any pathogenic processes. As a result, skin elasticity improves after the first use.

PQ Age peeling is applied easily, without the use of a needle. After using the product, there is no frost effect when the skin acquires a pale tint after applying the composition. The PQ Age peeling itself from Promoitalia is not susceptible to photoaging, i.e. does not change on the skin when exposed to sunlight.

In what cases is it recommended to use PQ AGE peeling? ↑

  • Clear signs of skin photoaging;
  • There are stretch marks on the skin, its structure is flabby and loose;
  • Excessive oily skin;
  • Excessive pigmentation of the skin;
  • There are scars;
  • Abundance of post-acne and comedones on the skin.

PQ AGE peeling is carried out by professionals and only in beauty salons; it is absolutely atraumatic. After the first procedure, all sagging areas of the skin are tightened, small wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, the skin becomes dense and elastic.

The innovative effect of the product allows you to do without plastic surgery and facelifts. With systematic use, the oval of the face improves, the skin becomes younger, looks fresh, rested and radiant.

PQ AGE peeling affects the middle and deep layers of the skin, but does not cause such large-scale side effects, because it triggers self-renewal processes and enhances self-regeneration in the deep layers of the epidermis.

This peeling contains acids, special substances that provide a pronounced anti-aging effect.

In addition to PQ AGE peeling, there are others that are no less effective. In the article “PRX T33 Facial Peeling: Composition and Application” you will find a description of this facial peeling.

Methodology of the procedure

First, the cosmetologist degreases and deeply cleanses the facial skin (or other area where peeling will be applied) of makeup and impurities. Then the solution is applied with massage movements. After some time, the peeling is gently removed, and then the cosmetologist treats the skin with special finishing agents that provide a noticeable post-peeling effect. The entire procedure takes about 40-60 minutes.

Main advantages

The main benefits of anti-aging peeling are:

  1. Pigmentation and inflammation after the procedure are excluded due to the large number of anti-inflammatory and lightening substances in the composition.
  2. Skin elasticity increases after the first session. And the effect lasts for a long time.
  3. The skin after PQ Age is like after a deep peeling, although this procedure is not characterized by damage.
  4. There is no long recovery period associated with peeling and redness of the skin.
  5. Peeling can be performed at any time (but only according to indications) and without restrictions on going outside after the procedure.

Properties, action, effectiveness

Thanks to PQ AGE peeling, the following problems can be eliminated:

  • obvious signs of skin withering, wrinkles, sagging;
  • dysfunction of the fat layer;
  • scars;
  • pigmentation on the face;
  • post-acne, comedones.

Cosmetic procedures with this product do not involve mechanical effects on the epidermis, so the risk of side effects is minimal.

Moreover, the results can even replace a visit to a plastic surgeon or additional facelifts.

The procedure will deeply cleanse the face, affecting the deep and middle layers of the skin, and the unique composition allows you to fight age-related changes.

Already the first procedure will smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin, make it denser and more elastic.

Systemic use of peeling can rejuvenate and refresh the face, enrich the skin with useful substances, and give it a healthy glow.

The following advantages of PQ Age peelings stand out:

  • They do not provoke pigmentation and inflammation after application, since they contain lightening, anti-inflammatory components.
  • After the first session, skin elasticity will increase, and the results will last for a long time.
  • The results of the procedure are comparable to deep peels, despite the fact that they do not injure the upper layers.
  • Due to the absence of adverse reactions, there is no long rehabilitation period.
  • Peeling can be carried out regardless of the time of year, there are no restrictions on going outside after it, since the products for PQ Age are not susceptible to photoaging, that is, they do not provoke changes in the skin due to the influence of sunlight on it.
  • The product is applied easily and painlessly without a needle.
  • There is no frost effect, in which after applying the composition the face becomes whitish.

Recommendations for using PQ AGE peeling:


Most contraindications for PQ Age are the same as for other chemical peels. Pregnant girls and nursing mothers should postpone the procedure. Peeling should not be done during the active phase of dermatological diseases, herpes, dermatitis, or skin irritations. Another absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to at least one of the peeling components.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use include a large list of conditions. One of the main ones is improving the condition of mature skin, which has been affected by age-related changes.

Indications for the procedure:

  • stretch marks;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased fat content;
  • post-acne;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • loss of freshness and elasticity;
  • ptosis;
  • photoaging;
  • the presence of fresh scar tissue, etc.

There are few contraindications to chemical peeling; most of them are temporary, allowing the procedure to be carried out over time. The following conditions are prohibited:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to the product;
  • breast-feeding;
  • unhealed wounds in the affected area;
  • herpes in active form;
  • dermatitis.

Peeling reviews

Reviews from cosmetologists about PQ Age peeling are positive. Experts especially highlight the fact that even for patients with sensitive skin, peeling is an excellent way to improve the appearance of the skin and stimulate its renewal, and after the procedure there are no negative consequences in the form of redness or peeling. It is important (professionals pay attention to this) that the drug is positioned as a medical product, and not as a cosmetic product. This means that PQ Age can only be used under the guidance of a cosmetologist.

Reviews of PQ Age peeling from clients are also generally positive. Very few people practically do not notice the effect of the procedure, but most are amazed at how well the composition works on aging skin. Women point out the high cost of the course of procedures, but do not deny the exceptional effectiveness of the composition. True, most clients still did not avoid some problems after the session, there was redness and subsequent peeling. But when all these small problems go away, the skin really looks much younger and tighter.

Call us


Performing PG AGE peeling by specialists from the Meditsina clinic

If you want your skin to always remain young and beautiful, do not look for which online store to buy the drug for PG AGE peeling at home. This is fraught with serious consequences. The Meditsina clinic, located near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, is ready to offer you dozens of effective cosmetic procedures, including the innovative PG AGE peeling, which will be carried out with guarantees of quality and safety. We purchase drugs only from official distributors!

It will take you very little time to go through this procedure, but the result will not be long in coming. The skin will become softer and more elastic after the first session. To achieve maximum effect, you should undergo a course of such peeling, consisting of 6-8 procedures (no more than 1 time per week).

Our clinic employs professional, experienced cosmetologists who are certified to conduct various types of peelings and other anti-aging procedures. They use only high-quality drugs in their work, and procedures are carried out in comfortable, relaxing conditions.

Our prices for cosmetic procedures are not only affordable, but also profitable due to the fact that we regularly organize promotions with price reductions and give discounts on certain procedures. Call for a consultation and make an appointment at a time convenient for you!

Cost of the procedure

PQ Age peeling in Moscow is called “bridal peeling”, “weekend peeling” and “non-surgical rejuvenation”. In the capital, among others, the procedure is offered in the “Own Clinic”, the beauty salons “Compliment”, “Celebrity”, the spa salon of the “Fusion” fitness club or the cosmetology “KiraClinic”. The cost of one session ranges from three thousand rubles in “Own Clinic” to five and a half thousand in “KiraKlinika” and more. Peeling the neck, décolleté or arms costs four thousand rubles. “Package” purchase of procedures will cost 15-20% less. Considering that a course is required for a lasting effect, this is a really advantageous offer.

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For your convenience, we offer to fill out a health questionnaire remotely. By the time you arrive, the file will have already been printed and all you have to do is sign it.

Also on the page with the questionnaire you can familiarize yourself with the contract for the provision of services and other documents that will need to be signed during your visit to the clinic. This will reduce the time spent familiarizing yourself with and filling out documents at the clinic.

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